1) Modals of Permission, Prohibition and Obligation (Quarter 1 Module
1) Modals of Permission, Prohibition and Obligation (Quarter 1 Module
1) Modals of Permission, Prohibition and Obligation (Quarter 1 Module
1. Permission - CAN
2. Obligation – HAVE TO
3. Prohibition- CAN
4. Prohibition- COULD
5. Prohibition- SHOULD
6. Obligation- MUST
7. Permission- MAY
Obligation-must, have to, should and ought to. There are two types of modal verbs of
obligation; those that primarily express a firm obligation or necessity - must and have to.
-To find the mode, or modal value, it is best to put the numbers in order. Then count how
many of each number. A number that appears most often is the mode.
3. How do modals help you in communicating to others?
Modal verbs help when speaking about ability, making requests and offers, asking permission, and
more. The modal verbs in English differ from other verbs, because they are not used separately, and do
not indicate a specific action or state, they just reflect its modality, the attitude of the speaker to the
4. What values should you practice when you use modals in communicating with others?
Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs (also called helping verbs) like can, will, could, shall, must, would,
might, and should. ... Modal verbs add meaning to the main verb in a sentence by expressing
possibility, ability, permission, or obligation. You must turn in your assignment on time. He might be
the love of my life.
“Normally we divide the external world into that which we consider to be good or valuable, bad or
worthless, or neither. Most of the time these discriminations are incorrect or have little meaning. For
example, our habitual way of categorizing people as friends, enemies, and strangers depending on how
they make us feel is both incorrect and a great obstacle to developing impartial love for all living beings.
Rather than holding so tightly to our discriminations of the external world, it would be much more
beneficial if we learned to discriminate between valuable and worthless states of mind.”
- Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
1. If someone _____ a story about you, would you read it? B. will write
2. If she does not show up, I _____ her. B. will call
3. If the bus _____, we would have gotten here early. A. stopped
4. I would have failed the exam if you _____ me have your notes last week. A. did not let
5. If the package arrives today, I _____ you unpack it. C. would let
If you heat water to 100 degrees (°C), it boils.
6.The sentence above expresses ______ A. fact
7.The if clause is in tense. B. past
8. The sentence above expresses ______ A. fact
9.The if clause is in tense. A. present
10. Based on the sample sentences above, which of the following statements best define conditional?
A. A sentence structure that expresses a situation or circumstance and its consequences.
What’s More Activity 1 and Activity 2 found on pages 8- 9 (10pts.)
A 1. Republic Act No. 10911, otherwise known as “The Anti-Age Discrimination in Employment Act”
(“Act”), was signed into law to promote equal opportunities in employment for everyone. The Act
encourages employers to hire individuals based on their abilities, knowledge, skills and qualifications,
rather than their age.
A 2. Discrimination A word we all tend to shy from, but which more likely than not, we have either
been victim to at some point in our lives, or, whether we admit it or not, we have somehow been a
perpetrator of. It is undeniable, even today, the 21st century, that discrimination exists. And in some
corners of the world and some sectors of society, much more prominently than others. In the same
light, one may also argue that in some areas, it is tolerated. In some countries, it is a result of colonialism
in the past, and the stigma that history has brought about. Maybe it’s human nature to stereotype, or
perhaps it is a result of how we were raised.
NA 3. Long ago in the kingdom of Aurora, there lived a prince who wore a beautiful pearl necklace.
People secretly laughed at him and some openly mocked him.
NA 4. Discrimination is the act of making distinctions between human beings based on the groups,
classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong.
A 5. Discrimination in society is alive and well. We just fail to address many of them because we have
decided to simply accept these. But that should not continue. We should stop discrimination in all of
society. Easier said than done but ending discrimination can start by showing respect to other people.
We may disagree on certain issues, but we should always respect one another. Respect goes a long way
in making a better society and preventing unnecessary conflicts.
Activity 2 Arrange the jumbled sentences below to come up with an acceptable argumentative text.
Write only the letter of your answer to its right structure.
A. For example, not all the guys in Middle East have bad
motives in sending messages in social media. How come there
are a lot of memes that feature them? And when a guy from
that area says “hi” in messenger, we instinctively block the
B. Who qualifies for discrimination? The young? The black?
Asian? Women?
C. In this age where people possess too much freedom, anyone
can be discriminated. Literally anyone.
And in this era of technological advancement, opportunities,
and platforms to perform discriminatory acts increased too.
D. Or this one. Applicants who have huge tattoos or multiple
piercings often fail to get the job. Of if they do get the job,
officemates turn extra cautious whenever they are around.
E. Race? Fashion statement? We may not notice it but
discrimination can and may happen to anyone.
Assessment Argumentative Text Writing with picture found on pages 14- 16 (20pts.)
Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How
can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It’s beyond me.”
An employee who believes that an employer discriminated against him or her because of citizenship or
immigration status, national origin, or any other prohibited practice may file a complaint. Employees can
also file a complaint if they believe they are a victim of document abuse.
Many racial and ethnic groups in the United States, including blacks, Hispanics, Asians, American Indians,
and others, have historically faced severe discrimination—pervasive and open denial of civil, social,
political, educational, and economic opportunities. Today, large differences in outcomes among racial
and ethnic groups continue to exist in employment, income and wealth, housing, education, criminal
justice, health, and other areas. Although many factors may contribute to such differences, their size
and extent suggest that various forms of discriminatory treatment persist in U.S. society and serve to
undercut the achievement of equal opportunity.
What Is It #s1- 10 found on pages 20- 22 (10pts.)
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What’s More Activity 1 and Activity 2 #s1- 10 found on pages 22- 23 (10pts.)
Activity 1 Read the following statements. Complete each sentence by choosing the correct verb.
Write only the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
1. If you mix red and green, you _____ brown. C. will get
4. If you help with the chores, you _____ useful skills. B. learned
Activity 2 Match the If Clause in Column A with the appropriate Result Clause in Column B. Then read
the sentences again to identify the type of conditional.
1. C
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. B
Type of Conditional:
2. If we spend quality time with our family, 4. If we conserve energy and water,
5. If all municipalities banned all plastic products, 7. If all countries had prioritized health and education,
6. If we reported all the cyberbullying cases, 8. If people had followed social distancing rules early