Fences Walls and Gates
Fences Walls and Gates
Fences Walls and Gates
9103.05.010 Purpose and Intent
9103.05.020 Permit Requirements
9103.05.030 Development Standards
9103.05.040 Prohibited Fencing Materials in All Zones
A. This Section establishes standards and regulations for the construction and maintenance of fences, walls, and gates, as the terms
are defined in Division 9 (Definitions). The standards are intended to ensure that these types of structures provide the desired
privacy and safety while avoiding becoming a public safety hazard or nuisance.
B. For Specific Plans and Planned Developments, fence and wall heights shall comply with the standards contained within the
applicable Specific Plan or Planned Development. Where the Specific Plan or Planned Development is silent with regard to fence
and wall height, the standards for the zone that most closely reflects the Specific Plan or the Planned Development shall apply, as
determined by the Director.
Construction of new fences, walls, and gates shall be subject to Site Plan and Design Review according to Section 9107.19 (Site
Plan and Design Review).
A. General
1. The fence or wall height shall be measured from the lowest adjacent grade to the uppermost part of the fence or wall. Refer
to Figure 3-7 (Fence Height Measurement).
2. When there is a full landscaped parkway with no sidewalk, a fence and/or columns, excluding vehicular entry gate(s), may
be placed adjacent to the front property line.
3. The need for any retaining walls and/or fences, and their heights, shall be determined by the Director and the Building
Official through the Site Plan Review process. An administrative modification is not required for retaining walls and/or fences
located on hillsides.
4. Temporary construction fencing that is of chain link or wire type may be allowed within the front and street side setback
areas, provided it does not exceed six feet in height.
5. All fences, walls, and gates shall be subject to the height limitations described in Section 9103.01.070 (Vehicular
Visibility Standards) of this Development Code.
B. Fence Height with Difference in Grade. Where there is a difference in a grade between properties, a fence, wall, or gate may be
a maximum height of six feet adjacent to the rear and property lines if such fence, wall, or gate maintains a minimum
setback that is equal to the difference in grade between the properties. See Figure 3-8 (Fence Height Measurement with a
Difference in Grade). In all other situations, the wall height shall comply with the provisions of this Section.
Figure 3-8
Fence Height Measurement with a Difference in Grade
C. Residential Zones
a. The required setbacks, height dimensions, and spacing for fences, walls, and gates shall be as indicated in Table 3-2
(Fences, Walls, and Gates) and Figure 3-9 (Fences, Walls, and Gates).
Requirement R-M R-0 R-1 R-2 R-3 R-3-R
Decorative fences, Fences, walls, and/or
3 ft minimum from property line
columns, and caps vehicular gates prohibited
Vehicular entry gates and within front and street side
4 ft minimum from the property line setbacks.(1)
4 ft max. (N of
Decorative fences, 4 ft Hugo Reid Drive)
3 ft max. 4 ft max. (2) 4 ft max. (2) 3 ft max. (3)
columns, and caps: max. 3 ft max. (S of
Hugo Reid Drive)
5 ft max
Pedestrian entry gates, (N of Hugo Reid
4 ft
vehicular entry gates, and Drive) 4 ft max. 4 ft max. (2) 4 ft max. (2) 3 ft max. (3)
pilasters: 4 ft max. (S of
Hugo Reid Drive)
Decorative lights, limited
to entry points at
18 inches above the maximum fence/column height --
pedestrian and vehicular
entry gates
Decorative outdoor post
8 ft max. --
mounted light fixture
Dimensions and Spacing
Distance between
4 ft minimum
decorative columns for a ---
8 ft maximum
pedestrian entry gate.
Horizontal intervals of
8 ft minimum --
columns and posts
Dimension of columns
24 inches max. ---
and posts
Dimensions of caps 30 inches by 30 inches max. ---
Garden arbor or pergola
over a pedestrian
8 ft height max. -- -- --
walkway (allowed within
the front setback area)
(1) Except for guard rails and hand rails required for safety protection, or for reasonable accommodation (ADA) purposes, up to the minimum height
required by the Building Code.
(2) Applicable to properties with multifamily dwelling units that face the street-side of a lot.
(3) Temporary construction fencing that is of chain link or wire type may be allowed within the front street and side setback areas, provided it does not
exceed six feet in height.
(4) For fences, walls, and gates in side and rear setback areas, see Subsection 9103.05.030C.5 (Fences, Walls, and Gates— Side and Rear Setback
2. Special Regulations for Fences, Walls, and Gates Located in the Front Setback—Residential Zones
(1) A solid wall adjacent to the side property line may be allowed in the front setback area, provided that it does
not exceed four feet in height.
(2) Only one pedestrian gate with decorative columns shall be allowed within the front setback area.
(3) All fences shall be of open work design (a minimum of four inches between vertical and horizontal members.) A
two-foot high solid wall may be combined within the allowed height of the decorative fence. Refer to Figure 3-10
(Fence in R-M and R-0 Zones).
Figure 3-10
Fence in R-M and R-0 Zones
b. R-1 Zone
(1) All fences shall be of open work design (a minimum of four inches between vertical and horizontal members.) A
solid decorative masonry base for fences may be allowed in the front setback area, provided that it does not
exceed eight inches in height. Refer to Figure 3-11 (Fence in R-1 Zone).
(2) A solid wall adjacent to the side property line may be allowed in the front setback area, provided that it does not
exceed three feet in height.
(3) Only one pedestrian gate with decorative columns shall be allowed within the front setback area.
a. All fences, walls, or gates, including height, design, and location within the street side setback or special setback area,
shall be subject to Site Plan and Design Review pursuant to requirements Section 9107.19 (Site Plan and Design
Review) in the R-2 and R-3 zones.
b. On corner lots, fences, walls, and gates within the required street side setback or special setback are allowed up to six
feet in height, measured at the street side property line, except as restricted by Subsection 9103.01.070 (Vehicular
Visibility Standards)
c. Fences, walls, and gates shall be setback a minimum of 18 inches from the street side property line.
d. The area between the street side property line and the fence, wall, or gate shall have an appropriate irrigation system
and decorative landscaping (shrubs, ground cover, flowers, plants, etc.). However, when there is a full landscaped
parkway with no sidewalk, a fence, wall, and gate, excluding entry gate(s), may be placed to the street side
property line in R-M, R-0, and R-1 Zones.
a. Fences, walls, and gates on flag lots shall not be allowed in R-2, R-3-R, and R- 3 zones.
b. In areas zoned R-M and R-0, a fence or wall may be allowed in the front setback and driveway area, provided that it
does not exceed four feet in height. In the R-1 zone, the height shall not exceed three feet.
c. Where a fence or wall is located within the front setback of a flag lot and the front property line of that flag lot abuts the
rear property line of an adjacent lot, it may be allowed up to six feet in height. See Figure 3-12 (Fences and Walls on
Flag Lots).
a. Fences, walls, and gates located within a required side and/or rear setback area(s) are allowed up to six feet in
height, provided that no portion of any such fence, wall, or gate extends into the required front setback area.
b. Where there is a difference in grade between properties, a wall or fence is allowed up to six feet in height adjacent to
the rear and side property lines if the wall or fence maintains a minimum setback that is equal to the difference in
grade between the properties. Where there is no difference in grade between properties, a wall shall comply with
the height limitations unless it complies with the setbacks required for an accessory building. Refer to Figure 3-13
(Fences Walls and Gates with a Grade Difference). However, if the grade has been altered due to previous grading,
the finished grade shall be subject to review and approval by the Director.
c. Fences and walls are allowed adjacent to the property line in the side and rear setback areas.
Figure 3-13
Fences Walls and Gates with a Grade Difference
a. A six-foot high solid masonry wall shall be installed on the property lines between the tennis court and adjacent
properties. In the R-M, R-0 and R-1 zones, where the entire side of a tennis court is a minimum distance of 25 feet
from a property line, a six-foot high solid masonry wall shall not be required along the property line.
D. Commercial Zones
1. Fences, walls, and gates shall not allowed along the street frontage(s), except to enclose a ground floor landscaped court
setback or an outdoor dining area. Any gate placed across the court setback opening or outdoor dining area shall have a
minimum of 50 percent transparency.
2. Fences and walls located at rear and interior side setback areas are limited to six feet in height.
A. No spears (apache, aristocrat with crushed spears, or any spear-like features) shall be allowed on a fence, wall, or gate.
B. Chain link, corrugated fiberglass, bamboo fencing, and wire type fencing shall not be allowed, except chain link fencing is
allowed as a fencing material enclosing sports courts and temporary construction fencing.