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Gyandas G. Wadhwani MD(Hom)

Chief Medical Officer (Homoeopathy)
Directorate of AYUSH, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. India.
..Frequently stemming from an aching
heart that is impervious to any modern
instrument, they are not hidden from an
ear cultivated to listen for the inaudible
sigh, nor are they concealed from an
eye sensitive to the un-shed tear….. The
most cost effective way to reach the
diagnosis is for the doctor to become
fully engaged with the total human
Bernard Lown, M.D., Professor Emeritus
Cardiology, Harvard School of Public Health,
inventor of defibrillator and cardiovertor…
Cardiomyopathies are diseases
of the myocardium associated
with cardiac dysfunction.
1995 World Health Organization
(WHO)/ International Society and
Federation of Cardiology Task Force
on the definition and classification of
Classification of cardiomyopathies
• Dilated cardiomyopathy
Classification of cardiomyopathies
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Classification of cardiomyopathies
• Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Non-compaction Cardiomyopathy
• Congenital disorder with hypertrophied LV
with deep trabeculations
• Decreased systolic function
• Can be isolated or along with other
congenital heart diseases
• Facial abnormalities and neurologic
problems also occur in high proportion

…The heart develops from a simple tube into

a complex organ with four chambers. During
early embryogenesis, trabeculations emerge
in the luminal myocardial layers of the
ventricles enabling the myocardium to
increase its mass in the absence of
epicardial coronary circulation.
Trabeculations effectively increase surface
area – this developmental step serves to
provide adequate oxygenation from the
ventricular cavity. …
… With the completion of the ventricular
septation (eight weeks in human
embryos), the trabeculae start to solidify
at their basal area ascending to the apex,
adding substantially to the thickness of the
epicardial compact layer. This compaction
process, coinciding with the invasion of
the coronary arteries into the myocardium
from the epicardium, is more pronounced
in the LV than in the RV and results in a
more trabeculated endomyocardial
surface of the RV…
… Noncompaction
cardiomyopathy is therefore
supposed to be the result of
an arrest or failure of the
compaction process of the
myocardial trabeculae during
Markedly thickened two-layered myocardial wall: a thin, compacted epicardial
layer (small arrows) and a non compacted endocardial layer (bigger arrows)
consisting of prominent trabeculations and intertrabecular recesses. The non-
compacted layer is more than twice as thick as the compacted layer.
Chronology of disease identification
• The first case report of a 33 years old
lady with persistence of left ventricular
myocardial ‘sinusoids’ as an isolated
anomaly was published in 1984.
• Engberding R, Bender F,
“Echocardiographic detection of persistent
myocardial sinusoids”, Z. Kardiol.
(1984);73: pp. 786–788
Chronology of disease identification
• In 1985, the description of both the
angiographic and the echocardiographic
characteristic features published in a
German radiology journal paved way in the
research for identification and diagnosis of a
new disease
• Goebel N, Jenni R, Gruntzig A R,
“Persistierende myokardiale Sinusoide
(Persistent myocardial sinusoids)”, Rofo
(1985);142: pp. 692–693.
Chronology of disease identification
• In 1986, a case of 21-year-old male patient with
progressive heart failure and cardiomyopathy of
obscure aetiology was published with investigation
reports. Two-dimensional echocardiography identified
a markedly thickened myocardium with prominent
trabeculations and intertrabecular recesses
(channellike structures) in the apex and at the
posterolateral wall of the severely hypokinetic LV. The
same structures were visualised by left ventricular
angiography and resembled a honeycomb-like inner
contour in both ventricles. Later on, autopsy too
confirmed the echocardiographic and
angiocardiographic findings.
• Jenni R, et al, “Persisting myocardial sinusoids of both
ventricles as an isolated anomaly: echocardiographic,
angiographic, and pathologic anatomical findings”,
Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol. (1986);9: pp. 127–131..
• An epidemiological survey on the prevalence
of cardiomyopathy in Australia shows a male
predominance and also that 9.2% of patients
with unclassified cardiomyopathy have Left
Ventricular Non-Compaction
• Nugent A.W. et al. National Australian Childhood
Cardiomyopathy Study: The Epidemiology Of
Childhood Cardiomyopathy in Australia. N Engl J
Med 2003; 24: 1703-1705.
• Due to its recent establishment as a
diagnosis, and it still being unclassified as a
cardiomyopathy by the WHO, it is not fully
understood how common the condition is.
Some reports suggest that it is in the order
of 0.12 cases per 100,000. The low number of
reported cases though is due to the lack of
any large population studies into the disease
and have been based primarily upon patients
suffering from advanced heart failure.
• This condition is diagnosed either
sporadically or with a familial tendency
due to chromosomal anomalies and the
age of onset of complaints varies
• The American Heart Association's 2006
classification considers
noncompaction cardiomyopathy a
genetic cardiomyopathy.
• Some genetic links warrant screening
of 1st degree relatives
Clinical features
• Its common clinical
presentations involve heart
failure, ventricular
tachyarrhythmia and thrombo-
embolic events.
• Echocardiography
• The prognosis in a symptomatic
patient is generally poor, with
progression to chronic heart
failure and death, including
sudden death.
My Experience
A 5 + months child (DOB 1-5-09) diagnosed
with biventricular non-compaction was
brought by her parents on 30-10-09. She
had also been suffering with recurrent
episodes of bronchitis for which she was on
nebulizer (Budecort and Asthaline). During
her last hospitalization from 23-9-09 to 6-10-
09, she had also been put on Eltroxin 25
mcg due to elevated TSH levels.
The parents had been advised about the
possible need for advanced cardiac support
and possible heart transplantation.

O/O: child was tall for her age, thin,

emaciated, dark eyes and hair, angle below
History of Presenting Complaints
• Birth weight: 2kgs

• Apgar scoring: 7, 8, 9

• Mild physiological jaundice at birth

• Echocardiography report on day 8
Biventricular noncompaction.
Thickened TV and moderate TR. TR
max PG= 24mmHg. Patent foramen
ovale, right to left shunt. Dilated RA &
RV. Biventricular dysfunction LVEF
50%. Normal arch.
She continued to be well. She again
underwent Echocardiography at the age of
six weeks, which revealed: Persistent
biventricular non-compaction with mild TR
and LVEF 45%.
The child was breastfed till the completion of
4 months.

She had been given all vaccinations as per

the recommendation of pediatrician. Last
4/9/09: OPV, DPT, Hib
5/9/09: Prevnar, Rotarix
The child continued to be asymptomatic and
was well till September 2009, when it rained
in Delhi for few days. She started with
running nose, which progressed to cough,
fever and wheezing. She was diagnosed as
a case of bronchiolitis and admitted to
Sitaram Bhartiya Institute.
Since she continued to have rapid
breathing, irritability and intermittent
vomiting, she was hospitalised in Escorts
Heart Institute on 23rd September 2009. At
the time of admission she was found to have

- tachy-apnoea
- severe tachy-cardia
- gross hepatomegaly
Echocardiography report at the time of
admission revealed, ‘Noncompacted dilated
LV with severe LV dysfunction. LVEF 15-
After her discharge from Escorts on 6-10-09,
she suffered with another episode of cough,
vomiting and fever and though her fever
subsided, her coughing, irritability and
occasional throwing up had persisted till she
was brought to us. Her mother also
remarked that many a times at night she felt
warm and the temperature would be around
99.4-99.8°F with hot head, palms and soles.
She again underwent echocardiography at
Escorts on 19-10-09 to see the impact of
treatment thus far.
The report stated, ‘No significant change
from previous echo…’
Family history

Father: Cholelithiasis
Paternal uncle: Functional murmur
P Grandfather: CABG
P Grandmother: Borderline DM (after her
father had died with CA)

Mother: Allergic rhinitis

M Grandmother: Hypothyroidism, Asthma,
M Grandfather: His father had died with CA
Personal history
Appetite: was having intense appetite
always and was ok now too in spite of all
illnesses and treatments
(6-7 feeds/ day)
Thirst: More; Does not let go of her bottle
Sleep: On right side
Perspiration: On forehead & head
T/R: Kicked off her covers
Intra-uterine history
• Conceived 3 years after marriage
• Both the parents were working
• No nausea/ vomiting all through the
• Reddish itchy, painless eruptions on back
throughout pregnancy; > post puerperium
• Sneezing tendency of mother had
increased for which she took cetrizine for
some time in 2nd/ 3rd trimester
Intra-uterine history
• During 2nd trimester local homoeopathic doctor
asker her to take kali pos 6x for 1 month
• Herbal pest control at home at the end of 2nd
trimester due to which she was uneasy
• Pedal edema 7th month onwards
• GTT/ HbA1C borderline in last trimester
• Had contractions in 32nd week, hospitalised;
ante-natal fetal echo showed severe TR with
normal RV flow. Thereafter on bed rest.
Intra-uterine history
• At the beginning of 9th month, driver had
chicken pox; took Natrum mur 200, 1-2
doses as preventive
• 10 kg weight gain in all pregnancy
• Appetite: Markedly increased all
throughout the pregnancy; hungry even
after a full meal at 2-2½ hours (though
always had good appetite)
• No marked desires/ aversions
• Delivered through LSCS at 37 weeks.
During surgery found loops twice around
neck; cried at birth.

Weight: 5 kgs

Occasional expiratory rhonchi

Split HS2

Tall for her age

Reddish itchy eruptions on back all through


Appetite increased during pregnancy; in

child too

Sulphur LM1 OD
Follow up

She did not suffer with any further attacks of

bronchitis thereafter. She also started
gaining weight gradually.
10-12-09: 7 kgs

During February 2010, her parent reported

that she had become extremely scared of
bathing. Rx Sulphur LM 7, 2nd cup OD

In March, she had started enjoying bathing

again so she was thereafter continued same
Follow up…

She cut her 1st tooth left lower incisor in 2nd

week of April 2010 (while on Sulphur LM9

By July 2010 she had cut out 7 teeth, 2

more were showing and he was 8 kgs.
Follow up…

Repeat echocardiography on 9-11-10

revealed, ‘No change from the last echo.
Dilated cardiomyopathy. Non-compacted LV.
LVIDd= 4.5cm (Z score +5.5). LVEF 20%.
Trivial TR…’
Follow up…

The reports did not show any improvement

in LVEF, but she was doing fine (on Sulphur
LM 14). She also developed a few boils on
upper lip and left cheek.

Her TSH levels had dipped to below normal

by October 2010 so her Thyroxine was
Follow up…

In the month of January 2011, her father

was transferred to Kolkata (while on Sulphur
LM 16, 2nd cup, every 3rd day, wt. 9 kgs).
Her family thereafter decided to consult
some senior homoeopathic physician in
Follow up…

Towards the end of January/ early February

she again suffered with LRTI along with high
fever and respiratory distress. The allopathic
doctors prescribed her medications along
with wysolone. Since she continued to be
worse in spite of allopathic and
homoeopathic treatment, she was
hospitalised on 8-3-11….
Follow up…

Echocardiography report dated 8-3-11

revealed, ‘Dilated LV cavity. Noncompaction
of LV. Severe biventricular systolic
dysfunction with LVEF=12%...’
In desperation, the parents contacted us
again telling us about her worsening
condition. The senior homoeopathic
physician was not willing to divulge his
prescription. The presenting features were:
- persistent cough
- poor appetite
- constipation, passing stools once in 3-4
days, hard
- craving for chocolates and sweets

-Clearly Sulphur was not the right remedy in

her case. The drug selection was wrong
- She needed a sycotic remedy (cord around
neck at birth is a sycotic manifestation)
- H/o LRTI with respiratory distress and
persisting cough
- Desire for sweets/ chocolates
- Constipation
- Prevnar is a pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine, that she had received just before
falling ill.


Pneumococcin LM1 OD

(One of the triad of indications of

homoeopathic remedy Pneumococcin, as
learnt from Prof. L.M. Khan is: history of
pneumonia/ LRTI, craving for sweets and
Follow up

She again improved gradually. Soon after

starting the medicine, not only did her cough
disappear but her bowel movement
changed to 3-4 times soft stool every day
(3rd day onwards).
Follow up

She again became active, did not suffer with

any new attack of cold, cough, fever or
respiratory distress. Her last Echo done in
August 2011 shows LVEF 27%.
Follow up

She continues to be well ever since………

Her LVEF thereafter has varied between 30-


She speaks well and has recently joined


She now weighs about 19 kgs

life is the
earliest phase
of life spent by
an infant in the
quiet, dark
atmosphere of
mother’s womb
Past is not a dead history.

It is the living and essential material out of

which the patient as a person makes
himself/ herself a whole self and by which
the homoeopathic prescriber prescribes
according to the anamnesis of the case and
builds the possible indicated remedy for
the eradication of the most obstinate
The most fascinating study of the human being
emerges once we grasp it from its very roots, from
its very most initial stages of growth. It is study of
the beginning and its constant evolution up to
the present moment of development that
constitutes the true study of life.

Gleaning through the pages of history; we can

perceive the influence of intra-uterine
imprinting in the development of human life
from the Hindu Mythology. The life histories of
King Dhritrashtra, King Pandu, Vidur and the
great warrior Abhimanyu bear testimony to the
importance of intra-uterine life. Myths are not
only simply myths, rather they have some true
and natural background – the ground of

In the whole history of medicine, the first

man who epitomized the importance of
intra-uterine life in the darkness of womb
in ontogenesis as well as in therapeutics
was a philanthropist, a man of truth and
courage - Samuel Christian Friedrich
He phenomenologically perceived
that the profound and indelible
imprinting on the fetus in the
uterus plays a guiding role in
future development of an
individual and considered it as the
‘most illuminating part of the past
that is reflected upon in the
§5 of Organon - The Art of Healing

‘Useful to the physician in assisting

him to cure are the particulars of
the most probable exciting cause of
the acute disease, as also the
most significant points in the
whole history of the chronic
disease, to enable him to discover
its fundamental cause………………’

Hahnemann has lucidly explained this in 'The

Chronic Diseases - Their Peculiar Nature and
Their Homoeopathic Cure' where he states that:
‘..Pregnancy in all its stages offers so little
obstruction to an anti-psoric treatment
that this treatment is often most necessary
and useful in that condition..'.
What Hahnemann has to say??


“…But the case of mothers in their (first)
pregnancy by means of a mild antipsoric
treatment, especially with sulphur
dynamizations prepared according to the directions
in the 6th edition, is indispensable in order to destroy
the psora – that producer of most chronic diseases –
which is given them hereditarily; destroy it both
within themselves and the fetus thereby
protecting posterity in advance. This is true of
pregnant women thus treated; they have given
birth to children usually more healthy and
stronger, to the astonishment of everybody. ...”
"Seeds of health are planted even before you draw
your first breath, and that the nine short months of
life in the womb shape your health as long as you

‘Shaped By Life In The Womb’,

Sharon Begley & William Underhill,
• American Psychologists now consider that our
‘life starts from the time of conception and not at
the time of birth.’
• During last 25 years lots of scientific data
appeared proving that human biological
(physical) and psycho-emotional development
passes simultaneously since the moment of
• Now it is not a secret that a baby leads
an active life in the belly: he moves,
sucks fingers, turns head to a source
of interesting sounds (music has
shown to effect cognitive, emotional
and psychomotor development of the
fetus), plays with umbilical cord.
• The taste of amniotic fluid changes
depending on the food a mother eats.

• When a mother worries, a baby starts

moving brokenly. A baby experiences all
states of a mother on a hormonal level,
emotional level and nutritional level.
• Fear that a mother feels during pregnancy
is caught by a baby and kept in human
memory for many years.
• Now a days neurologists and psychologists
agree that human character is being
formed in pre natal period and after birth
correction starts.
• In the 1970s and 1980s, we learned
that if mothers during pregnancy
ingested such substances as the
alcohol, cocaine, caffeine, and
tobacco, they could harm their babies'
physical and mental health, notably,
lower the birth weight, height, and
head circumference, and impair
attention, memory, intelligence, and
• Later, in the 1990s, we came to know that
if a mother experiences excessive stress or
suffers from an emotional trauma, her
baby may be born with certain deficiencies
which may persist into adulthood and
cause more complications (A mother's
excessive Cortisol can reach the baby in the
womb and raise the baby's set point for blood
pressure forever. This baby, when reach
adulthood, is likely to suffer from high blood
• The first and foremost influence on the baby
is whether the pregnancy is wanted or
unwanted. Bustan and Coker have uncovered
the lethal consequences of rejection. In a
cohort of 8,000 pregnant women, divided
into those who wanted and those who did not
want the pregnancy, the unwanted were 2.4
times more likely to die within the first
month of life. (Bustan, M. N. and Coker, A. L.
(1994). Maternal attitude toward pregnancy
and the risk of neonatal death. American J.
Public Health, 84(3), 411-414).
Fundamental cause and Heart/ Miasmatic

Teachings of Hahnemann and

post Hahnemannian stalwarts like
J. H. Allen, Boger, Roberts, Phyllis
Speight, Close, Ortega and
Paschero guide us in forming the
grand totality which of course
considers the miasmatic data.
Fundamental cause and Heart/
Miasmatic Analysis
Miasmatic data is obtained not just from
the family history but also from the
personal history (vaccinations, suppression
of eruptions, discharges, etc.) and also past
history (series of illnesses since childhood
or at least for last 7 years).
To identify the underlying miasm
• H/O suppressions
• Family history
• Past history
• Modalities
• Patient as a person
• Mental symptoms
• Generals: Desires; Aversions; Sweat etc
• Tendencies
• Objective aspects etc.
We must never fall into the trap of
diagnosing miasm on the basis of nosological
diagnosis. Rather identify the peculiar
symptoms of each constitution which
determine the taint!
Tips on Miasmatic Tagging in CVD
• Generally speaking when heart is involved
we mostly consider Syphilitic background.
• When pathology turns to destruction
Syphilis is in advanced form.
• When hypertrophy and other excessive
functioning is present we reminded of the
association of Syphilis with Sycosis.
• In most of the cases with cardiac neurosis or
hysterical individuals with cardiac phobias
and functional diseases of heart Psora
should be kept in mind.
Constitutional Medicine And Few Helpful Pointers
Towards The Indicated Remedy
A constitutional medicine is nothing but a medicinal image
synchronous to the Totality of the Symptoms. It is not
only the sum of the symptoms, but is in itself a Grand
symptom - the symptom of the patient, developed from the
remote moment of (intrauterine) conception till the present
moment of consultation and is perceived by the physician
during the case study, as well as the study of Materia
In essence, constitutional remedies are polychrests
- widely used medicines with a wide range of action
in chronic diseases and having anti-miasmatic
coverage, for the patient as a person, and not for
his pathology or for his nosological diagnosis, as
per their peculiar symptomatology.
Besides the anamnesis, the following few striking
features in history may also help us in getting to
the right remedy:
Location/ Direction of pain

• Pain in the region of Heart Apex to

base: Medorrhinum
• Pain in the region of Heart Base to
Apex: Syphilinum
• Pain in heart along with left elbow:
• Pain radiates to Right: Lil tig
Sensations in Heart region peculiar to a few
• Alive sensation in the heart: Cyclamen
• Ascending to throat, heart were: Podophyllum
• Bolts were holding the heart: Cactus
• Needles were pricking in heart: Lyss, Manc
• Grasped violently and released alternately:
Lilium tig
• Drops as if were falling from or on heart:
Cannabis sativa
• Numb heart feels: Ovi g. p.
• Piercing the heart, knife were, > pressure: Lepi
• Wind about the heart: X ray
• Plug or a blunt substance as of a: Ranunculus
scleratus, Spigelia
Causation and Heart
• H/o Narcotics: Belladonna, Chamomilla,
Coffea, Lachesis, Nux vomica, Thuja
• H/o Smoking: Abies nigra, Cactus,
Gelsemium, Ignatia, Lactic acid, Nux vomica,
Phosphorus, Staphysagria, Strophanthus
• H/o Tobacco chewing: Arsenicum, Ignatia,
Lycopodium, Selenium, Veratrum album
• H/o Tea: Abies nigra, China, Dioscorea,
Lobelia inflata, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla,
Selenium, Thuja
• Heart strain: Arnica, Borax, Causticum, Coca
Causation and Heart
Emotional/ Psychological
• Fright: Aconite, Gelsemium, Ignatia,
Opium, Veratrum album
• Mortification from an offense:
Colocynth, Lycopodium, Staphysagria
• Emotional causes: Aconite, Ambra,
Anacardium, Cactus, Calcarea ars,
Chamomilla, Coffea, Gelsemium,
Hydrocyanic acid, Ignatia, Iodum,
Lachesis, Lithium carb, Moschus, Nux
moschata, Nux vomica, Opium, Platina,
Sepia, Tarentula hispanica
Causation and Heart
• Celibacy: Conium, Apis
• Coitus after: Agaricus, Caladium,
Calcarea sulph, China, Kali carb, Nux
vomica, Phosphoric acid, Phosphorus,
Selenium, Sepia
Postural Aggravation
• From lying down: Arsenicum, Kali carb,
Lachesis, Lilium tig, Natrum mur, Nux vomica,
Sepia, Spigelia, Thyroidinum
• From lying on left side: Baryta carb, Cactus, Lac
caninum, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Natrum mur,
Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Spigelia, Tabaccum,
• From lying on right side: Cannabis indica,
Magnesia mur, Mercurius, Rhustox, Stannum,
• From rising: Cactus
• From sitting: Magnesia mur, Phosphorus,
• From sitting bent forward: Kalmia
• From stooping forward: Spigelia
Postural Amelioration
• Lying on back with shoulder raised: Aconite,
• Lying on left side: Ignatia, Muriatic acid, Natrum
mur, Stannum
• Lying on painful side: Ambra, Ammonium carb,
Arnica, Borax, Bryonia, Calcarea carb, Colocynth,
Cuprum aceticum, Ptelea, Pulsatilla, Sulphuric acid
• Lying on right side: Antim tart, Natrum mur,
Phosphorus, Sulphur, Tabaccum
• Lying on right side with head high: Arsenic, Cactus,
Spigelia, Spongia
• Lying on abdomen: Acetic acid, Ammonium carb,
Antim tart, Colocynth, Medorrhinum,
Podophyllum, Tabaccum
• Lying with head high: Pulsatilla, Petroleum,
• Lying with head low: Arnica, Spongia
Rest and motion
• Aggravates, Motion on beginning:
Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Strontium carb
• Aggravates Stretching: Medorrhinum,
Rhus tox
• Ameliorates, Motion slow: Agaricus,
Ambra, Ferrum acet, Ferrum met,
Platina, Stannum, Zincum met
• Ameliorates, rocking: Cina, Kali carb

• In DIGITALIS, an awful deathly sinking

feeling in the abdomen especially in the
epigastric region is associated with the
characteristic slow, weak, intermittent
• In NAJA along with the characteristic
nature of pain as if a hot iron is pressed
on heart, there is chocking in throat and
larynx with hoarseness in heart
affection. One organ affected with heart
is ovary- as if heart and ovary are
drawn together.

• Pain heart alternating with

rheumatism: Aur m, Benz ac,
• Pain heart alternating with pain in
great toe: Nat p
• Pain heart alternating with pain in
uterus: Lil tig
Accompanied by
• Exophthalmic goitre accompanied with heart
ailments: Cadmium iod
• Intestinal cancer accompanied with heart
ailments: Cadmium met
• Heart complaints accompanied with difficult
respiration: Laur, Tarent
• Heart ailments accompanied with Sleeplessness:
Aur mur, Colch, Crat, Dig, Op, Tab
• Heart ailments accompanied with Urinary
complaints: Laur, Lycopus eu
• Inflammation heart with scanty menses: Nat m

• Frequent when thinking of his past

troubles: Sep
• Intermittent in old people: Tab
• Irregular stool after: Agar
• Irregular on slight exertion: Meny,
Nat m
• Irregular, lying on back: Arg n
Feels ‘if she moves her heart will fail’ is,
A pretty strong plea for DIGITALIS;
‘Must keep on moving, or heart will stop,’-
GELSEMIUM here comes out easily on top;
While with LOBELIA, you will hear her say,
That ‘it’s going to stop, whichever way’.
With a CACTUS heart, iron band constriction
(Chest, uterus, rectum, all share the fiction)
then LACH has constriction on waking; ARS A
Gets constriction-oppresssion, on walking; you’ll play
TIGER LILY to splendidly comfort her woe,
whose heart is alternately clasped and let go.
IODUM has a heart simply squeezed and no more:
The most violent hearts for SPIGELIA roar.

Margaret Lucy Tyler

At my age, with my limited knowledge and
experience, I am not in a position to provide or
draw any conclusion. All I can say is that the
homeopathic literature and Materia Medica are full
of information, which can help us in treatment of
any dynamic disease.
Modern medical terminology and understanding of
new disease conditions does not always translate
directly into homeopathic language, but it is
possible to draw inferences from the extensive
descriptions of homeopathic Materia Medica,
which is called Phenomenological medicine.
greatest gift to
mankind was his
unfaltering courage
and the fearless,
bold attitude which
he took as his
motto- AUDE
This motto of his gave me the courage to believe
that there is no dynamic disease in the world,
whose symptoms can’t be matched with the morbid
effects of medicine found in our pure Materia
Medica, and thus shall not be rapidly and
permanently cured/ relieved by it.
Hence, my humble
sharing with the
profession this
treatment of
‘the heart’
‘a heart’.

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