DLL - Math 4

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School: San Guillermo Archdiocesan School Inc. Grade Level: IV –St.

Learning Mathematics 4
Teacher: Ms. Vanessa Jane Obusa Area:
Teaching Dates and
Time: August 16 – 21, 2021 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 1st QUARTER


SUBJECT / Content Standards: Performance Standards Learning Competency Institutional Core Values

The learner demonstrates understanding The learner is able to recognize and represent Visualizes numbers up to 100 000 with Knowledge
MATHEMATICS 4 of whole numbers up to hundred whole numbers up to 100 000 in various emphasis on numbers 10 001-100 000.
thousand. forms and contexts. Wisdom
My Distance Gives the place value and value of a digit in
Learning The learner demonstrates understanding The learner is able to apply multiplication numbers up to 100 000. Excellence
Buddy multiplication and division of whole and division of whole numbers including
numbers including money. money in mathematical problems and real- Reads and writes numbers, in symbols, and in
(A Modular Textbook life situations. words, up to hundred thousand and compare
for the 21st Century them using relation symbols.
Rounds numbers to the nearest thousand and
SIBS Publishing ten thousand.
House Inc.
Orders numbers up to 100 000 in increasing
or decreasing order.

Multiplies numbers up to
3-digit numbers by up to
2-digit numbers without or with regrouping.

Estimates the products of 3- to 4-digit

numbers by 2- to 3- digit numbers with
reasonable results.

Multiplies numbers up to
3-digit numbers by up to
2-digit numbers without or with regrouping.

Solve routine and nonroutine problems

involving nultiplication of whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem-
solving strategies and tools.
Solve multi-step routine and nonroutine
problems involving multiplication and

Divides 3- to 4 -digit numbers by 1- to 2-

digit numbers without and with remainder.

Divides mentally 2 - to 4 -digit numbers by

tens or hundreds or by 1 000 without and
with remainder.

Estimates the quotient of 3 - to 4 -digit

dividends by 1 - to 2 -digit divisors with
reasonable results.

Solves routine and nonroutine problems

involving division of 3- to 4 -digit numbers
by 1- to 2 -digit numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.

Solves multi-step routine and nonroutine

problems involving division and any of the
other operations of whole numbers including
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.

Performs a series of two or more operations

applying Multiplication, Division, Addition,
Subtraction (MDAS) correctly.
LEARNING AREA August 16, 2021 August 17, 2021 August 18, 2021 August 19, 2021 August 20, 2021 August 21, 2021

Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Lesson:
MATHEMATICS 4 Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Consultation,
(1:00 – 1:40 PM) (1:00 – 1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) Remedial,
Asynchrononous Asynchrononous Synchronous Asynchrononous Synchronous
(1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM)

Lesson 1: Lesson 1: Cont. Lesson 1: Cont. Lesson 2: Lesson 2: Cont.

 Numbers Up to  Numbers Up to  Numbers Up to  Rounding,  Rounding,
Hundred Hundred Hundred Comparing, and Comparing, and
Thousands Thousands Thousands Ordering Numbers Ordering
Learning Target: Learning Target: Learning Target: Numbers
I can visualize numbers I can give the place value I can read and write Learning Target: Learning Target:
up to 100 000 with and value of a digit in numbers up to hundred I can compare and order I can round numbers to
emphasis on numbers 10 numbers up to 100 000. thousand in symbols and numbers up to 100 000 in the nearest thousand and
001 – 100 000. in words. increasing or decreasing ten thousand.

Activities: Activities: Activities: Activities: Activities:

Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management
System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks

Let’s Practice – page 121 Let’s Practice – page 122 Let’s Practice – page 123 Let’s Practice – page 125- Let’s Practice – page
128 130-131

References: References: References: References: References:

My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning
Buddy (118-120) Buddy (118-120) Buddy (118-120) Buddy (124-129) Buddy (124-129)
August 30, 2021 August 31, 2021 September 01, 2021 September 02, 2021 September 03, 2021 September 04, 2021

Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Lesson:
Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Consultation,
(1:00 – 1:40 PM) (1:00 – 1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) Remedial,
Asynchrononous Asynchrononous Synchronous Asynchrononous Synchronous
(1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM)

Lesson 3: Lesson 3: Cont. Lesson 3: Cont. Lesson 4: Lesson 4: Cont.

 Multiplication  Multiplication  Multiplication  Estimation and  Estimation and
Learning Target: Learning Target: Learning Target: Mental Mental
I can multiply numbers I can multiply numbers up I can multiply numbers up Multiplication Multiplication
up to 3-digit by up to 2- to 3-digit by up to 2-digit to 3-digit by up to 2-digit Learning Target: Learning Target:
digit numbers without numbers without and with numbers without and with I can multiply mentally 2- I can estimate products
and with regrouping. regrouping. regrouping. digit by 1-to 2-digit of 3- to 4-digit numbers
numbers with products up by 2- to 3- digit numbers
to 200 and explain the with reasonable results.
strategies used.

Activities: Activities: Activities: Activities: Activities:

Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management
System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks

Let’s Practice – page 138 Let’s Practice – page 138 Let’s Practice – page 139 Let’s Practice – page 144- Let’s Practice – page 146

References: References: References: References: References:

My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning
Buddy (page 132-137) Buddy (page 132-137) Buddy (page 132-137) Buddy (page 140-144) Buddy (page 140-144)
September 13, 2021 September 14, 2021 September 15, 2021 September 16, 2021 September 17, 2021 September 18, 2021

Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Lesson:
Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Consultation,
(1:00 – 1:40 PM) (1:00 – 1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) Remedial,
Asynchrononous Asynchrononous Synchronous Asynchrononous Synchronous
(1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM)

Lesson 5: Lesson 5: Cont. Lesson 5: Cont. Lesson 6: Lesson 6: Cont.

 Solving Word  Solving Word  Solving Word  Division  Division
Problems Problems Problems
Involving Involving Involving
Multiplication Multiplication Multiplication
Learning Target: Learning Target: Learning Target:
I can solve routine and I can solve routine and I can solve routine and Learning Target: Learning Target:
nonroutine problems nonroutine problems nonroutine problems I can divide 3- to 4-digit I can divide 3- to 4-digit
involving nultiplication involving nultiplication of involving nultiplication of numbers by 1- to 2-digit numbers by 1- to 2-digit
of whole numbers whole numbers including whole numbers including numbers without and with numbers without and
including money using money using appropriate money using appropriate remainder. with remainder.
appropriate problem- problem-solving strategies problem-solving strategies
solving strategies and and tools. and tools.

Activities: Activities: Activities: Activities: Activities:

Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management
System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks

Let’s Practice – page 150 Let’s Practice – page 150 Let’s Practice – page 151 Let’s Practice – page 157- Let’s Practice – page 159
References: References: References:
My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning References: References:
Buddy (page 147-149) Buddy (page 147-149) Buddy (page 147-149) My Distance Learning My Distance Learning
Buddy (page 152-156) Buddy (page 152-156)
September 27, 2021 September 28, 2021 September 29, 2021 September 20, 2021 October 01, 2021 October 02, 2021

Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Lesson:
Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Consultation,
(1:00 – 1:40 PM) (1:00 – 1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) Remedial,
Asynchrononous Asynchrononous Synchronous Asynchrononous Synchronous
(1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM)

Lesson 7: Lesson 7: Cont. Lesson 7: Cont. Lesson 8: Lesson 8: Cont.

 Estimation and  Estimation and  Estimation and  Solving Word  Solving Word
Mental Division Mental Division Mental Division Problems Problems
Involving Division Involving
Learning Target: Learning Target: Learning Target: Learning Target: Learning Target:
I can divides mentally 2- I can divides mentally 2-to I can estimate the quotient I can solve routine and I can solve routine and
to 4-digit numbers by 4-digit numbers by tens or of 3- to 4-digit dividends nonroutine problems nonroutine problems
tens or hundreds or by 1 hundreds or by 1 000 by1- to 2-digit divisors involving division 3- to 4- involving division 3- to
000 without and with without and with with reasonable results. digit numbers by 4-digit numbers by
remainder. remainder. appropriate problem- appropriate problem-
solving strategies and solving strategies and
tools. tools.

Activities: Activities: Activities: Activities: Activities:

Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management
System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks

Let’s Practice – page 163 Let’s Practice – page 164 Let’s Practice – page 165 Let’s Practice – page 169- Let’s Practice – page 171

References: References: References: References: References:

My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning
Buddy (page 160-162) Buddy (page 160-162) Buddy (page 160-162) Buddy (page 166-168) Buddy (page 166-168)
October 11, 2021 October 12, 2021 October 13, 2021 October 14, 2021 October 15, 2021 October 16, 2021

Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Lesson:
Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Consultation,
(1:00 – 1:40 PM) (1:00 – 1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) (1:00-1:40 PM) Remedial,
Asynchrononous Asynchrononous Synchronous Asynchrononous Synchronous
(1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM) (1:40 – 2:20 PM)

Lesson 9: Lesson 9: Cont. Lesson 9: Cont. Lesson 9: Cont. Lesson 9: Cont.

 Order of  Order of  Order of  Order of  Order of
Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations
Learning Target: Learning Target: Learning Target: Learning Target: Learning Target:
I can perform a series of I can perform a series of I can perform a series of I can perform a series of I can perform a series of
two or more operations two or more operations two or more operations two or more operations two or more operations
applying Multiplication, applying Multiplication, applying Multiplication, applying Multiplication, applying Multiplication,
Division, Addition, Division, Addition, Division, Addition, Division, Addition, Division, Addition,
Subtraction (MDAS) Subtraction (MDAS) Subtraction (MDAS) Subtraction (MDAS) Subtraction (MDAS)
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.

Activities: Activities: Activities: Activities: Activities:

Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management Learning Management
System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks System – Aralinks

Let’s Practice – page 176 Let’s Practice – page 176 Let’s Practice – page176 Let’s Practice – page 177 Let’s Practice – page 177

References: References: References: References: References:

My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning My Distance Learning
Buddy (page 172-175) Buddy (page 172-175) Buddy (page 172-175) Buddy (page 172-175) Buddy (page 172-175)

A. Number of ___Lesson carried. Move on ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move ___Lesson carried. Move
to the next objective. the next objective. the next objective. the next objective. on to the next objective. on to the next objective.
Students with 80% ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
Mastery _____% of the pupils got _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got _____% of the pupils got
80% mastery mastery mastery mastery 80% mastery 80% mastery

B. Number of ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found
answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. difficulties in answering
Students Need ___Pupils were interested on ___Pupils were interested on the ___Pupils were interested on the ___Pupils did not enjoy the ___Pupils were interested on their lesson.
Remediation the lesson, despite of some lesson, despite of some lesson, despite of some lesson because of lack of the lesson, despite of some ___Pupils were interested
difficulties encountered in difficulties encountered in difficulties encountered in knowledge, skills and interest difficulties encountered in on the lesson, despite of
answering the questions asked answering the questions asked answering the questions asked about the lesson. answering the questions asked some difficulties
by the teacher. by the teacher. by the teacher. ___Pupils were interested on by the teacher. encountered in answering
___Pupils mastered the lesson ___Pupils mastered the lesson ___Pupils mastered the lesson the lesson, despite of some ___Pupils mastered the lesson the questions asked by the
despite of limited resources despite of limited resources used despite of limited resources used difficulties encountered in despite of limited resources teacher.
used by the teacher. by the teacher. by the teacher. answering the questions asked used by the teacher. ___Pupils mastered the
___Majority of the pupils ___Majority of the pupils ___Majority of the pupils by the teacher. ___Majority of the pupils lesson despite of limited
finished their work on time. finished their work on time. finished their work on time. ___Pupils mastered the lesson finished their work on time. resources used by the
___Some pupils did not finish ___Some pupils did not finish ___Some pupils did not finish despite of limited resources used ___Some pupils did not finish teacher.
their work on time due to their work on time due to their work on time due to by the teacher. their work on time due to
unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior. ___Majority of the pupils unnecessary behavior.
finished their work on time.
___Some pupils did not finish
their work on time due to
unnecessary behavior.

Checked by: Noted by:

Mrs. Angelita P. Nava Mr. June P. Sotto

Asst. Principal School Director

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