Mistakes of Public Speaking DH
Mistakes of Public Speaking DH
Mistakes of Public Speaking DH
Glossophobia or the fear of public speaking, is one of the most common phobias,
Research suggests that 74% of Americans are afraid to speak in public.
But the truth is public speaking doesn’t have to be scary! As long as you avoid a
few common public speaking mistakes, your next presentation should go just fine.
Keep reading to learn 10 things you should NOT do when speaking in public.
1. Neglecting to Prepare
Neglecting to prepare is one of the most common public speaking mistakes.
Fortunately, it’s also one of the easiest to remedy! All you have to do is set aside
time before your presentation, speech, etc. to ensure you’ve worked out all the
Your audience won’t be able to internalize the wisdom you share if they can’t hear
what you’re saying. So, make sure you speak loudly, enunciate well, and avoid
mumbling at all costs. This will ensure your message is understood while giving
you a confident appearance on stage.
Visual aids can make a good speech absolutely amazing and memorable. But you
have to use them correctly. The above tips will make sure you do.
9. Sharing Too Much Information
You may be tempted to share too much information during your presentation. This
is known as data dumping and is a common public speaking mistake.
We get it. You feel like your credibility is on the line every time you deliver a
speech. So, you try to include a mountain of information during your presentation
to make sure your audience understands that you know what you’re talking about
and deserve to speak to them.
This is a mistake and will only serve to overwhelm your audience. Instead, think
about the few things you absolutely need them to know by the end of your
presentation. Then focus your speech on just these things. Leave everything else on
the cutting room floor.