The Impact of Digital Transformation in The Financial Services Industry: Insights From An Open Innovation Initiative in Fintech in Greece

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MCIS 2017 Proceedings


The Impact Of Digital Transformation In The

Financial Services Industry: Insights From An
Open Innovation Initiative In Fintech In Greece
Angeliki Karagiannaki
Athens University of Economics and Business,

Georgios Vergados
Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece,

Konstantinos Fouskas
University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki,Greece,

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Recommended Citation
Karagiannaki, Angeliki; Vergados, Georgios; and Fouskas, Konstantinos, "The Impact Of Digital Transformation In The Financial
Services Industry: Insights From An Open Innovation Initiative In Fintech In Greece" (2017). MCIS 2017 Proceedings. 2.

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Research full-length paper

Angeliki Karagiannaki, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece,
Georgios Vergados, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece,
Konstantinos Fouskas,, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki,Greece,

Technological innovation combined with entrepreneurial mindset can transform industry structures
and incumbent businesses. We focus on the financial services industry, where the phenomenon of
FinTech is shaking the established, traditional players and according to many experts is able to totally
transform this business sector. A proven method that allows incumbent companies to sense efficiently
their business environment and utilize other stakeholders in order to become agile to such changes is
the utilization of open innovation. The open innovation mechanism helps incumbent firms to work with
a group of talents or entrepreneurial teams or startups to develop applications and new digital busi-
ness activities in order to achieve digital transformation.
Through an open innovation case study, this paper tries to provide evidence of the benefits and chal-
lenges raised by the digital transformation in the well-established sector of financial services. Partici-
pating actively as organizers and facilitators of the open innovation initiative helped us obtain expo-
sure to incumbent companies and startups at a level of detail required for achieving a deep under-
standing on all important aspects when integrating digital technologies with the established way of
doing work in the financial sector.

Keywords: Digital Transformation, FinTech, Open Innovation, Industry Disruption

The 11th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Genoa, Italy, 2017
Smith et al. / Digital Transformation Insights from FinTech

1 Introduction
Over the last decades, there has been rapid evolution in the quantity and quality of the available digital
technologies which are able to disrupt established ways of conducting business. According to McDon-
ald & Russel-Jones (2012), digital technologies are shaping the way people live, communicate, con-
sume and work, breaking the barriers of time and space. Technology advancements are evolving the
products and services that companies offer, followed by differentiations in business models, creating
new opportunities but also threats for most enterprises. Furthermore, these advancements are constant-
ly changing the way consumers interact with companies and each other. The potential benefits for an
enterprise of becoming fully digital are enormous but such a journey is complicated as multiple chal-
lenges have to be addressed.
Digital transformation can be summarized as “the use of technology to radically improve performance
or reach of enterprises” (Westerman, al., 2011). In a more descriptive approach, digital transfor-
mation is “the process of shifting an organization from a legacy approach to new ways of working and
thinking using digital, social, mobile and emerging technologies. It involves a change in leadership,
different thinking, the encouragement of innovation and new business models, incorporating digitiza-
tion of assets and an increased use of technology to improve the experience of your organization’s
employees, customers, suppliers, partners and stakeholders” (Terrar 2015). The solutions that enable
digital transformation are so called social, mobile, analytics and cloud technologies and can be consid-
ered the underlying technologies of the digital transformation phenomena (Bharadwaj et al., 2013).
New market entrants like startups are challenging incumbent enterprises by offering highly competi-
tive digitally based offerings to customers with the utilization of digital platforms, providing them the
opportunity to achieve global reach in conjunction with extremely low cost bases. During the last
years, some organizations successfully adapted digital technologies such as Google, Uber and Amazon
and dominated to their markets, while other companies such as Kodak failed to do so and became ob-
solete. Embracing digital technologies and transforming to a modern & flexible business should be set
as top priority. Transitioning to a fully digital enterprise requires a proper mixture of technology capa-
bilities, business model realignment, leadership skills and organizational engagement. It requires also
to enhance the innovation engine of a company for enhancing how ideas are generated and executed.
There’s never been a better time for incumbent firms and startups to collaborate and accomplish win–
win partnerships (Miller and Bound, 2011). Until now, traditional firms have viewed such ventures as
competitive threats or they lack confidence in a entrepreneurial venture’s ability to move from idea to
marketability in the context of a broader business strategy. Meanwhile, startups have seen incumbents
as cumbersome for disruption and they often question the incumbent’s commitment to supporting the
growth of their businesses. Such gap should be closed. To do so, various collaborative mechanisms
have been developed to allow incumbent companies to become digital.
One mechanism that has a great potential to establish a mutually beneficial partnership between in-
cumbent firms and entrepreneurial ventures is “open innovation”, a paradigm that assumes that “firms
can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market,
as firms look to advance their technology” (based on the most commonly used definition in the litera-
ture by Chesbrough, 2003). Conceptually, it is a more distributed, more participatory, more decentral-
ized loom to digital transformation, based on the point that valuable know-how today is widely dis-
tributed, and no organization, no matter how capable or how large, cannot shift to new ways of work-
ing using digital, social, mobile and emerging technologies on its own.
The starting point of this research is, therefore, the digital transformation as the ideal response to the
threats of digital disruption that puts pressure on incumbent organisations to respond to the changes
that digital technologies have cause and will continue to cause. The goal of this study, is to contribute
to the overall understanding of the digital transformation concept and its challenges through examina-
tion of an open innovation case in the financial sector through the rise of financial technologies

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(FinTech). FinTech has a broad definition and its affecting area is difficult to be measured. The possi-
ble impact on financial services ecosystem is vast, and in most cases, cannot be predictable. Existing
reports from reputable consulting firms and top banks have highlighted the emerging radical change,
that breakthrough, innovative technologies can provoke in the existing financial landscape.
Within this context, the objectives of this research are as follows:
 to analyze the impact of FinTech in a well-established sector, like financial services industry
 to examine how the incumbent firms leverage digital transformation through an open innova-
tion process
 to provide case evidence of the benefits and challenges raised by the digital transformation in
the financial services industry
Besides its scientific scope, this study is intended to be reviewed by digital transformation experts,
business leaders and ICT professionals for providing them further insights for shaping and implement-
ing digital transformation initiatives, based on a robust theoretical foundation and industry best prac-
tices, proven by successful digital transformation journeys.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 offers a justification for the relevance of
this work by drawing upon the literature on two primary research strands: the digital transformation
and the open innovation paradigm. Section 3 describes the research focus and methodology adopted.
Section 4 presents the open innovation case study and tries to draw valid conclusions on how digital
transformation impacts the established financial services industry based on the perceptions of diverse
stakeholders of the financial ecosystem of Greece. Finally, Section 5 provides concluding remarks and
Section 6 highlights some limitations and implications for future research.

2 Literature Review
Technological innovation, regulatory changes, pressure from investors and new entrants are just some
of the forces that cause disruption, even in historically less volatile business sectors (Bucy et al. 2016).
No business can make resourceful investments within its organization unless it understands how the
entire industry in which it operates is evolving. If the industry is going through radical changes, for
example, the incumbent companies will eventually have to be dissolved and new business models will
rise. If the industry is experiencing a gradual change, a firm will have to reinvest to its core competen-
cies and utilize new knowledge to redefine itself by adopting new technological paradigms. The need
for a business to understand the change in the business sector may seem obvious, but this knowledge is
not always easy to get. Companies misinterpret facts and jump to wrong conclusions constantly, lead
by the cognitive limitations of their top management.
In recent years, a new massive wave of financial innovation is transforming the financial services in-
dustry. It is based on a combination of digital innovation, societal and regulatory changes. This gives
the opportunity to new players, which are not banks or traditional financial institutions, to enter the
financial services sector and provide innovative, wed or data based financial solutions that the incum-
bents can’t offer. The term FinTech is used to describe the digitization of the financial services indus-
try. It comes from the words Financial Technology, and includes all the advanced, mostly internet
based technologies that are used to provide financial products or services. The Fintech movement is
being stimulated by the fast pace of progress in the fields of mobile technology, big data, predictive
analytics, cloud infrastructure, self-learning algorithms, personalization, and the growing dominance
of information and communication technologies (World Economic Forum, 2015). Some experts argue
that, technological and financial innovation are highly correlated and the economic growth will gradu-
ally decline unless financiers innovate (Michalopoulos, et al., 2009). This interference between finan-
cial innovation and technology has increased because the information technology (IT) has enabled the
creation of economies of scale (Sironi, 2016).

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The FinTech start-up companies first appeared during the global financial crisis of 2007 – 2008, par-
ticularly in the Silicon Valley of the United States of America, building the first FinTech hub, and a
new ecosystem came to life and started to grow. The movement was spread rapidly in many locations
around the world. FinTech scenes emerged in many countries and continents, from Hong Kong and
Singapore, to Austria, UK and Australia, each having its own unique features and potentials, but all
together shaping the World’s FinTech Ecosystem. In this fresh and vibrant ecosystem, more than $ 50
billion has been invested from Angel Investors, Venture Capitals and private equity funds, with many
experts to argue that the market is now becoming to maturity (Accenture, 2016).
Within this context, it is obvious that we need a deep knowledge of the industry (i.e. financial ser-
vices) as well as a good perception of the kind of changes that take place within it (McGahan, 2004).
Business disciplines evolve with four distinct types of change: radical change, progressive change,
creative change, and change of mediation. In addition, the company's strategic plan to achieve return
on the invested capital cannot succeed unless it is in line with the type of change in the industry. The
four types of changes set limits on what will generate profits in a business. Many companies have suf-
fered losses because they tried to innovate outside of these limits (McGahan, 2004). There is no inno-
vation strategy that works for all business and industry types. But if the business understands the na-
ture of changes in its industry, it can determine which strategies are likely to succeed and which will
fail. A proven method that allows companies to sense efficiently their business environment and uti-
lize other stakeholders in order to become agile to competitive change is the utilization of open inno-
There’s never been a better time for large corporations and startups to collaborate and accomplish
win–win partnerships (Miller and Bound, 2011). Current attempts emphasize on open innovation by
studying the benefits of “coupled” innovation processes, such as R&D collaborations and technology
alliances (Faems et al, 2010; Un et al, 2010). Dyadic collaborative ties are frequently observed for par-
ticular stakeholders, such as suppliers (Aylen, 2010; Li & Vanhaverbeke, 2009), competitors (Lim et
al, 2010) and universities (Bercovitz & Feldman, 2007; Cassiman et al, 2010), while less common
partners have also been identified more recently, as in Holmes and Smart’s (2009) study of voluntary
partnerships between corporate and non-profit organizations. Moreover, there is an increasing interest
in the relative importance of the respective collaborators (Neyens et al, 2010; Un et al, 2010) and more
generally, the partner selection process (Emden et al, 2006).
The arising questions that someone must answer in order to fully understand the digital transfor-
mation, disruptions and the kind of changes that take place in the financial services industry are count-
less. Literature is gradually trying to answer some of these questions, but the FinTech case is relatively
new, the existing data is limited, and the evolving pace breathtaking. The existing literature is mostly
concentrated in topics like digital disruption and disruptive innovations, but it has not turn the spot-
light on the digital transformation caused by FinTech under an open innovation perspective.

3 Methodology
The objective of this research is to understand the digital transformation issues in the financial services
sector. To address this objective, the research design is based on a case study. Case research gained
respect in this design for several reasons. Firstly, one reason is that this approach is ideal for answer-
ing the “how” and “why” questions (Yin, 2003) allowing for a richer knowledge of non-
conceptualized issues i.e. how digital innovation and technologies can transform the financial services
sector. Given the pre-mature level of such digital transformation, a case study is also suitable for re-
search in areas where theory is not yet well developed (Eisenhardt, 1989) and thus enhance the exter-
nal validity of this research design. Finally, from an IS perspective, based on the work of Dubé and
Paré (2003), the key characteristic of case research, that of holistic investigation, goes well with our
intention to realize the complex interactions between technological innovation and financial services
industry, where the phenomenon of FinTech is shaking the established, traditional players and accord-
ing to many experts is able to totally transform this business sector. In this regard, the access to the

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real life context brings richness and flexibility to the overall research process, making case research a
proven tool for achieving a deep understanding on how new technologies impact the established busi-
ness industry of financial services.
Selecting cases is an important but difficult aspect of case research. Literature provides some insight
into this process (Yin, 1994; Stake 1995), recommending that the cases should be easy and willing
subjects, maximising what can be learned within limited time. Based on the assertion of Stake (1995),
“a good instrumental case does not have to defend its typicality”, the case was chosen based on our
involvement in an open innovation initiative in fintech. Realising the digital technologies’ potential for
improvements in different aspects of the financial services sector, some incumbent firms and startups
decided to participate in an open innovation initiative organised by a university accelerator.
More specifically, the case concerns an inbound open innovation initiative entitled «IDEA – Innova-
tion, Design & Entrepreneurial Action». The IDEA initiative helps incumbent firms to work with a
group of talents or entrepreneurial teams or startups to develop applications and new digital business
activities in order to achieve digital transformation. Participating actively as organizers and facilitators
of the IDEA program helped us obtain exposure to incumbent companies and startups at a level of de-
tail required for achieving a deep understanding on all important aspects when integrating digital tech-
nologies with the established way of doing work in the financial sector.
The IDEA program was initiated by a Digital Bank that is a licensed e-money institution for opera-
tions in the EEA-31 region by the Bank of Greece and offers innovative payment services to individu-
als, businesses and professionals, combining maximum security with flexibility and support. In an ef-
fort to compete in the marketplace of traditional financial institutions and intermediaries in the deliv-
ery of financial services, the digital bank company has invited startups to develop innovative solution
for the following challenges: innovative transactions B2B, B2C, P2P using electronic wallet (e-
wallet), card, x-POS etc.; identification techniques, tokenization, blockchain and social payments; new
models of cooperation with banks (Platform / API bank, PSD2, Direct Banking); exploiting new,
"smart» devices and access networks (smart watch, wearables, webTV, IoT, etc.); cybersecurity; per-
sonal finance; alternative lending, customer acquisition applications, loyalty and instant redemption;
digital transactions / supplementary services (eg. gamification). The following figure depicts all the
stakeholders of the open innovation initiative that were involved.

Figure 1: The IDEA open innovation initiative stakeholders

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The IDEA open innovation initiative consisted of the following growing stages (adapted from West
and Bogers, 2014):
 Obtaining and searching digital transformations. The program initially introduced participants
to the requirements, challenges and unique characteristics of the specific financial service con-
text and supported them in the idea generation for digital transformation.
 Integrating the selected digital transformations with the incumbent firm’s activities. Startups
and entrepreneurial teams then worked to further define the basic building blocks of their digi-
tal transformation, as well as to build a mock-up prototype of the proposed innovative prod-
 Commercializing the selected digital transformations offered by the ventures. Startups and en-
trepreneurial teams were evaluated at this stage and those selected got further support to pro-
ceed with the implementation of their digital transformation ideas and test them in a market

Figure 2: The IDEA open innovation initiative stages (adapted from West and Bogers, 2014)

To gather the bulk of data, we combined multiple sources of data collection that lend greater support
to the conclusions. Hence, the following techniques were chosen as the most appropriate:
 Personal observations during the IDEA open innovation initiative. We spent a great deal of
time and effort to analyze the digital transformation issues that influence the financial services
sector. This was accomplished by interacting with both the incumbent firms and the startups,
from the position of the organizer and thus facilitator of the open innovation initiative. Con-
cerning the value of this technique, Cooper and Emory (1995) state that: “observation quali-
fies as scientific inquiry when it is specifically designated to answer a research question, is
systematically planned and executed, uses proper controls, and provides a reliable and valid
account of what happened.”
 Semi-structured Interviews with all the stakeholders of the Greek financial services ecosystem
(Banks, Insurance Companies, Technology Companies, FinTech Companies, Payment Institu-
tions and Universities) about specific factors that influence the collaboration with the digital
ventures. All these stakeholders were involved in the IDEA open innovation initiative. The
greatest value of this technique lies in the depth and detail of information that could be se-
cured. This implies that we could have more control and opportunities to elicit feedback when
needed. Also interviews with the team members of the digital ventures have taken place. This

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type of information can be considered as preliminary or contextual data in order to develop a

thorough understanding of the problem situation. The greatest value of this technique lies in
the depth and detail of information that could be secured. This implies that we could have
more control and opportunities to improve the quality of information acquired and elicit feed-
back when needed.

4 Results
In the IDEA open innovation program, the incumbent firm tried to obtain, integrate and commercialize
digital transformations in the financial services sector. The program has run in the time period between
September 2016 to March 2017. During the first phase, 104 entrepreneurial teams and startups ex-
pressed their interest to collaborate with the incumbent company and get involved in developing inno-
vative solutions. After screening those ventures, 22 of them were selected to develop a detailed im-
plementation plan and requirements analysis of the proposed digital tranformation. At the end of this
phase, the incumbent firm offered monetary prizes to 5 startups and were selected to develop their dig-
ital transformation idea in the real environment of the firm. In the following section, we briefly de-
scribe the outcomes of the IDEA in Fintech open innovation program. To maintain confidentiality, the
names of the incumbent firm and startups have been concealed, but a thumbnail description of each is
provided as follows:
 The digital transformation offered by Startup 1 involves a web platform that enables the user
to easily create and deploy complex big data clusters in major cloud IAAS providers. It ab-
stracts from the user vendor specific complexity, it promotes use of best practices and leverag-
es spot instances to achieve maximum cost efficiency.
 The digital transformation offered by Startup 2 involves a Fundraising, Contract / Digital
Rights Management, and Digital Distribution entrepreneurial venture, aiming to provide a
simple, transparent and robust financial ecosystem for the production of digital media assets.
 The digital transformation offered by Startup 3 involves a entrepreneurial venture in the field
of interactive and digital marketing targeting to engage consumers in shopping experiences
and other activities through innovative applications and pervasive technologies. It develops a
mobile application that rewards users for their presence at particular Points of Interest.
 The digital transformation offered by Startup 4 is a global online crowdfunding platform that
integrates all types of crowdfunding in one place, providing a powerful tool of digital funding
mechanism for entrepreneurial ventures, entrepreneurs and existing companies.
 The digital transformation offered by Startup 5 involves a digital gift card platform where us-
ers can buy, send, change and redeem digital gift cards from their favourite retail brands. Its
technology also provides loyalty and reward programmes for all businesses, in a more social
and automated way - saving valuable time for business managers and making it more incen-
tive and fun for employees.
 The digital transformation offered by Startup 6 involves an online platform for supermarkets
based on sharing economy in order to deliver. Customers can select the physical store of their
preference, order their groceries through the website or mobile application, and get them de-
livered to their place and time of choice.
 The digital transformation offered by Startup 7 manages documents/contracts trade on the
blockchain and uses smart contract to eliminate costs, disputes, forgery and unnecessary risks.
 The digital transformation offered by Startup 8 combines fit-tech with fintech, by providing
instant gratification for your healthy lifestyle. Using its application, every step taken and every
healthy meal consumed is converted into points, while completing daily fitness goals rewards
with even more. The points can be spent on its online store on discounts and offers for gym
subscriptions, dietitians and fitness stores.

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The results presented below are indicative and have been divided in the following main categories:
Innovation Activity, Technology, Business Strategy, Regulation –Social Impact and FinTech in
Regarding the innovation activity of the organizations, we tried to capture their innovation capacity
and readiness for digital transformation. The Greek financial services ecosystem has recognized the
importance of innovation, and most of the organizations involved, run some type of innovation activi-
ty. In the question whether incumbents can innovate using their own internal resources, the partici-
pants believe that the incumbents have the capacity to innovate by themselves. Regarding the innova-
tion categories that incumbents should focus, the case revealed that they should innovate in the Prod-
ucts and Services and especially in the way that Payments are conducted. Costumer Engagement In-
novation is also a category that incumbents should focus in order to maintain their strong customer
Another dimension of disruption is technology, which has seriously affected financial services indus-
try, especially during the last decade. New technologies give the opportunity to new players to enter
the financial services market, by offering new or seriously improved products and services. The new
technologies affecting the industry are being evaluated by the participants, alongside with the likeli-
hood to disrupt the various sectors of financial services area. Trying to understand whether technology
has affected financial services industry during the last decade, all stakeholders at least agree. In addi-
tion, all the participants think that technology can indeed offer opportunities to new companies to enter
a business segment and earn a market share, often in relatively short period. Regarding the emerging
technologies that have the potential to transform the financial industry, Blockchain and Big Data Ana-
lytics and Mobile Platforms are the leading technologies ,that the stakeholders believe that will cause
the greatest impact. Robo-Advisors and Internet of Things are following.
According to the case study participants, the business areas more likely to be disrupted are: the Pay-
ments, the Invest and Wealth Management, the Deposit and Lending, the Capital Raising, the Insur-
ance and finally the Market Provisioning.
Taking a step forward, we tried to understand the factors that drive to success in the financial services
industry, and also identify the strengths and the weaknesses of both incumbents and new players. One
of the conclusions was the incumbents’ strengths against new players. Trust and access to customers’
data are the power that established organizations have.On the other hand, startups’ strengths are the
agility and speed to the market, the technology expertise and the focus on a limited product set. Con-
cerning the incumbents’ response to the challenge caused by FinTech companies, the case results have
shown that the best strategy that incumbents should follow is to collaborate with the new players and
invest more funds to innovation activities.
Another important issue was the relation between regulation and market changes in order to capture
the social impact of FinTech phenomenon. It is true that regulation can drive changes in financial ser-
vices industry, and PSD2 (Payment Services Directive 2) is a very recent example. Whether regulation
can adapt to the pace of technological change is an issue that remains controversial. Millennials, on the
other hand, can easily adapt to the pace of technology and are those that support and empower the
FinTech movement. According to the case study the social impact of FinTech is the access to financial
services for the unbanked, the opportunities given to the new players, the low-cost transactions and
finally new models of sharing economy.
Finally, we tried to examine whether Greece’s specific situation affects the national financial services
industry and also to measure how familiar is the people with new technologies. The findings are very
interesting, with the participants to agree that the recent capital controls that were imposed by the
Banks eroded the trust of their customers, whereas the current economic situation of the country bene-
fits the FinTech movement. The things that are against it are the Greek regulation and taxation system
that doesn’t support businesses and the familiarity of the Greek people with technology.

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5 Conclusion
The basic conclusion of the study is that FinTech is obviously disrupting the financial services ecosys-
tem, and the transformation of the traditional business models will be massive and unlike anything the
sector has experienced before.
Our conclusions indicate that innovation is a very important factor that drives the disruption, but is
also a necessity for the survival of the incumbents. According to our case study, the importance of in-
novation is completely understood by the stakeholders of the Greek financial services ecosystem, with
most of them to run some kind of innovation activity. Collaboration with startups is also essential for
the incumbents in order to maintain their market share.
As such, our conclusions indicate that collaboration is a win-win situation for both incumbents and
new players. With effective collaboration, the stakeholders can combine their strengths, fight their
weaknesses and finally share the profit. The business strategy that will follow is a vital issue for both
incumbents and startups. The most import factors for success in financial services are customer’s trust,
convenient processes, low-cost transactions and strong customer base. The incumbent’s strengths
against new players are mostly the trust of the people, the access to customer data and the physical
branch network, whereas their weaknesses are the legacy technologies and the lack of agility. By con-
trast, the new players have more agility and speed to the market mostly due to their focus on a very
limited product set. They are also more capable to innovate with many technological resources. But on
the other hand, they don’t enjoy yet the customer’s trust and are mostly inexperienced with restricted
investment capital. By combining their strengths all stakeholders can meet their targets and business
objectives. The majority of the experts, as well as, the case study results indicate that the best response
of the incumbents to the FinTech challenge is the collaboration with the new players.
The main benefits for the incumbents by collaborating with startups are the increased awareness of
new market trends and emerging technologies, and even more, the agile development of products–
services. But, on the other hand, the most important barriers to effective collaboration between incum-
bents and startups is the mutual trust and the unclear decision-making model.
Particularly in Greece, incumbents have the capacity to innovate by using their own internal resources,
and this fact is proven by the offered innovate products and services, especially in the Consumer
Banking sector. There are four big players that drive the process of creating a Fintech scene in Greece.
But today, the financial organizations are facing many technological challenges. Banks and established
companies are mostly having trouble in adapting legacy infrastructure to meet new business demands,
in finding top technology talent and finally in addressing cybersecurity threats. On the other side, new
players and startups are struggling to raise the necessary capital to grow and to keep up with the con-
stantly changing regulatory demands.
Taking a step forward, our conclusions indicate that regulation is a basic factor that can drive changes
in financial services industry. For example, PSD2 opens the financial services market to new players,
abolishing banks’ monopoly on customers’ account information and transaction services. Banks are
obliged to provide access to their customers’ accounts through open APIs to third-parties, which will
build innovative financial services on top of banks’ data and infrastructure.But whether regulation can
adapt to the pace of technological change is an issue that raises controversy. The sure thing is that
FinTech movement is strongly supported by Millennials and their digital nature. Millennials and the
generations to follow are the force of change in traditional business models and organizations and fi-
nancial services is one of the most affected sectors.
Finally, our conclusions indicate that FinTech in Greece is something relatively new. The country’s
economic situation benefits the FinTech movement, according to the opinion of the most participants
of our case study. Furthermore, the recent capital controls have eroded Banks’ trust, which is the most
important factor of success in the industry. Greek people are not yet so familiar to adapt to the new

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fully digitalized financial services, but there have been important steps to improve this situation. But
finally, it is the Greek regulation and taxation system that prevents the rapid growth of FinTech in our

6 Limitations and Implications of the research

As within any research, there are certain limitations that the reader should take in consideration. We
face a relatively new field of research, the one of digital transformation, where literature is not particu-
larly extended, and even less research has been conducted at an industry level analysis (i.e fintech).
The primary limitation of the research is the generalizability of the conclusions that the can be made
from the research as part of the study, taking in consideration that the case study research methodolo-
gy renders the generalizability of the results to be questionable at least, especially when the research is
conducted on a limited number of case studies. Our data is mainly collected for a single case study and
is limited to a single country and to a limited amount of stakeholders. At the same time, the sector of
financial services can be seen as a restriction, but it was deliberately chosen in order to gain a better
understanding on the specific topic. In this way, we managed to better focus on the issues and on the
firms under consideration and to draw in-depth conclusions that can be extended to a larger sample
while not being able to focus on each case separately. While the digital transformation opinions of the
stakeholders analyzed at the case study were complex, they cannot be considered representative for all
the markets and geographies. The root cause of this limitation is that there is a very limited number of
available information sources regarding enterprise digital transformation programs on scientific librar-
ies and literature. In addition such information is rather confidential and it is not publicly shared by
companies. Further research would have to be conducted in order to prove the findings as generaliza-
ble. Finally, another limitation is that there are very few studies with qualitative and quantitative data
and findings, for topics like digital transformation benefits, outcomes, Return On Investment etc. as
the digital transformation is a new trending topic. Luck of such information creates additional barriers
in conducting such a research.
Digital transformation of the financial services industry is a research sector that will have a significant
potential in the years to come as more and more entrepreneurs and more and more firms are involved
in it. Our research is particularly useful to entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs who are active in
the business environment that is shaped and increasingly influenced by new technologies. We believe
that morel researchers should be encouraged to engage in this particularly important research topic that
will grow further in the years to come due to the fact that the advancements in digital technologies will
disrupt, if not yet, the entire set of industries and markets, therefore studies on the domain of digital
transformation will be required to be used as guides by enterprises, government institutions and digital
technology professionals. Research can be developed by studying a number of different disciplines
than those described in this research to compare the results and to draw out more general conclusions.
It is also proposed to collect data from the companies themselves, wherever possible. From the limita-
tions described previously, it can easily be determined that there is space for improvement which can
be performed in future research and could contribute to the validation of the contributions that were
introduced by this study. Furthermore, future studies can be based upon the observations of this study.

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