Asthma (Acute & Chronic) : Polychrests
Asthma (Acute & Chronic) : Polychrests
Asthma (Acute & Chronic) : Polychrests
1) (i) Asthma from (i) Cold, dry, winds. Catching Cold. Every fresh cold (i) Strong odors, Exposure to cold
AETIOLOGY suppressed itch. brings on an flowers. air.
(ii) Land wind (open attack of
(ii) Suitable for attacks fields). asthma. (ii) Exposure to
occurring as drenching rains,
consequence of (iii) Suppressed washing clothes.
suppressed catarrh. eruptions.
2) COUGH & (i) Dry cough. (i) Dry & hoarse cough. (i) Asthma: (i) Asthma: (i) Cough: From (i) Suffocations.
Wheezing. Dyspnoea of tickling in larynx.
ASTHMA (ii) Cough as if from (ii) Choking cough. damp weather. (ii) Longs for cold
sulphur fumes. (ii) Asthma: (ii) Cough: Racking air.
(iii) Croupy & rattling Bronchitis. (ii) Asthma: cough.
(iii) Cough after drinking. cough. Humid asthma. (iii) Catches cold
(iii) Asthma: Dry (iii) Cough: easily.
(iv) Apex of the right . hard cough. (iii) Asthma: in Nervous cough,
lung is more affected. children. aggravation from (iv) Cough: Hard &
(iv) Base of the strong odours. hacking.
right lung is (iv) Base of the
more affected. left lung is more (iv) Larynx very (v) Cough:
affected. painful: sore Irritating.
(vi) Cough:
(v) Apex of the left Aggravation night.
lung is more
affected. (vii) Upper lobe of
the left lung is
more affected.
3) CHEST & (i) Scanty (i) Wheezy asthma. (i) Chest: (i) Chest: Must (i) Chest: Burning (i) Expectorations:
expectorations. Stitching & hold chest pains & heat; Thick; easy;
EXPECTORA- (ii) Cough & breathing: cutting pain. when coughing. oppression. profuse.
(ii) Frothy Moist & mucussy.
TION expectorations. (ii) Chest: (ii) Chest: Pain, (ii) Chest: Worse (ii) Green foetid
(iii) Chest: Wheezing Coldness. lower left. lying on left side. nasal discharge.
(iii) Putrid or purring sound in
expectorations. chest. (iii) Chest: (iii) (iii)
Sensitive. Expectorations: Expectorations:
(iv) Weakness in chest. Thick; ropy; Rusty;
(iv) greenish. purulent.; bloody.
(v) Splinter-like pain in Expectorations:
chest. Copious;
4) (i) Exhaustion. (i) Manifestations: (i) Constant (i) Constant (i) Suitability: Tall, (i) Very sensitive:
ASSOCIATED Chilliness & Concomitant: desire to take slender mentally &
(ii) Chilly. Hypersensitiveness. Backache ; deep long appearance. physically.
SYMPTOMS Sweat & breath.
(iii) Burning pains. (ii) Manifestations: Weakness. (ii) Sudden (ii) Great
(ii) Nose: appearance of
(iv) Anguish with fear of Scrofulous. (ii) Chilly. Hydrogenoid symptoms. exhaustion.
death. constitution.
(iii) Nose: Sore nostril. (iii) Susceptibility (iii) Nervous
(v) Restlessness (iii) Nose: Feels to external weakness.
(Physical & Mental). (iv) Nose: Blocked, every change impressions.
aggravation cold air. from dry to (iv) When well
wet. selected medicine
fails in a chilly,
(vi) Suicidal. (v) Nose: Discharge (iv) Nose: (iv) Aphonia with impatient,
smells like old Worse rainy, rawness, discontented
(vii) Cannot bear cheese. damp weather. aggravation constitution.
smell or sight of evening.
6) Associated Cough & Asthma: Associated Aetiology: Cough & Asthma: Cough & Asthma:
PRESCRIBIN symptoms: (i) Choking cough. symptoms:
G Exhaustion. Every fresh cold Cough: Nervous (i) Longs for cold
Chest & i) Constant brings on an cough, aggravation air.
TIPS (ii) Chilly. Expectoration: Concomitant: attack of by strong odours.
Sweat.; Backache asthma. (ii) Catches cold
(iii) Restlessness Wheezing asthma. & Weakness. Chest & easily.
(Physical & Cough & Expectoration:
Mental). Associated Modalities: Asthma: Associated
symptoms: (i) Chest: Worse symptoms:
Modalities: (i) Aggravation: (i) Asthma: lying on left side.
(i) Manifestations: Around 3 a.m. (2- Dyspnoea of When well selected
(i) Aggravation: Chilliness & 4 a.m.). damp weather. (ii) Expectorations: medicine fails in a
Midday, Hypersensitiveness. Bloody. chilly, impatient
midnight. (ii) (ii) Asthma in discontented
Modalities: Ameliorations: children Associated constitution.
(ii) Rocking. symptoms:
Ameliorations: > (i) Asthma: Worse Chest &
by leaning dry, cold air. Expectoration: Suitability:
forward in bed. Susceptibility to
(ii) Asthma: Better in Chest: Must external
damp. hold chest when impressions.
(iii) Chest:
aggravation 4-5
1) ASTHMATIC (i) Asthma with (i) Doctrine of (i) Skin (i) Bronchitis followed (i) For (i) Periodical
wheezinbg. Signature: disease (like by tubercular chough. asthmatic asthma with
MANIFESTA- Cockroach lives in dandruff, complaints, nightly dysuria.
(ii) Inspiration is cracks and eczema, (ii) Profuse nocturnal which is caused
TIONS difficult. crevices; in damp itching, sweat and spasm > by and are made (ii) Asthmatic
shady places, ringworm expectoration. worse from symptoms with
(iii) Right lung: therefore it is etc.) are inhaling any kidney
affected. a wonderful associated (iii) Cough after dust. complaints.
medicine for with bronchial influenza.
(iv) A f.b. Asthma for troubles. (ii) Difficult,
(foreign- body) (iv) Past history of troublesome
sensation. people who lives (ii) More the respiration;
or works in damp cough (in recurrent pneumonia,
(v) Wheezing in basements, asthmatic recurrent bronchitis -> oppression
throat. cellars, etc.; lung vitality with
Cosntriction in damp dwelling. patients) and weak à Easily catches perspiration.
chest and throat Aggravation from more it is a cold à Asthma. Anguish with
with a sensation damp and rainy painful and oppression.
of foreign body weather. distressing
in the throat. cough, better it (iv) Allergic
(ii) Asthma with is indicated. broncho-spasm
(vi) Inspiration is bronchitis, from dust; fur;
difficult than especially dog fur/ hairs
expiration. indicated after etc.
Arsenic when this
is insufficient.
(iii) Acts best, in
stout, or
persons. Seems to
act better on
patients who have
a tendency to
2) EXPECTORATION Expectoration is Much pus like Asthmatic Lots of Not much Expectoration:-
salty and hot. mucus. symptoms with mucus à Rattling. mucus. Allergic
rattling of wheeze. (a) Profuse (b)
mucus in the Blood tinged.
throat but not
3) (i) Agg. At 2 A.M. Aggravation: Damp, wet (i) Aggravates Aggravation: Aggravation:
MODALITIES rainy weather; change during rainy Afternoon.
(ii) Lying agg. of weather. and winter (i) From dust.
season. Amelioration: From
(iii) < after lying,. expectoration. (ii) Asthmatic
(ii) < later part symptoms are
of the evening better by
and past and passing stool.
towards early Amelioration:
> open air.
(iii) Better by
sitting up.
(i) Aggravates
during rainy
and winter
5) POTENCY Q, 6C, 1M. (i) Q, 30C, 1M. (i) Q., 30C, 1M. Q, 30C. Q (during acute (i) Q, 30C.
OF attack), 30C, 1M
(ii) After the spasm for (ii) Cassia (Constitutional (ii) 15 dps doses
CHOICE the remaining cough sophera is for Allergic promotes
use higher, stop with antidoted by Broncho- expectoration
improvement. smoking or spasm). in bronchitis
chewing and bronchial
tobacco, so asthma, in old
patients, people.
should avoid
them during
Cases with clear picture (Clarity of symptoms to make it complete e.g. Cases with scarcity of symptoms (suppression or masking of sensations,
with sensation, modalities, etc.) modalities etc. by strong and off prolonged effect of drugs)
Withdraw in order If on a constitutional remedy, but inhaler dependent, use tincture to help decrease dependency.
1 – Ventolin Use constitutional remedy first, this will cover all the symptoms anyway, tincture will assist as organopathic. Need to
withdraw steroids finally, Homoeopathy won’t work and make any permanent results, if steroid dependent.
2 – Inhaled Steroids
Tincture – once 50% of allopathic remedy withdrawn, go to 6c, once 80% withdrawn, go to 30c but only if tincture is
3 – Oral Steroids similimum.
Allopathic Using: Reduce (50%),balance Reduce (75%) Reduce (100%) Reduce (100%)
Treatment with homoeopathic Rx
Ventolin (Reliever) 2 Ventolin – can patient Use SOS Use SOS tincture only
puffs when required. Ventolin (Reliever) 1 puff now do without? tincture only if if and when required.
when required. Need to and when
Steroid Inhaler monitor frequency – use Use SOS tincture when required Ventolin Inhaler
SOS tincture X required only, not on a should have ceased.
(Preventative) 2 puffs regular basis. Steroid
twice a day 4 hourly or when Inhaler – can Steroid Inhaler should
necessary. Steroid Inhaler – patient now do have ceased.
Oral Steroids – assumed reduce to 1 puff once a without?
being taken as a one off Steroid Inhaler day Mths 7-9, 1 puff Asthma under control
course. (Preventative) try to every other day Mths (Bear in mind baring exciting cause
reduce to 2 puffs once a 10-12. this takes 2 e.g. colds, virus.
If not needed, to be day over the period. weeks to build
gradually reduced. (10% Oral steroids – should up in the body)
less in 6 mths) Oral Steroids – usually have ceased.
weaned off over a few
Continue all inhalers and weeks and then stopped.
steroids as usual. Aim to reduce frequency
of use.
Homoeopathic Take Constitutional Continue to take Use SOS tincture as Continue Continue
Treatment remedy e.g. Calc Carb 30 Constitutional Remedy, and when required. Constitutional Constitutional
– (potency according to increase potency if treatment. treatment.
patients vitality). necessary or change Continue
remedy depending on Constitutional Patient may well have
Start indicated symptoms. treatment – deal with ongoing
Homoeopathic Tinture 8 any acutes as they Homoeopathic
hourly to bolster the Continue use of tincture as arise. Need to get treatment for some
lungs e.g. Eriodictyon. SOS and reduce dose to more symptoms, may years – takes 25-40%
Use tincture as SOS as once a day, if possible. need to open up case of the time they have
well, if necessary. with nosode if stuck. been ill.
May need to use LMs if As time goes on – may need May be incurable case, may
patient is unwell or cannot to change tincture as asthma only be able to palliate or
Notes handle aggravations. symptoms may change. reduce allopathic medicine.
Every patient is individual, length of time they have been on Asthmatic drugs must be taken into account, severity of asthma is also a key factor. The more
severe, the more gradual the reduction has to be. If they are using a nebuliser (ventolin) withdraw very gradually until inhaler only, then gradually
withdraw that – need organopathic tincture to boost lungs as outlined above. More difficult to wean off nebuliser, usually very chronic patients, permanent
organ damage may have already occurred.
Withdrawing medication in asthma
Stop inhalers (wean off gradually), then stop oral steroids
Withdraw in order
1 – Ventolin (reliever)
2 – Inhaled steroids
3 – Internal steroids/Nebuliser
Aim for 10% less in 6 months – long weaning off period, takes time.
If they are put on a constitutional remedy, but they are inhaler dependent, then use Tincture to help them decrease inhaler dependency. If inhaler dependent
= “status asthmaticus” – “got to do something” to help breathing as can’t do without!
Use the constitutional remedy first – this will cover all the symptoms anyway, the tincture will assist as it is organopathic and helpful to the lungs.
Need to try and withdraw steroids, Homoeopathy won’t work if steroid dependent, need to try and withdraw steroids.
Balance Homoeopathy with Bronchodilators with withdrawal. Law of Similiar acting on physiological level. Use tincture if Ventolin dependent and start
withdrawal 50-60% = get more symptoms.
As soon as patient is clear of SOS medicine – mental ability to reflect on symptoms is better, need to get more symptoms.
Ventolin/Steroids mask symptoms.
Dosage of Homoeopathic Broncho-dialator:
6 to 10 drops (according to be Vitality of the patient) X 4 to 6 hourly X in a cup of luke warm water X to sip every 5 – 10 minutes, very slowly X during acute
attack of asthma and try to delay the intake / inhaling the drug. In this way, gradual reduction of the inhaler. If the patient says, homoeopathic tincture not
acting quickly or sufficiently, even then insist to carry on the tincture as it will and should gradually wean-off the allopathic medication.
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About the author
Dr. Subrata Kumar Banerjea was born in Calcutta, India in 1957, the fourth generation of a distinguished and widely respected homoeopathic family. He
graduated in Homoeopathy from the University of Calcutta with a record number of honours passes in nine medical subjects and with five gold medals to his
name, setting himself on a path to become an internationally acclaimed homoeopathic clinician, lecturer and author. He is considered the world"™s leading
authority on miasmatic prescribing.
Dr. Banerjea is an Honoured Fellow of several academies; Director and Principal Lecturer of the Bengal Allen Medical Institute, Calcutta; Principal and Chief
Lecturer of Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics at the Allen College of Homoeopathy, Essex, England. When he is not lecturing, he divides his time
between his clinical practices in the UK and in India where he also acts as Clinical Consultant in various rural and slum clinics. Dr. Banerjea has a passion for
homeopathy which he imparts to his students.
Dr. Banerjea together with his brother Joy, son Saptarshi and wife Janet, also play an active role in the Kamala Banerjee Fund, a charity which distributes milk
to the poor children of Calcutta.
Visit Dr. Banerjea at his Website :