CHMSC Preliminaries and Introduction To Physical Fitness
CHMSC Preliminaries and Introduction To Physical Fitness
CHMSC Preliminaries and Introduction To Physical Fitness
Physical Education 1
CHMSC Preliminaries
Introduction to Physical Fitness
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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1
Lesson 1
I. Learning Outcomes
II. Introduction
The institution's mission and vision statements are critical in keeping it focused on its primary goal.
Administrators can use these statements as a reference to help them make decisions that are
consistent with the statements. They give parents and the community a succinct but
comprehensive understanding of the institution's general concept.
The mission statement explains what the organization is currently doing to achieve its goal,
whereas the vision statement outlines the institution's beliefs and aims. Carlos Hilado Memorial
State College (CHMSC) need mission and vision statements in order to communicate its values
and views to its stakeholders.
Use the link below to watch a video presentation on CHMSC's history, vision, mission, core
values, and attributes in the year 2020:
1. What is the purpose of Republic Act (RA) 11336? On what date did it become law?
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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1
2. What are the key values that you believe will assist CHMSCians accomplish their
1. What sets CHMSC apart from other Higher Education Institutions? What does the term
"GREEN" mean?
Read the article and check on the things that you should do at the end of your reading.
Children in Iceland and many other parts of the world are not reaching their daily physical
activity standards, and teenagers, particularly girls, are especially at danger. It is also vital that
teenagers, particularly girls, participate actively in physical education classes and enjoy
themselves in order to maximize the possibility that they will continue to engage in healthy
activity habits throughout their lives. Unfortunately, there are numerous challenges in physical
education that can make the environment uncomfortable or bad for both boys and girls during
One aspect that could help explain why boys and girls become less active during puberty is a
decrease in enjoyment of physical education programs. Cairney et al. (2012) discovered that
children, both boys and girls, who reported high levels of perceived confidence in physical
education (i.e. confidence in physical ability), reported high levels of physical education
enjoyment over time in their study. Children who reported low levels of perceived competence
also reported lower levels of enjoyment from physical education, according to the study.
Cairney et al. discovered that boys who reported low perceived competence early in school
had low levels of physical education enjoyment that remained steady throughout school. On
the other side, the study discovered that girls who reported low levels of enjoyment and low
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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1
perceived competence early in school reported lower levels of enjoyment throughout school.
Cairney et al. came to the conclusion that more research was needed on ways to promote
children's self-competence in physical education, especially in girls.
Chorney and Weitz (2012) conducted a study in Canada to investigate why females are less
likely than boys to continue into non-compulsory physical education courses once they reach
high school. The authors of the review speculated that a sexist and competitive environment
that favors male athleticism could discourage females from participating in sports from a young
age. Chorney and Weitz discovered that when a physical exercise, such as jogging or push-
ups, was utilized as a punishment, or when they were subjected to negative comments from
male students or male physical education teachers, girls felt uneasy. Andrés, Granados,
Ramrez, and Mesa (2012) conducted a study in Spain to see how gender stereotypes were
communicated in the physical education environment through communication. Andrés et al.
discovered that male and female students had unequal communication with their lecturers.
Male students received more personalized messages, whereas female students received
more contact in a group context, according to the authors. In addition, when teaching athletic
skills, men teachers were shown to be more likely than female teachers to provide additional
explanations to male students. Other findings from the Andrés et al. study included: more
frequent utilization of male students to show abilities to the class, preference of male
professors to group pupils by gender, and higher frequency of disciplinary reprimands for male
students, especially by female teachers. The findings of studies conducted in Australia,
Canada, and Spain suggest that a lack of a female-friendly setting is a significant determinant
in girls' pleasure of physical education.
To compose your response, read the article and consider the questions below. Concentrate
on the aspects of your output that need to be taken into account.
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Physical Education 1
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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1
Andrés, Ó., Granados, S. R., Ramírez, T. G. & Mesa, M. C. (2012). Gender equity in physical
education: the use of information. Sex roles, a journal of research, 67(1-2), 108-121.
Cairney, J., YW Kwan, M., Velduizen S., Hay, J., Bray, S. R., & Faught, B. E. (2012). Gender,
perceived confidence and the enjoyment of physical education in children: a longitudinal 74
study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9(26).
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College. CHMSC History, Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Attributes
2020. Accessed from
The New South Wales Department of Education and Communities. (1999-2011a). Personal
Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE). Retrieved June 28th 2013, from:
whole school problem. Retrieved June 28th 2013 from:
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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1
Lesson 2
Introduction to Physical Fitness
I. Learning Outcomes
1. define and explain the meaning of physical activity, exercise, physical fitness.
2. list of all the benefits of physical activity and exercise
3. examine the pyramid of physical activity
4. uncover the health problems that could make exercise difficult or dangerous by taking
the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q).
5. complete all the learning activities of Lesson 2.
II. Introduction
Physical activity, exercise, and fitness are important health maintenance methods for people
of all ages, including children, teenagers, adults, and seniors. If students are to make physical
activity a habit, they must form a positive emotional attachment to their chosen activities. To
put it another way, physical activity, exercise, and fitness must be pleasurable.
This lesson aims to help Physed 1 students take greater control of their physical fitness,
stimulate the finding of activities that are appropriate for their interests, and promote active
Dahlia is a Physical Education 1 student with a lot of studying to do and an active social
life as well. For exercise, she plays badminton three times a week. She likes to head for
the courts around 6 pm. when most of the people are eating dinner. She warms up for 10
minutes by practicing her forehand and backhand and then plays a hard, fast game with
her regular partner for an hour. Afterward, she does some stretching exercises while her
muscles are still warm and then cools down with an easy 5-minute walk. Then she
showers and gets ready for dinner. Twice a week, she works out at the gym, with
particular attention to keeping her arms strong and her shoulders limber. On Saturdays,
she goes out dancing with friends.
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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1
Benefits of Physical Activity and Exercise
Consider and identify the many advantages of physical activity and exercise, and have
them consider the following:
1. What makes or would make exercise or being physically active enjoyable for you?
2. Make a list of all the benefits of physical activity and exercise you can think of.
Postures That Are Ruining Your Health & How to Correct Them
If Physed 1 students had to guess at the state of their posture right now, how healthy do you
think their posture are? Poor posture takes a severe toll on your spine, shoulders, hips, and
knees. In fact, it can cause a cascade of structural flaws that lead to back and joint pain,
reduced flexibility, and compromised muscles, all of which limit your ability to burn fat or build
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Physical Education 1
Wear something form-fitting and take two full-body photos—one from the front, one from the
side. Relax your muscles and stand as tall as you can, feet hip-width apart. Then refer to the
fix-it plan (below left) to diagnose your posture problems.
1. Look at your ear. If it’s in front of the midpoint of your shoulder, your head is too far
2. Can you see your shoulder blade? That means your back is too rounded.
3. If your hips tilt forward and you have a belly pooch (even if you don’t have an ounce of fat
on your body) and your lower spine is arched significantly, this means you have an
anterior pelvic tilt.
4. Look at your shoulders. One shouldn’t appear higher than the other.
5. Check out your kneecaps. Do they point inward, causing your knees to touch when your
legs are straightened?
6. See if you’re duck-footed. Your toes will point outward more than 10 degrees.
Correcting poor posture while you are young will help prevent further more severe
complications in the future.
What is the difference between physical fitness, exercise, and physical activity?
Physical Fitness is defined in several ways by different people. Physical Fitness is a set
of attributes that allows the body to respond or adapt to the demands and stress of physical
effort – to perform moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity without becoming overly
tired (Fahey et al., 2005). It is the ability of the body to perform efficiently and effectively.
It comprises of health-related and skill-related physical Fitness, which have at least eleven
components, each of which promotes the total quality of life (Corbin et al., 2006). Physical
fitness is simply the body’s ability to complete physical work (Kokkinos, 2014). In this
module, Physical Fitness refers to the ability to meet life’s demands and still have enough
energy to respond to unplanned events. It has a lot to do with a PhysEd 1 student’s
capability to work effectively, enjoy leisure time, be fit and healthy, resist hypokinetic
diseases and meet emergency situations.
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Physical Education 1
Physical activity is any body movement carried out by the skeletal muscles and requiring
energy and is described as all forms of large muscle movements, including sports, dance,
games, work, lifestyle activities, and exercise for Fitness (Corbin et al., 2006). In this
module, physical activity refers to a PhysEd 1student’s chosen activities for the purpose
of getting fit physically.
Exercise is a type of physical activity that involves a planned, systematic, and repetitive
movement of the body with the goal of improving or maintaining physical fitness (Fahey et
al., 2005). Regular exercisers select physical activities that suit their lifestyles and personal
preferences (Payne et al., 2009). Exercise has the ability to help PhysEd 1 students
achieve a state of physical fitness in this curriculum.
Every day, there are numerous exciting opportunities to engage in physical activity. You
will find it enjoyable and simple to incorporate physical activity into your everyday life by
engaging in a variety of moderate-intensity activities such as gardening, running, cycling,
or walking. Every day, adults should engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity,
while children should engage in at least 60 minutes. To create your own weekly schedule,
use the Physical Activity Pyramid as a guide.
Adapted from The Activity Pyramid. Pyramids of Health, Park Nicollet HealthSource 2002
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Physical Education 1
Fill up the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire.
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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1
Corbin, CB, Welk, GJ, Corbin, WR and Welk, CA. (2015). Concepts of Fitness and Wellness: A
Comprehensive Lifestyle Approach, Eleventh Edition. NY: McGraw-Hill.
Fahey, TD, Insel, PM, Roth , WT AND Insel, CE. (2017)/ Fitwell. Core Concepts and Labs in Physical
Fitness and Wellness, 12th Edition. New York: McGrawHill
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