LTAC Relay Manuals
LTAC Relay Manuals
LTAC Relay Manuals
1. Introduction 7. Housing
8.1 Power On
4.1 Connections
8.2 Checking the set values
4.1.1 Analog inputs
8.3 Secondary injection test
4.1.2 Output relays
8.3.1 Test equipment
4.2 Front plate
8.3.2 Example of a test circuit for a IRI1-3ER-
4.2.1 LEDs
4.2.2 DIP-switches
8.3.3 Checking the pick-up and tripping values
4.2.3 <RESET> push button (IRI1-ER)
4.3 Code jumper 8.3.4 Checking the operating and resetting
values (IRI1-3ER)
8.4 Primary injection test
5. Working principle
8.5 Maintenance
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
1. Introduction
The application of powerful microprocessors with MR-
and IR-relays of the HIGH TECH RANGE provides a
large variety of advantages over power protection l L2
l l
systems of the traditional type.
The MR-protection relays are based exclusively on the
microprocessor technology. They represent our most l L3
l l
efficient generation of power protection systems.
Because of their capabilities to process measured l
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
4. Design
4.1 Connections
L+/L L-/N
L1 L2 L3 D9
C9 E9
l l
P1 S1P1 S1P1 S1
P2 S2P2 S2P2 S2 ID
l l Trip C1
Rsr D2
l C2
B2 50/60Hz
P1 S1
P2 S2
L+/L L-/N
L1 L2 L3
C9 E9 D9
l l
P1 S1P1 S1P1 S1
P2 S2P2 S2P2
Rsr B1 ID D1
Trip C1
B2 50/60Hz E1
Rsr D2
l C2
~ l
B4 50/60Hz
ID l E2
Rsr B5
B6 50/60Hz Reset
l l
P1 S1P1 S1P1
P2 S2P2 S2P2 S2
l l l
4.2.2 DIP-switches
ID ON The set of DIP switches on the front plate serves for
setting the tripping value for the differential current ID.
Front plate
Code jumper ON
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
By pressing the <RESET> push button, the tripping The tripping current of the relay is then calculated, as
relay is reset and the LED-signal extinguishes. All follows:
coding switches must be plugged out for this (see ID > UKn
chapter 4.3). 2 . R Sr
6.3.2 Automatic reset Explanation:
RSr stabilizing resistance
Code jumper 1
The strength of the stabilizing resistance must be
If no code jumper is plugged in at coding place 1, the selected in a way to ensure that the tripping current is
red fault alarm LED ID is coded latching. within the setting range (5% to 82.5% of IN).
When the pick-up value is exceeded, nearly an
immediate tripping is initiated. With 30 ms the tripping
The fault signal can only be reset manually by pressing time is approx. five times as high as the tripping value.
the <RESET> push button. In case of lower currents, the tripping time is slightly
higher (about 100ms), in order to reach a stabilization
of the protective function against external faults (see
If the code jumper is plugged in at coding place 1, the also chapter 5).
red fault signal LED ID is automatically reset, after the
fault is eliminated. 6.4.1 Sample calculation - alternator
An IRI1-ER protection relay is used for the earth-fault
Code jumper 2 protection of an alternator. In the starpoint, the
following c.t. is provided:
The tripping relay is coded latching, if no code jumper transformation ratio : 100/1A
is plugged in on coding place 2.
class : 5 P 10
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
A primary-side fault current of 20% x IN shall be P N < I² x R sr = 0.2² A² x 61.6 Ω < 2.47 W
recorded. The secondary current is used for
calculation. In this case, PN represents the minimum output required
(pure current-heat losses). A considerably increased
Calculation of the knee-point voltage output P F is required in the event of a fault.
If the knee-point voltage is not indicated by the Example: The fault current is: I F,prim = 13.1 kA
manufacturer, as is the case in our example, the
If one neglects the transformer saturation, the following
approximate value can be calculated, as follows:
peak voltage U P occurs:
S×klu 2.5×10
Ukn = ⇒ = 25V I F,prim
IN 1 Up = (R Sr + 2 × RL + R r + RS)
Explanation: 13100A × 1
Up = × (62.5Ω) = 8187.5 V
S output of the c.t.
klu overcurrent factor of the c.t. If one considers the transformer saturation, a short-
IN secondary-side rated current of the transformer term peak voltage USS occurs, as shown in the following
Calculation of the active resistances
USS = 2×(2×U Kn ×(U p - UKn))+0.5 < 3 kV
The relevant resistances in the differential circuit add
up to a total (circle-) resistance:
USS = 2×(2×25 V ×(8187.5 V - 25 V)) +0.5
R circuit = = R Sr + 2×RL+RS+R r = 1.28 kV
USS2 12802 V2
Pr = = 26.6 kW
Explanation: RSr 61.6 Ω
The calculation of P N and P F must be effected in any
Rkreis total resistance in the differential circuit case, in order to get the exact power range of the
Rsr stabilizing resistance stabilizing resistor.
Take over of power by the resistor in the event of a
RL resistance of the connection line between c.t. and
fault P F creates a short-term peak value.
Rs secondary resistance of the transformer (<0.7Ω)
6.4.2 Example calculation -transformer
Rr relay input resistance (B1 - B2 = 0.02 W) An IRI1-ER protection relay is used for the earth-fault
ID tripping current protection of a 1.6 MVA-transformer (11000/415 V,
6%), see figure 2.1. The following c.t.s are used in the
The individual resistance values are: rigidly earthed starpoint:
2 x R L = 150 mΩ, at 20 m, 2.5 mm² Cu transformation ratio: 2 500/1A
2 ×R L + Rr + RS = 0.87 Ω class: X
Therefore, the following is valid: resistance Rs: 8 Ω
knee-point voltage: 250 V
25 V
Rkreis = = 62.5 Ω The relay is situated about 20m away from the c.t.s
2×0.2 A
and is connected with a 2.5 mm 2 cable.
Calculation of the stabilizing voltage
Calculation of the stabilizing resistance
The primary-side fault-current IF,prim is:
The stabilizing resistance is calculated from above
ratios, as follows: 1600000 VA
I F,prim = = 37.1 kA
√3 X 415 V X 6%
RS = Sr circuit - (2 × RL + Rr + RS)
Line resistance RL (2.5 mm² ~ 7.46 Ω /km)
= Rcircuit - 0.87 Ω
7.46 Ω
= 61.6 Ω RL = 20 m X = 0.15 Ω
1000 m
Additional resistance R r (ca. 0.02 Ω)
In operational mode < ID, the output requirement PN is
as follows:
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
Since the knee-point voltage shall be Ukn = 2x US (2 x Since the requirement is met, the set values and the
123.5V = 247 V), the above transformer with U kn = resulting resistance values can be accepted.
250 V can be used. The calculation of the output requirement for the
Calculation of the set current and the stabilizing stabilizing resistance can be carried out similar to the
resistance (sample value) calculation of sample 6.4.1.
US 123.5 V
Rcircuit = ~ R Sr => = 617.5Ω IRI-1ER or IRI1-3ER (a 3-phase version of IRI1-1ER)
ID 0.2 A
relays also offers reliable Bus protection based on High
Impedance Differential Principle.
In the event of a fault, the stabilizing resistance must
withstand a secondary-side false current of: The figure below indicates a typical Single Bus system
using IRI-ER relay for Bus Protection. This sample system
incorporates two incoming and two outgoing bays.
IF sek = = 14.84 A In case of normal operation, following Kirchoff’s law, the
1600000 VA
currents terminating on bus and going put adds up to Zero
√3 X 415 V X 6% X 2500 with corresponding reproduction on CT secondary side of
respective bays. As the vector summation of the currents
The calculation of the short-term peak voltages balances each other out, the Relay does not operate.
provides the following result:
37.1 kA × 1
US = X (8Ω + 2 X 0.15Ω
= 308.75 Ω
Thus, the requirement of the short-term peak voltage
is met.
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
The Relay should be reliably stable in presence of Knee point required for the CT core should higher than,
Harmonics – especially 2nd and 3rd harmonics – and
presence of DC currents. KpvCT : = 2 . Kpv KpvCT = 373.333
Ifs: Secondary value of Fault Current The use of Metrosil can be avoided as the relay can
reliably withstand Uss up to 5 kV. For fault currents
Ifmax : 40000 kV : = 220 CTR : = 1500 exceeding this level, the Metrosils should be used.
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
1 4 2
B1 ID D1
Trip C1
5 ID E1
B2 50/60Hz
Current source D2
ID l E2
B4 50/60Hz
B6 50/60Hz Reset
+ Timer
1. Current source
2. Amperemeter
3. Relay under test
4. Potentiometer adjust resistor
5. Switching device
6. Timer
8.3.3 Checking the pick-up and tripping 8.3.4 Checking the operating and
values ( IRI1-ER ) resetting values (IRI1-3ER)
With the IRI1-ER, the analog input signal of the With the IRI1-3ER, all analog input signals of the
singlephase testing AC must be supplied to the relay via single-phase current must be supplied to the relay via
the terminals B1/B2 for checking the pick-up value ID. the terminals B1/B2; B3/B4; B5/B6 one after another
For testing the differential current pick-up value, first for checking the pick-up value I D in similar manner as
the injected current must be set below the set pick-up indicated above in para 8.3.3.
value I d. Then the injected current is increased 8.4 Primary injection test
gradually, until the relay trips. This is indicated by the Principally, a primary injection test (real-time test) of a
LED I D lighting up red, with the relay tripping at the c.t. can be carried out in the same way as a secondary
same time. Check that the value shown at the ammeter injection test. Since the cost and potential hazards may
does not deviate by more than +/- 3% from the set be very high for such tests, they should only be carried
pick-up value ID. out in exceptional cases, if absolutely necessary.
The resetting value of the differential current pick-up 8.5 Maintenance
value is determined, by slowly decreasing the testing Maintenance testing is generally done on site at regular
AC, until the output relay I D trips. The LED I D intervals.These intervals may vary among users
extinguishes (supposed the respective coding was depending on many factors: e.g. type of protective
effected). relays employed; type of application; operating safety
Check that the resetting value is greater than 0.97 of the equipment to be protected; the user’s past
times the pick up value, i.e. the resetting ratio of the experience with the relay etc.
differential current supervision is below 1. For static relays such as the IRI1-ER/-3ER,
maintenance testing once per year is sufficient.
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
9. Technical Data
9.1 Measuring input
Rated data:
Nominal current IN : 1A/5A
Nominal frequency f N : 50/60 Hz
Power consumption : <1 VA/at IN = 1A
in current circuit : <5 VA/at I N = 5 A
Thermal withstand : dynamic current withstand (half-wave) 250 x IN
capability of current : for 1 s 100 x IN
circuit : for 10 s 30 x IN
continuously 4 x IN
9.2 Auxiliary voltage
Rated auxiliary voltage U H :
24 V - working range : 16 - 60 V AC / 16 - 80 V DC
110 V - working range : 50 - 270 V AC / 70 - 360 V DC
Power consumption:
24 V - working range : standby approx. 3 W operating approx. 6 W
110 V - working range : standby approx. 3 W operating approx. 6 W
9.3 General data
Permissible interruption of
the supply voltage without
influence on the function : 50 ms
Dropout to pickup ratio : >97%
Returning time : 30 ms
Minimum operating time : 30 ms
9.4 Output relay
The output relay has the following characteristics:
Maximum breaking capacity : 250 V AC / 1500 VA / continuous current 6 A
Breaking capacity for DC:
Ohmic L/R = 4 ms L/R = 7 ms
300 V DC 0.3 A / 90 W 0.2 A / 63 W 0.18 A / 54 W
250 V DC 0.4 A / 100 W 0.3 A / 70 W 0.15 A / 40 W
110 V DC 0.5 A / 55 W 0.4 A / 40 W 0.20 A / 22 W
60 V DC 0.7 A / 42 W 0.5 A / 30 W 0.30 A / 17 W
24 V DC 6.0 A / 144 W 4.2 A / 100 W 2.50 A / 60 W
Max. rated making current : 64 A (acc. VDE 0435/0972 and IEC 65 / VDE 0860 / 8.86)
Making current : minimum 20 A (16ms)
Mechanical life span : 30 x 106 switching cycles
Electrical life span : 2 x 105 switching cycles at 220 V AC / 6 A
Contact material : silver-cadmium-oxide
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
IRI1-ER- Stablized Earth Fault Current Relay
230 76
36 16 68.7
Cut Out Dimensions
Installation Depth : 275mm
All dimensions in : mm
Please note:
A distance of 50 mm is necessary when the units are mounted one below the other in order to allow easy opening
of the front cover of the housing. The front cover opens downwards.
Range of Protection Relays
Micro-controller based compact economical design
DIN rail mounted
Status indication via LED
Step-less settings through front potentiometer
Genset Supervision & Control
Auto Synchroniser
Load Balancing & Control
Related Protection
Microprocessor based numerical protection
Event & fault recording
RS 485 communication
Bright alpha-numeric display
Numeric protection, solution for sub-station in association
with INGETEAM T&D, Spain
Distance protection
Comprehensive transformer protection –
a. Three winding transformer
b. Two winding transformer
Multi-functional relay: variety of protection combination
Marketing Offices :
AHMEDABAD: +91 79 30074534/35/36 FAX : +91 79 30074519 BANGALORE: +91 80 25586147, 25594939 FAX : +91 25584839
BHUBANESWAR : +91 674 2507265 FAX : +91 674 2507265 CHANDIGARH : +91 172 272613, 3062624 FAX : +91 172 2726153
CHENNAI : +91 44 39180531/32/33/34 FAX :+91 44 39180514 DELHI : +91 11 30838822-25 Fax :+91 11 30838826 HYDERABAD : +91 40 27813003
FAX : +91 40 27812987 KOLKATA : +91 33 22275850/51 FAX : +91 33 22275849 MUMBAI : +91 22 24114727/28 FAX : +91 22 24126631
NAGPUR : +91 712 5616651 FAX : +91 712 5616651 PUNE : +91 20 30283244/45 FAX : +91 20 30283245 RAIPUR : +91 771 320852433/34
High-Tech Range
IRI1- WD (Overcurrent, Short-circuit and
Earth Fault Relay)
1 Introduction
2 Application
4 Design
4.1 Analog input
4.2 Front Panel
4.2.1 LCD
4.2.2 Keypad
5 Working Principle
5.1 Analog circuits
5.2 Digital circuits
5.3 Power supply
5.4 Demands imposed on the main current transformers
7 Housing
7.1 Flush mounting
7.2 Rack mounting
7.3 Terminal Details
7.4 Circuit Diagram
9 Technical Data
9.1 Measuring Input
9.2 Auxiliary voltage
9.3 General data
9.4 Setting Ranges and Steps
9.4.1 Independent time over current, earth fault and short circuit protection
9.4.2 Dependent time over-current, earth fault and short circuit protection
9.5 Tripping Characteristics
9.6 Setting Procedure
9.7 Output Relays
9.8 System Data
9.9 Mechanical Tests
10.0 Dimensional Drawing
IRI1- WD - Overcurrent, Short-circuit and Earth Fault Relay
IRI1- WD - Overcurrent, Short-circuit and Earth Fault Relay
On fault trip LED gives the indication. Similarly when there The lower consumption of the IRI--WD i.e. 0.2 VA, has a positive
is a pickup in any of the phase, one can’t change the effect on the rating of the current transformers. It implies that,
setting of the relay. At that time all functions will be blocked if an electromechanical relay is replaced by IRI-WD, a high
& this is indicated by BLOCK LED. accuracy limit factor is automatically obtained by using the
same current transformer.
5. Working Principle
5.1 Analog circuits 6. Operation and Settings
The incoming currents from the main current transformers 6.1 Layout of operating elements
on the protected objects are converted to voltage signals All keys and “RESET” button required for the setting of
in proportion to the currents via the input transducers and parameters are located on the front panel.
shunt resistors. The noise signals caused by inductive and
capacitive coupling are suppressed by an analog R-C filter 6.2 Calculation of the Setting values
circuit. The analog voltage signals are fed to the A/D- 1A / 5A choice is site selectable. Separate terminals are
converter of the microprocessor and transformed to digital provided for 1A and 5A CTs. User must make correct choice
signals through Sample and Hold circuits. All the from front panel.
processing is carried out on these digitized values. The
measuring values are detected with a sampling frequency 6.2.1 Phase-over-current stage (I >)
of 1600 Hz, a sampling rate of 625 μs for each The main criterion for the setting of the over-current response
measurement (at 50 Hz). value is the normal maximum operating current which is
therefore adjusted to about 20% for power line, about 50 %
5.2 Digital circuits for transformers and motors, above the maximum expected
The protective device is equipped with an efficient load currents. The delay of the trip signal is selected according
microprocessor which is the main processing unit. It to the selectivity and time grading, and the system overload
digitally carries out all of the operations, from the capacity of the protected object.
digitization of the measuring values to the protective
tripping. 6.2.2 Dependent over-current time protection
The relay program is located in an EPROM (Read-Only- Apart from the selection of the tripping characteristics, the
Memory). With this program the microprocessor processes response value for the phase-current is also adjustable.
the voltages at the analog inputs and calculates the
fundamental components of the current. For the 6.2.3 Phase-over-current stage (I >)
calculation of the current value an efficient digital filter The starting current is determined according to the maximum
based on the Fourier Transformation (DEFT-Discrete Fast expected load current. For example:
Fourier Transformation) is applied to suppress high
frequency harmonics and d.c. components during a short Current transformer ratio: 400/5 A
Maximum expected load current: 300 A
circuit. Overload coefficient: 1.2 (assumed)
The measured current values are continuously compared Starting current setting: IS = (300 / 400) x 1.2 = 0.9 x IN
with the set values and when activated, the over-current
tripping time is determined according to the selected 6.2.4 Time multiplier setting
characteristic curve. When the calculated time delay has The time multiplier setting for inverse time over-current is a
elapsed, a tripping command is given. scale factor for the selected characteristics. The characteristics
for two adjacent relays should have a time interval of about
5.3 Power Supply 0.3 - 0.4 s.
It has a universal auxiliary supply. The voltage range is
(16 to 270) VAC & (16 to 360) VDC 6.2.5 Fast tripping short circuit protection (I >>)
The high-set current setting is set as a multiplier of the nominal
5.4 Demands imposed on the main current current. The time delay is always independent to the fault
transformers current.
The current transformers have to be rated in such a way, Short Circuit Protection: The Current setting range is from
that a saturation should not occur within the following 0.5 x In to 25 x In. It is possible to have selectable time delayed/
operating current ranges: Instantaneous protection.
Independent time over-current function K1 = 2 High set E/F protection: The Earth fault current setting
Inverse time over-current function K1 = 20 range is from 0.5 to 15 x In.
High-set function K1 = 1.2 - 1.5
K1 = Current factor related to set value with the current 6.2.6 Fault Recording
transformer not yet operating in the saturation range. IRI records last three faults. It saves following information
IRI1- WD - Overcurrent, Short-circuit and Earth Fault Relay
7. Housing
The IRI-WD can be supplied in an individual housing for
flush-mounting for installation in a 19" mounting rack
according to DIN 41494. Both versions have plug-in
IRI1- WD - Overcurrent, Short-circuit and Earth Fault Relay
9. Technical Data
9.4.1 Independent time phase over-current, earth fault and short circuit protection
IRI1- WD - Overcurrent, Short-circuit and Earth Fault Relay
Normal Inverse 3.0 t = ti [s]
(I / IS) 0.02 – 1
Normal Inverse 1.3 t = ti [s]
(I / IS) 0.02 – 1
Very Inverse t = ti [s]
(I / IS) 2 – 1
Extremely Inverse t = ti [s]
(I / IS) 2 – 1
Tripping Time Tolerance: Accuracy as per IEC-255-3 I/Is > 2 to I/Is < 20
For VINV / NINV :(+ 5% or + 20msec which ever is higher)
For EINV (+ 7.5% or + 20msec which ever is higher)
IRI1- WD - Overcurrent, Short-circuit and Earth Fault Relay
1 1.5
0.6 1.3
0.5 1.0
1 0.4 0.8
0.3 0.6
0.2 0.4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20
0.5 2.05
t[s] 150
tI>= tI >
1 0.1
2.0 33.5
1.3 1.55
0.6 0.1 t l >>
0.1 0.5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20
I/IS 1 10
Extremely inverse Definite time overcurrent relay
IRI1- WD - Overcurrent, Short-circuit and Earth Fault Relay
Reset annunciation / Enter Key
confirm selection of item in the
RESET menu & save value
Up scroll for the menu
+ Increment selected parameter
- Decrement selected parameter
NOTE: All keys can be used in selecting / specifying password Pressing Reset key for 1 sec,
cursor will go back to the default page
IRI1- WD - Overcurrent, Short-circuit and Earth Fault Relay
Number of relays : 4
Contacts : 2 change-over contacts each for trip relay I > and
I >> , IE > and IE >>
Max. breaking capacity : 1250 VA / 150 W resistive
500 VA / 90 W inductive
Max. breaking voltage : 400 V AC, 125 V DC
Max. continuous current : 5A
Max. making current (16 ms) : 20 A
Mechanical Tests
IRI1- WD - Overcurrent, Short-circuit and Earth Fault Relay
Range of Protection Relays
Micro-controller based compact economical design
DIN rail mounted
Status indication via LED
Step-less settings through front potentiometer
Genset Supervision & Control
Auto Synchroniser
Load Balancing & Control
Related Protection
Microprocessor based numerical protection
Event & fault recording
RS 485 communication
Bright alpha-numeric display
Numeric protection, solution for sub-station in association
with INGETEAM T&D, Spain
Distance protection
Comprehensive transformer protection –
a. Three winding transformer
b. Two winding transformer
Multi-functional relay: variety of protection combination
Marketing Offices :
AHMEDABAD: +91 79 30074534/35/36 FAX : +91 79 30074519 BANGALORE: +91 80 25586147, 25594939 FAX : +91 25584839
BHUBANESWAR : +91 674 2507265 FAX : +91 674 2507265 CHANDIGARH : +91 172 272613, 3062624 FAX : +91 172 2726153
CHENNAI : +91 44 39180531/32/33/34 FAX :+91 44 39180514 DELHI : +91 11 30838822-25 Fax :+91 11 30838826 HYDERABAD : +91 40 27813003
FAX : +91 40 27812987 KOLKATA : +91 33 22275850/51 FAX : +91 33 22275849 MUMBAI : +91 22 24114727/28 FAX : +91 22 24126631
NAGPUR : +91 712 5616651 FAX : +91 712 5616651 PUNE : +91 20 30283244/45 FAX : +91 20 30283245 RAIPUR : +91 771 320852433/34
Over-current, Short-Circuit and Earth Fault Relay
L1 : 01.00A
L2 : 00.00A
Microcontroller based Numeric Relay It has a universal auxiliary supply. The voltage range is
24V to 260VAC and 24V to 360VDC.Power supply
Digital filtering of the measured values to suppress connections are not polarized.
the high frequency harmonics and transient dc
components during short circuit
Fault Recording
Selectable protective functions between: definite time
over-current relay and inverse time over-current relay IRI-PRO records last three faults. It saves following
information with secondary CT current in non-volatile
Selectable inverse time characteristics according to
memory in following sequence.
BS142 and IEC 255-4:
Normal inverse3.0 Type of fault : SC / OL
Normal inverse1.3 Faulty phase / Earth : L1 / L2 / L3 / E
Normal inverse0.6 Value at Fault : L1, L2, L3, Ie Amps
Very inverse (True RMS recording guaranteed only if trip time >= 40msec)
Extremely inverse
Two stage over-current time protection for phase Reset Delay
current / earth fault current
This parameter [RST-D] introduces a delay in opening of
Separately selectable characteristic for Earth fault relay contacts, when the current goes below the dropout
Continuous self-supervision of software and hardware value for overload and short circuit & earth faults. This
parameter will not work when manual reset mode is selected.
Wide operating ranges of the supply voltage [AC/DC]
24V-270V AC/DC
Last three faults recording
The IRI-PRO is supplied in an individual housing for flush-
Relay assignment configurable from HMI mounting for installation in a DIN standard of 96 x 96
Relay reset configurable from HMI mm.
Self supervision output contact
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Relay1 NO
Relay4,3 COMM
Power Supply
Relay1 COMM
Power Supply
Relay4 NO
Relay3 NO
Relay2 NO
Relay2 COMM
Front Panel
The front panel of the protective device IRI-PRO comprises
the following operational and indication elements:
Terminal Description
1 LCD- Liquid Crystal Display ( 16 x 2)
IRI-Pro : Over-current, Short-Circuit and Earth Fault Relay
For CB Trip
S1 16 N2 (ANN.) RELAY -3
P1 5
Max. continuous 10 A IE
current For CB Trip P2
S2 17 N1 (ANN.) RELAY -4
C i r c u i t
Max. making current 20 A
(16 ms) For CB Trip
Contact For Annunciation (SPST-NC, type B) Group
[ Relay 2 , 3, 4] [Relay 2]
[Relay 3]
(SPST-NO, type A )
[Relay 4]
[All are configurable for O/L,
S/C ,E,EH, Self supervision ] Aux Supply
L1 L+/L L-/L
L2 1 2 18
Max. breaking voltage 240V AC L3
For Annunciation
For Annunciation P1 S1
11 L1.2
P2 S2 9
D i a g r a m
Technical Data 4
frequency FN
Power At IN = 1A 0.2 VA
consumption in At IN = 5A 0.1 VA
current circuit
withstand for 10 20 x IN L2
1 2 1
capability in scontinuously 4 x IN N
current circuit
10 L1.1 Supply
11 I1
Dropout ratio > 96 % P2 S2 L1.2
S1 12 L2.1
P1 612
Returning time 30 ms P2 S2 13 L2.2
14 515
S1 L3.1
Minimum 30 ms P1
P2 S2 15 L3.2
operating time
S1 16 N2
P2 S2 17
Group IRI-Pro-3I-EI/3O-EO
IRI-Pro : Over-current, Short-Circuit and Earth Fault Relay
Normal Inverse 3.0 t = ti [s]
(I / IS) 0.02 – 1
Normal Inverse 1.3 t = ti [s]
(I / IS) 0.02 – 1
Normal Inverse 0.6 t = ti [s]
(I / IS) 0.02 – 1
Very Inverse t = ti [s]
(I / IS) – 1
Extremely Inverse t = ti [s]
(I / IS) 2 - 1
IRI-Pro : Over-current, Short-Circuit and Earth Fault Relay
Dimensional Drawing
9 mm
8 mm
120 mm
130 mm
30 mm
12 mm
95 mm
89 mm
12 mm
30 mm
8 mm
8 mm
110 mm
120 mm
95 mm
91 mm
RS 485
91 mm
95 mm
120 mm
95 mm
89 mm
79 mm
110 mm
120 mm
IRI-Pro : Over-current, Short-Circuit and Earth Fault Relay
Models Diagram
(1 E/F with High Set)
+ ON
+ I>I>
L1 I>>
- -
ON + I> ON + I>
L1 I>> L1
L2 Ie> L2 Ie>
- -
L3 Ie>> L3
IRI-Pro : Over-current, Short-Circuit and Earth Fault Relay
Order Form
1 E/F with High set EO
3/OC + 1 E/F Without High set
3/OC +1 E/F with High set 3I-EI
1 O/C + High set
er I1
Rated Current(O/C Element) Amp
Range of Protection Relays
n Micro-controller based compact economical design
n DIN rail mounted
n Status indication via LED
n Step-less settings through front potentiometer
n Genset Supervision & Control
n Auto Synchroniser
n Load Balancing & Control
n Related Protection
n Microprocessor based numerical protection
n Event & fault recording
n RS 485 communication
n Bright alpha-numeric display
n Numeric protection, solution for sub-station
in association with INGETEAM-T&D, Spain
n Distance protection
n Comprehensive transformer protection –
a. Three winding transformer
b. Two winding transformer
n Multi-functional relay: variety of protection combination
Marketing Offices :
AHMEDABAD: +91 79 30074534/35/36 FAX : +91 79 30074519 BANGALORE: +91 80 25586147, 25594939 FAX : +91 25584839
BHUBANESWAR : +91 674 2507265 FAX : +91 674 2507265 CHANDIGARH : +91 172 272613, 3062624 FAX : +91 172 2726153
CHENNAI : +91 44 39180531/32/33/34 FAX :+91 44 39180514 DELHI : +91 11 30838822-25 Fax :+91 11 30838826 HYDERABAD : +91 40 27813003
FAX : +91 40 27812987 KOLKATA : +91 33 22275850/51 FAX : +91 33 22275849 MUMBAI : +91 22 24114727/28 FAX : +91 22 24126631
NAGPUR : +91 712 5616651 FAX : +91 712 5616651 PUNE : +91 20 30283244/45 FAX : +91 20 30283245 RAIPUR : +91 771 320852433/34
High-Tech Range
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
0 0.1s 0 0.1s
0 0.2 0 0.2
tPR1 0 0.4 tPR2 0 0.4
0 0.8 0 0.8
0 1.6 0 1.6
X1 X20 X1 X20
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
1. Introduction and applicaiton power forward power of Turbo generators and Diesel
generating sets if prime mover fails.
For the generator operating in parallel with a mains or
When compared with traditional protection systems the another generator, it is imperative to supervise the
protective relaying with IR - relays offer several power direction. If for example the prime mover fails
advantages. the alternator operate as a motor and drive the prime
IR - protection relays are based on microprocessor and mover (Diesel engine/Turbine). The IRP1 recognises
some on analog technique. They present our low priced the power direction and switches off the alternator. This
protection relay generation and are used for all basic way, power losses and damages to the prime mover
protection applications. are avoided.
The following properties of the IR-protection relays,
such as : 2. Features and characteristics
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
3. Design
3.1 Connections
The connection diagrams are given in the fig. 3.1 and fig. 3.2.
L+/L L-/N
L1 L2 L3
C9 E9 D9
Supply ~
PR1 tPR1
PR1 Trip
P1 S1 B3 L1.1 P
l l E1
I1 D2
P2 l C2
S2 B4 L1.2 E2
Phase Shift l E3
tPR2 D4
A a A3 L1.1
l C4
B b A4 U1
l PR1 tPR1
C c
l +5V l l l
Fig. 3.1: Connection diagram IRP1 for phase to neutral supply voltage
L+/L L-/N
L1 L2 L3
C9 E9 D9
Supply ~
PR1 tPR1
PR1 Trip
P1 S1 B3 L1.1 P
l l E1
I1 D2
P2 l C2
S2 B4 L1.2 E2
Phase Shift l E3
tPR2 D4
A a A3 L1.1
l C4
B b A4 U1
l PR1 tPR1
PR2 Trip
C c
l +5V l l l
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
3.5 LEDs
4 DIP switches for the setting of the tripping values
and times
5 LEDs for pick up/trip indication and readiness There are 5 LEDs at the front plate of the protective
for service relay IRP1 which indicate the following operational
1 pushbutton <RESET>
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
4. Relay adjustment The position of the coding socket is shown in the fig. 4.3
and the function of the relay with different coding
4.1 Code jumpers jumper adjustment is given in the Table 4.1 below
The yellow pickup LEDs cannot be coded, they light PR1 PR2 ON
tripping PR2.
Code jumper ON
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
Δ switch adjustment
4.2 Y/Δ Δ DIP switch and related phase shifting) is increased by
the set value. In this manner a certain characteristical
angle can be preadjusted. So, the maximum sensitivity
IRP1 relay can be used for active or reactive of the relay can be set to cos ϕ = 0.87 and 0.5
directional power protection. inductive or capacitive. Together with Y/Δ DIP switch
adjustment any phase shifting between 0° - 180° is
possible in 30° steps between current and voltage. This
For desired applicaiton (Active/Reactive), the phase can be helpful if, for instance, U 1N or U 23 are not
shift is required to be adjusted with the help of X11 available for measuring. It is also possible to use
jumper and Y/Δ Dip switch adjustment. The connection currents and voltages of other phases. In such a case
shall be made as per the fig. 3.1 or fig. 3.2. sketching of a vector diagram is very useful.
When connecting voltage inputs phase to neutral The four coding facilities X11 jumper are on the PCB
voltage, the current vector I L1 is parallel to the voltage left to the front plate, shown in the fig. 4.4.
vector UIN.
For forward active power application, Y/Δ Dip switch 4
must be at Y position and X11 jumper position at 0°. 5
X11 8
For reverse reactive power application, Y/Δ Dip switch Fig. 4.4: Code jumpers for phase shifting
must be at Y position and X11 jumper position at 90°.
When connecting voltage inputs to phase to phase There is no phase shift adjusted with the initial
voltage, the current vector I L1 is perpendicular to adjustment (0°), i.e. coding plug applied one, two or
voltage vector U 23. three positions further to the left this means the phase
is shifted 30°, 60° or 90°. The trip function is blocked
if either a second coding plug is applied or there is no
For forward active power applicaiton, Y/Δ Dip switch coding plug at all. The total phase shifting together with
must be at Y position and X11 jumper position at 90°. Y/Δ DIP switch and X11 jumper are mentioned in the
Table 4.2.
0° 90°
4.3 Coding of phase shifter
Δ 30° 120°
60° 150°
Phase shifting between current and voltage can be
adjusted from 0 to 90° by 30° steps. Consequently the
90° 180°
actual phase shifting (dependent on the connection Y/
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
With the permissible generator reverse power PRG, the 625 kVA. 0.8
setting value PR is then calculated as follows:
.5(%) = 3.6% = 4 %
SG. cos ( ϕ) PR> (%) =
√ According to the above example, the IRP1 has to be set
PR>(%) = .P RG(%) to 4 % so that it trips at a generator reverse power of
5 % (rated generator active power).
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
6.3 Reset
A pickup value PR1 of 5.5 % of the rated power is to be
adjusted 6.3.1 Manual reset
The trip delays t PR1 and t PR2 can be adjusted by the DIP If the code jumpers are applied to sockets 1 and 3, the
switches in a range from 0.1 s to 62 s with a grading fault indication is automatically reset as soon as the
of 0.1 s or 2 s. The pickup value is calculated from the fault is removed.
total of all DIP switch positions.
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
can be used. 2
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
Auxiliary power supply with the voltage For testing the power relay, the input voltage shall be
corresponding to the rated data on the type plate applied to the relay via terminals A3/A4. The input
current (B3/B4) and phase angle shall be appropri-
Single-phase current supply unit (adjustable from
ately varied.
0 to > 2.0 x I N )
Switching device
L+/L L-/N
C9 E9 D9
4 IRP1
2 6
* A
* I1
Supply +
+ D1
PR1 C1
Trip Signal E1
Timer D2
Start 8
- C2
7 W E2
Pr2 D4
A3 Trip Signal C4
- E4
Stop * U1 D5
A4 C5
3 5
* E5
2 V
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
9 Technical Data
Rated data:
Nominal voltage : 100 V; 230 V; 400 V
Nominal current IN : 1 A or 5 A
Nominal frequency f N : 50/60 Hz
Thermal withstand capability
in current circuit : dynamic current withstand (half-wave) 250 x IN
for 1 s 100 x I N
for 10 s 30 x I N
continuously 4 x IN
Thermal withstand capability
in voltage circuit : continuously 2 x UN
for 400 V 1.2 x U N
for DC-voltage:
ohmic L/R = 40 ms L/R = 70 ms
300 V DC 0.3 A / 90 W 0.2 A / 63 W 0.18 A / 54 W
250 V DC 0.4 A / 100 W 0.3 A / 70 W 0.15 A / 40 W
110 V DC 0.5 A / 55 W 0.4 A / 40 W 0.2 A / 22 W
60 V DC 0.7 A / 42 W 0.5 A / 30 W 0.3 A / 17 W
24 V DC 6 A / 144 W 4.2 A / 100 W 2.5 A / 60 W
Max. rated making current : 64 A (VDE 0435/0972 and IEC 65/VDE 0860/8.86)
mechanical life span : 30 x 106 operating cycles
electrical life span : 2 x 105operating cycles at 220 V AC / 6 A
Contact material : silver cadmium oxide (AgCdO)
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
Temperature range
for storage : - 40°C to + 85°C
for operation : - 20°C to + 70°C
Environmental protection
class F as per DIN 40040 and
per DIN IEC 68 2-3 relative humidity 95 % at 40°C for 56 days
Mechanical tests:
IRP1- Directional Power Relay
Overvoltage class :
Influencing parameters:
Frequency : 40 Hz < f < 70 Hz: <3% of the set value
Temperature : -20°C bis +70°C
Aux. voltage : no influence in the permissible range
230 76
36 16 68.7
Please observe:
A distance of 50 mm is necessary when the units are mounted one below the other for the housing bonnet to be
easily opened. The front cover can be open downwards.
10 Order form
Power measuring
Rated current: 1A 1
5A 5
Marketing Offices :
AHMEDABAD: +91 79 30074534/35/36 FAX : +91 79 30074519 BANGALORE: +91 80 25586147, 25594939 FAX : +91 25584839
BHUBANESWAR : +91 674 2507265 FAX : +91 674 2507265 CHANDIGARH : +91 172 272613, 3062624 FAX : +91 172 2726153
CHENNAI : +91 44 39180531/32/33/34 FAX :+91 44 39180514 DELHI : +91 11 30838822-25 Fax :+91 11 30838826 HYDERABAD : +91 40 27813003
FAX : +91 40 27812987 KOLKATA : +91 33 22275850/51 FAX : +91 33 22275849 MUMBAI : +91 22 24114727/28 FAX : +91 22 24126631
NAGPUR : +91 712 5616651 FAX : +91 712 5616651 PUNE : +91 20 30283244/45 FAX : +91 20 30283245 RAIPUR : +91 771 320852433/34
High-Tech Range
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
U< U> ON
30 31% 50 52%
0 2 0 4
0 4 0 8
U< 0 U> 0 16
0 16 0 32
X1 X2 X1 X2
0 0.1s 0 0.1s
0 0.2 0 0.2
tU< 0 0.4 tU> 0 0.4
0 0.8 0 0.8
0 1.6 0 1.6
X1 X20 X1 X20
1. Introduction 7. Housing
6.2.2 Setting of the pickup value for the 9.2 Auxiliary voltage
undervoltage supervision U<
9.3 Common Data
6.2.3 Setting of the pickup value for the earth-
fault voltage supervision UE> (IRU1-E 9.4 Output relays
9.5 System data
6.2.4 Setting of trip delay
9.6 Setting ranges and steps
6.2.5 Indication of faults
9.7 Dimensional drawing
6.3 Reset
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
1. Introduction 2. Application
The voltage supervision relay IRU1 generally protects
When compared with traditional protection systems the power generating systems, consumers or electrical
protective relaying with MR - and IR -relays of our equipment in case of under or overvoltage.
HIGH TECH RANGE offers several advantages.
Among other the relay can be used:
All MR protection relays are based on microprocessor
technology. They present the generation of our most
efficient protection relays, because of their capabilties to detect voltage increase or decrease in power-
to process the measuring values digitally and to generating systems and energy supply networks
perform arithmetical and logical operation.
to protect from dangerous overvoltage in case of
a faulty voltage controller
Additional advantages such as very low power to protect motors against undervoltage
consumption, adaptability, possibilities for self-
supervision, flexible construction, selection of relay to protect the generator stator against earth-fault
characteristics are completely utilized. (IRU1-E only)
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
4. Design
4.1 Connections
L1 L2 L3 L+/L L-/N
C9 E9 D9
U< D1
A a A3
Trip C1
l l U< tU<
A4 D2
B b A5 C2
l l U< E2
C c A7
l l
A8 U31
L1 L2 L3 L+/L L-/N
C9 E9 D9
U> D3
A a A3
Trip C3
l l U> TU>
A4 D4
B b A5 C4
l l >U E4
C c A7
l l
A8 U31
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
L+/L L-/N
L1 L2 L3
C9 E9 D9
A a Trip
l l l U< tU<
A4 D2
B b A5
l l l U< l E2
C c l
l l
A8 U31
U> l C3
U> C4
U> tU> Trip E4
L1 L2 L3 L+/L L-/N
C9 E9 D9
Trip C1
A e E1
l UE> tUE> D2
l A4 UE> l
50/60Hz tUE>
C n
l Reset
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
Via terminals A3 to A8, the analog input signals of the Output relay IRU1-UO
phase-to-neutral or phase-to-phase voltages are fed to
the protective device. In medium- and high-voltage
networks voltage transfomers are necessary. In low- The IRU1-UO is equipped with one tripping relay for
voltage networks the mains voltage can be applied overvoltage and one for undervoltage supervision each
directly to the measuring input circuits. with two change-over contacts:
Both connections of each input transformer are led to Tripping U<: D1, C1, E1; D2, C2, E2
terminals. Due to this phase-to-neutral or phase-to- (also available at the IRU1-U)
phase voltage supervision is possible.
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
30 31% 50 52% 50 52%
0 2 0 4 0 4
0 4 0 8 0 8
U< 0 U> 0 U> 0 16
8 16
0 16 0 32 0 32
X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2
Fig. 4.5: Front plate IRU1-UO Fig. 4.7: Front plate IRU1-O
30 31% 0 1%
0 2 0 2
0 4 0 4
U< 0
UE> 0 8
0 16 0 16
X1 X2 X1 X2
0 0.1s 0 0.1s
0 0.2 0 0.2
tU< 0 0.4 tUE> 0 0.4
0 0.8 0 0.8
0 1.6 0 1.6
X1 X20 X1 X20
Fig. 4.6: Front plate IRU1-U Fig. 4.8: Front plate IRU1-E
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
The front plate of IRU1-UO comprises the following 4.3 Code jumper
operation- and indication elements:
At the rear of the front plate, are coding plugs for pre-
4 DIP-switches sets of for the setting of tripping adjustment of the LEDs’ function as well as for the trip
values and trip delays relays function.
5 LEDs for the indication of faults and the
readiness for service IRU1-UO four coding plugs
1 pushbutton <RESET> IRU1-E two coding plugs
ready for service LED ON (green)
At delivery of the relay all coding plugs are equipped
undervoltage alarm U<, top LED (yellow) with code jumpers.
overvoltage alarm U>, top LED (yellow) The coding plugs are used for the following functions:
undervoltage trip U<, bottom LED (red) coding plugs 1 + 2 undervoltage-element (U<)
overvoltage trip U>, bottom LED (red) coding plugs 3 + 4 overvoltage-element (U>)
The IRU1-E front plate provides three LEDs, for For further information please refer to 6.3.2
indication of the following operation modes:
Front plate
ready for service LED ON (green)
residual voltage alarm UE> , top LED (yellow)
residual voltage trip UE>, bottom LED (red) U< U> ON
4.2.2 DIP-switches
U< U>
The 4 sets of DIP-switches on the front plate of the
IRU1-UO serve to adjust tripping values and times.
tU< tU>
Code jumper
The pushbutton <RESET> is used to acknowledge and
1 23 4
reset the LEDs and the tripping relay after a tripping
with the appropriate pre-adjustment (see 4.3). Code jumper ON
Indications and output-elements, which are coded on
latching, have to be reset manually by pressing Code jumper OFF
pushbutton <RESET>.
Fig. 4.9: Code jumper
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
trips. 0 4
0 8
For the overvoltage supervision, the highest value of
0 16 U>: (52+4+8) x 2 = 128% U N
the three voltages, for the undervoltage supervision,
0 32
the lowest value of the three voltages is evaluated.
x1 x2
The IRU1-E is equipped with a one-phase and one-
step voltage supervision (U E>) with adjustable pickup
values and time delays. The extremely wide voltage Fig 6.1: Setting example
setting range has fine steps. Hereby the residual voltage
is continuously compared with the set reference values. 6 . 2 . 2 Setting of the pickup value for
the undervoltage supervision U<
Measuring principle of IRU1-E :
With the aid of DIP-switch U< it is possible to adjust the
The incoming analog voltage is galvanically decoupled pickup value for the U< tripping element in the range
via the input voltage transformer with subsequently of 30 - 122 % UN. The pickup value is calculated from
electronic data acquisition. the sum of the individual factors multiplied by the
With the help of a low-pass filter and a following band- adjusted multiplication factor.
pass filter the 3rd harmonic will be suppressed. The Example:
measured values will be compared with the set
reference value. The relay picks up the trip delay will A tripping value of 90 % U N is to be adjusted.
be activated and the corresponding LED lights up if the
measured value exceeds the set reference value. After 30 31%
the trip delay has expired the relay trips. 0 2
0 4
6. Operations and settings 8
U<: (31+2+4+8) x 2 = 90% U N
6.1 Layout of the operating elements 0
x1 x2
All DIP-switches required for the setting of parameters
are located on the front plate.
Fig 6.2: Setting example
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
6.2.3 Setting of the pickup value for the 6.2.5 Indication of faults
earth-fault voltage supervision
UE> ( IRU1-E only) For the fault indication the IRU1-UO front plate
provides two LEDs for each function:
With the aid of DIP-switch UE> it is possible to adjust the
pickup value for the earth-fault voltage supervision in U>: upper LED indicates alarm (yellow),
the range of 1 - 62 % of U N. The pickup value is
lower LED indicates trip (red)
calculated from the sum of all individual values
multiplied by the adjusted multiplication factor. U<: upper LED indicates alarm (yellow)
lower LED indicates trip (red).
A tripping value of 20 % of U N is to be adjusted. 6.3 Reset
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
The IRU1 can be supplied in an individual housing for The plug-in module has a very compact base with plug
flush-mounting or as a plug-in module for installation connectors and screwed-type connectors.
in a 19" mounting rack according to DIN 41494. Both
versions have plug connectors.
8 poles screw-type terminals (terminal connectors
series A with a short time current capability of
Relays of variant D are complete devices for flush 500 A/1s) for voltage circuits.
mounting, whereas relays of variant A are used for 27 poles screw-type terminals for relay outputs,
19“ rack mounting. Housing variant A to be installed in supply voltage etc. (terminal connectors series C,
switchboards of protection class IP51. For switch- D and E, max. 6 A current carrying capacity).
boards of lower protection classes housing variant D Connection with tabs 6.3 x 0.8 mm for cable up
can be used. to max. 1.5 mm 2 or with tabs 2.8 x 0.8 mm for
cable up to max. 1 mm 2.
7.1 Individual housing
By using 2.8 x 0.8 mm tabs a bridge connection
The individual housing of the IRU1 is constructed for between different poles is possible.
flush-mounting. The dimensions of the mounting frame
correspond to the requirements of DIN 43700 (76 x The following figure shows the terminal block of IRU1
142 mm). The cut-out for panel mounting is 68.7 x
136.5 mm.
7.2 Rack mounting
The IRU1 is in general suitable for installation in a
modular carrier according to DIN 41494. The 6
According to requirements, the IRU1-devices can be 9
delivered mounted in 19" racks.
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
Voltage Supply
L+/L L-/N
C9 E9 D9
3 A3
L1 l l ~
V U1
N l l
U2 +
l A6
A7 D1
+ U3 C1
Timer U< Trip Signal
Start A8 E1
- 4
- D3
Stop U> Trip Signal C3
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
8.3.3 Testing of pickup- and reset values When testing the trip delay of the overvoltage pickup
(IRU1-UO) value, the test voltage must be higher than the pickup
value itself (e.g. pickup value +20 %). Same
procedure has to be done in the similar manner for
For testing the pickup values of U> and U<, the test testing the trip delay of the undervoltage pickup value.
voltage (AC) has to be connected to the relay (terminals
A3 / A4). When testing the overvoltage pickup value,
at first the test voltage has to be lower than the set The measured trip delay must not deviate from the set
pickup value for U>. Then the test voltage has to be trip delay by more than ±3 % or ±20 ms.
gradually increased until the relay picks up. This will be
indicated by the upper LED U> (yellow). Reading of the
voltmeter must not deviate from the pickup value U> 8.3.5 Pickup-and reset value test for the
by more than ±1%. earth-fault element (IRU1-E)
For ascertaining the reset value of the overvoltage For testing the earth-fault element a single-phase test
pickup value, the test voltage has to be slowly voltage has to be connected to the relay (terminals A3/
decreased until the output relay U> is de-energized A4). This test can be carried out in the similar manner
(on condition of appropriate encoding). Upper LED U> as described in chapter 8.3.3.
then extinguishes.
8.3.4 Trip delay test (IRU1-UO) Maintenance testing is generally done on site at regular
intervals. These intervals vary among users depending
on many factors: e.g. the type of protective relays
For testing the trip delay a timer has to be connected employed; the importance of the primary equipment
to the output relay U> or U<. being protected; the users past experience with the
The timer has to be started at the same time as the test relay, etc.
voltage will be switched on, and be stopped in the For static relays like IRU1, maintenance testing will be
instant of relay trip. performed at least once a year according to the
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
9. Technical Data
9.1 Measuring input
Rated data
Nominal voltage UN : 100, 230, 400 V
Nominal frequency f N : 50/60 Hz
Power consumption in
voltage circuit : <1 VA/per phase at U N
Thermal withstand capability in
voltage circuit : Continuously 2 x UN (IRU1)
Continuously 1.2 x U N (IRU1-E)
9.2 Auxiliary voltage
Rated auxiliary voltage U H : 24 V working range 16 - 60 V AC / 16 - 80 V DC
110 V working range 50 - 270 V AC / 70 - 360 V DC
Power consumption at 24 V : at 24 V standby approx. 3 W operating approx. 6 W
at 110 V standby approx. 3 W operating approx. 6 W
9.3 Common Data
Permissible interruption of the
supply voltage without influence
on the unit function : 50 ms
Drop-out ratio : U>: > 97 %
U<: < 103 %
UE> : > 97 %
Returning time : 30 ms
Min. response time : 30 ms
9.4 Output relays
The output relays have the following characteristics:
maximum breaking capacity : 250 V AC / 1500 VA / continuous current 6 A
for DC-voltage:
Max. rated making current : 64 A (VDE 0435/0972 and IEC 65/VDE 0860/8.86)
mechanical life span : 30 x 106 operating cycles
electrical life span : 2 x 10 5 operating cycles at 220 V AC / 6 A
Contact material : silver cadmium oxide (AgCdO)
IRU1- AC Voltage Relay
9.7 Dimensional drawing
230 76
36 16 68.7
Cut Out Dimensions
Installation Depth : 275mm
All dimensions in : mm
Please observe:
A distance of 50 mm is necessary when the units are mounted one below the other for the housing bonnet
to be easily opened. The front cover can be opened downwards.
Function Undervoltage AC U
Overvoltage AC O
Zero voltage (Earth fault detection) E
Under and overvoltage AC UO
Rated Voltage 100 V 1
230 V 2
400 V 4
Auxiliary voltage 24 V (16 to 60 V AC/16 to 80 V DC) L
110 V (50 to 270 V AC/70 to 360 V DC) H
Housing (12TE) 19” rack A
Flush mounting D
Marketing Offices :
AHMEDABAD: +91 79 30074534/35/36 FAX : +91 79 30074519 BANGALORE: +91 80 25586147, 25594939 FAX : +91 25584839
BHUBANESWAR : +91 674 2507265 FAX : +91 674 2507265 CHANDIGARH : +91 172 272613, 3062624 FAX : +91 172 2726153
CHENNAI : +91 44 39180531/32/33/34 FAX :+91 44 39180514 DELHI : +91 11 30838822-25 Fax :+91 11 30838826 HYDERABAD : +91 40 27813003
FAX : +91 40 27812987 KOLKATA : +91 33 22275850/51 FAX : +91 33 22275849 MUMBAI : +91 22 24114727/28 FAX : +91 22 24126631
NAGPUR : +91 712 5616651 FAX : +91 712 5616651 PUNE : +91 20 30283244/45 FAX : +91 20 30283245 RAIPUR : +91 771 320852433/34