2 D Seismic Reflection Method Using Iso

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International Journal of Geosciences, 2013, 4, 1073-1082

http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ijg.2013.47101 Published Online September 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ijg)

2-D Seismic Reflection Method Using Iso Velocity

Method of Mianwali Area
Nasir Khan1, Peimin Zhu2, Shahid Nadeem Qureshi3
Department of Geophysics, China University of Geosciences at Wuhan, Wuhan, China
Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan, China
Department of Earth Science, Qauid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: nasirkhan.geophysicst@hotmail.com

Received May 28, 2013; revised July 1, 2013; accepted August 4, 2013

Copyright © 2013 Nasir Khan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

A seismic reflection of Line 12-B belonging to Mianwali Re-entrant was acquired and processed for 2-D interpretation.
The line orients itself NNE-SSW direction. The sections have the shot points from VP-199 to VP-1044. Eleven Reflec-
tors R1, R2, R3, Base Miocene, Pinchout P1, P2, P3, P4, P5P6 (Pinchout) are marked and a basement has been marked
and interpreted. All the reflectors above the basement show a downward bending at the center. The depth of each re-
flector was calculated by iso velocity contour map method. The depth section obtained by this method shows strati-
graphic features like Pinchouts. The reflectors are then correlated with the subsurface structures and stratigraphy of the

Keywords: Seismic Reflection Method Using Iso Velocity Methods; Formation Evaluations; Seismic Processing &

1. Introduction northern part of Mianwali district. The coordinates that

bound the area are Latitude = 32˚ to 33˚ and Longitude
A 2-D seismic reflection line for shallow targets in Upper
71˚ to 72˚. It covers an area of 4000 Km2. The base map
Indus basin was acquired. The data was acquired and
(Figure 2) is showing the orientation of seismic profiles
processed along the line in Mianwali East area. The basic
including the 904-MNW-12B with Well locations is
purpose of study is to analyze the structural and strati-
shown in the figure while Figure 3 shows the section
graphic traps using the time section and depth section
and to get the idea about the lithology of reflector and showing stratigraphic sequence of salt range and trans-
thus to determine their probable ages. We thus calculated indus ranges as depicted by [1].
the depth of the marked interfaces using the iso velocity The area of Mianwali reentrant/depression lies within
method and thus have constructed a model of the subsur- the North West Himalayan fold and Thrust belt [2]. We
face to establish an effort to planned 3-D survey. The can say it lies within salt range and kohat-potwar fold belt.
FK-Migrated Filtered Stacked section is along line This east-west trending fold belt comprises the low rolling
904-MWI-12B. The line extends 81 km approximately in hills and valleys of the uplifted Kahat-Potwar Plateaue,
the NNF-SSW direction. Vibroseis being used as a the Salt Range and its westward extensions . It is about 85
source shows points VP-199 to VP-1044. It is a 30-fold km wide and extends for about 200 km. It is a discrete
data representing 17 CDP-windows. Each window shows structural zone bounded in the north by the north-dipping
the two-way travel time of the waves, their RMS and Main Boundary Thrust [3-5]. and the Salt Range Thrust,
INT velocities. The datum lies 150 m above sea level and Kalabagh Fault and the Surghar Thrust form its southern
the time data is of 4 seconds. boundary. West and eastward it is terminated by the N-S
oriented Kurram Thrust.
2. Geology and Strategraphic Setting of the The geologic and stratigraphic setting of Mianwali
re-entrant can be discussed within the context of regional
stratigraphy and geology as Mianwali reentrants forms the
The location of the area is shown in Figure 1. It is part of northward title Punjab platform rising gradually to
obliquely traversed by the river Indus; this area covers the south east towards Sargodha high. Sinous arrangement of

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up thrusted western salt range, Sarghar and Khisor Ranges

surrounded the area on three sides exposing rock as old as
infra Cambrian [6] as shown in geologic map (Figure 4).
A stratigraphic correlation has been done in line of
cross section from Nammal and Chichali gorges and on
the basis of formation tops from well kundian, Isakhel.
Location and line of section shown in Figure 5 and Fence
diagram is shown in Figure 6. The Lower tertiary strata is
present in Nammal and Chichali gorge while it is absent in
Isakhel and kundian well i.e. lower tertiary strata is absent
in reentrant. In Isakhel well Jurassic is overlain by
Siwalikhs in which cretaceous and lower tertiary strata is
absent. In Nammal gorge section cretaceous strata is
absent. In Chichali gorge section, Strata older than
Mesozoic is not exposed. In Kundian well Permian strata
is overlain by Siwalikhs. This shows that as we go towards
southward. We find the strata towards lower tertary to
permain become gradually absent. Source rocks rich in
genetic potential and thermally mature exists in Triassic,
Cretaceous and Paleocene sequences. Significant oil seeps
occurs in surrounding ranges.
A sedimentary sequence ranging from Eocambrian to
Recent is exposed in the Miawali Area. All the rocks ex-
posed in the area are of sedimentary in origin. These
comprise of Eocambrian evaporates (Salt Range Forma-
tion) and shallow marine to non-marine Lower to Middle
Figure 1. Mianwali Area.
Cambrian sequence of dolomites, shales and sandstones
(Jhelum Group) which are unconformably overlain by a
thick Permian clastic and carbonate succession (Nilawa-
han and Zaluch Groups). The stratigraphic sequence in
Mianwali area is highly fossiliferous
The Muree formation of Miocene age contains marls,
conglomeratic sandstone and sandstone olive green col-
our. The Sakesar limestone of Eocene contains marl and
fossiliferous limestone of light cream color also the
Nammal formation of Eocene contains marl and lime-
stone light grey colour. The Patala formation of Paleo-
cence contains marl and fossiliferous lime stone of light
cream colour, also the Nammal formation of Eocence
consists of marl and limestone of Light grey colour. The
Patala formation and Lockhart limestone of Paleocene
consists of dark grey color shale and Marl and limestone,
highly fossiliferous respectively. The data formation of
Jurassic age have sandstone, clays of variegated color,
The Triassic age has three formations which are Kingriali
formation, Tredian formation, Mianwali formation con-
sists of dolomite and sandstone of pinkish color and marl,
siltstone ,sandstone sandy limestone of maroon color
respectively. The Permian age have two formation in the
area the names are Chiddru formation and Wargal lime-
stone which are consists of marl, calcareous sandstone
and marl, limestone which are highly fossiliferous of
dark to light grey respectively The area is characterized
Figure 2. Base map of Mianwali Area. by strong folding and thrust faulting; the major

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Figure 3. Stratigraphic sequence of salt range and trans-indus ranges.

Figure 4. Map showing geology and tectonics of Mianwali Area.

structural trends change from east trending in the western area.

part of the area to northeast trending in the eastern part of For detailed engineering geological investigations [8].
the area. The Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic se- have distinguished sandstones in to nine beds from high-
quence exposed in the Area underlies the alluvial cover est to lowest in the sequence. These rocks have geotech-
of the Jhelum and Indus Plains south of the study area [5]. nical importance due to the presence of Mangla and pro-
Exploratory drilling immediately south of the area has posed Kalabagh dams. The claystone/siltstone beds pre-
shown that pre-Miocene erosion has removed Cambrian sent in the area need special attention because of their
to Eocene rocks in that area [7]. The details study shows problematic nature [9]. Shear zones are encountered in
that area is the thrust-related tectonics .The porosity pin- claystone/siltstone beds. The shear zones seriously affect
chouts and lithofacie variation traps likely to exist in this the geotechnical behaviour of these rocks. The presence

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of shear zones in claystones/siltstone renders a great dif-

ference in the intact and residual strength parameters

3. Field Data Acquisition and Seismic Data

The base map of the Location area is shown in Figure 2
and the field data acquisition and recorded parametrs are
given in the table below.

Field Party SP-4

Instruments MDS 16

No of Channels 120

Notch filter Out

Coverage 3000%

Format SEG B

Sample rate 2 ms

Density 16BPI

Aliasing 125 Hz

Source Vibroseis

No of Vibrators 4

Base of Vibrators 90 m

Recording Length 18 Sec

Types of Vibrators Y-900

VP Interval 90 m

No of sweeps 8x4

Sweep length 12 sec

Sweep frequency 8 - 64 Hz

Geophone Type Mark

Geophone Frequency 10 Hz

Geophone Code Linear

Geophone Interval 2.57 m

Group base 90 m

Group width 0

Group Interval 45 m

TR1-----------------TR60 Source
+----------------+ Source
Symmetric Split Spread

All the data is processed by the same basic steps of seismic data processing Figure 5. Map showing the line of section for corelation
[11,12]. purpose.

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seismic expression of genetically related sedimentary


4.1. Geological Model of Mianwali Area

The regional and localized geologic setting in and around
the Mianwali re-entrant is already discussed in above
geology section [16] keeping that in view the geological
data including surface geologic sections and well data
has been incorporated to understand the geological
Frame work of the area and to develop an imaginary
model based on geological information. In this prospec-
tive two cross section have been made on the basis of
surface geology and well data.

4.2. Cross Section X

We have been made Cross-Section X from Chichali
gorge section located in Surgahar range to well kundian,
Isakhel, well. The orientation of cross section is N-S. In
the Chichali gorge strata, of Eocene to Jurassic Level are
exposed while in the kundian well Siwaliks directly
overlies the Permian strata. Strata younger than Permian
is absent in kundian well which may be due to erosion
and cross section shows that strata from Eocene to Per-
mian is being truncated against unconformity based

4.3. Cross Section Y

Figure 6. The fence diagram. This Cross Section Y is E-W orientated and it has been
made on the basis of Nammal gorge section and kundian
4. Seismic Interpretation and Isakhel Well. The well data has formation tops and
thichness. In the Nammal section Eocene to Cambrian
Seismic interpretation revels the subsurface geological strata is exposed while is the kundian well Siwaliks di-
nature of earth, a fruitful interpretation of geophysical rectly overlie the Permian strata. In Ehsa Khel Well Si-
data and proving their geological significance by check- walik overlies the Jurassic strata. In Ehsa Khel Well
ing as well as integrating them with all types of geologi- strata from Jurassic to Cambrian has been encountered
cal information the influence of varying geological con- while in the strata lower tertiary is absent on the basis on
ditions is eliminated along the profile to transform the this cross section. It can be said that older strata is being
irregular recorded travel times into acceptable subsurface truncated against base Miocene and younger strata has
model, this is important for the confident for depth ge- been eroded while in the southern part near kundian there
ometry of bed rock or target horizons [13]. has been more Erosion, which has eroded all starta
The seismic data could be interpretated into modes. In younger than Permian.
the area of subs tensional well control in which well in- A conceptual geological model can be made on basis
formation is tight to the seismic information and then this of X and Y Cross Section and incorporating regional and
seismic interpretation are applied to the zone of intrest. localized stratigraphic and Structural frame work of the
In the second mode when the area has no well control the area. Surghar range is thrusted upon the Punjab plate
seismic velocity data provide both definition of structures form below the thrusted there is depression of Mianwali
and estimates of depositional environment. There are two area, in which very thick accumulation of Siwaliks are
approaches for interpretation of seismic section i.e. present and older strata in gradually being truncated
Stratigraphic and Structure analysis. [14,15]. The appli- against base Miocene unconformity. The erosion and
cation of structural analysis of seismic is in the search of truncation may be due to uplifting of Sargodha high, the
structural traps containing hydrocarbons. The strati- strata from lower tertiary to Cambrian are present is sur-
graphic analysis involves the subdivision of Seismic sec- rounding areas around Mianwali in western salt range
tion into sequence of reflection that are interpretated as and trans Indus ranges which indicates the starta from

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Eocene to Cambrian has been deposited in the area but

eroded later on.

4.4. Seismic Interpretation

The foremost and major step in seismic interpretation to
is mark or identifies the reflections. On the seismic sec-
tions, this can be drawn with the help of
 depth of formation from tops from the well;
 Using average velocities and interval velocities de-
rived during Processing of Seismic data;
 Geologic and Seismic Character of Different Lithol-
So for the Identification and correlation purpose of
each reflection on seismic section, average thickness of
starta should be used, these average thickness has been
calculated by using thickness of sedimentary strata from
the well (kundian, Isakhel, well) and surface geologic
section(Nammal and Chichali)
In the given seismic section, numbers of prominent re-
flectors are present. Out of these eleven reflectors has
been marked and interpretated in time domain by calcu-
lating their velocities and converting these velocities into
depth, for this purpose lithological well data of Isakhel
located east of seismic lines has also been used since the
Figure 7. Iso velocity map.
well is located at some distance from the lines we cannot
solely rely upon it has been used to roughly estimate the
thickness of different formations.

4.6. Dix Isovelocity Contour Map

The given seismic section is provided with root mean
square interval and average velocities at selected CDP,s.
An average velocity contour map, which is shown in
Figure 7, is obtained by time verses CDP,s the axis
showing the CDP,s are then converted to vibroseis point
interval for same velocity interval. The countour are
passed at 100 m per second interval, the average velocity
on time t = 0, t = 5 sec vary from 1500 m/s to 4600 m/s

4.7. Time Section

A seismic section with displays reflection arrival time
variation along the profile is called a time section. The
position of reflection on time section of course depends
on velocity difference as well as on layer thickness. The
undulation of dips of deeper reflectors is not clearly dis-
played on the time sections. The time section has been
prepared by observing the time of reflection under each
VP then by plotting VP,s value along horizontal axis and
time along vertical. We get the time section as it is
shown in Figure 8.

4.8. Depth Section

A seismic section that displays the reflectors depth is Figure 8. Time section.

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called the depth sections the depth sections clearly dis- the area. For the interpretation of the given seismic sec-
plays the undulations and dips of deeper reflectors. The tion, two well data and two exposed sections have been
wavelet positions depend only on layer thickness. and incorporated a no of prominent reflectors are visible in
depth section by isovelocity methods is prepared by su- the given seismic section
perimposing the time sections over isovelocity maps and The amount of reflectors coming in the range of vi-
then measuring the velocity of the reflectors by methods broseis point (VP) 199 to 620, are nine including base-
of interpolations under the Vibroseis Point, then the time ments, the reflector 4 could be the base Miocene uncon-
of reflectors is multipled with the velocity of reflectors formity as the result of depth correlated with Isha Kel1
and then dividing it by two we get the depth value. This well match significantly. The depth from the Isakhel well
Procedure is applied for all reflectors. is correlated with average depth of reflector 4 from is-
Mathematically, ovelocity method also the unconformity usually gives
Depth = (V) * (T/2) very strong reflection on seismic data. These can be
If datum lies above MSL, it is to be subtracted from all identified by observing truncations against the reflectors.
depth value which then gives the true depth. The depth The horizon has also been correlated with horizons base,
value reflector varying between the different time inter- siwaliks from Khundiyan well. Here the base siwaliks
vals as below: has been identified as Base of Miocence.
R1 lies between time interval t = 1.25 sec to 1.435 sec
it depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as 4.9.1. Siwaliks
1146.8 m to 1464.3 m. The Rawalpindi Group has been encountered in kundian
R2 lies between time interval t = 1.471 sec to 1.467 and Isakhel, well, so the sediments above base Miocene
sec it depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as are considered siwaliks
1877.025 m to 1518.8 m.
R3 lies between time interval t = 1.62 sec to 1.825 sec 4.9.2. Mesozoic Strata
it depth calculated by isovelocity method is 2126 m. Whole of the Mesozoic starta is absent is kundian well
R4 lies between time interval t = 2.385 sec to 2.485sec While in Isakhel well Triassic and Jurassic strata is pre-
it depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as 3442 sent. Hence as we go and move toward northern part of
m. the area the Triassic and Jurassic strata shows its pres-
R5 lies between time interval t = 2.47 sec to 2.52sec it ence. The interpretation of seismic lines near Khundiyan
depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as 3543.3 indicates the presence of Permiam starta below the Mio-
m. cene.
R6 lies between time interval t = 2.45 sec to 2.56 sec it However towards North reflections between base Mio-
depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as cene and top Permian strata appears truncating against
3526.65 m. base Miocene, these reflections has been interpretated as
R7 lies between time interval t = 2.44 sec to 2.6 sec it Mesozoic data.
depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as 3710
m. 4.9.3. Salt Range Formations
R8 lies between time interval t = 2.48 sec to 2.65 sec it The reflections below the Cambrian starta and above
depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as basement have been interpreted as salt range formations
3690.13 m. because it shows white zone due to Presence of salt.
R9 lies between time interval t = 2.525 sec to 2.7sec it
depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as 3919.6 4.9.4. Basements
m. Basement shows very strong reflections on the seismic
R10 lies between time interval t = 2.575 sec to 2.725 sections also the absence of any reflectors below the
sec it depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as Identified basement confirms its Presence.
4039.7 m.
R11 lies between time interval t = 2.93 sec to 3.08 sec 4.9.5. Note
it depth calculated by isovelocity method is vary as In the Northern part of seismic section there lies a fault
4996.9 m. the reasons for it could be plunge of Khisor range as a
result the data seems to be uplifted in the northern por-
4.9. Correlation of the Data with Stratigraphy of tion of seismic section. The data could not be interpreted
the Area further due to poor quality.
Precise correlation of the reflectors in terms of their
4.10. Structural Interpretation
depths with stratigraphy of the concerned area required a
lot of experience, knowledge and details information of On the basis of this interpretation of this seismic lines

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one can be deduce the following conclusions: side of Interface when these seismic property is corre-
 All the sedimentary strata and basement is dipping lated with the measurement in the bore hole we may be
towards north; able to extend well info through whole seismic volume,
 Basement is rising towards south east and exposed This Process is called seismic inversion for reservoir
near Sargodha high. It is dipping towards north. characterization which fill the gap in the knowledge of
formation properties between wells. In forward modeling
4.11. Stratigraphic Interpretation we start with model of earth properties, then mathemati-
By analyzing the seismic data countour map and depth cal simulation of a physical experiment or processes like
section the following can be deduced: electromagnetic, acoustics on the earth model and finally
 The mianwali reentrant represent a depression and so output a model response. If our model and assumptions
very thick accumulation of Molasses up 3000 m; are accurate, the model will look like real data like as we
 Due to upward movement of basement towards south- did in above, and we can use the above depth section and
east the sediments has eroded as erosion is more pro- iso velocity map data to backout. As in inversion, we
minent toward Sargodha high; start with actual measurement data, apply operations
 Due to erosional unconformity the sedimentary strata which are steps back to the physical experiment and de-
from the Jurassic to Precambrian is being truncated liver earth model. If we do inversion properly, the earth
gradually towards South; model will look like real earth. Most measurements in
 The base Miocence is regional unconformity at the Exploration and Production industry depend on inversion
base of molasses and all truncations are against it; for the interpretation.
There is no equation for interpretations problems with
 There is no evidence of presence of Rawalpindi
which all multiple measurements directly related includ-
Group in this area.
ing noise, losses and other Inaccuracies answered in
unique answer. Inversion is the mathematical way for
5. Well-Used Reflector
estimating answer, checking it against observations and
The well used as references are Isakhel and the kundian until acceptable solutions comes.
on the basis of Isakheil-1, following are the formations
shown on the Depth Section. Reflector r1 may be Dhok 7. Conclusion
Pathan formation of Pliocene age, reflector, r2 may be We can conclude by studying and analyzing seismic data,
the Nagri formations of Pliocene age, Reflector r3 may contour maps and depth section. The following can be
be Chinji formation of Pliocene reflector r4 marked the deduced: Mianwali re-entrant represents a depression and
base Miocene unconformity reflector r5 is the Datta for- very thick accumulation of molasses up to 3000 m. Due
mation of Jurassic age reflector r6 is Tredian formation to upward movement of basement towards southeast, the
of Triassic age, reflector r7 is Amb formation of Permian sediments have eroded and the erosion is more prominent
age, reflector r8 is Sardhai formation of Early-Permian towards Sargodha High. Due to erosion unconformity the
age, reflector r9 denotes the Khisor formation, reflector r sedimentary, strata from Jurassic to Precambrian is being
10 is Khewra formation and reflector r11 is basement truncated gradually southwards. Base Miocene is the re-
both of Cambrian age. gional unconformity at the base of molasses and all.

6. Discussion
Summary and Discussion
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Appendix Well sheet summary kundian.

Well sheet summary well isakhel-01 Concession: Mianwali Reentrant (EL-Revised)

Concession: Mianwali Reentrant (EL-Revised) Latitude: 32027’06

KB Elevation
Latitude: 32˚38'N - 50.34N 236.1(AMSL)
KB Elevation Longitude: 71035’06
Depth: 2160 m
Longitude: 71˚12'E - 46.52 E
K.B.C: 208.0
Elevation: Province: Punjab
Depth from Depth from
Formations Thickness(m) Formation: Khwera Sandstone
KB(m) subsea(m)
Formations Age Tops (m) Thickness (m)
Alluvium+soan - - +326
Nagri Pliocene 0.0 1204
Dhok Pattan −326 −90 717
Chinji Miocene 1204.0 213.0
Nagri 1043 −807 1353
Chinji 2396 −2160 414 AMB 1417.0 82.4
Sammana Suk 2810 −2574 130 Sardhai 1627.6 189
Shinwari 2940 −2704 −138 Early
Warchha 1710.0 52.3
Datta 3078 −2842 208 Early
Dandot 1899.0 52.3
Kingriali 3282 −3050 114 Early
Tobra 1951.3 7.3
Tredian 3400 −3164 91
Middle 1959.0
Mianwali 3491 −3255 101 Cambrian 52.6
Chhidru 3592 −3356 76 Jutana 2011.0 148.2
Middle Well finish on
Wargal 3668 −3432 109 Khewra s.st 2159.8
Cambrian Khewra S.St
AMB 3777 −3541 76

Sardhai 3853 −3617 72

Warchha 3952 −3689 132

Dandot 4057 −3821 85

Tobra 4142 −3906 73

Khisor 51

Jutana 4266 −4033 54

Kussak 4320 −4084 34

Khewra 4354 −4118 326

TD 4680 −4444
To detect the Presence of the following formations:
Lamshiwal, Samanasuk, Datta (Primary)
Tredian, Wargal, Tobra, Jutana, Khewra (Secon-
Well Status Dry and Abandoned

Test Result No Production Testing carried out at this well

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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy