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A motivation-driven design and evaluation

framework for interactive systems

Ashton King

Project report submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
Science (Human-Computer Interaction with Ergonomics) in the Faculty of Life Sciences,
University College London, 2009.


This project report is submitted as an examination paper. No responsibility can be held by

London University for the accuracy or completeness of the material therein.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my project supervisor, Ann Blandford. The
direction she provided was invaluable in keeping the project focused on its goals and on
schedule. The conversations we had really helped me think clearly about what I was trying to

In addition, I would like to thank the „stakeholders‟ who gave up their time to participate in
my case studies. Without them, I wouldn‟t have been able to test Goalchase in practice.

Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their support. Weekday
conversations at the dinner table often revolved around this project, while at weekends my
friends respected the consuming task I had.

This thesis presents Goalchase, a motivation-driven design and evaluation framework for
interactive systems. By addressing an underlying question: How can a product best support
the goals of its stakeholders? Goalchase aims to help HCI practitioners create or improve
interactive products around the things people want to achieve.

While several goal-oriented methods exist in HCI, some dating back to the late 1960s,
Goalchase takes up new opportunities identified in the literature. These include defining the
goals of all product stakeholders consistently, discovering which goals are most important to
them, and showing the relationship between user and business goals more explicitly.

With these insights, Goalchase bridges into the design or evaluation process. It aims to give
HCI practitioners a springboard for creating or improving an interactive product by telling
them what its stakeholders want to achieve, and what success criteria should be fulfilled.

In this thesis, three websites are used as action research case studies to evaluate how usable
and useful Goalchase is in practice. The findings are presented in a critical reflection of each
study, describing the usability refinements made and insights derived.

While more work is necessary to validate Goalchase‟s effectiveness, the case study results
suggest it is usable and useful in practice. More specifically, they show that Goalchase can
be used effectively to improve the user experience, while also helping to cost-justify the user-
centred approach.

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Motivation behind this project ........................................................................... 7
1.2 Project objectives.............................................................................................. 8
2 Goal-oriented models, methods and processes................................................. 9
2.1 Hierarchical Task Analysis ................................................................................ 9
2.2 GOMS ............................................................................................................... 9
2.3 The Action Cycle............................................................................................. 10
2.4 Usability and User Experience goals .............................................................. 10
2.5 The Goal-Directed Design Process ................................................................ 11
2.5.1 Personas .................................................................................................. 11
2.5.2 Scenarios ................................................................................................. 11
2.6 Review ............................................................................................................ 12
2.7 Developing a new method .............................................................................. 14
2.8 Evaluating effectiveness ................................................................................. 15
2.9 Summary ........................................................................................................ 16
3 Goalchase ............................................................................................................ 17
3.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Proposed benefits ........................................................................................... 19
3.3 Process outline ............................................................................................... 20
3.3.1 Key stages ............................................................................................... 20
3.3.2 Additional stages: Design ......................................................................... 26
3.3.3 Additional stages: Evaluation ................................................................... 27
3.4 Summary ........................................................................................................ 29
4 Research method ................................................................................................ 30
4.1 Why measure usability and utility?.................................................................. 30
4.2 Action research ............................................................................................... 30
4.3 Case studies ................................................................................................... 31
5 Case study results .............................................................................................. 39
5.1 UCL Additions ................................................................................................. 39
5.2 Skeegle ........................................................................................................... 43
5.3 ZSL London Zoo ............................................................................................. 47
5.4 Summary ........................................................................................................ 50
6 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 51
6.1 Did Goalchase achieve its goals? ................................................................... 51
6.1.1 Identifying opportunities in the HCI literature............................................ 51
6.1.2 Developing and presenting a possible solution ........................................ 52
6.1.3 Ensuring solution is usable and useful in practice .................................... 53
6.2 Future direction ............................................................................................... 55
7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 58
References .............................................................................................................. 59
Appendix A ............................................................................................................. 63
Goalchase user guide ........................................................................................... 63
Appendix B ............................................................................................................. 74
Sample UCL Additions user interview transcript ................................................... 74
Sample Skeegle user questionnaire response ..................................................... 77
Sample ZSL London Zoo Goalsort & Goalmap .................................................... 78

1 Introduction
What is a goal? According to Oxford Dictionaries (2008), it is “an aim or desired result”.
Similarly, the Collins (2007) dictionary defines it as “an aim or purpose”. For this project,
the important part to take away from these definitions is the essence of a goal: it is something
people aim to achieve, something purposeful and desirable, a motivation or incentive.

So what is this project about? From an overall perspective, it is about helping people achieve
their goals with interactive products such as websites, desktop programs and mobile
applications. More specifically, it is about creating a new design and evaluation framework
that helps HCI practitioners improve the user experience by taking a goal-oriented approach.

To demonstrate how technology can affect goals, consider the following everyday scenario:

Shopping at the e-supermarket

Sue normally drives to the supermarket because she lives nearby, and it sells food her family
like at a reasonable price. However, she has heard that the supermarket provides an online
shopping facility. Apparently it offers special discounts and could be more convenient than
visiting the store. She decides to give it a try.

With her grocery list next to her, Sue looks at the homepage wondering what to do next. She
sees a large advertisement across the page promoting double clubcard points on petrol, which
is ironic because leaving the car at home is the main reason to shop online! On closer
inspection, she sees a link called „Groceries‟ and follows it.

Next, the site requires her to register. This starts to frustrate Sue a little because the purpose
of coming here is to buy groceries conveniently, not to register. She registers anyway,
questioning why the supermarket needs so many personal details.

What she sees next is a list of grocery categories, although the labels look unfamiliar. She
wonders why they do not just match the ones in the store that she knows well. After
spending some time clicking around, she eventually comes across the items on her list,
adding them to the virtual basket - the whole process takes a lot longer than expected.
Luckily she recognises most of the items from the store, because their descriptions are not
very helpful and the prices are difficult to see at a glance. Also, in the store, she can always
see most of what her basket contains. Here, she has to follow a link each time she wants to

When she has all the items, she enters the checkout process and has to fill in more forms
about her payment details. After confirming everything is correct, she sees that the delivery
times are not very convenient – only letting her choose morning or afternoon. When she
visits the store, she gets her groceries there and then! Sue begins to wonder whether buying
groceries online is actually more convenient than visiting the store. Nevertheless, she
chooses a delivery time and completes the purchase – less than satisfied.

Sue’s goals

Whether visiting the store of shopping online, Sue‟s overall goal at the supermarket is to:

 Buy groceries my family enjoy, at a reasonable price and in a convenient way.

But what makes this a goal – what criteria? Looking more closely, three criteria need to be

 Buy groceries my family enjoy, at a reasonable price and in a convenient way.

While the tastes of Sue‟s family and their budget constraints are largely outside the realm of
technology, helping her shop in a convenient way is not. Breaking convenience down into
more measurable criteria might reveal the following subgoal:

 Buy my groceries quickly and easily.

In the scenario above, shopping online takes Sue longer than expected and is not as easy as
she would have liked – showing how technology can adversely affect her efforts to buy
groceries conveniently (her goal).

1.1 Motivation behind this project

In my opinion, the objective of HCI is to ensure that Sue achieves her goals when performing
tasks with an interactive product, such as a website, by creating a positive user experience.

While studying HCI over the past couple of years, I have found a mixture of models, methods
and processes that either incorporate user goals explicitly, or tend to sideline them in favour
of tasks. Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin‟s (2007) fairly recent Goal-Directed Design process,
for instance, pivots on user goals, while more traditional methods such as task analysis,
cognitive walkthrough and usability testing (Kirwan & Ainsworth, 1992) focus on what users
will do with a product.

With this in mind, I was interested in helping to align HCI activities with a goal-oriented
approach for a number of reasons. Firstly, goals represent things we want to achieve with
technology - the motivations for using it in the first place. Establishing what people want to
achieve before looking at how they will achieve it helps practitioners understand what makes
a positive user experience before they start trying to improve it. Secondly, goals can help
explain why improving the user experience (UX) is worthwhile to business – something UX
practitioners have often struggled to convey in practice (Bias & Mayhew, 2005). As the next
chapter shows, goals can highlight the benefits of HCI activities to those funding them.

While methods such as the Goal-Directed Design process (Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin,
2007) do already centre themselves on goals, I found several new opportunities to develop
goal-oriented methods. The next chapter begins by reviewing the current HCI literature and
pointing out those opportunities. Before that though, I will define the objectives of this
1.2 Project objectives
Given the opportunities identified in the literature, the overall objective of this project is to
develop a new goal-oriented design and evaluation framework that takes them up. To
achieve this, three subgoals that can be attained within the scope of this project have been set.
These are:

1. Identify opportunities to develop new goal-oriented methods;

2. Take up those opportunities by developing and presenting a possible solution;

3. Ensure that the solution is usable and useful in practice.

The remaining chapters of this thesis are aimed at achieving these three objectives.

2 Goal-oriented models, methods and processes
As Blandford & Green (2008) argue, developing a new method should be based on an
opportunity that stems from an unfulfilled need. Without a need, the justification for
developing a new method is questionable. In the same way a new product might struggle in a
market of satisfied customers or one where there is little demand, so too might a new method.

The aim of this chapter is to address the first objective of this project by identifying
opportunities to develop new goal-oriented methods. It begins by reviewing the salient
models, methods and processes in HCI history that utilise goals - summarising their use of
goals, their scope, and what they deliver. It then goes on to compare the similarities between
methods and identify needs they do not appear to fulfil. Based on these needs, it points out
opportunities to develop new methods and what the potential benefits might be. Finally, it
looks at developing and evaluating a new method, which is relevant to the third objective this
project sets out to achieve: Ensure that the solution is usable and useful in practice.

2.1 Hierarchical Task Analysis

Dating back to the late 1960s (Annett & Duncan, 1967), hierarchical task analysis (HTA) is a
method used to describe the tasks and subtasks performed in order to “meet a system‟s goals”
(Kirwan & Ainsworth, 1992). According to Kirwan & Ainsworth (1992), system goals are
“desired states of systems under control or supervision”. Shutting down a power plant
efficiently and safely, for example, could be seen as a desirable system state. Taking a more
human-centred perspective, Sharp, Preece, & Rogers (2007) edge away from traditional
systems thinking by saying “the starting point [of HTA] is a user goal”. In either case
though, it is agreed that HTA begins with a goal. Moving on to scope, HTA can be used in
both design and evaluation. Dubrovsky (1989) describes the use of task analysis in systems
design, with HTA being suitable for what he refers to as “allocation of functions” between
operators and machines. At the same time, Pinelle & Gutwin (2003) present a groupware
evaluation framework called Collaboration Usability Analysis (CUA) that is based on HTA
for its “flexibility in the ways tasks are composed”. For both design and evaluation, HTA
delivers descriptions of the tasks people perform (or will perform) in order to achieve goals.
Kirwan & Ainsworth (1992) detail two popular ways of representing HTAs: hierarchy
diagrams and tables. Both serve as a springboard for further task analysis methods such as
prototyping and walk-throughs (Kirwan & Ainsworth, 1992).

2.2 GOMS
Borrowing the hierarchical structure from HTA, GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods, and
Selection rules) is a method developed by Card, Moran, & Newell in the early 80s for
modelling human behaviour and predicting task performance based on a “top level goal”
(Card, Moran, & Newell, 1983). They define a goal as a “state of affairs to be achieved”,
where editing a document could be seen as a top level goal for example. John (1995) gives a
more user-centred definition by saying “Goals are simply the user‟s goals, as defined in
layman‟s language”. Looking at GOMS in terms of scope, it can be employed in design and
evaluation, similar to HTA. Raskin (2000) demonstrates the GOMS keystroke-level model
(KLM-GOMS) in calculating how long it will take „Hal‟ (a fictitious user) to perform a
temperature conversion task with two different interface solutions. In Raskin‟s example the
objective is to minimise the time it takes to complete the task (or maximise efficiency). This
could be seen as a valid objective in either designing a new interface or improving an existing
one. What GOMS delivers to design or evaluation is a detailed breakdown of rudimentary
actions required to achieve a goal and, when using KLM-GOMS, predicted completion times.
Card, Moran, & Newell (1983) give an example of KLM-GOMS by describing the actions
required to complete a text editing task with a number of different editors. With the results,
they were able to compare performance times. Taking an objective such as Raskin‟s (2000)
„maximising efficiency‟, GOMS can inform design decisions empirically by revealing the
most efficient interface solution.

2.3 The Action Cycle

Moving into the late 80s, Norman‟s (1988) Action Cycle model explains why people perform
tasks (to achieve goals), how they execute them, and how they evaluate the outcome.
Norman (1988) defines a goal as “something to be achieved, often vaguely stated”. For
example, someone might want to be entertained, and there may be a number of ways to
achieve this such as reading a book, watching television or surfing the Internet - Cooper
(2004) points out this „one-to-many‟ relationship between goals and tasks by saying “Tasks
change as technology changes, but goals have the pleasant property of remaining very
stable”. As well as providing a goal-directed (or top-down) model of human behaviour, the
Action Cycle can be used as a design aid. Stone, Jarrett, Woodroffe, & Minocha (2005)
propose a method for improving prototypes using cognitive walkthroughs and questions
based on the Action Cycle. Others such as Webb (2008) highlight its usage in predicting
where different types of error may occur. The Action Cycle relies on further strategies such
as these for deliverables. Norman (1988) agrees that “each stage of action requires its own
special design strategies”.

2.4 Usability and User Experience goals

More recently, certain methods have focused on the criteria that are important to users when
performing tasks – referred to as usability and user experience (UX) goals (Sharp, Preece, &
Rogers, 2007). Sharp, Preece, & Rogers (2007) define usability goals as “being concerned
with meeting specific usability criteria”, while UX goals are “concerned with explicating the
nature of the user experience”. Common usability goals include effectiveness, efficiency and
learnability, while UX goals could be satisfaction, enjoyment and excitement (Sharp, Preece,
& Rogers, 2007). Shneiderman (2002) points to an even broader set of life experience goals
created by the psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow‟s goals include safety, love, affection
and belongingness. Moving on to scope, usability and UX goals cover design and evaluation.
In design they serve as non-functional requirements for a product, such as learnability, while
in evaluation they can be used as assessment criteria. Nielsen (1993) demonstrates how a
low-level criterion, user errors per hour, can be improved with usability evaluation methods
such as user testing and heuristics. What usability and UX goals deliver is the high-level
criteria from which low-level metrics can be elicited. Pheasant & Haslegrave (2005)
illustrate the use of such high-level criteria in designing an ergonomic chair. Here, comfort is
a high-level design criterion that is achieved by satisfying low-level criteria such ensuring the
seat height is no greater than 406mm.

2.5 The Goal-Directed Design Process

While usability and UX goals can be seen as high-level design and evaluation criteria,
Cooper‟s (2004) Goal-Directed Design process (GDD) looks straight through the eyes of the
user. Cooper (2004) expresses user goals from a first-person perspective, encapsulated in a
persona. He goes on to classify goals in three categories reflecting Norman‟s (2004) three
levels of cognitive processing. Experience goals, such as having fun, reflect visceral
processing; end goals, such as getting home safely, reflect behavioural processing; and life
goals, such as being a good person, exhibit reflective processing (Cooper, Reimann, &
Cronin, 2007). In terms of scope, the GDD covers the whole interaction design lifecycle. It
starts with qualitative user research, personas and goals, before moving into scenarios,
requirements and product design. Cronin (2003) argues that the GDD is compatible with
software development processes such as the Rational Unified Process (RUP). When
combined with development methods such as the RUP, the GDD process could in theory
cover the whole software development lifecycle (SDLC).

Looking in more detail at the GDD process, two of its fundamental elements are personas and
scenarios (Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin, 2007).

2.5.1 Personas
Created by Cooper around 2003, personas are a method for modelling a target user
population by describing their common behaviours and goals (Cooper, 2003). They are
primarily used in design. Blomquist & Arvola (2002) show how personas were used to help
design a new company intranet portal, while Chang, Lim, & Stolterman (2008) describe them
in creating “technology [that] enables a sustainable environment”. Personas deliver a set of
fictitious characters that represent archetypal users of a product (Hill & Bartek, 2007). In the
GDD process, they are used as a springboard for scenarios (Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin,
2007). For example, a persona might want to have fun at the zoo and scenarios can be used
to describe how they might achieve that with a digital product.

2.5.2 Scenarios
According to Cooper (2004), scenarios are a method for describing the ways in which
personas achieves their goals with a product. Unlike personas though, scenarios were not
invented by Cooper and so his recommended usage is not necessarily prescriptive. Rosson &
Carroll (2002) for example offer a slightly different perspective by focusing on system and

opportunistic goals. A system goal is a user goal „translated‟ into a „software-oriented goal‟,
and an opportunistic goal is a system goal that is triggered by the environment rather than a
particular task (Rosson & Carroll, 2002). For example, a system goal might be an icon
named „Wage slips‟. According to Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin (2007) though, Rosson &
Carroll (2002) focus too heavily on task scenarios without taking a step back to describe
goals first. Either way, scenarios are largely used to design interactive products. Rosson &
Carroll (2002) use a classroom learning project called Virtual School to demonstrate design
scenarios throughout their book. Others, such as Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin (2007) show
how they could be used to design a personal digital assistant (PDA) for real-estate agents.
For deliverables, scenarios provide a set of rich narratives describing users achieving their
goals with a product. As Young & Barnard (1987) explain in an early exploration of
scenarios, they are an “idealised but detailed description of a specific instance of human-
computer interaction”. Within the GDD process, that idealised interaction is amplified by
using personas in scenarios (Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin, 2007).

2.6 Review
Looking at the models, methods and processes in the previous section, an implicit view they
share is that goals are abstract. Returning to Norman‟s (1988) Action Cycle, in which human
goals are “something to be achieved, often vaguely stated”, the premise is that goals
themselves are too detached from the real world to be physically achieved. As a result, tasks
are performed in the real world to fulfil abstract goals – a concept Cooper (2004) implies too
by explaining the detachment goals have from technology. For example, having a great
holiday is a goal. But in order to achieve it, one might choose to swim in the sea, visit the
zoo, or play a round of golf while abroad. Similarly, usability and UX goals are abstract.
Effectiveness, efficiency and learnability are all conceptual criteria; they cannot be achieved
without fulfilling low-level criteria in the real world. Instead, their purpose is to serve as
high-level requirements that should be fulfilled by a product aiming to satisfy its users.

Despite their shared view of abstract goals, it becomes apparent that there are two different
types of goal presented in the methods. The first type describes something someone wants to
do. When trying to read a book as daylight turns to evening, Norman (1988) suggests “get
more light” is a goal for example. These goals will now be referred to as user needs. The
second type defines the necessary criteria to achieve something. Efficiency, memorability and
enjoyment (Sharp, Preece, & Rogers, 2007) are all examples of what will now be referred to
as success criteria. These criteria apply to any tasks performed to fulfil a need. In order to
shut down a power plant efficiently, for instance, an operator must be able to perform the
necessary tasks efficiently. Success criteria often need to be broken down into low-level
metrics such as those illustrated by Nielsen (1993), if they are to measure a task objectively.
A product might only be considered effective and efficient when user errors per hour meet a
target figure for example (Nielsen, 1993). Common low-level usability metrics include task
success, task completion time and number of errors (Tullis & Albert, 2008).

While two different types of goal emerge from the methods, it would appear they are
compatible. Cooper (2004) goes part of the way by showing how success criteria can apply
to a user need such as travelling from St. Louis to San Francisco. In this case, the success
criteria for the journey are speed, comfort, and safety. Whichever way one chooses to travel,
such as by car or plane, these criteria still apply (Cooper, 2004). Similarly, the design criteria
used in Pheasant & Haslegrave‟s (2005) ergonomic chair example can just as easily be
applied to a user need such as buying a chair. The design criterion is comfort. At the same
time, a customer is probably looking for a comfortable chair. Both examples treat needs and
success criteria separately, but it is possible to integrate them into a single definition that will
now be referred to as a user goal. For example, „Travel from St. Louis to San Francisco
quickly, comfortably and safely‟ or „Buy a comfortable chair‟. Doing this not only makes a
clearer distinction between goals and needs, but also puts success criteria in context.

Having seen that it is possible to capture needs and success criteria in single goal definitions,
no method appears to address how user goals might differ by importance. In Norman‟s
(1988) reading example mentioned earlier, is “get more light” more important to the reader
than „sit comfortably‟? In other words, if the user could either have more light, but on an
uncomfortable chair, or put up with less light on a comfortable chair, which would they
choose? Of course, an ideal design would give the user the best of both worlds. But, as
Rosson & Carroll (2002) amongst others argue: “software development activities are filled
with tradeoffs”. Likewise, Cooper‟s (2004) travelling example lists three success criteria but
does not consider potential differences of importance between them. When travelling from
St. Louis to San Francisco, is speed more important than comfort? In Sharp, Preece, &
Rogers‟ (2007) list of usability goals, is learnability more important than memorability when
interacting with a kiosk-based information point?

As well as not addressing the relative importance of user goals, no method appears to show
explicitly how they relate to business goals to help cost-justify a user-centred approach.
Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin (2007) point out that business goals “should also be modeled
[sic] and considered” in the Goal-Directed Design process, but that is as far as they go. In
Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin (2007), they present some common business goals such as
increase profit and increase market share. Assuming these are probably valid for most
businesses, it is not necessarily obvious how designing for a specific persona‟s goals will
help achieve them. Chisnell & Brown (2004) go further with a case study demonstrating the
“importance of matching user needs and business objectives”, but their process does not
explicitly show how these two interact. Due to organisational setbacks in the study, they
found themselves “cobbling together methodologies” at the last minute. They admit that the
setbacks forced them to improvise a lot and, as a result, their process was not as „solid‟ and
„well thought-out‟ as it might have appeared (Chisnell & Brown, 2004). A study by
Hornbæk & Frøkjær (2008) takes a more solid approach to considering business goals by
explicitly asking evaluators to consider them when creating problem reports from think-aloud
user testing. In their study, evaluators were asked to justify problems found by explaining
how they „jeopardise‟ business goals. While they do explicitly take business goals into

account, their method is only concerned with evaluating systems not designing them, and as a
result they create relationships between business goals and problems rather than business
goals and user goals.

Based on the evaluation of methods so far, several opportunities to develop a new goal-
oriented method exist. Firstly, a method that integrates needs and success criteria would help
distinguish goals from needs and tasks, while putting success criteria in context. In this case,
it should be easier to identify which of the following two is a goal rather than a need: buy a
chair or buy a comfortable chair. Secondly, a method that finds out the relative importance
of goals could influence design tradeoffs and the prominence of interface components. For
example, knowing that zoo visitors are more concerned with seeing interesting animals than
finding good picnic spots might affect the way the zoo presents information in its guidebook
and on its website. Finally, a method that explicitly shows the connection between user goals
and business goals would help cost-justify a user-centred approach to those funding it. Using
such a method, it should be more obvious to see that reducing the number of user errors in an
e-commerce checkout task can improve sales. Here, the customer benefits from buying their
goods with more ease, trust and satisfaction, while the business benefits from a sale that
might previously have been lost.

2.7 Developing a new method

With opportunities to develop a new goal-oriented method established, Blandford & Green
(2008) argue that the next logical step is to identify the benefits it will provide and what is
required of it. As Blandford & Green (2008) point out, developing a method is costly in both
time and resources, so it is important to define the benefits that will “accrue from that
investment”. They go on to mention two ways a method can be beneficial. Firstly, it could
be employed in practice to help design or evaluate commercial products. Secondly, it could
be used to aid research into method development or cognitive theories (Blandford & Green,
2008). To ensure a method is taken up in practice, they specify a list of requirements it
should fulfil. For example, a method must be usable while also offering useful insights. This
means that practitioners must be able to use it easily and effectively in practice (Blandford &
Green, 2008).

After establishing the benefits a method will provide and the requirements it should fulfil,
Blandford & Green (2008) suggest exploring the possibilities of „adapting‟ existing methods
to “encapsulate the new theory”. The purpose of this stage is to find out how well existing
methods address the needs a new method is hoping to satisfy. Blandford & Green (2008)
give an example of assessing suitable methods for digital library development. They found
cognitive walkthrough and heuristic evaluation useful to some degree, but neither gave
enough “leverage” on why users were struggling so much with digital libraries. In addition,
Blandford & Green (2008) explain that this “exploratory step” of adapting existing methods
and theories is less relevant when an opportunity rather than a need has been discovered. In
this case, they suggest that it may be more purposeful to “move swiftly on” to method

development (Blandford & Green, 2008); the reason being that an opportunity is likely to
have resulted from a need that has no known solution or could be satisfied better.

Taking on board the possibility of adapting existing methods and theories, the final stages of
development are: developing the method itself and testing it (Blandford & Green, 2008). As
Blandford & Green (2008) point out, method development is a “creative step”, which
explains why it is difficult to document as a specific process. Instead, they offer an account
of developing the CASSM method, including some of the design decisions and changes they
made along the way. For example, they decided that attributes needed to be explicitly linked
to their entities and changed the method to accommodate this (Blandford & Green, 2008).
When it comes to testing a method, there appear to be two overall objectives. Firstly, a
method should cover some formative implementation criteria such as purpose, ethics and
constraints, for which Blandford & Green (2008) provide a question-based framework called
„PRET A Rapporter‟. Question three, for example, asks „What ethical considerations need to
be addressed?‟ Secondly, a method should be effective for its purpose, whether taken up for
commercial use, or research and theory. Various strategies have been used to evaluate
method effectiveness, and the next section looks more closely at these.

2.8 Evaluating effectiveness

With a method developed and formatively tested, various techniques have been used to
evaluate its effectiveness. Empirical studies in the early 90s, such as that by Jeffries, Miller,
Wharton, & Uyeda (1991), assessed methods primarily by the number of problems they
detected (their productivity). Their study compared performance differences between
heuristic evaluation, usability testing, guidelines, and cognitive walkthrough. Based on their
productivity criterion, heuristic evaluation performed the best. Towards the mid to late 90s, a
broader set of criteria were introduced. Sears (1997) describes evaluation criteria originally
presented by Bastien and Scapin in 1995. These are: validity, thoroughness and reliability.
Thoroughness, for example, is measured by dividing the “number of real problems found” by
the “number of real problems that exist” for a product (Hartson, Andre, & Williges, 2003).
More recently, the set of possible criteria has been expanded further. Hartson, Andre, &
Williges (2003) added cost-effectiveness and downstream utility for example, and Blandford
& Green (2008) include usability and learnability.

While a variety of different criteria for evaluating methods have been presented in the
literature, Wixon (2003) argues that the “application of [methods] to the development of
products in real commercial enterprises” is the only criterion that has any useful value.
Wixon (2003) claims that criteria used in the literature for evaluating methods so far are
“irrelevant to applied usability work”. For example, the number of problems detected, as
used by Jeffries, Miller, Wharton, & Uyeda (1991) amongst others, is an insufficient criterion
for comparison. In order to improve a product, those problems also need to be fixed. As a
result, Wixon (2003) argues for a case study approach to method evaluation. He claims that
product development in practice is “the only context sufficiently rich” to provide an
understanding of how well methods perform (Wixon, 2003). He then goes on to demonstrate
the “inapplicability” of existing literature to practice by describing some of the factors, other
than “purely methodological considerations”, that influenced two successful case studies at
Microsoft. These included organisational issues and integration with the development

Evidently, there appears to be conflicts of opinion and uncertainty about how best to evaluate
methods. On the one hand, empirical studies have traditionally been used to quantitatively
measure effectiveness – based on the number of problems found for example (Wixon, 2003).
Along with Jeffries, Miller, Wharton, & Uyeda (1991), several others have evaluated
methods in this way. Gray & Salzman (1998) review five such studies like the one carried
out by Karat, Campbell, & Fiegel (1992). On the other hand, a more qualitative approach is
suggested. Based on the conclusions of Gray & Salzman‟s (1998) review, Wixon (2003)
argues that a “scientific approach” to method evaluation is “inconsistent” with the software
engineering discipline, and that a more qualitative approach is necessary. Chattratichart &
Lindgaard (2008) agree that passing judgements based on the number of problems found is
“not meaningful”. Regardless of approach, Blandford & Green (2008) express the
uncertainty in establishing a stable set of evaluation requirements. In their opinion, some
requirements may become irrelevant as the HCI discipline and technology move forward
(Blandford & Green, 2008). With the introduction of automated usability tools, like West &
Lehman‟s (2006) “automated data collection system”, issues of reliability such as „the
evaluator effect‟ (Hertzum & Jacobsen, 2003) might become less applicable.

Consequently, the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of a new method are not clearly
defined, but should arguably stem from the method‟s objectives. As Blandford & Green
(2008) point out, different methods have different objectives. One might address an
opportunity to improve commercial products while another may aid research into method
development and cognitive theories. Heuristic evaluation, for example, is arguably designed
to improve interactive products rather than aid cognitive theories. As a result, it would seem
logical to base the effectiveness criteria on what the method is trying to achieve. In this case,
an “insights derived” (Blandford & Green, 2008) criterion might be more applicable to
methods designed for commercial use, while learnability and usability may be the focus of
methods looking to advance research and theory. For this project, the objective is to „Ensure
that the solution is usable and useful in practice‟ – justification for these evaluation criteria is
given in chapter 4.

2.9 Summary
This chapter has first looked at existing goal-oriented models, methods and processes in the
HCI literature to summarise their definitions of goals, their scope within the software
development lifecycle and what they deliver. It has then gone on to review the methods to
identify new opportunities. With these identified, it has looked at the processes involved in
developing a new method. Finally, it has reviewed the current literature and debate
surrounding the strategies for evaluating method effectiveness. While there is no clear set of
evaluation criteria for new methods, arguably it should spawn from the method‟s objectives.
3 Goalchase
The previous chapter addressed the first project objective by identifying opportunities for
new goal-oriented methods; this one tackles the second objective by presenting a possible
solution: Goalchase. It begins by summarising the Goalchase framework, and then looks at
the potential benefits it can offer. Finally, it describes the process and methods that make up
the framework - leaving more detailed specifications to Appendix A: Goalchase User Guide.

3.1 Overview
Goalchase is a motivation-driven design and evaluation framework for interactive systems. It
aims to help practitioners create or improve interactive products by addressing the
motivations stakeholders have for using them. Stakeholders are the “persons, groups or
institutions” in a particular environment that “may influence its outcomes” (IDeA, 2007),
such as users of an interactive product and the business that supplies it. Motivations are the
reasons for carrying out tasks in the world and can be represented by goals (Cooper,
Reimann, & Cronin, 2007). In Goalchase, goals are used to address an underlying question:
How can a product best support the goals of its stakeholders? The question is tackled in two
parts: the „who/what‟ part, and the „how‟ part. The key stages of Goalchase attempt to tackle
the first part of the question by identifying stakeholders and analysing their goals, while the
additional stages deal with the second part by bridging into design or evaluation (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Goalchase process

It is worth mentioning here that, unlike Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin‟s (2007) Goal-Directed
Design process, Goalchase does not attempt to cover the whole design or evaluation lifecycle.
Instead, it guides practitioners into the creative or improvement process armed with insights
into what a product‟s stakeholders want to achieve.

3.2 Proposed benefits
The benefit of this bridging approach is that Goalchase is design and evaluation method
independent. This means that it can potentially integrate with established methods easily.
For example, it could provide the overall goals for a task analysis, be a catalyst for scenarios
and requirements, or act as an accompaniment to personas. With task analysis for example, a
zoo visitor might want to plan their day at the zoo easily and conveniently. A HTA could
then be used to explore the possible tasks the visitor might perform on the zoo‟s website to
achieve this goal. Similarly, a scenario could create a rich narrative around planning a day at
the zoo easily. Method independence also offers freedom of choice. Practitioners do not
have to subscribe to a rigid process when designing and evaluating interactive products with
Goalchase. For example, designers might choose to do a full blown task analysis around user
goals, or they may be satisfied that scenarios based on user goals will lead to a sufficient set
of requirements. The same principle applies to evaluators, who may choose cognitive
walkthrough or user testing tasks that address goals identified by Goalchase. Or they may
prioritise different heuristics around what is most important to the user. An added benefit of
rooting design and evaluation methods in stakeholder goals is that it helps avoid what
Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin (2007) call self-referential design – meaning designing for one‟s
self. Pheasant & Haslegrave (2005) acknowledge this problem as one of the “five
fundamental fallacies” of design: “This design is satisfactory for me – it will, therefore, be
satisfactory for everybody else”.

There are several other potential benefits of using Goalchase. Firstly, it aims to cover what
Berry, Carbone, & Haeckel (2002) refer to as the total customer experience. According to
them, simply offering a product or service is not enough. Instead, organisations must
„engineer‟ a total experience (Carbone & Haeckel, 1999) by designing a customer‟s journey
“from the expectations they have before the experience occurs to the assessments they are
likely to make when it‟s over” (Berry, Carbone, & Haeckel, 2002). Goalchase hopes to do
this by looking beyond the tasks performed with a product to the context in which
stakeholders are trying to achieve something, finding out what their expectations are.
Secondly, Goalchase can cover usability and user experience. In this context, user experience
refers to what Berry, Carbone, & Haeckel (2002) call the “emotional component of
experiences” and what Norman (2004) calls „emotional levels of processing‟. For example, a
museum visitor might want to buy a ticket quickly and satisfyingly. Here, the goal definition
describes what the visitor wants to do (buy a ticket), what high-level usability criteria are
important (efficiency), and how the user wants to feel (satisfied). Thirdly, Goalchase aims to
be technology independent, which means goals are not tied to any particular platform or
product. By using abstract goal definitions, as discussed in the previous chapter, Goalchase
reflects human desires that are detached from technology. Taking the example above, the
museum visitor wants to buy a ticket easily, which could potentially be achieved over the
phone, through the website, or via mobile application. However, the goal definition itself
does not specify any of these technologies, only what the museum visitor wants to achieve.

3.3 Process outline
Having looked at the potential benefits of using Goalchase, this section describes the process
and its methods in more detail. Goalchase consists of two parts: the key stages and the
additional stages (refer back to Figure 1). Under each stage, a description of its method is

3.3.1 Key stages

The key stages of Goalchase are followed for either design or evaluation. These are:
Research stakeholders, Define goals, Goalsort and Goalmap.

Research stakeholders

The first key stage aims to identify the stakeholders in a particular context and discover more
about them. Goalchase does not provide any new research methods, but a suitable technique
for identifying stakeholders is stakeholder analysis. Each stakeholder identified can be
classified as primary, secondary or key importance to a product (IDeA, 2007). Primary
stakeholders are those “ultimately affected” by a product, while secondary stakeholders are
“intermediaries” such as suppliers or contractors (IDeA, 2007). Key stakeholders, on the
other hand, are those who are not ultimately affected by a product but do have “significant
influence” over it, such as government regulators (IDeA, 2007). Typically, Goalchase is
concerned with primary stakeholders. These are likely to be users of a product and the
organisation that supplies it. Museum visitors who hire a digital audio guide are users of that
product, while the museum is the organisation that supplies it. After identifying the
stakeholders, suitable discovery methods are interviews, questionnaires and observation
(Sharp, Preece, & Rogers, 2007). Researchers might choose to use a combination of methods
and strategies such as structured and semi-structured interviews followed by a questionnaire.
Alternatively, they could carry out a contextual enquiry or full ethnography (Sharp, Preece, &
Rogers, 2007).

While Goalchase cannot offer a rigid discovery process to follow because every context is
unique, practitioners should try to conduct their research in a way that will be useful to the
next key stage: goal definitions. Looking at Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin‟s (2007)
recommended interviewing techniques, for instance, questions could cover a number of goal-
related topics. Interviewers might ask what tasks are satisfying and pleasurable, or frustrating
and annoying for example. Following this, they could try to find out what makes those tasks
satisfying or frustrating. Similarly, practitioners might use predefined usability and user
experience criteria to help stakeholders articulate their goals. Drawing from the examples in
Sharp, Preece, & Rogers (2007), questionnaires could include efficiency and safety in
questions such as „How important is it that you get task X done quickly, and does this affect
the number of errors that occur?‟. Again, researchers can begin to tease out the high-level
success criteria for the various tasks stakeholders perform and begin to see where conflicts
might exist within tasks e.g. speed-accuracy tradeoffs (Card, Moran, & Newell, 1983), or

between stakeholders e.g. museums want visitors to buy gifts from the shop, but visitors think
they are too expensive.

Define goals

Drawing on the research from stage one, key stage two attempts to define the goals of each
stakeholder. Practitioners start by defining the overall goal stakeholders have, and then look
for the subgoals. Overall goals represent the main reasons (motivations) for performing tasks
in a particular context, while subgoals are fulfilled to achieve it. For example, a museum
visitor probably buys a ticket from the website in advance because they want to book the trip
and look forward to it. In this case, their overall goal is likely be: „Have a good day at the
museum‟, and booking the trip is a subgoal that helps satisfy it. In practice, analysts might
find it easier to identify the subgoals first in order to elicit the more abstract overall goal.

Like tasks in a hierarchical task analysis (HTA), Goalchase goals are also represented in a
hierarchy. This structure is suitable for representing parent-child relationships such as overall
goals and subgoals. In the example above, a museum visitor wants to have a good day at the
museum, and in order to achieve that they probably want to plan their day easily and look
forward to it, see the exhibits they are interested in when they get there, and maybe take
home something nice to remember the museum by. Figure 2 shows how this might look in a
goal hierarchy:

Have a good day

out at the

Plan my day See interesting Take home a nice

easily and look exhibits memento
forward to it

Figure 2: Typical museum visitor goals

The goal definition stage ends by defining any relevant attributes for each goal. Attributes
are properties of a goal that help enrich it, such how often it is achieved (frequency) or how
easy it is to achieve (difficulty). Goalchase does not provide a fixed set of attributes for every
context because they might not be relevant, so practitioners choose whichever ones could be
of value. Typical properties include:

 Frequency – how often a stakeholder tries to achieve the goal e.g. once a year, daily

 Duration – how long it takes a stakeholder to achieve the goal e.g. one day

 Difficulty – how hard the stakeholder believes the goal is to achieve e.g. very hard

 Constraints – external factors that might affect the goal e.g. physical/cognitive
limitations, deadlines, weather conditions, technical limitations

 Conditions – factors that determine whether stakeholders want to achieve the goal
e.g. if it rains then zoo visitors want to find cover quickly

 Emotions (that supplement any included in the goal definition) – how the stakeholder
wants to feel during or after the goal e.g. satisfied, excited, thrilled

 Cost – how much it will cost the stakeholder to achieve the goal e.g. monetary, effort

When it comes to writing goal definitions and attributes, practitioners should use the
Goalchase formatting conventions. First of all, goals adhere to a verb-noun naming
convention. This appears to be an established convention in other methods such as task
analysis (Kirwan & Ainsworth, 1992) and the Unified Modelling Language (Roff, 2003),
along with many programming languages. It expresses what someone wants to do from a
first-person perspective. In Goalchase, „Engage with interesting exhibits‟ is a valid goal for
example, while „Exhibit engagement‟ is not. As discussed earlier, goals are also abstract -
they do not refer to specific technologies, platforms or products in the real world. Bearing
this in mind, „Buy a ticket easily and conveniently‟ is valid, whereas „Buy an e-ticket from
the website easily and conveniently‟ is not. Finally, goals include success criteria – also
discussed earlier. Success criteria are typically adjectives or adverbs used in the goal
definition. They help differentiate goals from needs or tasks, and provide high-level design
and evaluation criteria. In Goalchase, „Buy a comfortable chair‟ is valid while „Buy a chair‟
is not.

By the end of this stage, practitioners should have a set of goal definitions for each primary
stakeholder and possibly certain key stakeholders, depending on the context. Figure 3 shows
the set of user goals from the ZSL London Zoo case study undertaken for this project.

Figure 3: ZSL London Zoo user goals

Figure 3 presents the context (London Zoo), a primary stakeholder (the Jones family), and
their goal hierarchy with relevant attributes. Where attribute information is extensive, it can
be stored elsewhere such as a spreadsheet table – similar to the task decomposition method
that accompanies hierarchical task analysis (Kirwan & Ainsworth, 1992). Also, each goal in
figure 3 is labelled with the first part of a unique identifier (ID). At this stage, IDs just
indicate a goal‟s level in the hierarchy. After conducting a Goalsort in the next stage,
practitioners can make the ID unique by appending an order of importance value to it.


With stakeholder goals defined and organised into a hierarchy, the third key stage aims to
discover their relative importance with stakeholders. The Goalsort method is used to sort
goals in the hierarchy by order of importance. It can be carried out in a similar way to a
closed card sort (Morville & Rosenfeld, 2007) by asking participants to order a set of
predefined goals. In the ZSL London Zoo case study for this project, visitors were asked to
sort all goals from the second level in the hierarchy – shown in Figure 4. Goalsorts are
always carried out on goals from the same level in the hierarchy because „cross-level‟ (or
parent-child) sorting is ineffective. The hierarchical structure of goals dictates that a parent
goal is achieved by fulfilling its child goals (subgoals), in the same way a HTA dictates that a
parent task is completed by executing its subtasks. In this case, it would be ineffective to ask
participants to decide which is more important: „Have a great day out at the zoo‟ or „Plan our
day at the zoo easily‟, as the former (overall goal) is always ultimately most important.
Figure 4: ZSL London Zoo participant performing Goalsort

For the ZSL London Zoo study, participants did the sort in person so that the author could
observe and ask questions. However, the method could have been carried out remotely via
email, phone, website or mobile application. After a Goalsort, the second part of the goal ID
can be filled in. While the first part shows a goal‟s level in the hierarchy, the second part
after the period indicates its perceived importance value on that level. In Figure 4, „See
animals and attractions that help educate my kids‟ would take the ID 2.3 as it is on the second
level in the hierarchy, and participant P1 considered it to be the third most important goal in
the set.


The fourth and final key stage attempts to map the relationships between the goals of
different stakeholders, showing where they are mutually beneficial. In Goalchase,
relationships are made when one stakeholder can benefit from the goals of another and vice
versa. The point at which a relationship is made between stakeholders is called a point of
mutual benefit (PMB). As part of planning an enjoyable day at the zoo for example, a visitor
wants to buy a ticket easily and conveniently. To do this, they might choose to buy it from
the zoo‟s website. At the same time, the zoo might want to improve ticket sales by 5% over
the next 6 months. If the zoo makes the online ticket buying process easier and more
convenient, visitors are less likely to run into problems that cause them to abandon it. Being
able to buy a ticket easily and conveniently means visitors have achieved their goal, while the
zoo has improved ticket sales by reducing the number of abandoned purchases. Mapping

these stakeholder relationships as PMBs shows practitioners where user-centred design or
evaluation activities could be worthwhile. For design, PMBs show what stakeholders expect
to achieve with any product in a particular context. For evaluation, they link the success
criteria of one stakeholder with another to form a basis for measuring success. Methods such
as user testing could make the zoo‟s online checkout process easier and more convenient for
customers while helping the zoo improve ticket sales by 5%.

Goalmaps can be represented in any form that is effective to the practitioner, but two suitable
choices are diagrams (or pictures) and tables. Figure 5 shows part of the Goalmap diagram
created for the ZSL London Zoo case study used in this project.

Figure 5: ZSL London Zoo Goalmap

From Figure 5, three PMBs highlight where zoo visitor goals can be mutually beneficial to
ZSL and vice versa. The bottommost PMB, for example, suggests that the Jones family want
to take home something nice to remember the zoo by. At the same time, ZSL want to
improve gift shop sales. One way they might achieve this is to offer a selection of gifts that
are of interest to the Jones kids. They might also ensure that the price of gifts the kids are
interested in is within Mrs Jones‟ budget.

But what about potential conflicts? Figure 5 happens to be a somewhat simple and idyllic
situation, where the Jones family can benefit from ZSL‟s goals and vice versa. An alternative
way ZSL might try to improve gift shop sales though, is by increasing prices. At the same

time, the Jones family are looking to have an affordable day out. While Goalchase does not
provide conflict resolutions to business problems, it can hopefully point out where a
particular strategy taken by one stakeholder will conflict with the goals of another. In this
case, it could warn ZSL that raising prices will negatively affect the visitor experience, and
that other strategies such as better promotion and gift selection could be feasible alternatives.

At this point in the Goalchase process, practitioners should be able to understand what goals
stakeholders want to achieve in a particular context, and what high-level criteria can be used
to measure their success. They should also know how important different goals are to
stakeholders, and how those goals can be mutually beneficial to others. With all the
deliverables from the Goalchase key process, practitioners are ready to move on to design or

3.3.2 Additional stages: Design

With a Goalmap drawn up, the additional stages for design aim to use it in the creative


To start with, the intention is that designers use the Goalmap to focus their creativity on
conceptualising products that support the goals of stakeholders. Conceptual design is about
“understanding the problem space” by “conceptualizing what is currently the user
experience” (Sharp, Preece, & Rogers, 2007). Looking at the Goalmap, designers should be
able to get a holistic perspective of the problem space rather than focusing on its “nuts and
bolts” (Sharp, Preece, & Rogers, 2007). With this view, it is arguably easier to think “outside
the box” by detaching ideas from current technology – something Cooper, Reimann, &
Cronin (2007) describe as “pretending it‟s magic”. Methods used to create concepts might
include brainstorming, sketching, storyboarding and focus groups. With brainstorming for
example, designers could choose a particular user goal and come up with ideas for products
that support it. A museum visitor might want to avoid crowds and queues as much as
possible, while the museum wants to improve visitor satisfaction. Brainstorming around the
user goal might spawn several concepts, such as a digital guidebook that shows the quietest
route around the museum based on real-time crowd levels.


Taking the concepts worth pursuing, designers should be able to develop them further using
established interaction design methods. Suitable methods include task analysis, scenarios,
requirements, wireframing, and prototyping. Using the digital museum guidebook example
just given, designers might use a HTA to describe the tasks visitors would need to perform to
achieve their goals with such a device. An example might be adding exhibits into an
itinerary. With this information, the digital guidebook would recommend the quietest route
around the museum taking in those exhibits. Similarly, designers could use scenarios to
describe a user achieving their goal with a conceptual product. Again, taking the digital

museum guidebook, a scenario might describe how a visitor (possibly represented as a
persona) uses the device to navigate around the museum seeing the exhibits they are
interested in, while avoiding crowds and queues. With a more established concept, designers
should be able to start specifying user requirements. These can be classified as data
requirements and functional requirements (Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin, 2007). Data
requirements are the information objects a system must represent, while functional
requirements are the actions it lets users take on those objects (Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin,
2007). In this case, a digital museum guidebook would need to represent an itinerary object
somehow, and allow users to add exhibits to it.

3.3.3 Additional stages: Evaluation

Like design, the evaluation stages of Goalchase make use of the Goalmap, but this time in the
improvement process.


The first additional stage attempts to use the Goalmap to match stakeholder goals to the tasks
a product provides – called Goalmatching. Goalmatching involves finding out what tasks are
possible with a product, and matching them to user goals. Borrowing from task analysis,
practitioners need to analyse a product to identify the tasks available. With each task, they
try to match it to a goal – perhaps placing it on the Goalmap as a child node of a goal, or
marking it in some way. For example, a goal of ZSL London Zoo visitors is to plan their day
out easily. The zoo‟s website lets visitors find out about the animals, the opening times, the
ticket prices, and how to get there. It also lets them buy tickets online. These five tasks are
part of planning a day at the zoo and can therefore be matched to that goal. Figure 6 shows
part of the Goalmatch from the ZSL London Zoo case study.

Figure 6: ZSL London Zoo Goalmatch

Goalmatching should tell evaluators which user goals are not supported by a product, and
which tasks do not appear to address any user goal. Goals that are not supported at all
suggest areas where a product does not fulfil its user requirements. In the ZSL London Zoo
case study for example, participants said that they would like to find good picnic spots when
planning a day at the zoo with their young children. However, the zoo‟s website did not
provide this information, so the goal could not be achieved. As a result, there appeared to be
a mismatch between what users wanted to achieve and what the zoo‟s website let them
achieve. A similar principle applies the other way round. Tasks that cannot be matched to
any user goal might be considered superfluous, or they might suggest there are goals missing
from the Goalmap. In the former case, it might be beneficial to remove the task from the
product because it is unnecessary – in line with the common „less is more‟ usability principle
(Nielsen & Loranger, 2006). But in the latter case, practitioners might want to revisit their
research to see if a user goal was missed, adding it to the Goalmap if necessary.


At the assessment stage, the intention is to use the Goalmatch results to identify relevant
success criteria and metrics for evaluation. Tasks that match user goals inherit their success
criteria. This means that all tasks and subtasks matched to a particular goal should satisfy its
success criteria, providing evaluators with high-level usability/user experience metrics to
evaluate tasks with. For example, a zoo visitor wants to buy a ticket quickly and easily.
Buying a ticket from the zoo‟s website should therefore be quick and easy, and so on.
Breaking speed and ease-of-use down into measurable metrics might give: time to complete
tasks, number of errors, and perceived satisfaction level - all of which could be measured in a
combination of user testing and satisfaction questionnaires (Sharp, Preece, & Rogers, 2007).
This principle is similar to Pheasant & Haslegrave‟s (2005) chair example mentioned earlier,
where the primary design criterion is comfort. In Goalchase, this would be expressed as a
user goal such as „Buy a comfortable chair‟. Comfort would then be broken into low-level
evaluation metrics such as seat height and cushion size, using fitting trials or anthropometry
to find out the preferred dimensions with users.

3.4 Summary
This chapter has presented Goalchase, a motivation-driven design and evaluation framework
for interactive systems. Goalchase addresses an underlying question: How can a product best
support the goals of its stakeholders? by:

 Identifying the stakeholders in a particular context;

 Defining their goals;

 Finding out which goals are most important to them;

 Explicitly showing how user goals can be mutually beneficial to business objectives
and vice versa;

 Using these insights to bridge into the user-centred design or evaluation process.

Goalchase also aims to benefit HCI practitioners by:

 Being design and evaluation method independent;

 Covering the total customer experience;

 Covering usability and user experience;

 Being technology independent.

With Goalchase described in this chapter, the next one starts to cover the third objective this
project set out to achieve: Ensure that Goalchase is usable and useful in practice.

4 Research method
The last chapter presented Goalchase, a motivation-driven design and evaluation framework
for interactive systems. This chapter begins to tackle the third objective of this project by
describing the action research method used to evaluate Goalchase‟s usability and utility. It
begins by justifying the decision to measure usability and utility, and then explains the
iterative and reflective process taken to do so. Following that, it goes on to outline the three
case studies used for the research.

4.1 Why measure usability and utility?

There are a number of reasons for choosing to evaluate the usability and utility of Goalchase
for this project. Firstly, it is still a developing framework so evaluating it on certain other
criteria at this stage, such as reliability and productivity, is inappropriate and possibly
irrelevant. There seems little value in testing Goalchase with multiple evaluators to compare
the similarity of results, before it has been tested individually. It is also questionable whether
a qualitative process, such as Goalchase, would ever produce the same results across different
practitioners, leaving doubt about the relevance of criteria such as reliability and productivity.
Secondly, as Blandford & Green (2008) argue, a method should be usable and useful if it is to
be taken up in practice. Hartson, Andre, & Williges (2003) agree that methods should be
useful, adding their own downstream utility metric to the list of possible evaluation criteria.
The final reason for choosing to measure usability and utility is that they are likely to have a
strong influence over other criteria. Learnability, for example, is arguably easier if a method
is usable, and not difficult and confusing. Similarly, the validity of results hinges on how
useful they are in practice – with ones that are useful most likely being the ones that are valid
or “correct” (Hartson, Andre, & Williges, 2003).

As Goalchase is a qualitative process and one that is still developing, a method known as
action research (Lewin, 1946) appears to be a suitable approach to progressively evaluating
and improving the two qualities chosen: usability and utility.

4.2 Action research

According to Lewin (1946), who coined the term, action research is a “spiral of steps each of
which is composed of a circle of planning, action, and fact-finding about the result of the
action”. What Lewin (1946) refers to as a „circular process‟, has more recently been
described as iterative and critically reflective (Dick, 1999). Action research iterates on
testing and feedback, much like user-centred design (Sharp, Preece, & Rogers, 2007). In
both cases, researchers follow a process that “alternates between action and critical
reflection” (Dick, 1999). Dick (1999) further describes the process as “emergent”, meaning
that refinements and improvements are made as new knowledge of a subject emerges from
“fact-finding” (Lewin, 1946). In Goalchase, discovering that a particular activity is difficult,
for example, would suggest that it needs refining in some way. Dick (1999) also describes
action research as “participative” and “qualitative”; he argues that refinements emerge more
easily when “those affected by the change are involved”. The qualitative aspect he refers to
implies a use of subjective techniques to gather and analyse „facts‟ – typically those of the
social sciences e.g. interviews, observation, questionnaires, and focus groups (Mahoney,

4.3 Case studies

To carry out the action research, three practical case studies were undertaken. All three
focused on evaluating and improving existing websites with Goalchase. The first two looked
at social networking sites at University College London (UCL), while the third looked at ZSL
London Zoo‟s official visitor website. The London Zoo case study was chosen because it
was part of a previous piece of coursework, and a substantial amount of qualitative data had
already been gathered for it. The following sections describe each study in turn.

UCL Additions

UCL Additions is a social networking site run by UCL Advances that aims to connect
students and staff with business opportunities outside UCL (Figure 7).

Figure 7: UCL Additions

It has been running for about a year, but has not had the uptake UCL Advances expected.
With a full redesign planned for September 2009, the aim is to improve the site by increasing
user uptake. To do that, UCL Advances hope to find out what users want to achieve from the
site as a starting point for any redesign effort. Table 1 shows the details of this case study.

Table 1: UCL Additions case study information

Primary stakeholders UCL Additions users, UCL Advances team

Secondary stakeholders UCL

Total participants 6 (5 users and 1 project manager)

Length of study 2 weeks

Research methods User interviews (8 questions, 10-15 mins)

User observation (10 tasks, 25-30 mins)

Project manager interview (semi-

structured, 10 mins)

Data gathered Interviews: Audio and notes

User observation: Screen capture, audio

Sample project manager interview What are you trying to achieve with UCL
question Additions?

Sample user interview question Why do you/would you use UCL Additions?

Sample user observation task Find a project you’re interested in and join

The UCL Advances team research consisted of one interview with the project manager, while
the user research consisted of five interviews and observation sessions. Table 2 presents
details of the user research.

Table 2: UCL Additions user research information

Participant Age group Occupation Previous


P1 20-24 UCL Advances No


P2 30-34 UCL Departmental Yes


P3 25-29 UCL Research & Yes


P4 25-29 UCL Departmental Yes


P5 25-29 UCL web developer No

As the site has only recently come out of a beta version, UCL staff users were chosen for the
study because they have had more experience with UCL Additions than students. In the
limited time available, it seemed appropriate to research this particular user group, because
those who had previous experience would potentially be able to offer richer insights.


Like UCL Additions, Skeegle is also a website that tries to encourage UCL students to
develop ideas into business opportunities by connecting through a social network (Figure 8).

Figure 8: Skeegle

The site has been running for about a year and, like UCL Additions, has not had the uptake
expected. The Skeegle team are continually looking for ways to improve the site and
increase usage, so they were willing to find out what users want to achieve to help design a
better experience. Table 3 shows details of this case study.

Table 3: Skeegle case study information

Primary stakeholders Skeegle users, Skeegle team

Secondary stakeholders UCL

Total participants 15 (14 users, 1 project manager)

Length of study 3 weeks

Research methods Project manager interview (5 questions,

10-15 mins)

Questionnaires (10 questions each, 14


Data gathered Interview: Notes

Questionnaires: Hard copies filled in by


Sample project manager interview What are you trying to achieve with
question Skeegle?

Sample user questionnaire question How do you feel about sharing business
ideas online?

The Skeegle team research consisted of one interview with the project manager, while the
user research consisted of fourteen questionnaires handed out to new and existing users of the

ZSL London Zoo

Alongside running a zoo, the Zoological Society of London operate a website that aims to
attract visitors to the zoo by providing information and services such as online ticket
purchasing (Figure 9).

Figure 9: ZSL London Zoo

Unfortunately, there was no access to members of the ZSL project team for this study, so
business goals were hypothesised. Nevertheless, the user research provided suitable material
for a Goalchase evaluation – looking for ways to better support their goals. Table 4 shows
the details of this case study.

Table 4: ZSL London Zoo case study information

Primary stakeholders London zoo visitors, ZSL London Zoo team

Secondary stakeholders ZSL Organisation

Total participants 3 users

Length of study 1 week

Research methods Interview (5 questions, 10-15 mins)

Observation (9 tasks, 20 mins per session)

Sample user interview question What makes a great day out at the zoo?

Sample user observation task Find out how to get to the zoo

Three users were observed using the website and interviewed afterwards – participant details
are shown in Table 5.

Table 5: ZSL London Zoo user participants

Participant Age group Occupation Previous


P1 56-60 Parent and No

Automotive Buyer

P2 56-60 Parent and Civil No


P3 51-55 Parent and Teacher No

While the average age group for this study was probably not typical of current zoo visitors,
each one had taken their children to zoos and other related attractions many times in the past.
As goals tend not to change much over time (see chapter 3), there was arguably little reason
why they would not be able to provide valuable insights.

5 Case study results
With the research method and case studies described in the last chapter, this one presents an
action research account of the results. It reflects on each case study in turn by highlighting
the major usability and utility findings that either helped make Goalchase more usable, or
helped judge its utility value. In line with action research‟s iterative “fact-finding” and
refinement philosophy (Lewin, 1946), each study can be seen as a milestone iteration of
evaluating Goalchase.

5.1 UCL Additions


While performing stakeholder research for the first case study, it was found that users needed
to be broken down into different roles. So far Goalchase has looked at users as a single
stakeholder entity, but this case study showed that there were significantly different types of
users. UCL Additions is aimed at staff, students and investors (Figure 10), and each of these
users plays a significantly different role in the university system.

Figure 10: UCL Additions target user population

Students are at the university to learn from academics for example, while administrators
make the learning process possible. Investors, on the other hand, are interested in tapping
into resources within the university. Consequently, the stakeholder research pointed out that
these different users have different motivations for using UCL Additions. Administrators, for
example, use UCL Additions to connect academics and students with business opportunities

and investors. By contrast, students are more likely to be making social connections for
themselves, rather than on behalf of others. To distinguish between these different users,
personas were employed. Alternative options included simply defining user roles e.g.
student, academic - but because the roles were significantly different, personas provided a
richer way of making the distinction. Figure 11 shows the administrative staff persona
created from the UCL Additions interviews and observation data.

Figure 11: UCL Additions persona

Another difficulty encountered during stakeholder research, was that users often talked more
about their needs than their goals during interviews. When asked why they would use UCL
Additions, a number of participants described what they would use it for instead. P2, for
example, said that they would “search for industry collaborators and see what kinds of
research they were interested in”, but did not say why. Similarly, P5 would use UCL
Additions to “maybe post events that other people on the site might be interested in”. To help
overcome this problem, a simple interviewing technique similar to that proposed by
Lamsweerde (2000) was adopted - that is to use „WHY‟ questions to elicit goals from needs.
With P2‟s response for example, a suitable „WHY‟ question would be: „Why would you
search for industry collaborators?‟ Here, the „WHY‟ question aims to reveal the goal behind
the need by asking about P2‟s motivations. In the same way, a „HOW‟ question can be used
to discover what is needed to achieve a goal (Lamsweerde, 2000). Kavakli (2004) labels
these two techniques as abstraction and refinement respectively.

With a sufficient amount of user research to define goals, it was sometimes difficult to see
where they fitted in the hierarchy. Certain participants being interviewed and observed
referred to parent and child goals at the same time, suggesting they were at the same
hierarchical level. For example, P3‟s reason for using UCL Additions was to “coordinate
work across UCL, and potentially find new collaborators who haven‟t worked together
before.” At a glance, these goals might appear to be on the same level, but finding potential
collaborators can actually be seen as part of coordinating work across UCL. To help
differentiate between parent and child goals, a simple heuristic was created. Given two goals,
X and Y, does the following statement seem logical: „In order to [achieve X], users need to
[achieve Y]‟. For example, in order to coordinate work across UCL, users need to find
potential collaborators. Swapping these goals around, on the other hand, appears illogical: In
order to find potential collaborators, users need to coordinate work across UCL. If there is
only one way the statement appears to make sense, then the parent-child relationship can be

When it came to the practical aspects of defining goals and creating a Goalmap, a couple of
problems were encountered. Firstly, the standard sized sticky notes used to represent goals
were not always big enough to hold the goal definition and its attributes. Where a goal
definition took up more than approximately 10 words, there was little space to include
attributes (Figure 12).

Figure 12: UCL Additions sticky note goal definition

As a result, a spreadsheet was created linking goals from the sticky notes to attributes such as
frequency, duration and constraints. Alternative ways of doing this could have been to write
in a smaller size at the expense of reduced visibility, abandon sticky notes and include
everything in the spreadsheet, or use larger sticky notes. Another practical problem was that
the piece of A3 sized white paper used as the „context‟ backing for the Goalmap was not big
enough. Unlike the goal definition stage, Goalmapping requires multiple stakeholder goals
and PMBs (points of mutual benefit) to be shown at the same time. In this case, the backing
paper was abandoned in favour of a larger desk surface. Other options were a larger sheet of
paper or wall space.


Moving on to look at how useful Goalchase was for UCL Additions, the main insight it
delivered was showing that administrators wanted to „matchmake‟ people at UCL with

people outside UCL, and that UCL Additions did not support this goal particularly well. P1,
for example, said “What I‟m trying to do is build up a pool of people who are external from
UCL, who could use some of the things [it] provides.”, while P3 supported this by saying:
“Our remit is to coordinate work across UCL and potentially find new collaborators and
people who haven‟t worked together before”. However, UCL Additions did not appear to be
satisfying this goal because the site was dormant most of the time. Seeing how few events
had been created, P4 said: “there doesn‟t seem like there‟s much going on” and that “I
wouldn‟t really know why I would use it as opposed to email”. P2 also expressed concern for
the lack of activity, saying: “Content has to be updated regularly – daily”. The other apparent
lack of motivation for using UCL Additions was, according to administrators, due to the
unsatisfactory way of finding collaborators. After registering, the homepage includes a small
list of potential collaborators (Figure 13), but administrators were not sure how these matches
were made, whether the list was just a snippet, and where they would find the entire list.

Figure 13: UCL Additions potential collaborators

Asked about the list of potential collaborators in the left margin, P5 answered: “I sort of
assume it‟s a snippet - but having said that, I don‟t know because these lists [such as potential
projects] look longer”. Communicating these problems back to the UCL Additions team,

along with what administrators wanted to achieve, led to a number of recommended
improvements. The first was to encourage more activity on the site by making forms more
accessible and adding a commenting feature to user-generated content. The second was to
create a „news feed‟ component that aggregated all the activity from the site and presented it
to users on the main homepage content area, which Figure 13 shows being occupied by static
text. The aim was to help users feel that others were active on the site while making it easier
to stay up to date with new content. The final recommendation was to revamp the tools for
finding collaborators, making the „matchmaking‟ features more prominent and easier to use.
One suggestion was to integrate it with the news feed somehow so that it could occupy space
in the main homepage area.

While Goalchase delivered some useful insights to the UCL Additions study, there were a
couple of areas where it did not produce particularly valuable information. Firstly, the
Goalmap was not especially useful because there was only one organisational objective:
improve user uptake. In this case, mapping user goals to a single objective was of little value
because the relationship was fairly obvious and could be implied. Secondly, Goalmatching
added less value than it might have done. With no apparent mismatches between what users
wanted to achieve and what tasks the site provided, the Goalmatch was valuable in so far as it
produced a list of tasks and the high-level success criteria they inherit from goals. For
example, administrators wanted to find potential collaborators quickly and easily, and the site
had a way of doing this. Here, the only value of matching the goal to the task was to
establish that it must be quick and easy to perform. Of course, producing a list of tasks in the
first place is necessary for most types of evaluation, so the exercise did retain some value in
that it substituted for a task analysis.

5.2 Skeegle

The second case study incorporated relevant usability refinements from the first. Despite not
having the same user role separation as UCL Additions, a persona was still created to
represent the students who use Skeegle. In this study it just helped understand the primary
user stakeholder – students – better by describing their background and interests. To address
the practical issues discovered in the first study, a spreadsheet was used to store goal
definitions, goal hierarchies and the Goalmap. This was done experimentally to compare the
technique with sticky notes and a large surface.

While the spreadsheet afforded infinitely more storage space, it felt less flexible and less
collaborative than using physical materials. As opposed to the limited space on a sticky note,
each spreadsheet cell could store goal definitions and all their attributes easily. Compared
with the UCL Additions case study, where some attributes had to be kept separately from
their goal definitions, the spreadsheet kept all related information together neatly (Figure 14).

Figure 14: Spreadsheet goal definitions snippet for user persona

In terms of usability, the spreadsheet was more efficient as it was quicker to read all
information for a particular goal in one place and allowed searching/sorting. It was also less
costly to make mistakes when compared to discarding sticky notes. Despite these
advantages, the spreadsheet was harder to customise. With the sticky notes, information
could easily be repositioned in any combination and augmented in a bespoke fashion with
pictures and icons. In the spreadsheet, information had to retain a rigid format and was
restricted to readymade icons and pictures. Furthermore, the spreadsheet felt less suited to a
collaborative environment. While this case study was carried out individually, other projects
involve multiple analysts, designers and evaluators who need to work together. Sticky notes
attached to a surface, such as a wall or whiteboard, provide a shared physical space to display
information and hopefully encourage collaboration. Spreadsheets can of course be projected
onto a shared space such as a wall, but are more often used individually at a computer.

Another observation made during the stakeholder research stage was that, in most cases, there
will be just two primary stakeholders. The first is the user of a product, in this case: UCL
students. Users interact with a product and consume the experience it provides. For Skeegle,
the intention is that students will use it to connect with others and collaborate on projects.
The second primary stakeholder is the organisation that supplies a product, in this case the
Skeegle team. They create and maintain Skeegle, hoping to get some benefit (or return) from
doing so. In Skeegle‟s case, the organisation is a company spawned out of UCL who hope to
encourage entrepreneurship amongst students and possibly monetise it in some way later on.
This observation showed that, in most cases, Goalchase will be concerned with two primary
stakeholders: users and organisations.

In this case study, users were researched with questionnaires, which proved less effective
than the interviews from the previous study. One possible reason for this was the reduced
level of interaction with participants. Questionnaires containing similar questions to those
used in the interviews from the first study were distributed to students during a lecture,
requesting that they be returned at a later date. However, the responses were often as much
as 90% less than those from interviews in terms of word count – Figure 15 shows an extract
from a typical questionnaire response.

Figure 15: Extract from Skeegle user questionnaire

Having only a sentence or two to analyse, compared to the average 150 words yielded from
interviews, meant more inferences had to be made. When asked how they felt about sharing
business ideas on Skeegle, for example, P9 simply answered: “Not good. Don‟t want people
to steal my idea”. Another possible reason for receiving less response per participant was the
limited input space available on the question sheet. Questionnaires had been handed out as
hardcopies and each one occupied a single A4 side, which left a relatively small fixed space
to enter information. It is worth noting, though, that most answers did not fill up an entire
response space, suggesting participants were not trying to provide more information than the
space allowed. Generally, the more data analysts can gather from stakeholders, the fewer
assumptions they have to make, meaning interviews should be preferred over questionnaires.
Where stakeholder interviews are not possible though, questionnaires are still a viable
alternative for eliciting goals.


Looking now at how useful Goalchase was for improving user uptake at Skeegle, a key
insight it delivered was the importance of security, trust and privacy when sharing business
ideas. According to the questionnaires, users were hesitant to share their ideas on Skeegle
because anyone could see them by default, even people they did not know. P7 for example
expressed their concern in a few words: “[ideas] may be stolen”, while P4 was more
convinced: “they get stolen”. Others took a more neutral position, saying that in theory it is a
good idea, but they would need to be able to trust the people they were sharing with. What
this meant to Skeegle is that they needed to find a way to satisfy users‟ goal of collaborating
on potential business projects in a trusted environment. By default, all new projects were
visible to every other Skeegle user. One of the recommendations to come from this case
study was to redesign the way projects are shared, making them private and unpublished to
the community by default. When users are ready to share, they can choose to invite others to
the project or open it up to a subset of the community. While this change has yet to be made
by the Skeegle team, they acknowledge that the user goal is legitimate based on the research,
and are likely to incorporate a new project structure into the next version. At the same time, a
different insight Goalchase delivered sprung a complete rethink of how Skeegle should work.

As well as being cautious of sharing ideas on Skeegle, Goalchase showed that its target users
were drawn to other sites by their simplicity and efficiency. This reflected badly on Skeegle,
as the site was full of lengthy forms to fill in and multiple clicks to find information. In
response to what makes their favourite websites better than others, users said: “ease of access
to information”, “clear and easy to use”, “simple”, and “fast”. Knowing that users liked
quick and easy sites, it was recommended that Skeegle do one seemingly simple thing really
well – like Google or Twitter. These two sites in particular have arguably achieved a high
uptake by their ability to do something very useful, very fast. After some brainstorming, it
was suggested that Skeegle present users with a single text input box on the homepage asking
what their idea was. Figure 16 shows a prototype of this new concept.

Figure 16: Skeegle current site and new concept

Without having to fill in lengthy registration forms, users are able to enter their ideas and
retrieve a set of relevant data, such as potential collaborators, patent information, and
competitor analysis. The idea is to quickly give users all the relevant information they need
to get started developing their business ideas in a trusted environment. In terms of release,
this new version of Skeegle is still in alpha, but the insights gained from Goalchase led to a
complete redesign of the concept, and one that was innovative and unique.

While Goalchase initiated an innovative new concept for Skeegle, it failed to explicitly point
out that Skeegle was too similar to many other community-based websites, and so there was
not enough motivation to use it. Neither its design nor functionality is particularly different
from other popular social networking software - there are even considerable similarities with
UCL Additions. However, this problem did not emerge explicitly from the research, nor did

Goalchase have any particular method to consider the competition. What became more
obvious from a closer analysis of the questionnaires, and after speaking with a couple of
users, is that Skeegle lacked a unique selling point (USP). In the questionnaires, a couple of
users pointed to other websites like Kluster that is, according to P3, an “interesting site using
[the] community to source ideas”. With a lack of originality, users did not appear to have
enough motivation to use Skeegle, as most functionality was available on other social
networks they already belonged to like Facebook – which most likely executed them better.
In other words, they could achieve their goals better with other products. What was learnt is
that Goalchase can inform project teams about what users want to achieve in a particular
context, but it does not tell them how well users might be able to achieve those goals
elsewhere - a type of competitor analysis. If Goalchase could have given Skeegle some sort
of score relative to its competitors, perhaps it would have been a more explicit prompt to
innovate and create a unique selling point.

5.3 ZSL London Zoo


The final case study took on board further usability refinements from the first two.
Interviews and observation were used to research stakeholders, similar to the UCL Additions
case study. These methods had proved more effective than questionnaires for analysing
responses and synthesising goals. This time, the interviews adopted strategies developed in
the first study, such as teasing out goals from responses about needs and tasks using „WHY‟
questioning (Lamsweerde, 2000). Secondly, the goal definitions and Goalmap were created
on sticky notes and paper, also similar to the UCL Additions study. While the spreadsheet
used for Skeegle allowed more content to be stored together, the paper-based method was
preferred for its flexibility and customisation.

Using interviews and observation again proved to be an effective way to tap into user goals,
but a new method for discovering business goals had to be adopted. As mentioned in the
previous chapter, there was no access to ZSL‟s web project team. In practice, it is quite
likely that practitioners will not always have access to project managers who can give them
time to talk about business goals. Without any empirical research data to use, the strategy
adopted was to look at the main tasks available with the London Zoo website and question
the motivation behind each one – again employing Lamsweerde‟s (2000) „WHY‟ technique.
For example, two of the main functions of the site are buying tickets (Figure 17: A) and
reading content about the animals (Figure 17: B).

Figure 17: Buying tickets and reading animal-related content on London Zoo website

It was assumed that one of ZSL‟s goals would be to improve ticket sales, and the content
might simply be there to entice visitors into buying tickets. However, ZSL might also be
trying to help educate people – especially children – and so the content might support two
objectives. The analytical strategy adopted here is riskier in practice because it relies on
assumption. However, it did provide an unforeseen opportunity to add a contingency method
when access to a project team is limited. It could also be used in combination with interviews
to help validate stakeholder responses. For example, if a project manager says the objective
of product „A‟ is to achieve „B‟, but on inspection of product „A‟ it appears to be fulfilling
„C‟, practitioners could return to the project manager to verify.

Aside from creating an analytical approach to discovering business goals, the other main
usability refinement made during this case study was the naming of the Goalmatch method.
Originally this method was named Taskmatch to denote its close relationship with the tasks
that a product supports. As it is fairly similar to task analysis, the name Taskmatch seemed
appropriate. Using the word task also seemed more relevant to its overall purpose, which is
to help evaluate the tasks a product supports. On closer thought though, Goalchase is about
goals, and for consistency with other methods i.e. Goalsort and Goalmap, it seemed more
appropriate to rename it Goalmatch. Initially the method was seen as matching tasks to
goals, but equally it can be seen as matching goals to tasks. Arguably, the latter is actually
more appropriate because the goal definitions already exist, whereas the tasks have yet to be
identified at that stage.


Moving on to utility, it is not possible to describe how useful the insights Goalchase provided
were to the ZSL project team as there was no access to them. However, on the assumption
that one of their goals is to improve ticket sales from the website, a number of insights might
have been valuable.

Firstly, the Goalmatch method highlighted a mismatch between what users wanted to achieve
and what the site let them achieve. When asked what they would do to plan their day at the
zoo, P3 mentioned taking a “picnic etc if necessary” and finding “covered areas in event of
poor weather” – expressed as a goal in Figure 18.

Figure 18: London Zoo user goal

On inspecting the website with Goalmatch however, information about picnic spots and
undercover areas was not available, and so the goal could not be matched to any task (a
mismatch). As a result, two possible improvements might be recommended to the project
team. The first, and most obvious, is to include information about picnic spots and sheltered
areas on the site, making it easy to find. The second, and more creative improvement, could
be to incorporate weather forecasts, dynamically changing the prominence of information
about indoor or outdoor attractions based on it. For example, if the forecast looks sunny, then
promote information about picnic areas, playgrounds, and where to buy ice cream. Using
dynamic content to promote the benefits of visiting the zoo is likely to help increase the
chances of selling tickets – especially if visitors are aware that the zoo offers indoor
attractions in the event of poor weather for example.

Another potentially useful insight Goalchase delivered, and one that no doubt the ZSL
London Zoo team are well aware of, is that adults plan zoo visits around the needs of
children. Cross-referencing interview responses found that parents consider the needs of
their children first and foremost when planning a day at the zoo. For example, P1 was most
concerned about “whether they [the animals] are suited to the age of [their] children visiting”,
while P3 (a teacher), would want to give the “visiting children a focus e.g. conservation”. An
insight such as this may have been useful to ZSL by helping them play to the goals of their
customers. Knowing that adults want to create a positive experience for children, they could
entice them into buying tickets by leveraging this goal. For example, they might have a form
component that asks for the children‟s age groups. Using this information, the system could
recommend suitable animals and a route around the zoo to see them all – taking in the
feeding times, best picnic spots and a visit to the souvenir shop. Accompanying the route
could be a ticket purchasing form, which already knows how many children are coming and
whether they qualify for a child discount etc.

Interestingly in the example above, the goal of satisfying the needs of children did not come
directly from interview responses, rather it was inferred using the „WHY‟ questioning
technique (Lamsweerde, 2000) adopted in the UCL Additions case study. Asking questions
such as „Why are parents concerned about the suitability of animals for their children?‟, and
„Why are teachers looking to give their pupils a focus when visiting the zoo?‟, helped infer
that one important thing adults are trying to achieve when visiting the zoo is ensuring their
children/pupils have a positive experience.

5.4 Summary
This chapter has addressed the third, and final, objective this project set out to achieve by
giving an action research account of the salient usability and utility findings from each case
study. In the UCL Additions study, usability findings included the need to separate different
user roles, better interview strategies for eliciting goals, correct goal placement in the
hierarchy, and alternatives to the paper-based approach. In terms of utility, Goalchase
delivered useful insights into the collaboration tools offered by UCL Additions. In this
particular study, neither the Goalmap nor Goalmatch were especially valuable though.

Moving on to Skeegle, a spreadsheet was used to represent goals instead of paper. Despite
being able to store all related information together, it felt less flexible and collaborative. This
case study also showed that questionnaires were not as effective as interviews, which were
used in the previous study. Regarding utility, Goalchase provided insights into the trust and
privacy issues concerning Skeegle users. It also helped initiate a complete rethink of
Skeegle‟s concept, and how it could create a unique selling point. At the same time,
Goalchase was unable to explicitly show that users lacked the motivation to use Skeegle,
probably because they could achieve their goals better elsewhere.

For the final case study, ZSL London Zoo, a new way of eliciting business goals had to be
adopted. While having no access to the project team is undesirable, this new method can act
as a contingency. It could also serve as a useful validation technique for goals expressed by
project stakeholders. During this case study, it seemed more appropriate to rename
Taskmatch to Goalmatch, as it is more consistent with other Goalchase methods and more
true to its purpose. While there was no way of measuring the utility of insights Goalchase
delivered to the ZSL team, possible recommendations include resolving a Goalmatch
„mismatch‟ by providing information about picnic and sheltered areas, possibly integrating
such information with dynamic weather data. Also, the team could personalise more of the
site around the needs of children, providing recommended routes for example.

6 Discussion
The last chapter tackled the final project objective by reflecting on the three case studies used
to evaluate Goalchase‟s usability and utility - describing the substantive improvements made
and insights gained. With the last of the project objectives covered, this chapter begins by
discussing the extent to which Goalchase achieved each one, and then looks at future work.

6.1 Did Goalchase achieve its goals?

While this question cannot be answered with a simple „yes or no‟, it can be addressed by
discussing each project objective in turn.

6.1.1 Identifying opportunities in the HCI literature

Having looked at a variety of goal-related literature dating back to the late 1960s, the
opportunities to develop new goal-oriented methods appear to be genuinely unique. Goals
have been a principal element in several HCI methods over the years. Annett & Duncan
(1967) proposed a method that looked at the “hierarchical structure of tasks”, which became
known as hierarchical task analysis (HTA). Kirwan & Ainsworth (1992) pointed out that the
purpose of HTA is to “meet a system‟s goals”. More recently, Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin,
(2007) have developed an entire design process around user goals, while others such as
Sharp, Preece, & Rogers (2007) have used them as usability and user experience criteria.
What appears to be missing though is a systematic way of defining goals, a means of
discovering which ones are most important to stakeholders, and a way of explicitly showing
how user goals relate to business objectives. These opportunities have been taken up by
Goalchase, which attempts to provide a clear and convenient technique for defining goals, a
way of sorting them on perceived importance, and a way of mapping the relationships
between stakeholder goals to show points of mutual benefit (PMBs). The proposed utility of
these methods is to help practitioners improve the user experience, while being able to cost-
justify the user-centred approach.

Of course, Goalchase could be seen as overlapping with other HCI methods, models and
processes in certain areas. Norman‟s (1988) Action Cycle and Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin‟s
(2007) Goal-Directed Design process, for example, both look at goals from a first-person user
perspective. However, neither of them look at the hierarchical relationships between goals
and subgoals, nor do they offer a systematic way of defining them. They are also less clear
about what constitutes a goal. Norman (1988) goes as far as saying that goals are “something
to be achieved, often vaguely stated”, while Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin (2007) go slightly
further by saying that goals are “driven by human motivations” and that they “change very
slowly – if at all – over time”. Goalchase maintains Oxford Dictionaries‟ (2008) definition
that goals are „aims‟ or „desired results‟, but it attempts to further define them for HCI by
stating that they are abstract (unlike tasks) and include success criteria (unlike needs).
Looking at other areas of potential overlap, Sharp, Preece, & Rogers (2007) utilise just the

success criteria element of Goalchase goals, which they call usability and user experience
goals. The problem with this approach is that the success criteria (or goals) are taken out of
context – they have no meaningful relationship to the product environment. Saying that
„enjoyment‟ is a user experience goal is valuable in so far as helping designers understand
how users want to feel. But saying that users want to have „an enjoyable day at the zoo‟ is
arguably more effective as it combines success criteria with a high-level activity (visiting the
zoo) to create a single goal definition in context, one that represents a human motivation.
Another possible area where Goalchase overlaps is with Checkland‟s (1981) Soft Systems
Methodology (SSM) rich picture method. Somewhat similar to a Goalmap, a rich picture
plots stakeholders and shows relationships between them (Checkland, 1981). However, it is
more concerned with conflicts of interest, attitudes, and unanswered questions (Checkland,
1981), than showing how stakeholder goals relate to form points of mutual benefit (PMBs).

6.1.2 Developing and presenting a possible solution

While Goalchase could be seen as overlapping with other methods, it was created on the back
of new opportunities identified in the HCI literature, and also several philosophical themes.
The first is, as Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin (2007) agree, that goals are more important than
tasks in HCI. A product that supports hundreds of tasks has little value if there is no
motivation to use it. On the other hand, a goal that has no means of achieving it presents a
significant opportunity to create a product. The second theme is that HCI activities should
begin with goals, not a task analysis. Contrary to what Pheasant & Haslegrave (2005)
argued: “every good project starts with a task analysis”, Goalchase is designed to start every
good project with a goal analysis. Again, if a product does not address things people want to
achieve, then its tasks have no value as there is no motivation to perform them. In that spirit,
it is better to look at why people do things before looking at how they might do them. The
third and final philosophy is that goals help resolve the cost-justification problem HCI
activities have suffered from. One of the usability fundamentals Nielsen (2003) provides is a
business case for it. Similarly, several books have been written with titles like „Cost-
Justifying Usability‟ (Bias & Mayhew, 2005), that aim to help UX practitioners sell the
benefit of their work. By making the relationships between user and business goals explicit,
Goalchase attempts to help practitioners point out the mutual benefits of improving the user

Another philosophical issue Goalchase takes up, which was not mentioned in chapter 3, is its
intention to encourage innovation and creativity. As Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin (2007)
point out, goals are not constrained by “outmoded technology”. This leaves designers free to
create new ways of achieving things, whether it means building on existing technology or
reinventing the wheel. While the latter is generally discouraged in software engineering, it
does not apply equally to interaction design. A project by Google called Wave, for example,
aims to reinvent email using shared data objects hosted on servers. While many of the
programming techniques might be borrowed from other projects, the Wave concept itself is
fundamentally different to email. Technology like Google Wave might become the latest in
communications innovation, but there have been several other innovative landmarks along
the way. From letters to telephones and telegrams, to email and text messaging, to poking
and tweeting; all these types of communication are significantly different from each other.
Yet they all share one thing in common, the human goal they support: to connect and
communicate with other people easily. Technology has been making this goal easier to
achieve over time. Thinking about goals over tasks and technology does not always come
naturally though. The car maker Henry Ford was quoted as saying “If I‟d asked my
customers what they wanted, they‟d have said a faster horse.” proposing that people will
naturally think within their existing means. However, Ford looked beyond that and addressed
the same human goal (wanting to travel more efficiently and comfortably), but with an
innovative new technology: the automobile. By focusing on goals, Goalchase encourages
innovation in this way.

6.1.3 Ensuring solution is usable and useful in practice


Combining action research with a case study approach was an effective way to evaluate and
improve Goalchase‟s usability. Wixon (2003) supports this by arguing for a case study
approach to method evaluation over traditional studies of effectiveness. Traditional studies
such as those by Jeffries, Miller, Wharton, & Uyeda (1991) and Karat, Campbell, & Fiegel
(1992) simply measured effectiveness by the number of problems an evaluation method
produced (its productivity). On the back of Gray & Salzman‟s (1998) criticism, Wixon
(2003) gives two example case studies where it was arguably more appropriate to evaluate a
method by the utility of insights it produced in practice. The three case studies carried out for
this project helped improve Goalchase‟s usability and utility. From the results, several
usability refinements were made, such as establishing the most suitable way to represent
goals on the Goalmap, and finding an effective way to represent different user groups. Of
course, these improvements worked better for the author, but further testing is needed to see
if they are better for others too.

Being able to use Goalchase effectively was one of the objectives of this project, but to use it
one has to learn what it is first. Accompanying the description of Goalchase in chapter 3 is a
user guide, which can be found in Appendix A. While chapter 3 tries to be as illustrative as
possible within the limits of a thesis, the user guide has the space to elaborate. As Goalchase
is still developing though, the user guide is a work in progress. If some of the future work
outlined in the next section goes ahead, then the guide will need updating accordingly.


How useful was Goalchase in practice? For the first two case studies - UCL Additions and
Skeegle - where results could be reported back to the project team, it was effective. In both
cases, it helped root out the main problems with the websites that were causing a significant
lack of uptake. It did this by finding out what users were trying to achieve, and how well
both products supported them. With Skeegle for instance, users wanted to be able to share
their business ideas in a trusted environment. By default, Skeegle let every member of the
community see every other member‟s ideas, which made students wary of using the site.
Explaining this user goal to the project team, along with how improving it could increase
uptake, we could brainstorm new solutions. In this case, simply changing the way ideas are
shared around the community by default would most likely improve trust levels. However,
looking at some of the other user goals, such as wanting to do things quickly and easily, a
whole new concept for Skeegle was born (refer back to Figure 16). Still in alpha, the new
Skeegle presents users with a simple form asking for their idea and returns useful information
to help them get started developing it – quickly and easily.

Looking further at the utility of Goalchase, an interesting question is: how might Goalchase
have helped avoid product failures in the past? The short answer is that it would hopefully
have pointed out gulfs between what the product was going to do and what users wanted to
achieve. The Sinclair C5 was a battery operated electric road vehicle sold in the UK in 1985
(Wikipedia, 2009). By most accounts it was a “commercial disaster” (Wikipedia, 2009), and
the causes were most likely due to unintentionally violating user goals. Firstly, it is highly
worth revisiting Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin‟s (2007) description of a particular user goal:
When travelling from St. Louis to San Francisco, people want to do it quickly, comfortably
and safely. With an increasing number of cars on the road in 1985, they were most likely
perceived as a faster, safer and more comfortable alternative to previous modes of road
transport. With these goals in mind, it is more obvious to see how the Sinclair C5 failed so
badly. It was much slower than a car (with a top speed of 15 miles per hour), probably less
comfortable than a car, and with a scarcely protected open chassis, “doubts were raised about
the safety in traffic” (Wikipedia, 2009) and about drivers being exposed to bad weather.
However, at a price of around £400 (Wikipedia, 2009), it was cheaper than a new car. A
common goal amongst price sensitive people is that they look for a good bargain or a cheaper
alternative. But in the C5‟s case, it was not worth risking one‟s life (and dignity) for (Figure

Figure 19: Sinclair C5

6.2 Future direction
Looking finally at possible directions for the future, the most immediate task would be to test
Goalchase for validity with other practitioners. In this case, validity is most likely be
measured by how accurately stakeholder goals reflect the research. Goals that do not relate
back to the research either directly or implicitly can be seen as false positives, while goals
that can be elicited from the research but are overlooked are misses. As Goalchase hinges on
stakeholder goals, their accuracy is the most important criteria for ensuring its validity.
Using the Sinclair C5 example again, if the only customer goal identified had been to find a
cheaper alternative to cars, then the C5 would have satisfied it well. However, customers
also want to travel quickly, comfortably and safely. In this case, those three success criteria
were either missed or ignored. Of course, measuring validity is susceptible to analyst biases,
such as background discipline, experience level, and personal skills. Blandford, Green,
Furniss, & Makri (2008) address the issue in justifying CASSM‟s validity. Like CASSM,
Goalchase relies more on good research than good insight – contrary to other methods such
as heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthrough (Blandford, Green, Furniss, & Makri,
2008). By following Goalchase‟s research techniques, practitioners should not need to rely
on their personal skills too heavily to elicit stakeholder goals. Where significant personal
skills are needed is in creating successful solutions or recommending worthy improvements.
But regardless of whether a solution is successful or not, Goalchase must ensure it is rooted
in valid stakeholder goals.

After validating Goalchase with other practitioners to establish that it is indeed usable and
useful, the next step would be to look at how it fits within the overall systems development
lifecycle (SDLC). Fundamentally, Goalchase is used to design or evaluate interactive
products, but these two activities are just part of building and maintaining a software product.
Between design and evaluation, an interactive product must be developed. This requires
programming, graphic design, information architecture, hardware configuration, and
documentation amongst other things. To be taken up in practice, Goalchase needs to be able
to integrate with the SDLC. Typical software development methodologies include agile
models such as Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP), traditional iterative models such as
the Rational Unified Process (RUP), and rapid application development methods such as the
Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) (Sommerville, 2007). If looking to
integrate Goalchase with an agile model such as Scrum, for example, further research would
be needed to find out how it works with Scrum‟s short development periods known as
„Sprints‟, in which user requirements cannot be changed (Sommerville, 2007).

A slightly lower priority task, assuming Goalchase is accepted in the SDLC, would be to
develop a web-based application for it. This would make it easier to share information with a
much wider audience and cross-reference different studies in a database. During the case
studies, it was found that using a spreadsheet was less flexible and collaborative than sticky
notes and paper, which would apply to a web application too. However, a bespoke
application could be designed around the needs of Goalchase, making use of diagramming
tools instead of a fixed grid and cells for example. Project teams could possibly carry out
Goalchase on paper or whiteboard, entering the information into a web application
afterwards. A significant advantage of taking the time to do this would be the ability to share
results easily with people outside the project team, and also build up a database of
stakeholder goals. As goals tend not to change much over time (Cooper, Reimann, & Cronin,
2007), there is most likely some reuse value in them across different projects.

Looking more closely at reuse, it might be worth developing sets of goals for particular
contexts that are shared by the HCI community – acting like a reference set. Whittaker,
Terveen, & Nardi (2000) argue for something similar, but with tasks. Their concern is that
HCI research has been overly focused on “radical invention”, making it difficult to “compare
different interaction techniques objectively” and build on the work of others (Whittaker,
Terveen, & Nardi, 2000). To address this, they suggest the HCI community agree on a set of
common tasks for a particular context such as “browsing and retrieval in speech archives”
(Whittaker, Terveen, & Nardi, 2000). While this approach is a step in the right direction, it is
arguably more effective to create a set of reference goals, rather than tasks. This is because
goals represent things we want to achieve regardless of the task, and as a result, retain their
validity more as technology changes – making them a better suited reference resource.
Questioning why a litigator wants to browse and retrieve data from speech archives, for
example, might reveal that it is to get relevant witness statements to help prepare a court
case. Unlike the „browsing and retrieval‟ task, this goal could be achieved in other, perhaps
better, ways. A possible solution might recommend witness statements to the litigator as the
court case is being prepared, meaning they have little need to browse and retrieve data
themselves. In this context, the reference task proposed by Whittaker, Terveen, & Nardi
(2000) begins to lose its validity. The reference goal, on the other hand, retains its value. For
Goalchase, a set of reference tasks would not be aimed at shifting HCI research away from
“radical invention” (Whittaker, Terveen, & Nardi, 2000), but it would help practitioners build
on the work of others. At a basic level, it would save them having to carry out stakeholder
research that has already been done. As the reference set develops, practitioners might also
be able to share ideas about satisfying stakeholder goals with particular technologies.

Furthermore, there are likely to be goals in one context that also apply to others, meaning
there is an opportunity to develop higher-level generic reference sets. In the context of zoos
and museums, visitors have several goals in common. Parents, for example, probably want to
take in attractions that interest their kids. They also want their kids to be safe. Both these
goals apply to zoos and museums, as well as many other contexts such as theme parks.
Creating a set of cross-context reference goals would allow practitioners to utilise stakeholder
research that has already been done in a different context. It might also reveal new
opportunities for improving the user experience across a range of contexts, such as creating a
device that recommends the best route around a zoo, museum or theme park based on the
attractions the kids are interested in.

Concluding this discussion with an interesting trail of thought that started during the Skeegle
case study; it might be worth trying to calculate a user‟s level of motivation to use a
particular product, something that could be referred to as their Goal Satisfaction Level (GSL).
Like UCL Additions, Skeegle was suffering from lack of user uptake. Goalchase can deliver
the causes of the problem, in the form of user goals that either the product does not support or
does not support well enough. In Skeegle‟s case, users wanted to share their ideas with
trusted members of the community, rather than everyone, by default. Goalchase identified
this goal, and helped recommend a solution to potentially improve uptake. However, what
Goalchase cannot deliver is insights about how well other products support the same user
goals – maybe even ones in different contexts. Coincidently, Skeegle and UCL Additions
attempt to support very similar user goals – the result of two competing groups within the
university. But given a choice, which one would new users choose, and how much better
would one need to be to motivate existing users to switch from the other, taking into account
the costs of doing so? Goalchase predicts that users will go with whichever one best supports
their goals, but that is also the best prediction it can give. If it could calculate GSLs for both
sites - whether a quantitative score e.g. 9/10 or qualitative value e.g. High - a simple
comparison of the two competing values would inform practitioners of the potential winner.

Web browsers can be used to illustrate this. Microsoft‟s Internet Explorer (IE) has been the
dominant browser for a long time for various reasons, still maintaining around 68% market
share (Net Applications, 2009). At the same time, Mozilla‟s Firefox has been steadily
gaining market share over IE, with a current user base of about 22% (Net Applications,
2009). This suggests that an increasing number of people are switching to Firefox - but why?
Again, Goalchase suggests it is because Firefox supports web users‟ goals sufficiently better
to motivate them to switch, taking into account the costs of doing so. In this case, costs
would include the effort required to learn a new browser, transfer bookmarks, and install add-
ons. In situations where users are switching from one product to another, offsetting these
costs against the initial user motivation level for a product would give its „true‟ GSL.

An interesting line of further work would be to investigate this Goal Satisfaction Level (GSL)
concept. Firstly, one would need to figure out how an index value can be placed on „how
well a product supports the goals of its users‟. This would be followed by working out the
minimum GSL a product needs to achieve in a particular context for users to be sufficiently
motivated to take it up at all. From there, it would be necessary to find out the GSL margin a
product needs to gain over its competitors for users to be sufficiently motivated to switch,
taking into account the costs of doing so. In markets where the satisfaction level is generally
low, only a smaller margin is needed and vice versa. Take Google‟s Chrome browser for
example. It has not achieved the same growth rate as Firefox most likely because it has not
gained a big enough GSL margin, meaning there is not the same level of motivation to switch
from Firefox to Chrome as there arguably was to switch from IE to Firefox. Calculating and
comparing GSLs would potentially explain these uptake trends and be able to predict new

7 Conclusion
This thesis has presented Goalchase, a motivation-driven design and evaluation framework
for interactive systems. Goalchase stems from opportunities to develop new goal-oriented
methods, and aims to address an underlying question: How can a product best support the
goals of its stakeholders? The overall objective of Goalchase is to help HCI practitioners
improve the user experience, while being able to cost-justify the user-centred approach. The
objectives of this project were to highlight opportunities in the HCI literature, present a
possible solution: Goalchase, and ensure its usability and utility in practice.

Looking at the first objective, the literature revealed a number of opportunities to develop
new goal-oriented methods. One was to define goals consistently by combining needs and
success criteria. Another was to discover the relative importance of different stakeholder
goals, helping to inform design decisions. The last was to show the relationships between
user and business goals, making a more explicit case for the user-centred approach.

To address the second objective, a new design and evaluation framework was presented.
Goalchase considers the goals of all stakeholders, and provides a consistent way of defining
them. Its Goalsort method then aims to discover which goals stakeholders value most.
Finally, all goals are brought together on a Goalmap to show where points of mutual benefit
(PMBs) exist. From there, Goalchase aims to deliver useful insights into either the design or
evaluation process based on what stakeholders want to achieve.

Looking finally at the third project objective, a case study approach was taken to improve
Goalchase‟s usability and assess the utility of insights it delivers. This action research
process was successful as it revealed several usability issues, such as practical problems
encountered with the paper-based method and interview techniques. Furthermore, it showed
that Goalchase can deliver useful insights into the case studies, such as pointing out problems
with collaboration to UCL Additions, the need for a more trusted environment to Skeegle,
and the opportunity to be more child-focused to ZSL London Zoo.

With this in mind, Goalchase was found to be usable and useful within the scope of its three
case studies. While more work is necessary to validate its effectiveness, the results show that
Goalchase can be used effectively to improve the user experience, and also help cost-justify
the user-centred approach.

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Appendix A

Goalchase user guide

Goalchase v1.0
User Guide

1 What is Goalchase?
Goalchase is a motivation-driven design and evaluation framework for interactive systems.
It aims to answer one simple question:

1. How can a product best support the goals of its stakeholders?

To answer this, Goalchase first provides a process for identifying, defining and prioritising
stakeholder goals*. It then provides a springboard for either designing or evaluating
interactive products with the aim of supporting those goals in the best way.

The name Goalchase signifies the aim of chasing goals when designing or evaluating
interactive products.

* Stakeholders are typically the users of a product and the organisation that supplies it

2 Why use Goalchase?

Goalchase is an effective way of designing and evaluating products to satisfy the goals of
stakeholders. Using the concept of success criteria, Goalchase offers a structured and
consistent way of defining goals. For example, someone might want to have a great day out
at the zoo. As part of having a great experience, one of the things they need to do is plan
their day at the zoo easily and conveniently. Using Goalchase, practitioners can articulate
goals and success criteria in a Goalmap. Furthermore, Goalchase highlights points of
mutual benefit (PMBs). At these points, two or more stakeholders benefit from a particular
task or activity. For example, someone who wants to have a great day out at the zoo needs
to buy a ticket. At the same time, the zoo benefits from selling the ticket. Goalchase helps
practitioners identify PMBs by highlighting them on the Goalmap. Finally, Goalchase offers
a method for prioritising goals. Knowing which goals stakeholders value most helps
practitioners understand the relative importance of tasks and their interface components.
For example, a zoo visitor might value seeing interesting animals and attractions higher than
easily finding out how to get there. Goalchase helps practitioners prioritise goals by
conducting a Goalsort.

Other benefits of using Goalchase are:

 It covers both usability and user experience – what users want to do and how they
want to feel;

 It is technology independent – Goalmaps are reusable blueprints that are always

open to better ways of implementing solutions;

 It is design and evaluation method independent – practitioners can integrate

Goalmaps with their preferred design and evaluation methods;

 It encourages creativity and innovation;

 Goalmaps sustain their validity and value over time; technology-specific Hierarchical
Task Analysis diagrams do not;
 Goalmaps integrate well with Task Analysis;

 It aids communication and understanding between all members of a project team by

creating a shared blueprint of what stakeholders are trying to achieve;

 It is designed for simplicity and ease-of-use;

 It helps designers and evaluators focus on stakeholder needs rather than their own.

2.1 Goalchase for design

As a design method, Goalchase provides a focus for creativity. Using Goalsort and a
Goalmap, designers can create solutions around what their stakeholders are trying to
achieve. Typically, a Goalmap can be used for brainstorming ideas about how best to
support the goals it has identified. In addition, the Goalmap and resulting design concepts
can be integrated with further user-centred design methods such as personas, scenarios,
requirements and sketching. For example, a zoo Goalmap might tell designers that visitors
try to avoid crowds and queues as much as possible. Using this goal, designers can
brainstorm possible ways of helping visitors achieve this goal and describe scenarios in
which they accomplish it.

2.2 Goalchase for evaluation

As an evaluation method, Goalchase is an effective way to improve existing products. Using
the Goalmatch method, evaluators map the tasks a product supports to stakeholder needs
defined in a Goalmap. Consequently, any goals there are not supported by the product are
easily revealed. Also, when evaluators are looking to improve Points of Mutual Benefit they
know which tasks to evaluate and what success criteria apply to them. For example, a zoo
Goalmap might tell evaluators that visitors want to plan their day easily and conveniently.
Evaluators can then assess how easy and convenient planning tasks such as buying a ticket
are. Typically, success criteria are broken down into measurable metrics such as time to
complete tasks and number of errors. From there, evaluators can use the most suitable
methods such as cognitive walkthrough or user testing to make an assessment and
recommend improvements.

3 How do I use Goalchase?

Figure 1 shows the entire Goalchase process.

Figure 1 - Goalchase Process

The following sections describe the common Goalchase approach along with how to use
Goalchase for design or evaluation.

3.1 Key stages

Regardless of whether you are designing a new product or evaluating an existing one,
Goalchase always begins with stakeholder research, goal definitions, Goalsort and

3.1.1 Research stakeholders

The objective of Goalchase research is to discover what stakeholders are trying to achieve
in a particular context. Usually, a stakeholder’s overall goal is obvious enough to be
assumed prior to research. For example, a zoo visitor wants to have a great day out with
their family and friends. By hypothesising a stakeholder’s overall goal, you have a starting
point and focus for research.

There are a number of well-established HCI methods for gathering data about stakeholders
and Goalchase does not aim to reinvent these. Instead, it offers some guidance on how to
gather relevant data using any method:

 Understand who the stakeholders are. Typically, the main stakeholders are users of
a product such as customers or employees and the organisation that supplies it.
However, partners and governing bodies may also need to be considered depending
on the product.

 Define the stakeholders before you try to define their goals. Target user populations
can typically be defined by demographics such as their age-group, sex, nationality,
occupation etc. You might find it useful to enrich your stakeholder definitions after
research by creating personas.

 Use the overall goal to find out what the sub-goals are. When interviewing zoo
visitors, for example, you could ask: What makes a great day out at the zoo? The
aim is to discover what is needed to achieve the overall goal – the sub-goals.

 Try to avoid analysing tasks at this stage, and instead look for the motivations behind
them (the opposite of task analysis). An office worker probably uses a word
processor to create a report because it is quicker than writing it by hand, easier to
edit and distribute, and looks more professional. However, there might be
opportunities to satisfy these goals in other ways.


1. Define the stakeholders and context

2. Define each stakeholder’s overall goal

3. Use overall goals and suitable HCI research methods to gather stakeholder data


1. Stakeholders in London Zoo context:

i. London Zoo visitor (23-35yrs, male/female, parent of child/children 5-12yrs)

ii. London Zoo

2. Overall goals:

i. London Zoo visitor: Have a great day out at the zoo with my family

ii. London Zoo: Attract more visitors to the zoo*

3. Suitable HCI research methods:

i. Contextual enquiry (observation)

ii. Interviews

iii. Questionnaires

* This is an example of an ongoing goal. Business goals might also be attainable and
measurable objectives such as: Increase zoo visitors by 15% over the next six months


 Stakeholder definitions and overall goals – typically a document, spreadsheet or


3.1.2 Define goals

As goals are the most important aspect of Goalchase, defining them is the most important
activity. Getting a realistic set of goals from your research is essential for designing products
that fulfil real stakeholder needs. It also reveals worthwhile and justifiable areas for
evaluation and improvement.

In Goalchase, goals are abstract. They deliberately lack the granularity to be physically
carried out in the real world – that is the job of tasks. More specifically, they avoid being
bound by technology. The benefit is that they retain validity and value over time. For
example, a zoo visitor who wants to plan their day at the zoo easily and conveniently might
have done so by telephone before the Internet arrived. Now, that same visitor might use the
zoo’s website, email, interactive TV or mobile applications to achieve the same goal.

Goals are also written in verb-noun format. This is for clarity and consistency. Firstly, goals
are achieved by tasks and actions – things people actually do with objects in the real world.
As verbs denote actions and nouns represent objects, it seems appropriate to use this
format for goals, needs and tasks.

Furthermore, goals always include success criteria. This is what makes a goal and
differentiates it from needs, activities and tasks. Success criteria are adjectives and adverbs
used to signify a positive outcome. For example, have a day out at the zoo is not a goal. It
creates ambiguity as to whether the day out should be good or bad – leaving us to presume
that the visitor wants a good day out. Consequently, it omits any criteria for measuring
success. We can break high-level success criteria down into measurable metrics by asking:
What makes a good day out at the zoo? Continuing this strategy with sub-goals will identify
low-level success criteria that are important to the stakeholder such as efficiency and errors
when booking a trip on the zoo’s website.

In addition, goals exist in hierarchies – similar to tasks in a Hierarchical Task Analysis

(HTA). The overall goal can only be achieved if its sub-goals are achieved and so on. For
example, having a great day out at the zoo might mean planning the day easily and
conveniently, seeing interesting animals and attractions, and avoiding crowds and queues.

Goals also have attributes. Attributes are properties of a goal that help enrich the
understanding of it such how often it is achieved (frequency) or how difficult it is to achieve
(difficulty). Goalchase does not provide a fixed set of attributes for every context because
they might not necessarily be relevant, so practitioners choose whichever ones could be of
value. Typical properties include:

 Frequency – how often a stakeholder tries to achieve the goal e.g. once a year, daily

 Duration – how long it takes a stakeholder to achieve the goal e.g. one day

 Difficulty – how hard the stakeholder believes the goal is to achieve e.g. very hard

 Constraints – external factors that may affect the goal e.g. physical/cognitive
limitations, deadlines, weather conditions, technical limitations

 Conditions – factors that determine whether stakeholders want to achieve the goal
e.g. if it rains, zoo visitors want to find cover quickly

 Emotions (that supplement any included in the goal definition) – how the stakeholder
wants to feel during or after the goal e.g. satisfied, excited, thrilled

 Cost – how much it will cost the stakeholder to achieve the goal

Finally, goals inherit success criteria and attributes. If zoo visitors want to plan their day out
easily and conveniently, for example, then these criteria and attributes are inherited by any
sub-goals, needs and (when integrated with Task Analysis) tasks in the hierarchy. This has
the added benefit that they do not need to be repeated each time. If users found buying a
zoo ticket online difficult, time-consuming and frustrating it would conflict with the success
criteria defined in the parent goal.


1. Write each goal on a separate piece of card or sticky note

2. Assign each goal a unique ID that represents its stakeholder and level in the
hierarchy (similar to HTA – the overall goal is level 0)

3. Underline success criteria

4. Populate each goal with attributes

i. Frequency

ii. Emotions


 Zoo visitor (user): U1.1 - Plan my day out at the zoo easily and conveniently.

1. Frequency: Once or twice a year (inherited from parent)

2. Emotions: Satisfying, Helpful, Pleasant

 Zoo (business): B1.1 – Sell more tickets through our website


 Goal definitions – on separate pieces of card or sticky notes

3.1.3 Goalsort
The objective of a Goalsort is to qualitatively weigh the importance of stakeholder goals to
help make design and evaluation decisions. It consists of simply asking stakeholders to
arrange their goals in perceived order of importance – using the goal definitions from the
previous stage. Insight from a Goalsort can help determine the prominence of interface
components (the more important ones being the most prominent) at the design stage. Also,
it can help evaluators prioritise problem areas for investigation. For example, evaluators
might have identified possible areas for improving both the zoo facilities locator and the
ticket purchasing system on the website. Using the results from a Goalsort, they might find
that improving the ticket purchasing system is a higher priority.

Goalsorts are always carried out on goals from the same level in the hierarchy because
‘cross-level’ (or parent-child) sorting is ineffective. The hierarchical structure of goals
dictates that a parent goal is achieved by fulfilling its child goals (subgoals), in the same way
a hierarchical task analysis (HTA) dictates that a parent task is completed by executing its
subtasks. For example, it would be ineffective to ask participants to decide which is more
important: ‘Have a great day out at the zoo’ or ‘Plan our day at the zoo easily’, as the former
(overall goal) is always ultimately most important.


1. Gather all stakeholder goals from a level in the hierarchy e.g. Level 1

2. Scatter stakeholder goals in no particular order onto a table or surface

3. Ask stakeholders to arrange them in perceived order of importance

4. Record the results – digital camera etc


 Zoo visitor level 1 goals:

1. See interesting animals and attractions

2. Avoid crowds and queues

3. Find facilities such as cafes and toilets easily

4. Plan my day easily and conveniently


 Goalsort results – document, spreadsheet, photograph, webpage

3.1.4 Goalmap
The objective of a Goalmap is to understand how stakeholder goals interact in a particular
context by highlighting points of mutual benefit (PMBs). Goalmaps are also useful
communication tools because they can be understood and shared by everyone on a project
team. There are no hard rules for how a Goalmap looks visually but typically it is
represented as a diagram or table.

Goalmap diagram or Goalmap table

 For diagram, use a sheet of A3 or larger sized paper. Attach goal definitions or
rewrite them onto the sheet (if you are confident they are final).

 User goals are presented left to right (overall goal on far left)

 Business/Organisation goals are presented right to left (overall goal on far right)

 Colour coding stakeholder goals can help differentiate them

 PMBs should meet in the middle

Highlight points of mutual benefit (PMBs)

PMBs are interaction points on a Goalmap where two or more stakeholders benefit in some
way from each others’ goal. For example, a potential zoo visitor wants to plan their day
easily and conveniently. As part of achieving that goal, they need to buy a ticket. At the
same time, the zoo wants to sell more tickets. If buying a ticket is difficult, frustrating and
confusing, there is a greater risk that the potential visitor will abandon this task. If their
negative experience is severe enough, they might abandon visiting the zoo altogether and
go to the museum instead. At this point, both the potential visitor and the zoo have lost out.
In other words, it is mutually beneficial for the zoo to help the potential visitor plan their day
easily and conveniently.

Highlight each PMB on the Goalmap in some way, e.g. green connecting line, and give it a
unique ID e.g. PMB1. This helps everyone on the team understand where design and
evaluation efforts should focus.


1. Create Goalmap

2. Highlight PMBs


 Goalmap - A3+ sheet of paper, spreadsheet table, graphic image, webpage

3.2 Additional stages: Design

Goalchase is well suited to creating innovative products that support legitimate user needs
and integrating with further user-centred design methods.
3.2.1 Create
Goalchase encourages creativity and innovation. Goalmaps are technology-independent so
designers are not constrained by existing technical limitations at the outset. For example,
planning a day at the zoo easily and conveniently does not necessarily mean using the web,
email or telephone.

While Goalchase does not provide any new creativity methods, it integrates well with
established techniques such as brainstorming and focus groups. In both cases, designers
can focus on areas of the Goalmap and conceptualise innovative ways of supporting goals.

3.2.2 Develop
Goalmaps integrate well with further user-centred design methods. The following list briefly
highlights some of these.


Choose a particular goal (or set of goals) and describe how a user ideally interacts with a
product to achieve that goal.


In order to achieve a goal, a user needs the necessary information and actions to perform a
task. Using a particular goal, define the data and functional requirements needed to achieve

3.3 Additional stages: Evaluation

Goalchase can help assess how well a product supports the goals of its users.

3.3.1 Goalmatch
The objective of a Goalmatch is to discover which user goals a product supports and
indicate the success criteria for evaluating the tasks it provides. By matching product tasks
to user goals, any goals that are not supported at all are easily revealed. Also, any tasks
that do not match a goal either suggest they are superfluous or that the goal definitions need
to be revisited. For tasks that do match, use the success criteria from the parent goal as the
basis for measuring task improvements. For example, buying a zoo ticket should be easy
and convenient. If you decide to improve this task, you know that making it easier and more
convenient is the basis for measuring success. Of course, these high-level criteria are too
abstract to actually be measured so they need to be broken down into suitable low-level
metrics such as time to complete tasks, number of errors etc.


1. List the tasks available with a product (perhaps using basic Task Analysis).
Spreadsheets and tables are useful for doing this.

2. For each task, try to match it to a low-level goal in the Goalmap and mark the goal’s
ID next to it. If it does not match any goal, make a note of it (or just leave the goal ID
field blank).


 Zoo visitor using London Zoo website

o See interesting animals and attractions

 Find out what animals the zoo has to offer

 Find out about feeding times and special events

o Plan my day at the zoo easily and conveniently

 Find out how to get to the zoo

 Find out how much tickets cost

 Buy a ticket

 Find out what child facilities they have and where they are

3.3.2 Assess
After identifying potential areas for improvement, you should choose a suitable usability or
user experience evaluation method. Tasks are commonly tested for usability with cognitive
walkthroughs, heuristic evaluations and user testing. User experience issues are often
addressed with interviews and satisfaction questionnaires.

Appendix B

Sample UCL Additions user interview transcript

Participant #3

Age Range [16-19] [20-24] [25-29] [30-34] [35-39] [40-49] [50+]

Gender [Male] [Female]

Occupation Research and Programme Development Manager

How would you describe your

[Beginner] [Intermediate] [Advanced]
computer experience level?
How often do you use the
[Daily] [Weekly] [Monthly]
Do you use social networks
[Yes] [No]
such as Facebook?
Have you used UCL Additions
[Yes] [No]

Why do you/would you use UCL Additions?

“Basically, I work for the Institute of Global Health and our remit is to coordinate work
across UCL and potentially find new collaborators and people who haven‟t worked together
before. We thought it would be quite useful as a way to advertise our community rather than
using all users emails and things like that, I think it would be quite a nice place to group
people and allow them to talk to each other without having to physically have meetings and
to identify people they might want to collaborate with without having to attend all of our
meetings. We also thought it might be quite useful if we‟re putting together research
proposals or for instance we were writing a long document – to be able to set up a group and
post versions of draughts and comments on there. And one other idea was we wanted to start
kind of almost like a blog but using UCL Additions on particular topics within the group, so
that‟s why we wanted to use it.”

Looking at the homepage, how easy is it to establish what UCL Additions is

and what the benefits of joining are?

“I don‟t actually think it is that easy, um, going back a step before that – and I don‟t know
whether it‟s just because it‟s a beta version but it‟s really hard to find UCL Additions. If you
just type it in the UCL search, it doesn‟t come up and you end up having to go to UCL
Advances and then UCL Additions so people that I‟ve asked who have joined have found it
quite hard without me actually sending them an invitation. Once you‟re actually on the
homepage, I don‟t think it really explains very well what it actually does and why you might
actually want to join it. I know it‟s got these things here, but I think it does need a bit more

What is the most important part of UCL Additions to you e.g. Contacts,

“Um, the groups because we‟ve set up our own group would probably be one of the most
useful and the projects as well so that we can actually use it for particular things and use it as
a place to store documents that everybody can access because it‟s a bit easier than setting up
a new webpage that people would have to login to and look at.”

What are your comments on the ‘Activities’ section of the website?

“I think it would probably be better to separate those two out, um, cos I wasn‟t assuming
funding opportunities would be under activities. I didn‟t even realise that it included that.”

How easy do you think it is to find people you might want to collaborate with?

“Fairly easy because you obviously get a list that comes up on the left hand side, but I don‟t
know, I haven‟t looked recently, but I don‟t know how much information people end up
putting in their profiles and I would probably end up looking for people on the UCL
homepage and looking at their departmental profiles and then maybe coming back in there
and joining.”

With the list of potential collaborators on the left, in your opinion do you see that as being
the entire list or do you think somewhere else there might be…that’s a snippet and there’s a
full list somewhere?

“I think that‟s obviously just a snippet of potential people and I know that the kind of
network diagram of all the people that are on there, and that‟s actually probably more a useful
tool for seeing who people are already linked to and working out well…that person knows all
the people I know so maybe they‟re actually interested in this as well. So that‟s actually
really a useful page but when I‟ve looked at it before it‟s sometimes not worked or taken
absolutely ages, but it may well have improved since I looked at it last.”

So, if you were looking for a full list of potential collaborators, which one of the sections
would you head to?

“I have no idea, I‟d have to have another look. I guess somewhere there must be a list of
members that you can sort by the kind of areas of interest like biomedical science or
anthropology – things like that, I‟m guessing you can do things like that and look that way.”

What do you think about the look and feel of UCL Additions?

“It‟s not bad, it kind of looks a bit boring and empty but then I don‟t think you‟d want to fill
it with too much information. It‟s only a login page, I just think it needs a bit more
information on what it actually is before people log in.”

What about the design of the rest of the site – the colour scheme, the fonts – does it appeal to

“I haven‟t really thought about, it‟s ok, it‟s not really great looking but it‟s not awful either
and it does the job.”

What are some of your favourite websites?

“Well I do use Facebook quite a lot and I find that easier to navigate than this, but that could
just be because I don‟t use this very often. Um, I use website likes Amazon – all those
general popular shopping websites. Trying to think what else I go to – Google all the time.
But yeah, I use quite a lot of different websites – Pubnet that‟s another one I use quite a lot
for work.”

And so websites that are largely content-based such as Facebook, what brings you back to
those sites?

“It‟s the fact that they‟re used a lot. So I‟ve got a lot of friends that now rather than emailing
people, do Facebook messages and put all their photos up on Facebook rather than putting
them anywhere else so that‟s the way that people actually communicate and I think that
where UCL Additions kind of falls down a bit is, particularly in our community, people
haven‟t got used to using it. So I could probably count the number of times I‟ve logged in on
one hand because people just don‟t use it. And if they do use it, you don‟t know that they are
because you don‟t get a kind of email reminder saying that somebody‟s posted something. I
don‟t think, although I know I was talking to Person X about it and she said they might start
doing it.”

In general, what makes a good website?

“It‟s got to be easy to use and there‟s got to be a benefit of using it. So you need to know that
if you‟ve got log in and remember what your password is, that you‟re actually going to get
some useful information rather than spending a lot of time trying to work out how to do
things and find things when you can actually do it without using that website.”

Sample Skeegle user questionnaire response

Sample ZSL London Zoo Goalsort & Goalmap


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