Konica Minolta 2007: CSR Report
Konica Minolta 2007: CSR Report
Konica Minolta 2007: CSR Report
Konica Minolta
Photo Imaging, Inc.
The company terminated its camera business at the end of March 2006. It
also plans to terminate sales of photographic materials by September 2007.
Notes to Readers
This report covers the entire
Konica Minolta Group (Konica Annual reports Corporate profile
Minolta Holdings, business
companies, common function
companies, and affiliates). These reports can also be viewed online at the Konica Minolta Web site.
1 Outline of the Group
3 Message from the President
5 CSR Activities at Konica Minolta
17 Special Feature:
2 Fair and transparent corporate activities
3 Communications with society and
information disclosure
4 Environmental protection
5 Contribution to society
6 Respect for employees
7 Responsible actions
June 2007
Yoshikatsu Ota
President and CEO
Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc.
The trust of our stakeholders is our driving force. The Group is compelled by
The Konica Minolta Group sees CSR as the need to forge a solid foundation that is deeper and longer-lasting with its
the essence of management. Pursuit of
stakeholders and to become a company in which the world can have absolute
the Group’s management philosophy,
“the creation of new value,” and the confidence. CSR is generally thought of as a company’s economic, social, and
implementation of the Konica Minolta environmental responsibilities. At Konica Minolta, our vision goes beyond
Group Charter of Corporate Behavior
form the basis of Konica Minolta’s CSR. fulfilling responsibilities. Rather, the aim of our CSR activities is to become a
company that is trusted around the world.
Seven Target Areas in the
While we are promoting CSR activities, we thrive on the positive
Konica Minolta Group Charter of
Corporate Behavior feedback from our customers, shareholders, suppliers, community residents,
and employees from around the world. This feedback, in turn, can provide
1 Beneficial and safe products great motivation for the company to continue striving even harder to be a
2 Fair and transparent corporate company that grows sustainably.
One of our priority issues is to promote world-class CSR programs,
3 Communications with society
and information disclosure
a commitment articulated as a basic policy in the Group’s “Forward 08”
medium-term business plan. To implement our CSR programs effectively, we
4 Environmental protection
had the Konica Minolta Group Charter of Corporate Behavior, which will be
5 Contribution to society
the shared foundation among suppliers and employees, translated into nine
6 Respect for employees
languages and distributed widely. Moreover, this is the third year that we are
7 Responsible actions
* The full Charter of Corporate Behavior can be
publishing the CSR report in five languages (Japanese, English, German,
viewed on the Konica Minolta Web site.
French, and Chinese). We hope that it will expand an understanding of the
CSR activities the Group is working on around the world.
I have visited Group companies throughout Japan, Europe, the United
“Forward 08” Medium-Term
Business Plan States, and China, to communicate face to face with the people directly
Promoting World-Class responsible for promoting our CSR activities to share understanding of our
CSR Programs CSR activities. The feedback gathered at these meetings has helped shape the
Areas of Focus: measures leading to the strengthening of our activities. We have just started
● Strengthening Wide to take the leap from responsibility to trust, but this goal is rooted in the
Stakeholder Engagement 1 consciousness of each Konica Minolta employee. We also believe strongly
● Strengthening Quality and in respecting the culture, customs, historical views, and needs of each region
Environmental Management
around the world, and we promote activities in line with that respect for
● Practicing and Continuously shared values.
Improving Group Governance
Konica Minolta is keen to consider quality and environment, both
of which constitute essential components of trust. One small example, in
1 “Stakeholder” refers to all parties interested in the terms of quality, is our goal to strengthen our manufacturing capabilities.
Group’s business activities, including shareholders,
customers, suppliers, and local residents. To date, we have expanded process-enhancement activities worldwide. On
“Stakeholder engagement” refers to soliciting
stakeholder opinion on management decisions and the environmental front, we have expanded our zero waste initiatives 2 from
corporate activities.
2 Konica Minolta’s zero waste initiative is to promote Japan to China, transforming them into a global effort. Two plants in China
waste recycling and reduction of the amount of
material sent to landfills. recently achieved what we classify as “Level 1” zero waste criteria. We
are determined to earn the trust of the people not only through provision of
products and services but also in our dedication to quality improvement and
environmental concern. We will continue making it our mission to enhance 13 The concept of designing products, buildings, and
spaces while keeping in mind diversifying human
our commitment at the highest levels in these areas. factors, such as disabilities, age, and sex.
14 A printer capable of performing several other
Konica Minolta is not just a company but also a member of society. It, functions, such as copying, scanning, and faxing.
15 International standards granted to IT products
naturally, makes contributions through its main business. But at the same and systems that guarantee reliability of security-
function design and mounting.
time, the Group is promoting various activities to contribute to society to be of 16 This label, attached to environmentally sound
products in Germany, has the longest history of
some help to the world. As part of the Pink Ribbon campaign, a global drive any eco mark in any country.
to eradicate breast cancer, we have contributed mammography machines, 17 This mark of the international Energy Star
program is attached to office equipment that
which are essential to the early detection of breast cancer, to university meet specific energy-consumption standards.
18 Stands for “the restriction of the use of certain
hospitals in Beijing and Shanghai, China. We have also been involved in hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
equipment” and has been in effect since July
many other social-contribution activities that are gradually bearing fruits. 2006 in the EU.
19 A third-party recognition system to approve that an
The Group’s CSR activities also cover other areas such as compliance, organization is maintaining its information security
management system.
occupational safety, and communication with stakeholders. We have 10, 12, 13
The Global Program, Regional Program, and Local
established targets that we hope will prove Konica Minolta to be a company Program are classifications for Konica Minolta’s
social contribution activities. See page 26
worthy of trust. We will not, even for a moment, allow the momentum of for details.
our CSR activities to decline, nor will we lose track of our state of progress 11 Machines that take X-ray images and contribute to
the early detection of breast cancer by revealing
while following plans that focus on the medium and long term. Moreover, tumors too small to be felt by palpation.
we will with good grace admit to challenges not yet overcome and ensure
transparency in all our actions.
The Konica Minolta Group is strongly united in its CSR efforts and
its hope of making the leap to a globally trusted company. We thank all our
stakeholders for their continued support of the Konica Minolta Group.
Special Feature:
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Promotion through Business Activities
1 A printer that is capable of performing various other functions, such as copying, scanning, and faxing.
2 The concept of designing products, buildings, and spaces while keeping in mind diversifying human factors, such as disabilities, age, and sex.
Special Feature:
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Promotion through Business Activities
Special Feature:
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Promotion through Business Activities
concentrate on their specialties and to smoothly make strategic Board of directors (13 directors)
decisions. Konica Minolta Holdings has adopted the Board-with- Auditing Conpensation Nomination
Committee Committee Committee
Committees system that separates the supervisory and execution (5 directors) (5 directors) (5 directors)
functions of operation to enhance management transparency
Supervision Appointment
and speed up decision making. The board of directors has three
committees with different authorities to supervise operations: the President and CEO
Auditing Committee, Compensation Committee, and Nomination 20 executive officers
Committee. Each committee is chaired by an outside director and
Nomination Committee
the majority of members are also outside directors. This structure The committee nominates candidates to
helps ensure a transparent management system. be the next board member chosen in the
Konica Minolta’s J-SOX project team has started working to General Meeting of Shareholders.
ensure the Group’s compliance with the Financial Instruments Compensation Committee
and Exchange Law,1 which will be applicable starting in fiscal The committee determines the
2008. The team has divided the process into four phases and compensation of directors and
executive officers.
is proceeding to upgrade the Group’s internal controls across
consolidated companies. The goal is to establish a reliable system Auditing Committee
The committee performs management
that prevents the occurrence of errors in the financial report audits in place of the previous
preparation, and thus assure the appropriateness of the report corporate auditors.
procedure as well as the report content.
We shall communicate with
society at large and disclose
corporate information fairly
and adequately.
Staff Column
Reducing Energy Consumption with
Egbert Pape
Advanced Polymerized Toner Manager
Environment &
Compared to conventional pulverized toner, Konica Minolta’s Safety Europe
Konica Minolta
polymerized toner comes in fine, uniform particles and produces Medical & Graphic
high-quality images comparable to offset printing. All the new Imaging Europe
models in Konica Minolta’s line of MFPs and laser printers come
loaded with a polymerized toner system. “The EU’s three
The manufacturing of polymerized toner requires at least 30% environmental
directives—WEEE RoHS, and EuP 4 —raise
less energy compared to conventional methods because, unlike major issues regarding manufacturing
with pulverized toner, grinding is unnecessary. The elimination of equipment and the materials being used.
this step thus reduces the amount of CO2 emitted. Moreover, with Also, all chemical substances included in
products are subject to the EU’s REACH.5
the introduction of an upgraded polymerized toner in 2006, the We should therefore make chemical
Group succeeded in reducing energy consumption during use by substance management a basic part of the
eco-design of these products.”
about 15%, on top of the energy saved during manufacture, as it
requires less heat to fix the toner.
We shall acknowledge the seriousness
of global environmental issues and
shall act voluntarily and affirmatively
to protect the environment.
Konica Minolta has set the goal of reducing its gross release of
volatile organic compounds (VOCs)3 into the atmosphere to 1/10
the fiscal 2000 level in fiscal 2008. In fiscal 2006, it reduced its
release of VOCs to 16% of the fiscal 2000 level. Moreover, the
Group has set individual targets for a priority reduction of certain
substances, such as dichloromethane, 4 which has a serious
environmental impact.
Regarding soil and groundwater pollution, Konica Minolta’s Wuxi New District Web site explains
plant’s zero waste progress
proactive investigations have resulted in the finding of
such pollution at nine sites. Specialized teams were formed
Staff Column
to manage these sites, where the Group is continuing to
undertake remediation and periodic monitoring as well as other Jianli Gong
countermeasures. Detailed information on each of these sites has Environment
been disclosed on the Group’s website. Konica Minolta
When starting manufacture of a new product on a production (China) Investment
line, Konica Minolta ensures both product safety and the safety of
its employees working on-site, based on its own chemical safety ”This March, the
management standards. One example of this is American Litho’s Wuxi Plant and
plant in Michigan, in the United States, which recently expanded the Shilong Plant
achieved Level 1
its production line of next-generation printing plates. Under zero waste, both attaining over a 90%
the supervision of experts and industrial physicians, the plant recycling rate for generated waste
materials. We will continue to push
carefully examined its handling method of chemical substances ahead with various environmental
in use. Taking the experts’ opinions into account, American Litho measures, in addition to advancing our
zero waste activities.”
held a meeting for chemical safety judgment and continues to
work to ensure safety in the production process.
David A. Pasquini,
Vice President
Health, Safety &
Konica Minolta
Headquarters North
America, Inc.
For more details about Konica Minolta’s environmental initiatives and ”By safely managing the handling,
use, storage, and disposal of chemical
an online version of the environmental report, visit Konica Minolta’s substances in our manufacturing
environmental Web site at: operations, Konica Minolta is able to safely
Global Programs
In Japan, the Group is offering its own Pink Ribbon program for
its employees through its healthcare management divisions.
Leaflets are distributed that provide information on the self-exam
method and the medical facilities that perform breast cancer
screening. The Group also uses the topics section of the Group
intranet 2, as well as posters, to send messages advising women
to perform self-exams once a month and to receive professional
examinations once a year.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior Contribution to Society
We shall, with a global perspective,
affirmatively make contributions to
society while respecting local
customs and cultures.
Regional Programs
Supporting Education Programs for Children in China
Hope Schools are part of a volunteer movement known
as “Project Hope,” which was started by the China Youth
Development Foundation in 1989. The project supports the
schooling of children through three core programs: the building
of Hope Schools, the donation of Hope Libraries, and the training
of rural teachers.
Entrance ceremony held at the Hope School.
Wishing to assist Project Hope in its worthy endeavor, Konica
Minolta donated funds to construct an elementary school in
Zhuanghe, Dalian, Liaoning Province. On September 1, 2006,
the school’s inaugural entrance ceremony was held at the new
Zhuanghe Shanzhen Konica Minolta Hope School, with the
city’s deputy mayor Wang Peng in attendance. On that day,
Konica Minolta Opto (Dalian), Inc., which is also located in
Dalian, donated laptop computers, writing materials, and sports
equipment to the school.
Local Programs
Contributing to the Safety of Beaches in Australia
In Australia, the activities of the country’s “surf lifesavers,” who
patrol the beaches and keep them safe for others to enjoy, is
supported by volunteer members and depends on subsidies
from the national government and donations. Konica Minolta
Business Solutions Australia Pty. Ltd., an office equipment sales
company, supports and provides donations to the local lifesaving Surf lifesavers
association in Queensland.
The Konica Minolta Track and Field Club has made a mark in
many long-distance relay road races and medium-to-long-
distance races. It holds running classes, which are available to Running class
the public, at the club’s training base in Tokyo and other venues
across Japan. Each class has 100 to 150 participants, who range
from elementary school students to adults. They receive coaching 3 A device to restore the heartbeat of a person in
from the club’s members on everything from basic stretching to cardiac arrest, through the administration of an
electric shock.
their running form.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior
Respect for Employees
Konica Minolta believes that people are its greatest asset, and ■ Japan
15% ■ North / South
that they are the key to expanding its corporate value. Based ■ America
on this awareness, the Group places great importance on the 43%
■ Europe
20% ■ Asia (excluding
development and posting of its human resources. The Group has ■ Japan), other
a corporate culture in which its employees are free to explore 22%
ideas that motivate them, and the encouragement to channel their
passion and energy into realizing these ideas.
As of March 31, 2007, there are a total of 30,207 employees Staff Column
in the Konica Minolta Group, working at locations in over 40
countries worldwide (see chart, right). Konica Minolta is respectful Chao King
of regional and national cultures and customs, and creates Konica Minolta
workplace environments where its employees can be enthusiastic Technology
U.S.A., Inc.
about their work.
“Working with
Employees Encouraged to Share Opinions Konica Minolta is
really not just a
and Ideas Openly job, it is a part of
my life. I do not encourage changing jobs,
like many Silicon Valley employees do. I
In October 2006, a discussion was held between employees often say to our people, “If the company
and President Yoshikatsu Ota, in the executive boardroom of treats you well, then you should treat her
with fairness and loyalty.” Konica Minolta
Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc., in Tokyo. Five employees in their is a good company with a lot of potential.
20s and 30s participated in the discussion. These participants However, as I always say, the most
important asset of a company is
were selected among interested employees of different Group good people.”
companies in Japan, and their specialties vary from planning,
development, and manufacturing, to sales. An enthusiastic
discussion with President Ota continued for about two hours,
as they discussed reform and challenges facing the Group. The
participating employees were able to offer frank opinions, and
the president responded earnestly. Through this kind of activity,
the distance between top management and employees is being
bridged. This free and open corporate climate is encouraging the
people of Konica Minolta to take on new challenges.
Since 2005, Konica Minolta has published a German edition
of each new CSR Report. The report was distributed among Employees in Japan exchange opinions with
employees in Germany in 2006. In February 2007, the Konica President Ota
Minolta Holdings director responsible for CSR visited Europe
for a CSR Promotion Committee meeting. During his visit, the
director held a discussion on CSR with junior employees who had
read the report. Some of the employees expressed the opinion
that they wanted to deepen their understanding of not only their
own sales duties but also the activities of the entire Group. Other
employees shared ideas of things they could and would like to
do to contribute to society, including supporting nearby daycare
Employees in Germany share ideas with the
centers, helping senior citizens, giving assistance to children in CSR director
underprivileged households, and aiding disabled persons.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior Respect for Employees
We shall endeavor to make the lives of employees
comfortable and fulfilling, provide a safe work
environment, and respect each employee’s
personality and individuality.
From employees of Group companies
Germany Average Easy to
• I had never heard of the CSR Report before. This was my first time to read it, understand
and it was very informative.
• The content was dry and difficult to read. It should be more interesting and Konica Minolta’s CSR Activities
emotionally provoking. No response Excellent
United States
• The local personnel department attached a message outlining the report 13%
before sending it out. This helped us feel interested in reading it. 5%
• In Michigan, where a new plant has just been built, it was an effective tool for
explaining Konica Minolta to the local governmental agency, the banks, and Needs work 12%
• There is a wealth of information about China and Japan, but not enough
about activities in the United States. 51%
Response to Feedback
1 An internal information network for a company or department that operates based on Internet technology.
Management Profile
Below is an overview of the Konica Minolta Group and
its financial situation. More detailed management and
financial information is available on the Investor
Relations section of Konica Minolta’s Web site
January 2004 Shilong Factory in China is certified as a “Creditable Enterprise” that is compliant with regulations
by the Dongguan Customs Office.
March 2004 Grand opening of planetarium Sunshine Starlight Dome “Manten” in Tokyo.
November 2004 Releases print-on-demand machines bizhub PRO 1050 and bizhub PRO 1050P for production print.
January 2005 Establishes Konica Minolta IJ Technologies, Inc., a new company in the ink-jet printhead and textile printer business.
Receives Fiscal 2004 PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers) Award.
February 2005 Releases phase-contrast mammography X-ray system.
May 2005 Obtains first Japan Eco Mark in the newly established toner cartridge field.
December 2005 Completes construction of Wuxi Plant in China as the main production base for full-color multi-function
peripherals (MFPs).
Obtains integrated ISO 14001 certification for all group companies in Japan.
March 2006 Releases magicolor 5450, a high-speed, high-quality A4 color laser printer.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions, Inc., obtains information security management system certification at all locations.
May 2006 Konica Minolta’s Level 1 zero waste criteria is achieved at all production sites in Japan.
Awarded CoolBrand Polska 2005 in Poland.
June 2006 Develops a white organic light-emitting diode with world’s highest luminous efficiency.
Konica Minolta Information Systems Co., Ltd., obtains privacy mark certification.
September 2006 Completes construction of a new plant in Kobe, Japan, for triacetyl cellulose (TAC) film
(protective film for LCD polarizers) business.
Releases the bizhub PRO C6500, a high-speed digital full-color MFP.
October 2006 Konica Minolta Plaza wins 2006 Japan Mecenat Award in the Mecenat Grand Prize category.
November 2006 Obtains approval for a measurement lab meeting standards eligible for application of the Blue Angel label,
a German environmental protection label.
Group newsletter wins prizes in the Keidanren Corporate Newsletter Competition two years running.
December 2006 Completes construction of a new plant in Nagano, Japan; upgrades and expands the production system
for polymerized toner.
The bizhub 420 is first in the world to obtain certification under the new certification criteria for the Blue Angel label.
Donates mammography systems to university hospitals in Beijing and Shanghai, China.
January 2007 Releases Digital Konsensus Premium, an advanced digital color calibration system.
Selected among the “Fabulous 50” by Forbes Asia.
February 2007 Releases the bizhub C550, a digital full-color MFP designed on new concepts and compatible with
next-generation networks.
Receives Superbrand 2006 award for B2B business in Russia.
March 2007 Cooperates with General Electric Company in the United States to accelerate the commercialization of organic
light-emitting diode, which has excellent environmental performance.
Two production bases in China (Wuxi and Shilong) achieve Level 1 zero waste criteria.
April 2007 Establishes Konica Minolta Health Care Co., Ltd., a new company in the medical business in Japan.
Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc.
Corporate Communications & Branding Division
1-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6250-2100 Fax: +81-3-3218-1368
For inquiries:
Corporate Social Responsibility Division
Phone: +81-3-6250-2120 Fax: +81-3-3287-7701
E-mail: csr-support@konicaminolta.jp
Date of issue: July 2007