2 D Seismic Reflection Method Using Iso
2 D Seismic Reflection Method Using Iso
2 D Seismic Reflection Method Using Iso
Received May 28, 2013; revised July 1, 2013; accepted August 4, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Nasir Khan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A seismic reflection of Line 12-B belonging to Mianwali Re-entrant was acquired and processed for 2-D interpretation.
The line orients itself NNE-SSW direction. The sections have the shot points from VP-199 to VP-1044. Eleven Reflec-
tors R1, R2, R3, Base Miocene, Pinchout P1, P2, P3, P4, P5P6 (Pinchout) are marked and a basement has been marked
and interpreted. All the reflectors above the basement show a downward bending at the center. The depth of each re-
flector was calculated by iso velocity contour map method. The depth section obtained by this method shows strati-
graphic features like Pinchouts. The reflectors are then correlated with the subsurface structures and stratigraphy of the
Keywords: Seismic Reflection Method Using Iso Velocity Methods; Formation Evaluations; Seismic Processing &
Instruments MDS 16
No of Channels 120
Coverage 3000%
Format SEG B
Sample rate 2 ms
Density 16BPI
Aliasing 125 Hz
Source Vibroseis
No of Vibrators 4
Base of Vibrators 90 m
VP Interval 90 m
No of sweeps 8x4
Sweep frequency 8 - 64 Hz
Geophone Frequency 10 Hz
Group base 90 m
Group width 0
Group Interval 45 m
TR1-----------------TR60 Source
+----------------+ Source
Symmetric Split Spread
All the data is processed by the same basic steps of seismic data processing Figure 5. Map showing the line of section for corelation
[11,12]. purpose.
called the depth sections the depth sections clearly dis- the area. For the interpretation of the given seismic sec-
plays the undulations and dips of deeper reflectors. The tion, two well data and two exposed sections have been
wavelet positions depend only on layer thickness. and incorporated a no of prominent reflectors are visible in
depth section by isovelocity methods is prepared by su- the given seismic section
perimposing the time sections over isovelocity maps and The amount of reflectors coming in the range of vi-
then measuring the velocity of the reflectors by methods broseis point (VP) 199 to 620, are nine including base-
of interpolations under the Vibroseis Point, then the time ments, the reflector 4 could be the base Miocene uncon-
of reflectors is multipled with the velocity of reflectors formity as the result of depth correlated with Isha Kel1
and then dividing it by two we get the depth value. This well match significantly. The depth from the Isakhel well
Procedure is applied for all reflectors. is correlated with average depth of reflector 4 from is-
Mathematically, ovelocity method also the unconformity usually gives
Depth = (V) * (T/2) very strong reflection on seismic data. These can be
If datum lies above MSL, it is to be subtracted from all identified by observing truncations against the reflectors.
depth value which then gives the true depth. The depth The horizon has also been correlated with horizons base,
value reflector varying between the different time inter- siwaliks from Khundiyan well. Here the base siwaliks
vals as below: has been identified as Base of Miocence.
R1 lies between time interval t = 1.25 sec to 1.435 sec
it depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as 4.9.1. Siwaliks
1146.8 m to 1464.3 m. The Rawalpindi Group has been encountered in kundian
R2 lies between time interval t = 1.471 sec to 1.467 and Isakhel, well, so the sediments above base Miocene
sec it depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as are considered siwaliks
1877.025 m to 1518.8 m.
R3 lies between time interval t = 1.62 sec to 1.825 sec 4.9.2. Mesozoic Strata
it depth calculated by isovelocity method is 2126 m. Whole of the Mesozoic starta is absent is kundian well
R4 lies between time interval t = 2.385 sec to 2.485sec While in Isakhel well Triassic and Jurassic strata is pre-
it depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as 3442 sent. Hence as we go and move toward northern part of
m. the area the Triassic and Jurassic strata shows its pres-
R5 lies between time interval t = 2.47 sec to 2.52sec it ence. The interpretation of seismic lines near Khundiyan
depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as 3543.3 indicates the presence of Permiam starta below the Mio-
m. cene.
R6 lies between time interval t = 2.45 sec to 2.56 sec it However towards North reflections between base Mio-
depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as cene and top Permian strata appears truncating against
3526.65 m. base Miocene, these reflections has been interpretated as
R7 lies between time interval t = 2.44 sec to 2.6 sec it Mesozoic data.
depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as 3710
m. 4.9.3. Salt Range Formations
R8 lies between time interval t = 2.48 sec to 2.65 sec it The reflections below the Cambrian starta and above
depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as basement have been interpreted as salt range formations
3690.13 m. because it shows white zone due to Presence of salt.
R9 lies between time interval t = 2.525 sec to 2.7sec it
depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as 3919.6 4.9.4. Basements
m. Basement shows very strong reflections on the seismic
R10 lies between time interval t = 2.575 sec to 2.725 sections also the absence of any reflectors below the
sec it depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as Identified basement confirms its Presence.
4039.7 m.
R11 lies between time interval t = 2.93 sec to 3.08 sec 4.9.5. Note
it depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as In the Northern part of seismic section there lies a fault
4996.9 m. the reasons for it could be plunge of Khisor range as a
result the data seems to be uplifted in the northern por-
4.9. Correlation of the Data with Stratigraphy of tion of seismic section. The data could not be interpreted
the Area further due to poor quality.
Precise correlation of the reflectors in terms of their
4.10. Structural Interpretation
depths with stratigraphy of the concerned area required a
lot of experience, knowledge and details information of On the basis of this interpretation of this seismic lines
one can be deduce the following conclusions: side of Interface when these seismic property is corre-
All the sedimentary strata and basement is dipping lated with the measurement in the bore hole we may be
towards north; able to extend well info through whole seismic volume,
Basement is rising towards south east and exposed This Process is called seismic inversion for reservoir
near Sargodha high. It is dipping towards north. characterization which fill the gap in the knowledge of
formation properties between wells. In forward modeling
4.11. Stratigraphic Interpretation we start with model of earth properties, then mathemati-
By analyzing the seismic data countour map and depth cal simulation of a physical experiment or processes like
section the following can be deduced: electromagnetic, acoustics on the earth model and finally
The mianwali reentrant represent a depression and so output a model response. If our model and assumptions
very thick accumulation of Molasses up 3000 m; are accurate, the model will look like real data like as we
Due to upward movement of basement towards south- did in above, and we can use the above depth section and
east the sediments has eroded as erosion is more pro- iso velocity map data to backout. As in inversion, we
minent toward Sargodha high; start with actual measurement data, apply operations
Due to erosional unconformity the sedimentary strata which are steps back to the physical experiment and de-
from the Jurassic to Precambrian is being truncated liver earth model. If we do inversion properly, the earth
gradually towards South; model will look like real earth. Most measurements in
The base Miocence is regional unconformity at the Exploration and Production industry depend on inversion
base of molasses and all truncations are against it; for the interpretation.
There is no equation for interpretations problems with
There is no evidence of presence of Rawalpindi
which all multiple measurements directly related includ-
Group in this area.
ing noise, losses and other Inaccuracies answered in
unique answer. Inversion is the mathematical way for
5. Well-Used Reflector
estimating answer, checking it against observations and
The well used as references are Isakhel and the kundian until acceptable solutions comes.
on the basis of Isakheil-1, following are the formations
shown on the Depth Section. Reflector r1 may be Dhok 7. Conclusion
Pathan formation of Pliocene age, reflector, r2 may be We can conclude by studying and analyzing seismic data,
the Nagri formations of Pliocene age, Reflector r3 may contour maps and depth section. The following can be
be Chinji formation of Pliocene reflector r4 marked the deduced: Mianwali re-entrant represents a depression and
base Miocene unconformity reflector r5 is the Datta for- very thick accumulation of molasses up to 3000 m. Due
mation of Jurassic age reflector r6 is Tredian formation to upward movement of basement towards southeast, the
of Triassic age, reflector r7 is Amb formation of Permian sediments have eroded and the erosion is more prominent
age, reflector r8 is Sardhai formation of Early-Permian towards Sargodha High. Due to erosion unconformity the
age, reflector r9 denotes the Khisor formation, reflector r sedimentary, strata from Jurassic to Precambrian is being
10 is Khewra formation and reflector r11 is basement truncated gradually southwards. Base Miocene is the re-
both of Cambrian age. gional unconformity at the base of molasses and all.
6. Discussion
Summary and Discussion
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Khisor 51
TD 4680 −4444
To detect the Presence of the following formations:
Lamshiwal, Samanasuk, Datta (Primary)
Tredian, Wargal, Tobra, Jutana, Khewra (Secon-
Well Status Dry and Abandoned