M2 Economic Landscape
M2 Economic Landscape
M2 Economic Landscape
Economic Landscape
1. Poverty is the making of its people and the kind of leaders that holds the wheels of
economic fortune.
Our country is still dominated by poverty and the unjust distribution of wealth. Income is
in the hands of the few opportunists. Power is in the hands of traditional and family
politicians as they amass wealth through graft and corruption.
2. Population explosion is another factor that contributes to the poverty of our nation.
We cannot increase the size of the land that is cultivated by the farmers, yet his family
size continues in number. Productivity in agriculture remains the same through the years.
Economic activities in the countryside remain in the hands of few entrepreneurs who
take advantage of the marketing of products to the urban center.
The following factors are contributory determinants to our slow growth. in economic
development as a nation:
2. Job Opportunities/Employment
The banks are sources of limited capital for small and medium enterprises. These
resources are available in banking institutions. The poor people are not aware of these
great opportunities and they do not know how to go about it to avail of the funds.
Below is the legality of this topic:
a. Republic Act 6977, known as the Magna Carta for Small Enterprises provided
the necessary funds for the development of entrepreneurs in the countryside.
Under this act, are small and medium enterprises engaged in industry,
agribusiness, and other services. These funds could be availed by single
proprietorship, cooperatives, partnerships, or corporations.
a small and medium enterprise whether engaged in industry, agribusiness
and/or services, whether single proprietorship, partnership, corporation or
cooperative whose total assets, inclusive of those arising from loans but
exclusive of the land on which the particular business entity's office, plant,
and equipment are situated, must have value falling under the following
The intention of the law is to provide the promotion, growth and development of SMALL
AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES by assisting government and RELEVANT AGENCIES (capitalize
for emphasis) in tapping local and foreign capital and the use of existing guarantee
important powers that could develop the countryside and those of the local enterprises
described below:
2. To coordinate and integrate various government and private sector activities relating
to small and medium scale enterprises;
3. To monitor and determine the progress of various agencies geared towards the
development of the sector;
5. To assist in the establishment of modern industrial estates outside the urban centers.
c. Improve production techniques and the use of technology in production and the
utilization of indigenous community resources and raw materials;
e Provide for concessional interest rates, lower financing fees, and incentive for prompt
credit payments, as well as arrangement tying amortization to business cash flows, the
effective substitution of government guarantee cover on loans for borrowers, lack of
f. It provides for the setting of a RELIEF SYSTEM for distress enterprises as preventive
bankruptcy measures and the setting up to insurance against- extraordinary disasters
h. The law provides easier access and uses of tax credits and other tax and duty
incentives as provided for in OMNIBUS investment code and other laws,
i. Provision for product research and development and system of experimentation and
access to information on commercial technologies
B. Republic Act No. 6810 is the establishing the Magna Carta for Countryside and
Barangay Business Enterprises, granting exemptions from any and ALL government rules
and regulations and other incentives and benefits and for other purposes. The
important provisions of this ACT are the following:
2 The number of employees should not be more than twenty (20) at any time for the
purpose of undertaking a productive business enterprise that will help the economy in
the area;
a. Professional Service
b. Retailing
Based on the above discussions and the important provisions of the laws mentioned,
entrepreneurial activities in the local levels and the countryside have not developed
when all the opportunities were provided by the government for local entrepreneurs.
We remain to be poor and the budding entrepreneurs continue to search for available
funds to finance their enterprises.
Analysis of the prevailing conditions and the business laws that grant these incentives
points to the following failures in the implementation program:
1. An honest political will to implement the program to develop the countryside and the
local entrepreneur. Information dissemination fails to cascade down to all sectors
interested in the program.
2. Vested interest groups take advantage of the program by establishing NON-
GOVERNMENT AGENCIES in the disguise of helping the lowly business sector but it
turned out that it is for their benefit. They established financing agencies with interest
rates that benefited their organization. Some NGOs lost interest after taking advantage
of the government money and now they are nowhere to be found to be persecuted
for their acts of corruption.
3. Banks and lending institutions required so much paper works beyond the
comprehension of small businessmen who don't have formal training as provided for the
The Entrepreneur
The development of the nation's economic activity is the making of small and medium
enterprises mostly located in the countryside. They contribute to the economy of big
corporations as they are als0 consumers of their production, It is the entrepreneur who
develops new products and makes innovation that becomes the backbone of more
Employment generates income and those employed pay taxes to the government
which in turn gives benefits to the social and educational needs of the greater
population. Those with income through employment become less burdensome to the
House to BIR: Ease up requirements for April 15 deadline | Business | Daily Tribune
Entrepreneur pays taxes in the form of the real estate tax, sales tax, import and export
tax, and permits from the local and national government.
New technology like computers and other household conveniences are the results of
entrepreneurial geniuses that turned our life to new lifestyles and pleasures. They
provide life convenience beyond the imagination of man.
The entrepreneur mobilizes economic activity as the circulation of money which pumps
up the economic development of the community. Capital investment generates profit.
Profit, in return, is growth in investment base that will propel more business activities.
Entrepreneurs do not keep their money in the piggy banks or make this an idle deposit
in banks. The greater money in circulation the greater is the economic activity of the
nation. More investment generates more employment opportunities for the people
5. The entrepreneur creates people empowerment and social mobility.
Entrepreneurs accumulate financial resources that give them social power in the
community. They can afford to buy some personal luxuries of life. They acquire a new
lifestyle of travel and pleasure. They make new houses and invest in real properties that
make them respected in the community.
Their high income differentiates them from those employed as their lifestyle becomes
more diverse and complex. Empowerment makes entrepreneurs the idol of the
community for their innovation and hard work.
Healthy competition provides people with choices of new products or better services.
Entrepreneur seeks better products and develops new ones that will satisfy their target
customers. Competition develops pride for the entrepreneur that their Product or
service is superior to the other.
He must be able to visualize the direction of the business towards successful takeoff. He
must see that the products or services, the pricing strategies, the cost of production,
and the inventory. will generate reasonable profit and return of investment. The take-off
point of any business is the generation of profit based on plans and programs.
The material and physical resources must be put in place. Waste of time and money
has no place in a good organization. The entrepreneur must be able to give specific
direction and work activities that will redound to the efficient delivery of the necessary
services to customers and clients.
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People are like machines that need an oil that will make them work smoothly and
efficiently and effectively. Machines will bug down if no oil is put into their chamber
while in operation. The same principles work with people. They need proper
compensation and motivation to deliver the necessary output.
Compensation and benefits are no guarantee for effective performance while they
may serve as important ingredients. The entrepreneur must be able to communicate
ideas and plans to his subordinates with a sense of humility. Good communications and
human relations will drive people to be motivated to perform their task with pride
Controlling the whole operation is a difficult task for the entrepreneur. Safeguards and
control mechanisms could put in place with carefully crafted policies and procedures.
Such policies and procedures must be carefully disseminated and understood by all
who will implement them.
Meetings and conferences occupy most of the time of entrepreneurs. They must be
scheduled properly that they will not complicate with important paper works in the
Some entrepreneurs who burn themselves out with stress die early and do not see the
fruits of their labor. They must have scheduled for his family, his religion and enjoy some
personal pleasure that will eliminate the stressful task of managing his business.
6. The ability to adapt to the changing environment of business.
Business today is fast changing with the advent of technology and innovation. The new
entrepreneur must be able to adapt to these changes in the business landscape for
him to go with the time of progress and expansion.
Consumers' tastes and preferences are gradually changing to better quality products
and services. Competition is shifting to more affordable quality products and
entrepreneurs must be aware of this changing customer demand. Changes are
applicable adaptability should be given attention to gain continuous customer
While the above discussions are the theories and elements of good management, an
entrepreneur without formal training should attend seminars and advance schooling to
get further into the realms of better management theories that will help in the operation
of the enterprise. Learning is not the sole property of those in school. Reading and
attending various management interventions would make a great difference.
The entrepreneur, before launching into the field of business, must look forward to the
challenges of the entrepreneurial life. The decision to go into the business requires not
only investment in money and time but hard work and intelligence in order to succeed.
The positive qualities of the individual are needed to start an investment:
Managerial Leadership is the ability to plan, organize, direct and control the
organization towards the goals and objective of the organization. it requires
conceptual skills in defining the direction of the business and the development of plans
and programs that will work effectively. The mission and vision of the organization must
be set up based on his investments and interest.
The human skill deals with how the leader will relate himself with the people around him
and those that he will encounter in the course of his business. Managers must treat their
workers with dignity and honor. They are aware of their needs and problems and
workers are treated as partners in the growth of their organization. Leaders motivate
people to excel in their respective fields and pay them commensurately for their
efficiency and performance on the job.
2. Positive risk-takers
The entrepreneur as a positive risk take enjoys the challenges of putting his money and
time to a test. He calculates the various alternatives open to him and careful in the
choice of actions. The entrepreneur gathers complete data and makes careful analysis
before making decisions.
The entrepreneur makes things happen rather than wait for things to happen. They look
at opportunities and make immediate actions before others plunge into the business
venture. They are confident in their intelligence and abilities and optimistic that results
will be positive.
The entrepreneur has a strong belief in his capacity to make a difference in their
chosen field. They believe that achievements are guiding principles in man's success as
faith drives them to do better. The entrepreneur believes in the Lord Almighty and that
his talents are God-given gifts that he must use for the well-being of mankind. His faith in
God drives him to work with great enthusiasm and perseverance to reach his target
The entrepreneur looks at the bright side of the business. Threats are converted into
opportunities and he thinks of successes rather than failures. A positive outlook
generates profit and money that makes him richer. The poor become poorer because
they do not think of how to make money. They put their destiny to the BATHALA or the
BAHALA NA attitude as tomorrow is another day. The entrepreneur thinks of how to
make money.
The success of any business venture rests with good decisions. The entrepreneur has to
increase market demand. The customers' wants and needs for better product changes
over time and the entrepreneur has to make decisions that would fit in this market
demand. The entrepreneur has to follow a logical process in making decisions.
The risk involved in the management of the business has to be identified and analyzed
before solutions could be made. Relevant data and information must be organized.
The core objective is to minimize the risk factor involved as the wrong choice f
alternative would result in production or operation losses.
A good and intelligent entrepreneur must be able to get the data that brought about
the problem. The solution to the problem is dependent on the data available at hand.
Correct information would give better solutions. False and irrelevant data would not
give the best solutions.
Not all information is relevant to the solution of the problem. Some data must be
discarded. The data must focus on the problem at hand. It must be timely gathered
and the information is based on actual situations prevailing in the business environment.
The internal and external sources must be analyzed to find out which are relevant in
formulating alternatives solutions.
The entrepreneur makes various alternative solutions to the problem at hand. These
solutions are subject to a series of analyses and he may need outside opinion. He may
subject the alternatives to further study before making decisions until he finds the right
alternative course of action.
After all the alternative courses of action had been analyzed, the entrepreneur makes
the decision. The decision has to be implemented with fewer possible risks in terms of
money, time, and effort. It must take into account the available manpower and
material resources, supported with financial logistics.
The modern entrepreneur utilizes group efforts in solving business problems. Problems
and Solutions best arrive at when people who will be implementing the decisions are
properly consulted and their opinions and ideas are taken into account before the final
decision is implemented. Group effort is required in planning effective strategies for
The prospective entrepreneurs before going into the intricate field of the business world
should first go into a deep analysis of their personal and social attitudes. It is not only
material assets but personal values and characteristics. Before venturing into the field of
business, it is wise to develop entrepreneurial studies that will help determine the
feasibility of the project.
Some entrepreneurs failed because they are "plain copycats" in putting the business
because the neighbor Juan makes money going into a Mini-grocery. The entrepreneur
must first evaluate his personal interest, experienced in the chosen field, technical skills
as well as his human skills as these are the vital component in the success of the
Business forecasting and planning skill is another vital component that must be
addressed before making investments. Careful preparation is an essential factor in
setting the enterprise into motion. Investment in money and effort may go to waste
without adequate preparation and careful planning. The loss of money and time must
be prevented.
The entrepreneur must see for himself the kind of management control and how the
business will be able to generate his projected profitable investment. He sees the wide-
open market of opportunities and the possible problems before he plunges into the
intricate operation of the enterprise. Wise investment through a careful analysis of the
business environment would minimize business failures. The following steps in the
business formations have been done by entrepreneurs that applied a more scientific
study of the business conditions. A business project either new or an expansion,
undertake careful planning of the project which will serve as a guide in the