Writing Task 4 - Karen and William Conway
Writing Task 4 - Karen and William Conway
Writing Task 4 - Karen and William Conway
Patient History
Mrs Karen Conway has consulted you, her GP, as she and her husband have been trying
to conceive for about 18 months without success, and she is becoming concerned that
there may be something wrong.
Karen is a 32 year old solicitor.
Her husband, William, is a 33 year old accountant.
Karen: previous pregnancy 10 years ago, terminated. William
does not know about this.
William: no previous pregnancies.
Karen attends on her own. She reports that neither she or William have any significant
medical problems. Neither partner smokes, although she reports that William drinks quite
heavily. Also he has to travel regularly with his job.
Married for 3 years, and decided to try for a pregnancy in May 2006, when Karen
stopped the pill. Was on Microgynon 30 for the previous 5 years.
Periods are regular
No history of gynaecological problems, or sexually transmitted diseases.
Although the couple have only been trying to conceive for 18 months, Karen is clearly
very anxious, and so you decide that further investigation is appropriate.
Blood tests for Karen required to confirm that her hormone levels are normal and that she
is ovulating. You explain to Karen that it is necessary for you to see her husband,
William also, and ask her to make an appointment for him. Karen anxious that you do not
reveal her history of a termination of pregnancy to him.
Karen's baseline blood tests are normal, except the test for ovulation is borderline.
However Karen informs you that she has used a home ovulation-prediction test which did
show positive, so it is likely that she is ovulating. Smear test result negative.
As Karen reported, William has no significant medical problems. He says he only drinks
10 units per week, which does not agree with Karen's previous comments that he drinks
heavily. He also explains that he works away from home approximately 2 weeks out of 4,
so he is not so concerned that Karen has not conceived yet, as he thinks that it is because
they haven't been trying long enough. Therefore not keen on being investigated.
Karen is even more anxious that when first seen and wants to be referred to an infertility
specialist, whereas William is quite reluctant. She tells you that her sister has recently had
IVF treatment.
You suggest that William do a semen analysis, to which he agrees reluctantly, under
pressure from Karen. You try to reassure Karen that it is not unusual to take up to 2 years
to conceive, and there are no obvious risk factors, however at Karen's insistence, you
agree to refer them to a specialist, while awaiting the results of the semen analysis. You
give them some general advice regarding timing of intercourse, and suggest to Karen that
she should try to lose some weight. Lastly you check that Karen is taking folic acid, 400
micrograms daily.
Writing Task
You are her GP, Dr Claire Black. Write the referral letter to Dr John Expert MBBS
FRANZCOG, Gynaecologist and IVF Specialist, St Mary's Infertility Centre, Wickham
Terrace, Brisbane.
In your letter expand the relevant case notes into complete sentences. Do not use note
form. The body of your letter should be approximately 200 words. Use correct letter
Task 4 Model Letter
Dear Dr Expert,
This couple have requested referral as they have been trying to conceive for
approximately 18 months without success. I have tried to reassure them that there is no
reason to be concerned yet, particularly as William works away from home regularly and
there are no risk factors in their history, however Karen, particularly, was anxious to be
referred sooner rather that later.
Karen has regular periods and has no history of gynaecological problems or sexually
transmitted diseases. Her hormone tests are all normal, and ovulation confirmed. I did a
smear test on 15.2.08 which was negative, and examination then was normal. She is a
little overweight, with a Body Mass Index of 28, and I have advised that she lose some
weight. Karen is taking folic acid 400 mcg daily.
William also has no significant medical problems and he declined examination. However,
he has agreed to do a semen analysis, but I don't as yet have the results. I will forward
them on in due course.
Thank you for seeing them and continuing with investigations as you think appropriate. I
do wish them success.
Yours sincerely,