Unit I - MCQ
Unit I - MCQ
Unit I - MCQ
Department of Management
Unit 1- Strategic Management-Multiple Choice Questions- Each Question Carry ONE Mark
S.No Questions Opt 1 Opt 2 Opt 3 Opt 4 Answer
1 Strategic Management handles: external issues management issues internal issues external issues
objectives for
objective for Single
specific function
strategic Business
objectives of the allocation of With in that objectives of the
2 Corporate level strategy deals with: Unit
firm resources functions firm
(SBU) allocation of
among different
corporate strategy
corporate level, corporate level, corporate strategy corporate level,
level, business unit
3 The three organizational levels are: business level, business unit level, level, business level, business level,
level, functional
functional level functional level specialist level functional level
11 Strategy analysis is also referred to as: SWOT analysis Strategy diagnosis Rational analysis Situation analysis Situation analysis
only traditional opportunities,
An organization's strategies should be opportunities and resources and resources and
12 values of past threats, resources,
designed so that they incorporate: threats. capabilities. capabilities.
organizations. and capabilities.
17 What are the guides to decision making? Rules Procedures Goals Policies Policies
Which of these is not a reason why some Competitive Honest difference of Poor reward Competitive
18 Laziness
firms do no strategic planning? leadership opinion structures leadership
Without a formal Without a strategic Without it, Because of slower Because of slower
Why of the following is the best reason strategic plan a plan an organization companies would economic growth, economic growth,
20 for why strategic planning is still company cannot can drift without exist without cause globalization and globalization and
important today? expect to purpose or or technological technological
compete effectively definition co-ordination change change
There is no There is no
What is the recommended length of an Less than 200 One sentence of 10 recommendation. It recommendation. It
21 One page
effective mission statement? words to 20 words. can be as long as the can be as long as the
management wants. management wants.
Determining the
Analysing the ext environment and the Functional level Financial planning Strategic planning Strategic planning
27 mission of the
organisations resources are part of the: planning process process process process
External Internal
Structural planning involves through the External& Internal External& Internal
35 environmental environmental Outside
study of environmetal factors environmetal factors
factors factors
Implement the
Are found in one- Develop their own marketing function's Develop their own
Carry out strategies
36 Strategic business units business unique way of strategic planning unique way of
assigned by the CEO
organisations competing and management competing
Strategic decisions are affected by the Business ethics and CEO of the Business ethics and
38 Board of directors Management
value system including ---- philosophy company philosophy
Managers Managers Managers
understanding of the Managers
Which of the following statements best understanding of the understanding the understanding the
organizations understanding of
41 describes the concept of strategic strategic options organizations organizations
history, current strategy and
awareness? available strategy, its strategy, its
competencies, and its effectiveness
to the organization effectiveness effectiveness
current strategy
Creating superior Creating superior
value to customers; value to customers;
Creating and
Which of the following is associated Creating superior Exploitation of key Exploitation of key Exploitation of key
42 maintaining strategic
with successful strategies? value to customers success factors success factors; success factors;
Creating and Creating and
maintaining strategic maintaining strategic
Understanding the
The understanding of what key element Understanding the Understanding the
needs and Understanding Understanding how
47 is essential for successful strategic processes of processes of
expectations of competencies to plan
planning? strategic change strategic change
Which of these is not a reason for why
Anxiety regarding Lack of necessary Poor strategic Lack of necessary
48 employees resist the implementation of Lack of knowledge
jobs strategic resources leadership strategic resources
strategic changes?
The primary and support activities Direct activities, Direct activities, Direct activities,
Direct activities, Direct activities,
contain a further subdivision of activities indirect activities indirect activities indirect activities
57 indirect activities indirect activities
that impact and quality and peripheral and quality
and learning and development
on competitive advantage. These are: assurance activities assurance