Es I I I Echinoderms
Es I I I Echinoderms
Es I I I Echinoderms
Marine Laboratory, UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam, USA
Abstract -Certain species of echinoderms have broad-scale effects on entire coral-reef communities, more so than
any other particular species of invertebrate or fish. The echinoderms with the most influence in coral-reef
communities are generalists, adaptable to a variety of situations, with behavioral, distributional, and dietary
plasticity. The concept of "niche" is not useful for influential species because the nature of their role is continuously
changing, contingent upon factors such as predation pressure, recruitment success, and disease. The "niche" concept
is more useful for specialists. More specialized echinoderms on coral reefs are "ornamental" because of
morphological and physiological constraints, regardless of predation, recruitment and disease.
1 Introduction
2 Crinoidea
2.1 Functional roles
2.2 Distribution
2.3 Mortality
2.4 Effects on coral-reef communities
3 Asteroidea
3.1 Functional roles
3.2 Distribution
3.3 Recruitment
3.4 Origin of acanthasterids
3.5 Mortality
3.6 Effects on coral-reef communities
4 Ophiuroidea
4.1 Functional roles
4.2 Distribution
4.3 Mortality
4.4 Effects on coral-reef communities
5 Echinoidea
5.1 Functional roles
5.2 Distribution
5.3 Recruitment
5.4 Mortality
5.5 Competition
5.6 Effects on coral-reef communities
6 Holothuroidea
6.1 Functional roles
6.2 Mortality
6.3 Effects on coral-reef communities
7 Discussion
Each coral-reef community is unique. It differs from all other coral-reef
communities, and it changes from its own previous state with time. Coral- reef
communities are either in a state of 'recovery', with corals increasing in percent
surface coverage in the benthic community or else the community is
characterized by an extraordinary prevalence of certain species in the
occupation of space. Whole-reef morphology can be explained partially on the
basis of past geological processes and patterns of water movements; the
distribution of individual species can be predicted on the basis of their 'niche
dimensions'; but the coral-reef communities, the assemblages of organisms
occupying the surfaces of the reef and moving over the reef, vary. Echinoderms
are conspicuous invertebrates on coral reefs. Changes in abundances of certain
species can have large-scale effects on reef community structure. To understand
the variations in structure and function of coral-reef communities, it is
necessary to understand the ecology of coral-reef echinoderms.
Echinoderms of particular species can have effects on coral-reef community
structure and function through several trophic levels and on a geographic scale.
A widespread mortality of a single species of echinoid on Caribbean reefs was
directly followed by a several-fold increase in standing stock of benthic algae in
Panama (Lessios et al. 1984a), Jamaica (Morrison 1984, T. Hughes et al. 1985),
St Croix (Carpenter 1985a), and Curacao (Bak et al. 1984), and probably
throughout the tropical western Atlantic (Lessios et al. 1984b ). A second-order
effect of echinoid mortality has been found in fish behavior (Hay & Taylor
1985) and is predicted for fish population structure (Hay & Taylor 1985)
throughout the tropical western Atlantic. Likewise, increases in abundance of a
single species of asteroid can bring about major changes in community structure
of corals (reviewed in Endean 1973, 1976, Potts 1981, Moran 1986), second-
order effects of increases in abundances of algae and decreases in abundances
of corallivorous fishes (Sano et al. 1984, D. Williams 1986), and third-order
effects of increases in abundances of herbivorous fishes (Wass 1987).
The coral-reef community is here considered to be the plants and animals
associated with the shallow, hard-substrata in tropical regions occupied in part,
or potentially occupied, by corals. The organisms occupying the sandy substrata
bordering coral reefs or on reef flats are not considered unless they clearly
influence the occupants of coral reefs.
Several reviews have considered coral-reef echinoderms from other perspectives.
A.M. Clark (1976) emphasized zoogeographic aspects. Bakus (1973) reviewed
biology and ecology of tropical holothuroids. Endean (1973), Potts (1981), and
Moran (1986) reviewed the ecology of the asteroid Acanthaster planci. The books
edited by Boolootian (1966) and by Jangoux & Lawrence (1982) contain a
substantial amount of detailed information on coral-reef species, and the
physiological, behavioral and ecological processes reviewed for echinoderms in
general are mostly applicable to coral- reef echinoderms. Emson & Wilkie (1980)
provide an extensive review of fission and autotomy in echinoderms. Glynn (in
press) reviewed the effects on coral community structure of grazing and predation
by animals of several phyla, including echinoderms. Keys to coral-reef
echinoderms are given by A.M. Clark & Rowe (1971) and Guille et al. (1986) for
identification of Indo-West Pacific coral-reef echinoderms, and by H.L. Clark
(1933), Voss (1976) and Kaplan (1982) for Caribbean coral-reef echinoderms.
This review discusses the ecology of coral-reef echinoderms and their influence
on variations in the structure and function of coral-reef communities. Particular
attention is given to the question of why some species of echinoderms have greater
influence on coral-reef communities than do others.
Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of feeding-position postures of
coral-reef crinoids. Adapted from Meyer (1982).
Behavioral categories of feeding posture and morphological categories of tube
foot length and spacing are associated with categories of attachment site (Meyer
1973, 1982). The tube feet of cryptic crinoids that live within the reef infrastructure
(Fig. lE) or extend arms out from a crevice (Fig. 1F) are characteristically longer
and more widely spaced than are those of crinoids generally found exposed in
unidirectional currents (Meyer 1982). Crinoids that are generally found in a
filtration fan posture have tube feet that are relatively shorter and more closely
Meyer (1979, 1982) interpreted the feeding posture, tube foot length and
spacing in terms of the aerosol filtration theory of Rubenstein & Koehl (1977). The
theory predicts the optimal size range of particles captured for a given mesh size
in a given water flow velocity. An optimal set of morphological traits for one set of
conditions is suboptimal for others and so niche diversification may be a result of
morphological constraints. Nevertheless, the feeding postures and behavior of
crinoids can vary with water-flow velocity (Meyer 1973, 1982) and when the
hydrodynamic conditions are the same, their actual feeding behaviors may
overlap more than might have been expected. Exposed crinoids in slack water or
in multidirectional low velocity flow usually assume a meridional posture with tube
feet extended (Fig. 1D).
Coral-reef crinoids tend to aggregate, presumably a result of being attracted to
sites with features that are optimal for several species. D.L. Meyer (pers. comm.
July 1986) has observed over 14 species of crinoids on one pinnacle of a reef
near Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, on visits since his first in 1975.
2.2 Distribution
As passive suspension-feeders, crinoids are dependent on exogenous water
movement to bring them food (Meyer 1982). Local distribution of crinoids largely
results from availability of currents, shelter, proper topographic conditions for
feeding and avoidance of wave impact and predators (Meyer 1973,1982,1985,
Meyer& Macurda 1977, Meyer & Ausich 1983). Crinoids are dependent on habitat
qualities. They have not been documented as expanding their distribution, diet, or
behavioral repertoire in the regions where they are in great abundance to the
extent that this has often been observed in some species of echinoids and
asteroids. These constraints on distribution and behavior are probably important
factors in determining the degree of influence crinoids have on the coral-reef
The large-scale distribution of crinoids is probably a result of both larval dispersal and
nutrient availability. Coral-reef crinoids are characteristic of 'continental' regions of the
Indo-West Pacific and Caribbean. The species richness decreases sharply across the
oceanic regions of the Pacific from the west to east (Table 1). The fact that crinoids have
the sharpest decline of any
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group of coral-reef echinoderms in species richness from continental to oceanic regions
suggests that they generally have a shorter larval life span than is typical of the other
echinoderms groups (Table 1 ).
The shallow-water crinoids in the Caribbean do not demonstrate a similar gradient in
species richness (Meyer et at. 1978). The Caribbean is interconnected by water currents
(Wüst 1964). Nevertheless, crinoids are generally more abundant on continental margins
even in the Caribbean (Meyer 1973, Meyer & Macurda 1976). This may be a result of
increased productivity from upwelling or because terrestrial runoff is favorable for passive
suspension- feeders (Meyer 1973, Meyer & Macurda 1976).
2.3 Mortality
Stalked crinoids disappeared from shallow seas in the late Cretaceous at the time
durophagous teleosts were undergoing species radiation (Meyer & Ausich 1983). Most
coral-reef echinoderms, even sedentary species, are motile to the extent of being able to
withdraw into shelter to avoid strong wave impact or predation. Coral-reef crinoids that
periodically feed in exposed positions are either nocturnal, toxic, or have their oral disk
protected by a palisade of enlarged, rigid, spike-like proximal pinnules (Meyer 1972,
1973,1985, Meyer & Macurda 1977).
Meyer & Ausich (1983) reported that seven specimens of the fish Chrysophrys auratus
each had two to four fresh crinoids in their stomachs. Meyer (1985) reported that crinoids
are found in the stomachs of representatives of ten families of fishes. Most predation is
partial, which indicates that there is a constant pressure from predation on coral-reef
crinoids. The nocturnal feeding behavior of the majority of coral-reef crinoids may result in
part from the availability of demersal plankton at night, i.e. the crinoids may feed at night
in part for the same reason that corals feed at night on plankton. However, the movement to
protected locations during the day indicates a response to predation pressure.
amount of plankton and suspended particulate matter consumed, substratum
occupied, contribution to community respiration, etc. ) and they may be large.
But even if quantitative effects are large, they may not have a qualitative or
controlling effect on the coral-reef community. The only differences in coral-
reef communities that can be clearly attributed to the abundance or absence of
crinoids from personal observation and from the literature are the locations of
the crinoids themselves. They take up substrata that might otherwise be
occupied by other organisms at the specific location. The other organisms
may be located a short distance elsewhere, but the character of the
community has not changed except for the presence of the crinoids. Their
qualitative influence may be mainly as ‘ornaments’ for the reef community.
‘Ornaments’ are organisms that are prevalent or conspicuous, and which may
or may not process large amounts of materials in the ecosystem, but which do
not have a qualitative or controlling effect on the system.
The decrease in numbers of crinoids from west to east across the Pacific
involves many variables. It is improbable that interactions can be deduced by
calculations of quantitative effects. Controlled field experiments are needed
to determine the effects of crinoids. I predict that as passive suspension-
feeders, crinoids are constrained by their dependence on favorable habitat
characteristics, and by limitations on what they are capable of capturing as
food. If a controlled experiment is undertaken, the effects of crinoids on the
nature of coral-reef communities might be found to be less than expected
considering the amount of space they occupy or the amounts of materials they
3.1 Functional roles
In contrast to the wide array of feeding methods used by asteroids of
temperate regions (Mauzey et al. 1968, Sloan 1980, Jangoux 1982a), aster-
oids on coral reefs all extrude their stomachs over sessile or encrusting
organisms, small motile invertebrates, and probably organic detrital material
(Sloan 1980, Jangoux 1982a, Blake 1983). (Luidia spp., Astropecten spp., and
Archaster spp. are tropical shallow-water species that often swallow prey
whole, but they are found on sandy substrata, sometimes near reefs, but not
on coral reefs). Thorough compilations of the published information on the
diets of asteroids can be found in Sloan (1980) and Jangoux (1982a).
The feeding biology of coral-reef asteroids differs more often as a matter of
size rather than species. Feeding is generally similar among species with the
same size of stomachs, with differences in diet developing as sizes change
with growth of the individual. Juveniles of most coral-reef asteroids have a
feeding biology similar to the ophidiasterids (Sloan 1980, Jangoux 1982a).
Ophidiasterids (e.g. Linckia, Ophidiaster, Leiaster, and other genera are
represented by Figure 2A; Fromia, Nardoa, Neoferdina, Tamaria, and other
genera are represented by Figure 2C) are small, diverse, and ubiquitous
members of the coral-reef community. At least 70 species occur in shallow
waters of the Indo-West Pacific (A.M. Clark & Rowe 1971, Marsh 1974).
They extrude their tiny stomachs over the substratum and browse the
epibenthic film of organic detritus and microorganisms (Yamaguchi 1975,
1977a, Thomassin 1976, Sloan 1980, Jangoux 1982a). The substratum on
which feeding takes place is often crustose coralline algae (Laxton 1974a) and
a white spot can be seen occasionally in the coralline algae underneath the
extruded stomach. Small encrusting sponges, bryozoans, and ascidians are
sometimes browsed by the larger ophidiasterids (Yamaguchi 1975, various
authors in Jangoux 1982aand Sloan 1980). Laxton (1974a) found 1 % of the
Linckia laevigata feeding on small coral colonies on the Great Barrier Reef
and Thomassin (1976) found Nardoa variolata consuming coral mucus at
Echinasterids (Fig. 2B), asterinids, and juvenile Culcita novaeguineae (Fig. 20)
also extrude their stomachs onto the substratum, apparently digesting the
epibenthic film of organic detritus and microorganisms. As they grow, these
asteroids take advantage of more opportunities to feed upon macroscopic prey, e.g.
ascidians, bryozoans, and especially sponges.
Most oreasterids (Fig. 2D, F) can grow to considerably larger sizes than
ophidiasterids. With growth they become able to feed on larger colonies of animals
such as colonial tube worms (Salmacina sp., cf. Olynn & Wellington 1983),
ascidians, and especially sponges. Nevertheless, they can still extrude their
stomachs over the substratum and apparently even large individuals often feed on
microorganisms and organic detrital material.
At least nine species of asteroids occasionally prey upon living corals or feed on
coral mucus in the Pacific (or at least ten if Acanthaster ellisii is separated from A.
planci): Culcita novaeguineae (Endean 1971,1976, Go- reau et al. 1972, Glynn &
Krupp 1986), C. schmideliana (Thomassin 1976), Nidorellia armata (Chesher
1972, Glynn & Wellington 1983), Pharia pyramidata (Dana & Wolf son 1970,
Glynn & Wellington 1983), Linckia laevigata (Laxton 1974a, Thomassin 1976),
Nardoa variolata and Echinaster purpureus (Thomassin 1976), Asterina sp.
(Yamaguchi 1975), and Acanthaster planci (Goreau 1964, Pearson & Endean 1969,
Branham et al. 1971, Goreau et al. 1972, Endean 1973, Branham 1973, Potts 1981,
Moran 1986). Only A. planci and Culcita spp. are influential asteroid predators of
Pacific corals. No asteroids are influential predators of corals in the Caribbean.
Acanthaster planci eats mainly hermatypic scleractinian corals and shows a
marked preference for acroporids (Acropora and Montipora; Branham et al. 1971,
Goreau et al. 1972), especially the tabular and branching forms of Acropora
(Chesher 1969, Laxton 1974b, Nishihira & Yamazato 1974). Pocilloporids are
eaten by A.planci when the colonies are not defended by crustacean symbionts
(Glynn 1976, 1982b). Fungiids, poritids, faviids, and milleporids are not eaten
frequently unless the preferred food species are scarce in the area. Diploastrea
heliopora and Coscinaraea spp. are strongly avoided, but will be eaten when other
corals are very scarce. Turbinaria spp. and Tubastrea micrantha may never be
Acanthaster planci has a very pliable and prehensile morphology. It is able to
climb out to the tips of branching Acropora spp. (Plate 1). It has a large stomach
which it can extrude over an area equivalent to that of its oral disk (Goreau 1964).
Although Acanthaster planci is a specialist in the sense that it has a definite
preference for acroporids, it is a generalist in that it accepts a variety of foods
depending upon availability and circumstances. When acroporids are scarce (and
even if acroporids are common), A. planci can feed on other corals. When
scleractinian corals are scarce, A. planci can feed on milleporids, alcyonaceans,
actinians, and perhaps even sponges and molluscs (Potts
1981), although these less preferred foods may not have as much nutritional
value for A. planci.
Even when corals are common, the feeding preferences of Acanthaster
planci can be modified and the species of coral preyed upon can be influenced
by a variety of factors other than feeding preference (Sloan 1980, Moran
1986). Moran (1986) listed factors which influence the prey taken by Acan-
thaster planci:
Acanthaster planci has many options for choice and its diet may depend as
much on food availability and other circumstances as on preference.
As typical of oreasterids, Culcita novaeguineae feeds on a broad range of
encrusting prey such as algae, corals, bryozoans, and especially sponges.
Within the corals, however, C. novaeguineae is relatively specialized in
comparison with A. planci. C. novaeguineae has a rigid massive
integument which does not allow it to climb out onto branches of Acropora
spp. and it is less able to adhere to large hemispherical mounds like
massive Porites spp. (Goreau et al. 1972). The ratio of the diameter of the
extruded stomach during feeding to the total diameter of the C.
novaeguineae is 0.41. The C. novaeguineae has a much larger biomass to
support in relation to stomach surface, the size of the food-intake structure
(a ‘brontosaurus handicap’, Fig. 3), because it has a massive hemispherical
form (Fig. 2F) rather than a flaccid plate form like A. planci (Fig. 2E). 11
The basic morphological characteristics of the families Acanthasteridae
and Oreasteridae force Acanthaster planci and Cu/cita novaeguineae into
different functional roles in the coral-reef community. A. planci is a
generalized predator of hermatypic corals, with a preference for branching
and tabular Acropora spp., but with the option of consuming corals from
a wide variety of taxa and colony morphologies as circumstances require.
C. novaeguineae will feed on sponges and other encrusting animals, as
typical of oreasterids, but it shows a preference for small or encrusting
scleractinians, especially pocilloporids and acroporids (Goreau et a/.
1972, Glynn & Krupp 1986). A. p/anci is able to kill large or small coral
colonies entirely. C. novaeguineae usually kills small corals (3 to 8 cm
diameter) entirely, but only partiallyeats larger colonies (Glynn & Krupp
The extruded stomach of a two-year old A p/anci would cover an area
of about 160 cm2; the extruded stomach of a two-year old C.
novaeguineae would cover about 64 cm2. This allows A. p/anci to
function more efficiently on coral reefs, at least as predators of corals,
than do other large asteroids such as oreasterids. A typical A. p/anci
probably consumes about 5 to 6 m2 living coral per year (Pearson &
Endean 1969, Dana & Wolf son 1970) while C. novaeguineae consumes
about 0.9 to 1.0 m2 per year (Glynn & Krupp 1986).
3.2 Distribution
3.3 Recruitment
The small coral-reef asteroid Linckia multifora is generally one of the more
common asteroid species on Pacific reefs, yet it never undergoes population
outbreaks like Acanthaster planci with which the population can quickly
increase by as much as six orders of magnitude. It may be that autotomy is a
more dependable method of recruitment (Rideout 1978), but spawning eggs
that develop into planktotrophic larvae provides possibilities for an occa-
sional tremendously successful recruitment. Fission and autotomy appear to
be more prevalent among asteroids with small body sizes (Emson & Wilkie
1980). The number of eggs spawned increases with body size of asteroids
(Conand 1985, Kettle & Lucas 1987).
Outbreaks of Acanthaster planci occur mainly on high islands and conti-
nental margins, but rarely on atolls (Birkeland 1982). The timings of the
outbreaks appear to be correlated with extra high levels of nutrient runoff which
probably cause phytoplankton blooms. High concentrations of parti- culate
organic material, microorganisms (e.g. bacteria) or phytoplankton may be
necessary for a good rate of development and, indirectly, enhanced survival for
A. planci larvae (Lucas 1982). Knowledge of current patterns along with location
and timing of pulses of nutrient may be of predictive value for outbreaks of A.
Olson (1987), to the contrary, found that A. planci larvae can successfully
complete development through metamorphosis in plexiglass chambers in the
natural environment (no phytoplankton bloom) of offshore coral reefs nearly as
rapidly as with an enriched diet. Olson concluded that food resources for larvae
are of little importance in explaining variation in larval recruitment of A. planci.
A large set of juvenile asteroids does not, however, necessarily result in a
large adult population (Hancock 1958, Loosanoff 1964, Ebert 1983). Much
mortality occurs during the long and vulnerable juvenile stage of asteroid life
histories. Once having undergone metamorphosis, the first few meals of an
asteroid are critical to its success (Birkeland 1974, Sloan 1980). Nauen (1978)
found that asteroids may not grow for several months until a quality meal
becomes available, at which time they begin to grow. The individual asteroid in
"a cohort that obtains the first good meal may be several times larger than
individuals that obtain later meals (Mead 1900), and its chances of survival far
Acanthaster planci has traits which set it apart from the other coral-reef
asteroids and which may give it an exceptional ability to break through the
juvenile or ‘ophidiasterid stage’ in their life cycle. First, A. planci does not have
the thick and rigid test that characterizes other coral-reef asteroids (Blake 1979,
1983). A. planci is rather elastic and pliable which allows it to crawl outland
wrap itself around the pointed tips of branching corals (Fig. 3). It may be this
plasticity of body form which gives the juvenile A. planci its early ability to
attack coral polyps and to undertake adult feeding patterns early in life. A. planci
is also rather flattened in a plate-like morphology with a large central disk and
from 7 to 23 arms, usually 14 to 18. It has a large mouth aperture and it extrudes
its stomach over a relatively large surface area. These morphological
characteristics produce an asteroid that has a relatively large potential for food
input per unit biomass (Fig. 3) which facilitates relatively rapid growth. A. planci
as small as 8 to 10 mm diameter can transform from the juvenile to the adult
feeding biology in about a one-month transition period beginning about four and
a half to seven months after metamorphosis (Yamaguchi 1973a, 1974, Lucas &
Jones 1976) and begin feeding on coral polyps. Once A. planci completes its
transition to a corallivorous predator, its growth rate increases significantly
(Lucas 1984) which facilitates its escape through the mortality risks of juvenile
coral-reef asteroids. Within two years,
A. planci can grow to a total diameter of about 20 cm (Lucas 1984) or about 25
cm (Yamaguchi 1974). The extruded stomach area to biomass ratio may also
contribute to the great fecundity of A. planci. Large A. planci can produce tens
of millions of eggs each year (Conand 1985, Kettle &Lucas 1987).
Culcita novaeguineae transforms from a pentagonal flat juvenile to a
cushion-form adult at about 9 cm diameter or an order of magnitude larger
(Yamaguchi 1973b), and two years of age or about four times longer
(Yamaguchi 1977c), than does Acanthaster planci. Culcita novaeguineae
undergoes great morphological changes from juvenile to adult, but it never-
theless has a rather thick and rigid integument at both stages. Linckia laevigata
may transform into an adult at about 5 cm in arm radius (Yama- guchi 1973b),
also at about two years of age (Yamaguchi 1977a).
Fagatele Bay
(Acanthaster planci predation of the coral Sita Bay
community in 1978) (no major damage to the coral community by A. planci
in recent years)
Corallivores 10 7 14 9 2 -86
Corallivore/herbivores 111 112 140 61 12 -91
Herbivores including recruits 73 83 101 92 460 +355
Adults only 36 36 56 65 134 +139
Adult herbivore
% of entire fish fauna 9 9 12 20 44
prevent them from feeding on large, finely-branched or massive colonies (see
Section 3.1 ). No matter how abundant any of the other species become, most
large coral colonies would be safe from total predation.
4.1 Functional roles
Warner (1982) divided ophiuroids into microphagous and predatory groups.
Both groups are capable of feeding on material in the water column and on the
substratum. The ophiocomids, arnphiurids, ophiactids, and ophiotrichids (or
‘spiney-armed’ groups, Fig. 4A, B, C, D) have long arm-spines and long tube
feet. They are generally microphagous and both deposit-feed (Fig. 4A) and
suspension-feed (Fig. 4B). Suspension-feeding utilizes mucus in mucus- spine
feeding, mucus-net feeding, and tube-foot filters. The ophiodermatids,
ophiomyxids, and ophiolepids (Fig. 4F, G, H) have short arm-spines, short
tube feet, and are more flexible and able to curl their arms. They are often
predators and seize prey by arm-loop, whether on the substratum (Fig. 4F) or
in the water column (Fig. 4G, H). They also deposit-feed by passing discrete
food particles to their mouths by tube feet, sometimes taking larger particles
and acting as carrion-feeders. Despite these characteristics of the two group-
ings, nearly all species employ more than one mechanism for capturing food
and eat more than one kind of food. There is much dietary overlap between
groups. Chartock (1983) did not distinguish among ophiocomids at Enewe-
tak on the basis of diet; some were ecologically separated by microhabitat.
4.2 Distribution
The local distribution of ophiuroids is largely determined by
crevice dimensions available (Chartock 1983, Sides 1985, Sides
& Woodley 1985, Hendler & Littman 1986). On the geographic
scale, ophiuroids decrease in species richness from west to east
across the Pacific (Table 1).
4.3 Mortality
The cryptic and nocturnal behavior, and the importance of crevices of
appropriate size, indicate the incessant pressure from predation on the
life of coral-reef ophiuroids. A large percentage of regenerated arms
indicate partial predation and that the pressure is incessant (Hendler &
Miller 1984). Hendler (1984a) presents color-change and phototaxis in
ophiuroids as adaptations to predation pressure. J.E. Randall (1967)
listed 33 species of coral-reef fishes in the Caribbean that preyed upon
ophiuroids, but ophiuroids made up over 10% of the diet in only 10 of
the species. 21
4.4 Effects on coral-reef communities
Ophiocoma anaglyptica in densities of 150 per m2 (moist weight 240 g m-2) under
reef conglomerate and coral slabs in the algal ridge. Ophiocoma scolopendrina
was responsible for over 20% of the respiration of the crevice community among
the intertidal beach rock (Chartock 1972).
In view of the abundance, biomass, and energy flow through the ophiuroid
populations on coral reefs, one would assume they are influential in the coral-reef
community. This has not been documented. Fricke (1966) calculated that an
average individual basketstar (Astroboa nuda) would filter 86 m3 of water during
an eight-hour period, but it is not known whether this significantly reduces larval
survival of any other populations. Hendler (1984b) documented the cleaning of
the inhalent surface of sponges by the feeding of ophiuroids, but he acknowledged
that sponges were surviving without ophiuroids and the degree to which feeding
efficiency and growth of the sponge benefit from the feeding activities of
ophiuroids has not been determined. Sides (1985) demonstrated that some
ophiuroids can alter crevice dimensions under coral slabs by shifting sand to the
degree that the distribution of other species is altered; but this may only result in a
redistribution of animals rather than a qualitative change in the community. Many
fishes prey upon ophiuroids, but there is no evidence that any of the fish
populations would show a measurable effect if ophiuroids were absent.
Ophiuroids may prey upon recruits of other coral-reef animals and prevent or
reduce the establishment of other species, but I have found no evidence for this in
the literature: The influence of ophiuroids on coral-reef communities has yet to be
5.1 Functional roles
Regular echinoids on, or immediately adjacent to, coral reefs may be catego-
rized into seven morphological life-forms, each with characteristic habits:
long-spined, large, motile diadematids (Fig. 5A); long-spined, small, sedent-
ary, hole-dwelling Echinostrephus spp. (Fig. 5C); short-spined, large, motile
toxopneustids, temnopleurids and others which usually attach debris to their
upper surface (Fig. 5B); short-spined, small, generally sedentary Echinome-
tra spp. which often dwell in holes or grooves in the reef (Fig. 50);
omnivorous cidarids with bare, rough, blunt primary spines (Fig. 5E);
herbivorous Heterocentrotus spp. with smooth blunt primary spines (Fig. 5F);
and the limpet-like Colobocentrotus (Fig. 5G).
Regular echinoids have the broadest diets of any of the groups of echino-
derms on coral reefs. Echinoids are opportunistic, promiscuous, generalized
Figure 5. Diagrammatic representation of categories of coral-reef echinoids.
tratwn, plants within the substratum, and drift algae (Lawrence 1975, De Ridder
& Lawrence 1982). Although the diets of most echinoids are largely influenced
by which foods are available, some differences in general tendencies in food
choice can be discerned among the seven life-form categories of coral-
Diadematids on coral reefs tend to be herbivorous (Lewis 1964, J.E. Randall et
at. 1964, Dart 1972, Atkinson et at. 1973, Lawrence 1975, Hawkins 1981),
although they also take up bottom material (sand, silt, calcareous substratum)
along with boring algae, foraminiferans, and encrusting animals such as corals,
and bryozoans (Mortensen 1940). While algal production decreases during the
winter season in the Caribbean, up to 25% of the diet of Diadema antittarum at
certain localities is made up of living scleractinian corals (Carpenter 1981).
Herring (1972) listed corals as occasionally predominant food items in the diets
of the diadematids Diadema setosum, Echinothrix catamaris, and Astropyga
radiata at Zanzibar. However, no mention was made of whether this implies
skeletal material or living coral tissue and since the data were listed between algae
and mud and silt, and separate from other animal materials, I will interpret this to
mean that' coral' indicates grazing of algae on dead coral substrata.
Diadema antillarum shows a strong preference for algal turf (dense stands of
filamentous algae). When algal turf is abundant, D. antillarum will tend not to eat
macroalgae, crustose algae or living coral tissue (Carpenter 1981). When algal
turf is sparse, D. antillarum accepts them as alternate foods. The preference
hierarchy among algal species as food is generally similar between D. antillarum
and fishes (Hay 1984a). D. antillarum forages over a smaller range ( ca. 0.5-1 m2)
in comparison with schooling herbivorous fishes (ca. 1 ha). The greater motility
of fishes allows them to determine their diet more by choice than by availability
in comparison to echinoids.
Hawkins (1981) found that Diadema antillarum feeds on crustose coral-line
algae with greater absorption efficiency than it does with filamentous endolithic
or epipelic algae. When algal turf is sparse, crustose coralline algae serve as
nutritional support for D. antillarum. Hawkins (1981) suggested that the relatively
fast growth of juvenile D. antillarum (Lewis 1966,
25 Bauer 1976) may be partially a
result of greater access of small individuals to crustose algae in small crevices.
The fast growth of juveniles is probably an important factor in survival of the
hazards such as predation which are generally more intense on small individuals.
A major factor leading to the success of diadematids in coral reef commu-
nities is their broad 'niche'. Diadema antillarum inhabits coral reefs, man- grove
roots, seagrass beds, and sand flats (J.E. Randall et at. 1964). Diadematids may
grow faster or attain a larger size on certain preferred diets than on others, but
they will not starve to death in nature because of their basically
generalized diets, at least once they have reached their postlarval stage in their life
cycle. As generalists, coral-reef herbivorous echinoids are able to thrive under a wide
variety of circumstances, including those circumstances in which schooling
herbivorous reef fishes cannot exist. In the coral communities of the northern Gulf of
Thailand, rich terrestrial nutrient input from river drainage and direct runoff supports
a rich phytoplankton-based food- web, as evidenced by the abundance of suspension-
feeding bivalves, barnacles, ascidians, massive sponges (Tsuchiya & Lirdwitayapasit
1986, Tsuchiya et at. 1986) and planktivorous fishes (Menasveta et at. 1986). Algae
are very sparse (Tsuchiya & Lirdwitayapasit 1986, Tsuchiya et at. 1986). Under
conditions of massive input of nutrients, the pre-emption of nutrients and light by
phytoplankton inhibits the growth of benthic algae, except in very shallow water
(Birkeland 1987). Eighty-five species of hermatypic corals were present, 21 of which
were acroporids (Sakai et at. 1986) which suggests that algae were not inhibited by
pollutants. Corals generally grow slower than algae, but are relatively generalized in
terms of trophic options (Muscatine & Porter 1977).
Of 31 families of reef fishes observed in the northern Gulf of Thailand, not a
single schooling herbivorous species representing the Scaridae, Acanthuridae,
Siganidae, or Kyphosidae was seen (Menasveta et at. 1986). Diadema spp., in
contrast, were extraordinarily abundant with as many as 28 to 38 individuals m-2
(Tsuchiya & Lirdwitayapasit 1986, Tsuchiya et at. 1986). Their diet consisted mostly
of detrital material, sediment and diatoms. Scarids and other herbivorous fishes may
be specialists on plant material and may not be able to do as well for long periods on
alternate foods when benthic algae are not available. It is likely that Diadema spp.
graze benthic algae whenever it is available, but are able to sustain themselves on
alternate foods. Specialists run the risk of being outcompeted by generalists such as
diadematid echinoids even if, as specialists, they are more efficient at utilizing their
resources (Brooks & Dodson 1965, Birkeland 1974, Buss & Jackson 1981).
Although four families of schooling herbivorous fishes were absent in the northern
Gulf of Thailand, territorial herbivorous pomacentrids, Stegastes apicalis, were able
to maintain a resource of rich algal vegetation by defending it from Diadema spp.
(Kamura & Choonhabandit 1986). Although generalists will win in exploitative
competition, specialists might persist by means of interference competition.
Shallow-water toxopneustids, the short-spined motile echinoids, such as
Tripneustes spp., Toxopneustes spp., and Lytechinus spp., are most often found on
the sandy substrata of reef flats and lagoons, but they move into coral communities
on patch reefs and back reefs of lagoons. Toxopneustids have a greater tendency to
be herbivorous and detritivorous than do the diadematids. Tripneustes gratilla
(Pacific and Indian Oceans) may occasionally have calcium carbonate in its stomach
(Herring 1972), but its diet
consists mainly of plant material (Mukai & Nojima 1985). Likewise, Trip-
neustes ventricasus (Atlantic) also appears to be largely herbivorous (Lewis 1958,
Moore & McPherson 1965, Stevenson & Ufret 1966).
The most important difference in feeding style between toxopneustids and
diadematids is that the former are generally browsers (biting off exposed plant
material and ingesting loose bottom t1laterial) and the latter are generally grazers
(scraping or abrading the hard substratum as they take encrusting or boring plants
or animals, removing upright algae down to the substratum, and taking rhizomes
of seagrasses). This standard distinction between browsing and grazing made by
Hiatt & Strasburg (1960), Jones (1968), Ogden (1977), Ogden & Lobel (1978),
Steneck & Watling (1982), Steneck (1983a, b), Hatcher (1983), Glynn &
Wellington (1983), Foster (1987), and Glynn (in press) is important. Individual
prey may regenerate after being browsed. Geological effects of grazing are direct.
The short-spined Echinametra spp. are often relatively sedentary, living in
burrows in the reef substratum or among branches within colonies of Pacillapara,
Acrapara and other branching corals. They are usually found with algal and
carbonate material in their guts (Doty & Morrison 1954, Stevenson & Ufret 1966,
McLean 1967, McPherson 1969). They often graze boring blue-green algae and, in
doing so, erode the reef substratum. At times of strong wave action, drift algae can
be an important part of their diet (Russo 1980).
As with Diadema spp., Echinametra spp. have a broad repertoire and can change
their behavior patterns to adjust to a variety of circumstances. In the northwestern
Gulf of Arabia, E. mathaei is larger than usual, not sedentary, is only occasionally
found in cracks or crevices, and generally moves about the open surface of dead
corals, grazing the exposed algae by day and by night (Downing & El-Zahr 1987).
Individual E. mathaei in the northwestern Gulf of Arabia produce bioerosion at a
rate an order of magnitude greater than do individual E. mathaei at Enewetak
(Downing & El-Zahr in 1987). McClanahan & Muthiga (1988) also found
populations (534 g m-2) of large (4 cm diameter) E. mathaei, with 93% living
outside their burrows, grazing 3.8 kg m-2 yr-1 from the substratum of the reef at
Eucidaris spp., and cidaroids in general, tend to graze encrusting organisms,
especially animals (McPherson 1968a, b, Lawrence 1975, Glynn et al. 1979, Glynn
& Wellington 1983). Laboratory experiments showed that Eucidaris tribulaides
prefer the sponge Cliona lampa over algae and seagrass (McPherson 1968a).
Laboratory experiments with animal and plant homogenates showed that E.
tribulaides prefer models mixed with animal material over those prepared with
plant material (McClintock et al. 1982).
Eucidaris spp. on coral reefs, including E. thouarsii on continental shelf reefs,
are generally located beneath rocks, slabs of dead coral, or in crevices during
daylight hours. They wedge themselves into crevices and holes in the
reef so securely that they usually cannot be removed without breaking their spines or
test. At night they will sometimes, but not usually, move out into the open to feed on
encrusting animals and plants. They are relatively sedentary compared to
diadematids and appear not to move far. Eucidaris thouarsii in the Galapagos
Islands, on the other hand, are larger, live out in the open and forage for food by day
and by night. In the Galapagos, the diet is largely scleractinian coral and crustose
coralline algae (Glynn et al. 1979, Glynn & Wellington 1983). Like Echinometra
mathaei, the functional role of Eucidaris thouarsii varies with circumstances.
Heterocentrotus spp. and Colobocentrotus spp. are generally herbivorous and are
most often found in areas of reef exposed to strong wave action and water turbulence
(Weber 1969, Dart 1972, Ebert 1971, 1982). Heterocentrotus spp. generally feed on
filamentous or fleshy algae, the ‘algal lawn’ (Dart 1972). Colobocentrotus spp.
appear to feed mainly on crustose coral-line algae. H eterocentrotus spp. are usually
found in shallow subtidal areas of strong wave surge while Colobocentrotus spp. are
usually found in the splash zone or the upper intertidal region.
The Aristotle’s lantern is an efficient general tool for biting, grasping, catching
and scraping (De Ridder & Lawrence 1982). This must be a major factor in the
success of echinoids in feeding on such a variety of materials, taking advantage of
whatever is available. Ebert (1980) discovered that starving Diadema spp. and
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus allocated more of their resources to growth of the
jaws of Aristotle’s lantern when food was less available than when well fed. Black et
al. (1982, 1984) found that Echinometra mathaei varied the relative size of Aristotle
' s lantern within twelve months in a manner consistent with food shortage; as E.
mathaei population densities increased, the relative size of the lantern also increased.
This is another aspect of the phenotypic plasticity of echinoids that contribute to
their success as generalists in grazing and/or browsing.
Juvenile echinoids may be limited by size when attempting to browse macroscopic
algae or encrusting animals. Because of this, juvenile regular echinoids on coral reefs
may tend to be detritivores or grazers of encrusting algae until they become large
enough to be successful as grazers of macroalgae. Protein requirements may be a
general problem that echinoids face on coral reefs when feeding solely on plant
material. Numerous examples can be found of regular echinoids feeding
predominantly on animal material (Lawrence 1975, De Ridder & Lawrence 1982).
Eucidaris spp., and cidaroids in general, eat animal material. Cidaroids are similar to
the form from which extant regular echinoids evolved. McClintock et al. (1982)
showed in laboratory experiments that Echinometra lucunter, Lytechinus variegatus,
and Eucidaris tribuloides showed a feeding response to animal food as great as, or
greater than, to plant food. Although Eucidaris spp. seem to feed on animals
regularly in nature, other echinoids such as Diadema antillarum
appear to feed on corals mainly when algal standing stock is down (Carpenter
Sessile, hole-dwelling coral-reef echinoids usually live in habitats charac-
terized by high wave energy. Motile echinoids in more protected habitats
generally forage nocturnally and stay sequestered in crevices or under ledges
during the day. Herbivorous fishes forage during the day and motile regular
echinoids forage at night. In areas in which predators of echinoids are scarce or
in which echinoids are especially abundant, the motile echinoids will forage in
the daytime.
5.2 Distribution
Caribbean -where most experimental field studies of effects of echinoids have been carried out
Table 3 (cont).
Location Habitat Species Population Reference
(individuals m-2)
Table 3 (cont).
Kapalus Bay, shallow, Dp 6.18 J.C. Bauer (pers.
Maui rocky sub- comm.)
with heavy
wave action
Kona Coast, Porites spp., Dp 0.85 J.C. Bauer (pers.
Hawaii rocky sub- comm.)
10 m depth
Porites spp., Espp 0.10 J.C. Bauer (pers.
rocky sub- comm.)
10 m depth
fore reef, Dp 0.03 Ebert 1971
0-21 m
fore reef Espp 0.001 to0.009 Ebert 1971
0-21 m
*Random transects were taken on reefs with diadematids common and not on reefs
no diadematids were seen. **No echinoids were found in 1020 m2 of coral reef area
apparently appropriate for diadematids, although seven species of asteroids, five species
of holothuroids, and eleven species of crinoids were present. ***Only a few
mathaei and no diadematids on the fore reef and lagoonal reef on all sides of the atoll.
****No echinoids were found in 1300 m2 of area about half coral community and half
seagrass, apparently appropriate for diadematids; six species of asteroids and eleven
species of holothuroids were present. *****No Diadema were observed in large areas
with ideal conditions (J,C. Bauer, pers. Comm.).
tra spp. are usually found under rocks or in crevices, cavities, burrows, or
grooves in the reef. The sedentary Echinostrephus spp. and relatively sedentary
Echinometra spp. often rely on water motion to transport drift algae.
Echinometra mathaei can also be found exposed in large numbers, grazing the
surface of dead corals (Downing & EI-Zahr 1987, McClanahan & Muthiga
Cidarids are widely, and usually sparsely, dispersed. On coral reefs, Eucidaris
spp., Chondrocidaris spp. and Prionocidaris spp. generally stay hidden under
rocks or tightly braced in holes or crevices during the day, and come out to
forage only at night, if at all. However, Eucidaris tribuloides can also be found
in seagrass beds associated with coral rubble (Florida; Kier & Grant 1965) and
E. thouarsii can also be found exposed in large numbers on the surfaces of corals
in broad daylight (Galapagos; Glynn & Wellington 1983).
In general, echinometrids have thick tests and are found most abundantly in
high-energy habitats (Ebert 1982); the other regular echinoids avoid strong surf
conditions. However, Ebert (1971) found Heterocentrotus mammillatus had
higher relative weight values and higher population densities in protected regions
than in exposed regions. Furthermore, he found that the densities of Echinothrix
spp. were less well correlated than H. mammillatus to wave exposure. Eyen
though the population densities of Echinothrix spp. decrease as wave exposure
increases, the combined weight of all individuals of Echinothrix spp. tended to
be greater relative to the weights of other echinoids as a group in areas of
exposure to strong surf. Ebert also found no consistent pattern regarding the
distribution of Tripneustes gratilla in terms of wave action, although the densest
population was within an area highly protected from wave action. Each species
of coral-reef echinoid may do best under particular conditions of wave-stress or
water motion, but diadematids, Tripneustes spp., and Echinometra spp. can live
well under a broad range of suboptimal conditions of water movement.
The population densities of coral-reef echinoids as a group generally decrease
with depth, beginning at the low tide level (e.g. Table 3 in this paper and Figures
6 to 8 in Ebert 1971 ). Colobocentrotus spp. are generally found in the intertidal
or supratidal splash zone. Echinometrids and diadematids particularly tend to be
found in shallow water, while cidarids, temnopleurids, and Asthenosoma spp.
tend to be found at greater depths. The concentration of diadematids in shallower
depths often appears to be more pronounced in the Indo-West Pacific than in the
Caribbean. Detennining factors such as wave-stress and food availability are
often distributed along a depth gradient (Ebert 1971).
Rate of biomass accumulation in the benthos decreases with depth on coral
reefs (Birkeland 1977), so presumably food production relevant to echinoids
decreases with depth. Echinoids tend to aggregate on food supply (Kitching
& Ebling 1961, Vadas et al. 1986). Although the abundance of echinoids is
probably not affected by food supply (Ebert 1968, Carpenter 1986), the
distribution of echinoids may be affected. If wave-stress, predation-pressure,
substratum-type, competition from the other herbivores and other factors are not
overriding food availability, then coral-reef echinoids may tend to aggregate in
shallow water.
Ebert (1971) concluded that chance was an important factor in the distribution
of coral-reef echinoids in Hawaii. The local distributions of Echinothrix spp. and
Tripneustes gratilla did not appear to be associated with physical or biological
factors. Heterocentrotus mammillatus had apparently been predominant on the
Kona Coast of Hawaii and generally uncommon on other Hawaiian Islands
throughout recorded time, yet the range of conditions where they were common
on the Kona Coast appeared to encompass many areas where they were scarce on
other islands.
The thick tests of Colobocentrotus spp. and Heterocentrotus spp. allow them to
withstand the stress of wave impact, but as Ebert (1982) points out, these same
species do not do well in aquaria or areas of calmer water motion. Ebert
hypothesized that physiological stress, perhaps respiratory stress, associated with
decreased water motion set a lower limit to their distribution. Although adapted
to an extreme tolerance of wave-impact, Colobocentrotus spp. and
Heterocentrotus trigonarius may have lost the ability to tolerate low water
motion (Ebert 1982).
perhaps through survival of juveniles, is favored by a decrease of living coral and an
increase in surface cover by algae. Bauer (1980) observed in his survey of population
densities of Diadema antillarum around the western Atlantic, that population densities
generally increased in association with sewage outfalls where filamentous algae generally
proliferate. The numbers of diadematids in Jakarta Bay were very great and numbers in the
outer islands of the Pulau Seribu Chain, which extend northward from the bay, were very
small, inversely related to the distribution of corals (J.R.E. Harger pers. comm.). The few
incidents in Oceania in which diadematids and Echinometra mathaei have become
exceptionally abundant have apparently followed or have been associated with a presumed
increase in algal abundance following outbreaks of Acanthaster planci. Palauan fishermen
describe an increase in abundance of echinoids following an outbreak of Acanthaster planci
which took place in Palau just prior to 1940 (Birkeland 1981). A similar pattern was
observed at Saipan, Micronesia (Tsuda et al. 1970) and at Huahine-Nui, French Polynesia
(Randall & Amesbury 1987).
No information is available that can be used to consider the importance of current patterns
in determining the population density of echinoids through larval retention or distribution.
Humans tend to settle in greater numbers in nutrient-rich areas (continental margins and
large islands) than on small oceanic islands and atolls. There-fore, the overfishing and
nutrient input from pollution caused by human activities, and the decrease in living corals
and increase in algal cover caused by outbreaks of Acanthaster planci, may be found along
the same geographic gradient in nutrient richness as is the abundance of diadematids. A
careful study of echinoid abundance needs to be done in which the nature of the land mass is
not confounded with human activities such as overfishing in order to determine why regular
coral-reef echinoids are distributed as they are.
The west to east decline in species richness across the Pacific and the separate group of
species in the eastern Pacific (Table 1) suggest that larval dispersal and speciation are major
factors in species richness within a
5.3 Recruitment
The abundance and effects of adult echinoids are more stable than are those of herbivorous
fishes or microherbivores which vary seasonally (Carpenter 1986). Prior to the echinoid
disease of 1983, the adult populations of Diadema antillarum at St Croix had been stable for
over twelve years (Carpenter 1986). At Rio Bravo, Jamaica, the abundance of D. antillarum
did not vary between 1977 and 1983 (T.P.Hughes et al. 1985). In contrast to the stability of
adult populations, recruitment is erratic and infrequent for coral-reef echinoids. Relatively
rapid return of echinoids following their removal is
by migration. Ogden et al. (1973) removed over 7,000 Diadema antillarum from a small
patch reef. There was no recruitment from 1973 to at least 1977 (Ogden & Lobel 1978).
Only about half the original number had returned during the next ten to eleven years
while the control reef still had approximately its original number (Hay & Taylor 1985).
J.A. Marsh et al. (1977) noted that an extensive settlement of Diadema spp. and
Echinothrix diadema occurred in 1973 and the year-class prevailed for several years.
Erratic and infrequent recruitment is characteristic of regular echinoids in general, not
just of species on coral reefs (Ebert 1983). Moore & Lopez (1972) reported that
Lytechinus variegatus had successful recruitment in five of six successive years, then had
no successful recruitment in the subsequent ten years. Camp et al. (1973) reported an
outbreak of L. variegatus that was apparently a result of successful recruitment as
evidenced by nearly all of them being of one year class. Ebert (1983) found one
successfully strong recruitment in a population of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus in a
twenty-year period. The size distribution still reflects the one heavy recruitment.
The mass mortality of Diadema antillarum in 1983 virtually eliminated the breeding
stock of the populations at numerous localities. Recovery of the populations may be
facilitated by parthenogenesis according to Bak et al. (1984) who found gonads of D.
antillarum with blastulae. It will be difficult to actually assess whether recruitment is
relatively poor after the breeding stock has declined because successful recruitment is
ordinarily so erratic and because we do not have an adequate baseline for comparisons.
T.P. Hughes et al. (1987) documented no significant increase in recruitment of D. antilla-
rum, Echinometra viridis, Lytechinus williamsi, Eucidaris tribuloides, Tripneustes
ventricosus, or herbivorous reef-fishes over three years following the mass mortality. As
discussed at the end of Section 3.6, an increase in carrying capacity of a habitat is latent
until a strong recruitment also occurs. Muthiga & McClanahan (1988) acknowledged a
release of predation pressure and larval recruitment as alternative explanations for the
increase in abundance of Echinometra mathaei in a region of the coast of Kenya
subjected to intense human influences. The explanations may be complementary, rather
than alternative.
5.4 Mortality
Balistes vetula -73%; Anisotremus surinamensis -54%; Calamus bajonado -45%; Diodon
hystrix -35%; Canthidermis sufjlamen -25%). The most frequent prey were Diadema
antillarum, but Echinometra lucunter, E. viridis, Eucidaris tribuloides, Lytechinus variegatus,
and Tripneustes ventricosus were also taken. Toadfish also prey upon coral-reef echinoids
(Hoff- man & Robertson 1983), primarily on D. antillarum. Echinoid density is significantly
lower near toadfish holes and these areas support unusually dense stands of algae (Hay 1985).
Coral-reef echinoids are also preyed upon by crustaceans (J.E. Randall et al. 1964),
gastropods (J.E. Randall et al. 1964, Moore 1966, McPherson 1968b, Snyder & Snyder 1970,
Ogden et al. 1973), and birds (Moore et al. 1963).
The regional intensity of predation by fishes is the most likely explanation for differences in
size distribution, abundance, and foraging behaviors of echinoid species which have different
functional roles on coral reefs in different regions, e.g. Eucidaris thouarsii (Glynn et al. 1979)
and Echinometra mathaei (Downing & EI-Zahr 1987, McClanahan & Muthiga 1988). Local
variation in predation pressure can influence the foraging behavior, homing fidelity, and
degree of selectiveness of crevice quality by Diadema antillarum (Carpenter 1984).
Annual, seasonal, and irregular fluctuations in sea levels cause local mass mortality and
temporary local changes in echinoid distribution and abundances (Glynn 1968, Hendler 1977,
Hay 1981a, b, c, Hay et al. 1983, Cubit 1985). Mass mortalities on a local scale can be
brought about in shallow water by low tides of extreme duration in midday or by water
dilution associated with heavy rainfall. Year-to-year changes in sea levels affect the extent and
severity of tidal exposures and, thereby, the long-term patterns of distributions of echinoids on
reef flats (Cubit 1985).
Water-borne pathogens appear to be the mortality factor that brings about the greatest
fluctuations in time of population densities over the greatest areas (Lessios et al. 1984a, b ).
Diadematids occasionally undergo mass mortalities on a geographic scale. These mortalities
have occurred sequentially across large regions, indicating that water-borne pathogens are
involved. In August 1981, a mass mortality of Echinothrix calamaris occurred on the west
coast of Hawaii. By December 1981, E. calamaris were dying at Molokai, Maui, Oahu and
Kauai (the late D.M. Devaney, B.P. Bishop Museum; M.G. Hadfield, Kewalo Marine
Laboratory; J.A. Brock, Aquaculture Development Program, Honolulu, pers. comm.). The
symptoms of dying echinoids were drooping spines, spines falling out, and degeneration and
sloughing of the epithelium from the test (J.A. Brock pers. comm.). Another diadematid,
Diadema paucispinum, was also affected at Hawaii (the Big Island), but other types of
echinoids (Tripneustes gratilla, Heterocentrotus mammillatus , and Echinometra mathaei)
were not affected (J.A. Brock pers. comm. ).
A similar mass mortality of a diadematid was noted two years later in the Caribbean at the
Galeta Marine Laboratory, near the entrance of the Panama Canal, in mid-January 1983
(Lessios et al. 1984a). The symptoms of affected diadematids (Bak et al. 1984, Lessios et al.
1984a) appeared to be the same as those at Hawaii. By early April, the mortality had spread to
the San Blas Islands, about 120 km to the east, where the Diadema antillarum populations were
reduced by over 90% (Lessios et al. 1984a). One year later, by February 1984, the mortality of
D. antillarum had spread throughout the Caribbean and to Bermuda. The mass mortalities of D.
antillarum occurring at Jamaica (‘more than 98%’or ‘close to 100%’ mortality) in July 1983
were documented by Morrison (1984) and Hughes et al. (1985), at St Croix (99% mortality) in
February 1984 by Carpenter (1985a), and at Curacao (98-100% mortality) October 1983 by
Bak et al. (1984).
Lessios et al. (1984b) documented the sequence of this mortality and described the probable
role of currents in the distribution of the pathogen. The simplest interpretation of the sequence
of mortalities in space and time (cf. Lessios et al. 1984b) would involve two points of origin in
the Caribbean, one near the entrance to the Panama Canal in mid-January and another at
Barbados in late September. It is noteworthy that the only successful establishment of a species
of coral-reef fish from the Indo-West Pacific into the Caribbean also occurred at the Caribbean
entrance to the Panama Canal and at Barbados (Springer & Gomon 1975). Perhaps the 1983
pathogen was introduced to the Caribbean in the ballasts of ships at the Panama Canal and at
Barbados. It is also interesting that the first outbreak at Curacao was first observed in the
harbor in early October. The mortality started at Barbados in late September upstream from any
other affected locality. From Panama and Barbados, the spread of the disease is consistent with
the major current patterns.
Lessios et al. (1984a, b) give indirect evidence which support the hypothesis that the cause
of the mortality was a pathogen. First, it was species- specific, affecting only Diadema
antllarum and none of the other six species of regular echinoids that coexist with it. Second,
potency of the mortality factor was not diluted or dissipated as it spread from Panama to
Bermuda. Third, the factor in some places travelled in directions other than that of the
prevailing current, apparently travelling long distances in open water, then spreading by shore
eddies in a direction opposite that of the main offshore current. Fourth, no abnormal changes in
water temperature, tidal levels, rainfall or salinity were observed to be associated with the
mortality (Lessios et al. 1984a). Fifth, the spread of the mortalities downstream on a local scale
(1 km d-l [Bak et al. 1984] to 3.6 km d-l [T.P; Hughes et al. 1985]) was too slow for a water-
borne chemical pollutant.
A few recovering adults appeared on reefs in the San Blas and at Jamaica about a month
after the mass mortality (Lessios et al. 1984a). Lessios et al.
(1984a) speculated that sick individuals unable to move within crevices may have had a
slightly better chance of survival from fish predation than debilitated individuals in exposed
locations. Survivors may emerge from crevices after having recovered enough to be motile.
Sources of mortality can have synergistic effects. Temporary debilitation of echinoids by a
pathogen while outside a crevice could lead to susceptibility to predation by fishes during
daylight hours while those immobilized within crevices may not move from their crevice until
they recover enough to regain their motility and by this time they may forage mainly at night
and may be able to defend themselves. Sick D. antillarum are preyed upon by scarids, labrids
and pomacentrids (Lessios et al. 1984a). Furthermore, as most Diadema antillarum die from
the pathogen, those species of predator that have echinoids as a major component of their
diets may provide increased predation pressure on the surviving D. antillarum and on other
species of echinoids and other prey.
It is too early to know whether the Diadema antillarum will soon return to population
densities similar to those prior to the mortality. Bak (1985), T.P. Hughes et al. (1985, 1987),
and de Ruyter van Steveninck & Bak (1986) observed low recruitment rates following the
mass mortality. Recovery may be slow because of the scarcity of unaffected localities that
may serve as sources of larvae. If areas that serve as sources of larvae could be identified, the
pattern of recovery at affected sites might provide a useful indication of degree and pattern of
successful larval dispersal.
In December 1984, Astropyga magnifica were found dead in shallow water (0.6 to 1.2 m)
on the northwest coast of Puerto Rico (L.B. Williams et al. 1986). The symptoms of dying A.
magnifica were very similar to those of Diadema antillarum during its mass mortality in
1983. However, the mortality of A. magnifica was apparently confined to shallow water. A.
magnifica in deeper water (21 m) were apparently not affected.
Food-resource limitation of adult coral-reef echinoids may influence the mean size of
individuals (Carpenter 1981), but there is no evidence that food limitation causes mortality in
5.5 Competition
Echinoids win against fishes in exploitative competition (Hay & Taylor 1985). Fishes win
against echinoids in interference competition (Kaufman 1977, A.H. Williams 1978, 1980,
1981, Sammarco & Williams 1982). Diadematids win in exploitative competition with
herbivorous fishes because diadematids are generalists and capable of survival in the absence
of macroalgae by subsistence on alternative food sources (live coral, organic detrital material,
diatoms). Furthermore, echinoids can survive for months without food, probably longer than
herbivorous fishes. Fishes have an
immediate (within five days) functional response (increased grazing activity) when Diadema
antillarum is removed, whether the removal is experimental or by natural causes (Hay &
Taylor 1985). Fishes have not yet increased total population size following the mass mortality
of D. antillarum in the Caribbean, but this may take years if the survival of larval fishes is a
separate conditional factor from the carrying capacity of the habitat for adult fishes (see
Section 3.6).
In some coral communities in the northern Gulf of Thailand, Diadema spp.
are extraordinarily abundant and schooling herbivorous fishes (scarids, acanthurids,
kyphosids, siganids) are absent (see Section 5.1).
Damselfishes actively defend their territories from coral-reef echinoids (Kaufman 1977,
A.H. Williams 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, Sammarco & Williams 1982). Whether an organism
is a generalist or specialist is important when exploitative competition is involved. The
probable outcome of interference competition must be considered on a case by case basis,
accompanying the mechanisms of physical removal or aggression.
Intraspecific exploitative competition can affect the mean size of individual echinoids and,
presumably, their egg production (Ebert 1968, Carpenter 1981). Echinoids do not die of
exploitative competition (Ebert 1968, Carpenter 1981), but their local distribution can change
(Carpenter 1981).
As population density increases, Diadema antillarum on coral-reefs tend to disperse or
spread out by decreasing their homing fidelity to their shelter (Carpenter 1981). However, on
sand-bottom or reef flats without shelters, echinoids tend to aggregate (Pearse & Arch 1969).
Evidence for interspecific exploitative competition has been implied by the observation that
the removal of Diadema antillarum from a small patch reef at St Croix (Ogden et al. 1973)
was followed by the immigration of Tripneustes ventricosus onto the reef (Ogden & Lobel
1978). The mass-mortality of D. antillarum on the reef flats in the San Blas Islands was
followed by an immigration of Echinometra viridis onto the vacated area (Lessios et al.
1984a). The experimental removal of D. antillarum from coral patches also resulted in
immigration of E. viridis (A.H. Williams 1981). These movements might be evidence of
amensalism rather than competition. T. ventricosus is usually found in stands of algae. The
change in habitat rather than increased food supply following the decrease in D. antillarum
may have brought about the immigration of T. ventricosus .
McClanahan & Muthiga (1988) report that when predation pressure from fishes was
reduced, Echinometra mathaei became abundant and grazed the algae outside their burrows.
In this event, they suggested, E. mathaei may feed closer than diadematids to the substratum
and may pre-empt the food source, thus winning out in exploitative competition.
Interference competition has not been observed in motile coral-reef echinoids. They tend to
aggregate in exposed situations. Sedentary, groove--
dwelling Echinometra lucunter shows interference competition in defense of its burrow
and, perhaps, in defense of its field of interception of drift algae (Grunbaum et al. 1978).
Tsuchiya & Nishihira (1985) documented the existence of two types of Echinometra
mathaei which differ in their ability to compete for territory.
sheltered in crevices, the algal biomass would increase and the grazed area would
become overgrown with algae.
The grazing pattern of Diadema antillarum changes with season also as a result of
differences in productivity. Carpenter (1981) found that algal turf was fed on
preferentially, but as productivity of the algal turf decreased during the winter and the
algal turf became less abundant, alternate foods such as macroalgae, crustose coralline
algae, and living corals would be taken. A seasonal shift in diet probably results in a
seasonal variance in impact of D. antillarum among the prey.
The effects of the 1983 mass mortality of Diadema antillarum were found to vary
with depth, probably as the result of an interaction of release from grazing pressure
and benthic productivity. The algal standing stock in Curacao increased to a higher
‘new equilibrium’ level at 3 m depth than at 15 and 27 m (de Ruyter van Steveninck
& Bak 1986). A similar pattern was observed at Jamaica (T.P. Hughes et al. 1987).
Likewise, the decrease in diadematids was followed by an increase in algal cover and
in grazing intensity of fishes in shallow (5 to 10 m depth) water but not in deeper
(below 15 m) water at Jamaica (Morrison 1984). Conversely, the decrease in occupa-
tion of space by corals occurred in shallow, but not deep (27 m), water (de Ruyter van
Steveninck & Bak 1987, Hughes et al. 1987). This is probably because the growth
rate of benthic algae is strongly influenced by levels of light. Algae can overgrow
juvenile corals in shallow water, but corals can maintain their space in deeper waters
(Birkeland 1977).
Although the effects of the mass mortality of Diadema antillarum are similar at
different locations around the Caribbean at shallow depths, the effects vary between
locations at greater depths. For example, Morrison (1984) reported no changes in the
deeper reef community at Jamaica. The degree of concentration of effects of D.
antillarum in shallow depths may be particularly a result of degree of aggregation of
D. antillarum in shallow depths, the relative abundance of herbivorous fishes, water
turbidity, distribution and prevalence of crustose coralline algae, corals and bare
space, all of which vary between locations. The smallest increase in algal cover was
documented at 15 m depth because the grazing pressure of herbivorous fishes were
important at this depth and D. antillarum were relatively rare there even before the
mass mortality (de Ruyter van Steveninck & Bak 1987).
An impression from the literature is that herbivorous fishes have the major impact
on algal biomass in the tropical Pacific (Hatcher 1982), while echinoids have the
major influence in the Caribbean (Carpenter 1986, Foster 1987). We might be
cautioned by the local variation in the influence of Diadema antillarum described in
the previous paragraphs to consider that the relative influence of diadematids and
herbivorous fishes probably vary locally, on a scale of tens of meters. The relative
scarcity of diadematids in Oceania as compared to the Caribbean (Table 3), however,
suggests that the
relative importance of herbivorous fishes in Oceania and echinoids in the Caribbean is a
real trend.
Mean algal biomass showed a significant increase when Diadema antillarum were
excluded from areas at St Croix (Carpenter 1985a) and Panama (Foster 1987), but
herbivorous fishes were allowed to graze the areas. The biomass of algal turfs grazed by
herbivorous fishes was two to four times greater than the biomass of turfs grazed by D.
antillarum. When D. antillarum were allowed to graze an area but fish were excluded,
the algal biomass did not differ significantly from areas in which both D. antillarum and
fishes were allowed to graze (Carpenter 1985a). These results indicate that D. antillarum
has a major influence on algal standing stock on coral reefs at St Croix and Panama,
while herbivorous fishes had a negligible influence on biomass of algae (Carpenter
1985a, Foster 1987).
There is often a negative log-linear relationship between density of D. antillarum and
algal cover in both natural areas and in field experiments (Sammarco 1980, Carpenter
1981). Carpenter (1986) tested the effects of various combinations of microherbivores
(amphipods, syllid polychaetes, and gastropods such as limpets and Cerithum literatum),
Diadema antillarum, and herbivorous fishes on the biomass of algae on the coral reef.
Areas subjected to grazing by D. antillarum, whether in combination with herbivorous
fishes and/or with herbivorous microinvertebrates, always had the least algal biomass.
However, the relationship between the density of Diadema antillarum and algal
biomass is not consistent within the Caribbean. J.E. Randall et al. (1964) enclosed 16 D.
antillarum per 0.84 m2 at St John, US Virgin Islands, yet these echinoids did not control
the growth of algae. That D. antillarum ate well was evidenced by their growth. Twenty-
two years later, three years after the mass mortality of D. antillarum, Don Levitan (cited
in T.P. Hughes et al. 1987) found that herbivorous fishes were able to control the
abundance of algae. Likewise, Wanders (1977) found that the rate of grazing by fish
alone could prevent upright algae from overgrowing encrusting algae at Curacao
although the density of D. antillarum at Curacao was high (Table 3). Vine (1974),
Tribble (1981), Hay (1981b), Hay et al. (1983) and Lewis & Wainwright (1986) also
found that the grazing pressure of echinoids in the Caribbean was very small in
comparison with that of herbivorous fishes.
Ogden et al. (1973) gave a caveat on the general applicability of their conclusion as to
the magnitude of influence of echinoids on reefs near St Croix because they recognized
that the reefs at St Croix were overfished. The study site of J.E. Randall et al. (1964) was
in a national park and presumably had some fishing regulation. Hay (1984b, c) suggested
that field experiments at St Croix and at Jamaica were in areas which had unusually high
population densities of Diadema antillarum (Table 3) resulting from overfishing of
predators and competitors of D. antillarum. Nevertheless, Foster's (1987)
study site was in the San Blas Islands, an area not overfished, and D. antillarum was
still the most influential grazer, and the effects of herbivorous fishes were essentially
The mass mortality of Diadema antillarum across the tropical western Atlantic in
1983 resulted in changes in the community structure of coral reefs that were remarkably
similar in shallow water (3 to 7 m depth) at each documented site. With the decrease in
abundance of D. antillarum there was an immediate increase in algal standing stock, a
change in species composition towards ‘new equilibrium’ in algal standing stock at each
site investigated. The ‘new equilibrium’ in algal biomass at St Croix was at an increase
of 413% over the previous level of algal biomass under the influence of grazing by
Diadema (Carpenter 1985a). The 'new equilibrium' at Jamaica appeared to reach a
plateau at 500% increase in algal biomass (Hughes et al. 1985); at Curacao, it was at
about 145% (de Ruyter van Steveninck & Bak 1987). In each of the cases, the 'new
equilibrium' occurred in two to three months and was maintained for at least eight to ten
months. A recent report by Hughes et al. (1987), however, indicates that the algal
biomass and surface cover continued to increase and the living coral cover continued to
decrease in certain areas over the following three years.
The similarities among Caribbean locations in the responses of the algal communities
to the decreases in abundances of D. antillarum are not a result of seasonal changes.
The sequence of changes began at Jamaica in July 1983, at Curacao in October 1983,
and at St Croix in February 1984. In each sequence the fleshy and filamentous algae
began increasing immediately. The mass-mortality was so extensive that no areas were
observed for changes in the reef community that might have occurred even though D.
antillarum remained abundant. Nevertheless, the number of locations and seasons of
occurrence, along with the background of information from previous controlled field
experiments and knowledge of the natural history of the system makes it quite
reasonable to interpret the changes in the reef community as being the result of the
decrease in grazing pressure from D. antillarum rather than a peculiarity of the time or
place (Carpenter 1985a).
In controlled experiments (Carpenter 1985a), Diadema antillarum were reintroduced
into the area by use of inclusion cages. Although the ‘new equilibrium’ persisted in the
general area, the algal biomass decreased to one-third its original size where D.
antillarum was introduced. This experiment supports the interpretation that the increase
in algal biomass resulted from the mass mortality of D. antillarum.
The reason that the uniformity of changes in standing stock of algae, community
structure of algae, and feeding intensity of fishes across locations and seasonal
replicates seems remarkable is that previous field experiments have demonstrated such
widely varying results between sites and between times. For example, after the
Diadema antillarum were effectively removed
by mass-mortality, the grazing intensity by herbivorous fishes increased by 60%
(Morrison 1984) to 380% (Carpenter 1985a), yet the herbivorous fishes were still unable
to lower the 'new equilibrium ' of algal biomass. Herbivorous fishes appeared to have had
the major influence on algal communities at St John (J.E. Randall et al. 1964) while D.
antillarum had the major influence at St Croix. The similarity among sites in effects of the
1983 mass mortality may be a result of most before-and-after studies having been
undertaken in areas overfished by man and having had extraordinarily dense populations
of D. antillarum before the mortality. A more complete survey may show that the effects
of the 1983 mass mortality are actually more variable than is indicated in the literature.
This similarity in change in community structure towards an increase in
proportion of fleshy macroalgae at all sites documented following the 1983 mass
mortality of Diadema antillarum is remarkable in view of the usual variance in the
outcome of succession. Macroalgal dominance did not increase on the Great
Barrier Reef even after treatment periods of nearly six months (Hatcher & Larkum
1983). The outcome of grazing by any particular species is usually contingent in
part on season, depth, other herbivores and other factors and their interactions. The
uniformity of algal response following the mass-mortality of D. antillarum in 1983
is noteworthy because it occurred at different seasons and at different localities.
Perhaps some of the uniformity was brought about by a similarity among areas in
being heavily overfished by man and having extraordinarily dense populations of
D. antillarum before the mass-mortality (Hay 1984b). The effects of these usually
dense populations of D. antillarum may overwhelm the influence of the other
factors so they account for a relatively large portion of the variance and the effects
of other factors are still there but difficult to distinguish.
Crustose coralline algae probably require the continuous removal of filamentous
and fleshy algae by herbivores in order to exist (Steneck 1982, 1983a, Steneck &
Watling 1982). This exposed cover of crustose coralline algae decreased on the
coral reefs at Curacao as the cover by filamentous and fleshy algae increased
following the mass-mortality of Diadema antillarum (de Ruyter van Steveninck &
Bak 1987). This same decrease in cover by crustose coralline algae occurred after
the experimental removal .of D. antillarum at St Croix (Carpenter 1986).
Coral-reef echinoids have feeding preferences which influence their effect on
the benthic community most strongly when the echinoids are at low or medium
population densities in regards to their food supply. Echinoids become more
generalised as their food supply becomes less available. In most situations,
herbivorous fishes can be more selective than echinoids because they can move
over a larger area more rapidly and are visually discriminating. This relatively
selective grazing over a broad area by herbivorous fishes facilitates succession
while the intense generalized grazing of abundant echinoids sets back succession
within their foraging ranges.
When at intermediate levels of population density, selective feeding by D.
antillarum results in a shift in algal community structure, the nonpreferred species
become relatively prevalent and the preferred species become more scarce
(Sammarco et al. 1974, Ogden & LobeI1978). If the competitively superior algal
species recruits readily, the greatest algal diversity will occur at intermediate levels
of grazing intensity (Paine & Vadas 1969, Carpenter 1981, Lawrence &
Sammarco 1982). If the competitively superior algal species are not the preferred
prey species or if no obvious competitive dominant occurs, the algal diversity will
decline with increasing grazing pressure.
5.6.3 Effects on distribution of marine plants
Many of the studies on the influence of grazing pressure on the distribution of algae on
coral reefs and on seagrass near coral reefs have been concerned mainly with the
influence of herbivorous fishes, but the influence of grazing by coral-reef echinoids has
also been documented. Diadema antillarum eliminates or greatly reduces the density of
Thalassia testudinum near coral reefs, thereby creating a halo in seagrass beds bordering
coral reefs (Ogden et al. 1973). In the northern Gulf of Thailand, where schooling
herbivorous fishes (scarids, acanthurids and siganids) were absent (Menasveta et al.
1986) and where Diadema spp. (Diadema setosum and D. savignyi) were exceedingly
abundant, short filamentous algae were limited to rock crevices, to shells of the bivalve
Arca ventricosa, in depressions in the coral Porites lutea, and to territories guarded from
Diadema spp. by damselfishes (Tsuchiya et al. 1986).
The successes of macroalgae and sessile animals in becoming established on a coral
reef depends upon their reaching a size that is large enough for their defenses to be
effective. Many macroalgae have structural and/or chemical defenses and may be
avoided when large enough to be discriminated from other algae in the turf by herbivores
(Norris & Fenical1982, Littler et al. 1983, Paul & Hay 1987). Likewise, when small
corals and other sessile organisms are large enough to be discerned by grazers, they are
often not accepted. Some herbivorous fishes in the Caribbean consistently avoid biting
coral recruits as small as 2.5 mm diameter (Birkeland 1977). Diadematids, and probably
coral-reef echinoids in general, graze the substratum in a less discriminating manner and
coral recruits are often grazed either incidentally or as a portion of a generalized diet.
Algae with defensive chemicals, such as Chlorodesmis sp. and Halymenia are found
in widely separated clumps or turfs. The size and frequency of these clumps or tufts must
depend on the probability of a recruit reaching the critical size before being grazed. This
depends in part upon the abundance of recruits and upon the growth rate of the sessile
organism at the site. It must also depend upon the frequency with which an herbivore is
likely to graze a particular spot, its food selectivity, and its ability to discriminate among
prey. Herbivorous fishes and echinoids differ in these aspects. Diadematids generally
have more varied diets, are apparently less able to discern such items as small corals,
tend to forage over a smaller range, and tend to graze the same spot close to their shelter
more frequently than do schooling herbivorous fishes. These differences in grazing
patterns lead to differences in patterns of algal distribution, when areas with differences
among the relative abundances of herbivorous fishes and diadematid echinoids are
compared. At Micronesian atolls where schooling herbivorous fishes are abundant and
diadematid echinoids are scarce, algae are found in widely scattered tufts of individuals
that were able to reach a size at which their defenses could be recognised (pers. observ.).
5.6.4 Effects on rates of primary productivity
Grazing stimulates primary production in forests (Matson & Addy 1975), in grasslands
(Dyer & Bokhari 1976, McNaughton 1979), in seagrass beds (Greenway 1974), and in
the plankton (porter 1976). Wanders (1977), Brawley & Adey (1977), Ogden & Lobel
(1978), and Montgomery (1980) concluded that grazing by herbivorous fishes increases
reef productivity. The explanations given for the increase in productivity per unit
biomass of algae in that when heavily grazed, algae are kept in their exponential growth
phase, turnover is increased, self-shading and competition between algae are reduced,
succession is set back, the predominance of rapidly growing (early successional) species
of algae is favored, and nutrients are recycled.
Reef surfaces within the foraging area of Diadema antillarum are typically occupied
by multispecific turfs of filamentous algae, single-celled algae, and crustose forms
(Carpenter 1985a). There is no canopy of fleshy macroalgae in areas intensely grazed by
echinoids. Under these conditions, the small filamentous and single-celled algae are the
most productive per unit biomass of the algae (J.A. Marsh 1976, Wanders 1976, de
Ruyter van Steveninck & Breeman 1981, Adey & Steneck 1985, Carpenter 1985b,
An assessment of the various categories of herbivores on the coral reef, showed that
grazing intensity was greatest by Diadema antillarum and resulted in low biomass of
highly productive algae (Carpenter 1986). The filamentous algae in areas grazed by D.
antillarum in all cases showed greater rates of primary productivity than did the algal
turf in areas without D. antillarum. Although there was significantly less algal biomass
in the areas grazed by D. antillarum, the net primary production per unit area was not
significantly less because of the greater rate of production (Carpenter 1985a, 1986).
Within five days following the mass-mortality of Diadema antillarum at St Croix, the
productivity per unit biomass of the algal turf decreased by 61 % and the productivity
per unit area decreased by 37% (Carpenter 1985a). As D. antillarum remained scarce,
the biomass of the algal turf increased. As the biomass increased, the productivity per
unit area increased but the productivity per unit biomass remained at low levels. Thus at
St Croix, D. antillarum, not the herbivorous fishes, controlled the productivity and
biomass of algae.
By selective grazing, herbivorous fishes appear to facilitate succession (Birkeland et
al. 1985); by generalized grazing, coral reef echinoids appear to continually set back
succession. The Caribbean and Indo-West Pacific shelf reefs have a greater density of
echinoids in shallow water than do reefs in Oceania (Table 2). Carpenter (1986)
hypothesizes that areas in which diadematids are rare or absent would show similar rates
of algal productivity per unit area of substratum, but less algal productivity per unit
biomass, than would otherwise comparable areas where diadematids are abundant.
5.6.5 Second-order biological effects on the coral reef community
Corals are preyed upon by a variety of diadematids and echinometrids (Herring 1972,
Bak & van Eys 1975, Carpenter 1981, Sammarco 1980, 1982a, b), but probably only
during times of low algal productivity (Carpenter 1981). Nevertheless, diadematids and
echinometrids affect the composition of the coral community directly and indirectly. At
low densities of echinoids, coral recruits are most often surrounded or overgrown by
algae and smothered in the sediment trapped by the algal baffles. At intermediate
densities of diadematids, much of the algae is grazed. Although coral recruits are also
grazed incidentally, the survival of coral recruits is actually greater under these conditions
because the additional recruits that have not succumbed to algal overgrowth are more
numerous than the additional recruits that were incidentally grazed by D. antillarum (Dart
1972, Sammarco 1980). When diadematids become very abundant, both the algae and the
coral recruits may be overgrazed (Schuhmacher 1974, Sammarco 1980).
Hughes et al. (1987) documented the continuous decrease in coral cover over a three-
year period as algal cover increased following the 1983 mass mortality of Diadema
antillarum. These observations imply that even adult coral colonies benefit from the
grazing of algae by echinoids.
Echinometra mathaei makes burrows in the substratum that are cleared of macroalgae.
These areas are relatively favorable for coral recruitment because the coral recruits are
free of competition with algae (Birkeland & Randall 1982). Topographic complexity
becomes more important for coral recruitment along a tropical to temperate gradient
{Birkeland & Randall 1982). As herbivorous fishes become less abundant, the prevalence
of fleshy algae increases, and a greater proportion of successful coral recruits are found in
burrows of E. mathaei.
Eucidaris thouarsii directly grazes corals on Galapagos reefs at a rate high enough to
reduce reef growth (Glynn et al. 1979, Glynn & Wellington 1983). Following mass
mortality of pocilloporids in the Galapagos during the 1982/83 El Nino, the bioerosion of
the reefs by grazing affected the reef framework (P.W. Glynn pers. comm.).
In areas in which Diadema antillarum is extraordinarily abundant, the amount of food
available for herbivorous fishes is greatly reduced. Herbivorous damselfishes guard
territories from diadematids in both the Caribbean and Indo-West Pacific. The mass
mortality of D. antillarum resulted in an increase in grazing intensity by herbivorous reef
fishes at Jamaica (Morrison 1984) and at St Croix (Carpenter 1985a). The inability of
fishes to lower the increased standing stock of algae may have been partially influenced
by differences in selectivity and feeding preferences between fishes and D. antillarum
(Morrison 1984).
Grazing by Diadema spp. may have an indirect effect (amensalism) on
microherbivores (amphipods, small gastropods, syllids and other herbivo-
Table 4. Rates of bioerosion of coral-reefs substrain by echinoids and scarids.
rous polychaetes) and other microinvertebrates. By grazing the algal turf, Diadema
spp. remove the microhabitat for a variety of microherbivores (Bailey-Brock et al.
echinoids weakens coral colonies and makes them more susceptible to being toppled
by wave action (cf. Fig. 2 in Ogden 1977 and Figs. 3 and 4 in Messiha-Hanna &
Ormond 1982). Ogden 1977 noted the 'reef surface is literally dropping away from
the coral bases’.
Figure 6. Diagrammatic representation of categories of coral-reef holothuroids.
Apodid holothuroids (Fig. 6E) tend to forage nocturnally as deposit feeders. Synaptula
lamperti (Fig. 6F) feeds on organic exudates from sponges (Hammond & Wilkinson 1985).
Although aspidochirotes such as Bohadschia graeffei (Fig. 6B) often occur on large sponges,
working their tentacles over the surface of the sponge, they are most likely removing
sediment from the sponge surface in the manner of Ophiothrix (Hendler 1984b) and not
feeding on sponge exudates.
6.2 Mortality
Holothuroids form the basis of food-webs in temperate regions (Birkeland et at. 1982). On
coral reefs, predation pressure has selected for toxicity in holothuroids {Bakus
1968,1973,1974,1981, Bakus & Green 1974). Charonia variegatus generally preys upon
echinoderms, including holothuroids (Parrish 1972). Holothuroids are a main item in the diet
of Tonna perdix (Kropp 1983). A variety of crustaceans occasionally prey upon holothuroids
(Kropp 1983). Coral-reef holothuroids have a variety of escape and defense
mechanisms (Bakus 1968, Kropp 1983).
(1981) found that the amount of dissolution of calcium carbonate was a measurable,
but ecologically insignificant, portion (2% or less) of the annual carbonate fixation on
reef flats. Yamanouchi (1939) also found that change in size of ingested particles by
holothuroids to be of no ecological significance.
True coral-reef holothuroids such as Actinopyga mauritiana are usually not in dense
populations. Holothuroids on reef flats are often in dense populations, but studies have
not indicated their ecological impact. To my knowledge, there has not been a
controlled field experiment yet attempted to determine the influence of holothuroids
on coral-reef or nearby sand flats (Massin 1982b).
ior, and morphological (spines, pedicellariae, tough integument) and chemical (toxins)
defense mechanisms. Individuals forage during the day and decrease their homing
fidelity when predation pressure per individual is reduced (either the predators
decrease in abundance or the prey become much more common).
Sloan (1980) and Menge (1982) concluded that the factors that made asteroids
influential in benthic communities was their flexibility or pliability in foraging
behavior, food selection, general morphology, digestive system, and body size. While
this is characteristic of asteroids of temperate regions, Acanthaster planci is the only
asteroid with these traits on coral reefs. The foraging biologies of coral-reef asteroids
are generally severely constrained by their rigid calcareous integument, compelled by
the intense predation pressure on echinoderms on coral reefs (Blake 1983). This is why
A. planci is the only coral-reef asteroid that influences the community on a scale
comparable to asteroids in temperate regions.
Although predation pressure can often be cited as the conditional factor responsible
for long-term differences on a geographic scale or an evolutionary scale in the
ecological role of a species, successful recruitment is more likely the contingency
factor for abrupt increases in local abundance. There is no known mechanism by which
a release of predation-pressure on adults could allow a local population increase of
several orders of magnitude during one year for Acanthaster planci. With millions of
eggs released per individual, an increase of a tenth of a percent in larval or recently
metamorphosed juvenile survival would allow a thousand-fold increase in recruitment
success (Birkeland 1982, Lucas 1986).
Vagaries of nutrient pulses, current patterns, and larval survival are major factors
leading to the variability in recruitment success that characterizes broadcasting
echinoderms. After successful larval recruitment, however, a population must survive
the postlarval phase in the life-history before an outbreak of adults will occur.
Diadema and Acanthaster are characterized by rapid growth through the juvenile phase
of their life-cycle, a factor that is important in determining their abundances. Although
the larval biology of Culcita is similar to that of Acanthaster, Culcita takes a much
longer period to acquire the adult morphology and feeding behavior. This extends the
time it spends in the more vulnerable juvenile stage. Even with equivalent success in
larval recruitment, Culcita would never reach the abundance of Acanthaster during
Increases in population size on a scale too large to be accounted for by redistribution
(immigration) must involve reproductive recruitment success, even if the population
build-up is allowed by a decrease in predation-pressure or an increase in carrying
capacity of the habitat (cf. end of Section 3.6). The basis of attributing the large
differences in echinoid abundances mainly to release of predation-pressure rather than
increased recruitment success alone
is the build-up of population size over several years (e.g. a five-fold increase in biomass of
E. mathaei over a fifteen-year period [McClanahan & Muthiga 1988]) or the maintenance
of high population densities over several decades or longer (e.g. Eucidaris thouarsii in the
Galapagos or Diadema antillarum in the Caribbean prior to the mass mortality of 1983).
The basis of attributing large differences in Acanthaster planci abundances mainly to
recruitment success through survival of larvae and juveniles is the abrupt increase of
population density of 4 to 6 orders of magnitude. Predators are overwhelmed by this
magnitude of population increase.
Disease is a most effective factor in mortality when populations are dense. Water is an
effective medium for transport, and disease has been influential in large-scale changes in
marine communities. Scheibling (1984) suggested that echinoid disease might be a toggle-
switch for large-scale oscillations between two alternative stable states of the northwestern
Atlantic coastal benthos: kelp beds or barren grounds. This could also be the case for the
Not only are the functional roles or ‘niches’ of echinoderm species on coral reefs
influenced largely by the above contingencies, but the reactions of the reef communities
are also influenced by the local conditions. For example, on the north coast of Tutuila
(American Samoa), wave impact is a contingency for both the behavior of the predator
(Acanthaster planci moves onto shallow reef-flats in areas protected from waves, but
avoids shallow water in high-energy regions) and the response of the prey (Acropora spp.
reinvade the reef front by fragmentation, tumbling from the refuge in the surf zone, and
reattachment on the reef front in high-energy regions, but Acropora spp. reinvade mainly
by recruitment of planulae in protected areas) (Birkeland & Randall 1979). Massive
colonies of Pavona and Gardineroseris, ordinarily protected from predation by A. planci
on eastern Pacific reefs by a surrounding community of live Pocillopora and their
protective symbiotic crustaceans, become accessible to A planci after an El Nino event
kills the Pocillopora (Glynn 1985a, b). Foster (1967) documented the effects of Diadema
antillarum on the algal community as being contingent upon seasonal and spatial changes
in wave impact.
While the abundance, behavior, functional role, average individual size, and even
morphology of influential species of coral-reef echinoderms change with contingency,
factors such as predation-pressure, recruitment success, and disease, coral-reef
echinoderms which are not so influential are less plastic and more specialized. It is these
less influential species for which the 'niche' paradigm might be applicable. It is because of
morphological or physiological constraints that the less influential species are specialized
and, when a potential competitive interaction exists, more vulnerable to exploitative
competitive pressure. Colobocentrotus and Heterocentrotus have specialized
morphologies and probably physiologies that restrict them to specific
areas of the coral reefs (Ebert 1982). Diadema, Echinometra and Eucidaris, in contrast,
can function in a variety of circumstances and their influences will be much greater if
conditions allow for a large population increase. Similarly, the morphology of Culcita
restricts its behavior and feeding. It will not have as important a role in determining
community structure as will Acanthaster, even if equally abundant.
Atlantic and Pacific reef communities have so many fundamental differences that it is
difficult to generalize about the role of echinoderms in coral-reef communities other than
to state that the influential species are generalists. Nine species of asteroids in the Pacific
feed on living corals or coral mucus, and Acanthaster planci has a major effect on reef
community structure when it becomes abundant. No Atlantic asteroids feed on corals or
are known to have a major effect on community structure. Conversely, diadematids appear
to have a much greater effect on community structure and processes in the Caribbean and
continental-shelf Pacific than in Oceania.
The tropical Atlantic and tropical Pacific are very different in species richness of
echinoderms. More than 1100 shallow-water (upper 60 m depth) species of echinoderms
occur in the Indo-West Pacific faunal region and only about 150 comparable species occur
in the West Indian (Caribbean) faunal region (A.M. Clark 1976). The eastern tropical
Pacific (Panamic) shallow- water echinoderm fauna is richer than the western Atlantic
shallow-water echinoderm fauna, with 27 species of echinoids (including both regular and
irregular echinoids) in the eastern Pacific and 24 species in the western Atlantic (Chesher
1972). About 37 shallow-water asteroid species (including sand-bottom families such as
Luidiidae and Astropectinidae) occur in the eastern Pacific compared to about 18 species
in the tropical western Atlantic (Chesher 1972). Most echinoid genera in the shallow
waters of the eastern Pacific originated in the Caribbean region before the rise of the
Isthmus of Panama (Mayr 1954). In contrast, all but three of the asteroid genera appear to
be more closely related to Indo-West Pacific asteroids (Chesher 1972).
Another notable difference between the oceans is the relative uniformity of dispersion of
the coral-reef echinoderm fauna around the Caribbean in comparison to the sharp decrease
in numbers of taxa on a west to east gradient in the tropical Pacific (Table 1). The gradient
in species richness in the tropical Pacific provides a ‘natural experiment’. Although
physical and biological factors change along the same gradient, two conclusions can be
made: 1) larval dispersal is an important factor in community structure and 2) some species
are more influential in the dynamics and structure of the communities than are others. This
gradient in species richness indicates that speciation and dispersion probably have more
effect on species richness of coral-reef echinoderms than does competition.
To restate this conclusion from the reverse perspective, the coral communities at the two
ends of the gradient in the tropical Pacific appear to operate in
similar ways. When abundant, Acanthaster planci is a major disruptive factor in
patterns of occupation of space, whether in Malaysia or Tahiti, and Diadema spp. and
Echinometra mathaei are major factors in bioerosion. However, the community
structure of reefs in regions with many species of crinoids (East Indies) seems similar
to those in regions in which crinoids are absent (e.g. Tahiti, Tuamotus, Line Islands,
Hawaii). I have not detected a major differences in the functioning of these reefs that
could be attributable to the presence or absence of crinoids. Ophidiasterids also may
not have a controlling effect on cora1-reef community structure. Although crinoids or
ophidiasterids process a substantial amount of organic matter and energy through their
population when they are abundant, this does not demonstrate a qualitative effect on
other species or on the coral-reef community as a whole. On the other hand,
Acanthaster planci is an exceptionally influential species, and the absence of this
single species in the Caribbean brings about some fundamental differences in the
dynamics of Atlantic and Pacific reefs which extend through several trophic levels.
In addition to Atlantic-Pacific differences, there are fundamental differences
between continental-shelf reefs and oceanic reefs. Because of differences in population
density, generalizations regarding echinoids may be valid for either shelf reefs or for
oceanic reefs (Table 3), but not necessarily for both.
At insular Caribbean St Croix, Diadema antillarum is the most important agent of
herbivory and the effect of herbivorous reef fishes on the coral-reef community is
considerably less, so fishes might be disregarded (Carpenter 1986). The same pattern
has been documented at continental Caribbean Panama (Foster 1987). In contrast,
Hatcher (1982) considered mainly herbivorous fishes and some herbivorous
invertebrates as important at One Tree Island on the Great Barrier Reef, and
disregarded echinoids, presumably because of their scarcity. Carpenter (1986) pointed
out that an annual average of 97% of the backreef/reef crest algal turf production at St
Croix entered the animal community through the herbivores while Hatcher (1982)
reported that about 50% of algal production entered the animal community through
herbivores on the Great Barrier Reef. In both cases the remainder was processed by
detritivores or decomposers. The differences between the proportions of benthic algal
production entering the foodweb through herbivores at St Croix and One Tree Reef
results from the differences in the foraging patterns of the more important grazers. The
echinoids were abundant at St Croix and therefore grazed intensely in a generalized
manner. The schooling herbivorous fishes were abundant at One Tree Reef and
foraged over a wide range and generally fed more selectively than did echinoids. The
intense, generalized grazing by echinoids within a relatively small home range
produces a high rate of turnover, a low standing stock of algal turf, and an increased
rate of algal production per unit biomass (Carpenter 1986). The
selective, albeit intense, grazing by schooling herbivorous fishes facilitates succession of
benthic algae (Birkeland et al. 1985). This produces a standing stock of morphologically
tough or chemically defended algae that is not directly consumed by herbivores but which
eventually goes through the detritivores or decomposer food web. It would be of interest to
determine the ratio of echinoid to herbivorous fish densities at which the nature of the
coral-reef food web makes the switch from a system in which the algal production enters
the food web mainly through herbivores to one in which the algal production enters mainly
through decomposers.
Echinoids may also be a major factor determining whether the reef is accreting or
eroding. Two large scale events may have recently changed the progress of reef
development in opposite ways in two geographic regions. Under previous conditions in the
Galapagos, grazing of living corals by Eucidaris thouarsii was sufficient to limit reef
growth (Glynn et al. 1979, Glynn & Wellington 1983). With the death of a major portion
of the corals in the Galapagos during the El Nino of 1982-1983, the net bioerosion of reefs
by E. thouarsii has probably increased greatly (P.W Glynn pers. comm.). Conversely, the
mass mortality of Diadema antillarum may result in an eight-fold increase in net accretion
(Bak et al. 1984) in the Caribbean (cf. Section 5.6.6).
An increasing rate of sea-level rise over the next century has been predicted (Hoffman et
al. 1983, Cubit 1985). Echinoderms could be a critical component involved in the effect of
this change on coral-reef communities. On continental margins, near large rivers of high
islands, and in regions of upwelling, scleractinian corals are at a disadvantage to sessile
heterotrophs and algae because of the ability of the latter to have a greater and more rapid
response to a pulse of nutrients through an increase in rate of growth (Birkeland 1977,
1987). Acanthaster planci, diadematids, Echinometra spp. and Eucidaris thouarsii can be
deleterious to scleractinian coral communities when abundant and they appear to be most
abundant in areas with pulses of nutrient input (Birkeland 1982), continental margins
(Table 3), or regions of high biological production (Wooster & Hedgepeth 1966).
Abundant diadematids are inimical to coral recruitment (Sammarco 1980), while
schooling herbivorous fishes are often beneficial (Birkeland 1977). Diadematids are
generally more prevalent in the Caribbean and on continental shelf reefs (Table 3), and
schooling herbivorous fishes are relatively more influential on atolls. As a consequence,
coral reefs may have a larger net accretion rate on atolls than on continental shelfs or on
large high islands because of less competition for space with sessile heterotrophs, because
of reduction of competitive pressure from algae by herbivorous fishes which avoid
damaging coral recruits, and because of lower densities of Acanthaster planci and
echinoids which are detrimental to corals when abundant. However, coral reefs on atolls
can only grow upwards as the sea-level rises;
their future depends upon their abilities to grow fast enough. Corals on high islands
and on the margins of continents can recruit upward onto inland substrata as the sea-
level rises.
I am most grateful to Mark Rogers for drawing the fine illustrations, to Angela Duenas
for typing the manuscript in several versions, and to John Lawrence for his editorial
advice and for bringing important literature to my attention. I also thank Nigel
Downing, Peter W. Glynn, Terence P. Hughes, John S. Lucas, Timothy McClanahan
and Richard C. Wass for letting me refer to their manuscripts in press.
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