Week 2 MODULE 1
Week 2 MODULE 1
Week 2 MODULE 1
Module 1 in Religion 9
Name: ___________________________________________ Gr./Sec: ________________________________
I. Time Frame: Date:
III. Objectives:
In this module. The learners will be led to:
a. describe how God created man;
b. make family guidelines promoting human dignity;
c. praise and thank the Lord for creating man with dignity.
V. Learning Content:
Activity 1: List down five(5) personal or social abuse to human life that might endanger one’s
dignity or human condition, and describe each according to the sufferings they experienced.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
1. The creation account will give us a clear description of how God created man and how God
showed His Infinite love to man. The story of creation gave us a very interesting picture of
how God love mankind. Read Gen. 1:26-31, 2:1-4 (open your Bible) and upon reading the
bible verse, answer the guide questions on the next page.
2. We are all born equal and special having dignity, freedom, intelligence, and rights to enjoy a
holy life. God generously gives all these gifts to humankind of His great love.
a. answer activities on work textbook (lead me, Lord) on page 13. Activity 3
A. Write your daily reflection about God’s Infinite love to His people.
_____________________________________________________________________end here.
VI. Assessment:
A. As Family united in the love and fear of God, we are mandated to promote equality and perfect
love within family members and to be shared to the society. Since the Church itself depends on
families for generating and modeling the kind of love and respect to which the larger family of the
Church aspires.
As part of the small family of the Church, answer the activity on the work textbook on page 14.
We, the _______________ family, dedicate ourselves to uphold human dignity in our family.
C. Children to Parents
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