Placement Diaries SDE
Placement Diaries SDE
Placement Diaries SDE
Diaries (SDE)
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• Fanindra Sharma
Senior Undergraduate, Dept. of Electronics Engineering
Head, International Exchange Team, 2020-21
• Harshita Jain
Senior Undergraduate, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Coordinator, International Exchange Team, 2020-21
Abhirami R, (Junior Undergraduate, Mathematics and Computing)
Ques 2: Given a NxN matrix with 0s and 1s. Find the number of 1s in the biggest X. i.e. an X
with the largest number of 1s.
Here the bold 1 on position (2,2) has the biggest X with 6 1s.
Round 3 (HR):
The interviewer started off by asking, "Tell me about yourself!" This was a basic HR
interview and the interviewer asked questions related to internships, thesis and about the
company culture.
Student 2:-
Interview Rounds:
Round 1:
The first question: find medians of [a_1, a_i] of an array. The second question was to find the
number of valid BSTs in a given binary tree. The third question: Given a set of good pairs,
and a condition that if (a,b) & (c,b) are good pairs, then (a,c) is also a good pair. Print all the
good pairs. Note: The last question can be done with DSU.
Round 2 (Technical):
The interview started with some basic questions such as what is stack/queue, common
operations of stacks/queues, some applications of stacks/queues, data structure used in
recursion. They asked some factual and conceptual questions from OS- What is a thread
and process and the difference between them, interprocess communication and their types,
inter-thread communication, thread synchronization and mutexes. They then headed on to
the resume and since the candidate had projects related to web development, they asked
about some HTTP concepts and some API related questions. They asked some challenging
questions about design decisions- designing an OTP system and designing a resumable
download feature. The candidate was supposed to explain how they'd design rather than the
code. They explained and discussed the data structure to be used, how to handle heavy
requests (in OTP), how to generalize the feature to all types of files (in download) among
some other questions.
Round 3 (HR):
The interviewer asked simple informal questions regarding personal hobbies and family
background, etc. The interviewer asked the candidate to ask questions about the company.
Student 1:-Company Details: The online test was conducted on mettle and questions are
simple, only challenging thing was the platform itself.
Kind of Resume Required: They just go through the resume but in the interview there is no
single question based on the resume.
Personal Interviews:
Round 1 - The first interviewer introduced himself then asked the student to introduce
themselves. Then he asked them the following question and told them to write a code on
Q1. In a binary tree find max of A-B where A is ancestors of B.
Q2. Find depth of binary tree
Q3. Level order travel of binary tree
Q4. Given two strings S and P. Find smallest substring of S which contain all character of P
Round 2
1 hour discussion on 1 problem. Different way to solve that particular problem. Different time
complexity approach for insert, deletions and searching. (The student did not know a
problem but the interviewer helped them solve that problem).
Round 3
2 question
Q1. Kadane's algorithm
Q2. Simple array question
Selected for round 4
Round 4 For evaluation of CS fundamental knowledge
2 Coding question 1. DFS in grid
2. Delete binary tree And write code for the same
Then she asked the student a computer fundamental question based on OS, threading , and
processor. This concluded the interviews.
Student 2
Online Test Experience:This was an online round of 150 minutes on AMCAT with a time
limit for each section. It had 5 sections.
Section 1 (Debugging - 20 mins): There were 7 debugging questions. All questions were
asked from the following link:
Section 2 (Coding - 70 mins):
It consisted of 2 questions and they were pretty easy. STL was not allowed. I got these
1. Critical connections in a network
2. Deep Copy a linked list with next and a random pointer
Section 3 (Personality test - 20 mins): Select what type of scenario is more like you. We
were given a scale with two options on either side and the scale divided into five parts. We
were required to place the marker at the position which was more likely in our case.
Section 4 (Logical reasoning - 35 mins): There were 24 questions. This might have been the
real tie breaker because most people were able to solve the coding questions.
Section 5 (End survey - No timer): Few questions asking about our feedback.
Interview Experience:
The entire interview process was virtual considering the Covid-19 pandemic.
1. First Round (Technical - 45 mins): It was a technical round. It was conducted on Amazon
Chime. The round consisted of only coding questions and resume discussion. Then he
proceeded with the resume and asked them to brief him about my internship project.
Then they moved to the coding part.
You are given a number. If it is even I can divide it by 2, add 1 or subtract 1. If it is odd, I can
add or subtract 1 from it. Find the number of steps required to reduce the number to 1. The
student started with BFS. The interviewer asked about the complexity and asked them to
reduce it. Finally, the student was able to come up with a DP with a memoization approach.
3. Third round (Technical + HR - 45 mins): The interviewer was a team manager and asked
all sorts of questions. He began with my introduction and discussion of the projects. He then
gave a coding question.
The question was - You have a hard disk. It is partitioned into memory blocks of different
fixed sizes and is represented by the base address of that memory block. The user requests
for memory of a particular size. You need to use the best fit memory allocation algorithm for
allocating memory blocks. When a memory block gets allocated to a particular user, it
cannot be further allocated to someone else until it is released by that particular user. You
need to implement the getmemory() function which takes as parameters the memory size
and returns the address of the memory block that has been allocated. If no such allocation is
possible, it returns NULL.
The student started with brute force and then moved on to implementing it using Binary
search trees. The student was asked to write proper code for the optimized approach. It was
just a variation of inorder successor in BST.
Pattern:MCQs: Mostly based on Aptitude, Data Structures and Algorithms, SQL, Probability
Time management is crucial for such tests with coding questions as well as MCQs.
Interview: The interview experience was really good. The team conducted 4 rounds of
interviews. 3 technical and 1 HR Round, each of around 20-30 minutes of duration.
First Round:
Interviewer began by asking what the student was doing in general in college. Then 2
questions were asked. The complete code was required.
First, Find any one local maxima in an array. Interviewer made some clarifications about
corner elements being local maxima if greater than their one adjacent element. Student
made some clarifications like if it was guaranteed that at least one local maximum existed
(YES). Student told a linear time algorithm. Interviewer asked to optimize it. Interviewer
hadn’t initially told that the array didn’t consist of duplicates. So the student was stuck for
nearly 5 minutes, drawing figures and cases arising and couldn’t proceed. However, when
the student told the interviewer everything going on in the mind, case analysis and what was
drawn on the paper, they made it clear that the array did not consist of duplicate elements.
Thus, the student was able to answer and code a logarithmic time algorithm. One other easy
question- Sorting an already sorted array of integers based on their absolute values starting
from the brute force approach. Student gave a linear time algorithm.
Second Round:
The interviewer opened the IntelliJ IDEA IDE and showed one feature. It was roughly
searching our term in the project class names efficiently. The search was not
straightforward. For instance, RequestClass should also give RequestAndResponseClass
and similar searches. Student was asked how to implement it efficiently. Student couldn’t
answer but told them about indexing and that trie could have been used given some
You are given a browser and two queries. Queries are at runtime. The first type, give the
most recent N distinct links visited after the latest opening of the browser (at any moment in
time with any varying N). The second type, give the number of times a particular link is
visited. A complete code was required. Library was allowed, but DLL and its functions had to
be coded from scratch.
Interviewer seemed impressed and told about the company for the next 5-10 minutes.
Third Round:
It was an easy one. The interviewer said they were impressed by the last two rounds and
said they’ll be asking only two questions. However, they asked only one based on finding the
Critical Path of a DAG (only approach). Rest 10 minutes, interviewer was speaking about
Final round: HR
Tell me about some event where you’ve got negative feedback about yourself. What did you
learn? How can you improve your communication skills. Some more discussion. Then they
asked, “Are you comfortable with working in Bangalore.” Casual discussion for 5-10 minutes
2. Don’t always be competitive. Study collaboratively in a group and discuss questions and
3. Be confident and patient. You need not qualify all the companies. Just keep trying and
give your best till the end.
Interview Rounds:
Round 1:
The interviewer asked to explain a few ML algorithms. After that, they asked a DSA
question. It was a two-pointer question. Later the candidate was asked a few Logical
Reasoning Questions.
Round 2:
There were two interviewers in this round. Firstly, there were questions from the Resume,
about previous projects and also internship. Then they asked a few HR questions. The
interviewer gave a problem statement and asked the candidate to solve this problem using
ML approach and discuss each step of the approach in detail and the reasoning behind it.
Next, they asked a few questions on OOPs and also some real-life examples for each.
Finally, the candidate was given a DSA question. For each answer, there were follow-up
questions and the candidate was expected to have thorough knowledge of the topics.
Round 3 (HR):
The interviewer asked some questions related to the company and the candidates’
experiences. Lastly, they asked if the candidate had come questions for them.
Online Test:
It was 90 minutes long on hackerrank. There were 4 coding questions
Interview Rounds:
Round-1 (Technical):
It was conducted on Hackerrank codepair. The interviewer first asked for an introduction and
then directly jumped to questions.
1) The first question was related to trees, the candidate was asked to find the pairs with
given sum in a BST.
2) It was to find the number of substrings with count of every character as k.
3) Then the interviewer asked the candidate to write a SQL query to find the name of the
employee with kth highest salary.
4) Finally the candidate was asked virtual memory, paging from OS ; Template/Generic
class from OOPS C++ ; DBMS question on normalisation.
Round-2 (Technical + HR):
First question: The
interviewer then went through the resume, and discussed in detail on one of the DBMS
projects. Later the interviewers asked questions related to networking. Then they went on to
DBMS and OS questions. Later the interviewer also asked some HR questions like, “How do
you keep yourselves motivated?”, “How do you stay updated with latest tech?”, “What is the
last computer science article that you read?”, “What is the latest knowledge that you gained
and want to implement?”
The procedure of Bounce started with an online test.
Platform: HackerEarth
Number of questions: 2
One was an implementation based problem while the other one was graph-based.
Implementation problem required some thinking while the graph problem could be solved
easily using DFS.
Student’s score:Full score in the graph problem. 8 of the 12 test cases passed in the
implementation problem. Reason: used 'int' in place of 'long long'. So, be careful.
First Round:The interviewer was the tech-lead of Bounce. They exchanged pleasantries
and the interviewer gave the student a laptop, opened leetcode and gave a couple of
questions to solve. The questions were:
While coding, the student was asked to introduce themself. Random questions about the
student's coding journey were asked. Not getting distracted was the key here and the
student could code and talk simultaneously. Also, being quick with writing code helped as it
led to finishing these questions pretty quickly. After writing the code, the student was
repeatedly asked to improve the time complexity of the code and was satisfied only when the
code was more efficient than 90% of the users (It's a leetcode term. In case you don't get it,
check out leetcode.).
The coding platform where the student code was asked. It was Codeforces. Interviewer
looked at the profile and was pretty impressed (student was an ‘expert’). Then a few
standard graph and DP problems were asked. The student was able to answer them.
Interviewer asked about the student’s internship.
Second Round:The student was called for the second round shortly after the first round got
over. This round started with 'Tell me something about yourself'. Interviewer went through
the resume and grilled about the projects and internships. While going through the project,
the interviewer thought of a case where the student’s model would give undesired results.
Student accepted the suggestions and suggested some changes that might cover up for that
very condition. (Note: It's pretty okay if your work isn't perfect. They're mostly looking for
smart honest people. Go ahead and accept your mistakes and thank them for the
A few implementation problems were asked. Asked if the student knew what splitwise was.
Student replied positively. Was asked what the app actually did. Student replied with, “It
minimizes the number of transactions within a group.” Interviewer asked to write a code on
how it works. Student was taken by surprise. Asked for a couple of minutes to think and then
explained the thought process. Interviewer was pretty supportive and was happy with the
approach, gave pen and paper to write code. This is how the code looked like:
Third Round:
As soon as the second round got over, student was called for the HR interview. The first
question was, why was the student venturing out of their XYZ branch. Student told about
their core internships and how student wanted different things. Was asked what the student
was looking forward in a company. Student replied with a set priority order. Student had
earlier mentioned ‘work-life balance’. Was asked what it actually meant for the student.
Student moulded it in a way that would suit the startup culture.
Student had used Bounce for transportation purposes during their internship. So told the
things that made it unique and some improvements that the student had observed in Bounce
over a couple of months.
1. Never lie in your resume. Life will be tough if they find out.
2. Don't worry if your projects are basic. Just be thorough with your projects and internships.
3. Your coding skill is the main thing they're looking up to. Improve it as much as you can.
4. Solve questions from interviewbit and inter IIT placement doc. Questions do repeat.
The interviewer asked the candidate to introduce themselves before beginning the interview.
The interviewer talked about 2 terms that the candidate had not heard of, so the interviewer
moved on to topics that the candidate said they knew like CPU Scheduling, Memory
Management etc. There was a lengthy discussion on Deadlocks. The interviewer was
impressed by the discussion on Deadlocks.
It was a coding round. All the questions were from GeeksForGeeks or other coding
Q: How does a CPU handle sorting with a limited RAM and a hard disk that can have larger
amount of data?
A: The candidate answered a priority-queue based approach which impressed the
This was like an extension of the previous round with some managerial questions. The
candidate’ resume was discussed extensively.
The interviewer also talked about pre-placement talk and Cisco ThingQbator program.
Round-4: HR
Discussion about college life like fests and clubs also happened.
Verdict: Selected
1) Choose your profile early. Last semester switches will not be possible to do.
2) Have good friends who can sail you through your lows.
3) Give mock interviews to anyone and be serious.
4) Do interview preparation side by side and do all the questions of FB placement doc.
Questions tend to repeat.
5) Don’t take a particular company too seriously.
6) Technical knowledge, communication skills, presence of mind and CGPA all matter a lot.
One needs to learn how and how much to serve in the interviewer’s plate.
Requirements: OS concepts.
Written Test:
There were 3 coding questions with a time limit of 1 hour. One of the question was a
Travelling Salesman Problem.
In the written round, the candidate was able to solve 2 of the questions and in the third was
able to pass 7/13 test cases.
The interviewer gave the candidate a sheet with a problem on it. It was of moderate difficulty
and the candidate solved it using DP+bit-masking approach.
The interviewer then asked the candidate to write the code of Serialising and Deserialising a
Binary Search Tree.
It was 10-15 minutes long. The interviewer asked general HR questions and asked the
candidate to give feedback of the previous interviewer. The interviewer ended the round by
asking the candidate if they had any questions to ask.
The interviewer asked questions related to the candidate’’s internship experience. Then the
interviewer asked a design question.
Q: What is atomicity?
Q: Implement LRU Cache.
Q: Implement TTL.
1) Interviews are more like discussion rather than rapid-fire rounds. Therefore, one must be
able to properly explain their approach to the interviewer rather than implying finishing the
2) Don’t lie on your resume.
3) Answer every query with confidence.
Requirements: Basic CS knowledge, CP experience, Algorithms.
Coding Round:
This round was conducted on InterviewBit and consisted of 3 questions ( difficulty:
Codeforces Div-2 C-D) with a time limit of 90 minutes.
Link to questions:
Interview-1: Algorithm
The interviewer gave the candidate 1 questions to be solved within 45 minutes. The
candidate had to explain the approach and write a clean code on paper.
Q: You are given a tree with weighted edges which can also be negative. You have to find a
path with minimum "Absolute" total path sum. This means From all paths in the tree,
min(|Total path sum|)= Answer. But there is a twist. You can invert at most "k" edge
weights("+" -> "-" or "-" -> "+").
The interviewer wanted an optimal solution but never mentioned the exact complexity.
Interview-2: Algorithm
Given a directed graph representing a tournament where each edge represents a "match"
between the two nodes.
u –> v represents u wins and v loses.
You are given a player "x".
Find the number of ways in which you can schedule the tournament such that x survives at
the end of the tournament.
A tournament is said to end when there are no matches left.
Once someone loses, he is knocked out of the tournament and all the matches that he had
with others go in favour of others automatically.
Example: Input:
Find number of ways in which "3" survives at the end of tournament.. note that by definition,
there can be more than one survivors of the tournament.
Explanation: (4v2, 1v2)
A: The interviewer told the candidate to solve this problem for a small number of players.
The candidate then gave a solution for N<= 20 using bit masking and backtracking.
Interview-3: HR+CSE Basics
Verdict: Selected
1) For a company like this, one needs to have a good CP background. It will improve
your thought process.
Requirements: DS, Algorithms
Online Round:
It was conducted on Hackerrank and consisted of 3 coding questions with a time limit of 90
There were multiple sets for the round.
Q: Tell me about yourself.
Q: Explain your internship project. What What challenges did you face during that time?
Q: Find the nth node from the end of the linked list.
Q: Merge 2 sorted linked lists.
The interviewer only asked for pseudo-code. The interviewer asked for a optimised solution
if it was possible.
Q: Knapsack problem
A: The candidate answered the question with a recursion approach and then the DP solution
for an optimisation.
Round-3: HR
Q: Tell me about yourself.
Q: Give an example of a challenge you faced in the last 6 months either technical or
Q: Tell me something you failed at and now feel ashamed about it.
Q: Why choose software and not core?
Q: What decision would you change if you could rewind your life?
Q: Why did you choose IIT BHU over other IITs?
Q: What does success mean to you?
Q: Why choose Dream 11?
The interviewer asked a few questions about the company and basically checked the soft
skills and confidence of the candidate.
Verdict: Selected.
1) For the online coding round, refer to the questions asked in other colleges for the same
company and also previous year questions. GeekforGeeks and CodeForces are useful.
2) Stick to your answer and don’t change it according to the question, especially in the HR
3) Do have some knowledge about the company as interviewers are likely to ask questions
or expect questions from you about the company to see your level of interest.
Student 1:
There were 2 technical interviews and 1 HR interview.
The interviewer gave the candidate a sheet with problems on it.
Other questions covered topics like linked list and valid sub-string count using the stack data
Q: Given the addresses of two folders, you are required to find the common elements of all
the directories present in the given directories.
A: The candidate gave an approach based on the storing of strings on trie data structure and
then putting into queue the folders in the directories and then running while it is empty.
Round-3: HR
Q: Why did you choose non-core with such a good pointer?
Q: Why did you choose an IIT even though you had a good NIT rank that could have fetched
a CSE seat?
Q: What are your future plans?
Q: Why don’t you go for the startups?
Q: What do you know about the company?
Q: How are you interested by the company’s work?
Online Test Experience- Test duration was 90 minutes. Test consisted of a single coding
question, some questions related to OS fundamentals.
Interview Round:
Round 1 (Technical):
Firstly, the interviewer asked for an introduction followed by some questions such as: Find
whether a singly Linked List is palindrome or not, BFS traversal of a tree, Detect a Loop in
linked list. At last the interviewer asked one more coding question which used the concept of
Disjoint set union(Kruskal's minimum spanning tree algorithm).
Round 2 (Technical):
The interviewer asked about the team project mentioned in the candidates resume. The
candidate inquired about issues such as “How did you divide your work?”, “Who lead the
project?”, “How did you overcome any differences of opinions?”.
Round 3 (HR): The interview started with a general introduction followed by a brief
discussion on the internship project and curricular activities as mentioned in the candidates’
resume. The candidate was asked to explain the responsibilities they had as the coordinator
of an organization they were a part of.
Profile - AI Engineer (Computer Vision)
Verdict – Selected
Both your resume and coding round skills are equally weighted for interview selection. Even
if you are a skilled coder with no Computer Vision/ML skills, you won't get through.
Initial coding round is just for checking your DSA fundamentals. A high priority is placed on
you ML skills particularly Deep Learning and Computer Vision skills. You must have good
projects on Deep Learning and it's application to Computer Vision tasks.
Coding Test:
There was one medium level question on Dijkstra algorithm and another one on Trie data
structure. Can expect a medium - moderately tough level coding round.
Interview Experience
Three rounds:
Student had to bring his own laptop, but he didn’t. The interviewer was from Japan and he
gave his own laptop which had Japanese Keyboard (though with small English letters
inscribed but some keys were swapped). Coding + ML subjective round had to be finished in
15 minutes.
The test had one question on recursion (not complex) and subjective questions like : What is
Back-propagation, Gradient Descent, What will happen if you pass the image through a high
pass filter. There were around 5-8 questions.
After this, they shifted to project discussion where the interviewer was particularly interested
in an Activity Recognition project of the student. Details of the project were asked: how
student approached the task, why certain CNN network, how did student create his own
dataset, techniques explored to remove dataset bias and other conceptual questions on the
project. According to the student, it was fun and this round went really great.
Round 2: HR Interview
He was from Japan and was the head of the HR department. Student was asked about his
ML experience and his internship in Australia. The interviewer talked a lot about Exawizards
and it's Japan office and other company related information like: the kind of work they do,
what kind of people they recruit etc. Basic HR questions were asked. Tell me about yourself,
What are your 3 great weaknesses and strengths and why do you think so. Also asked to
rank them and explain the reason behind the order. Asked about a project the student did
with his friend to check teamwork skills and also many other questions to know about his
personality. According to the student, the round went really smoothly.
This round came as a surprise to the student. He was called after they completed the
interviews of other students and it was more of a getting to know each other round. Student
was asked about his college and ML experiences, his research intern he did the previous
summer in Australia and other details on some projects that were missed earlier. The
interviewer showed him as an engineer what they actually build, their projects. They
discussed their projects for quite a bit and future ideas etc. It was a really nice experience.
They want passionate people having good skills in ML specially deep learning and Computer
Vision knowledge. The specific skills they require are : ability to read research papers on ML
and CV and implement it on the fly, you must be adept to training/customizing your own
neural network, ability to conceptually tackle a challenge from scratch. You should have
good ML skills and projects.
Online Test:
There were 2 coding questions. The platform was Hackerrank.
Interview Rounds:
Round 1:
First question was to write 4 functions inside a class with all the input and output
specifications given. The second question was a backtracking question, and the candidate
was asked to complete the function with an integer as argument.
Round 2:
In this round, the interviewer went through the resume and asked about the internships
completed by the candidate. Then the interviewer asked for an approach to find the peak
element in a rotated sorted array. (
The candidate was asked to make sure that the code works for the corner cases and was
given enough time to check the code.
Online test: The online round consisted of 2 simple coding questions with function
There were different sets of coding questions made out of a total of 3-5 questions.
Some of the questions were:
Interview Round:
Round 1:
The round began with an introduction of the candidate. Next, the interviewer asked
questions from various topics:
Algo Theory:
Ques: "Which one is the best sorting algorithm?".
“How would you sort 100TBs of data?”
Project: Then, the interviewer asked the candidate to briefly explain their projects.
SDLC: The interviewer gave some situations: "If some function of the service provided by
company fails suddenly, what will you do?"
Round 2: The round began with, "Tell me about your journey of these 3+ years in the
college". -
Intern & Projects: The interviewer asked questions on the candidates’ summer internship
and projects.
Culture & Values: The interviewer gave a situation problem, which can be faced during the
work in company.
There was no written test.
Interview Rounds:
Round 1:
The questions asked in this round were:
1. “Tell me about yourself.”(including the candidates’ professional experience).
2. 2 coding questions:
i). Problem on queue.
Round 2:
1. Explain function overloading, function overriding, and operator overloading by making
classes and writing code snippets.
2. What is an array & linked list, why do we need a linked list & real-time application of a
linked list over arrays?
word/ 4. “Do you have any questions for me?”
Round 3:
1. “Tell me about yourself.”(including the candidates’ professional experience).
2. Technologies/software that the candidate worked on during their internships.
4. Explain the above code step by step.
5. “What is the time & space complexity of the code?”
Written Test Experience:
The test was conducted on Hackerrank platform.
The test had 5 sections with time limits for each section.
Section switching was allowed
Coding Section:
Question 1- Bachata Dance Pair two dancers such that the height difference is no more than
2 inches. People with the same heights will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
It was a simple sorting and implementation based question.
Question 2 - A BFS based question Find no of servers that would fail based on the
dependencies given, if the given server fails. Record the failing time of the last server as
well. An implementation of BFS
Advanced Coding Section:
A long question which in short was asking to implement AVL sort.
Student 1
Three Rounds - 30 + 45 + 45 mins
All the rounds happened on zoom call and a Hackerrank code pad.
Round 1:
The interview started with an introduction. Then they discussed the resume, specifically, the
internships. The discussion went on for 15 mins. The interviewer asked questions on APIs.
Interviewer then asked a variation of LRU Cache. Approach and code was required.
Round 2:
Interviewer asked the student why they chose the field of software development, being from
chemical Engineering, about project, and what made it interesting.
After discussing for around 10 mins, Interviewer asked them a coding question on
implementing a queue using two stacks. The student did it with two approaches.
Round 3:
Some questions on resume. Then, they gave a debugging problem with around 6-7 minor
errors. The bugs were quite tricky to find, also helped student at the end with the line no. of
one of the errors that they couldn't find. Further, asked a question on max sum path, a dp
on tree question. The student explained and wrote the code for it.
Student 2
Interview Experience: There were 3 Rounds: 45 min + 45 min+ 30 min
Round 1: The interviewer looked at the Resume and asked them about Linear Regression.
He asked them to explain it mathematically as well and theoretically. Then he jumped into a
DSA question. He asked them a variation of Binary search. Once they explained the
approach and covered all the corner cases, he asked them to code the question and also
run it on a case.
Round 2: In this round he directly jumped into DSA questions. He asked me 3 questions.
The first one was a variation of Topological Sorting, and the next two were Coin Exchange
Problem's both variations.
Round 3: He asked what kind of challenges they faced in their internship. Then, he asked
them, if I am interested in SDE and why I am interested in the field. Next he asked them
about LRU Cache. He didn't ask them to code it. But he wanted them to explain to him,
which Data Structures, they would use and why.
Student 3
Round 1:Just after the formal introduction the interviewer jumped onto the coding part. He
gave them a code to debug on Hackerrank codepair. He asked them to identify the errors in
that code and correct it or either write the programme from scratch. The student identified 3-
4 errors, but still the code was not giving the correct output.
After that the interviewer asked them to look at a particular line and then they saw one error
in that line too. After correcting that, the code worked fine. Then he asked them a coding
problem to search an element in a sorted and rotated array which they were able to code.
They then discussed the time complexity of that problem. Then he told them how a day for
an analyst at Goldman Sachs goes. This round went on for 50 mins.
Round 2:
The interviewer asked the student why they wanted to pursue their career in the software
field despite the fact that they were from the chemical branch. He then jumped onto the
technical part. He then asked them to implement a queue using two stacks. The student was
able to code it correctly. He further asked them to improve the time complexity of the code.
Then he asked them if they had any questions for him. Then he shared his own experience
of working at Goldman Sachs and the work from home policy of the company. This round
went on for 45 mins.
Round 3:
The interviewer asked the student to give a brief introduction. He asked them why they didn
coding in Java as most of my friends do that in C++. He then asked them about their
internship experience. Then after 15 mins, he jumped onto the technical part. He asked them
to find the vertical sum in a binary tree.
He wanted them to write the whole programme and not just the function for that. This round
went on for 40 mins.
Student 4
Round 1:
The interviewer asked the student three questions on probability and statistics:
The student answered what came to their mind. The interviewer asked if they had any
Round 2:
Usually, companies started asking DSA questions, even if they came for an ML profile. That
was nowhere the case with GS. In this round, the student was asked around 50 fundamental
to medium questions on Machine Learning. They were able to answer almost all of them.
The interviewer helped them, too, if they got stuck somewhere. The questions comprised
discussing the design of all standard ML algorithms, their intuition, basic statistics, easy
puzzles, and some case-specific thinking for ML algorithms. Having a firm grip on ML was
essential to get through this.
Round 3:
The interviewer introduced himself and then asked the student to tell him about themselves.
They told him about their projects. Their UG project(based around stocks and statistics) took
his significant attention. He asked them about statistical testing techniques(p-value, f-test, t-
test, ANOVA, etc.).
Then he asked them how to find if a coin is biased(without flipping the coin an infinite
number of times). The student told them about using a t-test to accomplish it.
Next, he asked me some excellent Machine Learning questions. He asked them to write the
categorical cross-entropy on a page and show him through a webcam. Then he asked what
will happen if we remove the logarithm in it, what if we put tanh activation in place of the
logarithm etc.
He then asked about the probability of selecting 2 points on a rod, such that the distance
between them is less than (length of rod/2). He then asked some more probability, statistics,
and ML questions, almost all of which the student was able to answer. The round ended with
him asking them if I had some doubts.
General Tips:
· 1: googleyness round
The student received an email invitation to a session to for preparation for interview. Material
was provided to prepare for interview (had links to site like leetcode).
3 Technical rounds:
1st Coding
Q1: A single processor system has some process scheduled, with some startTime and
Duration. given a new process can we schedule it without removing some pre-scheduled
Interviewer asked student to implement it. On implementing, student asked to use lower
bound instead of actually implementing BS. Student was asked to fix some bugs in the code,
write space and time complexity.
Q2. After that Student asked a follow up saying that now the computer has 4 processors,
how will we check if a new process can be scheduled to any of the processors?
Student shared an approach involving coordinate compressing the start and end time, then
making an array and initializing it with 0, then for each process doing arr[start]++,
arr[end+1]-- where start and end are the compressed representation of original values. Then
build a segment tree to find the range. And finally to find the smallest interval containing our
process from the compressed coordinates using Binary Search ,then find the range max in
that range. If it is 4 then we can't schedule the process else we can.
2nd: Coding
Q1: Find no. of ways to make 'K' non-empty set from 'N' unique objects.
Seeing the samples it was pretty clear that the objects are not unique. Student pointed that
out and asked the interview that is this problem equivalent to the no. of ways we can fill N
identical balls into K identical bags such that each has atleast one ball?
To which interviewer replied yes(interviewer was not thorough with the problem). Student
asked about the range of N to which he replied 1 < N <= 1e6, K <= N
Student dropped the idea of any DP based solution and started focusing on solving it using
PnC. But the interviewer told to come up with a recurrence solution. Student failed to find the
correct recurrence relation.
Q2: There's a directed graph find the shortest cycle from a source node
Student told a dfs based solution using the standard cycle finding algorithm and storing
length of cycle whenever we encounter one and returning the min value. Time and space
complexity was asked. Student was asked to improve the complexity. Student startes
drawing a blank. Interviewer suggested him to use BFS. Student wrote it and the time
complexity for that as well.
The student was then asked to code the solution and to return the nodes of the shortest
cycle starting from the source. Student coded the BFS and kept parent array to retrieve the
nodes of the cycle when he found it.
3rd: Coding
Q1: Given a 2D matrix, The cost to move to an adjacent cell (4 direction, up, left, down, right)
is defined as the absolute difference between the values in the cell. A path's cost is defined
as the maximum cost of any step taken to traverse that path. Given a cost find if we can
move from top-left to bottom-right in cost less or equal to that.
Student told and implemented a BFS based solution. Time and space complexity was asked.
Q2: Follow up to the first question, find the least cost to go from top left to bottom right.
Student said that if we plot a graph of cost vs is_possible in the last problem, it would be like
step funtion's graph and the inflection point would be our answer. And we can find the
inflection point using Binary Search. Interviewer agreed.
Student coded the solution using the function in the previous question as the check function.
Interviewer asked the student to do the TC, Space analysis..
Q3: Given an API getTower(int n, int m) -> {int, int} that returns a location in a field of NxM
dimensions. Initially the field is empty, we have to call the api several times and set towers at
the given locations, two towers are connected if they are adjacent to each other (4
directions). Find the no. of times we call this api before the left side of the field is connected
to the right side.
Not connected
Student shared a DSU based approach where for each representative of the set we can also
keep a pair of booleans denoting whether they are connected with left/right. Whenever a set
is connected to both sides we can return the count of towers. Student coded and the
interviewer was satisfied with the solution.
4th: Coding
Student was asked to find the no. of subarrays in an array to which Student replied
(n+1)C(2) where n is the size of the array. the full question:
Q1. Given an array find the no. of pairs of non-overlapping subarrays having elements
greater the K.
With a little thinking, student proposed an O(n) solution. The solution involved breaking array
into continuous chunks of arrays that contain elements greater than K. and then finding
cross_pairs (the no. of pairs where the two sub arrays are from different chunks) this is
trivial. and finding same_pairs (the no. of pairs where the two sub arrays are from the same
chunk). This required an O(n) pass and at each juncture 'i', add to the sum the no. of
subarrays ending at i -> (i+1) and all subarrays that can be formed with the remaining
elements in the chunk (for size n) (n - i)C(2). Student coded the solution, dry ran it. There
were no bugs.
Inteviewer asked the student to give introduction and to tell something that was not on
Was asked to describe a situation where the student had a difference of opinion with
someone and how can it be resolved . Student was given a situation where a colleague
wants to try a solution which the student has already tried and failed at. What would he do?
Student 2
Written test:
The online test was conducted on hackerearth and had 2 questions of medium and hard
difficulty level. Everyone had different sets of questions.
Round 1:
Q: A caterpillar is present at the root node of a tree at t=0 sec. After each second, the
caterpillar jumps to one of its child nodes with equal probability. The student had to find the
probability of presence of the caterpillar at each of the leaf nodes at t=infinite seconds.
The student gave the dfs based approach and coded it as well. Then as a follow up
question, student was asked to solve the same question for a directed acyclic graph. Student
gave the topological sorting based approach and the interviewer seemed quite convinced
and asked the student to code the solution. They also had some discussion on the time
complexity of both the approaches and the student had to write the recurrence relation and
also the worst complexity test case.
Round 2:
Q: Implement the non pre-emptive shortest job first scheduling algorithm for a single
processor system.
Student gave the priority queue based approach and was asked to code it. As a follow up
question, interviewer asked the same for a multiple processor system. Student explained the
approach and the interviewer seemed convinced as well but student was unable to code it
properly because of lack of time.
Round 3:
The interviewer started by asking an easy string question. Then main question:
Q: There is an incoming stream of strings and you have to print all the strings that came in
for the first time or last came 10 sec prior to the present time.
Student gave the map based approach. Interviewer then asked to optimize this solution.
Student then gave the trie and the hashing based approach, but interviewer was convinced
by none. The student finally came up with the priority queue based approach. Interviewer
was then convinced with this approach and asked to code it. Then after a few hr questions,
interviewer asked the student to ask questions .( Never say No )
Round 4:
1. Describe a situation where you have had to work with people with different opinions.
3. Do give mocks before your actual interviews. It helps a lot in improving your
communication skills.
4. Do some research about the company and always be prepared with a follow up question
for the interviewer.
Student 3
Interview Experience:A total of 3 technical rounds of 45 minutes each. Every round had
two questions, one basic problem and the main problem which were to be solved, explained
and coded on the laptop. No specific HR round was conducted.
1st Round:A problem of moderate difficulty level was asked. The student started solving it
using a priority queue, but during the discussion got confused and started thinking about the
DP solution too. The student explained the DP solution , meanwhile realised that the priority
queue was the better solution. After the student solved correctly, the interviewer was
satisfied and told that he liked that the student was able to solve it in time.
The interviewer started to discuss his previous projects and previous internship. Then they
discussed the work they do in Google. Student also asked some HR kind of questions which
focused on decision making and leadership at the workplace.
2nd Round: The interviewer asked a graph problem. It was given in probabilities so he
converted it into a simple graph with vertices and edges and then started to apply the
pathfinding algorithm on it, student used logarithm function on the probability graph and then
could easily solve all the parts given in the problem.
3rd Round
A dictionary related question was asked. It was a good and a little difficult problem. The
student solved it using the Trie data structure. The interviewer asked him to code and
implement the data structure from scratch. After solving, this interviewer also discussed the
projects and some HR kind of questions.
Interviews are just a kind of discussion so don’t get too nervous. Keep explaining whatever
you are thinking. Even if you aren’t getting to the solution or you get confused in the middle,
don’t get tense or panic. Take a deep breath and try to think fresh and you will definitely be
able to do better. It’s a plus point if you have some good projects and internships. Be fully
prepared to explain and answer any queries related to your resume. Be calm and confident.
Coding Round:
Hackerrank | 60min | 10 MCQs and 2 coding questions MCQs: CS theory, OS, DBMS
Coding: 1.) One question based on job scheduling
2.) Reach the End in Time: Image Link:
Approach: Simple BFS will pass all the test cases
Interview Rounds:
Round 1:
The interviewer asked the following questions:
Ques 1:
Ques 2: Related to Binary Tree.
Round 2:
A question related to DP was asked:
dp-10/ The interviewer wanted a thorough explanation of the problem and why DP works
better than the brute force method.
Round 3:
The interviewer first asked: "Tell me about yourself". After that they gave the topic of
"Microservices" and asked the candidate to read about it in 5 mins and explain it. The
interviewer also asked how this topic was related to the company for which the candidate
had done an internship. At the end the interviewer asked the question "Why should we hire
Requirements: Operating Systems.
Online Round:
The online round consists of a set of 5 interactive games to be played. It involves speed in
calculation and a little bit of other algorithm concepts (including graph algorithms).
Those who score above a certain cut-off in the games are selected for the interview.
The interview involved a discussion on autonomous driving vehicles at length and the
challenges it’s facing. Any trending topic in the tech sector is being taken about.
There were no coding questions in this interview but core CS concepts were asked
disguised as general questions and the interviewers expected the candidate to solve them
using algorithms. Topics covered included Multi-Level Feedback Queue from OS.
The interviewers then asked questions on the projects mentioned in the candidate’s CV. At
the end, they asked the candidate if they had any questions.
Round-2: HR
The round lasted for about 10 mins and the interviewer asked general HR questions and at
the end asked the candidate if they had any questions.
1) Carry a good mouse and mouse pad for the test.
2) Be fast in calculations and other work for the online round.
3) Read a little about the company and it’s recent acquisitions, inventions etc
4) Be thorough with your projects. The interviewers ask deep questions that you probably
hadn’t even thought about before.
5) There are 3 interviewers in the technical round as opposed to mostly 1 in other interviews.
It is important to address each of them while answering the questions.
Round 1:
The interview started with the question, “Tell me about yourself”. After this, the interviewer
asked the candidate to explain their projects briefly. The explanation covered the models
used, differences between them, evaluation metrics, precision, recall, ROC-AUC,
techniques etc. One question was asked, “What is the activation function used in a
multiclass classification algorithm?”
Round 2:
The interviewer started by asking the candidate to explain their previous internship wherein
they had used unsupervised learning algorithms to find customer segments of the market.
The interviewer focused on the problem-solving approach and asked questions about the
working of models used, the mathematics behind the models, techniques used for finding the
number of clusters in KMeans and hierarchical clustering algorithms, silhouette coefficient,
metrics involved and many such questions which require thorough understanding of the
The interviewer asked about the insights and results attained after data modelling. After that,
the candidate was asked about the random forest model, and it’s working, Gini impurity and
entropy, advantages and disadvantages etc.
Interview Rounds:
Round 1:
The interviewer asked about the candidates’ intern project, thesis project and general
hobbies. The flow of the interview was a coding question followed by some scopes of
improvement, followed by answering some of the questions for the interviewer. The
candidate was asked to write code for a class implementing LRU cache.The interviewer
asked to make some modifications, such as implementing TTL for the cache. The
interviewer also asked the candidate to implement LFU cache, but due to shortage of time
the candidate only explained their approach. Finally, the interviewer asked if the candidate
had any questions.
Round 2:
The interviewer started by showing a document containing some text, some heading and
footer etc. Then gave 2 arrays, one with strings and another with their respective coordinates
(Point p1,p2,p3,p4); where p1,p2,p3,p4 were 4 points of the rectangle covering the text in
the image. (Point has a tuple {x,y}) The candidate was asked to print the output in such a
way that it would vaguely resemble formatting in the image of the document. (from the topic
Coding: Practice Leetcode, which would be sufficient in itself. Try virtual contests which will
keep you fresh. Doing only leetcode will be a bit problematic for Constructive/Advanced
Algorithmic questions which are rare, but were asked in a couple of companies.
Try practising some questions on codeforces for that. One can choose to avoid contests
altogether and strengthen your weaknesses by doing topic based questions. Because
generally straight-forward questions related to DS/A are asked.
Technical Interview: Study your subjects smartly and practice memorising and explaining the
concepts. Try to study everything that makes you confident in yourself. Rest is just luck.
Also, be careful what you write in your resume and be prepared to talk about any of the
projects or technologies.
HR Interview: It is preferable to write the common HR questions and their answers in a word
file beforehand, and discuss with fellow students if what one is writing is appropriate for an
interview. One doesn't need to memorize it, but there should be a flow in the answer.
Student 1
Written test experience:There were a total of 3 sections : Coding, Aptitude and core CS
Coding section : There was only one coding question. Enough practice at
geeksforgeeks/interviewbit/leetcode/hackerearth will suffice.
Technical round : It was sort of a rapid fire round. No questions related to competitive
programming were asked. They were very interested in the projects and interests mentioned
in the resume. Some of the questions (which were not related to the resume) were :
4. Cache
5. Pipelining
7. Paging/segmentation in OS
9. Interrupt I/O
The rest of the questions were directly related to the resume. Your resume will stand out
among the other candidates. Some of the questions based on the student’s resume were:
1. Explain the working of optical encoders, the algorithm which you implemented and how to
determine the odometry of the robot
3. Most of the projects were implemented on Arduino. So they asked some questions directly
specific to the Arduino microcontroller.
Please make sure you don't lie on your resume. They will discuss a lot based on your
HR round : Very chill. Make sure you prepare for common HR questions, though they are
simple but think about the answers beforehand. They will definitely ask you why you want to
work at Intel, where do you see yourself in 5 years, etc. Gather some knowledge about the
company. HR is all about your communication skills and your ability to remain calm. Be
polite and relaxed, that's all. Be positive if you made it to the HR round. You have a very
good chance of getting selected. Projects related to embedded systems/ computer
architecture will put you at an advantage. But even if you lack these, they will ask questions
related to competitive programming and your resume. In other words, they just want to know
your technical skills and proficiency.
Be optimistic. The final semester will be the most stressful. But in the end, everything will
work out .
Student 2
Intel (Hardware)
Kind of resume required: Projects related to the company's work and having some coding
experience is always an advantage.
Written test experience: There were a total of 3 sections : Coding(MCQ), Aptitude and core
Aptitude section : , Aptipedia (If possible try to solve previous year apti
portion seriously it helps!
Core CS : mentioned in previous posts(Do study sql coding …though not for intel but it helps
in many other companies).
Round 1: Since the student was not from an electronics background, the interviewer directly
started off by asking which coding language student was comfortable in. Basic conceptual
questions on oops, pointers, file handling, etc. were asked.
A problem statement was given: A number n was given and was asked to find the pairs
having a difference to any user desired number (simple but then they asked for an efficient
approach (interviewbit array section helped here)).
Round 2: The interviewer was friendly and asked to chill on seeing a nervous student. Some
questions on the student’s educational background were asked. Questions on projects and
internships were asked. After a brief discussion, the candidate was asked some questions
on digital design and to write Verilog code. While writing answers, try to be clean. It shows
how clear you are in your solution or approach.
The student tried keeping the interviewer involved in the answers. Then they asked about
the static analysis part (very important for electronics companies. Please be through with it).
Interviewer devoted maximum time to it.
At last, the interviewer explained how it's like to work in intel as a tech (student was feeling
excited, at the same time kept themself composed).
A puzzle question was asked in the end. Student was unable to solve it. (Student was
unable to solve it. Interviewer told the approach)
HR round- Keep preparing standard questions. It helps. Standard questions were asked.
Staying positive is the key and showing the willingness for the company might get one
Word of caution: Take proper sleep before interviews. Lastly, smile and be confident (no
matter what happens).
Student 3
Intel (Hardware), Resume Shortlisting and/or Online Test, Technical Interview (2 Rounds)
and HR Interview.
Round 1: The interviewer went through the resume and asked the following questions:
1. Internship mentioned in the resume, and what did you learn there?
5. Explain Physical Design Flow? Also the interviewer was asking questions on every step,
like What is [step] and why it is done.
7. Explain Setup time, Hold time. What happens if the setup or hold criteria are not met?
9. Suppose you have 2 chips, one is having Setup violation, and the other having Hold
violation. You absolutely have to buy one of these, which one should you buy?
Then the interviewer asked if the student had a preferred work domain, to which you should
generally not give a preference. The student replied that though they had mode experience
in one domain, they were quite flexible and ready to learn any profile offered.Interviewer
asked if the student would be interested in working in the VLSI Backend domain. The
candidate convinced them that they were genuinely interested in it. They asked if the student
had any questions. Student asked more about the profile and what the interviewer liked
most about Intel.
HR round: It was more of a briefing about the company, the work culture etc. The HR
explained everything in detail, and asked the student to elaborate on their preferences w.r.t.
profiles, preferred job location and technical skills you possess related to the job etc.
Coding Round: Link to contest:
Problem Statement - Given a N * N grid with colors in each of the cells, modify the minimum
number of colors so that after modification no 2 cells having the same color are in the same
Solution: For each color form a graph of the cells that have that color. Add edges b/w cells
that are in the same row/column. For finding max un-modified cells, find the MIS of the
graph. Each edge denotes that if one vertex is in the IS(independent set) then the other
cannot be in it. For a general graph finding the size of the MIS is an NP-Complete problem.
But, the graph formed here has a special property, it is a Bipartite Graph.
(link to solution:
dit?usp=sharing )
Online Coding Round:
There were two sections - Aptitude and Coding.
Duration: 40 minutes
There were 20 questions of varying difficulty. Difficulty changed depending on answers being
right or wrong. If the current answer is correct, the next question will be of increased
difficulty, else difficulty decreases.
Questions were mostly based on sequences and series, probability, modular arithmetic, etc.
Some of them were based on some famous puzzles.
Duration: 70 minutes
1. Josephus problem (
Interview Rounds:
Next the HR started with their questions, first they asked "Why JLR?". Then they asked a
few situation based questions like "What would you do if you have to choose between a job
at a well established MNC with not so good work and a startup where the work is
interesting?". The interviewer also pointed out a few points mentioned in the SOP submitted
by the candidate and asked a few questions on them. The HR asked two more questions:
One was guesstimate based. It was to determine how many Jaguar cars must be ideally
produced every year in India to make maximum profits. There was no other data given. The
answer was to be guessed with some calculations. The other question was a puzzle
( ).
Written Round:
The coding round was conducted on the Hackerrank platform. There were two questions.
The first question asked us to implement TF-IDF for a collection of sentences. There was no
need for space and time optimization, your code just had to cover all possible boundary
Interview Rounds:
The student was asked 2-3 questions on DSA. Other than that, the student was asked a little
about their projects which I was able to explain properly. The student maintained constant
The second interviewer focused solely on the candidate’s resume. They asked about the
candidate’s projects and then inquired about the differences between a CNN and an RNN
and how one would choose an architecture for a problem.
Then, the interviewer gave them an NLP problem statement and asked the candidate to
come up with a basic unsupervised model for it. Finally, the interviewer asked the candidate
a few questions on Git and AWS.
The third round was the HR round. Most of what they ask will be the standard HR questions
you can find anywhere.
Coding Test:
1 coding question on linear DP and MCQs based on aptitude, data science and core CS
Interview Rounds:
Round 1:
Questions asked were based on the projects mentioned in the resume.The interviewers
asked in depth questions regarding the internships, projects and other such experiences.
The focus was on deep learning based projects.
Round 2:
Some of the questions that were asked in this round:
i) Physical significance of determinants, eigen vectors.
ii) Mathematical formula of distribution functions that were a part of the course on Probability
and Statistics like Poisson distribution.
iii) Difference between list and tuple in python.
Round 3:
This round lasted for about 30 min and for the most part the interviewer explained in detail
what work they do, teams that come under Mastercard AI and what skills they expect from
the freshers they are hiring. The interviewer also asked how the company would align with
the career goals of the candidate.
Round 4 (HR): General HR questions on “Why would you like to join Mastercard?”, “How
have you spend your time after lockdown?”, “What challenges did you face during
lockdown?”, “What life lessons have you learned due to the Corona outbreak and
Student 1:
Recruitment Process: The process spanned over 6 stages including online test, technical
and HR interviews.
Stage 2: Online Test:The shortlisted candidates have to appear for online test (2hr 30min) in
either of following two profiles:
The student appeared for CS profile; the test had following sections:
1. Aptitude / Probability (6 Q)
3. C language (8 Q)
4. C++ (8 Q)
5. Java (8 Q)
BPoMYuUxdZVBJ-B2pN_-DTweST4MnshCxzvTrfb (medium)
- (easy)
One has to code the above questions in two different languages in any of C/C++/Java. If
both the Solutions are typed in the same language, they will be rejected even if both are
correct. Note: Of sections 3,4 and 5, one has to attempt any two.
Keep yourself informed about extended shortlists released by companies so that you don’t
end up losing the opportunity.
Stage 3: This was supposed to be a PI but due to lack of time last remaining candidates
were taken to GD. The topic of GD was ‘automated code generation’ (for/against) on which
student had no idea about even remotely, but could come up with quite a few relevant
points. Spontaneity and confidence in your answers is crucial.
Stage 5: Technical-cum-HR Interview:-The interviewer was a lady over zoom call connecting
directly from the Main office. She had gone through ML & AI projects mentioned in the
resume. She inquired about his projects, CPI and asked some typical HR questions and
whether he had any other job offers (Answers to such questions are to be made up
spontaneously and thoughtfully).
The interviewer was of senior manager level post. He introduced the student to EDG
programme (for entry-level people) at MathWorks and asked questions such as:
· why MathWorks?
· why switch to software from xyz branch? - Made up answers again (Don’t say you were
never interested).
Noteworthy Tips
· Be thorough and confident of skills and projects you have put in your resume. Companies
often scrutinize resumes and they don’t like It when you are being dishonest.
· However, you don’t need to be absolutely honest or casual about questions not concerning
your skills (and projects).
· Also be thoughtful and conscious of your answers and present them in a sensible manner.
Q: Question reduced to given a binary tree and two nodes A and B, need to find distance of
each node A and B from LCA of A and B.
Q: Design a structure/class which can store 100 digits of decimal numbers and supports
operations addition and subtraction.
A: The candidate discussed an approach by using array and linked list data structure. The
candidate further went on to discuss how to handle different cases i.e. when given numbers
are positive-positive, positive-negative, negative-positive and negative-negative. The
interviewer was impressed. The candidate was not required to code.
Round-2:The round started with discussion on the candidate’s previous internship
experience followed by questions.
Q: What is thread synchronisation?
Q: Solve producer-consumer problem using both mutexes and semaphores.
There was no HR round.
Q: Given a very large binary tree. Check for each tree from a list of small trees that whether
it is present in that large tree i.e. whether it is sub-tree of that large given tree.
Hint: Hashing
Q: Given an array and a value. Find the smallest size window whose sum equals the given
value,i.e. find the smallest sized sub-array whose sum equals the given value.
Expected time complexity: O(N).
Q: Name a data structure with the explanation which is best for displaying a rectangular
screen of 3D video game which has a whole 3D space. e.g. user display in GTA game.
Q: Given an array containing integers. Find the maximum product by excluding an element.
Written Round:There were 50-60 ML/DS based MCQs. The questions covered a wide
variety of topics like Norms, Probability and Statistics, Linear Algebra/Matrices,
Dimensionality Reduction Techniques, ML Models (SVMs, Decision Tree, Ensemble Models
like Random Forest and XGBoost, Linear and Logistic Regression, Neural Networks),
Regularisation, Gradient Descent, and Convergence, High Bias and Variance, and
Evaluation Metrics. The level of the paper was quite high. Only 4 students were shortlisted
for the interview round.
The interviewer asked the candidate to explain the projects and internship experience
mentioned in the resume. After the candidate was done explaining, the interviewer cross
questioned on some of the projects. There was a discussion on how accuracy levels could
be improved for some of the projects. The interviewer asked the candidate to come up with
some other evaluation metrics for a project. RNN was also covered as it was mentioned by
the candidate on their resume. The interviewer gave a hypothetical RNN architecture and a
problem statement, and asked the candidate how one could overcome certain limitations of
the architecture in the given context.
A few questions from stacks were also asked. The DS and Algorithms aspect of the
interview was basic.
1) In day 1 slot 0 try to focus at max 3 companies. Do not go for the 4th company's interview
as far as possible. You can only give 7 interviews in a single slot. So giving 2-3 interviews in
each company improves your chances.
2) Stay honest and think aloud in the interviews. Do not hesitate to ask questions to the
3) When the interviewers ask if you have any questions for them, do not reply with a NO.
Ask anything related to the company, job profile etc.
4) Practice regularly on any coding website like Codeforces.
5) Resumes must not contain any stuff in which you may get stuck when asked about during
an interview.
Online Test Platform:
Time: 90 mins
There are four coding questions.
Interview Process Platform:
There were four rounds of the interview, out of which two are purely Technical, the third one
is the Technical + Behavioral round, and the last one is the HR round.
1)The first one was to find the maximum path sum in a binary tree.</a>
(You can find the solution here) .The student came up with a recursive solution the same as
the diameter of the binary tree problem. The interviewer was satisfied with my approach.
2) The second one was to find the nth non-negative number missing in a sorted array. The
student was further asked what the time complexity is. Initially, the student answered with
the approach, which took O(length of the array) time, then they told him that this could be
reduced by using binary search.
Firstly, the student confirmed the maximum value of the number of points. The interviewer
said that it could be up to 1000. The student told an optimized approach using the map data
structure. The interviewer asked if they were comfortable with OS and DBMS. And then
asked about consistency and indexes in a table.
Following are some of the questions which were asked during this round.
Interview Rounds:
Round 1:
Platform: Google Meet
Duration: 1hr
There was a panel of three interviewers. One of them started with some questions on OOPS
and DBMS.
Some of them include:
1.Describe Class and Object in minimum words.
2.Difference between C & C++. Which C++ feature is most fascinating to you when
compared with C?
3.A question on Relational DBMS.
Around 4-5 questions were asked related to DSA and the candidate was asked to share the
pseudo-code and time complexity of their approach. Some of these questions were:
1.Given an array of elements, check if we can form a set with sum as (arraysum/2)? The
interviewers asked about the time complexity of the solutions and also the recurrence
relations of the codes.
Round 2:
There was a panel of two interviewers. The interview started with: “Tell me about yourself
and how was your previous round?” One of the interviewers discussed the projects done by
the candidate. Various questions on OS were asked based on CPU scheduling algorithms,
Preemption, Non-Preemption, Deadlocks etc. Amongst the various questions on DSA, one
was to explain topological sort and the various methods to implement it.
The interviewer then shared a link to the code editor and asked a question: There are two
predefined functions to store and get the string values (set(key)=string and get(key)).
However, we can store at max 1MB. Implement newset and newget functions to set and get
such a string with space occupancy of more than 1MB. Key value is provided.
Round 3 (HR):
The interviewer discussed the candidates’ CV in detail and discussed all the projects, the
innovations added in them by the candidate, their skills etc. Some HR questions were also
asked in the end.
Round 4:
The CEO of the company took this interview. They talked about the company and asked
general questions regarding the candidate.
Student 1:
Online Test: There were a total of 6 questions (3 MCQ and 3 coding) to be solved in 90
minutes. Out of three coding questions two were of moderate difficulty and third was tough,
based on suffix array. The student passed partial test-cases in all three questions and got
selected for the interview.
Interview Experience:
It consisted of three rounds. Two technical rounds and one technical + HR round.
6-7 coding questions based on two pointers, array, binary trees, linked list. All the questions
were easy-moderate and standard problems of gfg. The student was asked to write the
complete code on paper for every question.
This was also a coding round where questions on DP (variation of subset sum), array (rain
water trapping), suggesting a data structure given some operation's complexity were asked.
Again the student was asked to write code for every question. The questions were standard
problems and of moderate level.
This round was supposed to be a technical +HR round but due to shortage of time,
the interviewer asked only technical questions. He started with a puzzle (moderate level).
Then he asked one coding question (an easy one). And for the last one he gave a plot and
asked the algorithm which can be used, the answer was the topological sorting. He further
asked the student to write code for it. He seemed impressed with the code.
Advice: All the interviewers were more focused towards the coding skill. So try to have a
good practice of writing codes on paper.
Student 2
Online Test: There were a total of 6 questions (3 coding and 3 MCQ) and had to be solved
in 90 mins. All the three questions were not specific on any concept but a general application
of DP graphs etc. The student passed 12/15 cases for one question and 7/15 for the other
and did not solve the third one.
Interview Experience:
It consisted of three rounds in total of which two were technical and one was HR.
Around 5 coding questions were asked, like reverse order of words in a given sentence,
merging linked lists, two pointers etc. These are easily found on gfg. Student was asked to
write the complete code on paper and was asked to explain the code with an example. The
time complexity was also asked.
Second Round-Technical (45-60 min):
This was also a coding round. The interviewer asked if the student had any idea about
supply chains and few other technologies. Student had no idea. Also asked if the student
has worked on linux. After that, coding questions were asked. They were more of the
standard type from gfg like, rain water trapping, stocks buy and sell etc. Around 7-8 such
questions were asked. The student was asked to write the complete code on paper for every
question. Student explained all the questions along with the code by taking a bit of time
rather than immediately writing code. This made a good impression. Student was asked
which other companies interviewed them and why they weren’t selected.
Third Round-HR (20 min): This was a complete HR round. The interviewer introduced
themselves, about their place, education, previous companies etc. The student was asked to
introduce themselves. Asked how the previous two rounds were and if there were any
doubts. Student asked about the work culture and different roles and the interviewer clearly
explained them for about 5-10 minutes. Then they had some general discussions.
Requirements: Parallel Programming, multithreading, Algorithms, system design.
Coding Round:
The round was conducted on Hackerrank and consisted of 2 questions of challenging
difficulty with a time limit of 90 minutes.
Link to the questions:
29 out of 140 students were shortlisted for the next round.
Debugging Round:
It was a pen and paper test, where the candidates were given 2 printed questions which
were codes and were asked to debug them.
Both the codes were related to concurrency and were written in C++. Parallel programming
is required for debugging them.
Q: Implementation of Readers’-Writers’ problem.
Q: Implementation of LRU Cache using threads.
One has to know how to create threads, deadlocks, mutexes etc.
15 students were selected for the next round.
Interview-1: Algorithms
There was only one question initially, but the interviewer kept increasing the difficulty of the
Q: You have a tree with a root at 1. Every node has some value written on it. There is a
single query, you are given some “x”, you need to find a node closest to the root, hang its
value >=x.
Now among all equidistant nodes satisfying the above, you need to find the one which had
the minimum |Ni-X|
Now you have to solve for 'q' number of queries instead of just one query.
Now there are updates queries, like "Update, Node Number, New Value". How will the
solution change?
Till now there were offline queries. Now queries are online and in the form of a stream. How
will the complexity change?
Interview-2: SystemsThe interviewer wanted to test the candidate’s systems design and
basic computer science knowledge.
Q: Design the basic architecture of a movie ticket booking system like BOOKMYSHOW.
Q: What is Sharding?
Q: What is Consistent Hashing?
The candidate was as discreet as possible with the answers and the interviewer was
satisfied with the answers. There was no HR round.
The online test of Oracle was particularly different from all other companies. The test
consisted of MCQ questions only.
There were three sections in the test and each section had subsections. The sections in the
• 1) Aptitude
• 2) Coding
• 3) Computer Science
• Subsections were divided like, the section of Computer Science had subsections like
OS,DBMS,OOPs etc. Some questions in the section of coding were like one needed
to choose the correct code given in the options which gave the output given in the
question, another was based on conditional statements flow chart. This might seem a
bit easy but the constraint given was that one couldn't go to the previous question
and also the time given is very tight for such lengthy questions.
• There were 2 panelists and the candidate was asked to introduce themselves
followed by a discussion about their internship project. The interviewers then jumped
straight away into OS.
• Q: Name all the types of Scheduling Algorithms.
• Q: What are the cons of RR Scheduling Algorithm?
• Q: Find the smallest possible number missing from an unsorted array.
• A: The candidate solved it using a naive approach and the interviewer increased the
range of numbers in the array and asked the candidate to solve for O(n) time and
O(1) space complexity.
• Q: What are heaps? How do they work?
• Q: Explain the internal working of hash-maps.
• Q: What are collisions? How to handle collisions?
• The interviewers then asked a simple questions on BT and the candidate was asked
to code on coderpad after which the interviewers tried to confuse the candidate in the
code by cross questioning to which the candidate answered with confidence. The
interviewers gave one last puzzle for the candidate to solve. The interviewers then
ended by asking the candidate if they had any questions.
Round-2: HR
• This round was short and lasted only 10 minutes. The interviewer had gotten
feedback of the candidate’s previous interviews and asked the candidate if they had
any questions. The candidate asked the same questions as they did in the previous
round. The round was expected to have some technical questions but somehow the
round was shortened.
Verdict: Selected.
• The interviewer asked the candidate to introduce themselves and proceeded to
discussions about the projects mentioned in the resume. The interviewer then asked
basic questions on DS, Algorithms, and the internal working of hash-maps. The
candidate was asked to write the code on paper.
• Q: Print the least path sum from root to leaves in a binary tree.
• Q: How to find the least distance between similar elements in an array?
• Q: Implement a doubly linked list using a single pointer/reference(XOR Linked List)
• Q: What is the number of hourglasses in a matrix?
• The interviewer asked for the code for all the above problems. The interviewer was
only interested in knowing the solution that they knew. It was not fruitful to discuss
the approach to solutions in this round.
• The interviewer asked about the data structures that the candidate had recently used
in some problem or thought about. Based on that, a design problem was given and
the candidate was asked about its use cases. The candidate was asked to write the
code on paper. This was followed by discussion on tree data structures and why we
generally use recursion in traversing tree data structures.
• The interviewer was satisfied with the discussions but had noticed that the candidate
had a low SPI in one of the semesters as such the candidate was not selected for the
HR round.
Verdict: Not selected
• 1)Learn all the puzzles in GeeksForGeeks as they are asked by many companies.
• 2) Don’t ignore OOPS and OS.
• 3) Give mock interviews.
• 4) Always try to prepare with some peers.
• 5) Maintain a good CPI.
• 6) Never lose hope. Placements can be intimidating but always talk to friends and
family. Believe in your preparation.
Online Test
Date: 3rd November, 2020
Platform: Hackerrank
Time: 1:30 hr
Round 1:
Duration: 45 minutes
The interview started with “Tell me about yourself?” Majorly all the interviews start with his
question and it gives you an opportunity to give a glimpse of your background and goals and
your interest in the profile. The duration should be kept to 45 seconds at the most and can
be ended in a way that can drive the interview in the direction that you like.
After that he asked me about my favorite topics in DSA and they replied with the standard
Vectors/Arrays, Linked List, Stacks and Queues. He then started asking me the basic
questions related to the working of Linked List and Vectors, the internal working of Vectors
and fired up 3-4 follow up questions on the same.
The student gave him a solution using Queue traversal and he was satisfied. After that he
ended the interview with” Do you have any questions for me?” The student asked him about
the role and he answered, explaining about the roles and the technology stack they worked
Round 2:
Duration: 45 minutes
The interview started with “Tell me about yourself?” The student once again gave him the
same answer that they had prepared. He then opened up Codepair and asked me if the
student was comfortable with Graphs.
He then asked
The interviewer was very friendly and kept giving hints and tried to understand every step
the student took to prevent me from making any mistakes. He tried a bunch of test cases
and was eventually satisfied by the validity of the solution. He then moved onto my resume.
The student had mentioned a Machine Learning project and he asked me the basic
questions related to the model prepared and the impact that it created. They had also
mentioned a Business Development internship done at a startup and we had a healthy
discussion on that as well.
He then ended the interview with “Do you have any questions for me?” The student asked
him the same question that they had asked the previous interviewer. After he explained me
thoroughly about the role and teams, he once again asked me if they had any other
questions. This time they asked him about the effect of COVID-19 on the company and he
was quite happy to answer my question.
Round 3:
Duration: 25 minutes
The interview started with “Tell me about yourself?” This time the interviewer asked them
about other details that they had not mentioned like my schooling, family members etc. He
then looked at their resume and saw two ML projects that they had mentioned. He was also
amazed on seeing the Business Development internship that I had mentioned and asked
them about it.
He then concluded that they had not done any technical stuff in my internship. Realizing this,
I shifted his attention towards the other internship that they had done which was technical in
nature. He asked a couple of questions and was satisfied with the answers. He then asked
them about why they were interested in Software Development since they were from
Biomedical engineering.
Being from a Non-CSE background, they were prepared for this question and they explained
to him about their motivation, the challenges in the field and why they were straying away
from it. He was impressed by the reasoning and concluded the interview with “Do you have
any questions for me?”
The student once again asked about the role and the interviewer explained it. Then the
student talked about PayPal entering the cryptocurrency market and the interview concluded
Online test:
This round consisted of 3 coding questions but there were different sets of questions so
everyone got different sets of questions. The student got the set consisting of one simple
question based on calculation of expression containing bitwise or, xor and and as operators.
The second question was based on trees and the third question was also simple. I solved
two completely and got shortlisted for next rounds.
Technical Interview
1: This round was started with brief introduction. Then he asked them about the knight
problem link. Then also asked them to comment on time complexity and the student
answered at once. After that, he asked them to reverse stack recursively link and write the
code and also tell space and time complexity of your approach.
Technical Interview 2:
This round was also started with brief introduction. After that, he asked me some oops
concepts like polymorphism, types of polymorphisms, Abstraction, inheritance etc. The
student answered correctly. Then, he asked me questions on memory management from
operating system like how you can search a word in 16 GB file but maximum capacity of
RAM is 4 GB, how you can merge two sorted files of 8 GB each in 4 GB RAM.
The student thought for a few minutes and then talked about indexing, compressing and
chunking techniques. Finally, he asked some questions on data structure and algorithms.
Profile: SDE
Online Test:
The test was conducted on DoSelect and consisted of 4 questions with a time limit of 90
The third question was a sliding window and lower bound problem. The fourth questions was
about heavy-light merging.
Q: Delete a node from a linked list where a head point is not given. (Solve for O(n) and O(1)
time complexity)
The interviewer asked the candidate about their hobbies, sports and club work they had in
the college. This was followed by the interviewer asking for an explanation of exploratory
project of the candidate. This was followed by a DS/Algorithm question:
Q: Given a matrix of size M x N, there are large number of queries to find sub-matrix sums.
You need to preprocess such that one can answer each query in O(1) time, also you cannot
use extra space.
The interviewer ended the round by asking the candidate if they had any questions for them.
1) Keep letting the interviewer know what approach you are thinking at each point of time.
Do not remain silent for too long.
2) Write about things that you are confident about in your resume. Never lie on your resume.
3) Do your projects sincerely.
4) Be confident and attentive in the interviews while answering.
Profile: Hardware Engineer
Fundamental questions related to sequential elements like D-Flip Flops but with added
synchronous and asynchronous constraints along with verilog code were asked. Static Time
Analysis was also covered by the interviewer.
Q: Draw a state machine diagram for a sequence detector and then its verilog code.
Q: Draw timing diagrams(using an example) for setup and hold constraints.
Q: Explain the changes that will happen in the diagram upon adding combinational or clock
delays.(related to previous question)
Q: What kind of profile would you prefer to work in the company?
The questions in this round were focused on basic digital electronics like parity generator,
decoder/encoder etc. The interviewer then asked the candidate to explain the project
mentioned in their resume. This was followed by a few questions based on computer
architecture like Cache mapping, TLB and virtual memory. The candidate was then asked to
write a pseudo code for a function that eliminates repeating characters in a string. The
interviewer was keen on seeing one’s approach towards the solving of the problem.
Round-3: HR
Q: What are your career goals and why Qualcomm? What are your expectations from
hardware profile?
Q: What do you know about the company and it’s ongoing work?
Q: Rate Qualcomm on a scale of 1-10. Also rate the current interviewer’s skill in their role as
an interviewer.
Q: Will you be comfortable working in Bangalore or any location?
Q: Any questions for the interviewer or about the company?
Student 1
There were around 4 sets. The question given to the student was rotten tomatoes. The
approximate time provided was 10-12 minutes. Here is the question:
Advice: Try to write the code as clean as possible, without any scribbling or complex code
which can make the code difficult for the interviewer to understand.
Round 1:
In this round standard problems on arrays, graphs and sorting were asked.
Another easy question on arrays were asked. Student answered all problems with their full
codes (The interviewer said that you can write either full code or pseudo code that's up to
you).Student couldn’t recall topological sorting properly, but told whatever the student
remembered. Interviewer helped a bit and was satisfied eventually.
Advice: Don't give up if you don't know the exact answer to any problem, try to tell the
interviewer as much as you can recall. It is the approach and the effort which matters to
them, not the perfect answer. Tell them the brute force approach first then the optimised
solution. But almost for each solution, you need to know the correct space and time
complexity as they ask for it.
Round 2:In this round standard problems were not asked, instead problems were aimed to
check the basic concepts of coding. Student could not find these problems on the internet.
The first problem was: There is a DNS server which converts the physical address of a
website to a logical one. For example an url is converted to something like . The
question was how does this server work? Basically had to tell the algo behind this. Student
asked a few questions to make the problem clearer and told them the approach.
For example, the interviewer told that two websites with almost same urls should not have
much difference in their logical address. Student proposed a solution using hashing just like
we do in Rabin-Karp algorithm. Interviewer then started digging deeper into the solution and
started pointing out the corner cases where it would fail or where the time complexity would
get too high. This problem took almost 35 minutes and eventually the interviewer was
satisfied with the student’s answer. Here code was not required, only the approach and
pseudo code mattered to the interviewer.
Consider a social network just like linkedin. Identify whether 2 people are each other’s 1st
connection (directly linked) or 2nd connection (Both of them have a common friend). Take all
the assumptions needed and write the full code.
Student immediately wrote the code taking adjacency matrix and explained the code. The
interviewer was satisfied.
Final and 3rd round:This round was based on the resume and some HR questions. It
started with a standard "Tell me about yourself" question. This is a crucial place where you
can drive the interviewer the way you want to. Student walked them through the interests
and hobbies, as well as the things student had done in college. The interviewer asked about
internships and projects. Not only the technicalities but also the various challenges faced in
a behavioural and technical way. Student was the co-convenor of a fest. Interviewer asked
about it and the challenges faced and what new the student did that year. Asked about
family background, hobbies, and future plans.
Basically, this round was a mix of internship, projects and HR questions. What matters in this
round is the confidence and the soft skills you have.
Interviewer asked if the student had any questions. Student asked about the tech stack used
at the company, the work that can be expected on joining. The round went for about 35
1. Give a good time for building and preparing your resume. Consult with your seniors and
batch-mates while you are making it. Every word, indentation etc matters.
3. Be confident and try to make the interviews interactive so that the interviewer doesn't gets
lost in his work.
4. Prepare for interviews by giving mock interviews to your friends (Confident and fluent
english makes an impact.)
5. For the online coding round of any company just refer to the questions asked in other
colleges for the same company and also the previous year questions. (Placement Doc on FB
page). They might repeat in the test.
Concluding it all, Placements are a very cool and tiresome experience. Don't just lose
confidence in yourself and it will provide you great results.
Profile: IBSO
This round was conducted on Hackerrank and consisted of 2 coding questions with a
time limit of 1 hour.
Time taken to solve did not matter on Hackerrank. Applying brute force solution doesn’t help
one to get shortlisted for the interview rounds, it must be used as a last resort.
It was a technical round and was conducted on Hackerrank Codepair. The interviewer could
see the candidate and their work while they were typing live.
The interviewer first asked the candidate to introduce themselves and proceeded with the
resume and asked to explain their internship project. After this, the interviewer moved onto
the candidate’s B.Tech project which was primarily Android development with backend
deployed on cloud. The interviewer was asking questions about the project like:
Q: What is paging?
Q: What is the difference between processing and thread?
Next was the DBMS past, which was the most important topic for SAP Lab interviews. The
interviewer started by asking about indexing.
Q: What are Abstraction and Encapsulation? How would you explain it to a 7th grade
Q: What are abstract classes?
Q: What are pure virtual functions?
The interviewer then asked the candidate to design a lift management system. The
candidate asked relevant questions about the requirements from the system and presented
a high-level overview of the design.
This round was a mix of technical and HR. Two senior members from SAP Labs were
conducting this interview. This round was mainly a test of the candidate’s communication
skills and how they would handle different situations.
Q: Would you find it difficult to switch to a different language that you didn’t know such as
The interviewers then proceeded to ask about the projects mentioned in the candidate’s
Q: Explain your B.Tech project and your contribution in it.
Q: How were you authenticating the users?
A: Using a Firebase authenticator.
Q: Why were you not using Twilio?
Q: What if you had built the entire application and put into production, and then came to
know that Twilio would have been far better, would you leave the project or will you improve
Q: If you received an offer form SAP Labs, would you like attending client meetings?
A: The candidate reacted affirmatively. Then the interviewer proceeded with a scenario.
Q: What if you are facing a client who wants you to complete a project that was supposed to
be completed in 2 months in a week? You have tried to convince them but they are
adamant. Will you agree or not?
Round-3: HR
Q: Introduce yourself.
Q: What do you know about SAP Labs and what it does?
Q: Where did you come to know about SAP Labs?
Q: What was your experience with the interview rounds at SAP Labs? How would you rate
them against other companies?
Q: What are your strengths and weaknesses according to your friends?
Q: How was your internship experience? Why did you not accept the PPO even though you
had a fantastic experience?
Q: What is your dream company?
Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Q: Do you have any plans for higher education?
Q: Would you accept the offer if SAP extends it to you?
Q: Are you comfortable with relocation?
Q; Do you have any questions to ask?
A: The candidate asked the interviewer about their experience at SAP and what they love
about the company?
The interviewer asked the candidate to introduce themselves and then proceeded to ask a
number of basic coding questions for which the candidate had to write the code and explain
the logic.
Q: Merge-sort.
Q: Mirror Tree
Q: Variations of Knapsack, Rod-Cutting.
Q: Word Break.
A few more basic questions were asked that can be founding InterviewBit and GFG. This
round was like a rapid fire round.
The interviewer asked questions about the candidate’s B.Tech project. A ton of questions
related to OOPS, C and C++ were covered. The interviewer also wanted to ask questions
from DBMS but the candidate didn’t know about it. The round ended with 2 questions related
to Deadlock and Process Synchronisation
Round-3: Managerial
Q: How would try to design something similar to friend suggestion system on Facebook?
A: The candidate tried their best to explain their approach. The interviewers asked the
candidate to try to put a section of that in code.
The interviewer was keen on the approach part rather than the code.
Round=4: HR
The round was short and felt more like a genuine chat than an interview round.
Q: Why do you want to join SAP and not other companies for which you were shortlisted for
Verdict: Selected
1) One should have at least 2 good development based projects in their resume and be well
versed with the resume in and out.
2) For the online round, try to come up with an optimised solution, Brute force solution might
not help.
3) During the interviews, stay calm and speak with confidence. Communication is the key,
especially for the IBSO profile.
4) Never reveal you weaknesses even when being asked. Disguise your strengths as your
5) Always ask questions at the end of the interview and show that you are interested in the
Student 1
Question: To find the number of triangles possible given N points as (x,y) in two arrays, one
containing x and another having y coordinates.
Interview Experience:
Round 1: (1hr) It was a technical round; was started by asking student – "Tell me about
yourself", try to keep it a bit technical and mention your co-curricular here. Then the
interviewer jumped to the projects and internships and started grilling them. Further,they
asked to sell my project and negotiate the price.
(Keep this prepared too - The purpose and real-life application of your project)
Then we went straight to OOPs and its concepts, the use of OOP nowadays and its
paradigm,about situations where we use Inheritance over Composition and Aggregation over
Association and vice versa,the difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction.
(NOTE: SocGen usually focuses a lot on OOPs)
After this, interviewer asked about the time complexity of all the sorting algorithms. The
student told him, then he asked them which one is the best? Student aswered Merge Sort as
it is stable, with worst, best, and average time complexity all being O(nlogn).
Further ,asked if this could be made better? Like with best-case complexity to be O(N) and
worst O(nlogn). The student had studied about TimSort, and they said yes, they asked to
implement TimSort, and were satisfied.
The student asked about the role, the work, their clients, the work-life, and the training
period details, this went on for another 15minutes.
Round 2: (1hr) HR round. The interview started with their introduction, along with a
discussion about their internships and projects. Interviewer asked about the future of AI and
its application in banking industries, then all those common HR questions -your weakness,
strengths, personality, challenges faced if any, and a situation where a person in your team
goes behind your back or doesn't agree to your plan – how will you deal with it?
The interviewer seemed quite happy with their responses and asked me if I had any
questions for him.
Round 3:(10 mins) This round took place at 1:15 AM !! It was the final telephonic round as
told by the TPR; here interviewer asked about my location preferences and family
background details, whether they are from Government sectors or not.
Student 2
Written Test: Platform – HirePro (Very strict, Webcam and Audio Proctoring, AI based
warning system on inappropriate eye movements)
Test Pattern –
1. Aptitude: 10 questions
2. Simple English: 4 questions (2 Comprehensions having 2 questions each)
3. CS MCQ type: 19 questions (including SQL, SDLC, Java-Python Coding Outputs)
4. Coding questions: 3 questions (LeetCode Easy-Medium Level)
i. To find the number of triangles formed by a given set of coordinates + minimum number of
lines passing through three points (I can not recall exactly).
ii. Total number of prime factors of all numbers in the given range [L, R].
iii. It was based around the factors of a number.
Interview Experience:
Round 1: (15mins)
The interviewer started with 'Tell me about yourself'. Always take this question as 'WHY
YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS PROFILE?'. Then they asked about OOPS ,pointers, how
to declare an object of a class without the 'new' keyword and pointer ,pointer arithmetic.
Asked me around 8-10 questions from OOPs, Logical Regression, Decision Tree Classifier
(my project), and a moderate coding question (without any library, sorting etc).
Round 2: (1hr):They had a discussion about AI in banking. Tips:
1. Always give examples to support your statement. Do not just spill out a mixture of fancy
words to impress the interviewer.
2. Research a lot about SocGen. Read JD. And subtly push the qualities mentioned in JD in
your answers.
Round 3 (45 min): It was again a skype call. And the first question he asked was– “How do
you feel sitting in front of a webcam, well suited, that too at 1:25AM?”. The student asked a
lot of questions about the company, investment banking etc.
Student 3
Mostly like all other interviews, the interviewer asked them - Tell me something about
yourself? Now, this question will not ensure your selection, but if not answered well will not
leave a good impression. Moreover, it gives you a chance to shape your interview direction,
which might help start a chain effect of follow-up questions and an easy flow to the
The student had a couple of foreign internships, so they prepared it beforehand to draw their
attention . They explained to the interviewer every aspect of the project.
While explaining, he repeatedly asked them questions related to ML, SQL as their projects
were based on that. -
Now,the interviewer asked them about one of their projects that was based on Deep
Learning. He asked them whether they could run the code in Google Colab and present it.
The student thought for a while about all the cases and presented an approach. Interviewer
was satisfied In the end, he asked, Do you have any questions? The student asked him a
couple of questions.
Round 02: Duration - 30-40 minutes
The interviewer asked them whether i had my dinner, how am I feeling, and some other
casual stuff and told the student to take this as a normal conversation and not as an
The interviewer asked about the internships.. Questions SOC-GEN HQ, experience and all.
He asked them about how they were able to get those and how they got the scholarship, the
whole process, and all.
Then , asked questions related to Machine Learning and Deep Learning. After this, they
gave a Problem Statement and asked them the type of model they would choose and why?
Why, Soc-Gen?
Why in Software Development and not Biomedical Engineering
Why not Further Studies
Where you see yourself etc
This was a telephonic interview. Asked about goals, Location preference, Family
background ,to explain one project and concluded the interview.
Profile: Data Science
Written Test:
The written test was taken on Hacker-Earth. The test consisted of 2 coding questions of 100
marks each of moderate difficulty. The time duration was 1 hour.
The round was completely based on machine Learning. The interviewer was testing
knowledge behind the algorithms and the math involved. Only applied knowledge of
algorithms is insufficient. The interviewers asked the candidate to write code for ML
algorithms, but the candidate replied that they were out of practice, hence they couldn’t code
the algorithm. The candidate was asked to explain the math behind Gradient Descent, Back-
prop, SVM, PCA and Logistic Regression. A few more technical questions were asked such
The interviewer also asked some questions related to ensemble models as the candidate
had mentioned it in their resume. The interviewer discussed Bagging, Boosting and Boot-
strapping. This was followed by questions related to XGboost and the difference between it
and Gradientboost. The interviewer wanted to ask more questions, but due to the time limit
of 45 mins, the interviewer ended it.
Only 3 students were shortlisted for the second round. The interviewer asked the candidate
to give feedback about the previous interview. The candidate also told the interviewer that
they were not able to write codes for the ML algorithm due to not being in practice and was
comfortable in Data Structures/Algorithms. So the interviewer asked the candidate to code
for a few question.
Pseudo code was not accepted, the interviewer was looking for a full working code with test
Verdict: Selected
Profile: Product Engineer
Online Assessment:
It consisted of 3 coding questions of varying difficulty and 10 MCQs. The questions were
related to simple greedy, DFS based and digit DP based ones. 17 students were shortlisted
for the interviews.
Round-1 :
Q: Given an array increasing - decreasing - increasing and so on, how to sort the complete
A: By merging k-sorted arrays.
Q: Find the left view and bottom view of a binary tree in a single traversal of the tree.
Q: Given a string s, find the number of ways to split the string such that each split part has a
unique starting character.
Q: Design Chess.
Q: Find if the given tree is a mirror tree or not
Q: Variation of Knapsack.
Q: Design a URL shortening service.
Some probability questions and questions related to DBMS like Indexing and B-tree were
also asked.
Round-4: HR
Q: Why did you choose Sprinklr?
Q: What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Q: Find the Median of 2 unsorted arrays.
Q: Implement a stack using array.
Both the rounds required the candidate to write fully working optimal code.
Round-3: HR
Q: What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Q: What is your vision in life?
Q: Why have you chosen Sprinklr?
Q: What were the names of the previous interviewers?
1) Ask the interviewer for hints if you get stuck while solving a problem.
2) Drive your interview carefully.
3) Mention 1-2 projects related to DL/NLP in your resume if appearing for DS profile.
4) Read articles related to ML from Medium, Analytics Vidya etc.
5) Never lie on your resume. Write only what you are confident about.
6) Be regular with competitive coding for racing online assessments. Give virtual or live
contests to increase speed.
7) Practice OOPs design. Use resources like
8) Revise theoretical subjects from:
9) Some more resources:
Student 1:
First round: The student was asked a lot of questions including interests, one about the
project the student did and a programming question (find anagram of a word). Was asked to
design Uber. It was round packed with questions, but having a good command in the
respective areas would help you sail smoothly through it. It went for around 40 minutes.
Second Round: Interviewer started by asking how the student would add value to the
company, why the student was good for them. They asked about another project the student
had done. Explained it in detail. Was asked why this project was chosen. Asked how the
student’s work during the internship helped that firm. Asked about the kind of role the
student wanted. Student said developer. They had a good interesting discussion about how
we need to understand the market and not just develop. It went around 40-45 minutes.
Third Round: It was the HR round. Student was asked to tell about their family. The motive
behind it probably to check whether the student will stay in their firm or not. Student gave
positive answers. Student had studied German. Interviewer asked why German. Then they
went on discussing Germany's history, World Wars (I and II). The states and the cause of its
rise, the list goes on. It went on for the next 40 minutes. The round lasted for 46-48 minutes.
Personal advice: Know your resume really well. Acquire good communication and
presentation skills by the time you will get to the interview. Be cool and nail it.
Written Test:
Round 1:
There were 4 questions( 1-60 points, 2-75 points and 1-90 points) in the test.
Round 2:
It was a 50min test on Hackerrank with only one question of implementing Big Data Library.
Interview Rounds:
Round 1:
First question asked by the interviewer was Merge Intervals. Next question was to update
the nodes of a binary tree with the number of ancestors greater than the node value. The
solution needed was using an AVL tree to store the ancestors using that it comes down to
the worst time of O(nlogn). Next, the candidate was given a set of words and had to find the
pairs which formed a palindrome on concatenation. This can be solved using a Trie data
structure. The interview lasted for around 1 hr.
Company Details:
The online test was conducted in the month of November and the interview was scheduled
on 1st of December.
Kind of Resume Required: There is no need for a specific type of resume for Uber. Your
resume should have all the basic information in it. They don't look at your resume much.
Overall the test was heavily oriented towards math. The student got one question correct
and was shortlisted for the interviews.
Personal Interviews:
The interview consisted of 3 rounds of personal interviews.
The first round was a coding round where the interviewer asked me programming problems
and the student was supposed to code them out in the Hackerrank Codepair environment.
The questions were of medium difficulty level and all of them required a greedy approach to
be used.
The second round was a problem solving round. It was more of a discussion round where
we explored the different dimensions involved to resolve inconsistency in the database
during a flash sale on an e-commerce portal like Amazon. The interviewer was very friendly
and we had a really great discussion.
The third round was again a coding round but in this round, we discussed only one problem
as it was a difficult one. More than the solution, the interviewer was keen on judging the
thought process. The student wasn't able to code out the solution because of the time
constraint but they did explain their algorithm.
Online Test:
The test was conducted on HackerEarth. There were a total of 2 Coding questions to be
solved in 60 minutes.
Interview Rounds:
Round 1:
The interviewer started with “Tell me about yourself”. Then the interviewer asked about the
candidates’ intern experience. The interviewer asked to code a binary search. Then they
asked, “What if the array given is very large and you cannot determine its size?”
Ans: Start taking the last element at index one initially multiply the endpoint with two until you
get the bigger element and do a binary search.
Next question, given an array num of integers, you need to return an array count where each
index in this array will give the number of integers in nums array smaller than the
corresponding integer in nums array towards its right
Ans: First, the candidate explained the brute force approach with complexity ( T: O(n^2), S:
O(1)), then they explained the approach where they’d store frequency of all integers for all
elements in the array (T: O(n*m), S: O(n*m)), then they explained Fenwick tree approach (T:
O(n*log(m)), S: O(m)), but the interviewer asked to decrease the space complexity. After
getting a hint, the candidate gave the merge sort algorithm solution where frequency was
stored using hashing (T: O(n*log(n)), S: O(n)).
Round 2 (HR):
The structure of the interview was as follows:
Students were shortlisted either through the online test or resume. The student was
shortlisted through the latter. There were 3 rounds of interviews, conducted through virtual
mode through Zoom. Breakout rooms were created with the respective interviewers for each
-Tell me about yourself? Told them 3-4 lines about the college experience and what got
student interested in the role.
-Why switch from xyz branch? Told that student did some projects in non-core that led to the
switch. The interviewers were interested in the student’s B. Tech Project and the
conversation branched out to it.
-What did you do in the project? The project consisted of android app development,
regression, and a bit of cloud computing. Student did the best to explain the entire project,
took around 25 to 30 minutes. The interviewers knew about app development and
polynomial regression and cross-questioned multiple times. Student answered every
question correctly. They were quite impressed, and luckily, didn't ask difficult questions in
the subsequent coding section
-What are you strong in? Data structures and algorithm (was asked me to present the screen
and open an IDE of student’s choice. The coding questions began)
-Print the BST in inorder: got confused. The interviewer provided some hints, but the
student was unable to do it.
-How would you implement inheritance in Python? Make a class shape and a class rectangle
that inherits from it. answered correctly
- Do you have any Qs for us? What is the need for virtual machines in servers?
Round 2: Techno-management (~50 minutes)
The student had some internet issues in this round and did most of the interview over a
phone call. The interviewer was cool about it.
- You have a server that's operating at its maximum capacity and printing "Hello World"
1000 times in a second. How would you print "Hello World" 1 million times in a second? A
'master' server could allocate resources to various 'slave' servers. Made a simple flowchart
to aid the explanation (not sure if this is the correct answer).
- What's the difference between call by value and call by reference? (asked to explain
through code). answered correctly
- What do you know about VMware? Told about virtual machines and cloud computing
(had read the company's Wikipedia page before the interviews)
- Do you know the names of any services that VMware provides? Told them ESXi. Was
very impressed.
- Have you used Linux? What are some of the flavours of Linux? Student had used it a
bit, but don't use it regularly. Told Ubuntu and Mint for the latter.
- What is the etymology of the word Ubuntu? The word comes from some African tribe.
Student didn't remember the whole story. Interviewer told the whole story.
The round consisted of simple questions to gauge the personality of the candidate.
- Do you have any questions? post- covid, employees may not be inclined to work in
offices, how is VMware dealing with this?
- Repeat the question back to the interviewer to make sure you're on the same page.
Student 2
1. Online Test
2. Interviews
Online Test
The test was of 90 minutes duration on hackerrank. It had 3 coding questions which were of
easy to moderate difficulty level.
Round 1: The interviewer began by asking about the student’s projects. Student explained
it. Then the interviewer gave problems:
1. An operation on an array was defined as rotating the array from index 0 to index i. You are
required to find the number of operations to sort the array.
Round 2- The interviewer scanned through the resume and was interested in one of the
projects which was based on parallel computing. Asked basic questions on processes and
threads. Interviewer asked questions from Operating systems for which the student told he
was not comfortable with the concepts of OS. Interviewer told that they were done with this
round. It lasted for about 15-20 minutes.
After that, the student was worried of being disqualified. But there was one more round in
which one of the interviewers asked about the online test held on hackerrank and in detail
about each and every problem. Then asked why the student was uncomfortable with OS.
They said there will be one more round and based on that, they will decide whether to
proceed to HR round or not.
Round 3- The interviewer seemed quite serious. Asked how the IntelliSense was
implemented in the IDEs in which we code. Student told that we could use a trie and was
asked to implement it. Then questions on OS were again asked which the student couldn’t
answer. The round got over within 20 minutes.
The student was not called for the HR round after that.
For the student, one coding question asked was of Graph, and the other was from Dynamic
Interview 1:
There were three interviewers. It was a very casual setting. The interviewer asked the
student to introduce themselves. Then some questions followed: Given three stocks(A, B,
and C). A and B had very low mean and moved with very low variance last year, while C had
high mean and variance. C crashed this year, while A and B held their behavior. Using a
predictive model, predict the value of stocks for the next year. The student did a very healthy
discussion on how it isn't very worthy of predicting something like that. You need to have
substantial experience with Time Series to handle such questions.
After the answers convinced him, he asked me to share my screen and write an ARIMA
model. The student wrote the rolling ARIMA and normal ARIMA and explained how both
work and the intuition behind them. The interviewer then asked if such statistical time series
prediction models can be used in Algorithmic Trading.
The student had a good experience working with all this, so they discussed the answers with
him. The second interviewer asked them a simple SQL question. The interviewer asked me
how difficult questions they have solved in SQL, to which they told him about my almost gold
badge ratings in SQL in hackerrank.
The third interviewer asked them a coding question. The student asked him for time to think
of an optimum solution. He asked them to code the brute force approach, which they did.
There were some discussions of the way I had declared variables.
HR Round:
The HR was keeping a note of all the interviews being taken. He asked if they explored
Mechanical Engineering before studying Machine Learning. He said maybe since everyone
was walking the same path, so they blindly followed them.
After some time, the student realized he was checking if they got nervous with his questions.
He then asked about their views on the Bihar Elections, on which they had some healthy
discussions. There were some more discussions after which he asked if they had any
Profile : Software Developer
Coding Round:
Duration : 90 minutes
Questions :
Interview Round:
4 Rounds
Round 1: The interviewer straight away began with OOPS questions.The questions were
very standard ones based on classic diamond (multiple inheritance)
,overloading,overriding,Virtual functions,abstract classes and so on.Then he asked the
student standard GFG/IB questions.
Duration 40 minutes.
Round 2: Standard questions were asked. They expected the complete functions and not the
Pseudo Code.The interviewer asked the student to explain the code for all the questions.
Duration: 60+ minutes.
Round 3:
HR round
The HR asked the student to tell me something interesting about them not in their CV. Some
discussion about my hobby. Duration 10-12 minutes.
Round 4:
The manager just asked a bit about them,where they were from etc. No coding/HR questions
were asked. It was more of a discussion.
Thank you!