4Q Bol in Mil
4Q Bol in Mil
4Q Bol in Mil
Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Kananga, Leyte
MAY, 2021
MELCS: Cite an example of an issue showing the power of media and information to affect change
18 19 20 21
>Identifyh the different >Describe a situation which >Explain on how someone is >Cite an eample of an issue
power of media nad demonstrate the power of responsible user of media and showimg the power of media
information. media and information. information. and information to affect
MELCS: Describe the impact of massive open on-line change.
25 26 27 28
>What is MOOC? >Identify the advantages and >State the impact of massive >Using your own words, write
disadvantages of MOOC. open on-online. an essay describing the impact
of massive open on-line.
JUNE, 2021
MELCS: Discuss the implication of media and information to an individual and the society
1 2 3 4
>Identify the different effects >Identify the different effects >Elucidate the implication of >Elucidate the implication of
of media and information to of media and information to media and information to an media and information to the
an individual. the society. individual. society.
Describe the different dimensions of:
• text information and media
• visual information and media
MELCS: • audio information and media
• motion information and media
• manipulative information and media
• multimedia information and media
8 9 10 11
>Describe what is >Describe what is >Describe what is > Discuss how these different
a. text information and media a. audio information and media a. manipulative information dimensions differ from each
b. visual information and b. motion information and and media other.
media media b. multimedia information and
MELCS: Analyze how the different dimensions are formally and informally produced, organized, and disseminated
15 16 17 18
> Analyze how text media > Analyze how audio media > Analyze how manipulative > Analyze how multimedia
and and visual media is and and motion media is media is formally and media is formally and informally
formally and informally formally and informally informally produced, produced, organized, and
produced, organized, and produced, organized, and organized, and desseminated. desseminated.
desseminated. desseminated.
MELCS: Evaluate a creative multimedia form (living museum, electronic portfolio, others)
22 23 24 25
>Search for an example of tet >Search for an example of tet >Search for an example of tet > Draft a marketing plan.
and visual media. Evaluate and visual media. Evaluate and visual media. Evaluate
their style and content. their style and content. their style and content.
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Kananga, Leyte
JULY, 2021
Produce a creative text-based, visual-based, audio-based, motion-based, and manipulative-based presentation using design
principle and elements
29 30 1 2
> Prepare a marketing plan to Present a mini-marketing >Rewrite the corrected mini- Create a complete and
present. plan,orally and in writing. marketing plan. reasonably detailed marketing
plan to be submitted.
Teacher I
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