Hybrid Self Tuned Fuzzy PID Controller For Speed Control of Brushless DC Motor
Hybrid Self Tuned Fuzzy PID Controller For Speed Control of Brushless DC Motor
Hybrid Self Tuned Fuzzy PID Controller For Speed Control of Brushless DC Motor
To cite this article: A. Ramya, A. Imthiaz & Dr. M. Balaji (2016) Hybrid Self Tuned Fuzzy PID
controller for speed control of Brushless DC Motor, Automatika, 57:3, 672-679
Article views: 42
The objective of the proposed work is to investigate the performance of hybrid self tuned fuzzy proportional
integral derivative (STFPID) controller for brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive. The proposed hybrid STFPID con-
troller includes a proportional integral derivative (PID) controller at steady state, a PID type self tuned fuzzy logic
(FL) controller (STFLC) at transient state thereby combining the merits of both the controllers. The switching
function incorporated in the controller ensures desired control response at various operating conditions by appro-
priately switching between PID and STFPID based on speed error. A detailed simulation study and performance
comparison with other control approaches is performed to highlight the merits of the proposed work. The simula-
tion results indicate that the proposed controller is robust with fast tracking capability and less steady state error.
The experimental results are provided to validate the simulation study.
Key words: BLDC motor drive, speed control, self tuned fuzzy logic controller, Hybrid controller, PID controller.
ence of disturbances. In [10], the authors have proposed self tuned fuzzy approaches have been proposed to have
a robust H∞ controller design for linear synchronous mo- feasible control in the presence of load and parameter vari-
tor drive. The proposed H∞ control system has improved ations. Self tuning control method provides a promising
tracking performance in comparison to the conventional way of realizing an ideal controller for the problems of
control system with good dynamic response and robust- uncertainties caused by external disturbances in the plant
ness. Eventhough a considerable progress has been made [20].
in terms of designing H∞ optimal controllers, design com-
plications are still the main problem in H∞ controller. It is in this perspective this paper highlights the appli-
Complex mathematical computations of SMC and H∞ cation and merits of STFPID controller for the control of
controllers have opened up new avenue for researchers to BLDC motor. With the objective of designing a robust and
experiment the design and analysis of controllers for elec- adaptable controller, this work combines the merits of con-
tric drive applications based on artificial intelligence (AI) ventional PID control and self tuned fuzzy approach. The
techniques. merits of the proposed controller are analyzed in terms of
steady state and transient conditions. The proposed pa-
AI techniques based on FL approach, proposed by per is organized as follows: The BLDC motor drive sys-
Lotfi A. Zadeh [11], which is highly effective in con- tem is presented in section 2. The design of self tuned
trolling non-linear systems does not require mathemati- FL controller is discussed in section 3.Section 4 discusses
cal model of the plant and it is based on only linguistic the proposed Hybrid STFPID controller for BLDC motor
rules. In recent years, researchers have highly focused drive. Section 5 validates the simulation results and the re-
on different techniques to enhance the performance of FL sults of comparison with various controllers are presented.
controller. A novel nonlinear model predictive controller The hardware implementation and results are discussed in
(MPC) based on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model, has been section 6 and section 7 presents the conclusion.
proposed for electric vehicle applications[12].The merits
of the approach are highlighted by comparing the results of
the proposed approach with those of the conventional MPC 2 BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM
controller and the optimal fuzzy PI controller. A similar
approach based on time varying PI controller based Type
2 FL for speed control of electric vehicle was proposed in
[13], in order to get an optimal performance and reduced
computation complexity. An intelligent robust PI adaptive
control strategy for speed control of Electric vehicles is re-
ported in the literature [14]. This method uses least squares
support vectors regression [LS-SVR] for handling dynamic
variations of the plant. A self tuning load frequency con-
trol strategy for microgrids using human brain emotional
learning has been proposed in [15]. Here the emotional
controller with the self tuning has a better performance
with higher accuracy than conventional controllers. Based
on self adaptive modified bat algorithm, a new intelligent
online fuzzy tuning approach for multi-area load frequency
control is presented in [16], which guarantees the robust-
ness and stability against uncertainties caused by external
disturbances. K. Premkumar et al proposed the fuzzy PID
Fig. 1. Block diagram of BLDC motor drive system
supervised online adaptive neural fuzzy inference systems
(ANFIS) based speed controller for brushless dc motor
[17]. In this paper, the speed control based on different
online ANFIS methods is compared and the control sys- The block diagram of BLDC motor drive system with
tem parameters are measured to verify the effectiveness of conventional PID controller is shown in Fig. 1. The PID
the controller. An adaptive fuzzy neural network controller controller regulates the speed by generating a reference
for minimizing torque ripple is presented in [18]. A de- current in accordance with the speed error. The hystere-
sign technique for adaptive deadbeat PI current and speed sis current controller regulates the stator winding current
controllers of BLDC motor drives using particle swam op- within the specified hysteresis band by appropriately gen-
timization and ANFIS paradigms is presented in [19].In erating the switching commands to the inverter devices in
addition to conventional fuzzy and neuro fuzzy systems, accordance with rotor position information.
3 SELF TUNING FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER Table 1. Rule base for controller gains
Change of error(∆e)
The self tuning fuzzy approaches have been proposed Gain
to enhance the adaptability of fuzzy controllers in presence
of external disturbances. The techniques used to enhance
the adaptability of fuzzy controllers are rule base modifica-
tion, scaling factor tuning, inference mechanism improve-
ment, and membership function redefinition and shifting.
Amongst this, the scaling factor tuning method has signifi-
cant impact on parameter variations and hence is explored
in this work [21]. The block diagram of STFPID controller
is shown in Fig. 2.
The STFPID controller includes control rule base for P P P Z P P P
the gain updating factor ‘α’ called fuzzy tuner [22] in ad- ZE P P P Z P P P
dition to a conventional fuzzy controller. The role of fuzzy N N N Z N N N
tuner is to adjust the scaling gains such that the domain of P P Z N Z P P
the input and output variables may be varied so as to have PS P P Z N Z P P
faster settling time and fewer oscillations around the preset N N Z P Z N N
speed. P P Z N Z P P
TL = JL + BL ω (4)
The output power developed by the motor is
P = Te ω (5)
E = ea = eb = ec = Kb ω (6)
where Kb is back EMF constant, E is back EMF per phase,
and ω is the angular velocity in radians per second.
The parameters of the BLDC motor used in this work
are tabulated in Table 3.
The performance of the proposed Hybrid STFPID con-
troller is compared with conventional controller under
varying speed and load conditions. Steady state error, rise
time, peak time, settling time and speed ripple are consid-
Fig. 3. Flowchart for Hybrid STFPID Control Algorithm ered as performance measures for evaluating the perfor-
mance of the controllers. To verify the robustness of the
proposed controller different simulation studies under dif-
ferent conditions are performed and the results are articu-
dia The speed response of the BLDC motor drive under no
Vdc = 2 Rs ia + (L − M ) + e1 − e2 =
(1) load, constant load of 0.5 Nm and constant speed of 1500
dia rpm with varying load along with convergence curve for
Ra ia + La + e1 − e2 different controllers is illustrated in Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig.
6 respectively. Performance analysis of the controllers due
where Land M are self-inductance and mutual inductance to change in speed reference is summarized in Table 4, Ta-
per phase respectively, Rs is the stator winding, e1 and e2 ble 5 and Table 6. The convergence plot depicted in the
are the back electromotive force (EMF) of current carrying below figures indicate the fast tracking capability of the
phases windings, ia is the armature current. proposed controller. From the convergence curve and per-
Ra = 2Rs , Ω and La = 2 (L − M ) , H (2) formance parameters, it is evident that the proposed con-
troller performs better than fuzzy PID controller.
The electromagnetic torque developed by the motor can be From the analysis, it is evident that the proposed con-
expressed as Te , troller is robust and has fast tracking capability with re-
spect to parameter variations and has better steady state
Te = TL + JM + BM ω (3) and dynamic characteristics which are highly desirable in
industrial drive and automotive applications. The proposed
where TL is the load torque, JM is the inertia, and BM controller augurs well for the above mentioned variable
is the friction constant of the BLDC servomotor.The load speed applications.
The experimental setup of the drive system is shown in Fig. 7. Experimental setup of the BLDC motor drive
Fig.7. The speed control algorithm is implemented using
FPGA Spartan 3E board.
Table 5. Performance analysis of speed controllers in
The experimental hall sensor output from the BLDC BLDC motor for change in speed at constant load condi-
motor is shown in Fig. 8. The experimental voltage and tion
current waveform for a speed of 1000 rpm is shown in Fig. Rise Peak Settling
Speed State
9 and Fig. 10 respectively. Fig. 11 shows the reference and Controller Time Time Time
ripple Error
(sec) (sec) (sec)
actual speed response for the proposed controller at 1000 (rpm)
rpm. The hardware results indicate the suitability of the Fuzzy PID 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.1351 3.5075
proposed controller for variable speed applications. Hybrid STFPID 0.005 0.015 0.012 0.0006 3.1906
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A. Ramya received her B.E. degree in Electron-
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[20] H. Ping, Wang, Yen Tsan Liu, “Integrated design of speed
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Received: 2016-04-25
Dr. M. Balaji received his B.E degree in Electri- Accepted: 2016-06-23
cal Engineering from Annamalai University, In-
dia, M.E. degree in Power Electronics and Drives
from Anna University Chennai, India and Ph.D
in the area of Special Electrical Machines from
Anna University Chennai, India. He is cur-
rently an Associate Professor in the Department
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in SSN
College of Engineering, Chennai, India and has
12 years of teaching and research experience. His area of interest includes
Design and Control aspects of Electrical Machines, Hybrid Electric Ve-
hicles and Power Converters.