Curriculum Vitae: 1. Personal Profile
Curriculum Vitae: 1. Personal Profile
Curriculum Vitae: 1. Personal Profile
1. Personal Profile
2. Personal Data
#Senate member Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada
University, 2007-present
#Head of Psychiatric Clinical Training For Resident
Faculty of Med-GMU, 2010-2013
#Head of Psychiatric Medical Services Sardjito
Hospital, 2011-2013
#Asst. Vice Dean on Student Affair and Alumni,
#Head of Psychiatry Department Faculty of Medicine
Gadjah Mada University, 2016-present
3. Research Project/Interest
4. Course Subject/Training/Workshop
4. TOT (Training on Tutors) for Psychiatrists, GPs, Nurses and Community Leaders
after Jogja’s Earthquake May 27 2006, collaboration between WHO, IOM, MoH,
PHO and DHO, July-Oct, Jogjakarta, Indonesia (2006)
5. TOT (Training on Tutors) for Psychiatrists, GPs, Nurses and Community Leaders
after Jogja’s Earthquake May 27 2006, collaboration between WHO, IOM, MoH,
PHO and DHO, July-Oct, Jogjakarta, Indonesia (2006). As trainer
6. Management on Mental Health Post Disaster. 2nd International Training on
Emergency and Disaster Management, Jogjakarta, Indonesia 16-29 June 2008. As
7. Counseling on Mental Health. Training on Social Worker 17-22 Nov. 2008,
Provincial Social Office, Jogjakarta, Indonesia. As trainer.
8. Assesment on Mental Health.Training on Social Worker 25-30 Mei. 2009,
Provincial Social Office, Jogjakarta, Indonesia. As trainer.
9. Assessment and Therapeutic Communication on Mental Health and Psychosocial
Problems Post Disaster, International Summer Course 2009 “ Disaster Medicine
and Management” In Collaboration with WHO, UGM and CIMSA, July 5-17
2009, Faculty of Medicine GMU, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. As trainer.
10. Course on MMPI, Suharto Heerjan Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia (2007)
11. Training on Quality Assurance System for University, GadjahMada University
12. Training for Trainers of Skills Lab Instructors, Faculty of Medicine, GadjahMada
University (2008)
13. Training of Clinical Teacher for Clinical Rotation and Specialist Doctor in
Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, GadjahMada University (2010)
14. General Training of Instructor Skills Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine,
GadjahMada University (2010)
15. TOT for Adolescent Resilience in the Community Post Disaster, Sardjito Hospital,
Jogjakarta, 1-4 March 2011.
16. Training on Clinical Teacher for Clinical Rotation and Resident in Teaching and
Networking Hospital, Feb 20-21 Feb 2010, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
17. TOT for Adolescent Resilience in the Community Post Disaster, Sardjito Hospital,
Jogjakarta, 1-4 March 2011.
18. National Workshop for Examiner and Trainer for Indonesian Doctor Competency
Examination, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 18 Feb 2012.
19. Training on Psychiatry Quality Assurance by Indonesia Psychiatry Collegium,
July 4-5 2012, Bandung.
20. Wokshop Effective Clinical Teaching, Institute for Medical Education, University
Medical Centre Groningen, 5-8 May 2013, Groningen, Netherland.
21. Training Ethics in Clinical Research, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah
Mada, 24-25 Feb 2014
22. Training Ethics in Tropical Medicine and Public Health Research, Faculty of
Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 24-25 Feb 2014
23. Training in Implementation Mental Health Studies. Department of Global Health
and Social Medicine Harvard Medical School. April-May 2014.
24. Motivation Training, Sardjito Hospital, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 23-24 June 2014.
25. Training for Mendeley References Management. Faculty of Medicine, 12 August
26. Training for Prezi Presentation. Faculty of Medicine, 13 August 2015.
27. Workshop on Business Strategies for Integrated Teaching Hospital, Sardjito
Hospital, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 2-3 September 2014.
28. Psychiatric and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Workshop and Training, 24-28
August 2015.
6. Award/Scholarship
9. General Directorate for Higher Education Grant for PhD Sandwich-like Program
to Orygen Youth Health, Early Psychosis Clinic, Melbourne University, Nov-
Dec 2010.
10. Best Achievement Award (2nd) as Medical Lecturer on 2010, awarded in 65
years Anniversary of Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University (March 4
11. General Directorate for Higher Education-Gadjah Mada University Grant for
Doctoral/PhD Research (2011).
7. Community Service
16. Speaker on Seminar on Stress, Mental Illness and Management. Prevention,
Therapy and Rehabilitation, Puri Nirmala Hospital, April 14 2012. Title: Mental
Disorder and Management.
17. Examiner on Indonesian Doctor Competency Examination, Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 28 April 2012.
18. Speaker on Talk Show in Jogja Family Radio 100.9 FM Jogjakarta on July17
19. Guest Speaker on SCORA-School Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah
Mada 11 November 2012. Title: Sexual Orientation.
20. Guest Speaker on CIMSA-SCORE Training of Research Exchange. Faculty of
Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada 23 March 2013. Title: Mental Health and
Psychosocial Problems Post Disaster.
21. Examiner on Indonesian Doctor Competency Examination, Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 18-19 May 2013.
22. Lecturer in CIMSA’s Gadjah Mada Course on Disaster Management
(GAMACOASTER), Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, 21-31 July
23. Speaker in CIMSA-TORCH, Training of Researcher, Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 8 March 2014.
24. Speaker in CIMSA’s Silent Movie Discussion, Faculty of Medicine Universitas
Gadjah Mada, 7 April 2014.
25. Speaker in Anxiety Disorder Workshop, Jambuluwuk Hotel, 23-24 August 2014
26. Speaker in Academic Advisor Workshop, Faculty of Medicine Universitas
Gadjah Mada, Oct 14 2014
27. Speaker in Looking on Angguk Dance Culture from Academic and Psychiatry
Perspective, Vocation School, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Nov 15 2014
28. Speaker in Maternal Mental Health, Solo Mental Hospital, 10 Dec 2014
29. Speaker in CIMSA-TORCH, Training of Researcher, Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 14 March 2015.
30. Speaker in CIMSA-TORCH, Training of Researcher, Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 12 March 2016.
8. Industrial Project
1. WHO National Consultant for Mental Health (Jogja Office), August- November
2. Consultant for Consumer Satisfaction Survey in Ghrasia Hospital Jogjakarta,
October-December 2006
3. Provincial Government’s Consultant for Ghrasia Mental Hospital 2015
9. Research Grant
3. Research Grant for advisor of undergraduate student Gadjah Mada University
4. Grant for International Presentation Gadjah Mada University (2007)
5. Grant for International Presentation Gadjah Mada University (2008)
6. Grant for PhD Program Faculty of Med. Gadjah Mada University (2008)
7. Grant for Education for Psychiatric Residency Module (Emergency Psychiatry)
Gadjah Mada University (2009)
8. Grant on International Collaboration Research (Co PI) High Education
Directorate (2009)
9. Grant for International Presentation GadjahMada University (2009)
10. Grant for research on Doctor’s Dissertation Gadjah Mada University (2011)
11. USAID Grant for Inter-University Partnership to Improve Mental Health Care
in Indonesia with Prof Byron Good, Prof Mary-Jo Good and Prof. Subandi as PI
12. Research Grant for Advisor of psychiatry resident Gadjah Mada University
13. Dubai Project-Harvard University Funding for Implementation and Evaluation
of an Integrated Mental Health Program At Community Health Centres In
Yogyakarta with Prof Byron Good, Prof Mary-Jo Good and Prof. Subandi as PI
10.Society Membership
11.Scientific Activities
9. The International Conference of Developing Comprehensive Mental Health
System and Acute Psychotic Meeting, Shanghai, China, 14-18 June, 2005.
10. IDAJI, (Indonesian Psychiatrist Association Congress) Medan, Indonesia, 8-12
July, 2005.
11. XIII World Psychiatric Congress, Cairo, Egypt, 10-15 Sept. 2005.
12. Pan Asia Pacific Congress on Mental Health IV, Shanghai, China, 14-17 Nov.
13. CINP (Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum) Regional
Meeting, Pattaya, Thailand, 14-17 March 2006.
14. 1st National Congress on Islamic Mental Health, Solo, Indonesia, July 1-2 2006.
15. 25th CINP (Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum)
International Meeting, Chicago, USA, July 9-13 2006.
16. TOT for Psychiatrists, GPs, Nurses and Community Leaders after Jogja’s
Earthquake May 27 2006, collaboration between WHO, IOM, MoH, PHO and
DHO, July-Oct 2006, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
17. 12th PRCP (Pacific Rim College of Psychiatry), Taipei, Taiwan, 5-8 Oct 2006.
18. Schizophrenia Congress IV, Batam, Indonesia, 17-29 Nov 2006.
19. Workshop on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Policy Makers and
Stake Holders in Jogja Province. Conducted by Jogja Provincial Health Office
and WHO, Mercure Hotel, 21-22 Desember 2006, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
20. Word Psychiatric Association Regional Meeting, Seoul, Korea, April 18-21
21. 1st Congress on ADHD, Wurzburg, Germany, June 2-5 2007.
22. PIDT (Biannual Meeting of Indonesian Psychiatric Association) Palembang,
July 3-5 2007.
23. 3rd National Meeting on Pain, Headache, and Vertigo, Surakarta, 4-6 July 2008.
24. Workshop on Early Psychosis, Harvard Medical School-Asia Center, Sanur,
Bali, Indonesia, 26 July-2 August 2008.
25. XIV World Psychiatric Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-25 Sept. 2008.
26. 6th International Conference on Early Psychosis, Melbourne, Australia, 20-22
October 2008.
27. Schizophrenia Congress V, Lombok, Indonesia, 24-26 October 2008.
28. Update Psychopharmacology in The Treatment of Psychotic Disorder and
Clinical Experience of Using Aripiprazole, Sardjito Hospital, Jogjakarta
Indonesia, 14 Feb. 2009.
29. Teachers of Psychiatry Conference, National University of Singapore,
Singapore, 23-24 February 2009.
30. Annual Scientific Meeting 2009, Faculty of Medicine GadjahMada University,
Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 6-8 March 2009.
31. Finding The Missing Link in Energy Metabolism Symposium, Semarang,
Indonesia, 14 March 2009.
32. Expert Meeting Forum: Functionality Attainment in Schizophrenia Treatment,
Jakarta, Indonesia, 28 Maret 2009.
33. CINP (Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologium) Meeting in
Major Psychoses and Substance Abuse, Edinburgh, Scotland, 25-27 April 2009.
34. Sleep and Health: Improving The Quality of Life, Faculty of Medicine,
GadjahMada University, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 2 May 2009.
35. Hypnotherapy on Clinical Psychiatry, Communication Forum on Private
Mental Hospital and Psychiatric Private Practices Meeting, The Dharmawangsa
Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia, 30 Mei 2009.
36. World Federation of Mental Health Congress 2009, Athena, Greece, 2-6
September 2009.
37. IDAJI, (Indonesian Psychiatrist Association Congress) Menado, Indonesia, 3-
5 Nov, 2009.
38. 2nd World Congress of Asian Psychiatry and Workshop on Mental Health, 7-
10 Nov. 2009 in conjunction with System Development for Severe Mental
Illness in Asian Countries, Taipei, Taiwan, 2-12 November 2009.
39. Anger Management in Marriage Conflict, Communication Forum on Private
Mental Hospital and Psychiatric Private Practices Meeting, Four Seasons Hotel,
Jakarta, Indonesia, 21 November 2009.
40. The Workshop on Educational Communication Skills Guidelines Suitable for
The Southeast Asian Context, Medical Education Department, Faculty of
Medicine, GadjahMada University, Feb 9 2010.
41. Indonesia Mental Hospital Revitalization Seminar, March 22 2010, Jogjakarta,
42. Annual Scientific meeting 2010, March 4-6 2010, Faculty of Medicine,
Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
43. 3rd National Conference of Psychotherapy, Jakarta, 1-2 May 2010.
44. American Psychiatric Association Congress, New Orleans, US, 22-26 May
45. The Workshop on Workbased Learning and Assessment (The Bed Side
Teaching in Clinical Education), Faculty of Medicine, GadjahMada University,
June28 2010.
46. 1st Community Psychiatry National Congress, Jakarta, 13 October 2010.
47. Schizophrenia Congress VI, Jakarta, 14-16 October 2010.
48. 7th International Conference on Early Psychosis, Amsterdam, Netherland, 29
Nov- 1 Dec 2010.
49. Dementia Management Seminar, Jogjakarta, 15 January 2011.
50. Concentration and Memory Symposium, Jakarta, 27 February 2011.
51. Annual Scientific Meeting, Safety and Quality in Health, Faculty of Medicine
Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta, 27 February-13 March 2011.
52. Indonesian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Association Congres, 5-7 May
2011, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
53. American Geriatric Society Meeting, 11-14 May 2011, Washington DC, USA.
54. IDAJI, (Indonesian Psychiatrist Association Congress) Bandung, Indonesia, 1-
5 July, 2011.
55. 7th National Congress on Neurology, Manado, 21-23 Juli 2011.
56. 1st Mental Health Policy Conference and 2nd Community Psychiatry National
Congress, Jakarta, 7-9 October 2011.
57. WPA Regional Meeting, 3-7 Nov 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
58. The Health System Reform in Asia Conference 2011, 9-12 Dec 2011, Hong
59. Workshop Inter-University Partnership to Improve Mental Health Care in
Indonesia, 3-4 Januari 2012, Fakultas Psikologi-UGM, Jogjakarta.
60. 1st Bipolar National Conference, Surabaya 9-10 March 2012.
61. Annual Scientific Meeting, Safety and Quality in Health, Faculty of Medicine
Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta, 25 February-22 March 2012.
62. 28th CINP World Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology, June 3-7 2012,
Stockholm, Swedia.
63. Building Mental Health Capacity in Culturally Diverse Indonesia, Open
Lecture by Prof Byron Good, Universitas Gadjah Mada, July 16 2012
64. The World Psychiatric Association Regional Meeting, Mental Health and
Disaster: Beyond Emergency Response,13-15 September 2012, Nusa Dua,
65. CLP National Seminar, Psychiatry is Where Mental and Body Collide,Oct 6
2012, Jogjakarta.
66. International Conference on Residency Education, Oct 18-20 2012, Ottawa,
67. The 3rd Asian Conference on Schizophrenia Research, 14-16 February 2013,
Sanur, Bali.
68. 1st National Congress on Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 8-10 March 2013,
69. 4th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies, 8-10 June
2013, Lhokseumawe, Aceh.
70. 25th Regional Scientific Meeting Indonesian Neurologist Asociation, Surakarta,
28-29 June 2013.
71. 21st World Congress Social Psychiatry, 29 June-3 July 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
72. Expert Meeting: Long Term Treatment of Chronic Mental Disorders, Melia
Purosani Hotel, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 19 April 2014.
73. Joint Congress of European Neurology. Istanbul, Turkey, May 31-June 2, 2014.
74. Seminar Profesional Behavior and Ethicomedicolegal, Sahid Rich Hotel,
Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 24 August 2014.
75. National Seminar on Community Empowerment in Mental Health
Collaborative Care for The Management of Mental Disorders, Faculty of
Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 6 Sept 2014.
76. Annual Scientific Meeting 2015, 20 Feb-31 March 2015.
77. Mini Symposium Dementia, 25 April 2015.
78. 2nd National Conference on Bipolar Disorder. Oct 8-10 2015, Malang,
79. WPAIC 2015, TICC, 18-22 November 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
80. International Symposium on Biomedical Sciences Translational Neuroscience,
11-12 December 2015, Faculty of Medicine UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
81. Seminar Visum et Repertum Psikiatrikum, 23 January 2016, University Club
UGM, Yogyakarta.
14. Working Experiences
15. Publication
1. Soemarno, Pratiti B, Marchira C. Correlation Between The Personal Assessment
Intimacy Relationship And Antisocial Behavior In Adolescent Of Poor Family
On Economic Crisis In Yogyakarta, Indonesian Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Volume 7. No. 3 December, 2000.
2. Marchira, C. The Relationship Between Neurotic Trend And The Fondness For
Sport In Students Of Medical School GadjahMada University, Indonesian
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Volume 9. No.2 August, 2002.
3. Marchira C, Soewadi. Contribution Of Social Support Towards Insomnia In
Elderly Patients At Geriatric Outpatient Department, Sardjito General Hospital
Yogyakarta.Sardjito Hospital Clinical Health Journal(Berkala Kesehatan
Klinik), Vol. XI No 1, June 2005.
4. Marchira, C. Psychiatric Symptoms On Brain Tumor: Location And Management.
Sardjito Hospital Clinical Health Journal(Berkala Kesehatan Klinik), Vol. XI
No 2, Dec. 2005.
5. Soemarno, Marchira C, Pratiti B. The Impact Of Economic Crisis Towards
Antisocial Behavior Of Adolescent In Yogyakarta, Indonesian Journal of
Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Volume 13 No. 1 April, 2006.
6. Marchira, C, Ono, H, Nishiguchi, N, Shirakawa, O, Maeda, K. Association
Analysis of 5HT6 receptor variant (C267T) with Schizophrenia in Japanese
population.Indonesian Journal of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics,
Volume 13. No. 3 Dec., 2006.
7. Marchira, C., Wirasto. RT, Sumarni DW. The Influence of Psychosocial Factors
and Insomnia towards Depression in Elderly of Jogjakarta City. Community
Medical Journal(Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat),Volume 23 No. 1, March
8. Marchira, C, Suyanto DH, Rochmawati I. Acute Stress Reaction In Jogjakarta
Earthquake’s Victims Of May 27 2006 Who Were Hospitalized In Sardjito
Hospital. Sardjito Hospital Clinical Health Journal(Berkala Kesehatan Klinik),
Vol. XIII No 1, June 2007.
9. Marchira, C. Insomnia in Elderly and Management. Sardjito Hospital Clinical
Health Journal(Berkala Kesehatan Klinik), Vol. XIII No 2, Dec. 2007.
10. Marchira, C, AmyliaY, Winarso MS. Correlation Between Domestic Violence
And Anxiety Among Women Who Have Consultation In RifkaAnnisaWomens
Crisis Center Yogyakarta. Community MedicalJournal(Berita Kedokteran
Masyarakat),Vol. 23 No. 3, Sept. 2007.
11. Fitrie, AA, Marchira C, Rina S. Association Study of Serotonin 6 (5-Ht6)
Receptor Gene Polymorphism with Schizophrenia. Study in Javanese at D.I.
Yogyakarta. IndonesianPsychiatricQuarterly(Jiwa), year XXXX No. 4, Oct.
12. Marchira, C. Rapid Assessment on Mental Health Post Jogjakarta Earthquake: 3
Suicide Cases Report. Community Medical Journal(Berita Kedokteran
Masyarakat), Vol. 23 No. 4, Des. 2007.
13. Novita, NC, Marchira, C, Sumarni, Correlation Between Student’s Perception
Towards Tutorial and Study’s Achievement in Block 16 “Endocrine and
Metabolism” in GMU Medical School.The Indonesian Journal of Medical and
Health Profession Education(Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran dan Profesi
Kesehatan Indonesia)Vol. 3 No. 3, Sept. 2008.
14. Marchira, C, Sumarni, Lusia, PW. The Correlation Between Family’s Expressed
Emotion and Relapse Rate of Schizophrenia Patients in Dr. Sardjito Hospital
Jogjakarta.Community Medical Journal(Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat),Vol.
24 No. 4, Des. 2008.
15. Vinatalia, R, Marchira, C, Winarso MS. Correlation Between Domestic Violence
And Depression Among Women Who Have Consultation In Rifka Annisa
Womens Crisis Center Yogyakarta. Nursing Journal (Jurnal Keperawatan),Vol.
04 No. 01, Jan. 2009.
16. Nurhasanah, Kushadiwijaya H, Marchira, C. Relationship Between Level of
Depression and Quality of Life of The Community at Disaster Area, Post Earth-
quake in The District of Sleman, 2008.Community Medical Journal(Berita
Kedokteran Masyarakat),Vol. 25 No. 1, Mar. 2009.
17. Siagian JMC, Marchira C, Siswati AS. The Influence of Stigma and
Depressionon Quality of Life of Leprosy Patients.Journal of The Medical
Sciences(Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran),Vol. 41, No. 1, March 2009.
18. Marchira, C. Doctor VS Traditional Healers in Mental Disorder Therapy.
Mediaefkagama, XVIII, No. 5, May 2009.
19. Anisa Renang, Marchira, C.Different Perception Between Integration And Non-
Integration Primary Care Doctor InKlaten Regency Towards Schizophrenia
Patient.Community Medical Journal(Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat),Vol.
25 No. 2, June 2009.
29. Suyamto, YayiSuryo, Marchira, C. The Influence of Muscle Relaxation in
Decreasing The Anxiety Score of T-MAS in Student Facing Final Examination
Programme in Notokusumo Nursing Academy Yogyakarta. Community
Medical Journal(Berita KedokteranMasyarakat),Vol. 25 No. 3, September
21. Ratna Dewi, Marchira C. Family Histories of Mental disorder and Relapse in
Schizophrenic Patient in Sardjito Hospital Jogjakarta.Community Medical
Journal(Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat),Vol.25 No. 4, Dec. 2009.
22. Anindita YP, Marchira C, Prabandari YS. Distress, Anxiety, and Depression in
Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy. Community Medical
Journal (Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat),Vol. 26 No. 1, March. 2010.
23. Kurniawati, DE, Warsini, S, Marchira, CR. Descriptive Study Of Alcohol,
Smoking And Substance Involvement Screening Test At D3 Engineering Faculty
Students Of GadjahMada University. Community Medical Journal (Berita
Kedokteran Masyarakat),Vol. 26 No. 2, June. 2010.
24. Astiningsih, NWW, Marchira C, Sedyowinarso, M. Correlation Between Locus
Control and Depression Among Nursing Students.Community Medical Journal
(Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat),Vol. 26 No. 3, Dec. 2010.
25. Apriani, SD, Marchira C, Soewadi. The Difference of Husband and Wife
Relationship Based on Children with Attention Deficit/Hiperactivity Disorder
Tendency Existence.Community Medical Journal(Berita Kedokteran
Masyarakat),Vol. 27 No. 4, Dec. 2010.
26. Marchira, CR. Integration of Mental Health in Primary Care in Indonesia: A
Review of The Current Challenges. The Indonesian Journal of Health Service
Management (Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan),Vol 14 No. 03,
Sept, 2011.
27. Y. Wibowo, M. Hakimi, C.R. Marchira. Common Mental Disorder Increase
Pre-Eclampsia/Eclampsia Risks in Pregnancy, Universa Medicina, Vol. 32
No.1, Jan-April, 2013.
28. Marchira C, Puspitasari, WA, Rochmawati, I, Mulyani, S. Evaluation of Primary
Health Workers Training Program to Provide Psychoeducation to Family
Caregivers of Persons with Psychotic Disorder. Journal of The Medical
Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran),Vol. 47, No. 1, March 2015.
29. Carla R. Marchira, Irwan Supriyanto, Subandi, Soewadi & Byron J. Good
(2015): The Association Between Duration Of Untreated Psychosis In First
Psychotic Episode Patients And Help Seeking Behaviors In Jogjakarta,
Indonesia, International Journal of Culture and Mental Health,
30. Marchira, C. Doctor’s Professionalism VS Mental Revolution. Mediaefkagama,
Vol 10, Ed. 1, Dies Natalis 70, March, 2016.
31. Mamnuah, Intansari Nurjannah, Yayi Suryo Prabandari, Carla Raymondalexas
Marchira. Literature Review of Mental Health Recovery in
Indonesia. Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) Vol.3 No.2, June
9. Marchira C. Coordinator Team Block: Module on Teaching Block C.4
(Adolescent and Adulthood), for Medical Faculty Undergraduate Student.
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada (2016).
Proceeding/Speaker on Conference
15. Acute Stress Reaction in Jogjakarta Earthquake’s Victims of May 27 2006
Who were Hospitalized in Sardjito Hospital. Presented in 1st National
Congress on Islamic Mental Health, Solo, Indonesia, July 1-2 2006.
16. Rapid Assessment on Mental Health Post Jogjakarta Earthquake: 3 Suicide
CasesReport.Presented in 12th PRCP Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan (5-8 Oct.
17. International Pilot Study of Onset of Schizophrenia: The Early Psychosis in
Jogjakarta. Presented in 12th PRCP Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan (5-8 Oct. 2006).
18. Early Detection on Mental Health and Management in Primary Care. Paper
presented for Mental Health Programmer in DIY Province, 10-11 November 2006,
Bapelkes, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
19. The influence of psychosocial factors and insomnia toward depression in
elderly at Yogyakarta district. Scientific Paper.
20. Insomnia in Elderly and Management. Scientific Paper.
21. Disaster Management on Mental Health: Lesson Learned from Jogja’s
Earthquake, Indonesia. Paper presented for World Psychiatric Association
Regional Meeting, Seoul, Korea, April 18-21 2007.
22. Correlation Between Domestic Violence And Anxiety Among Women Who
Have Consultation In RifkaAnnisaWomens Crisis Center Yogyakarta. Paper
presented for PIDT (Biannual Meeting of Indonesian Psychiatric Association
Palembang, July 3-5 2007.
23. Service Utilization and Activities on Mental Health Post Jogja’s Earthquake.
Paper presented for PIDT (Biannual Meeting of Indonesian Psychiatric
Association) Palembang, July 3-5 2007.
24. Anxiety and Depression as Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and
Management in Primary Care. Paper presented for National Seminar in
Clinical Up Dates, Jogjakarta, 8-9 Sept 2007.
25. An Overview of IPSOS, Jogjakarta Site. Paper presented on Workshop on Early
Psychosis, International Pilot Study of Onset of Schizophrenia, Harvard Medical
School-Asia Center, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia, 26 July-2 August 2008.
26. Stigma and The Family: Findings on IPSOS. Paper presented on 6th
International Conference on Early Psychosis, Melbourne, Australia, 20-22
October 2008.
27. The Correlation Between Family’s Expressed Emotion And Relapse Rate Of
Schizophrenia Patients In Dr. Sardjito Hospital Jogyakarta. Paper presented
forSchizophrenia Congress V, Lombok, Indonesia, 24-26 October 2008.
28. Counseling on Mental Health. Paper Presented for Training on Social
Worker 17-22 Nov. 2008, Provincial Social Office, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
29. Assesment on Mental Health. Paper Presented for Training on Social Worker
25-30 Mei. 2009, Provincial Social Office, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
30. Bioethics in Community Mental Health. Paper presented for Bioethics
Exchange,Taipei Medical University-GadjahMada Medical School
Workshop, June 26 2009, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
31.Assessment and Therapeutic Communication on Mental Health and
Psychosocial Problems Post Disaster, Paper Presented for International
SummerCourse 2009 “ Disaster Medicine and Management” In
Collaboration with WHO, UGM and CIMSA, July 5-17 2009, Faculty of
Medicine GMU,Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
32. Evaluation on Psychiatry Study in Curriculum Based Competence and Life
Cycle in Faculty of Medicine GMU.Presented in National Congress of
PDSKJI(Indonesian Psychiatrist Association Congress), Menado,
Indonesia, November 3-5 2009.
33. Integration of mental health into Primary Health Care in Indonesia: A review of
the Current Challenges. Paper presented in 2nd World Congress of Asian
Psychiatry and Workshop on Mental Health, 7-10 Nov. 2009.
34. Psychosomatic Disorder and Management. Paper presented in Annual Scientific
Meeting (ASM) 2010 Faculty of Medicine, GadjahMada University, Jogjakarta,
March 6 2010.
35. Correlation Between Psychosocial Factorsand InsomniaIn Lokapala Hospital
Geriatric Association. Paper presented in 3rd National Conference of
Psychotherapy, Jakarta, 1-2 May 2010.
36. Assessment and Therapeutic Communication on Mental Health andPsychosocial
Problems Post Disaster, Paper Presented for International SummerCourse 2010
“Disaster Medicine and Management” In Collaboration with WHO, UGM and
CIMSA, July 11-23 2010, Faculty of Medicine GMU,Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
37. Sekar Arum – Women and Child Comprehensive Crisis Service Unit –
DrSardjitoHospital, Jogjakarta: Trend or Needs? Paper Presented for 1st
Community Psychiatry National Congress, Jakarta, 13 October 2010.
38. A Review on Early Psychotic Research in Jogjakarta. Paper Presented for
Schizophrenia Congress VI, Jakarta, 14-16 October 2010.
39. Empowering Relatives to Reduce the Stigma of Psychotic Illness: Year 1
Instrument Validation and Subject Profile. Paper Presented for Schizophrenia
Congress VI, Jakarta, 14-16 October 2010.
40. Psychosocial Factors of Early Onset Psychosis. Paper Presented for Indonesian
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Association Congres, 5-7 May 2011,
Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
41. Evaluation on Learning Process Monitoring System. Paper presented for
Workshop on Evaluation of Learning Process Monitoring System. Medical Faculty
Universitas Islam Indonesia, 6-7 June 2011.
42. Schizophrenia Knowledge Module for Caregiver of Early Psychosis Patients.
Paper Presented for 2nd Community Psychiatry National Congress, Jakarta, 7-9
October 2011.
43. Sandwich-like in Early Psychosis Clinic in Melbourne, Australia. Paper presented
for Sandwich-like Program National Seminar, Jogjakarta, 15 October 2011.
44. A Study of the Effectiveness of a Brief Interactive Psychoeducation Intervention
for Schizophrenia in Increasing the Knowledge of Caregivers Concerning the
Management of Early Psychosis in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Paper presented for
Workhop for Community Mental Health in Developing Countries in conjunction
with WPA Regional Meeting, 3-7 November 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
45. Psychosocial Factors which Influence Student’s Mental health. Paper presented for
Mental Health in School, Psychology Faculty Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2
December 2011.
46. A Study of the Effectiveness of a Brief Interactive Psychoeducation Intervention
for Schizophrenia in Increasing the Knowledge of Caregivers Concerning the
Management of Early Psychosis in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Poster presentation in
The Health System Reform in Asia Conference 2011, 9-12 Dec 2011, Hong Kong.
47. The Correlation of Social Support with Depression on Survivor Who Live in
Temporary Shelter in Umbulharjo Village, Cangkringan After Merapi Eruption.
Paper Presented for The World Psychiatric Association Regional Meeting, Mental
Health and Disaster: Beyond Emergency Response,13-15 September 2012, Nusa
Dua, Bali.
48. A Study of the Effectiveness of a Brief Interactive Psychoeducation Intervention
for Schizophrenia in Increasing the Knowledge of Caregivers and Patient’s
Compliance Concerning the Management of Early Psychosis in Jogjakarta,
Indonesia. Paper Presented for The 3rd Asian Conference on Schizophrenia
Research, 14-16 February 2013, Sanur, Bali.
49. Non Epileptic Seizures. Paper Presented for 1st National Congress on Consultation
Liaison Psychiatry, 8-10 March 2013, Jogjakarta.
50. Training on Mental Health For Primary Health Care Workers to Provide
Psychoeducation to Family Care Providers of Persons with A Psychotic Disorder.
Lesson Learnt from Jogja’s Earthquake. Paper Presented for 4th International
Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies, 8-10 June 2013, Lhokseumawe,
51. Religion and Spirituality Research Development in Psychiatry Based on Evidence
Based Medicine. Paper presented for National Congress VII Indonesian
Psychiatric Association, Oct 31- Nov 2 2013, Shangri-La Hotel, Surabaya.
52. Handling Aggression and Suicide In Mental Disorders Patients.Paper presented in
Clinical Updates 2014, Feb 9 2014, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada
Auditorium, Yogyakarta.
53. Sexual Problems and Simple Counseling in Adolescents. Paper presented for
Clinical Updates in Reproduction Health , Annual Scientific Meeting 2014, Feb 28
2014, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada Auditorium, Yogyakarta.
54. Management on Violence and Aggressiveness of Schizophrenic Patient. Paper
presented for Workshop on Treatment Management of Mental Disorder in Daily
Practice. Grand Aston Yogyakarta, March 1 2014.
55. How to Make Decision to Vulnerable Subjects. Presented for Certified Courses on
Bioethics for Health Professionals. 5-8 March 2014, Yogyakarta.
56. Brief Interactive Psychoeducation Intervention for Schizophrenia for Caregivers
towards Relapse on Psychotic Patients. Paper Presented for The 3rd Community
Psychiatry National Conference. Trans Luxury Hotel, Bandung, 26-27 March
57. The Role of Education Institution on Religion Based Mental Health Services.
Paper Presented on IV Islamic Mental Health Nasional Congress: Neuroscience Of
Spirituality: Bridging Spirituality into Medicine and Mental Health Care, Hotel
Santosa Resort Lombok, 13-14 June 2014.
58. Primary Care Health Provider Training on Mental Health. Paper Presented on
Seminar on Strengthening Mental Health System In Indonesia, Psychology
Faculty, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 8-9 September 2014.
59. Psychoeducation Intervention for Schizophrenia in Primary Care in Jogjakarta,
Indonesia. Paper presented for Workhop for Community Mental Health in
Developing Countries, 29 Oct-3 November 2014, Taichung, Taiwan.
60. Early Detection and Management on Aggression and Tentamina Suicida, Paper
presented in Clinical Updates 2015, March 14-15 2015, Grand Aston Hotel,
61. Research in psychiatry. Paper presented in Training of Researcher 2015, March
14-15 2015, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
62. Association Analysis of 5HT6 receptor variant (C267T) with Schizophrenia:
Experiences in Doing Studies in Japanese and Javanese Population and The Future
Challenges. Paper presented in 3rd National Congress of Biology Psychiatry, July
30-August 1 2015, Makasar, Indonesia.
63. Collaboration Research on Mental Health Between Harvard University and
Universitas Gadjah Mada. Paper presented in Strengthening Mental Health
Services Program Workshop, August 10 2015, Psychology Faculty, Universitas
Gadjah Mada.
64. Psychiatric and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Instrument. Paper presented in
Psychiatric and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Workshop and Training, August 24-
28 2015, Sardjito General Hospital, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
65. Creativity and Bipolar Disorder. Paper presented in 2nd National Conference on
Bipolar Disorder. Oct 8-10 2015, Malang, Indonesia.
66. The Effectiveness of a Brief Interactive Psychoeducation Intervention for
Schizophrenia in Increasing the Knowledge of Caregivers. Paper presented in
WPAIC 2015, 18-22 November 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
67. Intersection of Mental Health and Successful Aging. Paper presented in 2nd
National Conference on Geriatric Psychiatry, 7-8 April 2016, Solo, Indonesia.
68. Empowerment of Violence Victim. Paper presented in 2nd National Conference of
Women’s Mental Health and Forensic Psychiatry, 4-5 June 2016, Jakarta,
Eating Disorder and S-1 FK-UGM 2010-now
Mood Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress S-1 FK-UGM 2012-now
Mood and Affect: An S-1 FK-UGM 2012-now
Introduction to Mood
Emergency Psychiatry S-1 FK-UGM 2013-now
Mantal Health on S-1 FK-UGM 2014
Health Provider Who
Serve in Disaster Area
Modern Cultural S-1 FK-UGM 2015
Bound Syndrome
Forensic Psychiatry S-1 FK-UGM 2015
Disaster Management S-2 Public Health FK-UGM 2008-now
on Mental Health
Area of Psychiatry S-2 Master-PPDS FK-UGM 2010-now
Emergency Psychiatry PPDS-Psychiatry FK-UGM 2010-now
Learning Methods PPDS-Psychiatry FK-UGM 2010-now
Psychiatry PPDS-Psychiatry FK-UGM 2010-now
Research Methods PPDS-Psychiatry FK-UGM 2011-now
PTSD S-2 Family FK-UGM 2013
Prevention and Early S-2 Public Health FK-UGM 2013
Detection on Mental
Mental Health on S2-Public FK-UGM 2014
Adolescent Health/Reproductive
Sex Education and S2 Family Medicine FK-UGM 2015
Premarital Intercourse
Post Partum S2 Family Medicine FK-UGM 2015
Reckless Behavior in S2 Family Medicine FK-UGM 2015
Rehabilitation on S3-Psychiatry FK-UGM 2013
Mental Disorder
Social Psychiatry S3-Psychiatry FK-UGM 2015