The Role of Highly Mobile Crab Predators in The Intertidal Zonation of Their Gastropod Prey

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Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, AND ECOLOGY
ELSEVIER 204 (1996) 59-83

The role of highly mobile crab predators in the intertidal

zonation of their gastropod prey
Sylvia Behrens Yamadaa,*, Elizabeth G. Boulding”b
“Zoology Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331.2914, USA.
hDepartment of Zoology NJ- 1.5, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
Received IO August 1995; revised 26 February 1996: accepted 27 February 1996


We experimentally compared the effect of four species of highly mobile predatory crabs on their
herbivorous gastropod prey. On northeastern Pacific shores the intertidal distributions of the
gastropods, Litforina sitkana (Philippi) and L. scutulutu (Gould), overlap broadly with those of
two species of mid-shore crabs, Hemigrapsus nudus (Dana) and H. oregonensis, but do not extend
below the upper limit of two species of low-shore crabs, Lophopanopeus bellus (Stimpson) and
juvenile Cancer productus (Randall), or into the subtidal zone where adult C. productus are
abundant. We hypothesized that these gastropods are absent from the low shore despite potentially
higher growth and reproductive rates because of the high risk of predation from low-shore and
subtidal crabs. To test whether the risk of predation was higher in the low intertidal zone, we
tethered 640 adult Littorina sitkuna at two tidal levels on four beaches varying in crab abundance.
Predation rates varied from 2% to 77% per high tide period. At three of the sites the risk of
predation was significantly higher at the lower than at the higher tide level. At the fourth site
where Cuncer productus found shelter under large boulders in the mid-tidal zone, the risk of
predation was the same at both tidal levels. Field measurements of per capita consumption rates
for the different crab species, test fishing with crab rings, field observations and analysis of the
broken shell fragments of the snails showed that predation was primarily by large, subtidal C.
productus that moved up into the intertidal to feed. These highly mobile predators aggregate to
exploit patches of high prey density in ephemerally favorable habitats, consequently the change in
the risk of predation with increasing tidal height is less predictable in both time and space than
that for slow moving, low-shore predators.

Keywords: Cancer; Crab; Hernigrapsus; Intertidal zonation; Littorina; Lophopanopeus; Mobile

predators; Predation; Refuge

*Corresponding author. Tel.( l-541) 737.5345; fax (l-541) 737-0501; e-mail:
‘Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1, Canada.

0022.0981/96/$15.00 0 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

PII SOO22-098 I (96)02579-g
1. Introduction

The zonation of organisms along altitudinal, latitudinal or intertidal gradients is a

reflection of their responses to both physical and biological factors (Merriam, 1X94;
Connell, 1961a; Whittaker, 1975). Intertidal communities have served as model systems
in which to study zonation experimentally for two reasons (Connell, 1961a Connell.
1961b, 1972: Paine, 1966; Dayton, 197 1, Dayton, 1975; Lubchenco, 1980). First, the
physical gradients between the marine and the terrestrial environment conveniently
occurs within a few meters (Gotelli, 1993). Second, many organisms that inhabit
intertidal communities are slow moving or sessile and are easily transplanted or removed
(Connell, 1972).
The widely held paradigm of intertidal zonation for temperate rocky shores is that
marine organisms are limited by physical factors (e.g. temperature and desiccation stress)
from above and by biological factors (e.g. competition and predation) from below
(reviewed by Connell, 1972; Foster et al., 1988). While this paradigm appears in many
text books, Underwood and Denley (1984) point out that we should not assume that it
can be universally applied. For example, more careful examination has shown that the
upper distribution of some algae can be affected by competion with other algae
(Hawkins and Hartnoll, 1985) and by consumption by the grazing flies (Robles and
Cubit, 1981). Likewise, the lower distribution of organisms may not always be limited
by competition and predation. Lack of recruitment of planktonic propagules could also
play a role (Underwood and Denley, 1984). Given this caveat, it does appear that
predation by slow moving starfish and gastropods can determine the lower limits of
distribution of sessile mussels and barnacles on wave exposed rocky shores (Connell.
1961a; Paine, 1966). The upper limit of these slow moving predators is set by
desiccation to which they are more sensitive than their prey (Connell, 1972). Since they
move slowly, and their handling time for an individual prey item is long (Paine, 1974;
Menge, 1983), these predators do not forage much above their upper limit.
Highly mobile predators, such as crabs and fishes, become more important on
wave-protected rocky shores (Ebling et al., 1964; Muntz et al., 1965; Peterson, 1979:
Castilla and Paine, 19X7; Robles, 1987; Robles et al., 1989; Barkai and Branch, 198X).
These predators can forage throughout the entire intertidal zone during one high tide
(Paine and Palmer, 1978; Edwards et al., 1982; Boulding and Hay, 1984; Robles, 1987;
Robles et al.. 1989; Warman et al., 1993) and often require a handling time of only a few
minutes, or even seconds, to consume a preferred prey item (Lawton and Hughes, 1985).
Thus, the per capita consumption rate of highly mobile predators can be much greater
than that of slow moving ones. Menge (1983) compared the predation intensity by
starfish, drilling gastropods and shell-crushing crabs on New England shores and
concluded that crabs ranked highest with one crab species, Curcinus ~nuerzus, having a
per capita consumption rate that was 25 times that of the drilling snail, Nucrllu lapil1u.s.
Despite their importance, highly mobile predators are difticult to manipulate ex-
perimentally and few studies have attempted to quantify their effect on intertidal
zonation (Edwards et al., 1982; Castilla and Paine, 1987). Previous workers have
estimated the effect of these predators by using cages to exclude them from portions of
prey populations (Menge and Lubchenco, 198 I; Robles, 1987). An alternative to using
S. Behrens Ymnada, E.G. Boulding / .I. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 204 (1996) _f9-8.3 61

cages is to study the zonation pattern of a prey species that leaves a record of predation
events. For example, many predators of shelled molluscs do not ingest the shell and the
pattern of shell remains can identify the predator (Zipser and Vermeij, 1978; Boulding,
1984; Lawton and Hughes, 1985).
In our study we investigate the effect of highly mobile predatory crabs on the
intertidal zonation of a model prey species, the common shelled gastropod, Li~orina
sitkuna. This species was chosen because it exhibits unpredictable intertidal distribution
patterns and possesses direct development. We observed that on some shores L. sitkuna
is abundant throughout the intertidal zone, whereas on others it is restricted to damp
cave-like refuges in the high intertidal and supratidal zones. We suspected that variability
of predator abundance is responsible for this pattern. Since L. sitkuna lacks a free-
swimming larval stage (Behrens, 1972; Behrens Yamada, 1989, 1992; Buckland-Nicks et
al., 1973), and the adult snails disperse little (Boulding and Van Alstyne, 1993), the
demography of populations is highly dependent on local ecological processes such as
predation intensity (Behrens Yamada, 1977a, 1989). We hypothesize that the risk of
predation from crabs is higher below the lower limit of L. sitkanu than it is above this
limit. We test this hypothesis by documenting the vertical distribution patterns of crabs in
relation to snails on three beaches and by setting out tethered snails at two tidal levels.
We predict that snails tethered below their lower limit would suffer higher rates of
predation from crabs than those tethered above it. We identifed the predator responsible
for the increased predation rates at the lower tidal level, through test fishing and by
interpreting the shell breakage patterns of the tethered snails.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Study sites

All field experiments were carried out on wave-protected shores at or near the
University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories on San Juan Island (48”33’N,
123”Ol ‘W). The Cantilever Pier site, a funnel-shaped beach enclosed by vertical walls
and sloping benches, is the most wave exposed. The substratum ranges from large gravel
to boulders. The Lab 6 site is a gently sloping beach of intermediate wave exposure. The
substratum ranges from gravel and sand interspersed with boulders in the low intertidal
zone to clean gravel and small rocks in the high intertidal zone. The most sheltered site,
Roche Harbor, also consists of a gently sloping beach. Mud and diatoms cover the fine
gravel substratum and boulders in the low intertidal while basaltic bedrock forms the
upper intertidal zone. A northern exposure and fresh water seepages keep Roche Harbor
damper than the other two sites. The intertidal zone at all three sites ranges from - 0.9
m to 2.7 m (U.S. datum).

2.2. Description of predators und preJ

Five species of shell-breaking crabs occur on the rocky and gravel shores on San Juan
Island, WA, as well as on other wave protected shores of the Northeastern Pacific. The
62 S. Behrews YWIUKI~I. E.G. Bou/dir~,q I J. Exp. MOT. Bid. Ecol. 204 (1996) -59%8.1

ubiquitous shore crabs (Brachyura:Grapsidae), Hemigrapsus nudus (Dana) and Hemig-

rapsus oregonensis
(Dana), inhabit the mid-tidal zone while Lophopunopeus hellus
(Stimpson) (Brachyura:Xanthidae) and Cuncer oregonensis (Dana) (Brachyura:Can-
cridae), live in the low intertidal zone (Kozloff, 1983 Table 1). Juvenile Cancer
productus (Randall) ( < 90 mm carapace width) are found in the intertidal zone at low
tide while larger subtidal individuals move into the intertidal at high tide to forage
(Boulding, personal observation, Robles et al., 1989; Walker and Behrens Yamada,
1993). Hemigrapsus spp., Lophopunopeus bellus and Cuncer oregonensis are relatively
small as adults, rarely exceeding 40 mm in carapace width, whereas C. productus attain
a carapace width of over 180 mm (Table 1). The two Hemigrupsus species are generalist
omnivores (Knudsen, 1964; Behrens Yamada, 1977a) and have claws with occlusal
margins lined with serrations as well as a scoop that scrapes encrusting organisms off
rocks. The other three species Lophopunopeus bellus, Cuncer oregonensis and C.
productus, possess claws with blunt molar teeth (Behrens Yamada and Boulding, in
prep.). Stomach analyses and field observations suggest that these crabs are opportunistic
foragers that routinely feed on shelled prey such as barnacles, mussels, clams, oysters
and other crabs (Knudsen, 1964; Bernard, 1979; Boulding and Hay, 1984; Palmer, 1985;
Robles et al., 1989; Rehrens Yamada et al., 1993; Walker and Behrens Yamada, 1993).
Feeding experiments were conducted on all the crab species except Hemigrupsus
oregonensis, since the two Hemigrclpsus species have a similar diet (Knudsen, 1964;
Behrens Yamada, 1977a, Boulding, unpublished observation).

Table I
Comparison of the four crab species u\ed in tield expenments l-3 to determine prey consumption rate

Shore level rmd intertidal: subtidal to subtidal to Juveniles intertidal to

(U.S. tables) 0 to I .8 m ~0.2 m PO.2 m I.3 m; subtidal adults
invade Intertidal during
high tide
Habitat* semi-protected quiet bays semi-protected semi-protected to

rocky shore to quiet bays quiet bays

Substratum* under rocks on burrowed in sand under rocks. juveniles burled in und

gravel bottom under rocks wedged in crewces under boulders on

mud-gravel bottom

Max. carapace width* 56 34 47 IX0

(CW) (mm) in nature
Carapace width (mm) 17-27 19-25 26 24-49
of crabs in tield
experiments I-3
Live weight (g) 4-7 4.5-7.5 l-h.5 4-17
Dimensions (mm)
of 5 g crab
Carapace width 22.1 21.9 26.0 33.5
Propodus height 7.7 9.0 8.5 6.9
Mid-dactyl chelul gape 3.7 s.5 4.4 3.x

* Data from Morris et al. ( 1980)

S. Behrens Yamadu, E.G. Balding I J. Exp. Mu. Biol. Ecol. 204 (1996) 59-H 63

2.5 -j Number/m2

p”- +i;
c) 1.5-
E i
-g l.O-

0.5 -

.z 0.0 -

Fig. 1. Intertidal ranges and mean abundance of shell-breaking crabs and littorinid snails in relation to tidal
immersion on three San Juan Island, Washington beaches. Cantilever Pier is represented by C; Lab 6 by L:
Roche Harbor by R. The Cantilever Pier site is most wave-exposed while Roche Harbor is most sheltered.
Note that the abundance categories are represented on a logarithmic scale. The number of quadrats per level
was usually four. Arrows indicate that the upper limits for a species were not determined. Tidal height is taken
from U.S. tables in which 0 m is defined as mean lower low water.

These crabs differ greatly in carapace shape (Fig. 1). To enable comparison, we used
wet biomass as a measure of crab size. Carapace and claw measurements were taken as
described in Lawton and Elner (1985). In general, Cancer productus has a greater
carapace width (CW) for its biomass than the other four species (Table 1).
The grazing snail, Litrorina sitkuna (Philippi) (Prosobranchia: Littorinidae), together
with its congener, L. scutulata, is the most abundant intertidal prey organisms on San
Juan Island, WA, each species attaining densities exceeding 400/m’. The geographic
distribution of L. sitkana ranges from the Bering Sea to southern Oregon (Keen, 1937;
Behrens Yamada, 1977a,b, 1992). Its shell is moderately thick-walled and spherical,
often with heavy spiral ridges (Boulding et al., 1993). Females lay gelatinous egg
masses on rocks, in crevices or on algae and eggs hatch directly into juvenile snails
(Behrens, 1972; Behrens Yamada, 1989, 1992; Buckland-Nicks et al., 1973). Shell
length was measured as described in Behrens Yamada ( 1989).

2.3. Intertidal zonution of crabs and snails

Intertidal transects were taken at low tide on all three beaches by stretching a tape
measure between the low and high tide level. Twelve bench marks were evenly marked
off along the tape by tying fluorescent surveyor’s tape to rocks. The corresponding tidal
level for the bench marks at Cantilever Pier and at Lab 6 were obtained from the tide
gauge at the Friday Harbor Laboratories pier. Bench marks at the Roche Harbor site
were estimated using a surveyor’s level and the recorded low tide mark as a reference
point. The abundance of L. sitkrrna and L. sc‘utulatrr greater than I mm in shell length
and that of all crabs greater than 3 mm in carapace width was recorded within SO
cm X SO cm quadrats. At least two, and usually four quadrats were taken at each tidal
level. We used eight quadrats per tide level for rare species such as juvenile Carmr
productus at Cantilever Pier and Littorinu spp. and Hemigrupsus spp. at Roche Harbor.
In addition to taking the transects, we turned over a minimum of 20 boulders at each site
and measured the carapace width of all the crabs that were using the boulders for shelter.
Although our transects were taken at low tide and thus provide good estimates of the
abundance of permanent residents in the intertidal zone, such as Hcmigrupsu.s md14s. H.
oregonensis, Lophopnnoprus ~PI~LIS and juvenile Curlcer productu.s, they cannot provide
abundance estimates of transient species, such as adult C. pmhctus.

2.4. Preriutiorl risk ut different tidal heights

Since most marine predators forage only when submerged. we calculated the relative
predation risk at each tidal level. Tidal data for the Friday Harbor tidal station for the
year 1990 were obtained from NOAA. The data consisted of actual tidal height readings.
in ft. taken at the Friday Harbor Laboratories Pier at 6-min intervals. The frequency of
immersion for each 0.5 ft interval was calculated and plotted in conjunction with the
transect data (Fig. I ).

Long-term field feeding experiments were set up inside cages at the 0.6 m tidal level
at Lab 6 Beach in order to obtain relative feeding rates for similar-sized crabs of the four
species. Field cages (SO X 30 X IO cm) were sewn from 4 mm plastic mesh with
VelcroTM tdsteners
: for easy opening and closing. All cages contained a cement building
block (6 X 19.5 X 39 cm) with three 2 X 9 cm ‘tunnels’. The algal growth on the
surfaces of the blocks provided food for the snails while the three ‘tunnels’ provided
shelter for both crabs and snails.
The prey species, Littorinu sitkunu, was sorted into size categories using a series of
soil test sieves. Size categories varied slightly between experiments but generally fell
into the shell length categories: small (S-8 mm), medium (7-10 mm) and large (IO-11
mm). To color code the prey size classes, snails were stuck, aperture down. to
double-sided carpet tape on sheets of cardboard. The shells of each size class were spray
painted a different color to allow for the assignment of shell fragments to the correct size
class. No mortalities or behavior changes resulted from the marking procedure.
Similar-sized crabs consisting of juvenile Cancer proclmtus and adult crabs of the
other three species were introduced into field cages (Tables I and 2). Since female
Hemigrupsus spp. possess small claws and feed primarly on algae (authors’ unpublished
observation), only male crabs with all appendages intact were used in the experiments.
Once inside the cages. crabs sheltered under the cement block or inside the tunnels. The
two Cuncer species and Lophopunopecr,s hellus immediately began preying on the snails.
The experimental design for each of the three field cage experiments was similar
S. Behrens Yamuda, E.G. Boulding I J. Exp. Mar. Bioi. Ecol. 204 (1996) -79%8.7 65

Table 2
Design of field cage experiments for comparing prey consumption rate by four crab species at the 0.6 m tidal

1 2 3

Date Apr. 7- Sept 4- Apr. 9p

Jun. 16/88 Nov. 23/88 Jun. 14/89
Duration (days) 70 80 66

Hrmigrapsus nudus 30) 10(1)

Lophopanopew bellus X2) 5(l)
Currer al)
Catwr productus 2(l) X2) 5(l)
Controls 4 4 5

Numbers in crab rows indicate number of replicate cages followed in parentheses by number of crabs per cage
at beginning of experiment

(Tables 2 and 3). Typically, 30 small, 30 medium and 30 large Littorina sitkana were
introduced into a cage, followed 3 days later by one or two male crabs of a given
species. Cages were monitored once or twice during an experiment to check for crab
survival, to collect shell fragments, to patch ripped cages and to terminate a trial if over
70% of the snails had been eaten. Crabs sometimes died while molting. If this occurred
within the first week of the experiment, that crab was replaced; if it occurred later, the
trial was terminated.
At termination of an experiment, we recorded the number of live snails and empty,
crushed and peeled shells in each size category. Intact but empty shells are produced
when a snail dies of causes other than crab predation. Crushed shells are produced by
shell-breaking crabs when the snails are small enough to fit inside the gape of the crab’s
claw but can also be produced by fish predators and by moving rocks. Peeled shells,
consisting of an intact columella with whorl remnants (Zipser and Vermeij, 1978) are
produced by shell-breaking crabs when a gastropod shell is too large to fit inside the
claw gape. Crabs peel shells by using one claw to progressively break back the lip of the
shell aperture (Lawton and Hughes, 1985). Peeled shells are diagnostic of crab predation
because no other predators, including shell crushing fishes such as pile perch (Damalich-
thys vuccu), nor crushing by rocks, produce such a pattern (S. Norton, personal
communication and authors’ unpublished observations).
Peeled shells were usually retained inside the cages but the fragments from crushed
shells tended to fall through the cage mesh. This resulted in a high proportion of missing
snails inside crab cages. Control cages without crabs, in contrast, exhibited a maximum
of only two and usually no missing snails (Table 3). We recovered some painted shell
fragments from crushed shells in the sediment below the crab treatment cages. The
hypothesis that the presence of crabs did not affect snail survival was tested for each
crab species in each experiment using X2-tests.
Daily per-capita consumption rate was calculated for each crab in field experiments 1
to 3 by assuming that peeled shells, crushed shells and missing snails were eaten by the
crabs. The biomass of consumed snails was estimated from the regression: dry biomass
S. Behrens Yamadu, E.G. Boulding I .I. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 204 (1996) 59-83 67

(mg) = 4.57 + 17.7 X shell length (cm)“; (p < 0.001; R2 = 0.954) (adapted from Menge,

2.4. Role of site, tide level and size of snail on predation rate

2.6. I. Procedure
Both fish and subtidal crabs forage in the intertidal during high tides (Boulding and
Hay, 1984; Robles et al., 1989). The impact of these mobile predators on Littorinu
sitkunu populations was assessed by tethering snails at two tidal levels: 0 m and 1.3 m
during the August 21-24, 199 1 tidal sequence. This tidal sequence, between spring and
neap tides, was chosen because it mimics the average annual exposure time at each tidal
level (Fig. 1). Tethered snails were set up at the three original sites, Cantilever Pier, Lab
6 and Roche Harbor, plus a fourth site below the Friday Harbor Laboratories Pier. We
picked the fourth site because a previous study revealed that many adult Cancer
productus were foraging at this site (Walker and Behrens Yamada, 1993).
Five-meter lengths of lead line from a fishing net were stretched out along the 0 m
and 1.3 m tidal levels at all four sites. Extra-large adult Littorinu sitkunu ( 14.6- 17.3 mm
in length) and medium-large L. sitkanu (9.2-l 1.8 mm) were fastened at the apex to
pieces of 20 cm long 1 kg test monofilament using marine epoxy glue. Forty extra-large
and 40 medium-large ‘leashed’ snails were alternately tied along each of the eight lead
lines on August 21, 1991.
The fate of snails on the lead lines was monitored after each of three consecutive
higher high tides and the number of live, peeled, crushed and missing snails noted.
Logistic regression analysis was carried out to test for the role of site, tide level and snail
size on predation rate (Nelder and Wedderburn, 1972). Similar tethering experiments to
test for tide level effects were done at irregular intervals between August 1989 and
February 1991. Between 25 and 50 adult L. sitkunu (9.5- 14 mm) were tethered to lead
lines at various tidal levels. For each separate experiment and at each site we used
x2-tests to compare the number of snails predated at each tidal level.
Shell breakage patterns give us clues to the size of the crab predator responsible. For
example, from laboratory experiments we know that medium-large and extra-large L.
sitkunu can be crushed by Cancer productus larger than 90 mm and 138 mm CW
respectively. Smaller crabs open these snails by peeling. We tested whether size of the
crabs preying on the tethered snails varied between sites and tide levels. We used logit
analysis on the proportion of predated snails that were peeled, with site, tide level and
snail size as fixed variables. If smaller crabs are preying at the upper tidal level, we
would expect more snails to be peeled than crushed. Cantilever Pier was not included in
this analysis because tethered snails at this site experienced a very low predation rate.
The attack pattern on tethered snails was examined for spatial and temporal
variability. The lead line at the 1.3 m level at Lab 6 was tested for randomness of attack
because it was the only one experiencing an intermediate predation rate. The lead line
was divided into eight equal sections of 10 snails each and the number of snails ‘hit’ in
each section was recorded for all 3 days. Hits were defined as crushed and peeled shells
as well as missing snails and live snails with ‘chipped lips’. A chipped lip is evidence of
an unsuccessful predation act (Raffaelli, 1978) in which a crab was interrupted during
the peeling process. The data from tethered snail trials between August 1989 and
February I991 were examined for patterns of temporal variation in predation rates.

2.6.2. Interpretation
Tethering artifacts probably did not affect the relative rates of predation between sites
and tide levels. Tethered scallops have been found to be eaten by crabs at the same rate
as untethered ones (Barbeau and Scheibling, 1994), and we observed similar predation
rates on tethered and untethered snails at Roche Harbor (Needham and Behrens Yamada,
in prep.). Crabs are able to move much faster than Littorina sitkana, so tethering is
unlikely to affect the rate at which they capture snails. Tethered snails did not engage in
attention-attracting behaviors in an attempt to escape the tether such as have been
reported for more mobile prey (Peterson and Black, 1994). They hid in cobble and even
copulated with non-tethered snails.
While peeled shells are diagnostic of crab predation (Lawton and Hughes, 1985),
crushed shells can be produced by rolling rocks and fishes as well as large crabs
(authors’ unpublished data). Since all our sites were wave-protected, rolling rocks can be
ruled out as a major factor. Mollusc-crushing fish species are rarer and less specialized
in the northeastern Pacific intertidal than in tropical regions (Palmer, 1980; Choat,
1982). The pile perch, Ilamalichthys vacca, is a local species with pharyngeal teeth
adapted for crushing mollusks (Brett, 1979). Although this fish is known to be a
significant predator on Littorina .sitkantr at other wave-protected sites (McCormack.
1982), pile perch were never observed while SCUBA diving near the Cantilever Pier,
Lab 6 or the Lab Pier sites (S. Norton, personal communication). The cockscomb
gunnel, Anoplarchus spp., observed under boulders at the Lab 6 and at Roche Harbor
did not possess a sufticiently large mouth to accept even an 8 mm long Littorina sitkanu
(authors’ unpublished data).
Our scoring technique was conservative in that it underestimates the true rate of crab
predation. Predation on tethered snails was assumed only when she!is showed the
diagnostic ‘peel’ pattern or were crushed with the apex still attached to the epoxy.
Severed monofilament lines and epoxy without shell remnants were scored as ‘missing’
and not included in the analysis. Missing snails most likely were carried off or crushed
to tine shell gravel by large crabs because we observed a correlation between the number
of missing snails and number of crushed shells (p = 0.02).

2.7. Linking of predation rute to Cuncer productus ubundunce

Standard crab rings (85 cm diameter), designed for sports fishing, were used to
estimate the relative abundance of foraging subtidal Cuncer productus at the four study
sites between August 24 and 27, 199 1. Fresh salmon heads were obtained from a local
fish cannery, divided into standard bait packages of 5 heads per plastic bag and frozen.
One baited crab ring was set out during high tide at the 0 m level at each of the four sites
using a row boat. Rings were checked every 30 min for 2 h and the CW and sex of all
caught crabs noted. This procedure was repeated once at the three laboratory sites and
twice at Roche Harbor. To prevent crabs from being caught more than once, they were
released over 100 m away from their capture site.
S. Behrens Yamada, E.G. Boulding I J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 204 (1996) -59%83 69

3. Results

3.1. Intertidul zonation of crabs and snails

Five species of shell-breaking crabs and two species of Littorina were found in the
transects (Fig. 1). Other predators on Littorina spp., such as starfish and whelks and
other grazers, such as limpets, were very rare. The density of both species of Littorina
spp. was greatest at Cantilever Pier, with L. sitkana exceeding 400/m*. At Cantilever
Pier and at Lab 6, both species of Littorina extended down to the 0 m level. This was
not the case at Roche Harbor. Littorinid snails were extremely rare at Roche Harbor
below the 1.3 m level ( < 3/m2) and all of those we found at this level were less than 5
mm in shell length. Significant aggregations of adult L. sitkana ( > 400/m2), however,
were found at Roche Harbor near fresh water seepages and other damp refuges above
the 2.5 m tidal level. These aggregations were above the mean high tide level and thus
do not appear in Fig. 1.
The two Hemigrapsus species coexist with the two species of Littorina throughout the
lower-mid to high intertidal zone (Fig. 1). The abundance of these crabs seemed to be
correlated with the presence of gravel and rock shelter. Cantilever Pier thus had the
highest density with up to 300 Hemigrapsus spp. per m2 whereas the maximum density
of Hemigrupsus spp. at Roche Harbor was only 18 /m2 (Fig. 1). About 90% of the H.
nudus (N = 286) and 86% of the H. oregonensis (N = 570) in our transects were less
than 15 mm in CW, while the largest were 23 mm.
The other three crab species, Lophopanopeus bellus, Cancer oregonensis and juvenile
C. productus, were primarily found below the 0 m mark, although at Roche Harbor
juvenile C. productus extended up to the 1.3 m level (Fig. 1). Only one C. oregonensis
was recovered at Cantilever Pier. It thus appears that C. oregonensis is not a major
intertidal predator. The abundance of Lophopanopeus bellus was greatest at Cantilever
Pier, intermediate at Lab 6 Beach and not found in our transect at Roche Harbor (Fig. 1).
Juvenile Cancer productus did not exceed 5/m2 at any of the three sites and were
mostly found under boulders. About 1.3 C. productus per boulder were recovered at Lab
6 and at Roche Harbor. Only one C. productus was recovered in the Cantilever Pier
transect despite the presence of boulders. Lophopanopeus bellus at Cantilever and Lab 6
averaged 18 mm CW. Cancer productus at Lab 6 averaged 37 CW. The boulder survey
at Roche Harbor yielded C. productus of 55 mm average and 78 mm maximum CW.
Larger individuals of C. productus are usually not found in the intertidal at low tide
unless they are molting.

3.2. Predation risk at different tidal levels

The tidal immersion time for different tidal heights at Friday Harbor follows a
sigmoid curve with an inflection point in the high tidal zone (Fig. 1). At the 0 m level,
organisms are submerged 93% of the time while at the 1.3 m level, 59%. Between the 0
and 1 m level, immersion time decreases gradually from 93% to 70% but between 1.5 m
and 2.5 m, it decreased rapidly from 52% to only 2% immersion. Although prey are
vulnerable to highly mobile marine predators at all tidal levels, their risk of predation
70 S. Rehrrns Ycunadu, E.G. Rouldirq I J. Exp. Mar. Aiol. Ecol. 204 (1996) 59-8.7

40 n
ore onensis
30 q ~.~roductus T

Fig. 2. Field consumption rates by predatory crabs on three si7e groups of Lifroriru sirkum (mean and 95%
confidence interval) in field experiments I-3. Consumption rates are given in number of snails and biomass
(mg dry weight) eaten per crab per day. All crabs had Gmilar wet biomass of S-7 g.

becomes progressively less above the 1.5 m tidal level. Since sites above the 2.5 m level
are immersed less than 2% of the time, they represent a spatial refuge from marine

3.3. Ranking of‘ per-cupitu prey consumption

The survival of Littorina sitkunu in all the Lophopanoprus bellus, Cancer oregonensis
and C. productus cages was significantly lower than that in control cages (Table 3;
x2 > 20, df’= 1, p < .OOl). Since the number of empty shells were similar in crab and
snail-only control cages, most of the mortality in crab cages was due to direct predation.
No significant difference in snail survival was observed between Hemigrupsus nudus
and control cages, suggesting that L. sitkuna is not an important food item for this
species when alternative food such as algae is available.
Crabs varied greatly within species and between species in terms of per-capita prey
consumption (Fig. 2 Table 3). While all four crab species ate the small, medium and
large size-classes of Littorinu sitkunu, the per-capita consumption rates of the three low
shore crabs were significantly greater than those of Hemigrupsus nudus. In field
experiments, H. nudus averaged 0.06 snails per day, Lophopunopeus bellus, 0.3, C.
oregonensis, 0.5 and Cuncer productus, 1.1 per day. The same trend was observed when
consumption rate was measured in biomass. Juveniles of C. productus are more
S. Behrens Yamada, E.G. Boulding I J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 204 (1996) 59-83 71

Table 4
Analysis of Deviance Summary and estimation of probabilities of observing as large a deviance due to chance
for tide level, size and site effects on predation rate of tethered Littorina .sifkana. Logistic analysis was carried
out on the logit or log of proportion live to predated snails per day

Factor df Deviance P

Level 3.97 0.0463

Size 115.90 <O.OOOl
Sites 298.70 <0.0001
Level X Size 2.03 0.1542
Size X Site 3 2.28 0.5 167
Level X Site 3 12.54 0.0057
Level X Roche Harbor 1 10.38 0.0013
Level X Other 3 Sites 2 2.16 0.3391
Size X Level X Site 3 3.80 0.2841
Residual 32 40.95 0.1334

voracious predators than Lophopanopeus bellus and Cancer oregonensis of similar size,
possibly because they have a greater energy requirement for growth than adults of the
other two species.
In contrast to the three low shore crab species, Hemigrapsus nudus was noticeably
reluctant to eat Littorina sitkana. Only half of the Hemigrapsus nudus in field
experiments 2 and 3 ate any snails (Table 3).

3.4. Role of site, tide level and size of snail on predation rate

The logistic regression analysis on the proportion of dead to live snails per day
showed that site, tidal level and snail size significantly affected the predation rate on
tethered Littorina sitkana (Table 4). On all 3 days, the ranking of the predation rates for
the four sites was consistent: Cantilever Pier < Lab 6 and Roche Harbor < Lab Pier (Fig.
3). At the 0 m level, predation rate at Cantilever Pier was less than 8% per day while at
the Lab Pier it was over 70% per day.
Predation was more intense at the 0 m level than at the 1.3 m level at Cantilever Pier,
Lab 6 and Lab Pier. Roche Harbor differed from the other three sites in exhibiting
similar predation risks at both levels (Table 4 Fig. 3). The results from our previous
tethering experiment between August 1989 and February 1991 exhibited the same
pattern (Table 5). About half of the seven trials at Lab 6 yielded significantly higher
predation rates at the lower tidal level. In contrast, none of the three trials at Roche
Harbor did (Table 5). At all four sites, extra-large snails experienced a higher mortality
rate than medium-large snails (Fig. 3 Table 4).
The attack patterns on the tethered snails reflect the size structure of their predators.
Of the extra-large snails that were killed, 40% were peeled and 60% were crushed
outright. We know that only large Cancer productus of carapace width > 138 mm can
crush snails that large. Of the medium-large snails, 11% were peeled and 89% were
crushed. Since crabs of carapace width < 90 mm peel medium-large snails, we
conclude that over 90% of all the snails were killed by subtidal adult C. productus > 90
mm in carapace width.
Extra-Large Snails

q 1.3 m

CL Cantilever Lab 6 Roche Harborlab Pier

- Medium-Large Snails
$1 oo-
me 80-
2 60-

Ii Cantilever Lab 6 Roche HarborLab Pier

Fig. 3. Relative predation rate (% per day, mean and maximum) on Lirtorinu .sitkana tethered at four sites and
two tidal levels (0 and I.3 m) over 3 consecutive days. Percent predation per day was calculated by dlviding
the number of peeled and crushed snails by the total live and damaged shells recovered and multiplied by 100.
Figures above bars represent the percent of predated snail\ that were opened by usmg the peeling technique.

Logistic regression analysis on the proportion of the predated snails that were peeled
was significant for tidal level, size and site (Table 6 Fig. 3). A significantly higher
percentage of Litrorina sirkuna were peeled at the 1.3 m level than at the 0 m level
(Table 6 Fig. 3). This was true for both size classes of snails at all three sites that
experienced significant predation (Fig. 3). Of the extra-large snails that were predated,
46% were peeled at the 1.3 m level and 27% at the 0 m level. Percent peeled for
medium-large snails was 23% at the 1.3 m level and only 5% at the 0 m level. We thus
conclude that crabs feeding at the 1.3 m tidal level were significantly smaller than those
feeding at the 0 m tidal level and that 95% of the snails at the 0 m level were killed by
crabs > 90 mm in carapace width. A significantly lower proportion of extra-large snails
S. Behrms Yamada, E.G. B&ding I .I. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 204 (1996) -59-83 73

were peeled at the Lab Pier than at the other two sites, indicating that this site harbored
significantly more larger crabs (Fig. 3).
While the ranking of relative predation rates among the sites remained consistent
(Table 5), we observed great spatial and temporal variability in the attack pattern of
tethered snails. Predation rate at the 0 m level at Lab 6 varied from 3% to 47% per day
(Table 5). On sequential trials, predation rate at the 1.2 m level increased from 10% to
59% from June 25 to 26 1990, but did not increase from August 2 1 to 22, 1990 (Table
5). The attack pattern along the 1.3 m lead line at Lab 6 did not conform to a Poisson
distribution, indicating that snails were attacked in a clumped rather than a random
fashion (Table 7).

3.5. Linking of predation rate to Cuncer productus abundance

Crab fishing with standardized bait (five salmon heads per ring) yielded adult C.
productus of both sexes, ranging in carapace width from 95 to 140 mm at all four sites.
No other species of crab was caught. Cantilever Pier had the lowest abundance with < 2
crabs per h, while the Lab Pier had the highest with > 16 crabs per h. A significant
positive correlation was found between predation rate on tethered snails at the 0 m tidal
level and the relative abundance of subtidal, adult C. productus at the same site a few
days later (Fig. 4).



No. Crabs Trapped/hour

Fig. 4. Regression of relative predation rate (% per day) on Lit&wina sirkana tethered at the 0 m tidal level and
relative abundance of Cancer productus (No. trapped per hour at high tide) at the same tidal level a few days
later. Sites are indicated: CP = Cantilever Pier, L6 = Lab 6, RH = Roche Harbor and LP = Lab Pier. The
regression was significant at p < 0.02.
14 S. Behrmv Yumuda, E.G. Boulding I J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 204 (1096) 5%8.?

Table 5
Comparison of crab predation rate at different tidal levels on three shores

Site Date Days Tidal Lwe Peeled Crushed Missing % Eaten” p


Canti- 6/23/90 I 0.0 27 0 IO

lever I 0.6 30 0 0 0 *
Pier I 1.2 30 0 0 0
z/09/91 I 0.0 34 13
I 0.6 39 0 *
I I.2 39 0 0
Lab 6 X/25/89 5 0.0 19 5 I7 N.S.
5 0.6 22 2 IY
I /25/YO 2 0.3 37 31 19
2 0.6 64 0 I7 0 <0.005
2 I .2 8X x
6/2.5/90 I 0.0 24 I7
I 0.6 21 3 22 N.S.
I I .2 28 0 I0
6/26/90 I 0.0 18 4 28
I 0.6 I9 2 30 N.S.
I I .2 II 0 50
X/21/90 I 0.3 20 x 3 47 co.0 I
I 0.0 33 1 2 I3
8122190 I 0.3 26 5 7 2 32 <o.ozs
I 0.‘) 36 0 3 x
2/09/91 I 0.0 36 0 I 3 3
I 0.6 40 0 0 0 0 *
I 1.2 39 0 0 0 0
Roche 8/27/X9 2 0.0 25 0 s 6 I7 N.S
Harbor 2 0.6 26 0 5 3 I6
3/19/YO 4 0.3 5Y x 20 II 32
4 0.6 40 Y 9 4 31 N.S.
3 I.2 37 II 8 4 33
6125190 I 0.0 IO 6 8 ‘II N.S.
I I .4 20 2 I3

The fate of medium to large tethered Lirtorinrr sitkanu (9-14 mm) wa\ scored as live, peeled. crushed and
missing. No distinction was made between peeled and crushed shells prior to 1990, when both peeled and
crushed shells were scored as crushed. Missing snails were not included in mortality or in calculating expected
frequencies for the one-way x’. p value\ are from x’ tests that mortality rates were equal for the different tidal
levels? Indicates that too few snails were crushed to permit a XL-test:’ % Eaten = number peeled + number
crushed divided by total recovered.

4. Discussion

4.1. Causes of zonution

The interaction of physical and biological factors is a common theme of biotic

zonation patterns in both terrestrial and marine environments. Prey are often excluded
from a physically benign part of their potential habitat by the foraging activities of a
S. Behrens Yamada, E.G. B&ding I .I. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 204 (1996) 59-83 7s

Table 6
Analysis of deviance summary and estimates of probabilities of observing as large a deviation due to chance
for tide level, size and site effects on proportion of predated Lifforina .sitkuna that were peeled

Factor df Deviance P
Level 1 28.63 <O.OOOl
Size I 26.85 <O.OOOl
Sites 2 10.24 0.0060
Level X Size I 0.84 0.3605
Size X Site 2. 0.10 0.95 1I
Level X Site 2 2.07 0.3554
Size X Level X Site 3 2.26 0.3225
Residual 24 30.52 0.1680

Logistic Regression was carried out on the logit or log of proportion of peeled snail shells to total peeled and
crushed shells. Cantilever Pier was omitted from the analysis due to low predation rates.

predator. When a predator is physiologically restricted from fully exploiting the harsher
habitats, one finds peak prey and predator abundances in different biotic zones. For
example, ants and other insects are rare inside ant-lion zones (Gotelli, 1993), and certain
mangroves and sage brush species are rare in zones where seed predators are common
(Smith et al., 1989; Louda, 1982). Similar patterns emerge in intertidal communities. For
example, the lower limit of the mussel zone is set by the upper limit at which starfish are
capable of foraging within one high tide (Paine, 1966, 1974). While the effect of slow
moving intertidal predators such as starfish and drilling snails on the zonation of their
prey is well understood (Paine, 1966, 1974; Connell, 1961a), the effect of highly mobile
crabs is not. Our experiments show that the intertidal zonation of the gastropod,
Lirtorina sitkana, is affected by highly mobile crabs from the subtidal zone and that the
effect of the crabs varies in time and space.
The crabs that prey on L. sitkana can be divided into three groups based on the upper
limit of their distribution when the tide is out: (1) mid-shore crabs (Hemigrapsus nudus

Table 7
Testing for randomness in the attack patterns of snails tethered along the leadline at the 1.3 m level at Lab 6
over three consecutive high tides (August 21-24, 1991). The frequency of snails ‘hit’ per section of lead line
was compared with that of a Poisson distribution

Number of Observed Number of Poisson x2 contribution

L. sitkana frequency ‘hits’ per frequency
‘hit‘ per category
section of
lead line

0 6 0 4.533 0.475
I 3 3 7.556 2.147
2 11 22 6.296 3.515
3 2 6 3.498
4 1 4 4 1.457 5.44 0.38 I
5 I 5 0.486
Total 24 40 23.83 $=7.11s*

* P < 0.05
and H. oregonensis), (2) low shore crabs (Lophopanopeus hellus, Cancer oregonensis
and juvenile C. productus), and (3) subtidal crabs (adult Cancer productus). The upper
limit of the mid-shore crabs is higher than that of the low shore and subtidal crabs
because of their greater physiological tolerance of emersion stress. Hemigrapsus spp.
osmoregulate (Dehnel and Carefoot, 1965) and fully compensate for emersion-induced
acidosis (Burnett and McMahon, 1987), and even forage at low tide (E.G. Boulding,
personal observation). In contrast, juvenile Cunter productus are sensitive to low
oxygen tensions and to acidosis of their body fluids during aerial exposure. Adult C.
productus are even more sensitive than the juveniles (DeFur and McMahon, 1984a,b).
The physiological tolerances of the three groups of crabs to emersion stress is
inversely correlated to the rate at which they consume adult Littorinu sitkanu (shell
length > 5 mm). In our field cages, Hemigrapsus nudus consumed substantially fewer
snails (0.06 snail per day) than the low shore crabs: Lophopanopeus hellus (0.3 snails
per day), Cancer- orrgotwnsis (0.5 snails per day) and juvenile C. productus ( I. I snails
per day) of equal body mass (4-7 g). The subtidal adult C. productus are much larger
( > 150 g) and consume over 60 times as many snails (C. Needham, unpublished data)
than the smaller mid-shore and low shore crabs.
The intertidal distribution of Littorina sitkanu and L. Scutuluta overlap widely with
the mid-shore crabs of the genus Hemigrupws. Despite their high abundance (up to 300
crabs per m”), these mid-shore crabs do not exclude the snails from the mid-intertidal
zone on the wave protected beaches of San Juan Island. While very large, male H. nudus
( > 30 mm CW) are capable of efficiently crushing adult Littorintr sitkuna outright (S.
Behrens Yamada and E.G. Boulding, in prep.), and can be significant predators on adult
and juvenile snails at wave-exposed sites on the outer coast (Boulding and Van Alstyne.
1993), the largest Hemigrupsus nudu.c, we used in our field cages (17-27 mm CW)
consumed adult Littorina sitkana at a very low rate ( < 0. I per day). Since the median
size of the Hemigrapsus spp. in our study sites is < IS mm in CW, much smaller than
those in our cages, their impact would be even less. Further field and laboratory
experiments with smaller H. nudu.s ( 14-17 mm CW) and smaller Littorina sitkuna (2-6
mm) yielded even lower predation rates (authors’ unpublished data). Thus, the
coexistence between Littorirlu spp. and Hemigrupsus spp. is possible on the wave-
protected beaches of San Juan Island because these crabs are inefficient predators on
adult snails and prefer alternative prey (S. Behrens Yamada, unpublished data).
At low tide, the distribution of the low shore and subtidal crabs (L~~pI~ol,arzopru.s
hellus. Cancer oregonensis and juvenile and adult C. productu.s) do not overlap with that
of Littorina spp. which suggests that predation by any or all of these crabs could be
responsible for setting the lower limit of these snails. The density of Cancer oregonensi.s
was the lowest, Lophopunopeus hellus intermediate and juvenile Cuncer productus the
highest, suggesting that the latter was the most important predator. The upper
distribution of the low shore crabs is below the 0 m tidal level at Cantilever Pier and Lab
6 but not at Roche Harbor where juvenile C. productus reach a tide level of 1.3 m. This
upward shift in the upper distribution of this low shore crab coincides with an upward
shift in the lower distribution of Littorina spp., again suggesting that crab predation may
set the lower distribution of their prey.
S. Behrens Yamada, E.G. Boulding I J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 204 (1996) 59-8.7 77

4.2. Assessing predation risk at diferent tidal levels

Four lines of evidence suggest that subtidal adult Cancerproductus were responsible
for killing most of the tethered snails. First, C. productus > 90 mm but < 138 mm in
carapace width are the only predators on these shores that can crush medium-large
(9.2-l 1.8 mm) Littorina sitkana outright, but must peel extra-large (14.6-17.3 mm) L.
sitkana. Second, significantly more extra-large than medium-large L. sitkana were killed
at all four sites. This pattern is consistent with the feeding preference of large adult
Cancer productus (Behrens Yamada and Navarrete, in prep.). Third, peeled and crushed
shells were produced after we directly observed large C. productus attacking tethered
snails below the Friday Harbor Lab Pier (Walker and Behrens Yamada, 1993). Fourth,
test fishing at the 0 m tidal level at the four sites yielded a positive correlation between
C. productus abundance and predation rate on tethered snails. Taken together, this
evidence strongly indicates that large subtidal C. productus are the dominant predators
on Littorina sitkana on these wave-sheltered beaches.
Our direct measurement of total predation rates on tethered L. sitkuna suggest that risk
of predation decreases up the shore with decreasing immersion time. Our data from the
tethering experiment in August 1991 showed that the risk of predation was significantly
less at the higher tidal level (1.3 m) than at the lower tidal level (0.0 m) at three of the
four sites. Thus, the risk of predation was generally greater in the low intertidal (0 m)
which was submerged 93% of the time, than in the mid-intertidal (1.3 m) which was
submerged 59% of the time. This is the same general pattern that has been shown for
slow moving intertidal predators (e.g., Connell, 1961a; Paine, 1966). Departures from
this general pattern can be explained by local shifts in the desiccation gradient and by
the aggregation response of mobile predators.
Roche Harbor differed from the other three sites in exhibiting similar predation rates
at the low and mid-tide level in all the trials between 1989 and 1991. As mentioned
earlier, this site is unusual in that fresh water seepage, combined with boulders
embedded in a fine gravel and mud substratum provide damp refuges at low tide for
large juvenile Cancer productus up to the 1.3 m tidal level. We believe that these
unusually damp conditions at this site cause an upward shift in the desiccation gradient.
Snails at the 1.3 m tidal level thus have no refuge from these low shore crabs. If we had
positioned the lead lines well above the 1.3 m level, we predict that we would have
detected decreasing predation pressure with increasing tidal height. At Roche Harbor,
Littorina sitkanu thrive in damp crevices above the 2.5 m level. Since this level is
inundated by the tide only 2% of the time, it provides a spatial refuge from Cancer
In contrast to slow moving predators that have well-defined foraging zones, highly
mobile predators are capable of exploiting patches of high prey abundance even in
ephemerally favorable habitats such as the mid and high intertidal zone. Adult C.
productus can easily forage up to the upper intertidal zone and return to the subtidal
during one high tide period, perhaps carrying prey with them (Boulding and Hay, 1984).
Prey scarcity in the lower, most accessible zone may drive mobile predators such as C.
productus to move rapidly to better feeding grounds in the higher tidal zones as soon as
78 S. Behrens Yamada, E.G. Boulding I J. Exp. Mur. Bid. Ed. 204 (1996) S9-8.1

these zones are covered by the tide (Robles et al., 1989 and Navarrete, personal
communication). On two subsequent days in June 1990, the predation rate on tethered
snails in the mid-zone at Lab 6 increased from 10% per day to 59% per day. This pattern
may suggest that some crabs ‘learn’ to return to food sources in the mid-tidal zone and
that their feeding activities attract others. The clumped attack patterns on snails along the
lead lines also supports the view that crabs aggregate to feed. C. productus have
well-developed, amino-acid sensitive chemoreceptors (Case, 1964) and thus are
attracted to chemicals exuding from live and damaged prey. Clams in high density
patches experienced a significantly higher mortality rate from C. productus than clams in
low density patches (Boulding and Hay, 1984). Field observations from the Lab Pier
suggest that once prey in a high density patch is attacked by one crab, the increased
chemical signal from the damaged prey rapidly attracts more crabs (Walker and Behrens
Yamada, 1993). Since C. productus aggregate to forage in areas of high prey abundance
(Boulding and Hay, 1984), including such ephemerally favorable habitats as the mid and
high intertidal (Robles et al., 1989), their effect on their prey is less predictable in both
space and time than that of slower moving predators.

4.3. Intertidal distribution und abundance of Littorina sitkana

Littorina sitkana may be absent from the lower intertidal either because mortality
from predators is higher there and/or they select higher intertidal habitats when
predators are present. L. littorea is known to adjust its vertical distribution by responding
to gravity, light, surface tension (Newell, 1979) and to water-borne chemical cues
exuding from damaged conspecitics (Hadlock, 1980). When L. sitkana were exposed to
Cuncer productus feeding on conspecific snails, they exhibited strong escape behavior
by migrating up the shore (Needham and Behrens Yamada, in prep.). This behavior has a
definite survival advantage on beaches with a high C. productus abundance such as
Roche Harbor. By releasing marked Littorina sitkana at the 1.5 m tidal level at this site
and retrieving them after one tidal cycle, we demonstrated that a high proportion of
those snails that failed to migrate up the shore were retrieved as crushed and peeled
shells (Needham and Behrens Yamada, in prep.). Similar upward migrations to water-
borne stimuli from crushed conspecifics and predatory crabs have been observed for
Nucella lupillus (Vadas et al., 1994). While escape behavior from predators plays a role
in determining the intertidal distribution of Littorina sitkunu, the relative importance of
this factor compared to predator-caused mortality was not determined.
It appears that the current lower limit of L. sitkanu on San Juan Island beaches
represents a trade-off between the increased risk of predation at lower levels and the
reduced fecundity higher on the shore. Another snail, Tegula funebrulis, migrates to a
lower intertidal zone upon reaching a size of 12 mm; the risk of predation from starfish
increases in the low intertidal but the fecundity of snails that fail to migrate down is
substantially lower (Paine, 1969). In the absence of predators, Littorina sitkunu with its
direct development, has the potential to populate the whole intertidal zone (Behrens,
1972; Behrens Yamada, 1992). Indeed, growth rate, fecundity and juvenile survival in
littorines increase with longer submergence time (Boulding, 1990; Behrens Yamada and
Mansour, 1987; McQuaid, 1983). When L. sitkuna were caged at the 0.7 m level at Lab
S. Behrens Yamada, E.G. B&ding / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 204 (1996) 59-83 79

6 Beach, they exhibited excellent survival, growth and reproduction (Behrens Yamada,
1989). If the risk of predation was uniformly low throughout the intertidal, one would
expect high densities of large L. sitkana lower on the shore. Circumstantial evidence
confirming this prediction was found on an oyster lease south of Courtney, British
Columbia (49”40’N, 124”54’W) where crab and starfish predators were controlled. On
the lease, high densities of L. sitkuna and their egg masses were found in the lower
intertidal zone (Behrens Yamada, unpublished observation). In contrast, at Roche Harbor
where both intertidal juvenile and subtidal adult Cancer productus are abundant higher
on the shore than at the other three sites, Littorina sitkana are common only in damp
refuges above the 2.5 m level.
Differences in the rate of predation by subtidal Cancer productus appears to be
responsible for differences in the abundance in Littorina sitkuna among the different
protected sites. The risk of predation at all four sites for adult L. sitkuna was correlated
with the abundance of subtidal Cancer productus. The ranks of the risk of predation at
the three sites for which we have data were the same as the ranks of the natural
abundances of L. sitkana.

4.4. Predator invasions and the biogeography of Littorina sitkana

We predict that the invasion of the upper intertidal zone by a more efficient predatory
crab would result in the local extinction of L. sitkana. Unlike species with planktonic
dispersal, direct developers, like L. sitkuna, can maintain viable populations only in
those habitats in which all life stages can persist (Behrens, 1972). The southern limit of
the geographical distribution of L. sitkana coincides with the northern limit of another
shell-breaking crab, the grapsid Puchygrupsus crussipes (Behrens Yamada, 1977a). P.
crussipes has claws modified for crushing hard-shelled prey (Brown et al., 1979;
Lindberg, 1985; S. Behrens Yamada, unpublished data), and is physiologically adapted
to live in the upper intertidal (Burnett and McMahon, 1987).
We may soon be able to test the above prediction with the introduction of the
European green crab, Carcinus maenas, to Central California. This species appeared in
San Francisco Bay in 1989 and within 4 years has spread 200 km north to Bodega Bay
(Grosholz and Ruiz, 1995). This fast growing and rapidly dispersing species is a
physiological and ecological generalist and is expected to have a major impact on
intertidal communities from Alaska to Baja California. Its impact on poorly-dispersing
direct developers, such as Littorina sitkana, could be especially devastating.


We thank B.C. Baldwin, H. Metcalf, S. Navarrete, T. Shibahara, J.A. Yamada and

K.R. Yamada for helping with the experiments; C.B. Miller for helping us obtain and
analyze the tidal data; E. Carefoot for preparing Fig. 1; S. Washington for help with table
preparation, H. Li for supplying the lead lines and F.L. Ramsey for introducing us to and
executing the logit analyses on our tethered snail data. We are especially grateful to E.L.
Berlow, G.M. Branch, L.M. Dill, F?W. Frank, T.K. Hay, S.D. Gaines, M.A. Hixon, K.M.
Jones, A.J. Kohn, M. LaBarbera, B.A. Menge, S.A. Navarrete, C. Needham, K. Nielsen,
T.D. Nudds, A.M. Olson, R.T. Paine, A.R. Palmer, C. Robles, J.T. Wootton and three
anonymous reviewers for reading earlier versions of this manuscript and for offering
valuable comments. B.C. Baldwin and H. Metcalf were supported by the National
Science Foundation Native Americans in Marine Science Program (Grant OCE-9016300
to J.J. Gonor). Partial financial support was provided by a grant from the Oregon State
University Research Council (S.B.Y.), National Science and Engineering Council of
Canada operating grant, postgraduate and postdoctoral fellowships (E.G.B.) and National
Science Foundation grant BSR-8700523 to A.J. Kohn (E.G.B.). This study could not
have been carried out without the facilities provided by the University of Washington’s
Friday Harbor Laboratories and the continual support of T.K. Hay and R.S. Yamada.


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