Course Objectives:
(1) To learn main definitions, basic theorems and propositions in Set theory and
combinatorics and functions while designing algorithms.
(2) To achieve a firm command of the theory of Graphs, relations and logic to solve a variety
of problems under each proposed scheme with algorithmic insight.
(3) To explore basic Graph theoretic and search methods by application to important
classical examples to Combinatorics, and algebraic systems.
(4) Students will apply number system based algebraic schemes to solve important
problems in a few Engineering problems related to switching theory.
(15 HOURS)
Set Theory: Basic Set Operations-Cartesian Product and Power Sets. Combinatorics: Basic
Counting techniques-Permutations-Partitions of Sets and Laws of addition-Combinations and
Binomial theorem Logic: Propositions and logical operations-Truth tables and propositions
generated by a set-Equivalence and implication-Laws of logic-Mathematical systems-
Propositions over a Universe-Mathematical induction-Quantifiers-Review of methods of proof.
More on sets:Minsets-Duality Principle
fl (15 HOURS)
Relations and Graphs: Basic Definitions-Graphs of relations-Properties of relations-Matrices of
relations-Closure operations on relations. Functions: Definition and notation-Injective,
Surjective and Bijective functions-Composition, Identity and Inverses. Boolean Algebra:
Lattices-Boolean Algebras-Axioms of a Boolean Algebra- Boolean identities — Karnaugh Map
method of simplifying Boolean functions Quine-Mc-Clusky tabulation method of simplifying
Boolean functions-Boolean expression-Application of Boolean algebra to switching theory.
Recursion and Recurrence Relations: Faces of recursion-Sequences-Recurrence relations-
Common recurrence relations-Generating functions-Recursion and Computer Algebra Systems.
Graph Theory: Introduction-Connectivity- Transversals: Eulerian and Hamiltonian-Graph
Optimization-Planarity and Colorings. Introduction to Trees.UNIT- IV (15 HOURS)
Algebraic Systems: Operations-Algebraic Systems-Some general properties of groups-Z, the
integers modulo n-Subsystems-Direct Products-Isomorphisms. Group Theory and
Applications: Cyclic groups-Cosets and Factor groups-Permutation groups-Normal Subgroups
and Group Homomorphisms-Coding Theory-Group codes. Introduction to Rings and Fields:
Rings-Basic definitions and Concepts-Fields.
Text Book:
‘Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levasseur, “Applied Discrete Structures for Computer Science”,
Second Edition, Pearson Education , 2007. (A Free electronic version under Creative Common
Licence is available for free download under the title “Applied Discrete Structures’, Version 2,
Year 2013)
1. Kenneth H. Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics and its Applications’
McGraw Hill, 2012.
2. Jean Paul Tremblay, RampurkarManohar, “Discrete Mathematical Structures With
Applications to Computer Science”, McGraw Hill, 2005.
3. NarsinghDeo, “Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science”,
PHI, 2004.
Seventh Edition,
Learning Outcomes:
Unit ‘Skill development for application of various methods for solving problems in
Combinatorics and for identifying problems that necessitate solution by
Mathematical induction and to write algorithms of their own.
Unit i ‘Skill development for handling various Boolean algebraic operations in problems in
switching theory and to study Logic gates from the perspective of Boolean
algebraic operators.
Unit iil: | Acquiring skills and understanding various Graph theoretical concepts and use
them in problems from Algebraic Graph theory and to provide graph theoretic
approach to solve a wide variety of Engineering problems that need topological
and geometrical description of data.
Unit IV: | The leamer will have thorough knowledge in Group Theory and Coding Theory
fundamentals to write algorithms in Machine Leaming Environment.