Proc No 468 2005 Transport
Proc No 468 2005 Transport
Proc No 468 2005 Transport
AA1&i: J\.tt'iDI.f'e~ lP/ihO~'e b1:.1+ WHEREAS, the economic and social development
f:"t.'it;rC+ 1\1&\.,Ao+ rOAm .,.m,cs,cs&T~U'~i: of the country requires that transport service be
r"'mO+~ 11:1'+ .fAI& 1I''i A'''lt.oo1: h++&\ regulated to make it more competitive, safe and
itl\°7.J'itL&\ 11&1 efficient;
r+~'}it;rc+ 1\~1.){1:+ roo,.,p'+ ;r1\1\' WHEREAS, the transport sector has to be restructuredin
a mannerto create favorableconditionsfor the smooth and
01\.,f1a. Aoo",,,OC 1\oo=f IJ.'L;r O°7.L1'C OO&\tJ. effective implementation of the government transport
A'~1~ oo'P+C itl\°7.1f11&1 policy;
OJ\.+f"*.f 4..Y..~I\'e "l 'fDht.I\.f'e &Tl1l\h ih1 NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article
OD'}.,p'+ 1\'}+2'\' 2(;/~1 ODlPl.+ r°7.h.,.AI& 55 (1) of the Constitution, of the Federal Democratic
;rl&{&\:: Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as
~. A~C Cbh
1. Short Title
iiI «Bt\.ni:c» ID~IJD «o!.\.()TC» "'lI\T ~"}~ 1/ "Minster" or "Ministry" means the Minister or
:,.~,.. +h+f\. foolP{..+ /.\'''IT o!.\.()i;C ID~IJD Ministry of Infrastructure, respectively;
Uf.\.n+c ~m-l
rl «t""J"7.(; fou11.(; "7ou"t\?f» "7/\T 0"7/\"'11 OJ~'" 3/ "Commercial Road Transport" means the
O,'h"7 f"'OJ-~T oul1T O"''''mOJ- J\tJA Ofl!.tJ~.(; carrying by a natural or juridical person, or
,(;C~T ou11Y. 7p~1 OJ~'" lJ:J"sP"f1 /\h.&-~ T passengers or goods for hire, remuneration or
"1':,.". OJ~'" /\TC'f: f"7°u"/\h P'&- 1I''i profit, classified as either private or public as
A1Y.fI!.h.,./\OJ- f"7A OJ~'" fU1fl1 .,.11l\- ~h'('''AI
0) «f"7/.\ f"}"7 .(- f 00 "}1.(- "'ll\ T
a) "Private Commercial Road Transport"
oo")1~7f>"f"} fD~1JD iJ~sP"f"} f°!.J'ooi\/.\
means if the vehicle used for carrying
(1m- + 7ihC1]6 "}11{"T~i: f.(-C)!wi: 1ft;' I
passengers or goods is owned by the
enterprise, and
(i) fo!.ooi\I\(}.T iJ~sP"f ftlJ'm- f.(-C)!wT
"}l1{..T flf~ fD~1JD 1\1'1'1 ID~IJD (i) in the case of goods being transported, the
I\"'l ~() 01't~t- f+(lm-T flf~ goods are owned by the enterprise or have
~ ")~ If~' iJ~ sP:t:"} "'l ooi\ I\() I\.(-C )!wi: been entrusted to it for the purpose of
'}~ ~+~ f"}"7.(- ~ t- 1't()Li\1.'I "'l")..J' repairs or transportation by it and the
flf~ ~"}~If~T fD~1JD transportation of said goods is necessary
and complementary to the principal
commercial activity carried out by the
(ii) f~!.ooi\I\(}.T oo"}1~7f>"f ftlJ'm- .(-C enterprise; or
)!wT lPt-+7f>"f If~m- fo!.ooi\I\(}.-r1JD
ID~ ~t- n7Tm-' h~t- n7Tm- (ii) in the case of passengers being transported,
flf~ ID~IJD f.(-C)!wi:") ~t- l\"'lh'lfD"} the passengers are employees of the
flf~ ~"}~If~ ~m-l enterprise and are being transported to or
from their place of work or are engaged in
1\) «fU1fl1 f"}"7.(- foo"}1.(- 07OOi\l\if» "'lI\T the business of the enterprise;
f"7/.\ +111\0 J'/.\+oo,(O f"}"7.(- foo"}1.(-
"'looM if tJ.l\- ~m-l b) "Public Commercial Road Transport" means
all commercial road transport not classified
as private;
21 «f"lf\. Tt\."} OOIJD6J'» "'lI\T O°!.\.()T~ rIDa,
f ''If\. T t\."} ~ CIJD1f 1'tIDl)(I"}' 1'tL" ~IJD OOIJD6J'
4/ "Disciplinary Directives" means directives issued
by the Minister in accordance with which
disciplinary measures to be taken, decided and
(;1 «1'tm-t- "'~'» "'lI\T f1't.Tf-*'J' OO"}1P-"f
lll\~/.\an f°!.J'()+~.(-{..m-' 1'tm-t- "'~' 111\0
f°!.(I~oom- OO"}1'(- ~m-l 5/ "Highway" means a road administered and designated
as such by the Ethiopian Roads Authority;
it «fnlJD6T TC''1t-9''» "'lI\T fUlIl1 f"}"7.(-
fOO"}1.(- "'lOOi\f\if +7ihCI]6sP"f") f'}ooTT
fIDCI f~9""}T fD~9" f.,."} ""}:,.()~(). 6/ "Trip Schedule" means yearly, monthly, weekly
f°!.ID()"} .(-/.\.(-/.\ ~m-l or daily program fixed for the movement of
public commercial road transport vehicles;
'tt «f()1JD6T oo()ooc» "'lI\T Olll\~/.\a,~
f°!.ID(I") fUlIl1 f"}"7.(- fOO"}1'(- "'lOOi\1\if
7/ "Route of Operation" means a place of departure
+7ihCI]6sP"f f()1JD6T oo~if'l oo.(-{..7f ~m-l
and destination to be determined by the
Authority where public commercial road
transport vehicles are assigned to operate.
1R' f1f.lifft U.,6A j~+ ;JIL,.,"''I'C n "'''~'0 +"t IllfU 't." Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6fJJAugust, 20005 3183
. h"IrT oo,tJlrtJ.c .
R~"f Yl\~ ClI\'l"1'C , 18/ "Motorcycle" means a 'motor vehicle with less
T7ihctJlr ~~1 than four (4) wheel&,' the weight of which,
exclusive of any side-car attached thereto, does
not, when, unl~d~n exceed four h~dred
Ii11 «f"l&\ rf-7ihCI16» "71\T h6J.1"~T "7ool\I\if
rf-7ihCtJ6 T hCll\'l"rf-C lItahl\.TT hih1l1l
kilogram~; 0'
h~A IM+
f'+~ 'Jlare:;' ql\P' A tIJ'J
~I :"~'ia;reT"} 01\m?~~. O"'ODl\h"'~ The Authority shall have the powers and duties to:
l.) rihll111 ~,)1~T rat1~ 1'7ihcta&sP"f1 t) follow up arid suspend the operation of
t\ ,:"",?()' 0 ooh;r1'1\"'l1 J.':1 vehicles that could affect the safety ofthe
() hh1'qo=J: T6-1...;rCT A1t:\"7l\oT ,;JC
1'II:W~T ,":fm-, Ibl\o"f 1'"7l)6-T g) carry out other activities related to the
"7h'iaJ1 ~ cities' transport services;
IP) h~il"'~ tD1t;""f .7C 0°Y.~1.'" ,,'}.~"'"f d) effect payments in accordance with the
tJ.f\o IlI\'«»Aal~' .etDhltAJ approved budget and work program of the
I.) f'1l1\,«»Aal~' ,oo:r'e f',«»~ h~""r~
f'Y.Ptl1 !,;rCT hll.7~'" 1\°Y.\.il_:t~ e) represent the Authority in all its
J'+CI1A:: dealings with third parties;
rql\p'~nl~ OJ!T hOth+f\.T ~,ua-"f r+~nlnl The budget of the Authority shall be drawn
y,11'~AI from the following sources:
If. f';h1l'fL~'8J1: f'.0II".f:. .,0II.,.1\2( Fir "'1\""~1: 12. Undertaking Public Commercial
Road Transport Activities
f!1 "'I,t;~~ '7l\fll1 IDY,~ 0;h'7 OOlPl.T 11 Any individual or an enterprise established
r+**oo 1:C~T Oih1l11 r''71: roo'11: in accordance with the law may engage in
0I/00.,.1\i'f P'1r It.lP"'Ilr y,"f"'~:: public commercial road transport.
II Oih1l11 r''71: roo'11: "'I004\1\i'f P'1r .,..e 21 Persons and enterprises, licensed to engage
1\00 lP"'Ilr T L~1: r+flnl:f~ flsP"f~ in public commercial road transport, may
1:C~"'"f Olf.U ~'P~ ~'+1\' Ir OOlPl.T carry out their activities either by
rot**~ "'I~OC ~q~ 00011" P'1r:f~' becoming members of associations to be
t\..ft)'l~ 1D.e~ r"'l'10C ~qA "'.ell'~ established in accordance with Article 13
FIr:f~' 0'7"':f~ It..f"'l~ .e"f.,.f\.:: of this Proclamation or on their own
without becoming members of any
AI 0,},1I11 r''71: rOO"1: "'I00.,.1\i'f P'1r ".e, 1/ Persons and enterprises engaged in public
r+lP"'I~ flsP"f~ 1:C~"'"f rih1l11 r''71: commercial road transport may establish
rOO'11: "'100"1\i'f "'I~OC 1t..f*cIlno-~ ~q~ and join public commercial road transport
1t.11'~ .e"f"f\.:: associations.
II 000'11: TIr,n:rCT .~1~'7l\-T ~f:1:C 21 The Authority shall, in order to ensure the
oo ~, 1\"'Il.;111' 0~'1: "'IUOC rOt:1' provision of competitive road' transport
+f.T' r~q"T 1111T ql\p'~nl~ .elDn~~:: services, determine the number of
members that may join an association.
i"1ur'lO ~U\ ;J&+ ;",.", "''I'C !l~ u.J +'t IflfB ...,. Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6th August. 20005 3194
rl ('If.U Jr,J+1l ,0-/1 "'+1l (I) .(-,..,... 3/ Subject to the provisions of Sub-Article (2) of
A, ~ +mO + 11'':" II'/,r-;tD-~ II'/-)OC 011'/-)0 this Article, any association shall be obliged to
"'" accept the membership of any person or
oo~~~&.f ~'11 ('+ooAh-l:.}-' IJ.~~$PT
('Ot.f"X 1\ 11'':" ('+'r'jtD-, 1I'/,r-;tD-'~ Oih1l11 enterprise engaged in public commercial road
transport provided. that such person or
(""1.(" ('00'1.(" 1I'/00l\Aif ~I,. I\,e ('+"'11'/1,.
enterprise satisfies the requirements of
(atD- 1D,e~ .("Cj!..}- O"IlA~.}- ('oo+OA membership as provided for in the statutes of
"I~~ "AO.}-:: the association.
0"'.(" 1.n. 0"'.(" ('~~&.}- oo/ldbC tJJ-/l1' more than one associationat a time.
h"'.(" Ol\,e Oll'~ 1I'/101,..}- tD-/l1' "IlA
"-II" ",eTA~::
5/ The Authority shall issue model statutes of
(;1 IlA~An,~ ('11'/-)01,.:"', ""~A oo+~~&.f associations.
~'11 .flDn'A::
"' 14. Applicable Laws
Xg. "'L""t~.}- ('Dt,':"I..tD- ih"7
The provisions of Article 404-482 of the Civil Code
Ot;:.}-m 11th.C ih"l shall, in so far as they are not inconsistent with the
h"'+1l gfg-filitl provisions of this Proclamation, apply to public
('+00 Ah-l:.}- .(", "''''$PT hlf.U "" j!. ;JC
commercial roa<i.transport associations; provided,
A/lt)A + :I' I..~ .(-1../1 Oih1l11 (,'''1.('' ('00'1.(" however, that.. all responsibiliti~s IiSsigned to the
II'/ool\t\if II'/-)OC"TI\,e +L'I°t ,ell'~ft.l ,II'':"~ Ministry of Justice and the Office of Associations
0~1f.1J. .("'..,"'$PT At;:.}-ih °t~/li:C~ A"7-)OC"T by said provisions are, with respect to such
1lihL.}- o..}- ('+(amtD- ;)I\~~.}- 11'/-)01,.-1:' associations, hereby transferred to the Authority.
ootooAh.}- OIf.U "",j!. AIlA~An,~ +I\Ae:"A::
15. Registration of Associations
Xli'. /It\II'/~OI,.+ ~1f'l1l
1/ Every association shall, promptly upon its
~I II'/~TtD-~ II'/-)OC A'~+**oo 1D-'l.ftD-~ establishment, submit to the Authority an
(,~1I11l 1I'/00Ah;J=tD-, hll'/-)O"," oo+~~&.f application of registration together with its
~'11 ;JC ".f,ell AqA~Afll~ 11'/:"1..11 statutes.
"AO.}-: :
2/ When an application of registration is
II AIlA~An,~ (',,"'11111 II'/ODAh;J= I\+C11A.}-1 submitted to it, the Authority shall, upon
ascertaining that:
0) (,11'/-)0"," oo+~~&.f
a) the statutes are consistent with the
~'11 ih"l'~ law and model statutes issued by it;
IlA~An,~ J'lDn,tD-, ""~A oo+~~&.f
~'11 ('+h+1\ ooll'~' T
fl.1 fhAA o.~sPTT f4."&.ACj fhAA ;rl\1I 2/ ~e State Bureapx, Federal and State Police
110t 7fliT T ftJ1I1I f')"~foo')1~ ~ool\i\?f Commissions; public, commercial road transport
~UO&.T T .,i\(rllT ACj h,,/to T ~C~.y.T associations, individuals arid oilier. organizations
l1i\FAnl~ OOt.f'fDnllD-oooo&.f' oolP{.T shall submit or transfer the necessary information
hT&.')fl;rCT ;JC f+.f'.f'u 1\IILI\'l."'"') 00{.1{ in relation to transportas per t~e directivesto be
0(1);"-1: ~:,. ('11 fD"'r ~II+I\ i\t;: 1\i\l1:fID-:: issued by the Authority. '
Ill. - om1l"" f').,.it" 'oo~..~ .,oal\l\?&,p&. I\,e 19. Obligations of Persons and Enterprises Engaged
'+lP"~ (r1P"f-~ .it"C)!."'''f- .,1..;1- in Public Commercial Road Transport ,-
0c"h1l1l f,)"~ 'oo')..~ ~ool\i\?f P&' 1\" Persons and enterprises engaged in public
f+lP~~ (rsPTCj ~C~.y.T 1Ii\00')1~
commercial road transport'"shall observe laws,
T&.')II;rCT ffDtn-T') ,
1\tp}(TT "')IITCj regulations and directives issued relating to road
00006.f'sPT "'IhOC 1\i\l1:fID-:: transport.
r. /lI\-II:fr;: 001l.,."f-'I' ID-it-"f- 20. Exclusive Rights and Contracts
il l1i\PAnl~ 1\IILI\'l. tfli 1\.f'1"'j1D- O'~i\'r 11The Authority may, where it finds it necessary, issue
1\+t;:Cj 01\1C 1\~&.6£b fc"h1l1l f,)"~ ,00')1~ directives that enable the granting of exclusive or
"'Iool\i\?f P&' 1\" i\+lP"'I~ ()sPTT ~C~.y.T restricted franchises to persons, associations or
fD,,9" "'IU{)&'Tf+{.;J1m 10. ,Ot.f'11-{)T') organizations enga.ged in cr9ss-country and
. international commercial road transport within a
1J.~;1- 'JOoot;:mc fc"h1l1l f,)"~ ,00')1~
view to encouraging investors to engage in the
"'I!I"Ai ?f 1\1A , I\oT ()"'I.f'11-fD"'r 0t provision of public commercial road transport to
l1Atf~q:f1D- oolloo~T A')"l(r~ i\"'IO{.;1-;1-T
localities where there is no such ~rviCeor where it is
1I:fr;: fD,,'r f+fD(r~ 0IJ1I.y.T i\oolimT inadequate.
fOt.f'flTA 00006.f' .f'fDnlA::
II fft.U 1\CP~ 1:');J1.sPT "'I1~~9" 1\1I"'i=S 2/ Nothing herein contained shall, be deemed to
fc"h1l1l '').,~ foo')1~ "'Iool\i\?f P&' prohibit or restrict the right of any shipper to
'OtlP~ (rsPTfD,,'r ~C~.y.T ;JC 1I:f~ ,conclude exclusive contracts of carriage with
''''I=i=i"lf ID-A f"'l ~ (. ., 0011-1:') ''''11 ~ any person or enterprise engaged in public
fD,,'r ,001~11 ID-tn.T 1\J'.,t;&.:fID-'r:: '
commercial road ~ansport.
il ft;:T~T fD(r~ {)()'T hI' h./to "ITC 11 No vehicle, except special mobile equipment with a
h"'l"{)AT A~ +')+",:t-7f oolt6.f' OIl++CT maximum speed of less than 20k.m per hour,
shall be driven or operated on any road unless said
vehicle: '
II f".4.h "OIJ h.,.", fT~'h?"CT IJAP'AIIJ't; 2/ The rights and obligations of the Addis Ababa
f.t't:..-s... h.,.", fT~'h?"CT ""~'f8. OD-II City Transport Authority and the Dire Dawa
Tt; "1.?fP"f' 'Off.U AIJAp'AIIJ~ Transport Agency are hereby transferred to
"'I\A~"A] fIJAp'AIIJ~ iftc,-.t;: W/fL"'T the Autho~ty, and they shall be organized as
t1~m-,. ~~~Jfl\.:: branch offices of the Authrotiy.
iii 0",,:6 eIITC Ii/IBfiti ODIP~T f"'~~DIh 11 Associations established pursuant to . Proclamation
"'UO~T Off.U ",,:6 A'~"'~~DIh "'4'1'~m- No. 14/1992 shall be considered as being
P'~:fm-, ~+TI\I\.:: established by this Proclamation and shall
continue their activities.
II hAA8"f f~:fm-, .,., Ahh.J'ID, .t'~h fff.U 2/ Until the States issue their own law the
",,:6 .t"?"'fP"f T~'h?"CT ~h Ot1~T privisions of this Proclamation shall apply to
s,. T I\~ OhAA-T m-hT .,.~ '''t~T the States in the affairs related to transport,
28. Power to Issue Regulations
II. ~"}.,. ,.,m-IIJ+ p'AIIJ"J
The Council of Ministers may issue Regulations
~U, ""~ O".,IJIJ.. P'~ et~ A","A for the proper implementation of this
f"t~hTC""f ,.hC" fLT ~'-II f",m-IIJT P'AIIJ' Proclamation.
29. Penality
Any person who violates the provisions of this
~IJ' 1\,,:6t; Off.U1\,,:6 ODIP~T flD, ~'''T' Proclamation and Regulations issued hereunder
f"'I\A~ ..",/m-,. (am- OID'~A ih., ODIP~T shall be punishable in accordance with the Penal
~+IIJA:: Code.
1..,-1,.1\ .?~+ .?rt.'" .1'C !l~ .h9"A. q) +'J .nlfB 't.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. .58 6thAugust, 20005 3199
~"" i:1tilf1U
.,., Iif1i '.r ~rC' This Proclamation shall enter into force on the
.eu l't'P~ hm9"t\. 0 6thday of August, 2005.
rfJ~ .e1f~1:\::