Proc No 468 2005 Transport

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rk+r-tlJ' U'.~1: .t5,.lfDhMl.J'1:~T"'A.h

Ao~~A. .,~~:r- ~u.tfJ


hplt-h"'f..~ ~ .,.,.c 21: Ok +r-tlJ' t..t".t-I\'e "l 'l"ht-(l.J''e ~Tl1f\.h 111hYearNo.58

hJl" hOfl-th9"1\.YJ +.., !Jif1i r ih"l1 .,.aJl),. T 9"hC 0.+ ml)cf:~+ raJII, ADDIS ABABA- 61hAugust, 2005


h9')!. 4r1'C !f~~/IiU~i 'f.9" Proclamation No. 468/2005

r+t- 'titrc+ h9'1:.. .1~ rii.lif1tli Transport Proclamation... Page 3181


A'P~ -faTC !f~~/!jfB

AA1&i: J\.tt'iDI.f'e~ lP/ihO~'e b1:.1+ WHEREAS, the economic and social development
f:"t.'it;rC+ 1\1&\.,Ao+ rOAm .,.m,cs,cs&T~U'~i: of the country requires that transport service be
r"'mO+~ 11:1'+ .fAI& 1I''i A'''lt.oo1: h++&\ regulated to make it more competitive, safe and
itl\°7.J'itL&\ 11&1 efficient;

r+~'}it;rc+ 1\~1.){1:+ roo,.,p'+ ;r1\1\' WHEREAS, the transport sector has to be restructuredin
a mannerto create favorableconditionsfor the smooth and
01\.,f1a. Aoo",,,OC 1\oo=f IJ.'L;r O°7.L1'C OO&\tJ. effective implementation of the government transport
A'~1~ oo'P+C itl\°7.1f11&1 policy;

+~'it;rc+' 1\itOD&\h.,. r4..Y..~&\~ rh&\&\ WHEREAS, it has become necessary to clearly

1\itL'I°7. 1\1]1\+ r.,.flnlTI&, p'&\nl'~ .,..,f1C defme the powers and duties of the executive organs at
0"7.f7i"7 IJ.'L;r "7it+ODT 1\itLI\1. OODII'~l the federal and state levels with regard to transport;

OJ\.+f"*.f 4..Y..~I\'e "l 'fDht.I\.f'e &Tl1l\h ih1 NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article
OD'}.,p'+ 1\'}+2'\' 2(;/~1 ODlPl.+ r°7.h.,.AI& 55 (1) of the Constitution, of the Federal Democratic
;rl&{&\:: Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as



~. A~C Cbh
1. Short Title

This Proclamation may be cited as the "Transport

.eu 1\'PJ!. «r+~'it;rc+ 1\'PJ!. «111'C!f~~/Iifti» Proclamation No. 468/2005."
.,.lIAo I\m+it .eTI\&\::
2. Definitions
I. ~C:J"'I
In this Proclamation,
unless the context requires
r:l'l\- 1\1f111 ""1\ +C...,.. rDI.fflml& I]&\II'~ otherwise:
Oit.,.+C OIlU 1\'PJ!. I&h1'l
.,.?~+ .?IL"I ;r."'.. j" 'it It
Negarlt G. P.O. Box 80001
nil- ".? S.15
Unit Price
11\ ri'i.lifft I..Y.U\ ,;J~T ,;Jtl.1Il."'C j1: "'9"1\. cJ}+"} Iitf~ 'U" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6thAugust, 20005 3182

iiI «Bt\.ni:c» ID~IJD «o!.\.()TC» "'lI\T ~"}~ 1/ "Minster" or "Ministry" means the Minister or
:,.~,.. +h+f\. foolP{..+ /.\'''IT o!.\.()i;C ID~IJD Ministry of Infrastructure, respectively;
Uf.\.n+c ~m-l

II c87UOC» "'lI\T fUlIl1 f"}"7.(- foo"}1.(- 2/ "Association" means an association established by

persons and enterprises engaged in public
"OUl\I\?f ~t- i\~ 1\+(I"'l~ (lsP"f'l ,(-C)!w.y."f
commercial road transportation and registered in
r+**oo'l OIlU 1't'P)!w oo(l{..T f+OOH10 accordance with this Proclamation;
.,UOC ~m-l

rl «t""J"7.(; fou11.(; "7ou"t\?f» "7/\T 0"7/\"'11 OJ~'" 3/ "Commercial Road Transport" means the
O,'h"7 f"'OJ-~T oul1T O"''''mOJ- J\tJA Ofl!.tJ~.(; carrying by a natural or juridical person, or
,(;C~T ou11Y. 7p~1 OJ~'" lJ:J"sP"f1 /\h.&-~ T passengers or goods for hire, remuneration or
"1':,.". OJ~'" /\TC'f: f"7°u"/\h P'&- 1I''i profit, classified as either private or public as
A1Y.fI!.h.,./\OJ- f"7A OJ~'" fU1fl1 .,.11l\- ~h'('''AI
0) «f"7/.\ f"}"7 .(- f 00 "}1.(- "'ll\ T
a) "Private Commercial Road Transport"
oo")1~7f>"f"} fD~1JD iJ~sP"f"} f°!.J'ooi\/.\
means if the vehicle used for carrying
(1m- + 7ihC1]6 "}11{"T~i: f.(-C)!wi: 1ft;' I
passengers or goods is owned by the
enterprise, and
(i) fo!.ooi\I\(}.T iJ~sP"f ftlJ'm- f.(-C)!wT
"}l1{..T flf~ fD~1JD 1\1'1'1 ID~IJD (i) in the case of goods being transported, the
I\"'l ~() 01't~t- f+(lm-T flf~ goods are owned by the enterprise or have
~ ")~ If~' iJ~ sP:t:"} "'l ooi\ I\() I\.(-C )!wi: been entrusted to it for the purpose of
'}~ ~+~ f"}"7.(- ~ t- 1't()Li\1.'I "'l")..J' repairs or transportation by it and the
flf~ ~"}~If~T fD~1JD transportation of said goods is necessary
and complementary to the principal
commercial activity carried out by the
(ii) f~!.ooi\I\(}.T oo"}1~7f>"f ftlJ'm- .(-C enterprise; or
)!wT lPt-+7f>"f If~m- fo!.ooi\I\(}.-r1JD
ID~ ~t- n7Tm-' h~t- n7Tm- (ii) in the case of passengers being transported,
flf~ ID~IJD f.(-C)!wi:") ~t- l\"'lh'lfD"} the passengers are employees of the
flf~ ~"}~If~ ~m-l enterprise and are being transported to or
from their place of work or are engaged in
1\) «fU1fl1 f"}"7.(- foo"}1.(- 07OOi\l\if» "'lI\T the business of the enterprise;
f"7/.\ +111\0 J'/.\+oo,(O f"}"7.(- foo"}1.(-
"'looM if tJ.l\- ~m-l b) "Public Commercial Road Transport" means
all commercial road transport not classified
as private;
21 «f"lf\. Tt\."} OOIJD6J'» "'lI\T O°!.\.()T~ rIDa,
f ''If\. T t\."} ~ CIJD1f 1'tIDl)(I"}' 1'tL" ~IJD OOIJD6J'
4/ "Disciplinary Directives" means directives issued
by the Minister in accordance with which
disciplinary measures to be taken, decided and
(;1 «1'tm-t- "'~'» "'lI\T f1't.Tf-*'J' OO"}1P-"f
lll\~/.\an f°!.J'()+~.(-{..m-' 1'tm-t- "'~' 111\0
f°!.(I~oom- OO"}1'(- ~m-l 5/ "Highway" means a road administered and designated
as such by the Ethiopian Roads Authority;
it «fnlJD6T TC''1t-9''» "'lI\T fUlIl1 f"}"7.(-
fOO"}1.(- "'lOOi\f\if +7ihCI]6sP"f") f'}ooTT
fIDCI f~9""}T fD~9" f.,."} ""}:,.()~(). 6/ "Trip Schedule" means yearly, monthly, weekly
f°!.ID()"} .(-/.\.(-/.\ ~m-l or daily program fixed for the movement of
public commercial road transport vehicles;
'tt «f()1JD6T oo()ooc» "'lI\T Olll\~/.\a,~
f°!.ID(I") fUlIl1 f"}"7.(- fOO"}1'(- "'lOOi\1\if
7/ "Route of Operation" means a place of departure
+7ihCI]6sP"f f()1JD6T oo~if'l oo.(-{..7f ~m-l
and destination to be determined by the
Authority where public commercial road
transport vehicles are assigned to operate.
1R' f1f.lifft U.,6A j~+ ;JIL,.,"''I'C n "'''~'0 +"t IllfU 't." Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6fJJAugust, 20005 3183

:1 «f'oo,W c;::l-1:» "7t\.}- qt\'I"1'C 1'ifhc

11&9»T' t\00',I5.}- f'lItlraTA. (lIlU 1\'l')!o OOIP
~.}- O"tdJtq ~'l1lj OOOO&loDlP~+ f'lIt(a1- 8/ "Driving License" means a permit to drive a

f'OO,Jf L:l-1: ""aJoI motor vehicle issued in accordance with

regulations and directives issued under this
HI «I'~F.~A. f'oo,W L:I- 1:» "7t\.}- 0.7~ 'P~'" Proclamation;
OOCih MraT~( OOIP~.}- t\aJo~ 1\,C "/'T
dJ~'" t\""l1~.}-T t\'"l1: ~~ dJ~'" t\00'" 9/ "Federal Driving License" means a permit to
~.}- pJ~ dJ~ aJo~ 1\,C t\"t~,15. 1\..}-,.* 1 drive a motor vehicle issued to foreigners based
aJo qt\'I"1'C .,.ifhCI1& t\"7ifhchc f'''tlra on the principle of reciprocity or to Ethiopians
going abroad for tour, business or official
TA." Ofl.U1\'l')!o OOIP~.}- O"tdJlIl ~'l1lj 0000
&J'OOIP~.}- .f'ot(a'P f'Ou,W- L:l-1: ~aJoI duties in accordance with regulations and
directives issued under this Proclamation;
II «00,,~Jj'» "7t\.}- 01'ifhCI1& .,.~~ f'''t~1:
"7,Jj'aJo,.. (am- f\.tT, ~JlaJo'T ""11 1'."q"'lj
10/ "Passenger" means any person riding in a
01'ifhCI1&aJo ,,~ 1'1'00~o "7,Jj'aJo'", t\."
vehicle, other than the driver, cashier or any
1P~1'Jj' 1\~IA"'C"'I .
other person assigned to work on a vehicle;
IiI «h+.}-A.» "7t\.}- f'.}-~'ra;rc.}- 1\'l')!oT ~'IITT
~00(,J'9»TT ~~W9»Tlj aJolt~9»T O.}-hhA.
11/ "Follow-up" means the ascertainment of the
o~~ ,,~ OO'l''':faJo, f'''7~.7''P 1'.,qC ~aJoI proper implementation of road transport laws,
regulations, directives, standards and decisions;
III «00"1:» "7t\.}- t\"7lj:faJo'" hC;:.}- 11A.
tT~ r"lA. 00"1: ora1''''c 1'ifhCI1&9»T O.,.t\ 12/ "Road" means any road, street, highway or any
,.. J1. r"tm"'OOeo.}- "7lj:faJo,.. -),I5ljT rh1'''7
other travel route, customarily used by vehicles
OO,,1:T 1\aJo~ -),I5lj dJ~'" 001'''t\~1 ~aJoI
other than private roads not open to all traffic;

11:1 «1'1IhcI16» "7t\+-A.\t dJ~~~'I: 1'ifhcl1&9»

T' 1t~IA9"C 000"1: ,,~ ooo,tt~tJ.C r"t 13/ "Vehicle" means any type of wheeled vehicle,
~.(- ""Jj'aJo'" «t~~.}- +ifhCI1& tT'l" IP~'" T
other than special military vehicles, for use on
11raht\..}-T Qt\'I"1'C 1'ifhcl1&T ""'if~~R. roads classified as carriage, bicycle, motor
A 1'un 1'11"" ~hL"A.I vehicle, semi-trailer and trailer;

If!1 «IP~ ,,,» "7t\.}- hl1raht\..}-T hQt\'I"1'C

1'ifhCI1&T h"l"711 .,.unAlj h1'un ora1''''c 14/ "Carriage" means any vehicle other than a
"7lj:faJo,.. 1'1Ihcl1& ~aJoI bicycle, a motor vehicle, a semi-trailer and a
I'f;1 «l1raht\..}-» "7t\.}- O"t~,I5aJo (aaJo :)~A.
Ar.,.'.,.It"'(a r"t~1: 1'ifhCI1& ~aJoI
15/ "Bicycle'" means a vehicle moving by the
III «Qt\'I"1'C .,.ifhCI1&» "7t\.}- 00011~11A. dJ~'" motive power of the person operatingthe same;
Ol\.t\.h.}-&h :)~A. Ar1""'Uf"'(a r"t~1:
.,.ifhCI1& tT'l" r~~.}- "700"t\7f 1'ifhcl1&T 16/ "Motor Vehicle" means a vehicle moving by
Qt\'I"1'C 11raht\..}-T r"lA. 1\aJo"''I''R.A.T rU"11 mechanical or electrical power, classified as
"700"t\7f 1'ifhcl1&T -)~T ODh.lj Alj A." truck, motorcycle, private motor car, public
1"."It:l-ifOOUf&1 1'111\0 ~hL"A.l service vehicle, truck tractor and special
mobile equipment;
I'!J «r~~.}- "700"t\7f .,.ifhCI1&» "7t\.}-
"7lj:fm-,,.. «t~~.}- 6:1- A'JlI°°"A.ra 1'11""
f1'(a~lj t\fI.'" 1\,A..,"".}- A'JlaJoA. 1'1'~~ , 17/ "Truck" means a motor vehicle constructed or
Qt\'I"1'C .,.ifbCI1& f\.tf, -)~T ooh.lj, adapted for use and used primarily for the
~IA"'~A.I conveyance of goods of any description and
includes a truck tractor;
Federal Negarit, Gazeta No. .58 61hAugust, 20005 3184
11\ r1tlif1Ni I..'-&-f!\ :J6+ ,;J1L1Il"'1'C !l~ th9"1\. cJ) +1 IDf1Z ~.9'"

Itl «ClI\'l"rf-C lItahl\.:h> "71\T f.." 1'7ihCI16~1

. ., ,~, . ~ ,
ta.eQ.1.~C hll~i: hill h.fto "l1r~ f"7 .eR~vr . .

. h"IrT oo,tJlrtJ.c .
R~"f Yl\~ ClI\'l"1'C , 18/ "Motorcycle" means a 'motor vehicle with less
T7ihctJlr ~~1 than four (4) wheel&,' the weight of which,
exclusive of any side-car attached thereto, does
not, when, unl~d~n exceed four h~dred
Ii11 «f"l&\ rf-7ihCI16» "71\T h6J.1"~T "7ool\I\if

rf-7ihCtJ6 T hCll\'l"rf-C lItahl\.TT hih1l1l
kilogram~; 0'

"7001\ 1\if 1'7ihCI16T h"';1'"f ooh.lj "'I h&\~

rf-,.,.ta.:t»7iooUf61 f1'I\f 1\"1&\ oom+ot~ 19/,'""Private Vehicle" mean$ a motor vehicle used
(or private service other that a truck, a
'fot~&\t1t\'l"1'C 1'7ihC116 ~~1
motorcycle, a public service vehicle, a truck
tr~ctor and special mobile eq\lipm~nt;
fil «f;"'1I1I "7ool\I\if rf-7ihCI16» "71\T 0011,,7[>
1-1 l\"7ool\I\ta fotl11\"1&\ 111\'l"+C 1'7ihC116 20/,"Public Service Vehicle" means a motor vehicle
f\.tf1 f11.(' h ~1'-'l"o.&\ 'I "~1'-f1.ta 1'lIfto used to carry passengers ~nd classified as
. commercial motor car and motor omnibus;
filii «f1"1.(' h~1'-'l"o.&\» "71\T h"p'1r tJ.I\T
f"7,eO&\m. 00111.7[>"f1 fotlliC;:C fih1l1l 21/ "Commercial Motor Car" means a public
"7ool\I\if 1'7ihC116 ~~1 service vehicle having accommodation for not
more than twelve passengers;
fill «"~1'-f1.ta» "71\T hhp'1r tJ.I\T on111.7[>1-
RI\.e', .t\",taLC fot1-&\ fU1I1I "7 00 1\1\if 22/ "Motor Omnibus" means a public service
l' 7ihC116 "i~ i "
vehicle having accoIIUIlodation for more than
twelve passengers;
firl «"';1'"T ooh. 'I» "71\T R1'I\.e 1\.1\01-
1'7ihCI169'"Ti /\on"'1'+ fOtl11\"I&\ tflf fl\.l\ 231 '~TruckTractor" means a motor vehicle
6J.1"~T1 ta.etf1 fot"'T1'~1 +7ihcI16'1 RC"" constructed or adapted for use and used
I\.e 11\~1 6J.1"~T hll1.T 1I~ Ohk&\ primarily for drawing other vehicles, and so
I\oo1ih~ f1'f't1r ClI\IfP1'C 1'7ihC116 ~~1 constructed as to carry no load other than a part
of the weight of the vehicle and load being
fiill «&\~ 1'1.,.ta.:t»7i 00'161» "7I\.T f't~1 OJ.e'r drawn;
~~1 R~"1.(' I\.e "'~1OOI\&\ta tflf f1'f't1r
1'7ihC116 ta.etf1 I\"CifT I\"Th&\TT I\hllT 241 "Special Mobile Equipment" means any vehicle
"CCI;1'T I\0011.('T t\ih1,I t\cfI4:c- OJ.e'r designed, adapted or used for agricultural,
t\"7'1:f~'r 1'ootata.e 1\.1\, P'1r f1'f't1r OJ.e'r horticultural, livestock raising, road
"~tJ. "'~.e "'~~&\ f1'1./.1 Clt\IfP1'C construction, building, digging or any other
1'7ihC116 ~~1 similar operation; this term does not include
vehicles designed or used for the transportation
fif;1 «"I"77i +tao.» "7t\T t\00111.7[>"T OJ.e'r of persons or goods;
T "7001\ 1\if fotl1 t\"I &\'I RI\.I\ ClI\IfP1'C
+7ihC116 fottall tflf f1'7ihCI16~'r 6J.1"~rf:'r 251 "Semi-tra,iler" means a vehicle constructed or
hll1.T Rhk&\ RI\.I\ 1'7ihC116 I\.e "'~1CC;: adapted for use ~d used for use and used for
OJ.e'r' RI\.~ 1'7ihC116 "'~tall 1'''C''' f1'/l1r carrying persons or goods and being drawn by a
l' 7ihC116 ~dJ"1
motor vehicle, and so constructed,. that some
part of its weight and that of its load rests upon
fiil «1'ta 0.» "71\T I\1r f 1't\ f flfP1'C ->.e&\ or is carried by another vehicle;
fl\.t\~ tflf "';1'"f Rtf"; RI\.I\ ClI\IfP1'C
1'7ihC116 I\.e ft.+m&\'1 ft."'1'T fot"f&\C; 261 "Trailer" means a vehicle which has no
independent, motive power and which is
hll1.rf: "';1'"T Rtf~~ ClI\IfP1'C 1'7ihC116 I\.e
capable of being attached to and drawn by a
"11."71CC;: "If f1'f'tIr+7ihcI16 ~~I tflf'r
motor vehicle, and so constructed that no
hClt\IfP1'C lItahl\.T ;JC +1.ell fottaR~1 f.."
part of its weight rests upon the motor
l' 7ihC116 ".eQ.1.'rC'rI
vehicle by which it is drawn, but shall not
include a side car attached to a motorcycle;
.,~ ritlifitli ~"'.~;J6.)- ;J,..", "''I'C !l~ ~. +"t IlIfB Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6th August, 20005 ... page 3185
"'9"'" '.9"

fiil «hAA» "7ft+ 0C'h1 oo'"?Fi:

J\'+1\ ~i
fToofth.,.m- "7,Ijtm-9" hAA 1\11" rJ\-'5.fa
J\Oq'i r~t..-'5'P h+"7J\fa+-'5~C'T' J'11+:1'A; 27/ "State" means a state specified in Article 47 of
the Constitution and includes the Addis Ababa
fi~1 «J\1C J\*t.6f.I" rOO'1~ +t.'fa;rc+ J\1A:"? and Diredawa City Administrations;
1\0+» "7ft+ IJ.ft"" tD~9" hIJ.ft+OI\.e h~h-
T' 00tJ'1'i~ 00'1~ I\~ rOt"~~ "7'iT 28/ "Cross-country Road Transport Service" means
GJ19"rOO'1~ +t.'fa;rc+ J\1A"?I\oT ~aJ:; anycQmmercial road transport service
conducted on roads linking two or more than
"fiiJl «'ft9"J\+t;:roo'1~ +t.,fa:rc+ J\1A., two States;
1\0+» "7ft+ r1\.+"*J"~'OC"T' J\*Cfl1
rOtl1~~ "7,Ijtm-9" roo'1~ +t.'fa;rc+ 29/ "International Road Transport Service" means
J\11A"?ito+ tD~9"A':";"''+f\ ~m-; any road transport service or movement
conducted on the roads across the boundaries of
ijJl «+t.'fa;rc+» "7ft+ 000'1~T OLl"l~'i Ethiopia;
Om-~ I\~ O'fO+C ;}~A OOt'+IJ+~ J\=i~
1I"T rOt~l.'" r+t-'fa;rc+ J\1A"?I\0+ ~m-l 30/ "Transport" means any transport service
undertaken on road, railway and water by
ijJl!1 «oochll» n,ft+ O'fO+c ;}.eA rOt'+IJ+fa motor power carriers;
rm-~ "7=i=i'tf"~ID-;
31/ "Ship" means a seaplane carrier moving by
fjjll «o.C"» "7ft+ r+t.'fa;rc+ C'h"'T' tOtJ'faL engine power;
1\'9" rhAA J\"L'I°t J\I1A ~m-;
32/ "Bureau" means a State executive organ in
fjjl:l «r9"~C qf).C». "7ft+ 09"~C qf).C th"l~ charge of enforcing transport laws;
I\.e rOt'+IJ+fa "7,Ijt(j)o9" "'ifhcl1~ ~m-;
33/ "Train" means any vehicle moving on the rails
r])§1 «th"l~»"7ftT;: ftqf).coo~1 of a railway lines;
1'111\0 r+ttt.
oo+l\ft~" ~m-;
34/ "Rail" means any travel route used by train;
ijJf;1 «l1ih?1J'»'''T Oh..'-"r-A-.f ooch.,., ID~IJD O"1C
Mt&-6J.'> fOJ-,/ Ij~ "'I=J=J"If Ij~ ID~IJD
"'00 ~tl A"}Jlla&- f.,. J'.(. 1 "'I,,}1J'OJ-IJD I'IOJ- IT"} 35/ "Seafarer" means any person including master,
l.WlI:"}T ~~OJ-"}~ i\"'I)I:"} .fm?AIjA:: pilot and apprentice employed or assigned on
board on Ethiopian ship or any cross country
1:. rAL'I&9" lilli' water transport vessel.

fthlAA o.C"sPT 0;".., r.,.ttmm- FAn,,'i +"?qC 3. Scope of Application

A'~+mO+II''r .ell l1'PJ!.T
Without prejudice to the powers and duties given
~I 01\.+r-* J' m-faT OUt11- 00'1,. T J\m.?+9"T by law to State Bureaux, this, Proclamation shall
000'1,. T out 1ft11\- +ifhcl1~sPT'i apply:
1/ to the use of any road within Ethiopia, vehicle
II 01\.+V-A'.f'tD-fa'r OUt11- .~"l" T J\m.?+9"T using the roads and their drivers;
Oth"lP-T 00t1ft11\- qf).C"T'i ~(sPTT A'i
2/ to the.use of any railways within Ethiopia,
1:1 01\.+r-*" oo.cf1I1T'i qlll.~TT trains using the railways and their operators;

A'''lIJ.9'' Om:"1\1\rrllfa'i rm-~ +t.'fa;rc+ ~h 3/ to Ethiopian ships and seafarers;

Oll'~ 1--'5r-TI\.e +L,ot .e1l''iA::
As well as to all matters related to land' and water
'II\' fitlifil1 l..'-~ ;J~+;Ju.1IJ rc J~ dI,.A. 0 +, IJlfB 't.,. Federal Negarit Gazeta No.'.S8 6dtAugust,2000S 3186

h~A IM+
f'+~ 'Jlare:;' ql\P' A tIJ'J

~I f'Tt-"}ia;rCT ql\~Anl"} (hllU o:\~ «ql\/-uA ,4. Establishment

nl")» ,~f'.,.ql\f'Ptmt-) f'ift? "'dJ-~T S'1tdJ-
f'OD"}?~T oo~('S'OiTlft;" OIlU 1\'l'~ 11 The Transport Authority (hereinafter the
.,. ~ ell "X A: : "Authority") is hereby established as an
autonomous public authority having separate
II ql\~An,~ "'m('~1: I\Ptthof;~ ~1f~A:: .juridical personality.
l";. "'i'OD~(,' a+' 21 The Authority shall be accountable to the
f'ql\~An,~ 'l'~ OO~(,S' aT 01\-\ia 1\Oq ~ia"r
1ft;" ~"}f..1\iaL~1.~-t: 0"7"}11:fdJ-,.. ~~t- :"C"}AAt;: s. Head Office
~/(l.T i\..f*eII'" ~T~A::
The Authority shall have its head office in Addis
I. f'qI\JlUAtIJ~ 'M"79»~ Ababa and may establish branch offices at any
other place, as may be necessary.
ql\~An,~ f'Pth.,.f\oT '~"79»T ~t;"~;t'A J
6. Objectives of the Authority
~I +An,4. , "'eII' .1\.tlt;"Pt.f'e ~~ f'.,.oon'm~ The Authority shall have the following objectives:
rT~ "}ia;rcTl\ia.,.,.. ~1-\1.4.4. "71:I.?~
11 to promote an ,efficient, adequate, economical
II fT~"}ia;rCT 1\1A?l\-T f..u"}~1: f"'mO+~
.' and equitable transport system;
9'-¥T .f1\dJ- oolf~"} "71.;J1"r~

21 to ensure iliat public transport services are

;:1 "'th.t-'e~ '1\'" 1\+t;: fT~"}ia;rc::" 1\1A?l\-T
safe and comfortable;
oo~oor:~ ~"}-\"I."'~ ~"}-\f..t-:( "1:I.?~ ~~
31 to develop domestic andintemational transport
gl. Tt-"}ia;rCT "7"}11 dJ-,.. I.11: ~"}ltS'1:? network; and
41 to promote the development of all aspects of
i. fql\~AtIJ~ ~AtIJ'J'i' .,.?qe transport.
qI\JlUAn,~ fPth.,.f\oT ~Anl"}~ .,.?qr:T ~t;"~;rA~ 7. Powers and Duties of the Authority

~I :"~'ia;reT"} 01\m?~~. O"'ODl\h"'~ The Authority shall have the powers and duties to:

IJ) Tt-"}ia;rCT"} fPttIDl\h-t: f;ri\.r\ Vi)flT1 11 with respect to transportln general: .,

1\";J~'" 1\Pt \'iaof;~ "7:"1 J r\L +,'5..'"
.,..,qt-'e "71:I.?~ a) prepare and submit policy proposals
to the Ministry relating to transport
1\) f..u"}~1: f.,.I.;J1mJ +An,4.J f"'''X~~ and implement same upon approval;
f.,.oon'm~ fTt-"}h;rCT 1\1A?l\-+
oot;"~ "}OOh;r"'A~ b) follow up the proxision of safe, efficient,
adequate and equitable transport
111) +t-1ia;rC+"}fPtlliJl\h-t: fOD"}?ia+ services to the public;
;ri\.r\P'T~ ift"'T"} ~1-\1Jo'" l1.+r-*S'
f''''+01\~:fdJ-"} '1\'" 1\+t;: ia"''''~''' T c) implement and enforce government
JlUt- ~.e;. "7'l'A~"7iaL~"'~ policies and laws relating to transport as
well as treaties to which Ethiopia is a
1ft' flllifn 1.fl.U\. ;1~+ ;1,..'" ., C JZ ",,.1\. I» +, !UlU 't." Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6th August, 20005 3187

00) IIh1C F..l.1f~ 'fftr h+t;: fTt-,n;rCT

h1A""IftoT oonoo~"f A'.IlUl.'I- "'I1:l..,1
d) cause the development of domestic and
lP)f"'+~:( ft"h1l6fl~ f{)? Tt-,n;rCT p,C international transport service network;
'T A'.Iln4.4."'II:l..,1
e) develop an integrated system of
l.) 00'1F.."if""fT {)?""f~ ;rn;r,,"f 11'''1: transport for passengersand goods;
Tt-,nrCT nft°t=i".IIT tJ.~;r 0000t.1
"'ItJJan'T~hL'''OO-' Doh;r.,.AI f) issue and follow up the implementation of
directives relating to conditions under which
(a) Tt-,n;rCT' fOtoofth-l: "'I~:ftJJar passengers, goods and mail may be
transported by commercial transport;
00l.1f""f'~ n;rTn-tt8"f, mtot tJ.~;r
00(a11(a11~ "'Im~+CI g) collect and compile, on regular basis,
any information and statistical data
if} ilftTt-,n;rcT h1A.,ftoT A'F.. h.,flfI. relating to transport;
f ~AmC;.~frhc h1A.,ftoT oonmTT
A'F..hnL"1.~-I:r f"'l(aAm~ "'~IfD"f' h) render, as may be appropriate, training and
"'I~~r~ "'It)~1: I consultancy s~rvices relating to transport
service; establish and operate training
+) Tt-,n;rcT 1I"'I~:ftJJar l.11: nft°tl1: institutions as may be necessary;
""lilT tJ.~;r 1'~"'"f, "'It)~I:T A'.Ilt)~1:
"'I1Il.;r;rT A'.IltJ.r T"'~ T~.,t-r i) undertake studies and prepare plans and
"'IU;1:(T T I\L + I:r .,..,flt-ce "'II:l. ., I programs to promote the development of
all aspects of transport,encourage
studies to be conducted and implement
II) hOtoofth.,.m- ht)A.;1C lloo.,.fllIC fht)flfI. same upon approval;
oollhA' Aooh"hA h"'7rhct)t.""f~ flfI. j) in cooperation with the concerned organ
~"f nft°tdJn'tJJa Q;)"nT ;1l1T .,.,~ nftoolt(a prepare and submit and, upon approval,
ft.T hh1t.-I: h:Jor~ h'fftr h+t;: ooooU~ implement standards relating to the smoke,
,,"f;1C f"'1~UII F..l.1f hU;1~'" "'I:Jol.l1I gas, vapour and the like emitted from the

I\L ~r "'""Iflt-ce~-I:' ooh;r.,.A I exhaust pipes of vehicles and trains with a

view to preventing pollution taking into
ft°tftmtJJa h1A.,ftoT '1';1 "'IndJ(a'~ account international criteria and the
00(a11(a11 I
capacity of the country;

:f) IIU1I11f,.,1: fqP'11: "'Ioo"fti'f ~t- ".e k) .

submit for approval and collect fees for
services rendered;
1I"'(a"'l~T .,ft(at1"fT I:C~"'"f~ "'IUllt-T
f.1111 AtnT ""';1l'r 1I.,.1A;1.e .
1) follow up that persons and individuals
Ul1l."'(al1fTt-,n;rCT h1A.,ftoT AI'l.T
engaged in public commercial road
I\h(aT hTTA "'I1:l..,1 A'''ltJ.r fTt-'
n;rCT h1A""IftoT h:"Ct1T~ t;:"-)T Don, tansport in caSeof market failure or the
n,oo-, "'Il.;J11'~ nrt.-I: t;:T?ce public faces transport shortage and
A'''l''' ensure the compliance of transport
"'II:l.""II service supply and demand at national
level as well as make the trip equitable;
"1) ffl.~""f' h:"r ft"'l-)AIIT hoo"f
tJ.~;r""f' "'IOO~:fT:: m) facilitate the capacity of the Bureaus.
II too'11: Tt-,n;rCT' lI.,.oofth"'l
2/ with respect to road transport:
II) ROD'1~T fOf.m+1IIh '1t\"...,.c .,.7fhC"&9'T
hOf.ftm-+ A1A"71\-+ ,.e ~+ I\.cr&-~dJ- fOf.1'1 a) determine the operations, equipment,
dJ-' f~U'~+ OD"'&.f'9'Th""~+~ ODm~~dJ-'
A''\'''''' f.,...,4-&, ""If+~ f~~+ weight, size, number. of passengers and
h""~ + load of vehicles using the road and issue
ODlDft'IRtI.""" ODIP-~+ 9"""1'1 A'.\"~~
f"7~"1Al ftC+d.h.+ OD"m+1 approval certificate for registration
11\" r7tlifit~ LF.t.1A .76+ .7rLlIJ "''I'C jZ "'9"1\. 4)
"''J !iffi cU" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6thAu~st, 20005

t\) Oh1C h*t--6f.1>~ ,t\?D h"'lj: .f"}"'(- foo"}

1,(- ""Iool\t\i1' pt-- I\.e t\°t(a""l~ (asP"f~
,(-C~.y."f foo- J' m.e?D f1J~T ""It.;J166}. b) issue certificate of competence to, and
?Df)hC"T oof)mT~ ooh:r1'A1 follo.~ up per~ons and enterprises
engaged incross-coUIltry and
dt) .hm-6f.1> 01C fotoom-T"}~ Oh1C m-f)1'?D international commercial road transport;
fOt(a~T"}T fOt1fl'mOO-T"} m.e?D Oh~A
fOt(a~T"} ""I~Tm-,,}?D llt\'f01'C 1'7ihct)& c) follow up the importation, qtanufacture
sP"f ooh:r1'A1 t\lf..IJ.?D ooooH~ (f)'1:fl.4C. or assembling ofvehicIes ill Ethiopia and
h. 7i"}) ""Im-fl'T1 for this purpose issue technical
00) Oh1C "*t--6f.1>~ 0,t\?D h"'lj: f"}",/.(-
foo,,}1'(- ""Iool\t\ i1' Pt-- I\.e fot(a""l~
m.e?D ,,}1Jt.T~:rTm- d) conduct annual registration and technical
f"l Tt\D""I-thT f,t\?D
inspection to motor vehicles, engaged in
h"'ti: ,(-C~.y."fT hh,,}'(- hAA Ol\.e fOt")
.,.ta., cross-country and. intertiationah commercial
f1't--.(-" '(-C~.f."f m.e?D f~~t--A road transport service or ,which are owned by
oo"}"PT fll'~Ilt\'f01'C 1'7ihct)&sP"f") diplomatic missions, international
00001l11J~ fi;h~h ?Dcoot-- ""It)~.(- organizations, aid organization operating in
""}-\'IJ.?D ooh:r1'A1 more than one State or the Federal
Government, and follow up same;
lP) oo"}~ L~'(-,,} fOtoot\hT 0000&J' ""Im-fl,
T~ 1'''Ilt--'e~-f:,,} ooh:r1'A1 f~~t--A
foo"}~ L~.(-oof)mT~""Iy'f)1 e) issue and follow up the implementation
of directives relating to driving license;
t.) Ol]t\PAn,~ m.e?D OhAA o.C'sP"f issue and renew federal driving license;
00tooH1a.' llt\'f01'C 1'7ihCt)&sP"f I\.e
fOtt\m~ lPt\.~sP"f ""I~t.T1 f) . manufacture plates to be affixed onthose
vehicles to be registered by the Authority
ft) Oh1C~*t--6f.1>~ 0,t\?D h"'lj: fUlI1J or State Bureaux;
""Iool\t\i1' Pt-- I\.e f1'(a""l~T (asP"fT .(-c
~.y."f m.e?D ""IUOt--T fOtJ'f)hlj:t\-T") g) approve tariff proposed by persons,
:r&lj: t\°t(atThTh1t\"t\DT ""I.,1T f)t\°t organizations or associations engaged in
111Tm- 1':"?D~ f1'm~Otm-"} fooh~A cross-country and international
passenger transport, taking into account
h:"?D .,?DT m-f)1' 0""lf)111T ""1'/\F.:"1
their benefit they should get ITom the
service provided and the capacity of the
i'i) o,t\?D h"'lj: f"}" .(- foo,,}1'(- ""1001\t\ i1'
users topay;
m.e?D O1'ootata.e~T .PIs- I\.e t\1'(a""l~
1'7ihCt)&sP"f~ h7ihcf]&sP"f fTt--"}lf..T h) issue a transit permit to vehicles and
L~'(- 00f)mT~ooh:r1'A1 their drivers engaged in international
commercial road transport or other
"') f)t\1'7ihct)&sP"f hOoH;J11J~ fi;h~h related.servicesand followup same;
?DCoot-- 0000&J' ,,?m-fl'Tr; ooh:r1'A1
i) issue directives for registration and
0) llt\'f01'C 1'7ihct)& oD"}~T t\°tJ'f)1'?D~ inspection of vehicles and follow up
(asP"flJ' T?DUCT o...y."f fpt-- L~.(- same;
h(afl,1' 0000&J' ""Im-fl,+r; +"llt--'e~-f:,,)
ooh:r1'A1" j) issue and follow up the implementation
of directives relating to the licensing of
1') ""Ir;Tm-"}?D f+7ihcf]& oom1~lJ' ""Iy.i1' driving schools and instructors;
;Jt--v f'i;hth 1J~Tf)t\""It.;J11'T fpt--
L~'(- h(afl'1'r; f)t\Y.t.~m- hmta(a") oooo&J' k) issue and supervise the. implementation
""Im-fl'T~ 1'''Ilt--'e~-f:' ool1:r1'A1 of directives. relating to.'the certification
of' the .technical competence, licensing
and grading of garages engaged in the
repair and maintenance ofvehicIe;
'l~ f1i.lif1tilJ.6-1t- ;J6+ ;JILIII"'1'C !l~ "'''1'\..4) +'t Iif2i ,.,. Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6th August, 20005 ... page 3189

:f) "ih1l11 f")UJ.(- 1'00")11: "700""i'f .,.ifhctJ

&sP"f h1A.UJl\oT fOtm-t\- 00er'1M.fsP"f F.l.
'fer' OOt'iDnt;: ({),;{)ti:h. if") "7m-n'Ter' 1) issue standards and specification of
OOh.+.,.A.l terminals that serve for public
commercial road transport vehicles and
') "h1Ch*~""er' 0'''''' h+ti: fih1l11 follow up same;
"7t'iD""i'f P~' t\°t()"7-r .,.ifhctJ&$P"f
"7,)O~T fOtl +CCJ.."T") f{)"'&T m) approve trip. schedules prepared by
TC"UJ~'" "7~F.:tl tJA.+l.O"T'" ~(). associations for vehicles engages in
"7n;J~Ter' "1f.1J. fdJn,m-") f"lr\. TI\.") cross-country and international public
oooot.f . road transport service and when the
"'UJq~'e "71:l. UJ h{)L"1. If'i
r\.1~'" 010.f PC,:" h1A.UJl\oT "")"l()m- schedule is not made available prepare
9'":': IJ.~'+ OOti:mCl same and enforce disciplinary directives
issued thereon and facilitate free market
~) f+LTC" hF.;J r\..f ;JT9'" 1D~9'" 1.1I..f'e service as maybe nessary;
fh.tJ'i°t 1D~9'" r"7tJo~'e "fUJC""f r\.h()-I:
f")UJ1: 1'00")11: "700"t\i'f .,.ifhctJ&sP"f") n), in case of natural disasters or temporary
°tt{)rf;-r OOtI01:+m- 0000&1 OOlPl.T e90nomic or social crisis, mobilize

O"{)'('''1.(I)- 1I.+er' OO{)ooc F.A..(-l\o commercial road transport vehicles to

"7()t.Ter' 00 h.+'" A.1 operate in areas and routes where their
service are demanded in accordance with
1) "h1C h*~,.,.er' h+ti: ftJ1I11 directives given by the Ministry and
0'''''' follow up same;
1'")"71: rOO")11: "'/oo",,{) P~ ".e f.,.()
"7-rT ()sPTer' 1:C~"'"f fOt.f*clloo.h:f
tp-") "7tJO~T 0000111111 {)" hlP~~:fm- 0) register associations established by
0000&.f "7m-n'Ter' OOh,+"'A.l persons and organizations engaged in
cross-country and international public
h) q,,'fO"'C .,.fihctJtsP"f "?'{).,.~ 1D1") ".e commercial road transport; issue
"Ot.fF.C().T hF.;J 1'001:") "{)Ter' fi4.") directives and supervise their activities;
"")F.°'l.'i ~:fm- "7l.;J1Tl "")"lIJ.9'" hOtoo p) ensure that all motor vehicles have third
"h:1':fm-htJ"T ;JC OooootJhc Oih1l1l party insurance coverage; and in
f")UJ1: 1'00")11: "700""i'f "Ot=i=i'" 00")1
consultation with the appropriate organs,
"7f"fer' lJ:J-sP"f I\.'iC {)"ot 1qm- 1'001:")
issue and enforce directives relating to
"{)Ter' fi4.") 0000&1 "7m-n'Ter' "7{)LO,..1 the provision of insurance policy
coverage for passengers and cargo;
h) .,.ifhctJ&sP"f "")F.1er' {)"Ot()-rOTT {)"U.tL
.+-I:OT 1D~9'" hT:t9'" m-,.,. {)"OtF.l. .,.OT q) issue directives regarding the refurbish,
IJ.~'+ 0000&1 "7m-n'Ter' OOh.+.,.A.l scraping or destroying of motor vehicles
and followup same;
"Ii) O"m-~ ~JSer'sP"f".e 1'00")11: T~"){):rCT
h.,]!"f T F.")11"fer' OOOO&lsP"f oohO&-:fm-") r) follow up the enforcement of road
t'iDh.+.,.A.l transport Proclamations, regulations and
directiveson highways;
ID) h18L"1. If'i r\.1~ "h1C h*~"" "er'
0'''9'" h+ti: 1'")"71: f'OD")11: "700')"i'f s) determine, where necessary, the color
P~ ,,~ fOt()"7-r .,.ifhCtJ&sP"f") 1'+"9'" and distinguishing makes of commercial
'~~T~ 'C"7 001D()")1 road transport vehicles engaged in cross-
country and international road transport;
0) Oih1l11 1'")"71: 1'00")11: "700""i'f P~ ".e
f"'()"7-r ()1P"f~ 1:C~"'"fT "7-)O~TT fot t) form an advisory co...mmitteecomprising
oo"h.+:fm- foD")UJPT OOp&1 n."'"f~ members representing persons,
"'m:J-°tsP"f fOtlDht\-OT h"7tJ& tJ°t rf; enterprises and associations engaged in
"7**9'" 1 public commercial road transport, the
concerned government organs and users;
11\" r7i.iin 1.Y.t-A .?6+ .?tL"l <II...C!~ "',.'" I}}+'t !DIU ,.,. Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6111
August, 20005 3190

H) r1'7ihcta& 'P,;J "7~T roo1'001 A1t:\"7l\oT

u) provide vehicle valuation service.
1f). rootahl\ t'f rT6- ,...;rCT 001t:\11 00"'&1
sP"fOA1&:I: f(1;r A"'''700T oat1°o"f v) Encourage the expansion of intermediate
00 t:\tJ. t\ 1 "l...4--4--"701.;r?'T: : transport machinery in compliance with
landscape of the country.
r/ rllu A'P~ A1+,. r J.':1,;J1>
0.crc~ 1\~Y..6-t:\
001"7PT "'m& rtr~ h.,.qo"f1 r001.1J.': 3/ notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 of
T6-1...:rCT o+ool\h"'~ this Proclamation, with respect to road
transport in cities accountable to the Federal
tJ) rT6-1...;rCT A1t:\"7l\oi: t\1"l"'4--4-- Government:
"7 J.':1."7~ r Am-.,.o.",' r ;rhfl. 4I..C"7;rsP"f T
onlj1i&I sP"f'i 00 J.':l. "lisP"f t\ 1 "l()'" a) promote the expansion of the transport
"7 J.':1.1'i "7i11'~~CI
service; cause the construction and
administer bus and. taxi stops and
1\) .,.7ihCta&sP"f1 0000111111 ,oo;r'e r-l;h~h term~nals;
~COO6- "7ta~.('-'i onh;r1't:\1
b) register vehicles, undertake annual
technical inspection and follow up;
ch) OT6-1...:rCT P6- r.,.()"7'" "71\()(1"f1'i
J.':C~"'"f1 "7~6-~:"'1 rT6-~h Aoo6-C c) organize individuals and enterprises
m-m.;r"7 rattr10T1 "'t:\T ooo.,.r...
engaged in transport services; design and
1'"7l)6-'e "7J.':l. "71 r J\:"~ "71l);r J.':,;Jt;: implement mechanisms. on the
oo"'mt~ effectiveness of traffic management;
provide capacity building support;
00) OT6-1...;rCT'i 0,;J6-:WA1t:\"7l\oT I\at()
"7'" "71\()(1"f'i J.':C~.,. "f rl1? T "71.,;J166J. d) issue certificate of competence to
OO"'mTI individualS and enterprises engaged in
transport and garage services;
lP) l)l\qo1'C 1'7ihcta& 001~T l\at1"'1'~'"
()sP"f'i T~UCT o."'"f rp6- L?J.': e) issue license to driving lesson institutions
OO"'mTI r~1ii' L?.('- OO"'mTl and trainers; issue driving license;

l.) rihll111 ~,)1~T rat1~ 1'7ihcta&sP"f1 t) follow up arid suspend the operation of
t\ ,:"",?()' 0 ooh;r1'1\"'l1 J.':1 vehicles that could affect the safety ofthe
() hh1'qo=J: T6-1...;rCT A1t:\"7l\oT ,;JC
1'II:W~T ,":fm-, Ibl\o"f 1'"7l)6-T g) carry out other activities related to the
"7h'iaJ1 ~ cities' transport services;

2/ r~ J.':Cl)o.c T6- ,...;rcT' o",ool\h"'l

4/ with respect to railway transport:
tJ) I\l)o.c ~1lsP"f L?J.': OO"'mT'i "71."'1
a) issue and renew license to train
1\) l)o.C'"f1 00 0011 111'i r-l;h~h ~COO6- operators;
"7ta~.(" 1
b) register trains and carry out technical
ch). "'I\~J.':C l)o-C T6-1...:rCT A1t:\"7l\oT inspection thereon;
A()alT 0000&1 "7m-alTI
c) issue directives regarding railway
00) O~ TV-* 1 m-"'T 0011~ 7f"f'i iJ?sP"f transport services;
O~ J.':C l)o.C "'t\:at=J=Jlf.OT tJ.~;r ~l.ii'
"7m-a'T'i. OOh;r.,.t:\l d) issue standards and follow up under
which passengers and goods may be
transported by train;
'lit rttif2i IJ.M ,:l~:;' ,:In.,,, "''I'C !~ thl"'A. c}) +"J ;Hlf2i" cu" Federal Negarit QazetaNo..58 6111
August, 20005 3191

IP) fflO.C T~'iI?"CT 1\1A"7I\oT i\ooilmT

f°t,I"I"7't- 1"19'"f'l Y:C~"'"f' 0000"1.,.U
flJOe.f. "7(.;11ti1ij, SJOilhC tD(.+T ooilmT'I e) register persons and organizations
ooh"++AI engaged in railway. transport service,
issue certificate of professional
(.) h°t,ooi\h..+:ftD- 1\I]I\T ;1C ooo.,.flOC competence and follow up "same;
ffiOoC 1\f..;1 It;hI"lTOOOOCOOC'I 6?"CT
"7:" (. 1U f) in cooperation with the concerned bodies
investigate and submit report in case of
1"1) fflOoC""f' 1\1"I~CI i\. If ~:ftD- f°t, 1lJtD-' train accident;
oola6.f9'"f hllf.. T'I oom'l:ftD-, l\ '-'ttJ.SJO
f+la4-&, lI"T'I f~~T hllf..T OOtDI"I'I g) determine the operation, equipment,
weight, size, number of passengers and
;1) t\lJOoC oom1;;: ;1~V fll'+T IPC.,.Ij:h.T load of train using the railway;
h) issue certificate of competen<;eto train
cfo) flJOoc';i;C°t,'II\o"f' .f..lJr "7tD-II'TI repairing warehouses;

0) r tIt-'tY: 00'{l00C""f'l f..(.Jr i) set standards of railway terminals;

j) determine design standard for railway
"') ftlt-'tY: ooilooC""f'l r1-U'~T 00"'619'"f
ftDlI,I\:ftD-, ooilLCT "7"XI\..+:ftD-'
k) ensure that railway lines and railway
"7(.;111'1 .
equipments comply with the safety
(;1 ftD-" T~'iI?"CT' O"'OOi\h"'l
standards set thereof;

51 , with respect to marine transport:

0) 01lth.~ceS' f}i\SJ01\+ct. ih1-"f OOIP(.TI'
a) in accordance with domestic and
(I) fh. Tr-*.f ooChf1"f''I. 1\1C 1\*~6J!" international laws:
ftD-" .I\.e 00;S;S""9'"f, 000011111'1
flJuC ,.,. lI"'~T fSJOilhc tD(.+T i) register Ethiopian ships and cross
OOitmT'I "7f..ill country water transport vessels and
issue certificate of sea worthiness
(ii) i\lJU(.;;: fll'+T"7l;11ti1ij, SJOilhc tD(.+ and renew same;
T'I flJU(.;;: f..lI+C ooilmT'I "7f..ilI
ii) issue and renew certificate of
(Hi) 01t.Tr-*.f' ooChf1"f'l 01\1C 1\*~6J!" competence and seaman's book to
ftD-V I\.e ~:};S""9'"f l\ ,-'ttJ.9" seafarers;
000"'6.f9'~:ftD- I\.e 1\ilLI\1.tD-'
f-th~h SJOCoo~ l\,-'tI]th.Y: "7Y:('"7I iii) cause the necessary technical
inspection. to be undertaken on
t\) flJUC "7ODI\i\~ 1\f..;1 0f..(.1"1 1.~ flj:i\;1'1 Ethiopian ships and their equipment;
f"7}',' "'"7lJC l\ '-'t 1]th.Y: l\CSJOJr l\ ,-'t tD
1"1.(""71: (. "71
b) cause search and rescue operation
measures to be undertaken in case of
tit) flJU(.~"f "7IPAm;;: "'*"7T l\'-'t**on- marine accident;
"70C;r~T'I 01\16:1:'1 Of}i\SJO1\"'1j: iho)"f
cPJlP(.T f..(.Jr=ftD-' OOtDI"I'l c) encourage the establishment of
marine training institutes and set their
standards in accordance with
II f'lIlT lJi\CLT OOIT,I. tD-A 00"'''' A I domestic and international laws.
oobl"lil'l oohl"litl l\'I
61 own property, enter into contracts, sue and
be sued; and
1~ r7UifB Federal Negarit Gazeta No.58 61hAugust, 20005 3192
I..'-~ ;Jc',"";JILIIJ.'I'C !l: ",,.1\. IJJ+' IJlf~ 't."

il I\.~"f I\,«»/,-(JJ-hiM.It... f'U'~ ih.7'e .,..,IlC-"f,

71 perform other lawful. .activities necessary
~. f'QI\,«»Atq~ hOD~C for the carrying out of its duties and
111\,«» A al~ I
8. Management of the Authority
AI O°Y.\.ilT~ J\""~o.~T OOO''''«»T f'°y.i'"r
h11: 'P~ ,«»~ hilh.J'~T A~ The Authority shall have:

II hil~lt... f'U'~ IP/,-.,.7fo"fT 11 a General Manager to be appointed by the

.et;"~:rA:: Government upon the recommendation of
the Minister; and
M. f''P~,«»~ hilh.J'J: ,«»l\tq"J~ .,..,QC
2/ the necessary staff.
AI 'P~eD- ,«»~ hilh.J'~ h°Y.\.il-t~ O°Y."'tneD-
htn?lt.e 0000!,J' OOIPI.T f'1l1\,«»Aal~' 9. Powers and Duties of the General Manager
,«»~~"f .eoo~A T J'il"'S1:~A::
11 The General Manager shall, subject to the
general directives of the Ministry, direct
fl.1 Olf.U h'.,.". ,o-ilh'+". (Ii) f'",ool\h.,.eD- and administer the activities of the
htn?lt.e h~.71C A'~"'1110+ U't;"T 'P~eD- /P~
2/ Without limiting the gener~lity of the
11) Olf.U h'P~ f''''OOl\h-l:T' f'1l1\,«»AnJ~' provisions of Sub-Article (1) of this
'«»Aal'~ .,..,IlC-"f O,«»~ It.e J'eD-ItAJ Article, the General Manager shall:
1\) O"-F..~A OO''''«»T IP~"'7fo"f ih., OOIP a) exercise the powers and duties vested in
I.T f'1l1\,«»Aal~' IP~"'7fo"f .e+'I'~A T the Authority under this Proclamation;
J' il.,.S1: /,-A J
b) " employ and administer the employees of
m) f'1l1\'«»Aal~' f',«»~ TC-.,/'-r~ OJ!T the Authority in accordance with the
federal civil servants laws;
hll.7~'" 1\°Y.\.ili:~ J'+CIlA T ""~+1:r
O,«»~ It.e J'eD-ItAJ
c) prepare and submit to the Ministry the
00) 1\1l1\'«»Aal~ O.,.~+ ~(JJ- OJ! T~ f',«»/'- work program and budget of the
Afuthority; and implement same upon
TC-.,~r OOIPI.T "'"11 tDQ;)" J'~C.7AJ approval;

IP) h~il"'~ tD1t;""f .7C 0°Y.~1.'" ,,'}.~"'"f d) effect payments in accordance with the
tJ.f\o IlI\'«»Aal~' .etDhltAJ approved budget and work program of the
I.) f'1l1\,«»Aal~' ,oo:r'e f',«»~ h~""r~
f'Y.Ptl1 !,;rCT hll.7~'" 1\°Y.\.il_:t~ e) represent the Authority in all its
J'+CI1A:: dealings with third parties;

. f) prepare and submit to the Ministry annul

;:1 'P~eD- ,«»~ 'hilh.J'~ 1\1l1\,«»Aal~ ,«»~ c"tA'I' operational and financial reports of the
tj:~ O°Y.J'il~A". oom' ,«»Aal1~ "'''Il~' Authority.
Oh.c.A 1\1l1\'«»Aal~~It.c.~"f~ I\.~"f IP/,-.,.7f*"f
OeD-hA~ l\.J'il.,.ltAtj: .e"fltAJ U't;"r AC"'" 3/ The General Manager may delegate part of his
.,.h.,. f'°y'IP~eD- ~It.c.h~ +~T I\°Y.OA'I' ",fL powers and duties to the officials and other
f'°y'IP~ htY~ eD-hA~eD- hil+1:1fO I\°y' \.ilT~ employees of the Authority to the extent
+CII oo,,"~q. hI\OT:: necessary for the efficient management of the
activities of the Authrotiy; provided, however,
that the prior consent of the Minister is
required where such official is to act on behalf
of the General Manager for more than 30
,,.. FlU'? 1..1.60'" ;J~+ ;JrL"l .,,~C !l~ dt9"A. 4} +'t llifti 'f.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6thAugust, 20005 3193

I. LL!t 10. Budget

rql\p'~nl~ OJ!T hOth+f\.T ~,ua-"f r+~nlnl The budget of the Authority shall be drawn
y,11'~AI from the following sources:

AI ql\p'~nl~I\Otflm~ L~ 1:~ ~ 1~ '7l\-T 11 license fees and service charges collected

htit.f"'ht;:t\~ ht;:.fI by the Authority;

II Ooo''7P'T hotfl1' roJ!T 1: ;1t;:I "h~ 21 governmental subsidies; and

3/ any other source. ,

rl h07~:f~~ IVa ~'6£1>::

lli.{}At~iI ODII&IJ-o+ 11. Books of Accounts

II The Authority shall keep complete and

AI ql\p'~nl~ r1'OXf\.~ Thhl\~ rll'~ r'l",l1
accourate books of accounts.
ooll'711T Y,Y,IIA::
2/ The books of accounts and other financial
II rql\p'~nl~. r'l~l1 Ootj'711T~ 1'"11 ~h documents of the Authority shall be
fI~P."f O'P~~ J'."l +C IDY,~ 'P~~ J'."l +C
audited annually by the Auditor General
OOtfly,oo~ J'."l +C or'}oo-l: y,ool.oolrf\.::
or by an auditor designated by him.
h~A ,.,,+ PART THREE
rih1lilJ~.1~ rOD"1: .,-I\l\if P'1r "1\""~1:~ PUBLIC COMMERCIAL ROAD TRANSPORT
nA-~1MI r'8J 1: rOD"~ "011.,.1\if "~Olr+ ACTIVITIES AND PUBLIC COMMERCIAL

If. f';h1l'fL~'8J1: f'.0II".f:. .,0II.,.1\2( Fir "'1\""~1: 12. Undertaking Public Commercial
Road Transport Activities

f!1 "'I,t;~~ '7l\fll1 IDY,~ 0;h'7 OOlPl.T 11 Any individual or an enterprise established
r+**oo 1:C~T Oih1l11 r''71: roo'11: in accordance with the law may engage in
0I/00.,.1\i'f P'1r It.lP"'Ilr y,"f"'~:: public commercial road transport.

II Oih1l11 r''71: roo'11: "'I004\1\i'f P'1r .,..e 21 Persons and enterprises, licensed to engage
1\00 lP"'Ilr T L~1: r+flnl:f~ flsP"f~ in public commercial road transport, may
1:C~"'"f Olf.U ~'P~ ~'+1\' Ir OOlPl.T carry out their activities either by
rot**~ "'I~OC ~q~ 00011" P'1r:f~' becoming members of associations to be
t\..ft)'l~ 1D.e~ r"'l'10C ~qA "'.ell'~ established in accordance with Article 13
FIr:f~' 0'7"':f~ It..f"'l~ .e"f.,.f\.:: of this Proclamation or on their own
without becoming members of any

Ie. l81\"~OIrT OII**~ 13. Establishment of Associations

AI 0,},1I11 r''71: rOO"1: "'I00.,.1\i'f P'1r ".e, 1/ Persons and enterprises engaged in public
r+lP"'I~ flsP"f~ 1:C~"'"f rih1l11 r''71: commercial road transport may establish
rOO'11: "'100"1\i'f "'I~OC 1t..f*cIlno-~ ~q~ and join public commercial road transport
1t.11'~ .e"f"f\.:: associations.

II 000'11: TIr,n:rCT .~1~'7l\-T ~f:1:C 21 The Authority shall, in order to ensure the
oo ~, 1\"'Il.;111' 0~'1: "'IUOC rOt:1' provision of competitive road' transport
+f.T' r~q"T 1111T ql\p'~nl~ .elDn~~:: services, determine the number of
members that may join an association.
i"1ur'lO ~U\ ;J&+ ;",.", "''I'C !l~ u.J +'t IflfB ...,. Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6th August. 20005 3194

rl ('If.U Jr,J+1l ,0-/1 "'+1l (I) .(-,..,... 3/ Subject to the provisions of Sub-Article (2) of
A, ~ +mO + 11'':" II'/,r-;tD-~ II'/-)OC 011'/-)0 this Article, any association shall be obliged to
"'" accept the membership of any person or
oo~~~&.f ~'11 ('+ooAh-l:.}-' IJ.~~$PT
('Ot.f"X 1\ 11'':" ('+'r'jtD-, 1I'/,r-;tD-'~ Oih1l11 enterprise engaged in public commercial road
transport provided. that such person or
(""1.(" ('00'1.(" 1I'/00l\Aif ~I,. I\,e ('+"'11'/1,.
enterprise satisfies the requirements of
(atD- 1D,e~ .("Cj!..}- O"IlA~.}- ('oo+OA membership as provided for in the statutes of
"I~~ "AO.}-:: the association.

4/ No person or enterprise engaged in public

gl Oih1l11 (""1.(" ('00'1.(" 1I'/00l\Aif ~I,. I\,e coIrimercial road transport. shall belong,
('+"'11'/1,. 1I'/,r-;tD-~ (atD- 1D,e~ .("Cj!..}- within the same route of operation, to .

0"'.(" 1.n. 0"'.(" ('~~&.}- oo/ldbC tJJ-/l1' more than one associationat a time.
h"'.(" Ol\,e Oll'~ 1I'/101,..}- tD-/l1' "IlA
"-II" ",eTA~::
5/ The Authority shall issue model statutes of
(;1 IlA~An,~ ('11'/-)01,.:"', ""~A oo+~~&.f associations.
~'11 .flDn'A::
"' 14. Applicable Laws
Xg. "'L""t~.}- ('Dt,':"I..tD- ih"7
The provisions of Article 404-482 of the Civil Code
Ot;:.}-m 11th.C ih"l shall, in so far as they are not inconsistent with the
h"'+1l gfg-filitl provisions of this Proclamation, apply to public
('+00 Ah-l:.}- .(", "''''$PT hlf.U "" j!. ;JC
commercial roa<i.transport associations; provided,
A/lt)A + :I' I..~ .(-1../1 Oih1l11 (,'''1.('' ('00'1.(" however, that.. all responsibiliti~s IiSsigned to the
II'/ool\t\if II'/-)OC"TI\,e +L'I°t ,ell'~ft.l ,II'':"~ Ministry of Justice and the Office of Associations
0~1f.1J. .("'..,"'$PT At;:.}-ih °t~/li:C~ A"7-)OC"T by said provisions are, with respect to such
1lihL.}- o..}- ('+(amtD- ;)I\~~.}- 11'/-)01,.-1:' associations, hereby transferred to the Authority.
ootooAh.}- OIf.U "",j!. AIlA~An,~ +I\Ae:"A::
15. Registration of Associations
Xli'. /It\II'/~OI,.+ ~1f'l1l
1/ Every association shall, promptly upon its
~I II'/~TtD-~ II'/-)OC A'~+**oo 1D-'l.ftD-~ establishment, submit to the Authority an
(,~1I11l 1I'/00Ah;J=tD-, hll'/-)O"," oo+~~&.f application of registration together with its
~'11 ;JC ".f,ell AqA~Afll~ 11'/:"1..11 statutes.
"AO.}-: :
2/ When an application of registration is
II AIlA~An,~ (',,"'11111 II'/ODAh;J= I\+C11A.}-1 submitted to it, the Authority shall, upon
ascertaining that:

0) (,11'/-)0"," oo+~~&.f
a) the statutes are consistent with the
~'11 ih"l'~ law and model statutes issued by it;
IlA~An,~ J'lDn,tD-, ""~A oo+~~&.f
~'11 ('+h+1\ ooll'~' T

b) other requirements of any applicable

A) ""IIl11~.}- J'AtD- 1I'/,r-;TtD-~ ih"l
law are fulfilled;
('otm,e+tD- IJ.~~ 00"XI\-I:' OIl'/I..;J'I1'T
and upon the payment of the prescribed
('+ID(a~tD-' ('00001l111.J' ht;:.f OIl'//lhLA
fee, register the association.
11'/-)0","' ,eoon"O", A::
3/ If the Authority refuses... to register the
rl IlA~An,~ (,11'/-)0","' ('00001l111..f 1'.fef: association, it shall,.within 7 days so notify the
(,1I'/,e+OAtD- hll'~ .fA++OAO.}-' ~h'.f.}- association giving reasons therefore. If the
Ooo"lA1l Oi +~.}- tJJ 1' 1\11'/-)0"'" 1I'//l71D:'- Authority fails to take any action with respect
"AO.}-:: IlA~Afll~ O+m+(atD- 1.n. tD-/l1' to the application for registrations within the
Oll'/ooAh;J=tD-I\,e "'~T'" specified time, said association shall be
tD-"'~ t)A(am .
11'/-)0","A'~+oon'lO ,e.JmI,.A:: deemed registered.
6thAugust, 20005 ... page 3195,
Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58
I1t r1t6f2~ u.~ ;J~+ ;J1t.'" "''I'C !~ ,h,.A. 0 +'t IJlfB 't,,,

4/ The association shall attain legal personality

{il. "710~ h.,.ooll'lOO:" "., 1:9"C' O~" as of the date of its registration.
ft&aJo":" oo-fl:" f1'l?&\::
16. Renewal of Registration
II. ffD1f1fl 6~11+ 1/ An association shall renew its registration
upon payment of the appropriate fee within
il ",,'l?aJo9" "7WOC Of'JbD-f: hoonh{.9" li "., the period of Meskerem 1 upto Yekatite 30
Anh ''''-t::'' 0 "., Qt\aJo 1.11. aJon1' every year.
1\nL"'I.aJo1 hti:1 OOOL09" 9"1f'lQaJo1
"7...~n "t\o:"::
2/The association shall cease operating where it
has not renewed the permit annually.
,i ~1f'lQ6J" Of''JOO-f: "'&\;p~t& "7tJO~ p't-aJo1
1\~"'1'&\9":: 17. Purpose and Duties of Associations
II. f"7~O~+ 11\"7'1': .,..,QC Associations shall have the following purposes
.,..,QC'"f and duties:
"7"'0~+ f°7.h.,.l\-:" """7PJ"f~
~tj ~:f'l'&\I 1/ to prepare trip schedules for public service
vehicles of their members; and enforce same
lil t\1\Q,,:" f'ib1f-fl "7OO"t\if .,.ifhC"'6$P"f upon appro"al by the Authority, as the case
f'n9"6:" TC'.,t-9" "711..?1::"~ A1~ 1\.,Qo. may be;
OQt\P' &\tlJlJ. 1\.".(":" "7nL"9" I
2/ to establish and operate common facilities
" t\"Q":" f..?t- 1':"9" f'°7.1'lt\.,1\-:"1 f'ib1f-fl such as public service vehicles' termina!s,
f1., .(" fOO1'l.(" "700" t\ if .,. ifhC"'6PJ"f
road stations, freight distripution offices,
oo~1i61PJ"f1 T. f'OO1'l.(" tlJo.lPJ"f1 T 1"6£1"":" repair centers, fuel depots, spare parts shops
"7h4.LI 1\'/0."'"f1T f1''l~ "'*'I""f1T f".15~ and the like;
"7~1 tI,o.lPJ"f1 T f'oot\'l'dJAl. 6?
00~-flC'"f1~ fOOI1t&I\-:"1 "7**9"~ "7"'~~1 3/ to properly keep necessary information and
documents in accordance with directives to
t:/ Qt\P'A,tI,IJ. 0°7.1dJtlJaJo 000061 OOIP{.:" be issued by the Authority; and submit same
1\nL"'I. ftrIJ. oo{.1{PJ"f1~. t&.,,."f1 0°7.'lQ to the Authority when requested;
00 11f~ OQt\p'&\tlJlJ. I\.mfcll9" "7:"{.-fll

4/ to promote, among their members, the

fil nt\OO1'l.(" +t-1nrC:" fWI11-:"1 ib1"fT awareness and observance of laws,
~111"f~ OO0061PJ"f 1\Q,,+ A1A.laJocll~ regulations and directives relating to road
A1A.lh-fl~ "7.("{..,1 transport;

5/ to promote awareness and facilitate training

1;1 f1\Q"-f: .,.ifhC"'6PJT f'°7.1~C"":"1 f':"t-.c.h system. with a view to minimizing' traffc
1\1 ? t\oo"..,n f°7.1n"f&\ f."..o. "7.l5061~ accidents caused by vehicles of their
n&\m~ nc'J:" "7oo,=:f:"1 A~ members; and

6/ to perform other lawful activities relating to

II hp't-:faJo ..?C 0"''l~1- t\.t\o"f ib..?'e their duties.
.,..,11C'"f1 "7h~dJ1::
Ait Ait ~":J1.PJ"'"
18. Establishment of Data Center
II. ~ "76hA. ~A"7**"
1/ The Authority shall establish a data center to
collect 8!1d compile the necessary
il Qt\P'&\tI,IJ. :"t-1nrc:"1 f°7.oot\h-f: information in relation to transport.
oo{.1{PJ'f1 t\"7t&Qt&-fl~l\"7m~"'C f'oo{.1{
"76h&\ l*cII"7&\::
'll'." r1tnn l.'-&-A. ;J&;r. ;JIL"I "''PC !lZ ",,.1\. 0+, ll1lU ...,. Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6th August, 20005 ... page 3196

fl.1 fhAA o.~sPTT f4."&.ACj fhAA ;rl\1I 2/ ~e State Bureapx, Federal and State Police
110t 7fliT T ftJ1I1I f')"~foo')1~ ~ool\i\?f Commissions; public, commercial road transport
~UO&.T T .,i\(rllT ACj h,,/to T ~C~.y.T associations, individuals arid oilier. organizations
l1i\FAnl~ OOt.f'fDnllD-oooo&.f' oolP{.T shall submit or transfer the necessary information
hT&.')fl;rCT ;JC f+.f'.f'u 1\IILI\'l."'"') 00{.1{ in relation to transportas per t~e directivesto be

0(1);"-1: ~:,. ('11 fD"'r ~II+I\ i\t;: 1\i\l1:fID-:: issued by the Authority. '

,rl 1\flLI\'l.ID-') 00{.1f i\~II+I\i\t;:

31 The Authority shall issue model format that
fot{.,cL assiststo transfer the necessaryinformation.
f'lao-Cj :,.~ l1i\FAnl~ .f'U;J1fA::

Ill. - om1l"" f').,.it" 'oo~..~ .,oal\l\?&,p&. I\,e 19. Obligations of Persons and Enterprises Engaged
'+lP"~ (r1P"f-~ .it"C)!."'''f- .,1..;1- in Public Commercial Road Transport ,-

0c"h1l1l f,)"~ 'oo')..~ ~ool\i\?f P&' 1\" Persons and enterprises engaged in public
f+lP~~ (rsPTCj ~C~.y.T 1Ii\00')1~
commercial road transport'"shall observe laws,
T&.')II;rCT ffDtn-T') ,
1\tp}(TT "')IITCj regulations and directives issued relating to road
00006.f'sPT "'IhOC 1\i\l1:fID-:: transport.
r. /lI\-II:fr;: 001l.,."f-'I' ID-it-"f- 20. Exclusive Rights and Contracts
il l1i\PAnl~ 1\IILI\'l. tfli 1\.f'1"'j1D- O'~i\'r 11The Authority may, where it finds it necessary, issue
1\+t;:Cj 01\1C 1\~&.6£b fc"h1l1l f,)"~ ,00')1~ directives that enable the granting of exclusive or
"'Iool\i\?f P&' 1\" i\+lP"'I~ ()sPTT ~C~.y.T restricted franchises to persons, associations or
fD,,9" "'IU{)&'Tf+{.;J1m 10. ,Ot.f'11-{)T') organizations enga.ged in cr9ss-country and
. international commercial road transport within a
1J.~;1- 'JOoot;:mc fc"h1l1l f,)"~ ,00')1~
view to encouraging investors to engage in the
"'I!I"Ai ?f 1\1A , I\oT ()"'I.f'11-fD"'r 0t provision of public commercial road transport to
l1Atf~q:f1D- oolloo~T A')"l(r~ i\"'IO{.;1-;1-T
localities where there is no such ~rviCeor where it is
1I:fr;: fD,,'r f+fD(r~ 0IJ1I.y.T i\oolimT inadequate.
fOt.f'flTA 00006.f' .f'fDnlA::

II fft.U 1\CP~ 1:');J1.sPT "'I1~~9" 1\1I"'i=S 2/ Nothing herein contained shall, be deemed to
fc"h1l1l '').,~ foo')1~ "'Iool\i\?f P&' prohibit or restrict the right of any shipper to
'OtlP~ (rsPTfD,,'r ~C~.y.T ;JC 1I:f~ ,conclude exclusive contracts of carriage with
''''I=i=i"lf ID-A f"'l ~ (. ., 0011-1:') ''''11 ~ any person or enterprise engaged in public
fD,,'r ,001~11 ID-tn.T 1\J'.,t;&.:fID-'r:: '
commercial road ~ansport.

I'li.+;rhCI)61P"f-~ ,.,/100111-11 .,1..:1- 21. Duty to have Vehicles Registered

il ft;:T~T fD(r~ {)()'T hI' h./to "ITC 11 No vehicle, except special mobile equipment with a
h"'l"{)AT A~ +')+",:t-7f oolt6.f' OIl++CT maximum speed of less than 20k.m per hour,
shall be driven or operated on any road unless said
vehicle: '

IJ) On.u 1\CP~ oolP{.T OOtfDnJ ~,)1ICj

a) has been registered in accordance with
oo006.f' oolP{.T .f'A+~U10T ACj regulations and directives issued
hereunder; and
i\) "'10.aJ.') fooh.Cj ()h".'5 fD,,'r h,,1\ fooi\.f' b) bears the appropriate plates or other
'rAhT fh"i\ID-').T +7fhCI)& O"'lCj:fID-9" identification marks.
00')1~ 1\" oo,).'5T hAhA ~ID-::
2/ The absence of the appropriate registration
II +10.1D- fooh. Cj lPh".'5 fD,,'r h"A fuui\.f' plates or other identification marks shall
'rAhT '1\i\ooliC .,.7fhCI)61D-') A,).'5A+oo constitute prima facie evidence that the
U10 IIi\Ot.f'II4'T{.1D- +10.1D- 'rCoo&. Allh. vehicle has not been registered and the police
L1.'r 1:{.1I ;rl\1\ A')"l1J .f'1\1D-') .,.7fhCt)& may detain said vehicle pending the making
1\"'I4'fT "TI\A:: of appropriate inquiries.
1~ 1.~U\ :Ji+ :JH.IIJ.'I'C!l~ ",,.1\,. 0+, !ilU 'u" Federal Nei8rit Gazeta No. .586tbAugust, 20005' 3197

22. ~eCju.irement of Holding

tif. ~Jr 1.*Y: XhL""'~~ ~Drivi,ng,Licellse
1/ 'No persqdmay drive,a: mothr vehicle on any
hi "'I1~m-9'" (aa.t".,i'J.e~~ ,,+(i.e.,. f"'1t\~' road,unless, he is, a holder 'or' a valid driving
lJ(\~~(:' /"'7fhC~&<A~~~T' Olf.tJ h'P~\; lidense~issue'd in accordance with regulations
OOIPI.T OOttDnl;~K,,)d1~ ,oo-/,f OOIP~~' ,and directiVes issued hereuIlder,' authorizing
f"'(amm- f1.~ foo")j{ L? Y: ht\t\m- him to drive the particula.rtype of motor
Oh.,.+C. 0"7~Tm-"'00,,)1~ '.I\.e"7~Tm-"),.. vehicle.
,~.e"~ lJt\"...,.c .,.7fhctJ/, OO")~T
1t.e "fA,..::

"''2/ No ownerdf any motor vehicle>may permit

II "7~Tm-,.. flJt\"...,.C .,.7ihctJ/, lJt\o.T ;f1.~ any person to drive his vehicle unless the
foo")1{'L"?1: ',ft\.t\~ "(am- *7fhctJtm-") person is the holder of a valid driving license.
~")-'l~~ OO~+1: ft\OT"'::
3/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Article
. (i) 'and (2)()f this Article,.conditions under
rl ~lf.tJJ\'+f\'o-ilJ\,,)+~ (h) ~~ (I) Y:,.71.
o.':"erI foo"}j{ 'L.?1: ft\I\Tm- (asPT whicll,persons<not "holding:valid driving
flJt\'I""'C .,.7fhCfj& h~}}.(- t\OO"7C OO'~T ,licenyes may drive .for ,learnmg shall be

fot Tft.OT tJ.~:1' lJt\FAnl~ OOtftDnlm- determined by directives to be issued by the

,(llJOO61.e(J)(a~ A: : ,Authority ;

23., l{~qui)"ement,ofPermit for Seafarers and Train


1/ No person shall be engaged as seafarer or

hi "7~Tm-,.. (aaJ-hlJ",-uAtll~ '~.+ Y: tJI\11 operate a train on Ethiopian railways unless
Oh.,.+C lJtJl.lj' , 0011") , tD.e,.. OJ\. TV-A-f he has obtained a permit' granted by the
IJ-'l~ T I\.e qa.C"~7fhChch.e TA,..:: AUtllOrity.

II Olf.tJ h1+1\ 'o.h h")+1\.(h) f",oot\h.,.m- 2/ Notwithstanding'Suq-Article (l)ofthis Article

0.':"C,.. hlltJ J\tp~' OO1\~T O.tT any permit granted by the concerned organs
'OOtoot\h.,.m- ,J\tJA ""'''10,' prior ,to th.e comiIlg, into, force of this
L? Y: OL?~ "

Proclamatiqn shall. remain valid until such

~t)h"'oot\h"'aJ- 1.". f1.S">.eU'liA::
time as indic~te4 in thp,permit.

24. Delegation of Powers

fR. iat\FA."l,,) aJ-hA.~ ,
1/ The Authority may~ where necessary and as
hi J\hL"1. 11'':" r\1:S lJt\p'Atll~ hhAnl'~ may be appropriate, delegate part, of its
"'''7lJ~ Oh.tA ~,,)KJ\"7lJo..t\hAA o.C'sPTI powers and duties to State Bureaux,
t\"7n.71{ o."'T~ t\t\./toT' OO"),"P:1''e tD.e~
municipalities and other government or non-
OO")"7P:1''e "AII'~ J\tJ"T OaJ-hA~ OOhmT
government organs.
2/ The organs referred to in Sub-ArtiCle (1) of
II Off.tJ J\'+f\,o-ltl\")+ft: (h) OOIPI.T this Article, shall in exercising the powers
aJ-hA~f"'(anITaJ-, l\tJ"TOaJ-hA~ f.,."" and duties delegated' to them, follow and
Ol\oT'P'lAn,,~ "'''7lJCOP~ I\.e fl.faJ-ft. observe proclamations, regulations, directives
ht\T~,,)h:rCT ftDm- l\tpj!T11 ~'(JT'I and standards relating to transport set by the
OOOO/'fsPT")~ OlJt\FAnl~ fOttDm- ~~l.j{ Authority.
sPT") ooh"'A~ OOmO:" .e1lJTtpA::
25. Repeal and Savings

tt~. r.,.i&'<.~ ~,,)"'aJ- f'O'loJtt ')'i~

1/ The Road Transport Regulation Proclamation,
hi fOO'1Y: Tt.'h:rCT l\tp~ 4ITC IR/lifitR No. 14/1992 is hreby repealed.
OlltJ l\tp~ "'7f~IA::
11' filiI" I.J.~, .7~+
.1'C JI "',.A. .. +, IifB 't.,. Federal Neprit Gazeta No. .58 6111
August, 2QOO5... page 3198

. 2/ Without' prejudice to the' provisions of Sub-Article

II fff.U "'+W 'o.h "'+W (Ii) .t',?", R.'l'C,. (1) of this Article" all regulations issued under or
.TC I;;/IBfitiIDT.,.m- tIJ~" validated by Proclamation No, 14/1992 shall, in so
O""'~ far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions
",.,.m- .f~O~ ~'fJT fM. hff.u "...:6
1:1?1.sP"f ':!CAhIJA"'*~~ .t'~h omu of this Proclamation,' be 'deemed to have been
inssued "under this 'Proclamation' and shall
"...)!-: qr,1P~t A'~ID""" "'''m~m- ffJ~ continue, in force. '
3/ Any other proclamation; regulations, directives
fl ~U, "...:6 f"t*~' ""1\ "",/m-,. "...:6l or practice inconsistent with the provisions of
~'-IIT ODODt.J'ID~" f"lPM; A,..t' Off.U this Proclamation shall' have no effect on
"...:6 m-AT. O"'ODAh-t:. s"T I\~ matters stated hereunder.
",~,,"t ~T "~,,. ~m-,.::
26. Transfer of Rights and 'Obligations .
II. ""l1li.,.+'1' ""!!f-1P":f. l1li+1\,,4:
11 The rights and obligations of the Road
iii 0"1':6e11TC Ii/llif1l'i' "'~eII"" f~O~m- fOD Transport Authority established under
.' ,...t'+~'h?"CT IJAP'AIIJ' OD-IITt; "1.? Proclamation 14/1992 are hereby.transferred
fP"f .0ff.U '"...:6AIJAP'AIIJ~ "'I\A~"'A:: to the Authority.

II f".4.h "OIJ h.,.", fT~'h?"CT IJAP'AIIJ't; 2/ The rights and obligations of the Addis Ababa
f.t't:..-s... h.,.", fT~'h?"CT ""~'f8. OD-II City Transport Authority and the Dire Dawa
Tt; "1.?fP"f' 'Off.U AIJAp'AIIJ~ Transport Agency are hereby transferred to
"'I\A~"A] fIJAp'AIIJ~ iftc,-.t;: W/fL"'T the Autho~ty, and they shall be organized as
t1~m-,. ~~~Jfl\.:: branch offices of the Authrotiy.

II. flllln..7'~.r ~"J..7'" 27. Transitory Provisions

iii 0",,:6 eIITC Ii/IBfiti ODIP~T f"'~~DIh 11 Associations established pursuant to . Proclamation
"'UO~T Off.U ",,:6 A'~"'~~DIh "'4'1'~m- No. 14/1992 shall be considered as being
P'~:fm-, ~+TI\I\.:: established by this Proclamation and shall
continue their activities.
II hAA8"f f~:fm-, .,., Ahh.J'ID, .t'~h fff.U 2/ Until the States issue their own law the
",,:6 .t"?"'fP"f T~'h?"CT ~h Ot1~T privisions of this Proclamation shall apply to
s,. T I\~ OhAA-T m-hT .,.~ '''t~T the States in the affairs related to transport,
28. Power to Issue Regulations
II. ~"}.,. ,.,m-IIJ+ p'AIIJ"J
The Council of Ministers may issue Regulations
~U, ""~ O".,IJIJ.. P'~ et~ A","A for the proper implementation of this
f"t~hTC""f ,.hC" fLT ~'-II f",m-IIJT P'AIIJ' Proclamation.
29. Penality
Any person who violates the provisions of this
~IJ' 1\,,:6t; Off.U1\,,:6 ODIP~T flD, ~'''T' Proclamation and Regulations issued hereunder
f"'I\A~ ..",/m-,. (am- OID'~A ih., ODIP~T shall be punishable in accordance with the Penal
~+IIJA:: Code.
1..,-1,.1\ .?~+ .?rt.'" .1'C !l~ .h9"A. q) +'J .nlfB 't.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6thAugust, 20005 3199
~"" i:1tilf1U

!). A'P:4: ,,,,-,,,..0+ ...... 30. Effective Date

.,., Iif1i '.r ~rC' This Proclamation shall enter into force on the
.eu l't'P~ hm9"t\. 0 6thday of August, 2005.
rfJ~ .e1f~1:\::

Done at Addis Ababa, the 61hday of August, 2005

l't.tlia AOIImrA. 0 .,., IifB '.r
f k +r-*" ~"'~"'I: .tl'l"hUl..t'l: DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA

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