Before Reading:: Chose A Word From The List To Complete Each Sentence
Before Reading:: Chose A Word From The List To Complete Each Sentence
Before Reading:: Chose A Word From The List To Complete Each Sentence
The protagonist in most novels features the main character or “good guy”. The protagonist of The Call of the
Wild is not a person, but a dog, Buck, whose life goes through some dramatic changes when he is kidnapped
and taken far from his home and beloved master. Think back on some of your favorite characters from past
novels you have read or movies you’ve seen. What do you think makes for an especially interesting
protagonist – one you find hard to forget?
Chose a word from the list to complete each sentence.
demesne imperious consignment progeny treachery
eloquent conveyance metamorphosed conciliated impartial
1. During his stay, the shy boxer __________ into a savage dog.
2. The dog sled was the most convenient __________ for most travelers in the arctic.
3. It was odd that so many of the Dalmatian’s __________ were not spotted.
4. The principal of the school had quite an _________ attitude and expected to be obeyed.
5. The audience recognized the councilman to be very __________ speaker.
6. The father __________ his angry daughter with calming words and a piece of candy.
7. It is most imperative that a referee be __________ no matter what team is playing.
8. Buck felt that he had the right to rule over his vast __________
9. The public demanded a trial to judge the __________ of the two assassins.
10. The __________ of food was sorted in the store room before being sold.
Multiple Choice
1. Buck is __________ years old in this chapter and weighed __________ pounds.
a. 4; 140 c. 3; 130
b. 5; 145 d. 4; 135
2. Bucks father was a huge __________?
a. Bulldog c. Golden Retriever
b. Siberian Husky d. Saint Bernard
3. How did the man that Manuel sold Buck to manage to control him?
a. A shock collar c. a rope that choked him
b. A club d. kicking him
Comprehension and Analysis
9. How was the club a revelation to Buck?
11. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. Be sure to add a
caption or explain your photo.
Every good story usually needs an interesting antagonist ("bad guy"). In the coming chapters we meet several possible
candidates for this special category. Think about some other books you have read which have featured an antagonist that
you have really disliked. What characteristics do you think makes for an effective antagonist?
Match the vocabulary words to their definition
True or False?
4. Life on the Dyea beach was calm and relaxing. __________
5. The wolf’s manner of fighting is to strike and then leap away. __________
6. Billee and Joe were twins who acted exactly like one another. __________
7. Buck had to eat fast to avoid his food being stolen by other dogs. __________
Comprehension and Analysis
10. The author states about Buck “His development (or retrogression) was rapid.” In
your opinion, was Buck developing or regressing?
12.Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. Be sure to add a
caption or explain your photo.
Chapter Three features an epic battle between Buck and Spitz. It is interesting to see Buck transform from
the bullied to the bully. What do you think would motivate Buck to act this way toward Spitz? Do you think
such behavior could be justified? Why or why not?
Write the correct vocabulary word next to its synonym.
abjectly conspicuous cunning daunted goaded
incomprehensible inexorable marauders pandemonium supremacy
True or False?
4. Buck and Spitz’s first battle was interrupted by a wild dog attack. ___________
5. The final fight between Buck and Spitz was caused by a lack of food. _________
6. Buck defeats Spitz and is the new leader of the pack. ___________
Comprehension and Analysis
9. How does the starving wolves’ attack increase the conflict throughout the chapter?
11. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. Be sure to add a
caption or explain your photo.
Chapter three ends with Buck defeated Spitz in an epic battle. Describe how you would be feeling if you were
Buck at this point in the story.
Match the vocabulary from column one with the synonym from column two.
obdurate swift
comply boring
celerity everlasting
solidarity mournful
monotonous stubborn
resiliency powerful
lugubriously normal
regularity submit
perpetual elasticity
potent unity
Multiple Choice
1. Thirty Mile River can take 10 days to cross, but Buck leads the pack across in ___ days?
a. seven c. three
b. one d. five
2. What does the Scotsman do with Dave when he is too sick to keep pulling the sled?
a. Sells him c. Puts him in the sled
b. Leaves him behind d. Shoots him
3. Why is the Scotsman unable to get the dogs to pull the sled?
a. The load is too heavy c. The don’t trust him
b. He’s poor at leading d. The sled is broken
True or False?
4. After Spitz disappears, Francois tries to make Dave the lead dog. ___________
5. Although Buck is afraid of Fancois’ club, he still refuses to obey him. __________
6. Dave and Sol-leks did not mind the change in leadership. ___________
7. Francois was grief-stricken to leave Buck for the last time. ___________
Comprehension and Analysis
10. Describe the man in Buck’s dreams. What is the significance of these dreams?
What is the author trying to show us with these dreams?
12.Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. Be sure to add a
caption or explain your photo.
Creative chapter titles can really add to a good story. Jack London comes up with some very imaginative
titles for his chapters in this novel, including the one he selected for this particular chapter. Based on what
you’ve read so far, and the title of Chapter 5, what do you think will happen next in Buck’s story?
Choose a word from the list that means the same or nearly the same as the
underlined words in the following sentences.
True or False?
4. Charles’s wife Mercedes is Hal’s sister ___________
5. Thornton says Charles, Hal, and Mercedes can’t continue because they don’t have
enough dogs. __________
6. Buck and his team were replaced by new dogs from Hudson Bay. ___________
Comprehension and Analysis
9. Describe the eventual fate of the new owners. What was the cause of this
unfortunate turn of events? How was Buck spared from this fate?
11. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. Be sure to add a
caption or explain your photo.
Many of the issues in this novel are resolved in the coming chapters. Predict how you think the novel will end.
Use evidence to support your predictions.
Choose the vocabulary word that fits best in the following sentences.
1. The _____________ of the judges was followed even though the teams disagreed with the ruling.
2. You can easily __________________ a small child into doing anything using candies or toys.
3. The _________________ features of the house were pointed out to customers to try and sell
the house quicker.
4. The kids heard ________________ between their parents and a customer during the garage sale.
5. It is typical to have a ____________________ population at schools near military bases, as they
are always moving.
6. After a sharp __________________, the two men healed their relationship with mere kind words.
7. She didn’t know if he would welcome the gift, or if the recent events had left him _____________.
8. He took a sort of __________________ pleasure in irritating the monkeys at the zoo with a laser.
9. As the sky darkened, the feeling of ________________________ doom grew.
10. The single word response was ___________________ and her eyes showed she was sincere.
Multiple Choice
1. What had Thornton frozen the winter before he met Buck?
a. His ears c. His feet
b. His nose d. His hands
2. What is the first time Buck saves Thornton’s life?
a. An Indian attack c. A wolf attack
b. A robbery d. A bar fight
3. What is the first time Buck saves Thornton’s life?
a. A boating accident c. An avalanche
b. A mine collapse d. A fire
Comprehension and Analysis
8. How does Buck feel about Thornton? How do you know? How is it similar to the way
Dave feels about “toiling in the traces”?
10. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. Be sure to add
a caption or explain your photo.
We have met some very interesting characters to this point in the story. Which of the people (or animals)
have you found the most interesting – and why?
Match the vocabulary word with a synonym.
abundance equilibrium imperious irresistible latent
melancholy obliterate pertinacity tangible vigilant
1. destroy ______________________
2. hidden ______________________
3. real; concrete ______________________
4. balance ______________________
5. plethora ______________________
6. determination ______________________
7. watchful ______________________
8. inescapable ______________________
9. overbearing ______________________
10. sadness ______________________
Multiple Choice
1. When Buck first meets a wild wolf, what is the wolf’s reaction to Buck?
a. aggression c. jealousy
b. pity d. fear
2. How long does it take Buck to hunt and kill a bull moose?
a. One day c. Four days
b. Two days d. Eight days
3. When one of the wolves from the pack lunges for Buck, what does Buck do?
a. Shows his belly c. Howls
b. Snaps the wolf’s neck d. Runs away
Comprehension and Analysis
9. What does Buck’s fight with the bear and the moose display about his embrace of
the call? What predictions can you make about Buck’s future?
11. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters. Be sure to add a
caption or explain your photo.