DC Lab Record
DC Lab Record
DC Lab Record
Regulations : AR 17
Course Code : 171EC6L09
Semester : VI Sem
Name :
Roll No :
Section :
Average Marks
Roll No :
Dept Seal:
Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
1. Switch ON the trainer and see that the supply LED glows.
2. Observe the carrier output at TP1.
3. Observe the data outputs (D1, D2, D3, D4).
4. Now, connect the carrier output TP1 to the carrier input of PSK modulator TP2 using patch
5. Connect the D1 to data input of PSK modulator TP3.
6. Observe the Phase shifted PSK output waveform on CRO on channel1 and corresponding
data output on channel 2.
7. Repeat the steps 4,5,6 for data outputs D2, D3, and D4 and observe the PSK outputs.
8. Connect the carrier output TP1 to the PSK input of demodulation TP4.
9. Connect the carrier output TP1 to the carrier input of PSK demodulation TP5.
10. Now, observe the PSK demodulated output at TP7 on CRO at channel1 and corresponding
data output on channel2.
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
Amplitude Time Period Frequency Phase
Carrier Input
Data Input
PSK Output
For Logic 1
For Logic 0
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
1. Connect clock output TP1 to the clock input of the DPSK modulator TP8.
2. Now Connect carrier output TP2 to the carrier input of the DPSK modulator TP10.
3. Observe the Differential Data output on the CRO at TP9 test point as shown on the front panel.
4. Observe the Phase shifted DPSK output waveform on the CRO corresponding to the differential
data output.
5. Connect DPSK MODULATOR output TP11 to the DPSK input of the DEMODULATOR
6. Connect carrier output TP2 to the Carrier input of the DPSK Demodulator TP13.
7. Also connect clock output TP1 to the clock input of the DPSK demodulator TP14.
8. Now observe the DPSK demodulated output waveform TP15 on the CRO.
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
Amplitude Time Period Frequency Phase
Carrier Input
Data Input
DPSK Output
Logic 0
Logic 1
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
FSK Receiver
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
1. Set the frequency of the message signal to 100 Hz or 200 Hz
2. Without applying the message signal find the VCO output (free running frequency) as a
carrier signal
3. Now apply the message signal to the input of the VCO (FSK modulator)
4. Find the high and low frequencies w.r.t. logic 1 and 0 of the message and identify the
frequency shift.
5. Now apply the FSK output to the FSK demodulator input, tune the demodulator in order to
achieve the demodulated signal similar to the message signal.
6. For the entire process use the DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope)
Amplitude Time Period Frequency
Message Signal
For Logic 1
For Logic 0
Frequency Shift
Demodulated Output
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
1. The five source symbols A B R D K are given with predefined probabilities
2. Find the code book for these source symbols without any source coding (normal mode)
3. Find the code book for these source symbols with source encoding (coding mode)
4. Note: the kind of source coding used: huffmen encoding
5. Find the average codeword length.
6. For the entire process use the following message
“A B R A K A D A B R A”
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
Average codeword
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
1. Generate a 4 bit message in normal mode, encode it and decode it without any error
2. Generate a 4 bit message in normal mode, encode it create a 1 bit or 2 bit error(s) decode the
message observe the decoded message at receiver w.r.t. message sent at the transmitter.
3. Generate a 4 bit message in code mode, encode it and decode it without any error, identify the
systematic block code word in terms of message and parity bits
4. Repeat the step no. 3 for a single bit error and observe that, the decoder is capable of
detecting and correcting 1 bit error
5. Repeat step no. 3 for two bit errors and observe that, the decoder is capable of detecting 2 bit
errors and but unable to correct the errors
6. Generate the code book for the all possible 4 bit messages
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
Code Book:
0000 1000
0001 1001
0010 1010
0011 1011
0100 1100
0101 1101
0110 1110
0111 1111
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
Manual Calculations:
The Generator Matrix: (as per the kit design)
𝟎 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎
𝟏 𝟎 𝟏 𝟎 𝟏 𝟎 𝟎
𝑮= [ ]
𝟏 𝟏 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟏 𝟎
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟏
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
1. Generate a 4 bit message in normal mode, encode it and decode it without any error
2. Generate a 4 bit message in normal mode, encode it create a 1 bit or 2 bit error(s) decode the
message observe the decoded message at receiver w.r.t. message sent at the transmitter.
3. Generate a 4 bit message in code mode, encode it and decode it without any error, identify the
systematic block code word in terms of message and parity bits
4. Repeat the step no. 3 for a single bit error and observe that, the decoder is capable of
detecting and correcting 1 bit error
5. Repeat step no. 3 for two bit errors and observe that, the decoder is capable of detecting 2 bit
errors and but unable to correct the errors
6. Generate the code book for the all possible 4 bit messages
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
Code Book:
0000 1000
0001 1001
0010 1010
0011 1011
0100 1100
0101 1101
0110 1110
0111 1111
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Digital Communications Lab Dept. of ECE, Aditya Engineering College (A)
Manual Calculations:
The Generator Polynomial: (as per the kit design)
𝑮(𝒙) = 𝟏 + 𝒙 + 𝒙𝟑
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