Sub-Surface Understanding of An Oil Field in Cambay Basin
Sub-Surface Understanding of An Oil Field in Cambay Basin
Sub-Surface Understanding of An Oil Field in Cambay Basin
It is based on the Sub-surface study of on oil field in Cambay basin. After a brief description of the Cambay basin’s geology, the
other aspects of exploration were discussed. It consists of the basic knowledge of the Geology of Cambay basin, basin analysis,
petroleum geology, study of well logs, seismic data visualization, its interpretation, surface mapping and formation evaluation using
Petrel 2010.1 and Kingdom 2009.
Keywords: Cambay basin, Ahmedabad – Mehsana Block, Ingoli field, Kadi, Kalol.
Introduction Theory
Figure 1: Block boundary and Study area – Ingoli Oil field. Figure 2: 1 Location of Cambay basin, showing
faults and Oil and Gas fields
This block lies between the Khari River in the north and the 5. Tectonic Setting and Basin Evolution
Vatrak River in the south. Major lineaments in this block
trend in the NNW- SSE direction. Aerially, this is the The rift initiated at the end of Cretaceous. In the later part of
lasrgest block in the basin, extending from Dholka- Late Cretaceous, Seychelles islands were separated from the
Nawagam in the south to Unawa in the north. The Mehsana Indian Plate and the Indian sub-continent drifted northward.
horst is the prominent feature, which is an extension of the Rifting in the basin is marked by eruption of massive
West Patan-Vansa horst. The apical part of this horst did not amount of flood basalt (Deccan Trap). The basalt
have the sedimentation in Eocene-Miocene. (Kundu and constitutes the basement for subsequent tertiary sediments.
Wani, 1992) The structural elements of the basin indicate influence of
the tree major tectonic trends viz. Dharwar (NNW-SSE),
3. Ahmedabad Sub-Block Satpura (ENE- WSW) and Aravalli-Delhit (NE-SW)
trends of Precambrian time. Several cross trends related to
This sub-block lies between Kadi in the north and Satpura and Delhi-Aravalli tectonic trends are responsible
Nawagam in the south, and is traversed by the Sabarmati for creation of tectonic blocks. The basin is divided into five
River. The sedimentary sequence starts with the trap tectonic blocks. They are (i) Sanchor-Patan (ii) Mehsana-
conglomerates succeeded by claystone, trap-wacke, sideritic Ahmedabad (iii) Tarapur-Cambay (iv) Broach-Jambusar (v)
marls. This constitutes the Lower Cambay shale. This Narmada-Tapi blocks from north to south. (DGH, 2011)
sequence is sub-areally exposed from time to time,
creating local development of reservoir facies with The basin has two distinct fault systems: (i) N-S to NNW-
hydrocarbon accumulations in Nawagam. (Kundu and SSE trending listric normal faults of Dharwarian trend and
Wani, 1992) (ii) NE-SW to ENE-WSW trending faults of Aravalli-Delhi
and Satpura trends.
4. Location of Study Area
The basin evolved in three different stages – (i) Synrift
Location: The southern part of exploratory block CB-ONN- stage (extensional stage) during Paleocene-Early Eocene (ii)
2000/1 is located along the western margin of Mehsana- Postrift stage- I (thermal subsidence) during Middle
Ahmedabad tectonic bock. It extends from Longitude 72⁰ Eocene-Early Miocene (iii) Postrift stage-II (structural
17’ 44’’ to 72⁰ 30’ 11’’ and Latitude 23⁰ 00’ 59” to 23⁰ 01’ inversion stage) during Middle Miocene- recent.
42”. The total block area is 1424 Km² (DGH, 2011).
6. Stratigraphy of the Study area (Oil Field)
The study area (Ingoli : 14.03 is located in southern
part of CB-ONN-2000/1 which is limited to the south by the Tarapur Shale ( Late Eocene to Oligocene)
Nawagam – Wasana basement uplift. The NW-SE marginal Kalol Formation (Mid to Late Eocene)
fault located in SW portion of the block. The block is Cambay Shale (Late Paleocene to Early Eocene)
segmented longitudinally (NNW- SSE) into two major half Olpad Formation (Paleocene)
grabens each associated with prominent faults (DGH, The technical basement – Deccan trap (Upper Cretaceous)
Sub-Surface Understanding of an Oil Field in Cambay Basin
Figure 4: Stratigraphy of the Ingoli oil field and Generalized
stratigraphy of Cambay Basin
1. Seismic Data Visualization
Generalized stratigraphy of Cambay basin exhibits presence
2D and 3D Seismic Data visualization in Map view:
of rocks from Upper Cretaceous to Recent. Deccan Basalt
Associate Lease Maps and Cultural data are imported to
constitutes the basement rock for the major part of the basin
software – Kingdom 2009 to see the geological and
over which 8-11 km thick pile of tertiary sediments have
geophysical data in Map view.
been deposited in synrift and postrift phases.
Sub-Surface Understanding of an Oil Field in Cambay Basin
Sub-Surface Understanding of an Oil Field in Cambay Basin
Sub-Surface Understanding of an Oil Field in Cambay Basin
Figure 11: Seismic Horizon 1 showing in Map window (Grid Figure 12: Seismic Markers showing in Interpretation
Interval: 5 by 5)
• To mark a seismic horizon in software – Petrel • Tracking of Seismic Horizon 1 and Top CBSH is
2010.1 we track horizon in Inline and cross line done here in Cross line direction using the seismic
directions in an Interpretation window using the interpretation tool.
Geophysics module of the software – Petrel 2010.1.
• In interpretation window seismic horizon has been
marked in both inline-crossline direction and with an
interval of 5m between two consecutive inline -
This aspect of mapping has been carried out to study the
crossline. Manual Horizon picking mode is applied
structural set up of the field. Surface Mapping procedure is
for track the horizon.
the combination of gridding then contouring of a given
• The resulting image of the seismic horizon in the
seismic horizon.
Map window and Interpretation window are shown in
the figures.
• Color range can be changed manually to optimize the
data and map observation method.
• The green colored arrow in the bottom left corner is
showing north direction.
• Wells Y and Z can be seen in this interpretation
• Red is showing highest elevation and pink is
showing lowest elevation in the map area.
• We can see that well Y is more structurally high area
than well Z. Figure 13: Surface mapping with contour for Seismic
Sub-Surface Understanding of an Oil Field in Cambay Basin
4. Formation Evaluation
Sub-Surface Understanding of an Oil Field in Cambay Basin
Cementation exponent (m): The cementation exponent After the Vsh has been found out, Φeffective is
models how much the pore network increases the resistivity, calculated by using following equation:
as the rock itself is assumed to be non-conductive. Φeffective = (X – Vsh * Y)
Cementation exponent is related to the permeability of the Where, X = (₰matrix - ₰log)/ (₰matrix - ₰fluid) And Y
rock, increasing permeability decreases the cementation = (₰matrix - ₰shale)/ (₰matrix - ₰fluid)
Sw is calculated with the help of Archie’s Equation,
Common values for this cementation exponent for
with the constants value being a=1, m=2 and n=2. The
consolidated sandstones are 1.8 < m < 2.0. Generally the
value of Rw is known and is taken equal to 0.4.
value for constants a, m and n are taken 1, 2 and 2
The values calculated are given below in the Table
So, the equation reduces to,
1(Well X) and Table 2(Well Y).
Sub-Surface Understanding of an Oil Field in Cambay Basin
• We studied an oil field near to the southern part of the Kundu, J. and Wani, M.R. (1992), Structural style and
Ahmedabad sub-block. tectono stratigraphic framework of Cambay rift basin,
• In the study area both 2D and 3D seismic data are Western India: Indian Journal of Petroleum Geology.
visualize and analyze. Data resolution of 3D data is
more than 2D seismic data. Seismic features are DGH (2011): Cambay basin Information docket.
prominently visible in both 2D-3D seismic data.
• From Seismic data visualization exercise it is O. Serra, Elsevier (1984), Fundamentals of well-log
noticeable that there are two-three prominent shallower interpretation
and deeper reflectors in the study area. Faults and
Horst-Graben structure has been visible in the study Acknowledgement
area. Some discontinuous and chaotic features are
observed in deeper region in study area. Deeper The author is indebted to Mr. U K Ghosh, DGM (G&G), D.
reflector is structurally high in the middle part of the Srinivas, Executive Director (G&G) Jayanta Dutta,
oil field. Sr.Officer (Geophysics), Ms. Rupa Konar Sr.Officer
• From Basic Seismic interpretation and mapping (Geology) along with Mr. Pratayaya Bhadra, Geologist for
exercise, we observed that shallower seismic reflector their guidance and invaluable suggestions during the course
is structurally high in SW part of the oil field whereas of the study.
the NE part is structurally low. Y well is located more
structurally high area than Z well. Views expressed in this paper are that of the authors only
• We studied three wells X, Y and Z. Well Y contains and may not necessarily be of GSPC.
hydrocarbon zone at shallow depths (near to Kalol
formation and Cambay Shale formation). Whereas
well X and Z contain hydrocarbon bearing zone at
deeper depths (near to Deccan Trap). From log data
study it is obvious that there are two different
Petroleum systems operated in the oil field area, one is
shallow reservoir near to Kalol and Cambay Shale
formation and another is deeper reservoir near to the
Olpad and Deccan Trap formation.
• Hydrocarbon to be found in structurally high area in
the oil field i.e. located in the middle part of the area.
• The Sw values indicate that the zones might be
hydrocarbon- bearing (oil and/or gas).
Well X
(Zone 1: 1761 m to 1775 m) Sw range is from 13% to 71%
Well Y
Zone 1 : 1180 m to 1186 m Sw range is from 47% to 83%