Lesson Plan 2nd Sem

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

College of Education
A.Y 2020-2021



4th Quarter
In the Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirement in SS 1D:
Contemporary World

Prepared by:

1st Semester 2020-2021

Iniwasto ni:

Sir Stefhan Angelo A. Payad

I. Objectives: Statistics and Probality (Grade 7)
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

a) Explains the importance of Statistics.

b) Practicing the usage of statistics in real-life factors and;
c) Uses appropriate graphs to represent organized data: pie chart, bar graph,
line graph, histogram, and ogive.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Statistics and Probability
B. Materials
Visual Aids
a. Review:
b. Motivation:
a. Song lyrics on the cartolina
c. Group Activity
a. Answer Sheets
d. Valuing:
C. Reference:
Aseron, E. et al. (2013). Mathematics – Grade 7 Learner's Material. Pasig City:
Department of Education. Retrieved from
InternetAdvisor. (2020). Netflix Statistics in 2020: The status of the Internet Streaming
Giant. InternetAdvisor. Retrieved from https://www.internetadvisor.com/netflix-
Luigi. (2020). Realme is top smartphone brand in PH for Q3 2020. PinoyTechBlog.
Retrieved from https://www.pinoytechblog.com/archives/realme-is-top-
Ph.D., M. D. (2020). GDP growth rate drops by 16.5 percent in the second quarter of
2020; the lowest starting 1981 series. Philippine Statistics Authority. Retrieved
from https://psa.gov.ph/press-releases/id/162842
Ph.D., M. D. (2020). Highlights of the Philippine Export and Import Statistics September
2020 (Preliminary). Philippine Statistics Authority. Retrieved from
Pradesh, M. et al. (2020). Statistics. India: BYJU'S The Learning App. Retrieved from
Trading Economics. (2020). World Corona Virus. Trading Economics. Retrieved from
UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (RBAP). (2020). Youth Co:Lab survey
reveals how Covid-19 is affecting youth-led businesses in Asia-Pacific. Bangkok:
United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved from https://www.asia-

D. Values:
Decision making

II. Learning Procedure:

Teacher Students

A. First Activity

a. Prayer

“Okay. So before we start our class let us pray

(One student will lead the prayer)
first. May I call on (name of student) to lead us in
b. Greetings
“Good morning teacher!”
“Good morning class…”
“So how’s your weekend?” “Great ma’am!”
“That’s good to hear my dear students.”
c. Checking of Attendance

“Now let me check your attendance first. Say

present if you are here.”
(calling of names)
(Students will say present as the
teacher calls their name)
B. Review
C. Motivation

Activity: The students will sing a song in the

tune of “Pamela”. The song lyric is written in a
cartolina posted on the board.


Graph number one, French fries looks
like Histogram
Graph number two, buildings looks like
Bar Graph too
Graph number three, Pie Chart looks like
Pizza treat
Graph number four, Line Graph looks
like cracks on floor
Let’s collect our data, through
conducting surveillance
Analyze, organize data through the
help of graphs
Then let’s present them right on cue.
“I have here on the board the lyrics of a song
entitled ‘Graph’. I want you to sing it but before
that, let me sing it to you first then you will sing
right after me. Understand class?”
(The teacher will sing the song first)
“Now your turn!”
“Yes ma’am!”

(The students are singing the

“Graph number one, French fries
looks like Histogram
Graph number two, buildings
looks like Bar Graph too
Graph number three, Pie Chart
looks like Pizza treat
Graph number four, Line Graph
looks like cracks on floor
Let’s collect our data, through
“Again!” conducting surveillance
(The teacher sings along with the students) Analyze, organize data through
the help of graphs
Then let’s present them right on

(The students will repeat the


D. Lesson Proper:
a. Presentation:

Quick Survey

“I have here survey papers. I will distribute it to “Yes ma’am.”

you then I want you to choose which brand of
cellphone you use. Do you understand class?” (students will get and pass the
“Please get one and pass.”
Which brand of smart phone do
you use?
o VIVO (The students will answer quietly)
o others

“I will give you 5 minutes to answer it. You may

now begin.”
(The tallies may vary)
(After 5 minutes)

“Now we are going to tally your answers on the


Smart Phone Tally

(The students will tell the smart
phone brand that has the highest
number of users in the class base
on the tally.)
(The students will tell the smart
phone brand that has the least
number of users in the class base
on the tally.)


“I think you are wondering are these for.”

“What can you say about the table? Can we
identify which smart phone brand has the highest
number of users in this class?”
“What is it?”

“How about the least number of users?”

“Now, how can we relate this to Math?”

“Did you know that we were using statistics?”
“Well, then I want you to sit properly and listen to
carefully as I were about to teach you what is
Statistics and organization of datas.”
b. Discussion
“So, what is Statistics?”

Statistics – the study of the

collection, organization, analysis,
interpretation and presentation
of data. [ CITATION Pra20 \l 1033 ]

“Can you please read the presentation class?”

”Statistics – the study of the
collection, organization, analysis,
interpretation and presentation of
“On the activity you did lately, is it statistics?”
“You’re right! Because we collected the data with
you answering the survey I gave you. Then we
“Yes ma’am!”
organized the data through tabular method when
we tallied your answers and we analyzed and
interpreted the data when we used it to identify
which smart phone has the highest and least
number of users in our class.”
“When we are talking about statistics, data is the
most important part of it.”
“From the song we sang lately, what do we do to
data? Can you repeat the last paragraph of the
song again class?”
“On my cue…1…2…3…sing!”

“Let’s collect our data, through

“So, what do we do to datas?”
conducting surveillance
“Very good!” Analyze, organize datas through
“Now what is Data?” the help of graphs
“Everybody please read.” Then let’s present them right on
(Presentation) cue.”
Data – is a collection of facts, “Collect, Analyze, Organize and
such as numbers, words, Present”
measurements, observations, etc..
“Alright Pra20is\lused
so Data 1033 to
] describe information
“Data – is a collection of facts,
mathematically.” such as numbers, words,
“I have here an illustration of the list of Top 5 measurements, observations,
smart phone vendors in the Philippines on the 3rd etc..”
quarter of 2020.”

(Source: PinoyTechBlog)
“Can anyone identify what are the datas here?”

“Yes (name of chosen student)”

“Thank you (name of the student)”

“Now lets us interpret the graph by ranking. Let

us begin with Xiaomi.”
“What rank did Xiaomi smart phone landed?” (Students will raise their hands)
“With how many market shares?”
“How about its annual growth?”
(The student will stand up and
“Next. What rank did Oppo smart phone landed?” read)
“With how many market shares?” “The datas on the graph
“How about its annual growth?” presented are the numerical
values variables assume such as
“What rank did Samsung smart phone landed?” the percentage and the ranking of
“With how many market shares?” the top smart phone vendors.”
“How about its annual growth?”

“What rank did Vivo smart phone landed?”

“With how many market shares?”
“How about its annual growth?”
“What rank did Realme smart phone landed?” “8%”
“With how many market shares?” “more than 223%”
“How about its annual growth?”
“This means that among all the smart phones in “13%”
the Philippines, Realme is the Top smart phone “less than 35%”
vendors in 3rd quarter in the year of 2020.”
“We all know that Filipinos are known for being
thrifty, so maybe that is because of the price they “3rd”
look for while some of look for the quality. But you “18%”
know we have different viewpoints in choosing the “more than 14%”
best products, it’s just that through this, we can
determine which product is most preferred by
Filipinos.” “2nd”
“Statistics stresses in the analysis and “21%”
interpretation of data. The analysis and “more than 103%”
interpretation of the data may help many people in
their decision making.”
“Since we already know what is Statistics, let’s “1st”
move on to our next topic which is Organization “25%”
and Presentation of data. Earlier, after we collected “more than 531%”
our datas, we organized them through tabular
method. But do you know that there are more
other ways on how we are going organize and
present our data?
“Well if anyone noticed, the ways on how to
organize and present our datas were mentioned on
the 1st paragraph of the song we sung earlier. Can
you sing the song again?”

“All right! Now can anyone identify the ways of

organizing and presenting the datas on the song?”

“Very good!”

This lesson allows you to explore different
ways of organizing and presenting data such
as using tables, graphs or charts. Presenting “No.”
data using graphs or charts such as frequency
histogram, bar graphs, line graphs and pie
charts or circle graphs will be studied. This will
help you realize when to use such kind of
graph and what information each of these
types can provide. (Source: Mathematics –
Grade 7 Learner’s Material)
“Graph number one, French fries
looks like Histogram
(The teacher will read the presentation.) Graph number two, buildings
looks like Bar Graph too
“Let’s begin with our first graph, Histogram.” Graph number three, Pie Chart
looks like Pizza treat
“In the Graph song, how does histogram being Graph number four, Line Graph
described?” looks like cracks on floor”

“Correct! Because this is how it looks like”

“Histogram, Bar Graph, Pie Chart,
and Line Graph”

“Like a French fries”

(Source: The Conversation)

A histogram is a graphical representation

showing a visual impression of the distribution of
data. A histogram consists of tabular frequencies,
shown as adjacent rectangles, erected over
intervals. The height of a rectangle is also equal to
the frequency. (Source: Mathematics – Grade 7
Learner’s Material)

“Can anyone please read what histogram is?”

“Yes (name of chosen student)”

(students will raise their hands)
(The student will stand up and
“A histogram is a graphical
representation showing a visual
impression of the distribution of
data. A histogram consists of
tabular frequencies, shown as
adjacent rectangles, erected over
intervals. The height of a
rectangle is also equal to the
“Thank you (name of the student)”

“What do you notice about the graph? Are they “Yes ma’am”

“It was said that a histogram is consists of tabular

frequencies, shown as adjacent rectangles, erected
over intervals. Histogram shows us which values
are more and less common along with their
distribution. On our graph, theses adjacent
rectangles colored green represents frequency
distribution of recoveries from January to end of
February. On the left side are the labels that
represent the scale in thousands and at the bottom
are the label of date’s gap.” “Corona Virus 2019 Global
Recoveries From January to end
of February”
“Now, what information can we get from the

“Correct. This is a histogram published by Johns (students will raise their hands)
Hopkins showing the Corona Virus 2019 Global
Recoveries From January to the end of February.” (The student will stand and
“Can you identify the range of dates with the “February 22 with more than 4
highest number of recoveries base on the datas in 000 recoveries”
the graph? What date is it?”
(students will raise their hands)
“Yes (name of chosen student)” (The student will stand and

“January 23 with less than 200

“Very good”
“How about with least recovery?”
(students will raise their hands)
(The student will stand and

“Yes (name of chosen student)”

“Yes (name of chosen student)”

“Excellent!” “French fries!”

“This tells us that even though the number of

cases of people get infected highly increased, the
number of people recovered from the virus is
elevating which is a good news and we have to be
thankfull with our brave frontliners and also to “Pizza pie”
ourselves who follows the protocol of having a
proper hygiene and protection. Our small efforts is
a big help to reduce the risk of getting infected by
the virus.“

“Back to the topic. Just always remember that a

histogram is consists of tabular frequencies, shown
as adjacent rectangles, erected over intervals. It
has labels in the left side and at the bottom and it
looks like?”

“Very good! Are we clear about what histogram is


“Then let’s proceed to our next graph which is Pie

Graph.” (students will raise their hands)
(The student will stand up and
“In the Graph song, how does pie chart being “A pie chart is a circle divided
described?” into sectors proportional to the
frequencies. It shows how a part
“Correct! Because this is how it looks like” of something relates to the whole.
It is important to define what the
whole represents.”

“Yes ma’am”
“The impacts of CoViD 19 in

(students will raise their hands)

(The student will stand up and

“Positive impacts with 6.20%, No
(Source: United Nations Development Programme) impact at all with 8.01%, Only
slight downturn with 14.99%,
Some downturn with 21.19%,
A pie chart is a circle divided into sectors Major slowdown with 27.65%, and
proportional to the frequencies. It shows how a Completely stopped with 21.96%”
part of something relates to the whole. It is
important to define what the whole represents.
(Source: Mathematics – Grade 7 Learner’s Material)

“Yes ma’am!”
“Can anyone please read what pie graph is?”

“Yes (name of chosen student)” “Buildings”

“Thank you (name of the student)”

“Now. What do you notice about the graph? Are

they organized?”

“Pie graph is the easiest type of graph for me.

Because you only need to draw a circle and divide
it into sectors proportional to the frequencies. Pie (students will raise their hands)
charts are generally used to show percentage or
proportional data and usually percentage (The student will stand up and
represented by each category is provided next to read)
the corresponding slice of pie. On our pie graph, “A bar graph is like a histogram
each section has sizes base on the percentage of except that its bars are separated.
the given impacts of corona virus to the This uses parallel bars, either
businesses. As easy as that.” horizontal or vertical, to represent
counts for several categories. One
bar is used for each category with
“What information can we get from the graph?” the length of the bar representing
the count for that one category.”

“Correct. This is a Pie graph showing how the

businesses of young entrepreneurs were impacted
by the corona virus. This was published by Youth
Co:Lab after they conducted a rapid survey among
410 young entrepreneurs across 18 countries and
a range of sectors.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Can you identify the datas in the graph? What are

“Yes (name of chosen student)”

“Excellent (name of the student)” “The number of Netflix subscribers

by year”
“Just always remember that a pie chart is a circle
divided into sectors proportional to the
frequencies. And those frequencies on our example
are the percentage of the impacts.”

“Are we clear about what pie chart is?” (students will raise their hands)
(The student will stand up and
“Then let’s proceed to our next graph which is Bar answer)
Graph.” “In 2011, Netflix gained 21.6
million subscribers; in 2012,
“In the Graph song, how does bar graph being Netflix gained 30.36 million
described?” subscribers; in 2013- 41.43 million
subscribers, in 2014- 54.48 million
“Correct! Because this is how it looks like” subscribers, in 2015- 70.84 million
subscribers, in 2016- 70.84 million
subscribers, in 2017- 110.64
million subscribers, in 2018-
139.26 million subscribers, and in
2019- 167.09 million subscribers.

“Yes ma’am”

(Source: InternetAdvisor)
“Cracks on the floor”
A bar graph is like a histogram except that its
bars are separated. This uses parallel bars, either
horizontal or vertical, to represent counts for
several categories. One bar is used for each
category with the length of the bar representing
the count for that one category. (Source:
Mathematics – Grade 7 Learner’s Material)
“Can anyone please read what pie graph is?”

“Yes (name of chosen student)”

(students will raise their hands)

(The student will stand up and
“A line graph shows trends in
data clearly. This displays data
which are collected over a period
of time to show how the data
change at regular intervals.”

“Yes ma’am”

“Thank you (name of the student)”

“What do you notice about the graph? Are they


“It was said that bar graph uses parallel bars,

either horizontal or vertical, to represent counts for
several categories. Bar graph shows comparisons
among discrete categories. One side of the chart “Yes ma’am”
shows the specific categories being compared, and
the other side represents a measured value. On
our graph, we use vertical bar graph that “Philippine Gross Domestic
represents the increase in number of subscribers in Product year-on-year growth rates
each year. On the left side are the labels that from quarter 1 2018-2019 to
represent the number of subscribers in millions and quarter 3 2019-2020”
at the bottom are the label of yearly time gap.”

“Now, what information can we get from the


“Correct. This is a Bar graph published by

InternetAdvisor showing the annual increase on
the number of Netflix subscribers worldwide. As we
can see, it has been a constant growth for the
company and year by year, the number of Netflix
subscribers has never decreased.”

“Can you identify the datas in the graph? What are

those?” “Philippine GDP on quarter 1 of
2018-2019 was 5.7 percent, 5.4
“Yes (name of chosen student)” percent on quarter 2 of 2018-
2019, 6.3 percent on quarter 3 of
2018-2019, 6.7 percent on quarter
4 of 2018-2019, -0.7 percent on
quarter 1 of 2019-2020, -16.9
percent on quarter 2 of 2019-
2020, and -11.5 percent on
quarter 3 of 2019-2020.”


“Just always remember that a bar graph is like a

histogram except that its bars are separated. This “Yes ma’am”
uses parallel bars, either horizontal or vertical to
represent counts for several categories and it has
labels in the left side and at the bottom.”

“Are we clear about what bar graph is?”

“Then let’s proceed to our next graph which is Line


“In the Graph song, how does line graph being


“Correct! Because this is how it looks like”

(Source: Philippine Statistics Authority)

A line graph shows trends in data clearly. This

displays data which are collected over a period of
time to show how the data change at regular
intervals. (Source: Mathematics – Grade 7 Learner’s

“Can anyone please read what pie graph is?”

“Yes (name of chosen student)”

“Thank you (name of the student)”

“What do you notice about the graph? Are they


“It was said that line graph displays data which are
collected over a period of time to show how the
data change at regular intervals. Line graph are
usually used to show time series data - that is how
one or more variables vary over a continuous
period of time. This graph is similar with the
structure of bar graph because it also has labels on
the left side that represent the rating scale and at
the bottom is the label of the quarterly time gap
but the way to plot the datas are different. By the
word itself, line graph, meaning, in this graph, we
are going to plot our datas through line.
Understand class?”

“Now, what information can we get from the


“Correct. This is a Line graph published by

Philippine Statistics Authority showing the
Philippine Gross Domestic Product growth rate
dropped by 16.5 percent in the second quarter of
2020. As we can see, the first quarter of 2019-
2020 was the time since the corona virus started
to spread. This is because the government need to
sacrifice and prioritize the public health through
long lockdown despite its economic sequences.”

“Can you identify the datas in the graph? What are


“Yes (name of chosen student)”

“Just always remember that a line graph has labels
on the left side that represent the scale and at the
bottom is the label of time gap but the way to plot
the datas is through lines.”

“Are we clear about what line graph is?”

Process Activity:
The students will have a group activity.

“For your today’s activity, I want you to group

yourselves into 4. Lets’s start counting on the first (The students will be counting by
row. Start.” four)

“Now go to you respective group mates then

choose a leader.” (The students will be choosing
their leader)
“Eyes on the presentation please. Okay so here is
the direction.”
(The leaders will go in front and
(The teacher will read the direction) pick their tasks)

1. Organize the following data and present using
appropriate graph or chart. Explain why you are
using such graph/chart in presenting your data.

So after you finish organizing datas on your chosen

graph or chart, you are going to present it in front, “Yes ma’am!”
do you understand?”

“Leaders, please get each of your cartolina and

marker here.”

“Okay. So these are the datas you are going to use

for your graphs.”

(The teacher will read the datas) 230.6166 (The leaders will go in front and
get their materials)
The datas below are the Philippine exports by
major partners country as of September 2020:

China – 1220 USD million (19.6%)

Japan – 974.78 USD million (15.7%)
USA – 903.46 USD million (14.5%)
Hongkong – 809.14 million (13%)
Singapore – 347.68 USD million (5.6%)
Others – (31.6%)
(Source: Philippines Statistics Authority)

“I will give you 15 minutes to finish your activity.

You may now start.”
(The students will start to do their
(After 15 minutes, each group will start to present activity)
their output in front of the class. Then after a group
present, the teacher will give her comment about
their output.” Expected output:



Philippines Exports by
Major Country Partners
September 2020

China Japan USA

Hongkong Singapore Others




13% 15%


c. Generalization
Form of question

(The teacher will pose questions)

“Excellent class! Now let’s have a recap on our

today’s lesson. Do you still remember what
Statistics is?” “Yes ma’am!”

“Okay. Can anyone tell me the definition of

Statistics?” (majority of the students will raise
their hands)
“Yes (name of the student)”
(The student will stand up and
”Statistics is the study of the
collection, organization, analysis,
interpretation and presentation of
“Very good!” data.”

“Another. These are the numerical values that the

variables assume and it is used to describe
information mathematically. What is it?” “Data or datas”

“Very good!”

“So what do we do with our datas?” “Collect, Analyze, Organize and


“Excellent! After we collect and analyze our datas,

we need to organize them, can you name the
different ways of presenting data that we have “Histogram, Pie Chart, Bar Graph,
discussed lately? and Line Graph”

“Very Good. Now can you describe the information

that can be obtained from a data presented using
Bar Graph, Pie Chart, Line Graph, and Histogram?
Let’s start first with the bar graph.” (majority of the students will raise
their hands)
“Yes (name of the student)”
(The student will stand up and

“Bar graph shows comparisons

among discrete categories. One
side of the chart shows the
specific categories being
compared, and the other side
represents a measured value.”
“Very good!”

“How about on Pie charts?” (majority of the students will raise

their hands)
“Yes (name of the student)”
(The student will stand up and

“Pie charts are generally used to

show percentage or proportional
data and usually percentage
represented by each category is
provided next to the
corresponding slice of pie.”
“Very good!”

“How about on Line Graph?” (majority of the students will raise

their hands)
“Yes (name of the student)”
(The student will stand up and
“Line graph are usually used to
show time series data - that is
how one or more variables vary
over a continuous period of time.”
“Very good!”
(majority of the students will raise
“How about on Histogram?”
their hands)

“Yes (name of the student)” (The student will stand up and


“Histogram shows us which values

are more and less common along
with their distribution.”

“Very good my dear students.”


The teacher will impose a question.

“Do you know that statistics helps us in our

desicion making? Let’s have an example of real life
“As pandemic and lockdown is around us, online
shopping has become our alternative way on
shopping our stuffs like clothes, shoes, gadgets.
Now I want to ask you, who among you orders on
online shopping stores like Shoppee, Lazada, OLX,
Zalora, etc.?
(Majority will raise their hands)
“When you are choosing a product, what do you
mostly check first?”
“Product description!”
“What do call them again?” “Data”
“Very good. So after we check their price,
description, ratings, and review, we now analyze
and compare the data on which among the
products is the best.”

But most of us choose the product that has a high

rating or good reviews because we are not certain
if the product is a good quality product.

But what if you can’t decide among the products

you are comparing because the informations are
too large and you can’t find which among them
has the highest ratings or number of solds? It will
be difficult for us to draw conclusion right?”
“But if we organize the datas given in each
product, then it will be easy for us to draw

“Like when we are arranging our things on their

respective places according to their color, sizes or
description so that it will be easier for us to work
on our activities and studies. These real life
examples tell us that if we put the things or we
arrange the datas in their proper places and order
saves our valuable time and effort.”

“Now, through this, we can decide which among

the products we are going to purchase. And that is
the importance of statistics to our decision making
III. Evaluation:
“To assess you if you really learned how to
organize datas, I want you to answer this problem
I prepared for you on a whole sheet of paper. Do
you understand class?” “Yes Ma’am!”

The World Health Organization reported over

60.5 million cases of Coronavirus Cases since
the pandemic began. The datas below are
the number of added Coronavirus cases
worldwide daily from November 13 to
November 27, 2020. Organize and present
the datas using appropriate chart or graph.
(Source: TradingEconomics)
Expected Answers:
Date Number of added cases
(in thousands)
Daily Increase of Coronavirus
20 628 Worlwide
21 645 November 20-27, 2020
22 610 700
23 548 600
24 523 500
25 544
26 589
27 441 300
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 23 1 23 1 23 1 23 123 123 123 124
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Number of Added cases

(Source: TradingEconomics[ CITATION
Ase13 \l 1033 ])

Daily Increase of Coronavirus

November 20-27, 2020
ov ov ov ov ov ov ov ov
0 -N 1-N 2-N 3-N 4-N 5-N 6-N 7-N
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Number of added cases


IV. Assignment:
Recall your previous height grades from first Example Answer:
quarter to second quarter. Make a
presentation of your previous grades using BAR GRAPH
appropriate chart/graph showing the
progress of your grades in all subjects.
My Grades Progress
1st Quarter - 2nd Quarter






Fil e


Sc h






Second quarter First Quarter


Daily Increase of Coronavirus

November 20-27, 2020

Fil e


Sc h






First Quarter
Second Quarter

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