1 Appdynamics Internship Interview Experience 2
1 Appdynamics Internship Interview Experience 2
1 Appdynamics Internship Interview Experience 2
Chapter 1
Appdynamics Internship
Interview Experience
1. Super Easy – create a new linked list from a given linked list which consists even
numbers of given list.
2. Easy – Given a array, some operation based
3. Medium – Given n sentences, consists spaced words. Then you are given q queries
with some combination of words. You have to tell which of the 1-n sentences consist
those words.
Chapter 1. Appdynamics Internship Interview Experience
1. Introduction
2. Tell what was your most challenging task in technical field
3. About resume and previous experience
Then he asked me to ask anything. He was a 21+ year exp. guy and expecting good
questions. I suggest you that ask good questions, it make some impression.
I asked about how your company do this X stuff with Y tech, how team handle these tasks,
quality of interns project and more.
Thank you
I am very very thankful to GFG because of this platform, I got selected for internship.
Thank you GFG contributors and GFG team.
Chapter 2
AppDynamics Interview
Round 2
Started with “Tell me about yourself”
1. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/segregate-even-and-odd-numbers/
2. Check if each level of a binary tree is a palindrome or not (Hint : Level order traversal
of tree)
Ended with some questions about projects done in the past.
Round 3
1. Class design question on Tic Tac Toe.
2. How to implement call logs list in mobile phone (Write code and explain data structures
3. How is Hash Map implemented.
Even if you get stuck at any question, the interviewers are very friendly and help you to
reach to the solution.
Round 4
This round was Tech + HR
1. How to convert decimal to binary (number can be negative too)
Chapter 2. AppDynamics Interview Experience