Oerlikon - Pipe - Mills - Market - Segment - en
Oerlikon - Pipe - Mills - Market - Segment - en
Oerlikon - Pipe - Mills - Market - Segment - en
Edition 2016
OERLIKON solutions
for Pipe Mills
Introduction ................................................................. 2
OERLIKON and Pipe Mills ................................................3
Submerged Arc (SAW) wires and fluxes for Pipe Mills
■ High productivity welding of line pipe .............................4
■ OP 132 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
■ OP 121TT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
SAW wire-flux Selection Guide for pipe steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Classification Society Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
SAW wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
SAW Fluxes and DRYBAG packaging system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Arc Equipment
■ MIG/MAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
■ Plasma cutting and MMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Welding heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Conversion Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 to 23
Air Liquide Welding is represented throughout the world with OERLIKON has generated a proven history of supplying
a brand portfolio optimized locally to the needs of all types of welding consumables for the most demanding and critical
customers. OERLIKON brand is an important part of this applications, particularly in the energy sector to industries such
portfolio and has a long and distinguished history of innovation as offshore oil and gas and nuclear power generation.
in welding products. OERLIKON supplies customized solutions through
Air Liquide Welding have 3 research and development centers performance and innovation, by developing and providing
located in Pont-Sainte-Maxence (France) for equipment & welding products and processes meeting the stringent
automation, in Due Carrare (Italy) and Eisenberg (Germany) mechanical property specifications and the increasing
for consumables. demands for enhanced welding productivity.
This facilitates the rapid transfer and implementation of important The results of this process are demonstrated by the range of
innovations throughout the whole OERLIKON network, enableling automated installations, welding consumables and equipment
to maintain the brand position and international reputation of specifically tailored for the high productivity requirements of
innovative leadership in advanced welding technology. wind turbine tower and foundation fabrication.
OERLIKON and pipe mills
Quality Information
OERLIKON has a total commitment to quality. The product All OERLIKON products are backed by a full technical
ranges are manufactured in group production facilities, all of information package, which is available in printed or electronic
which are ISO certified. Detailed certification for welding format, on the OERLIKON web sites. Product information is
consumables is supplied as a matter of routine and customers’ written to enable the professional welding engineer to select
special quality requirements for increased frequency of batch the correct OERLIKON product for the application.
testing or specialised certification are also readily In order to elaborate the technology of the product range in
accommodated. This ensures the reliability and reproducibility more detail, technical articles are available in the journal of
fabricators need in the pipe fabrication industry. OERLIKON’s welding and cutting expertise, “Competence”.
The OERLIKON product range is continuously developing in
response to changing technological requirements.
As new steel types are developed and used,
as new more demanding applications are
developed, so OERLIKON reacts
to provide the right products,
regularly meets engineering
departments and major
manufacturers at the design
stage to ensure optimum
welding solutions.
High Productivity Welding of Line Pipe
The drive for high productivity multiple wire submerged arc factors in determining the balance of heat input, penetration
welding began in the late 1960s with the commercial and bead shape.
industrialisation of tandem wire submerged arc welding.
OERLIKON submerged arc flux developments have been an
The deposition rate of the SAW process was increased to
important factor in achieving these increases in productivity as
approximately 15 kg/hr. The advantages of adding additional
multi-wire systems were developed.
wires in a pipe mill, highlighted the process difficulties in
developing a sufficiently reactive method of controlling the The current challenge is utilising these high levels of welding
current supply to each wire. This posed further challenges for productivity to produce high toughness joints in higher strength
consumable design in order to give effective slag characteristics grades of line pipe, X80 and X100, for high pressure gas
and bead shape control at these higher welding speeds and transport.
heat inputs. By the late 1970s, 3 wire welding in pipe mills was
commonplace and deposition rates of up to approximately 350
25 kg/hr were being achieved in pipe thicknesses up to 30 mm.
300 1-Wire
By the mid 1980’s, 5 wire welding was being introduced
Welding speed (cm/min)
with full electronic control, achieving deposition rates of 5-Wire
approximately 45 kg/hr for pipe ODs, for wall thicknesses 200
When OD longitudinal seam welding with 5 wires, the welding
current is increased towards 5,000 A. To gain maximum
productivity, welding speed must be as fast as possible
0 10 20 30 40 50
(in excess of 2 m/min) consistent with reliable high speed wire
Pip e wall th ickn e ss (mm)
feeding and the characteristics of the SAW flux. These are key
Micro-Alloying with Titanium and Boron -
the development of OERLIKON TIBOR solid SAW wires
There are two principal approaches to achieving high toughness OERLIKON has pioneered the development of Ti/B type
weld metal at low temperatures with modern pipe plate submerged arc welding consumables for demanding multi-wire,
compositions, The first approach is to use the Mn-Mo alloying high speed, high arc energy longitudinal pipe welding
system and the second is to use the Mo-Ti-B system. The aim applications. This led to the development of solid SAW wires
of both approaches is to achieve high levels of weld metal based on the Mn-Mo-Ti-B system, firstly OE-TIBOR 22 and
toughness through microstructural control. Correctly designed, subsequently OE-TIBOR 33.
these alloying systems delay transformation at the austenite
grain boundaries during cooling of the weld metal, discouraging OERLIKON OE-TIBOR 33/OP 132 was specifically developed
nucleation and growth of grain boundary ferrite allotromorphs for the multi-wire, two pass, longitudinal seam welding of X65
and encouraging the nucleation and growth of acicular ferrite on pipe steels. High levels of CVN at -30 ºC are achieved in the
inclusions in the intragranular regions. Both alloy systems weld metal, while meeting X65 weld strength and requirements
require the use of semi- basic SAW fluxes, such as OERLIKON for hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) and sulphide stress
OP132, to control the oxygen content of the weld metal and corrosion cracking (SSCC).
hence the inclusion volume fraction and size distribution.
Submerged arc wires and fluxes
for pipe mill applications
OERLIKON submerged arc wire specifications are designed to
incorporate the state of the art technology and in combination
with OERLIKON SAW fluxes, high levels of weld metal
toughness are generated for specific alloy types. In addition, as
new steels and applications are developed new OERLIKON
wires are designed and introduced to the range.
Operating Characteristics
OERLIKON fluxes for pipe mill applications have stable high
speed, multi- wire operation at high currents, together with
excellent slag detachability.
Supporting the metallurgical rationale for OERLIKON
agglomerated fluxes, the grain size distribution and agglomerate
strength ensure reliable recirculation characteristics and
consistent chemistry. This is most important when submerged
arc welding.
All OERLIKON agglomerated fluxes and welding wires are
produced in ISO certified group manufacturing plants, under the
most stringent quality control systems.
Submerged arc wires and fluxes
for pipe welding - Principal products
A selection of the most important welding consumable products
for both longitudinal seam and spiral seam pipe welding are shown
below, based on industry custom and practise. An overview of
this product range selection is shown on page 12 or consult
the OERLIKON Welding Consumables Product Data handbook
or www.oerlikon-welding.com for full details.
SAW Flux-wire data sheets
SAW Rutile-Acid Flux
OP 119 Line Pipe Applications
OP 119 is an agglomerated calcium-silicate type flux with
stable operating characteristics over a wide range of welding smooth bead profile without undercut. OP 119 donates
parameters, used extensively for the spiral seam welding of line manganese and silicon and is a cost effective choice with both
pipe. The high current carrying capacity enables high levels of OE-S1 & S2 wires. The slag freezes quickly and smaller
productivity to be attained using multi wire systems, for use diameter pipes and girth seams can be welded without run off.
with both AC and DC+. The slag is self releasing, to leave a Damp flux should be re-dried at 300-350 °C for 1 hour.
EN 760 SA CS 1 77 AC H5
Main Constituents & Basicity index
Applications CaO+MgO CaF2 Al2O3+MnO SiO2 + TiO2
EN 10208-2 L240 L290 L360 L415 L450 L485 L555 20% 10% 25% 40%
API-5L / 5LS B X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80 Boniszewski Basicity index: ~1.0
Metallurgical Behaviour
Pick up and Burn out of the alloying elements Si & Mn = f (alloy content of the wire electrode)
DVS Merkblatt 0907 Part 1.
+ Si [%] + Mn [%]
1 1,2
0,8 1
0,2 0,2
0 0
– 0,2 – 0,2
– 0,4
– 0,4
Si-content of wire electrode – 0,6 Mn-content of wire electrode
– 0,6
– 0,8
– 0,8 –1
–1 –1,2
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5
– Si [%] – Mn [%] OP 119
Main characteristics
Two-run technique
Chemical composition and mechanical properties (typical values) in the as welded condition on API 5L X70 pipe steel*
AWS-A5.17 Hardness Yield strength Tensile strength Impact Energy - ISO-V (J)
Wire Grade C Mn Si Mo
& A5.23 HV 10 MPa MPa 0 °C -20 °C
OE-S1 F7TA0G-EL12 0.07 1.2 0.4 -- 190 450 530 60 35
OE-S2 F8TA0G-EM12K 0.07 1.4 0.4 -- 200 500 590 70 35
OE-S2 Mo F9TA0G-EA2 0.07 1.4 0.4 0.2 220 560 630 100 50
* the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the weld metal are strongly dependant on the chemistry of the pipe steel.
Multi-run technique
Classification of all-weld-metal wire-flux combinations - All weld metal analysis and mechanical properties, as welded condition
AWS-A5.17 Yield strength Tensile strength A5 Impact Energy - ISO-V (J)
Wire Grade C Mn Si Mo
& A5.23 MPa MPa % 0 °C -20 °C
OE-S1 F7A0 EL 12 0.05 1.1 0.5 -- >360 420-520 >24 >60 >30
OE-S2 F7A2 EM 12K 0.05 1.4 0.5 -- >400 520-620 >24 >80 >50
OE-S2 Mo F8A0 EA2 A2 0.05 1.3 0.5 0.5 >480 600-700 >20 >50 >35
SAW Flux-wire data sheets
SAW Semi Basic Flux
OP 192P Line Pipe Applications
OP 192P is an agglomerated aluminate-basic flux with stable
operating characteristics over a wide range of welding releasing, to leave a smooth bead profile without undercut.
parameters, Used extensively for both the longitudinal High deposit toughness to -40 °C can be attained at a variety
and spiral seam welding of line pipe in single or multi pass of strength levels depending on wire selection and welding
applications. The high current carrying capacity enables high technique.
levels of productivity to be attained using multi wire systems, Additional feature: Excellent weldability in thin plate applications.
for use with both AC and DC+. The slag is self Damp flux should be re-dried at 300-350 °C for 1 hour.
EN 760 SA AB 1 67 AC H5
Main Constituents & Basicity index
Applications MnO+FeO CaO+CaF2+MgO Al2O3+T22+ZrO2 SiO2
EN 10208-2 L240 L290 L360 L415 L450 L485 L555 8% 43% 28% 19%
API-5L / 5LS B X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80 Boniszewski Basicity index: ~1.3
Metallurgical Behaviour
Pick up and Burn out of the alloying elements Si & Mn = f (alloy content of the wire electrode)
DVS Merkblatt 0907 Part 1.
+ Si [%] + Mn [%]
1 1,2
0,8 1
0,2 0,2
0 0
– 0,2 – 0,2
– 0,4
– 0,4
Si-content of wire electrode – 0,6
– 0,6 Mn-content of wire electrode
– 0,8
– 0,8 –1
–1 –1,2
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5
– Si [%] – Mn [%]
OP 192P
Main characteristics
Two-run technique
Chemical composition and mechanical properties (typical values), as welded condition on API 5 L X80 pipe steel *
Hardness Yield strength Tensile strength Impact Energy - ISO-V (J)
Wire Grade AWS A5.23 C Mn Si Mo Others
HV 10 MPa MPa -20 °C -30 °C -40 °C
OE-S2 F8TA0G-EM12K 0.07 1.4 0.35 -- -- 200 500 590 80 -- --
OE-S2 Mo F9TA2G-EA2 0.07 1.4 0.35 0.2 -- 220 560 630 100 50 --
TIBOR 33 F9TA4G-EA2TiB 0.07 1.45 0.35 0.2 Ti, B 230 600 670 140 100 50
* the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the weld metal are strongly dependant on the chemistry of the pipe steel.
Multi-run technique
Classification of all-weld-metal wire-flux combinations - All weld metal analysis and mechanical properties, as welded condition
AWS A 5.17 Yield strength Tensile strength A5 Impact Energy - ISO-V (J)
Wire Grade C Mn Si Mo
& A5.23 MPa MPa % -20 °C -30 °C -40 °C
OE-S2 F7AP4-EM12K 0.05 1.4 0.45 -- >400 480-580 >25 >100 >70 >27
OE-S2 Mo F8AP2-EA2-A2 0.06 1.4 0.50 0.5 >470 570-680 >22 >60 >47 --
OE-SD3 Mo F9AP2-EA4-A4 0.06 1.7 0.60 0.5 >550 630-720 >20 >50 >27 --
SAW Flux-wire data sheets
SAW Semi- Basic Flux
OP 132 Line Pipe Applications
OP 132 is an agglomerated aluminate-basic flux with stable
operating characteristics over a wide range of welding The slag is self releasing, to leave a smooth bead profile without
parameters. A global choice for both the longitudinal and spiral undercut. OP 132 donates manganese and excellent sub zero CVN
seam welding of line pipe in single or multi pass applications in and CTOD deposit toughness can be attained at higher strength
combination with both solid and OE FLUXOCORD wires. The high levels, depending on wire selection and welding technique. The
current carrying capacity enables high levels of productivity to be weld deposit is highly resistant to copper induced cracking.
attained using multi wire systems, for use with both AC and DC+. Damp flux should be re-dried at 300-350 °C for 1 hour.
EN 760 SA AB 1 67 AC H5
Main Constituents & Basicity index
Applications CaO+MgO CaF2 Al2O3+MnO SiO2 + TiO2
EN 10208-2 L290 L360 L415 L450 L485 L555 25% 15% 35% 20%
API-5L / 5LS X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80 X100 Boniszewski Basicity index: ~1.5
Metallurgical Behaviour
Pick up and Burn out of the alloying elements Si & Mn = f (alloy content of the wire electrode)
DVS Merkblatt 0907 Part 1.
+ Si [%] + Mn [%]
1 1,2
0,8 1
0,2 0,2
0 0
– 0,2 – 0,2
– 0,4
– 0,4
Si-content of wire electrode – 0,6 Mn-content of wire electrode
– 0,6
– 0,8
– 0,8 –1
–1 –1,2
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5
– Si [%] – Mn [%] OP 132
Main characteristics
Two-run technique
Chemical composition and mechanical properties (typical values) in as welded condition on API 5L pipe steel*
Wire API 5L Hardness Yield strength Tensile strength Impact Energy - ISO-V (J)
AWS-A5.23 C Mn Si Mo Others
Grade steel HV 10 MPa MPa -20 °C -30 °C -40 °C -50 °C
OE-S2 X70 F8TA2G-EM12K 0.07 1.4 0.25 -- -- 200 500 590 80 -- -- --
OE-S2 Mo X80 F9TA4G-EA2 0.07 1.4 0.25 0.2 -- 220 560 630 100 70 -- --
TIBOR 33 X80 F9TA6G-EA2TiB 0.07 1.45 0.25 0.2 Ti, B 230 600 670 150 120 100 80
FC X100T X100 F11TA4G-ECG 0.07 1.8 0.3 0.4 -- 280 700 850 50 40 30 --
* the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the weld metal are strongly dependant on the chemistry of the pipe steel.
Multi-run technique
Classification of all-weld-metal wire-flux combinations - All weld metal analysis and mechanical properties, as welded condition
Wire AWS A 5.17 Yield strength Tensile strength A5 Impact Energy - ISO-V (J)
C Mn Si Mo
Grade & A5.23 MPa MPa % -20 °C -40 °C -50 °C
OE-S2 F7A5-EM 12K 0.06 1.3 0.2 -- >400 480-510 >27 >140 >40 --
OE-S2 Mo F8A5-EA2-A2 0.06 1.3 0.2 0.5 >470 550-620 >23 >110 >80 --
OE SD3 Mo F9A5-EA4-A4 0.06 1.7 0.4 0.5 >540 620-660 >21 >100 >60 >50
SAW Flux-wire data sheets
SAW Basic Flux
OP 121TT Pipe & Tubular Applications
OP 121TT is a fully basic agglomerated flux with stable operating
characteristics over a wide range of welding parameters. Used manganese and silicon and can be used with a wide range of wires to
extensively for the welding of tubular sections, construction pipe and achieve the highest strength levels while retaining excellent CVN and
line pipe with both solid and OE FLUXOCORD wires in multi pass CTOD weld metal toughness. The slag freezes quickly and smaller
applications for as welded, stress relieved and fully heat treated diameter pipes and girth seams can be welded without run off.
applications. OP 121TT has a low hydrogen content of <5 ml H2 per
Damp flux should be re-dried at 300-350 °C for 1 hour.
100 g deposited weld metal in the as manufactured condition with a
high resistance to moisture pick up during exposure under OP 121TTW is an agglomerated flux with high basicity, B.I. ~3.1,
workshop conditions. The current carrying capacity of ~1000 A per with a very low diffusible hydrogen content of <4 ml H2 per 100 g
wire enables high levels of productivity to be attained using single, deposited weld metal. It is used for welding steels with high
twin, tandem and other multi wire systems, with both AC and DC+. hardenability such as X100 or thicker sections of higher strength
The slag is easily removed, to leave a smooth bead profile and well steels. OP 121TTW is particularly suitable in combination with the
blended toes. OP 121TT has a neutral flux characteristic for OE FLUXOCORD range of cored wires for submerged arc welding.
EN 760 SA FB 55 AC H5
Main Constituents & Basicity index
Applications CaO+MgO CaF2 Al2O3+MnO SiO2 + TiO2
EN 10208-2 L290 L360 L415 L450 L485 L555 40% 25% 20% 15%
API-5L / 5LS X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80 X100 Boniszewski Basicity index: ~3.1
Metallurgical Behaviour
Pick up and Burn out of the alloying elements Si & Mn = f (alloy content of the wire electrode)
DVS Merkblatt 0907 Part 1.
+ Si [%] + Mn [%]
1 1,2
0,8 1
0,2 0,2
0 0
– 0,2 – 0,2
– 0,4
– 0,4
Si-content of wire electrode – 0,6 Mn-content of wire electrode
– 0,6
– 0,8
– 0,8 –1
–1 –1,2
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5
– Si [%] – Mn [%] OP 121TT
Main characteristics
Multi-run technique
Classification of all-weld-metal wire-flux combinations - All weld metal analysis and mechanical properties, as welded condition
AWS A5.17 Yield Strength Tensile Strength A5 Impact Energy - ISO-V (J)
Wire Grade C Mn Si Ni Mo Cr
& A5.23 MPa MPa % -20 °C -40 °C -60 °C
OE-S2 Mo F8A4 EA2-A2 0.07 0.9 0.2 -- 0.5 -- >470 550-680 >24 >100 >50 --
OE-SD3 F7A8 EH12K 0.07 1.6 0.3 -- -- -- >450 530-630 >25 >140 >100 >70
OE-SD3 Mo F8A6 EG-A4 0.07 1.3 0.3 -- 0.5 -- >520 600-700 >24 >120 >80 --
OE-SD3 1Ni 1/4 Mo F8A8-EG-G 0.07 1.3 0.3 0.8 0.2 -- >530 600-650 >24 >140 >120 >80
OE-SD3 1Ni 1/2 Mo F9A8 EF3-F3 0.07 1.5 0.3 1.0 0.5 -- >540 650-750 >20 >90 >70 >50
OE-SD3 2NiCrMo F11A6 EG-G 0.07 1.4 0.4 2.2 0.5 0.6 >720 850-1000 >14 >90 >70 >50
FLUXOCORD 31 HD F7A8 –EC1 0.05 1.6 0.3 -- -- -- >450 500-600 >25 >140 >100 >60
FLUXOCORD 41 HD F9A8 –EC-F3 0.05 1.4 0.2 1.2 0.4 -- >550 620-760 >20 >120 >100 >60
FLUXOCORD 42 F11A8 –EC-F5 0.08 1.4 0.25 2.35 0.5 0.5 >690 760-830 >16 >90 >70 >50
FLUXOCORD 83 F13A4 –EC-F5 0.06 1.5 0.4 2.8 0.5 0.2 >830 890-1000 >12 >50 >40 --
SAW Flux/Wire Selection Guide for Pipe steels
Selection guide
OP 119 S2 / S2Mo
OP 192P S2 / S2Mo
Up to X70
OP 132 / S2
OP 192P / S2
OP 119 / S2Mo
KV -20 °C Spiral
OP 192P / S2Mo
OP 132 / S2Mo
OP 192P / S2Mo
TWO-RUN X100 Longitudinal OP 132 / FLUXOCORD X100T
OP 132 / TIBOR 33
Up to X80 Longitudinal
OP 192P / TIBOR 33
KV -40 °C
X100 Longitudinal OP 132 / FLUXOCORD X100T
OP 121TT(W) / OE SD3
X70 OP 121TT(W) / OE SD3 Ni 1/4 Mo
KV -60 °C OP 121TT(W) / OE SD3 Ni 1/2 Mo
KV -40 °C X120 OP 121TT(W) / FLUXOCORD 83
* the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the weld metal are strongly dependant on the chemistry of the pipe steel.
Two pass welds when pipe welding are high dilution and the pipe steel in combination with the pipe chemistry during the selection of an
chemistry will therefore have a strong effect on the chemistry and OERLIKON wire/flux combination - please consult OERLIKON technical
mechanical properties of the final joint. When two pass pipe welding it is service and experienced engineers will recommend the most appropriate
therefore possible for a range of wire chemistries to meet the joint strength choice of SAW wire/flux combination and welding procedural guidelines
requirements for a given chemistry of pipe steel. Joint toughness, and for the application.
service requirements, e.g. sour service, must also be carefully considered
Classification Society Approvals
OP 121TT / OE-SD3 F7P8 EH12K 03768 51.098.09 3YM (-40 °C) 3YM IVY42M H5 5Y40M 4Y40M 5Y40M HHH
Product packaging - welding consumables
In the demanding environment of a pipe mill, the packaging of SAW wires and fluxes
can make a significant contribution to productivity and technical performance.
OERLIKON bulk SAW wire systems are designed for fast reliable pay off, to minimise
wire change overs and optimise productivity.
OERLIKON SAW BIGBAG flux packaging system efficiently delivers flux in bulk quantities
into central flux hoppers, now combined with the DRYBAG system for very low flux moisture
content, eliminating the need to re-condition flux before use.
during storage ■ 100% recyclable
■ Integral pallet ■ Supply: 1 tonne/ 40 x 25 kg
coils per pallet
■ Designed for the most hostile
ambient conditions
■ Protection during extended
A specially designed packaging system for high ■ 500, 800 and 1000 kg formats
consumption pipe-mill environments. Combining the ■ Mounted on an integral pallet
BIGBAG bulk flux packaging system with the low ■ Ready slung for crane lifting safety
Arc equipment for
pipe mills and large fabrication sites
CITOMIG Product features:
■ Digital parameter display
Two power sources for intensive
■ 4 rollers feeder with speed regulation
industrial applications in workshop
■ Assistant adjustment mode
conditions. These machines are easy to
■ Complete welding cycle
use via an intuitive parameter adjustment
■ Compact wirer feeder
system which provides optimised
■ Protected harness (5 m or 10 m)
welding parameters for the highest
■ 30 step adjustment
quality results.
■ 220/400 V three phase
curves and the possibility to memorise the parameters brings both welding comfort
and efficiency.
Arc equipment for
pipe mills and large fabrication sites
From the CITOCUT K, a single phase unit with integrated From small, portable, high performance machines which can be
compressor, a highly portable unit that cuts up to 6 mm, carried by the welder to the location, such as the CITOARC
to the NERTAJET 50, a high performance chopper, multi gas 1900i, to rugged thyristor controlled units, such as the
machine that cuts up to 50 mm of steel. CITOROD 6500TH designed for heavy duty site applications,
with rack fitting, remote parameter control
CITOCUT 40i and use with very long cables
Heavy duty portable cutting unit inverter technology.
■ 400 V 50/60 Hz
three phase. Single phase inverter, portable machine.
■ Heavy duty cycle, 120 A ■ MMA / TIG Lift / MMA Cellulosic.
at 60% at 40 °C. ■ 230 V 50/60 Hz
■ Quality cut, up to 40 mm. single phase.
■ Contact cut, distance cut, ■ Motor generator
plasma gouging. compatible.
■ Blow back start, no HF ■ Duty cycle 160 A at 60%.
Equipment for submerged arc welding
Power sources
■ Rugged, reliable, suitable for aggressive industrial
■ Fan-cooled, fitted with thermal cut-out, easy to move using
crane or forklift.
■ Quick connection to the core of the installation by simple
and accessible connectors.
■ Remote control system.
■ Function type:
1 - SAW direct current (DC).
2 - SAW alternative current (AC).
3 - SAW gouging arc.
Equipment for submerged arc welding
Welding heads
SUBARC 5 standard welding heads pre-setting and pre-selection of the actual welding current and
A complete range of high-performance equipment using voltage parameters for excellent arc striking every time:
microprocessor technology to combine performance, flexibility of ■ Submerged arc welding:
use and guaranteed high reliability in welding cycle management. - direct current: flat or drooping power source characteristics.
- alternating current: drooping power source characteristic.
For the most demanding applications, SUBARC 5 is a compact
■ MIG/MAG (spray-arc transfer).
welding and hard surfacing installation. It allows accurate
■ Single, twin and tandem options with flux recycling system.
Submerged arc special welding heads. Submerged arc welding heads for pipe mills.
Single or tandem narrow-gap torch. ■ Customised installations.
■ Narrow-gap torch/holding device up to 250 mm ■ Multi-wire welding heads 5 wire.
wall thicknesses.
■ Changeable head (standard heads up to 180 mm available).
■ Self-centring head on floating bearing.
■ Ceramic coating.
Single or twin
heavy duty torch.
■ Thicknesses up to 70 mm.
Equipment for submerged arc welding
welding solutions.
weld on rotator
External welds Circular and vertical weld on Internal welds Welding on positioning table
axial and circular turntable axial and circular
Temperature Conversion Table
°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F
- 156.6 - 250 - 418 - 36.6 - 34 - 29.2 - 25.5 - 14 6.8 - 14.4 6 42.8
- 128.8 - 200 - 328 - 36.1 - 33 - 27.4 - 25.0 - 13 8.6 - 13.9 7 44.6
- 101.1 - 150 - 238 - 35.5 - 32 - 25.6 - 24.4 - 12 10.4 - 13.3 8 46.4
- 73.3 - 100 - 148 - 35.0 - 31 - 23.8 - 23.8 - 11 12.2 - 12.8 9 48.2
- 45.5 - 50 - 58 - 34.4 - 30 - 22.0 - 23.3 - 10 14.0 - 12.2 10 50.0
°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F
- 33.3 26 78.8 7.78 46 114.8 18.9 66 150.8 30.0 86 186.8
- 2.78 27 80.6 8.33 47 116.6 19.4 67 152.6 30.6 87 188.6
- 2.22 28 82.4 8.89 48 118.4 20.2 68 154.4 31.1 88 190.4
- 1.67 29 84.2 9.44 49 120.2 20.6 69 156.2 31.7 89 192.2
- 1.11 30 86.0 10.0 50 122.0 21.1 70 158.0 32.2 90 194.0
°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F
71 160 320 177 350 662 621 1150 2102 1177 2150 3902
77 170 338 182 360 680 649 1200 2192 1204 2200 3992
82 180 356 188 370 698 677 1250 2282 1232 2250 4082
88 190 374 193 380 716 704 1300 2372 1260 2300 4172
93 200 392 199 390 734 732 1350 2462 1288 2350 4262
99 210 410 204 400 752 760 1400 2552 1316 2400 4352
100 212 413 232 450 842 788 1450 2642 1343 2450 4442
104 220 428 260 500 932 816 1500 2732 1371 2500 4532
110 230 446 288 550 1022 843 1550 2822 1399 2550 4622
116 240 464 316 600 1112 871 1600 2912 1427 2600 4712
121 250 482 343 650 1202 899 1650 3002 1454 2650 4802
127 260 500 371 700 1292 927 1700 3092 1482 2700 4892
132 270 518 399 750 1382 954 1750 3182 1510 2750 4982
138 280 536 427 800 1472 982 1800 3272 1538 2800 5072
143 290 554 454 850 1562 1010 1850 3362 1566 2850 5162
149 300 572 482 900 1652 1038 1900 3452 1593 2900 5252
154 310 590 510 950 1742 1066 1950 3542 1621 2950 5342
160 320 608 538 1000 1832 1093 2000 3632 1649 3000 5432
166 330 626 566 1050 1922 1121 2050 3722
171 340 644 593 1100 2012 1149 2100 3812
Note: the numbers in bold type refer to the temperature, either in Celsius or Fahrenheit, which is desired to convert into the other scale. If converting from
Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius degrees, the equivalent temperature will be found in the left column, while converting from Ceslsius degrees to Fahrenheit
degrees the answer will be found in the column on the right.
Impact Toughness Conversion Table
Stress Conversion Table
N/mm2 ksi psi MPa N/mm2 ksi psi MPa N/mm2 ksi psi MPa
150 21.8 21800 150 350 50.8 50800 350 550 79.8 79800 550
160 23.2 23200 160 360 52.2 52200 360 560 81.2 81200 560
170 24.7 24700 170 370 53.7 53700 370 570 82.7 82700 570
180 26.1 26100 180 380 55.1 55100 380 580 84.1 84100 580
190 27.6 27600 190 390 56.6 56600 390 590 85.6 85600 590
200 29.0 29000 200 400 58.0 58000 400 600 87.0 87000 600
210 30.5 30500 210 410 59.5 59500 410 610 88.5 88500 610
220 31.9 31900 220 420 60.9 60900 420 620 89.9 89900 620
230 33.4 33400 230 430 62.4 62400 430 630 91.4 91400 630
240 34.8 34800 240 440 63.8 63800 440 640 92.8 92800 640
250 36.3 36300 250 450 65.3 65300 450 650 94.3 94300 650
260 37.7 37700 260 460 66.7 66700 460 660 95.7 95700 660
270 39.2 39200 270 470 68.2 68200 470 670 97.2 97200 670
280 40.6 40600 280 480 69.6 69600 480 680 98.6 98600 680
290 42.1 42100 290 490 71.1 71100 490 690 100.1 100100 690
300 43.5 43500 300 500 72.5 72500 500 700 101.5 101500 700
310 45.0 45000 310 510 74.0 74000 510 710 103.0 103000 710
320 46.4 46400 320 520 75.4 75400 520 720 104.4 104400 720
330 47.9 47900 330 530 76.9 76900 530 730 105.9 105900 730
340 49.3 49300 340 540 78.3 78300 540 740 107.3 107300 740
N/mm2 ksi psi MPa N/mm2 ksi psi MPa N/mm2 ksi psi MPa
750 108.8 108800 750 950 137.8 137800 950 1150 166.8 166800 1150
760 110.2 110200 760 960 139.2 139200 960 1160 168.2 168200 1160
770 111.7 111700 770 970 140.7 140700 970 1170 169.7 169700 1170
780 113.1 113100 780 980 142.1 142100 980
1180 171.1 171100 1180
790 114.6 114600 790 990 143.6 143600 990
800 116.0 116000 800 1000 145.0 145000 1000 1190 172.6 172600 1190
810 117.5 117500 810 1010 146.5 146500 1010 1200 174.0 174000 1200
820 118.9 118900 820 1020 147.9 147900 1020
830 120.4 120400 830 1030 149.4 149400 1030
840 121.8 121800 840 1040 150.8 150800 1040
850 123.3 123300 850 1050 152.3 152300 1050
860 124.7 124700 860 1060 153.7 153700 1060
870 126.2 126200 870 1070 155.2 155200 1070
880 127.8 127800 880 1080 156.6 156600 1080
890 129.1 129100 890 1090 158.1 158100 1090
900 130.5 130500 900 1100 159.5 159500 1100
910 132.0 132000 910 1110 161.0 161000 1110
920 133.4 133400 920 1120 162.4 162400 1120
930 134.9 134900 930 1130 163.9 163900 1130
940 136.3 136300 940 1140 165.3 165300 1140
Note: psi values have been rounded off to the nearest fourth digit.
Welding Units Comparison Tables
Deposition rates Wire feed speed Consumable weight Electrode
and wire diameter
lbs/hr kg/hr ins/min m/min lbs kgs
1 0.45 25 0.6 2.2 1 inches mm
2 0.9 50 1.3 4.4 2 0.024 0.6
3 1.36 75 1.9 6.6 3 0.030 0.8
4 1.81 100 2.5 8.8 4 0.035 0.9
5 2.26 125 3.1 11.0 5 0.045 1.0
6 2.72 150 3.8 13.2 6 0.052 1.2
7 3.17 175 4.4 15.4 7 1/ 1.6
8 3.68 200 5.1 17.6 8 5/
64 2.0
9 4.08 225 5.7 19.8 9
3/ 2.4
10 4.53 250 6.3 22.0 10 32
11 4.98 275 6.9 33.0 15 7/ 3.0
12 5.44 300 7.6 44.0 20 1/
8 3.2
13 5.89 325 8.2 55.0 25 5/ 4.0
14 6.35 350 8.9 66.0 30 3/
16 5.0
15 6.80 375 9.5 77.0 35
1/ 6.0
16 7.25 400 10.2 88.0 40 4
17 7.71 425 10.8 99.0 45
18 8.16 450 11.4 110.0 50
19 8.61 475 12.0
20 9.07 500 12.7
21 9.52 525 13.3
Electrode length
22 9.97 550 14.0
23 10.43 575 14.6 inches mm
24 10.88 600 15.2 10 250
25 11.33 625 15.8 12 300
650 16.5 13 330
675 17.1 14 350
700 17.8 18 450
Air Liquide Welding reserves the right to modify its products without prior notice. The information contained in this document is designed to help the user in his
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The world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide is present in 80 countries with approximately 68,000 employees
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Air Liquide’s ambition is to be the leader in its industry, delivering long-term performance and acting responsibly.