Tigist WMariam 87019
Tigist WMariam 87019
Tigist WMariam 87019
Tigist W/Mariam
September /2016
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tigist W/Mariam
M.Sc. in Health Informatics Program
Tigist W/Mariam
September /2016
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
First and for most, I would like to thanks God that he give me this chance and power to do this
project work.
My gratitude also goes to my advisors Dr. Million Meshesha and Dr. Demeke Assefa who has spent
their precious time in advising and correcting on my draft proposal and research project.
I would like to thank Addis Ababa University for providing me with necessary fund for
processing and finalizing my project work.
My thanks extended to Nebiyu Yared for his strong support from proposal development up to project
documentation. I would like to thanks Desta Worku and Natnael Alemu for their important
comments during the development of this project work.
I would like to thank my families for their encouraging moral and unlimited support and especial
thanks to my husband Tasew Tefera for his kind co-operation and encouragement while doing this
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................................. iv
Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ v
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................................ vii
ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................ viii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ ix
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Objective of the project....................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 General Objectives ................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives .................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Scope of the project ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Significance of the Project .................................................................................................................. 4
1.6 Organization of the Project ................................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................................................. 5
LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 General Literature ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Health Information System ...................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Health Information Technology in Medication Management.................................................. 7
2.1.3 Information System Development .......................................................................................... 8
2.1.4 System Modeling Approach ................................................................................................... 10
2.1.5 System Modeling Technique and Tools ................................................................................. 10
2.1.6 System Architecture ............................................................................................................... 12
2.1.7 Web-Based Application .......................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Related Literature Review ............................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................................................... 16
METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 The case ............................................................................................................................................. 16
3.2 Study population ............................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Data Source and Method of Data Collection..................................................................................... 17
3.4 Analysis and Design Technique ......................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Prototype Implementation Tools ...................................................................................................... 18
3.6 Evaluation of the Prototype .............................................................................................................. 19
3.7 Ethical Clearance ............................................................................................................................... 19
3.8 Method of Result Dissemination ....................................................................................................... 19
3.9 Operational Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................................................... 21
SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MODELLING .......................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Analysis of the Existing System ......................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Limitations of the Existing System.......................................................................................... 25
4.2 System Requirements........................................................................................................................ 26
4.2.1 Functional Requirements ....................................................................................................... 26
4.2.2 Non-functional Requirements ................................................................................................ 28
4.3 System Analysis Models .................................................................................................................... 29
4.3.1 Use Case Diagram ................................................................................................................... 29
4.3.2 Use Case Narration ................................................................................................................. 33
4.4 System Design Models ...................................................................................................................... 34
4.4.1 System Class Diagram ............................................................................................................. 34
4.4.2 Sequence Diagram.................................................................................................................. 36
4.5 System Architecture .......................................................................................................................... 37
4.6 Prototype Implementation ................................................................................................................ 38
4.7 Usability Evaluation of Prototype....................................................................................................... 41
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................................................. 42
Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 42
5.1 Summary and Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 42
5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................ 43
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 44
Annex I: Software Requirement Specification Document ......................................................................... 47
Annex II: Hardware Inventory .................................................................................................................... 80
Annex III: Requirement Collection Checklist .............................................................................................. 82
Annex V: Prototype Evaluation Check List .............................................................................................. 85
IT Information Technology
OO Object Oriented
Objective: This project attempt to design a web based pharmacy management system that
provides accurate and reliable pharmacy management system for Saint Paul Hospital Millennium
Medical College by designing cost effective and user friendly application.
Methodology: To build the system on well -formed and verifiable user requirement, a total of
30 participants were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The data was collected
through face to face interview using semi-structured open ended questionaries’ and by reviewing
existing documents. To this end, the necessary data was gathered and system requirements are
identified. The project followed waterfall system analysis and design approach. In addition to
model the analysis and design of the proposed system UML modeling technique is used. The
system prototype is developed using both HTML and Php and the database is designed using
MySQL database management system. Microsoft Visio 2013 and Adobe Dreamweaver cc 2015
are used as a tool to model the user interface prototype and to design the UML diagrams.
Result: The system helps the user to easily view available stock and expiry date of drugs. It can
also use to request, receive, and issue drugs between the pharmacy departments and store. It also
has a feature to generate reliable report for problem solving and better decision making.
However, drug procurement process of the hospital is not included in the design because of
resource limitation.
Conclusion: These web-based pharmacy management systems facilitate the work of the
organization and help to improve patient care. But this project work shows only the system
prototype of pharmacy management system. The hospital hardware and internet availability is a
good opportunity in the development and implementation of the full system.
1.1 Background
One of the indispensible departments in hospital is a pharmacy unit. A hospital pharmacy forms
an integrated part of patient health care through continuous maintaining and improving the
medication management and pharmaceutical care of patients to the highest standards in a
hospital setting (1).
A hospital pharmacy play a great role in patient care by ensuring the ordered medication is
precisely and timely dispensed to the intended unit and user. It is also responsible in monitoring,
evaluating and assurance of the quality drug uses. Under hospital pharmacy the procurement,
storing and distribution of all pharmaceuticals used within the facility are the main logistic
activities done routinely. Improving the efficiency of this logistic process through appropriate
pharmacy management system is the main option for ensuring the accurate and reliable health
care service (2).
The set-up of computerized pharmacy management system will ensure availability of sufficient
quantity of drugs and consumable materials for the patient at any time needed. Pharmacy
management system process the procurement, distribution and control of all pharmaceuticals
used within the facility, dissemination of information to the staff and clients, monitoring and
assuring of quality of drug (3). Many organizations utilize pharmacy management systems as a
means of ensuring accountability over pharmaceuticals inventory and purchasing process.
Effective and transparent tracking systems that allow pharmacies to accurately record inventory
components, such as medication expiry dates and physical quantities, also have the potential to
reduce adverse patient outcomes (4).
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Health is a fundamental human right. Access to health care, which includes access to essential
drug, is one of methods to realize this fundamental right (5). Medicines save lives and improve
health when they are available, affordable, of assured quality and properly used. This is achieved
by using accurate and reliable medication management system in the Pharmaceutical units of
hospitals. Within this department drugs are supplied to the needed unit’, prescription are filled
for inpatient and outpatients’, pharmaceuticals are manufactured in bulk, narcotic and other
prescribed drug are dispensed’, injectable preparation are prepared and sterilized (6).
Drug procurement, inventory, tracking, distribution and its information management are routine
activities that are carried out in pharmaceutical unit of various hospitals (7). Study conducted in
Ethiopia by Pharmaceutical Fund and Supply Agency (PFSA) in collaboration with USAID/
Delivery project in 2014 G.C shows that it is common to observe this process are still performed
manually or are minimally computerized in Ethiopia public center health facilities including
large referral hospitals like Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College (8).
On this survey it is indicated that the manual approach of pharmacy management system has a
lot of problems associated with it which can lead to inappropriate drug management. Problem of
handling voluminous file, incomplete recording and reporting, lack of information system
storage are the major ones. Difficulty of retrieving the necessary data from a manual system and
incomplete registered data make the data accuracy to be low for efficient decision making (8).
Hence, this project aims to come up with web-based pharmacy management system that ensures
effective data storing and manipulating. The system reduce burden and help the pharmacist’s
easy access of important drug related information. In addition it helps to properly manage stock,
determine drug interaction or possible harmful side effects and facilitate the work of the
organization and improve patient care.
1.3 Objective of the project
1.3.1 General Objectives
The general objective of this project is to design and develop prototype of a web-
based pharmacy management system for Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical
College so as to ensure good stock management, accurate keeping of records on drug
and drug related information.
To achieve the general objective, the following specific objectives are attempted
This Web-Based Pharmacy Management System Project is limited to the design of the system
and development of a prototype. That means the project does not include the implementation,
testing and deployment of the whole system.
It presents comprehensive design of drug registration, stock management, drug distribution, drug
prescription, purchase request and order. In addition, system design document is developed and
The project ends with prototype development of the system followed by user interface testing.
However, in this project drug procurement procedure of the hospital is not included due to
extended time requirement to collect the necessary data.
1.5 Significance of the Project
This project has a great benefit for the pharmacist, customers and the organization at large. It
could benefit the pharmacists by decreasing burden of daily listing of drugs. It also stores data
securely, eases data access and helps to monitor drug movement within the department.
The physicians can easily order prescription and can easily trace cause of adverse drug event and
drug interaction. In addition, having an automated system will minimize resource like paper,
time and manpower.
This web-based pharmacy management system also minimizes human error in medication safety.
It helps the hospital to provide reliable health care service, guarantee hospital management and
patient of genuine and safe drug. The project ensures efficient and standard drug dispensing
system and also possibly it facilitate the work of the health care organization.
Chapter one is the introduction and it covers the statement of problem, objectives of the study,
significance of the study and scope of the study. Chapter two is the literature review; it gives
related information with this project work. Chapter three is about methodology used to develop
this research project. Chapter four is the system analysis and modeling; which talked about the
operation of the proposed system. Chapter five is conclusion and recommendation. Finally, a
Software Requirement Specification Document is organized.
The World Health Organization defines Health Information System (HIS) is “ A system that
integrates data-collection, processing, reporting and using the information necessary for
improving health service effectiveness and efficiency through better management at all levels of
health services” (9). It also puts designing and developing the information system of hospitals as
an important indicator of quality service.
The goal of health information system is to improve staff efficiency, to remove work duplication
and unnecessary procedure. Health information system helps to make statistic and data mining
technique faster and accurate. It facilitates data communication between hospital and medical
center and hence improve the quality of health care service by using information communication
as a tool (10).
Information technology allows the health care providers the collection, storing, retrieving and
transferring of complex information. Thus, increasing the ability of physicians, nurses, clinical
technicians, and others to readily access and use the right information about their patients should
improve the health care. Information Technology (IT) has potential to improve the quality, safety
and efficiency of health care. The various information technology application in the health care
fall mainly in administrative and financial systems that facilitate billing, accounting, and other
administrative tasks, clinical systems that facilitate or provide input into the care process, and
infrastructure that supports both the administrative and clinical applications (11).
With the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT), the health care delivery
environment has benefited and improvement has been witnessed in quality of service provision.
Some of the ICT widely used in the health care delivery includes Telemedicine and e-learning.
Telemedicine improves resource coordination, strengthens urban/rural linkages and it connects
remote health staff to centralized health expertise and resources. Incorporating already existing
technology – such as phone or e-mail – into medical practice and routine consultancies can make
a difference (11).
There is strong potential for e-learning in health as demonstrated by a variety of successful small
projects around the world. Multiple ICT routes can, and are, being used for e-learning including
Internet, radio, in combination with print materials. The potential of ICT in improving
communication around the health care study shows that there is growing evidence that ICTs aid
health information dissemination, particularly via online routes and that ICTs increase the
effectiveness of some communication systems (10). The application of information technology to
health and health care, facilitate health information management across computerized system and
secure exchange of health information between patient, health care provider, payers and quality
monitors (6).
The use of different type of information technology in developed countries in the health care
industry has progressed considerably leading to improvement in care given and facilitated
information storage and management. The computerization of medical records in the health
facilities, the use of the Internet for communication and information exchange, the development
of magnetic cards for user identification purpose, using an electronic scheduling systems for
appointments, examinations and hospital admissions, and computerized protocols for diagnosis
and treatment support are just a few examples (12).
Health Information Technology (HIT) is the area where processes of health information system
design, maintenance of the system, health information systems development and use of the
system takes place (13). Automated and interoperable healthcare information systems are
anticipated to decrease the cost of health services by decreasing both the paper work and idle
work time of the health professionals (2). Health care given to a patient is not based on a single
transaction rather it includes multiple interactions with a patient over a long period of time. Each
time a patient accesses pharmacist care, assessment of individual and previous health care is
required. Through the use of Health Information Technology, capturing patient care events and
storing them centrally, comprehensive patient care information is made available for health
professionals and facilitating improved decision making at multiple point of care (14).World
Health Information System recommends the use of information communication technology as
vital to manage patient health information, logistics, and finance of various departments in any
According to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (15), Health Information
Technology if implemented and used effectively has tremendous potential to improve patient
care. Enhanced use of HIT encompasses a wide variety of clinical and public heath activities that
are critical for improving patient care. These applications include quality measurement and
reporting, new approaches to provider payment and benefit design based on quality rather than
simply the volume or intensity of services provided, and public health surveillance.
Medicines and medical supplies account the major portion of hospital expenses. Unless these
supplies managed properly it also directly affects the total expense of a country .One of the
application and potential benefit of Health Information Technology is in the management of
medications in the health care industry(2). The introduction of Health Information Technology
(HIT) into medication management process holds the promise of reducing adverse drug events,
improve efficiency of care delivery and quality of care, reduce costs, and saves money over the
longer term (17).
Medication management is a continuum that covers all aspects of medications such as
prescribing and ordering, orders communication between prescribers and pharmacists,
dispensing, administering, and monitoring, as well as reconciliation, adherence, and education.
Health information technology (HIT) holds great promise to improve the quality of health care
and reduce potential and real errors in medication management while at the same time providing
cost-effective care (18).
Medicines are special commodities as regards their management. Medicines are also costly and
require special handling to ensure their cost effectiveness and quality. Special tools and
techniques are therefore necessary for the proper management of medicines. A well-functioning
pharmacy information management system is critical to the effective management of medicines
so that it enables accurately record the movement of medicines across the supply chain, it enable
for rationale prescription and dispensing of pharmaceuticals (19).
Generally, medication management system is a system that consists of data entry, retrieval and
stock monitoring, tracking drug dispensing pattern, generation of reports and statistics and
others. Pharmacy (medication) Management System focuses on pharmacy store operation and
how it manages the inventory flow with suppliers and department dispensary. The system covers
operations like receiving medication from suppliers, processing department’s medication
requests and distribution, returning expired medication to suppliers (10).
There are different system development approach that are used in different organization based on
their system type and the way they automate their business procedure. Among these, the two
most popular system development approaches are Waterfall and Rapid Application Development
8 Waterfall approach
Waterfall approach was first Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model to be used widely
in Software Engineering to ensure success of the project. In "The Waterfall" approach, the whole
process of software development is divided into separate phases and the outcome of one phase
acts as the input for the next phase sequentially. This means that any phase in the development
process begins only if the previous phase is complete and so that phases do not overlap (21).
throughout the development life cycle so that the system is tested and reviewed by both
developers and users incrementally. The RAD approach thus includes developing and refining
the data models, process models, and prototype in parallel using an iterative process (22).
It is the traditional view of software development. This phase helps developers to plan, analyze,
design, implement and support an information system. This view leads developers to focus on
issues of control and the decomposition of larger algorithms into smaller ones (23).
Systems analysts use the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to describe object-oriented. UML
is a general purposive visual modeling language that is used to specify, visualize, construct and
document the deliverables of software system (24). It provides various graphical tools to
represent the information system from a user’s point of view. There are nine artifacts defined in
the UML modeling which are mainly categorized as static (structural) and dynamic (behavioral
1) Static view
This view emphasize that any model must be defined from their application, their internal
properties and their relationship to each other (25). This static part is represented by use case,
class, package, component, and deployment diagram.
Use case diagram
Use case diagram is a representation of a user`s interaction with the system and
depicting the specification of a use case. A use case diagram is helpful in
visualizing the context of a system and the boundaries of the system’s behavior.
Its main purposes are used to gather requirements of system; to get an outside
view of a system; to identify external and internal factors influencing the system
Class diagram
The class diagram represents the static structure of the system. Class diagram
show a collection of static model elements such as class and their relationship,
connected as graph to each other and to their content, their internal structure and
their relationship to other class. In class diagram object in real world are
represented by the actual object in the program (26).
Package diagram
Package diagram shows how the various classes are grouped into packages.
Packages are UML constructs that enable to organize model elements into groups.
It makes the UML diagrams simpler and easier to understand (27).
Component diagram
A component diagram provides a physical view of the system. Its purpose is to
show the dependencies that the software has on the other software components in
the system (24). It is built as part of architectural specification and developed by
architects and programmers.
Deployment diagram
The deployment diagram shows how a system will be physically deployed in the
hardware environment. Its purpose is to show where the different components of
the system will physically run and how they will communicate with each other
2) Dynamic (behavioral) view
Behavioral diagrams basically capture moving or changing part of the system by showing object
collaboration and change to the internal state of the objects (25). The dynamic part is represented
by sequence, collaboration, state chart, and activity diagram.
Sequence diagram
A sequence diagram is an easy and intuitive way of describing the behavior of a
system by viewing the interaction between the system and its environment. A
sequence diagram shows an interaction arranged in a time sequence (27)
Collaboration diagram
Collaboration diagram helps to visualize object organization and their interaction
by showing message flow between objects in an object-oriented application, and
also indicate the basic relationships between classes (26).
Activity diagram
Activity diagram is used to model consecutive steps in a computational process.
This diagram essentially a flow chart that emphasizes the activity that takes place
over time (27).
State chart
The state chart diagram models the different states that a class can be in and how
that class transitions from state to state. Every class has a state (which is a
situation during the life of an object, which satisfies some condition, performs
some activity or waits from some event), but that every class shouldn't have a
state chart diagram(26).
The system architecture transforms the logic design of information system in to physical
structure. It describes the system’s hardware, software, and network support, processing method
and security. It is the plan for how the information system components will be distributed across
multiple computers. The deliverables include the architecture design and the hardware and
software specification (28). Different system developers use different types of architecture in
certain situations.
Server-Based Architectures: - server based architecture was the first computing architecture.
In this form of architecture the server performs all four application functions (presentation logic,
application logic, data access logic and storage). Application software is developed and stored on
the server, and all data are on the some computer (29).
Client-Based Architecture: - the client is a micro-computer on local area network, and the
server is a computer on the some network. The client computer is responsible for the
presentation, application and data access logic, whereas the server simply provides storage for
the data (29).
Client-Server Architecture: - this is the most common architecture design used today. The
client computer is responsible for the presentation logic. The server is responsible for the data
access logic and data storage, but the application logic can be resides on both client and server.
This architecture is scalable, support different type of client/server and it also uses an internet
standard that helps to clearly separate presentation, application, and the data access logic (28).
The two common client-server based architecture tiers are Two-Tiered Architecture and Three-
Tiered Architecture.
Two-Tiered Architecture:-In this case, the server is responsible for the data and the
client is responsible for the application and presentation.
Three-Tiered Architecture:-In this case, the software on the client computer is
responsible for presentation logic, an application server(s) is responsible for the
application logic, and a separate database server(s) is responsible for the data access
logic and data storage. Typically, the user interface runs on a desktop PC or
workstation and uses a standard graphical user interface. The application logic may
have one or more separate modules running on a workstation or application server.
Finally, a relational Data base management system running on a database server
contains the data access logic and data storage (28).
In a simple way a web-based application is any application that uses a web browser as a client.
The term may also mean a computer software application that is coded in a browser supported
programming language (such as php, combined with a browser-rendered markup executable
language like HTML) and reliant on a common web browser to render the application. The
World Wide Web provides a new medium for storing, presenting, gathering, sharing, processing,
and using information (30). Additionally, the use of existing web browsers and their multimedia
capabilities has allowed developers to create more interactive, media-rich user interfaces.
PCIP Haiti: - Following the earthquake happened in Haiti in 2010, uninterrupted supply chain
was essential to manage mass casualties and cholera epidemic at St.Luke Hospital. The hospital
medication transaction was only documented on occasion and records were not organized in a
manner conducive of retrieving and medication ordering was irrational. After need assessment a
pharmacy computerized inventory system (PCIP) was implemented and the PCIP incorporate
inventory of medication, drug ordering, filling drug request, distributing and dispensing of
medication. The PCIP enabled the hospital staffs to identify and order medication as well as
truck usage for future medication need and efficient and significant improvement in medication
transaction has improved the care given (31).
PMS in Abu Dhabi:-The hospital system in Abu Dhabi, UAE has a link between the databases
of the hospital with the databases of the pharmacy resulting in an interconnected system between
the two databases. This pharmacy system helped the doctors to submit their patient prescription
directly to the pharmacist and it also enabled them to check medicines availability in the stock
SILCOM Brazil:-Computerized System for the Control of Drug Logistics (SICLOM) used to
deliver ARV treatment for their patients by the Brazilian public health system is used to support
prescribing and track medication supplies for more than 100, 000 patients and also believed to be
a solution for the challenges of antiretroviral delivery (35).
The project is carried out in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia. According to the federal
ministry of health (FMOH) health indicator report of 2007, there are 41 hospitals in Addis Ababa
city in which 10 of them are public.
This research project is particularly conducted in Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical
College. SPHMMC is one of the largest public referral hospitals in Addis Ababa which is
administrated by Federal ministry of health. SPHMMC was built by Emperor Hailessilase in
1969 G.C. In addition to its medical care service since 2007 G.C it opened a medical school for
teaching and research center. Currently there are 544 students that beside their learning and
teaching process students and physicians are helping in clinical area (36).
The hospital provides health care through its different clinical departments. These departments
are General surgery, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Emergency,
Urology, Neurology, Orthopedics, Psychiatry, Ophthalmology, ENT, Dentistry and Maxillofacial
surgery, Radiology, Anesthesiology, ICU (Intensive care unit), ART (HIV care), Endoscopy,
Physiotherapy, Laboratory, pharmacy and recently it launched a hemodialysis unit. There are a
total of 1,300 clinical and non-clinical staffs. It is assumed on regular and emergency bases
annually 200,000 patients visit the hospital (36).
The study population of this research includes health and pharmacy professional staffs of the
Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College and Professionals from Federal Ministry of
Health who was involved in the development and implementation of Smart care software. These
aforementioned bodies are selected, because there are the major bodies that are directly concerned
with pharmacy management system requirement specification.
3.3 Data Source and Method of Data Collection
For the purpose of requirement determination of this project both primary and secondary data
collection methods were used.
The primary data was collected by face-to face interview using semi-structured open
ended questionnaires. This technique is selected because it helps the investigator to get
the information required in detail. Purposive sampling technique was used to select
samples. Currently there are a total of 31 pharmacy professionals working in the
pharmacy department. The interview was made with 18 pharmacy professionals working
in the pharmacy department and pharmaceutical stores. In addition 10 health professional
from different department of the hospital and 2 professions from Federal Ministry of
Health are included. The interview was undergone with separate guideline for the
hospital staffs and professionals from FMOH.
Document review
The secondary data was conducted by reviewing the existing document, manuals and
forms. Here the researcher reviewed patient medication forms, stock cards (bin card),
prescriptions, and internal facility report and resupply form.
Waterfall methodology approach is used for the analysis and design of the pharmacy management
system. As it is discussed in section, this approach is selected because it has an advantage
of gathering all requirements from user at the begging of the project development so that system
analysis and design is done step by step.
In addition, to model the analysis and design of the system UML modeling technique is used.
This includes the use of different unified modeling language. For the analysis part Use Case is
used, because it is appropriate to represent user interaction with the system and helps to get an
outside view of the system, to clearly identify external and internal factors influencing the system
and interaction of actors with the system. To model the design part of the system, Class diagram
is used in order to describe the structure of the system by showing the system class, attribute and
relationship among objects. In addition Sequence diagram was used to model the logic of usage
action for each functionality process flow.
For the development of pharmacy management system for the Saint Paul Hospital Medical
Millennium College, Microsoft Visio 2013 and Adobe Dreamweaver cc 2015 are used as a tool
to model the user interface prototype and to design the UML diagrams.
For the implementation of the system prototype, System implementation tools for the front end
(to design the web-page), middleware (to connect web-page with web-server) and back end (to
design web-server) is selected as follow based on their availability and the researcher experience
on using this tools.
Html (hypertext makeup language) enables the construction of easy and intuitive user
interface as front end for accessing the database (37).
PHP is selected as a connector between the front end the database since it works nearly in
all platforms and it is a general purpose scripting language. It can be embedded into
HTML and contains many server interfaces. It plays a basic role in the functioning
different services that are provided by the system (38).
The back end is implemented using MySQL which is easy to use, inexpensive data base
language it can run on a variety of operating systems such as Window, Linux, UNIX. To
manage MySQL database through the internet phpMyAdmin is used and some of its
features include create databases, add/edit/delete tables, run SQL queries, manage user
authorization and manage field keys (37).
3.6 Evaluation of the Prototype
Prototype is a software development process which allows developers to greater portions of the
solution to demonstrate functionality and make needed refinements before development the final
solution. Prototyping is an excellent way for the development term to confirm understanding of
the requirements and ensure that the proposed solution is consistent with expectation of the
gathered requirements (39).
After designing the system prototype user interface acceptance test was done to evaluate the
usability of the system. The goal of this evaluation is to determine the usability of a web-based
PMS system by the end-system users. Usability often refers as the question of how well users can
use system functionality and to evaluate this prototype the researcher used Heuristic evaluation
3.9 Operational Definitions
Drug: drug or medicine means any substance or mixture of substances or medical equipment’s
or supplies, used for human health care including narcotics & psychotropic substance, chemicals,
blood and blood products, vaccines, supplementary foods, pharmaceutical cosmetics and sanitary
Sell: is processing of the ordered prescription through the pharmacy management system.
Users: are stalk holders who has the right to use the built pharmacy management system.
User-friendly: Is the way that the built system is not ambiguous which is clear for using the
created software interface for manipulating actions or tasks.
Departments: are hospital units that provide different services and request pharmaceuticals from
the stores.
Stores: are pharmaceutical warehouses that receive and distribute drugs or medicines to
Physician: is a health professional that has the right to order medication/drug to patients.
The pharmacy departments of the Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College act as
essential medical support service. Pharmaceuticals are stored in three main stores before
distribution. The store manager controls appropriate drug procurement, inventory and
distribution system in the hospital. These processes take place under the supervision of drug
supply management team. DSM team approves quantity to be issued, the right dispensing
schedule and tracking and then registration and documentation take place. It also ensures the
availability of sufficient quantity of drug and pharmaceutical materials for patients and for
efficient hospital work.
Those pharmaceuticals are mainly distributed to the six pharmacy units of the hospital. These
are, Special or retail pharmacy provide service for patients who are treated in the hospital or
elsewhere but only if they can afford payment for the prescribed medication. The inpatient
pharmacy give service for patients admitted temporarily in the hospital and the outpatient
pharmacy serve for those not admitted but treated at outpatient department and return to their
home. For Patients under emergency condition in the emergency room the emergency pharmacy
is responsible. HIV positive individuals who has follow up can get their drug from ART
pharmacy. Finally, for the new launched kidney transplant and dialysis center the kidney
transplant pharmacy provide service. This pharmacy is unique in Ethiopia and only serves for
patient who undergone kidney transplant and candidate for kidney transplant.
A process which describes the tasks or functions that are undertaken day- to-day in order to
achieve the desired result of the organization mainly addresses the following.
IV. Inpatient and Outpatient drug management system
For patients that are admitted in the hospital the nurse in charge collect the prescribed
medication from admission chart and fill the request for the main store and this process is
done daily. For those treated and return to home the physician prescribe in prescription
form that they can get the service by showing this form to the pharmacy.
B) Software
Ethiopian determine to replace the paper based record system with Electronic record system by
implementing the smart Care system and this software was adopted in SPHMMC in 2009G.C by
Tulane University Technical Assistance Program to Ethiopia (TUTAPE’s) in collaboration with
Federal Ministry of Health. The software has Pharmacy modules that enable the pharmacy
department to handle under and over stock medicine and to detect expire data of drugs. It also
supports prescription which enables the physicians to order medicine for their patients. The
system does not support drug distribution and department request. Despite this, the main
challenge to use the system was, it need frequently feeding of issued drugs to the system
manually which create high work load and time constrain for the pharmacist. In general despite
the adoption of the smart Care after a year the system failed to operate fully and retuned back to
paper based approach. Currently the hospital has no software to manipulate the pharmacy
management system.
C) Hardware
There are different computer related hardware devices in various departments of the Saint Paul
Hospital Medical Millennium Collage. In each unit there is at least one idle desktop computer
which is functional. In addition there are four MCU-M8900 servers and three of which are MC80
server. The DHCP server is responsible for centralized management of network addresses and
network access control. The lists of servers, aggregate; core and Access switch found currently in
the hospital is summarized in Annex II.
D) Network
The hospital and the corresponding departments are interconnected by the network. Moreover
almost all departments have a broadband internet connection within the organization. SPHMMC
has 8MB/S internet connection and the National Kidney Transplant department has alone 6MB.
This internet availability can be a valid opportunity in the implementation of web based
pharmacy management system.
E) People
Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College Board is organized in three major provosts.
Administrative and development vice Provost, Medical service vice Provost and Academic and
research vice provost. The pharmacy department is under the Medical service vice Provost.
According to the 2016 human resource profile of the SPHMMC there are 27 pharmacy
professionals, 2 druggist and 2 clinical pharmacist that works in pharmaceutical store and
pharmacy department. These professionals are categorized as expert, chief, senior and junior
based on their educational status and service year.
Dispensing drugs
4.1.1 Limitations of the Existing System
Currently, almost all works in the hospital pharmacy department is accomplished by paper. Daily
request and issuing of medicines for departments, manual tracking of medicines on the shelf,
ineligible hand writing on request and prescription form makes the pharmacist work tedious
situation. Difficulty of retrieving the necessary data from manual base system and incomplete
registered data make inefficient decision making. On the other hand, demand estimation is
impossible in the current pharmacy management system since there is no mechanism to know
type and quantity of dispensed medicines daily for patients. The other one is irrational ordering
of medicine; anyone who has access to prescription can order medication even without privilege.
In general the following limitations and challenges are identified with the current paper-based
medication management system.
4.2 System Requirements
Information obtained through system analysis is synthesized with related knowledge and
experience in order to achieve the desired objectives of the project. Based on the user
requirement and detailed analysis of the existing system, the new system focus on how to create
a pharmacy management system and efforts was made to present a design that will meet the
researcher goal and user expectation.
Hence, the design of the new pharmacy management system helps the user to:-
In general, from the requirement gathered and analyzed the new designed pharmacy management
system easy up the problem and challenge of manual recording of drug, inpatient and outpatient
drug management, drug distribution and tracking system. The system helps to minimizing error
in medication safety, facilitate accessibility of drug related information and information
management among employee. It also provides optimal drug movement in the pharmacy unit and
hospital departments. In addition, it also minimizes irrational ordering of drug in the hospital and
create responsibility among employee. Based on this requirements are identified that the system
should fulfill the need of the organization.
No Requirement Description Requirement Source Mandatory Optional
The system should enable the administrator
1 to create, delete, and update system user
privilege and setup. UC-Manage User
The system should enable authenticated user
to login. UC-Login
3 The system should generate purchase order
of under stock pharmaceuticals. UC-Re Order
4 The system should enable the pharmacist
and departments to request, receive and UC-Request Drug
view available stock.
4.2.2 Non-functional Requirements
No Requirement description Requirement Mandatory Optional
1 The system should have frequent and full back up Interview
mechanism to avoid any data loss.
2 The system should support any version of Interview
Window operating system such as Window 7,
Window 8, Linux, and any latest version.
3 The system should have a very simple and user
friendly interfaces for system users to understand
the functionalities easily.
4.3 System Analysis Models
Based on the requirement identified the system process is modeled. From the different type of
the UML designing tools majorly the investigator identified the use case diagram which describe
the major scenarios and actors of the system and use case narration which represent textually the
course of event when an actor interact with use case is used.
Use case diagram is a representation of a user`s interaction with the system and depicting the
specification of a use case. Its main purposes are used to gather requirements of system; to get an
outside view of a system; to identify external and internal factors influencing the system. To
model the system using use case diagram, the following actors and use cases are identified (40).
Actors: an actor is idealization of an external person, process, or thing interacting with the
system and each actor can participate in one or more use cases. The researcher identified seven
actors in which each of them have their respective identified tasks.
Table 4.3: List of Actors and Their Goal
Use case: use case represent functionality provided by a system unit and expressed by sequence
of message exchange by the system unit and one or more actors of the system. The recognized
use cases of the system are the following:-
Ones actors and use cases are identified, use case diagram is constructed, as depicted in figure
4.1. Use case diagram shows relationship among actors and use case with in the system.
Note - All Use cases will
include this login use case
Manage User
Re Order
<<include>> <<include>>
Sell Drug
Recieve Drug
Request Drug
Issue Drug
Prescribe Drug
Generate Report
4.3.2 Use Case Narration
Use case narration is a textual representation of the course of events encountered when an actor is
interacting with the system. It describes each use case in detail as path transverse through the
system to meet a requirement. The description of each use case are listed below
4.4 System Design Models
Class diagram is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by
showing the system`s classes, their attributes, and the relationships among objects. Class diagram
show a collection of static model elements such as class and their relationship, connected as
graph to each other and to their content, their internal structure and their relationship to other
class. In class diagram object in real world are represented by the actual object in the program
(41). So a well-developed class diagram helps to effectively develop a model of the system and
create ease of understanding. Figure 4.2 shows the structure of pharmacy management system.
Department RequestDrug PurchaseOrder
-depId : int -reqDate : Date -orderDate : Date
-depName : String Add drug Requests
1..* -reqId : int -orderId : int
-setDepartment() : bool -drugId : int -drugId : int
-GetDepartment() : object 1 -depId : int -amount : double
-DeletDepartment() : bool -quantity : float 1..* -orderdby : int
-authorizedby : int -vendorId : int
+setRequestDrug() : bool -purRequeId : int
1..* -authorby : int
+getRequestDrug() : object
+deletRequestDrug() : bool -setPurchaseOrder() : bool
+GetauthorizedId() : int -getPurchaseOrder() : object
+GetdepartmentId() : int -deletPurchaseOrder() : bool
+GetdrugId() : int -Getorderdby() : int
-Getauthorizedby() : int
Requests Accept request IssueDrug
1 -issueDate : Date
1 orders
1 -issueId : int
-drugId : int
store -depId : int
PurchaseRequest issues
1..* -storeId : int 1..* 1..* -requestby : int
-purchRequeDate : Date -storeName : String -storeReqId : int
-purchRequestId : int -quantity : float
-drugId : int -setStore() : bool 1..* 1
User 1 +setIssueDrug() : bool
-amount : float *accept -getstore() : object
-deletstore() : bool -UaName : String +getIssueDrug() : object
-requestby : int +deletIssueDrug() : bool
-passWord : String
-autherizedby : int have
-userId : int +GetdrugId() : int
-setPurchaseOrder() : bool +GetdepId() : int
0..* -SetUserAccount() : bool 1..*
-getPurchaseOrder() : object +Getrequestedby() : int
-GetUserAccount() : object
-deletPurchaseOrder() : bool +GetstoreReqId() : int
-DeletUserAccount() : bool
-GetRequestby() : int
-Getauthorizedby() : int
recieve 0..*
RecieveDrug -loginId : int
-loginUsername : String
-recieveDate : Date
-liginPassord : Single
-recieveId : int
-GRVCode : String prescribe sell 1 -GetUserAccount() : object
-storeId : int 1 -Validate() : bool
1 -Oenpage() : bool
-vendoreId : int
-invenNumber : String
-authorizedby : int
-recievedby : int
-drugId : int -saleDate : Date
-unitPrice : float PrescribePriscription -drugId : int
-quantity : float -phyId : int -quantity : float
-manufDate : Date -prescDate : Date -unitPrice : float
-expireDate : Date -drugId : int -batchNum : String
Supplier -storeId : int
-damagQuant : float -quantity : float
-batchNumber : String 1 -suppId : int -dosage : String -prescId : int
-suppID : int -suppName : String -setPrescribePriscription() : bool -custId : int
-setRecieveDrug() : bool 1..* -setSupplier() : bool -getPrescribePrescription() : object -Isdrugfree : bool
-getRecieveDrug() : object have -getSupplier() : object -delet PrescribePrescription() : bool -setSaledrug() : bool
-deletRecieveDrug() : bool -deleteSupplier() : bool -GetuserId() : int -getSaleDrug() : object
-GetvendoreId() : int -GetdrugId() : int -deletSaleDrug() : bool
-GetstoreId() : int -GetPrescriptionId() : int
-GetdrugId() : int -GetdrugId() : int
-GetauthorizedId() : int -GetstoreId() : int
-GetrecieveId() : int
Figure 4. 2: System Class Diagram
4.4.2 Sequence Diagram
Sequence diagram are used to model the logic of usage action. A usage scenario is exactly what
its name indicate, the description of a potential way that the system is used. A sequence diagram
is an easy and intuitive way of describing the behavior of a system by viewing the interaction
between the system and its environment. A sequence diagram shows an interaction arranged in a
time sequence. It shows the objects participating in the interaction by their lifelines and the
messages they exchange, arranged in a time sequence (42).
Admin, Department,
Users Store, Login Page Login Checker Page
[LoginValid] redirect
User Interfaces
Presentation Tier Login form store request form view issued form View received drug form
User account form view request form Receive drug form View Report Form
4.6 Prototype Implementation
Prototyping is an excellent way for the development term to confirm understanding of the
requirements and ensure that the proposed solution is consistent with expectation of the gathered
requirements. In prototype implementation phase, the user interface is developed using HTML
and CSS. The MySQL database management system is used to develop the database and php code
is used to construct the middle ware that connects the user interface and the database.
Store Request:-the store request form enables departments to request drug from the store. This
page automatically generates request code. Date of request, department which generates the
request and employee should be filled appropriately. The user should click on “detail” part of
the form to select drugs and amount to be requested.
4.6.2 Data base layer
The data storage is created using tables in the database. All fields in the tables are identified and
the corresponding primary keys, which are used to identify each instance in the table uniquely, are
assigned. Figure 4.6 shows sample table created from MySQL database management system.
4.6.3 Middle Layer
Php codes are used as a middleware to connect the user interface and database. The following
sample php code is developed to check a user account.
$lid = $_GET['lid'];
$ua = new UserAccount;
if($ua->CheckLogin() == false)
$_SESSION["loginMsg"] = "Please login first";
$username = $_SESSION[$lid];
4.7 Usability Evaluation of Prototype
Usability is the degree to which software is used by specified user to achieve quantified
objectives of the project. The evaluation of the system usability is an important aspect of a
software design and development process. In order to measure the success of the system the
designer must evaluate the system (43). Heuristic evaluation method is one of the usability
testing method that asks system users to evaluate system based on a set of principles. For the
evaluation of web based pharmacy management system prototype, the researcher used a method
of questionnaires with 8 major usability criteria.
As shown on the above table questioners were given for a total of five respondents. The value of
the response is taken based on the Likers scale. The attributes are fixed as Fully Agree=5,
Agree=4, Undecided =3, Disagree=2, and Fully Disagree=1.The above questions help us to
capture the opinion of the respondent and individual interest towards the system interface.
According to the result of user interface evaluation most of the respondents that is 90 % fully
agreed that the system prototype has easy to use and attractive interface however it still need
some revision to address the concern and suggestion given by the few.
A web based pharmacy management system enables to control and handle the overall activities
performed efficiently and effectively in the pharmacy department of Saint Paul Hospital
Millennium Medical College.
In this system development process requirements were acquired by using interview and
document review. The existing system was analyzed and based on findings proposed system was
modeled and designed using UML.
The project come up with a pharmacy management system that offers a number of benefits for
the users. The system can capture and store data centrally and those stored data can be retrieved
easily and interactively. The system increases the speed and accuracy of drug distribution and
tracking in pharmacy department of the hospital. It also handles medication transaction and
account and hence save time and paper wastage. The system generates report which will help in
demand forecasting and better decision making. The other important and use full feature of the
system is it has minimum stock and expiry data alert which enable to manage stock properly.
System usability testing was done to capture the opinion of the respondent and individual interest
towards the system. The prototype user interface evaluation result showed that the system is easy
to use and requirements are well addressed. Generally, this project developed only the prototype
of the pharmacy management system. The hospital internet availability can be a good
opportunity in the full system development and implementation of web based pharmacy
management system.
5.2 Recommendations
This pharmacy management system, in order to remain relevant to the hospital the full system
must be developed and implemented and so the hospital should allocate budget for resource
required to do this. In addition the hospital should work with Federal Ministry of Health and with
other concerned organization like Tulane University for the implementation of the system.
The Pharmaceutical Fund and Supply Agency (PFSA) should be networked with the PMS to
facilitate the drug procurement system of the hospital.
I recommend for other researcher to integrate this Pharmacy Management system with electronic
medical record (EMR) of the hospital that will replace the paper based approach in the hospital.
And also the system can be enriched with other additional functionalities by integrating with
Barcode Reader system and Drug Information System.
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Annex I: Software Requirement Specification Document
1.1 Introduction
One of the indispensible departments in hospital is a pharmacy unit. A hospital pharmacy forms
an integrated part of patient health care through continuous maintaining and improving the
medication management and pharmaceutical care of patients to the highest standards in a
hospital setting (1).
A hospital pharmacy play a great role in patient care by ensuring the ordered medication is
precisely and timely dispensed to the intended unit and user. It is also responsible in monitoring,
evaluating and assurance of the quality drug uses. Under hospital pharmacy the procurement,
storing and distribution of all pharmaceuticals used within the facility are the main logistic
activities done routinely. Improving the efficiency of this logistic process through appropriate
pharmacy management system is the main option for ensuring the accurate and reliable health
care service (2).
The set-up of computerized pharmacy management system will ensure availability of sufficient
quantity of drugs and consumable materials for the patient at any time needed. Pharmacy
management system process the procurement, distribution and control of all pharmaceuticals
used within the facility, dissemination of information to the staff and clients, monitoring and
assuring of quality of drug (3). Many organizations utilize pharmacy management systems as a
means of ensuring accountability over pharmaceuticals inventory and purchasing process.
Effective and transparent tracking systems that allow pharmacies to accurately record inventory
components, such as medication expiry dates and physical quantities, also have the potential to
reduce adverse patient outcomes (4).
1.2 Objectives
The general objective of this project is to design and develop prototype of a web-based pharmacy
management system for Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College so as to ensure good
stock management, accurate keeping of records on drug and drug related information.
1.3 Significance
This project has a great benefit for the pharmacist, customers and the organization at large. It
could benefit the pharmacists by decreasing burden of daily listing of drugs. It also stores data
securely, eases data access and helps to monitor drug movement within the department.
The physicians can easily order prescription and can easily trace cause of adverse drug event and
drug interaction. In addition, having an automated system will minimize resource like paper,
time and manpower.
This web-based pharmacy management system also minimizes human error in medication safety.
It helps the hospital to provide reliable health care service, guarantee hospital management and
patient of genuine and safe drug. The project ensures efficient and standard drug dispensing
system and also possibly it facilitate the work of the health care organization.
1.4 Scope
This Web-Based pharmacy management system Project is limited to the design of the system and
development of a prototype. That means the project does not include to the implementation,
testing and deployment of the whole system.
It presents comprehensive design of drug registration, stock management, drug distribution, drug
prescription, purchase request and order. In addition, system design document is developed and
The project ends with prototype development of system followed by user interface testing.
However, in this project drug procurement procedure of the hospital is not included due to
extended time requirement to collect the necessary data.
2. Functional Requirements
Functional requirement defines a function of a system or its component and specify particular
results of the system and describe the relationship between the input and output of the system.
These requirements mainly address what has to be performed by the system. It involves
identifying the basic functionalities that the system should provide to user and a task that must be
done by the system. The functional requirements of the proposed pharmacy information
management system are listed as follows:
No Requirement Description Requirement Source Mandatory Optional
The system should enable the
1 administrator to create, delete, and update
system user privilege and setup. UC-Manage User
The system should enable authenticated user
to login. UC-Login
and issue requested drugs. UC-Issue Dug
The system should enable to generate user
requested report. UC- Generate Report
3. Non-functional Requirements
Manage User
Re Order
<<include>> <<include>>
Sell Drug
Recieve Drug
Request Drug
Issue Drug
Prescribe Drug
Generate Report
Figure 4.1 System Use Case Diagram of SPHMMC Pharmacy Management System.
Use case narration is a textual representation of the course of events encountered when an actor is
interacting with the system. It describes each use case in detail as path transverse through the
system to meet a requirement. The description of each use case are listed below
Table 4.2: Description of Use Case Manage user
Use Case Describes the process of registering and creating user account
Primary Administrator
Pre-condition The administrator is logged into the system using administrator account
Post-condition The system updated User status
Basic Scenario 1) The system displays the administrator screen;
2) The system displays input field to create new user at the top and the list of
already existed user accounted along with their status
3) If the administrator wants to create new account should enter into
appropriate field and submit
4) The system checks the information provided
5) The system saves the user account to the database
6) The system display the newly created account in the account list
7) The use case ends
Alternative 3 a) If the administrator wants to update status of already existing user
Scenario b) The administrator select the user
c) The system display the user
d) The administrator change the status and add
e) The system update the database
f) The use case end
4 a) If user account form is not completely filled or is not correct, error
message displayed “please fill out this page”
b) Prompt correct form again
Special None
Table 4.3: Description of use case Re Order
Use Case Description Describes how to manage stock and purchase order of pharmaceuticals
Table 4.4: Description of Use Case Purchase Request
3) The user selects medicines to be requested and fill the purchase request
form with all appropriate information;
Alternative 5 a) If the purchase request form is not completely filled or is not correct,
Scenario error message displayed
Table 4.5: Description of Use Case Register Drug
3) The user fill the register form with all appropriate information;
Alternative 5 a) If the drug register form is not completely filled or is not correct, error
Scenario message displayed
Table 4.6: Description of Use Case Receive Drug
4) The user fills the receive drugs form with all appropriate information
Alternative 5 a) If the receive drug form is not completely filled or is not correct, error
Scenario message displayed;
Table 4.7: Description of Use Case Request Drug
4) The user select medicines to be requested and fill the request order form
with all appropriate information
Alternative 5 a) if the requested form is not completely filled or the requested amount is
Scenario greater than the stocks, error message displayed “insufficient balance”
Special None
Table 4.8: Description of Use Case Issue Drugs
Alternative 3 a) If the requested drug amount is greater than the store balance, display an
Scenario error message “insufficient balance”
b) Issue the appropriate balance
Table 4.9: Description of Use Case Prescribe Prescription
4.2 Design Models
Class diagram is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by
showing the system`s classes, their attributes, and the relationships among objects. Class diagram
show a collection of static model elements such as class and their relationship, connected as
graph to each other and to their content, their internal structure and their relationship to other
class. In class diagram object in real world are represented by the actual object in the program
(32). So a well-developed class diagram helps to effectively develop a model of the system and
create ease of understanding. Figure 4.2 shows the structure of pharmacy management system.
Department RequestDrug PurchaseOrder
-depId : int -reqDate : Date -orderDate : Date
-depName : String Add drug Requests
1..* -reqId : int -orderId : int
-setDepartment() : bool -drugId : int -drugId : int
-GetDepartment() : object 1 -depId : int -amount : double
-DeletDepartment() : bool -quantity : float 1..* -orderdby : int
-authorizedby : int -vendorId : int
+setRequestDrug() : bool -purRequeId : int
1..* -authorby : int
+getRequestDrug() : object
+deletRequestDrug() : bool -setPurchaseOrder() : bool
+GetauthorizedId() : int -getPurchaseOrder() : object
+GetdepartmentId() : int -deletPurchaseOrder() : bool
+GetdrugId() : int -Getorderdby() : int
-Getauthorizedby() : int
Requests Accept request IssueDrug
1 -issueDate : Date
1 orders
1 -issueId : int
-drugId : int
store -depId : int
PurchaseRequest issues
1..* -storeId : int 1..* 1..* -requestby : int
-purchRequeDate : Date -storeName : String -storeReqId : int
-purchRequestId : int -quantity : float
-drugId : int -setStore() : bool 1..* 1
User 1 +setIssueDrug() : bool
-amount : float *accept -getstore() : object
-deletstore() : bool -UaName : String +getIssueDrug() : object
-requestby : int +deletIssueDrug() : bool
-passWord : String
-autherizedby : int have
-userId : int +GetdrugId() : int
-setPurchaseOrder() : bool +GetdepId() : int
0..* -SetUserAccount() : bool 1..*
-getPurchaseOrder() : object +Getrequestedby() : int
-GetUserAccount() : object
-deletPurchaseOrder() : bool +GetstoreReqId() : int
-DeletUserAccount() : bool
-GetRequestby() : int
-Getauthorizedby() : int
recieve 0..*
RecieveDrug -loginId : int
-loginUsername : String
-recieveDate : Date
-liginPassord : Single
-recieveId : int
-GRVCode : String prescribe sell 1 -GetUserAccount() : object
-storeId : int 1 -Validate() : bool
1 -Oenpage() : bool
-vendoreId : int
-invenNumber : String
-authorizedby : int
-recievedby : int
-drugId : int -saleDate : Date
-unitPrice : float PrescribePriscription -drugId : int
-quantity : float -phyId : int -quantity : float
-manufDate : Date -prescDate : Date -unitPrice : float
-expireDate : Date -drugId : int -batchNum : String
Supplier -storeId : int
-damagQuant : float -quantity : float
-batchNumber : String 1 -suppId : int -dosage : String -prescId : int
-suppID : int -suppName : String -setPrescribePriscription() : bool -custId : int
-setRecieveDrug() : bool 1..* -setSupplier() : bool -getPrescribePrescription() : object -Isdrugfree : bool
-getRecieveDrug() : object have -getSupplier() : object -delet PrescribePrescription() : bool -setSaledrug() : bool
-deletRecieveDrug() : bool -deleteSupplier() : bool -GetuserId() : int -getSaleDrug() : object
-GetvendoreId() : int -GetdrugId() : int -deletSaleDrug() : bool
-GetstoreId() : int -GetPrescriptionId() : int
-GetdrugId() : int -GetdrugId() : int
-GetauthorizedId() : int -GetstoreId() : int
-GetrecieveId() : int
Figure 4. 2: system class diagram
4.2.2 Sequence diagram
Sequence diagram are used to model the logic of usage action. A usage scenario is exactly what
its name indicate, the description of a potential way that the system is used. A sequence diagram
is an easy and intuitive way of describing the behavior of a system by viewing the interaction
between the system and its environment. A sequence diagram shows an interaction arranged in a
time sequence. It shows the objects participating in the interaction by their lifelines and the
messages they exchange, arranged in a time sequence (33).
Admin, Department,
Users Store, Login Page Login Checker Page
[LoginValid] redirect
Users Purchase Order Page Purchace order Controler Database
display message
Users Purchase Request Page Purchace Request Controler Database
display message
Users Recieve Drug Page Recieve Drug Controller Database
display message
Users Request Drug Page Request Drug Controller Database
display message
Users Drug Requests View Page Request Drug Controller Database
check Availability
Physicians Prescription Page Prescription Controller Database
display message
Generate Report
pharmacist Sales Page Sales Controller Database
4.2.3 system prototype presentation
Login form:-this form is used to login into the system. It enables to insert valid user name and
password in field. After valid input the system displays the page based on his/her privilege to
access the service the system provides.
The user account form:- this form is accessed only by administrator body in order to create user
account and assign privilege for system users. The administrator select employee from the data
base, create user name, assign privilege based on the position, and user password is filled, and
then confirm in order to add to the system. The status should be active in order to use the system.
Edit and delete menus can be used to correct this form incase if correction is needed.
New employee and department registration form:- this is also administrator form which is
used to registered new employee with his/her position and the department he/she is working. In
addition departments can be registered in this form in order to be saved on the data base.
Store request form:-the store request form enables departments to request drug from the store.
This page automatically generates request code and the rest fields like request date, department
from which the request generated and employee should be filled appropriately. The detail part of
the form enables to select drugs and quantity to be requested.
View request:-this form has all details of the department requested at any date. It enhances to
search requested drug either by code or by date of request.
View Issued form:- this form helps departments to view drugs issued from store based on their
Store view request form :- this page contains information such as request code, request date,
by whom and from which department is requested. In addition request detail part show the
requested drug name, store balance of the drug and the requested amount/quantity. By clicking
on the issue drug button the drug is issued and the store balance deduct.
View issued form:-this form contains all issued drug with all the necessary information
including by whom it is issued, date of issue, type and quantity of issued drugs. In addition it
enable the store man to search drugs by using date of issued or by issued code.
Receive drug form:- with this form the store man receive drug from the supplier. The form must
be appropriately filled with in the appropriate information listed in the field.
Register drug:-in order to register drugs on the system and to save on the data base register drug
form is used. With this form drugs can be saved both with trade or generic name, drug code, and
its measurements. Unless this form is properly saved on the data base drugs cannot be received.
View received drug form:-this window enables the store man to view received drugs in any
Report form:-is used to know store balance of all registered drugs with their code. The system
helps to easily monitor under -stoke drugs by using this form because under stocked medicines
will be red if there are not in sufficient balance.
Annex II: Hardware Inventory
Device Quantity
A = Site Name
C = Model Number
D = Equipment Type
E = Equipment Count
Location Device Name
Annex III: Requirement Collection Checklist
I, the undersigned, am here to gather requirement for my project work entitled as “Designing a
web-based pharmacy management system for Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical
The objective of the interview is to gather basic requirement that will be input for proposed
pharmacy management system development and I assure that the information you are going to
respond is entirely confidential and only will be used for analysis and design purpose.
By considering your permission, I would like to appreciate your participation in the interview.
Addis Ababa University
1. Name
2. Job title
3. Who are involved during development of the system?
4. When was the system piloted?
5. What was the challenges encounter during development and implementation of the
6. Will you support the product or will others support it?
7. What about maintenance and service access?
8. What are the functionalities of the system?
9. What is the status of the project now a day?
Addis Ababa University
School of Information Science and School of
Interview guide questions for professionals from Saint Paul hospital Millennium Medical
1. Name
2. Job title
3. What is your main responsibilities
4. How would do you do it
5. Which problem interface on your day to day activity and its impact on your success
6. Why do you think this problem exist
7. How do you solve it
8. What will be the possible solution
9. what would you expect if my system is applicable
10. can you think any other requirement in your mind
11. would you be willing to participate in requirement review and evaluation of the system
Annex V: Prototype Evaluation Check List
I, the under signed, declare that this project is my original work and has not been presented for a
degree in any other university, and all source of materials used for the project have been fully
Tigist W/Mariam
This project has been submitted for examination with our approval as university advisors,
________________________ __________________
Dr. Million Meshesha Dr. Demeke Assefa