Mri1-Iu: Voltage Controlled Time Overcurrent Relay
Mri1-Iu: Voltage Controlled Time Overcurrent Relay
Mri1-Iu: Voltage Controlled Time Overcurrent Relay
2 TD_MRI1-IU_05.04_GB
1 Introduction and application 2 Features and characteristics
The digital multifunctional relay MRI1-IU is an universal • Digital filtering of the measured values by using dis-
protection device for alternators and other equipment. crete Fourier analysis to suppress the high frequence
It provides the following functions: harmonics and DC components induced by faults or
• Independent (definite) time overcurrent protection system operations
(DMT) • Selectable protective functions between:
• Inverse time overcurrent protection (IDMT) with the definite time overcurrent relay and
following selectable characteristics: inverse time overcurrent relay
Normal Inverse • Selectable inverse time characteristics according to
Very Inverse BS 142 and IEC 255-4:
Extremely Inverse Normal Inverse
Automatic change over characteristic by Very Inverse
undervoltage Extremely Inverse
• Reset setting for inverse time characteristics select-
• High set overcurrent unit with instantaneous or de-
finite time function.
• Two-element (low and high set) overcurrent relay.
• Voltage controlled characteristic
• Measuring of phase currents in operation without
short-circuit storage of tripping values
• Numerical display of setting values and actual
measured values.
• Withdrawable modules with automatic short circuit
of C.T. inputs when modules are withdrawn.
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3 Design
3.1 Connections
The protection unit receives the analogue input signals The blocking functions adjusted before will be blocked
of the phase currents IL1 (B3-B4), IL2 (B5-B6), IL3 B7- if an auxiliary voltage is connected to (terminals)
B8)), as well as the phase voltages via isolated input D8/E8. (Refer to chapter 5.2.10)
transformers in V-connection.
The constantly detected current measuring values are 3.1.4 External reset input
galvanically decoupled, filtered and finally fed to the
analogue/digital converter. Please refer to chapter 5.4.
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3.2 LEDs 4 Working principle
The LEDs left from the display are partially bi-coloured, 4.1 Analogue circuits
the green indicating measuring, and the red fault indi-
cation. The incoming currents from the main current transform-
ers on the protected object are converted to voltage
The LED marked with letters RS lights up during setting signals in proportion to the currents via the input trans-
of the slave address of the device for serial data com- formers and burden. The noise signals caused by in-
munication. ductive and capacitive coupling are suppressed by an
analogue R-C filter circuit.
The 5 LEDs arranged at the characteristic points on the
setting curves support the comfortable setting menu se- The analogue voltage signals are fed to the A/D-
lection. converter of the microprocessor and transformed to
digital signals through Sample- and Hold-circuits. The
analogue signals are sampled at 50 Hz (60 Hz) with
a sampling frequency of 800 Hz (960 Hz), namely, a
sampling rate of 1.25 ms (1.04 ms) for every measur-
ing quantity. (16 scans per period).
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4.2 Digital circuits Switching-over at undervoltage (Example ISL = 0.5)
4.3 Voltage controlled tripping The current transformers have to be rated in such a
characteristic way, that a saturation should not occur within the fol-
lowing operating current ranges:
The voltage controlled time overcurrent relay MRI1-IU
is the combination of a time overcurrent relay (basic Independent time overcurrent function: K1 = 2
unit MRI1) and an additional undervoltage supervision Inverse time overcurrent function: K1 = 20
unit. High-set function: K1 = 1.2 - 1.5
K1 = Current factor related to set value
The undervoltage supervision unit has an influence on
the tripping delay of the overcurrent and short-circuit Moreover, the current transformers have to be rated
steps by switching two setting points. In normal opera- according to the maximum expected short circuit cur-
tion (at nominal voltage) the MRI1-IU operates like a rent in the network or in the protected objects.
normal time overcurrent relay with preselected tripping The low power consumption in the current circuit of
characteristic (IDMT, DMT) and adjusted pick up value MRI1, namely <0,2 VA, has a positive effect on the
IS. selection of current transformers. It implies that, if an
electromechanical relay is replaced by MRI1, a high
The following diagram explains the switching-over to accuracy limit factor is automatically obtained by using
another IS value. ISN is the pickup value during nor- the same current transformer.
mal operation and ISL at undervoltage (low voltage).
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5 Operation and setting
5.1 Display
The table below shows how the display and LED´s indicate the set values of MRI1-IU
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5.2 Setting procedure 5.2.2 Time current characteristics for
phase overcurrent element
After push button <SELECT/RESET> has been pressed, (CHAR I>)
always the next measuring value is indicated. Firstly
the operating measuring values are indicated and then By setting this parameter, one of the following
the setting parameters. By pressing the <ENTER> push 4 messages appears on the display:
button the setting values can directly be called up and
changed. DEFT - Definite Time
NINV - Normal Inverse
VINV - Very Inverse
5.2.1 Current setting values for EINV - Extremely Inverse
overcurrent relay (ISN und ISL)
Anyone of these four characteristics can be chosen by
When adjusting the setting values ISN (during normal using <+> <->-push buttons, and can be stored by us-
operation) and ISL (during undervoltage) the values ing <ENTER>-push button.
shown on the display are related to the nominal cur-
rent IN.
5.2.3 Trip delay or time multiplier for
This means: phase overcurrent element (tI>)
Pickup current (ISN) = displayed value x rated current
(IN) Usually, after the characteristic is changed, the time
delay or the time multiplier should be changed accord-
e.g. if displayed value = 1.25, then Is = 1.25 x IN. ingly. In order to avoid an unsuitable arrangement of
relay modes due to carelessness of the operator, the
The pickup of the relay is indicated by the flashing LED following precautions are taken:
I>. LED U flashes red.
The pickup value ISL is also indicated by the flashing After the characteristic setting, the setting process turns
LED I>. LED U however flashes red. to the time delay setting automatically. The LED tI> is
going to flash yellow to remind the operator to change
the time delay setting accordingly. After pressing the
<SELECT>-push button, the present time delay setting
value is shown on the display. The new setting value
can then be changed by using <+> <-> -push buttons.
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5.2.4 Reset setting for inverse time 5.2.7 Undervoltage set reference value
tripping characteristics in the
phase current path When adjusting the undervoltage switching point a
value in volt is shown on the display.
To ensure tripping, even with recurring fault pulses The LED U flashes red during the setting.
shorter than the set trip delay, the reset mode for in-
verse time tripping characteristics can be switched
over. If the adjustment tRST is set at 60s, the tripping 5.2.8 Nominal frequency
time is only reset after 60s faultless condition. This
function is not available if tRST is set to 0. With fault The adapted FFT-algorithm requires the nominal fre-
current cease the trip delay is reset immediately and quency as a parameter for correct digital sampling
started again at recurring fault current. and filtering of the input currents.
When the current setting for high set element is set out
of range (on display appears "EXIT"), the high set ele-
ment of the overcurrent relay is blocked.
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5.2.10 Blocking the protection functions
and assignment of the output
Blocking the protection functions: The relays are assigned as follows: LEDs I>, I>>, are
The blocking function of the MRI1-IU can be set ac- two-coloured and light up green when the output re-
cording to requirement. By applying the aux. voltage lays are assigned as alarm relays and red as trip-
to D8/E8, the functions chosen by the user are ping relays.
blocked. Setting of the parameter should be done as Definition:
follows: Alarm relays are activated at pickup.
• When pressing push buttons <ENTER> and <TRIP> Tripping relays are only activated after elapse of the
at the same time, message "BLOC" is displayed (i.e. tripping delay.
the respective function is blocked) or "NO_B" After the assignment mode has been activated, first
(i.e. the respective function is not blocked). The LED LED I> lights up green. Now one or several of the four
allocated to the first protection function I> lights red. output relays can be assigned to current element I> as
• By pressing push buttons <+> <-> the value dis- alarm relays. At the same time the selected alarm re-
played can be changed. lays for frequency element 1 are indicated on the dis-
• The changed value is stored by pressing <ENTER> play. Indication "1_ _ _" means that output relay 1 is
and entering the password. assigned to this current element. When the display
• By pressing the <SELECT/RESET> push button, any shows "_ _ _ _", no alarm relay is assigned to this cur-
further protection function which can be blocked is rent element. The assignment of output relays 1 - 4 to
displayed. the current elements can be changed by pressing <+>
• Thereafter the blocking menu is left by pressing and <-> push buttons. The selected assignment can be
<SELECT/RESET> again. stored by pressing push button <ENTER> and subse-
quent input of the password. By pressing push button
Function Display LED/Colour <SELECT/RESET>, LED I> lights up red. The output re-
I> Overcurrent NO_B I> yellow lays can now be assigned to this current element as
(Low set) tripping relays.
I>> Overcurrent BLOC I>> yellow
(High set) Relays 1 - 4 are selected in the same way as de-
scribed before. By repeatedly pressing of the
Table 5.3: Default settings of blocking functions <SELECT/RESET> push button and assignment of the
relays all elements can be assigned separately to the
Assignment of the output relays: relays. The assignment mode can be terminated at any
The relay has five output relays. The fifth output relay is time by pressing the <SELECT/RESET> push button for
provided as permanent alarm relay for self supervision some time (abt. 3 s).
is normally on. Output relays 1 - 4 are normally off Note:
and can be assigned as alarm or tripping relays to the • The function of jumper J2 described in general de-
current functions which can either be done by using scription "MR Digital Multifunctional Relays" has no
the push buttons on the front plate or via serial inter- function. For relays without assignment mode this
face RS485. The assignment of the output relays is jumper is used for parameter setting of alarm relays
similar to the setting of parameters, however, only in (activation at pickup or tripping).
the assignment mode. The assignment mode can be • A form is attached to this description where the set-
reached only via the blocking mode. ting requested by the customer can be filled-in. This
By pressing push button <SELECT/RESET> in blocking form is prepared for telefax transmission and can
mode again, the assignment mode is selected. be used for your own reference as well as for tele-
phone queries.
Table 5.4: Example of assignment matrix of the output relay (default settings).
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5.3 Indication of measuring values 5.4 Reset
and fault data
Unit MRI1-IU has the following three possibilities to re-
5.3.1 Indication of measuring values set the display of the unit as well as the output relay at
jumper position J3=ON.
The following measuring quantities can be indicated
on the display during normal service: Manual Reset
• Apparent current in phase 1 (LED L1 green) • Pressing the push button <SELECT/RESET> for some
• Apparent current in phase 2 (LED L2 green) time (about 3 s)
• Apparent current in phase 3 (LED L3 green)
• Phase to phase voltage U12 (LED L1, L2, U green) Electrical Reset
• Phase to phase voltage U23 (LED L1, L3, U green) • Through applying auxiliary voltage to C8/D8
• Phase to phase voltage U31 (LED L1, L3, U green)
Software Reset
• The software reset has the same effect as the
5.3.2 Indication of fault data <SELECT/RESET> push button (see also communica-
tion protocol of RS485 interface).
All of the faults detected by the relay are indicated on
the front panel optically. The three phase LEDs L1, L2, The display can only be reset when the pickup is not
L3, the undervoltage LED U and the two function LEDs present anymore (otherwise "TRIP" remains in display).
I>, I>> are used to indicate the fault events.
During resetting of the display the parameters are not
At the time when a certain relay function is energised affected.
by a fault, the corresponding function LED lights up yel-
low. At the same time, the phase LED(s) is (are) flash-
ing red to indicate the faulty phase(s).
TB MRI1-IU 10.98 E 11
6 Relay testing and 6.3 Checking the set values
The test instructions following below help to verify the By repeatedly pressing the push button <SELECT>, all
protection relay performance before or during commis- relay set values may be checked. Set value modifica-
sioning of the protection system. To avoid a relay tion can be done with the push button <+><-> and
damage and to ensure a correct relay operation, be <ENTER>. For detailed information about that, please
sure that: refer to chapter 5.
• the auxiliary power supply rating corresponds to the For a correct relay operation, be sure that the fre-
auxiliary voltage on site. quency set value (f=50/60) has been selected ac-
• the rated current and rated voltage of the relay cor- cording to your system frequency (50 or 60 Hz).
respond to the plant data on site.
• the current transformer circuits and voltage trans-
former circuits are connected to the relay correctly. 6.4 Secondary injection test
• all signal circuits and output relay circuits are con-
nected correctly. 6.4.1 Test equipment
Prior to commencing this test, interrupt the trip circuit to
the circuit breaker if tripping is not desired.
By pressing the push button <TRIP> once, the display
shows the first part of the software version of the relay
(e.g. „D08-“). By pressing the push button <TRIP>
twice, the display shows the second part of the soft-
ware version of the relay (e.g. „4.01“). The software
version should be quoted in all correspondence. Press-
ing the <TRIP> button once more, the display shows
"PSW?". Please enter the correct password to proceed
with the test. The message "TRI?" will follow. Confirm
this message by pressing the push button <TRIP>
again. All output relays and LEDs should then be acti-
vated and the self supervision alarm relay (watchdog)
be deactivated one after another with a time interval
3 second. Thereafter, reset all output relays back to their
normal positions by pressing the push button
<SELECT/RESET> (about 3 s).
12 TD_MRI1-IU_05.04_GB
6.4.2 Example of test circuit for MRI1-IU
relays without directional feature
For testing MRI1-IU relays current and voltage input The three phase voltage should be adjustable within
signals are required. Figure 6.1 shows an example of the effective operating range of the undervoltage ele-
a test circuit connected to the MRI1-IU relay under test. ment and have a phase relationship apart from 120°.
For testing relays with voltage controlled feature, three The current inputs could be single or three phase.
phase voltages from a variable voltage source should
be applied to the relay with a V-connection as shown
in the diagram.
Apply three phase rated voltage (e.g. 100 V phase to Compare the displayed current and voltage value with
phase) to the voltage input circuits (terminals A3, A5, the reading of the ammeter and voltmeter. The devia-
A7) and inject a current, which is less than the relay tion must not exceed 3%. By using an RMS-metering
pickup current set values, in phase 1 (terminals B3-B4), instrument, a greater deviation may be observed if the
and check the measured current on the display by test current contains harmonics. Because the MRI1-IU
pressing the push button <SELECT/RESET>. For a re- relay measures only the fundamental component of the
lay with rated current In = 5A, for example, a secon- input signals, the harmonics will be rejected by the in-
dary current injection of 1A should be indicated on the ternal DFFT-digital filter. Whereas the RMS-metering in-
display with about 0.2 (0.2 x In). The voltage will be strument measures the RMS-value of the input signals.
indicated on the display in volts. The current can be
also injected into the other current input circuits (Phase
2: terminals B5-B6, Phase 3: terminals B7-B8).
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6.4.4 Checking the operating and 6.4.6 Checking the high set element
resetting values of the relay under of the relay
normal and low voltage
Set a current above the set operating value of I>>. In-
Apply three phase voltages 5% above the undervolt- ject the current instantaneously and check that the
age set value and inject a current which is less than alarm output relay I>> (contact terminals D5/E5) op-
the relay low set current at low voltage condition in erates. Check the tripping time of the high set element
phase 1 of the relay. Gradually increase the current according chapter 6.4.5.
until the relay starts, i.e. at the moment when the LED
I> and L1 light up or the alarm output relay I> is acti- Check the accuracy of the operating current setting by
vated. Read the operating current indicated by the gradually increasing the injected current until the I>>
ammeter. The deviation must not exceed 5% of the element picks up. Read the current value form the am-
pickup current at nominal voltage condition. meter and compare with the desired setting.
Furthermore, gradually decrease the current until the re-
lay resets, i.e. the alarm output relay I> is disengaged. Repeat the entire test on other phases in the same
Check that the resetting current is smaller than 0.97 manner.
times the operating current.
Apply three phase voltages 5% below the undervolt- Note !
age set value. Do the same test as above mentioned Where test currents >4 x IN are used, the thermal with-
and check the relay operating current value and reset- stand capability of the current paths has to be consid-
ting value at low voltage condition. ered (see technical data, chapter 7.1).
Repeat the test on phase 2, phase 3 in the same man-
6.4.7 Checking the external blocking and
reset functions
6.4.5 Checking the relay operating time
The external blocking input inhibits e. g. the function of
the high set element of the phase current. To test the
To check the relay operating time, a timer must be blocking function apply auxiliary supply voltage to the
connected to the trip output relay contact. The timer external blocking input of the relay (terminals E8/D8).
should be started simultaneously with the current injec- The time delay tI> should be set to EXIT for this test. In-
tion in the current input circuit and stopped by the trip ject a test current which could cause a high set (I>>)
relay contact. Set the current to a value corresponding tripping. Observe that there is no trip and alarm for the
to twice the operating value and inject the current in- high set element.
stantaneously. The operating time measured by the
timer should have a deviation of less than 3% of the set Remove the auxiliary supply voltage from the blocking
value or ±10 ms (DEFT). Accuracy for inverse time input. Inject a test current to trip the relay (message
characteristics refer to IEC 255-3. „TRIP“ on the display). Interrupt the test current and ap-
Repeat the test on the other phases or with the inverse ply auxiliary supply voltage to the external reset input
time characteristics in the similar manner. of the relay (terminals C8/D8). The display and LED
In case of inverse time characteristics the injected cur- indications should be reset immediately.
rent should be selected according to the characteristic
curve, e.g. two times IS. The tripping time may be red
from the characteristic curve diagram or calculated
with the equations given under "technical data".
Please observe that during the secondary injection test
the test current must be very stable, not deviating more
than 1%. Otherwise the test results may be wrong.
14 TD_MRI1-IU_05.04_GB
6.5 Primary injection test 6.6 Maintenance
Generally, a primary injection test could be carried out Maintenance testing is generally done on site at regu-
in the similar manner as the secondary injection test lar intervals. These intervals vary among users depend-
described above. With the difference that the pro- ing on many factors: e.g. the type of protective relays
tected power system should be, in this case, con- employed; the importance of the primary equipment
nected to the installed relays under test „on line“, and being protected; the user's past experience with the re-
the test currents and voltages should be injected to the lay, etc.
relay through the current and voltage transformers with
the primary side energised. Since the cost and poten- For electromechanical or static relays, maintenance
tial hazards are very high for such a test, primary in- testing will be performed at least once a year accord-
jection tests are usually limited to very important protec- ing to the experiences. For digital relays like MRI1,
tive relays in the power system. this interval can be substantially longer. This is be-
Because of its powerful combined indicating and
measuring functions, the MRI1-IU relay may be tested • the MRI1-IU relays are equipped with very wide self-
in the manner of a primary injection test without extra supervision functions, so that many faults in the relay
expenditure and time consumption. can be detected and signalised during service. Im-
In actual service, for example, the measured current portant: The self-supervision output relay must be
values on the MRI1-IU relay display may be compared connected to a central alarm panel!
phase by phase with the current indications of the • the combined measuring functions of MRI1-IU relays
ammeter of the switchboard to verify that the relay enable supervision the relay functions during service.
works and measures correctly. • the combined TRIP test function of the MRI1-IU relay
allows to test the relay output circuits.
TD_MRI1-IU_05.04_GB 15
7 Technical data
Thermal withstand in
voltage circuit: continuously 1.5 x UN
16 TD_MRI1-IU_05.04_GB
7.3 Setting ranges and steps
Normal Inverse t= t > [ s]
0,02 I
135 ,
Very Inverse t= t > [ s]
Extremely Inverse t= t > [ s]
2 I
− 1
TD_MRI1-IU_05.04_GB 17
7.4 Inverse time characteristics
100 100
8.0 tI>=
t[s] 6.0 t[s] 10
10 10.0
4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0
2.0 4.0
0.8 1 1.4
0.6 1.0
0.5 0.8
1 0.4 0.6
0.3 0.4
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20
0.02 4.0
t[s] 10
t[s] 260
tI>= tI>
10.0 1
1 4.0 0.03
3.0 I>>
1.0 40
2.0 2.0
1.0 tI>>
0.8 0.1
0.1 0.5
0.3 0.03
0.05 0.1
0.01 0.01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 1 10
Figure 7.2: Extremely Inverse Figure 7.4 Definite time overcurrent relay
18 TD_MRI1-IU_05.04_GB
8 Order form
Code jumper J1 J2 J3
Default setting Actual setting Default setting Actual setting Default setting Actual setting
Plugged no function
Not plugged X X
TD_MRI1-IU_05.04_GB 19
Setting list MRI1
Note !
All settings must be checked at site and should the occasion arise, adjusted to the object/item to be protected.
Default Actual
Function Unit settings settings
I>SNormal Low set current at nominal voltage x In 0.2
I>SLow Low set current at low voltage x In 0.2
CHAR I> Tripping characteristics DEFT
tI> Time delay at independent time s 0.03
tI> Time multiflier at dependent time characteristics
tI> Reset Reset Modus for dependent time characteristics
I>>SNormal High set current at nominal voltage x In 1.0
I>>SLow High set current at low voltage x In 1.0
tI>> Time delay s 0.03
U Threshold value for undervoltage setting V 10V/20V/40V *
Rated frequency Hz 50
RS Slave address 1
All settings must be checked at site and should the occarision arise, adjusted to the object/item to be protected.
20 TD_MRI1-IU_05.04_GB
TD_MRI1-IU_05.04_GB 21
Phone: +49 (0) 21 52 145 216 or 342 Telefax: +49 (0) 21 52 145 354
Phone: +49 (0) 21 52 145 614 Telefax: +49 (0) 21 52 145 455