Functional Test Checklist 15998 06
Functional Test Checklist 15998 06
Functional Test Checklist 15998 06
Project:__________________________________________ Project No:_________
Associated Equipment:
1. Participants
Party filling out this form & witnessing _____________________ Date of test
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved.
Exceptions are noted below or attached.
___________________________________ __________
2. Prerequisite Checklist
b. The prefunctional checklist for the piping is complete and approved: Yes / No
c. The prefunctional checklist for the associated Bridge-Tender station is complete
and approved: N/A / Yes / No
d. Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) completed and approved for the hydronic
and air systems connected: Yes / No
e. TAB report provided: Yes / No
f. All A/E punchlist items for this and related equipment are corrected: Yes / No
g. Functional testing is complete and approved for the variable frequency drive for
the pump(s):
h. Functional testing is complete and approved for the air handling units of this
Step Mode Test Procedure Expected Response
1 Pump(s) Off Standby check. HOA in Auto position(s). Verify by visual inspection that:
Pump(s) commanded Off by BMS.
a. Pump(s) are off, zero flow.
b. Bridge-Tender valves V-1 and
V-2 are closed.
2 Pump P-1 HOA in Auto position. Pump commanded Verify by visual inspection that:
Startup On by BMS.
a. Bridge-Tender valve V-1
(return pipe) opens.
b. Pump, P-1, is On, other
pumps are Off.
c. Bridge-Tender valve V-2
(bypass) throttles.
3 Pump P-1 HOA in Auto position. Verify by local and remote reading
Operation that:
Pump and Bridge-Tender Verification: AHU
supply air (SA) discharge setpoints at initial
Pump P-1 status is On, all other pump
value 55F as a group. Through BMS status’ are Off, B-T valves modulate
raise/lower setpoints per schedule record allowing blending of SCHW based on
table. change in AHU setpoints. BMS
readings, local B-T panels readings
and local instrument readings
4 HOA HOA in Auto position. Move HOA switch to All pumps turned Off by HOA
Operation Off position for all pumps. Command P-1 On switches. P-1 turns On, B-T valves
with HOA switch. Command P-1 Off with modulate. When commanded by HOA
HOA switch. Repeat for all pumps. Reset switch, all other pumps turn On. After
pump, P-1, HOA switch to Auto, after start, reset of pump, P-1, to Auto, P-1
place remaining pumps in Auto position. starts. All other pumps remain Off.
5 Pump P-2 HOA in Auto position. Pump, P-1, Verify by visual inspection that:
Startup commanded Off by BMS, pump, P-2,
commanded On by BMS. a. Bridge-Tender valve V-1
(return pipe) opens.
b. Pump, P-2, is On, other
pumps are Off.
c. Bridge-Tender valve V-2
(bypass) throttles.
6 Pump P-2 HOA in Auto position. Verify by local and remote reading
Operation that:
Pump and Bridge-Tender Verification: AHU
supply air (SA) discharge setpoints at initial
Pump P-2 status is On, all other pump
value 55F as a group. Through BMS status’ are Off, B-T valves modulate
raise/lower setpoints per schedule record allowing blending of SCHW based on
table. change in AHU setpoints. BMS
readings, local B-T panels readings
and local instrument readings
7 Automatic HOA in Auto position. Pump, P-2, local Pump, P-2, is Off. Pump, P-1, starts
Start upon disconnect moved to Off position (simulating automatically. B-T valves modulate.
Power power failure to pump, P-2). After pump, P- Pump, P-1, continues to run, pump, P-
Failure 1, starts, restore power to pump, P-2. 2, remains Off.
Step Mode Test Procedure Expected Response
1 Pump(s) Off Standby check. HOA in Auto position(s). Verify by visual inspection that
Pump(s) commanded Off by BMS. pump(s) are off, zero flow.
2 Pump P-1 HOA in Auto position. Pump commanded Verify by visual inspection that Pump,
Startup On by BMS. P-1, is On, other pumps are Off.
3 Pump P-1 HOA in Auto position. Verify by local and remote reading
Operation that:
Pump Verification: AHU supply air (SA)
discharge setpoints at initial value 55F as a Pump P-1 status is On, all other pump
group. Through BMS raise/lower setpoints status’ are Off, BMS readings and
per schedule record table. local instrument readings correspond.
4 HOA HOA in Auto position. Move HOA switch to All pumps turned Off by HOA
Operation Off position for all pumps. Command P-1 On switches. P-1 turns On. When
with HOA switch. Command P-1 Off with commanded by HOA switch, all other
HOA switch. Repeat for all pumps. Reset pumps turn On. After reset of pump,
pump, P-1, HOA switch to Auto, after start, P-1, to Auto, P-1 starts. All other
place remaining pumps in Auto position. pumps remain Off.
5 Pump P-2 HOA in Auto position. Pump, P-1, Verify by visual inspection that pump,
Startup commanded Off by BMS, pump, P-2, P-2, is On, other pumps are Off.
commanded On by BMS.
6 Pump P-2 HOA in Auto position. Verify by local and remote reading
Operation that:
Pump Verification: AHU supply air (SA)
discharge setpoints at initial value 55F as a Pump P-2 status is On, all other pump
group. Through BMS raise/lower setpoints status’ are Off, BMS readings and
per schedule record table. local instrument readings correspond.
7 Automatic HOA in Auto position. Pump, P-2, local Pump, P-2, is Off. Pump, P-1, starts
Start upon disconnect moved to Off position (simulating automatically. Pump, P-1, continues
Power power failure to pump, P-2). After pump, P- to run, pump, P-2, remains Off.
Failure 1, starts, restore power to pump, P-2.
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