Panigas, Racma T. - PE603 Midterm Exam
Panigas, Racma T. - PE603 Midterm Exam
Panigas, Racma T. - PE603 Midterm Exam
Midterm Examination
All students benefit from quality physical education on both a developmental and
educational level. Physical education instructional techniques that respect
children's development and changing movement abilities, as well as their
individual variances, are considered appropriate. Lesson and program design
and delivery also consider the children's previous motor skill, sport, cognitive,
and social experiences. Individual qualities like physical development and
fitness, skill levels, and age are considered while creating lessons and choosing
teaching methodologies. Appropriate physical education instruction blends the
most well-known techniques, developed from both research and teaching
experiences, into a pattern of instruction that enhances learning and
achievement prospects for all children. The aims of national, state, and/or local
physical education standards are reflected in high-quality teaching and
programs. Teachers evaluate students' progress on a regular basis and change
lessons and progressions as needed.
When you become a teacher of any subject, you will employ a variety of teaching
methods that reflect both you as a teacher and the lesson you are attempting to
impart. It can be tough to determine which styles will work best in various
scenarios. Indirect, direct, and interactive teaching approaches are the most
helpful and beneficial for teaching physical education. When it comes to teaching
physical education, these teaching approaches are crucial since they have been
demonstrated to be effective. Because they allow you to control and manage the
information being taught, these styles will help you become a more effective
teacher. When teaching physical education, incorporating these styles into your
class will make you a more effective teacher. These three styles enable you to
accomplish various tasks in your classroom and employ various teaching
methods. These styles are critical to not only understand but also master for you
to be an effective teacher.
Physical literacy is the skills, knowledge and behaviors that give us the
confidence and motivation to move throughout our lives it includes the
development of physical, psychological, cognitive, and social capabilities for
movement and physical activity contexts. Physical literacy supports lifelong
health or well-being providing students with the tools to lead active healthy and
fulfilling lifestyles. Today’s children have the most to gain from developing
physical literacy. If we do not make a change now our youth may be the first
generation to have a life expectancy shorter than their parents. With more than
millions of children and youth enrolled across Philippines. Schools are a perfect
setting to develop and focus on physical literacy capabilities. At school effective
health and physical education classes are essential it is the curriculum area
focusing on developing the skills and knowledge required to achieve positive
physical literacy outcomes. However, the whole school community needs to work
together to create a culture where these messages are reinforced. We need to
make movement than norm making simple, well thought out opportunities for
students to develop their physical literacy is crucial and schools play a major role
in doing this. Through participation in a wide range of activities students can
discover what inspires and motivates them to be active every day now and in the
The key to developing an effective program and tracking the progress of each
individual student is assessment. The pillar of assessment, in turn, is the
collection of accurate, objective data. Physical educators must hold students
accountable for their instruction and learning. A good rule of thumb is to have
three types of documentation to support student performance and instructional
practices assessment. Frequently use detailed, curriculum-specific rubrics to
record achievement at regular intervals in my physical education class. Rubrics
are detailed evaluations that describe measurable and observable levels of
achievement. Knowing what level of the rubric a child has attained assists that
student, the teacher, and other assistive personnel in determining what to work
on next. rubric, in essence, gives continuous, formative feedback.
As educators, we are aware that each student has a unique learning style. Some
students are auditory learners, while others are kinesthetic learners and visual
learners. The more a student is involved in his or her learning, the more likely he
or she is to succeed in the classroom.
As an educator, the first step is to be aware of and understand the various
learning styles, and then to provide your students with a variety of learning
experiences tailored to their specific needs. Here are three strategies for
accommodating students with varying developmental levels and specific learning
needs. First, Know the Different Learning Styles in Your Class. Second, provide
an uncommon experience for your students and they will reward you with an
uncommon effort and attitude and lastly, Let Them Work at Their Own Pace and
Use a Multisensory Approach. I have learned that regardless of their learning
style, students learn best when you give them the freedom to work at their own
pace and provide several hands-on, multisensory activities. This high level of
engagement will help hold their attention and keep them focused on the task at
hand—even if there are distractions.
6. What strategies would you use to engage students who are resistant to
participating in physical education?
Creating a PDP takes time and planning. But, writing and implementing a PDP
can help you to identify and develop the professional skills needed to reach your
goals, and can keep you on the track to success. It is an important process that
helps you achieve your potential, reach your goals, and take charge of your
professional development. Now is the time to start thinking about where you
want your future to take you. It is Important to Take your Career into Your Own
Hands. Your professional development is your responsibility. While your
employer might require or encourage you to create a PDP as part of your
performance review process, the chances are this will involve you steering clear
of any goals that see you leaving your current company.
Writing your own, private PDP can help you plan to meet your long-term career
goals and will assist in identifying the skills and actions you need to reach them.
Your dreams will only ever be dreams if you do nothing about them. Writing a
PDP is taking the first step to making those dreams come true.
In order for an individual to complete personal development plan they must,
assess where you are now ,identify your specific career goals, gather
information, identify what professional skills you already have and which you
need to work on, choose how you will accomplish your goals, develop a timeline
for accomplishing your specific targets and goals, write it all down, evaluate your
plan and measure you progress.
This is one good reason why PE teachers are turning to a plethora of electronic
devices to energize their students and motivate them. They are getting more
creative and innovative as their students have changed. Incorporating
technology into physical education classes produces an individually oriented
experience for students who feel reluctant about the subject. Additionally, it also
has the potential to reduce stress on the students’ bodies, improves their
confidence, and makes them more efficient and prepared for their classes. It
enhances their strategies and skills as well. Technology makes it possible to
incorporate other studies, like geography or math, into physical education to
produce optimal challenges for the students. With technology, particularly mobile
technology, physical educators now have a wide range of tools they can use to
examine and improve their students' physical skills. The list includes wearable
tech, physical education apps, gaming systems, virtual classes, and monitors
and trackers.
There are many ways technology is used in physical education in schools today.
Technology in PE is anything that helps teachers improve the environment and
classroom activity 's for students and get them to be more physically active in
and outside of the classroom. There are many different ways technology is used,
and it is a positive way to engage students in their physical education class. In
my eyes technology in physical education is a very effective way to improve
student’s physical fitness in and outside of the classroom. There are many ways
that technology can help provide our PE teachers with positive teaching
strategies in order to improve the quality of their classes.
I believe that technology does more good than bad in classes because it gets
kids who are not into sports off the bleachers and more involved in the class.
Susan Promislo who is a spokeswoman for the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation says, “kids who would not otherwise play sports or get off the
sidelines in gym class are finding DDR to be a fun, appealing option that gets
them burning calories without feeling like they are exercising.” This statement
provides enough detail in my eyes to come to the conclusion that technology can
have a positive impact in a PE class. The objective of a physical education class
whether it’s elementary, middle, or high school is to get every person involved in
class and to improve their physical fitness.
10. The current national model for physical education and physical activity in a
school is a comprehensive school physical activity program. Can you
explain what this is?
11. As the key professional for physical education and physical activity at the
school, describe your role?
The physical educator is to provide maximum physical activity time within the
class period, teach skills and activities that transfer into physical activity outside
of physical education class, motivate children to be physically active, and take
the role of physical activity director for the school. If students are to receive the
amount of physical activity, they need each day, other opportunities to be
physically active within the school day must be provided. The physical education
teacher has unique responsibilities in the school physical activity program to
ensure that students are physically active within the physical education class.
The physical education teacher also has the responsibility to help direct and
guide opportunities for physical activity within the school outside the physical
education class.