Federal Laws of Ethiopia
Federal Laws of Ethiopia
Federal Laws of Ethiopia
1987/1995 Proclamations
Reg No. 4-1996 The Ethiopian Health and Nutrition ResearchReg No.5-1996 International
Institute for Peace and Development
Reg No. 6-1996 Customs Tariffs Council of Ministers (Amendment
Proc No. 139- 1998 Agreement for the Amendment of the Agreement
Proc No. 181-1999 Transfer of the Monopoly Right of the National Tobacco enterprise (Ethiopia) share company
Proc No. 183-1999 Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of investment with the republic of Yemen
Proc No. 185-1999 Ethio-Yemen Export Promotion Agencies Technical cooperation Agreement Ratification
Proc No. 187-1999 Proclamation to make the Electoral Law of Conform with the Constitution of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (Amendment)
Proc No. 191-2000 Ethio-Libya Economic, Scientific, Cultural and technical Cooperation Agreement Ratification
Proc No. 192-2000 Basel Convention on the Control of the Transboundry Movements of Hazardous Wastes and
their Disp~sa1 Ratification
Proc No. 196-2000 Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern
Proc No. 217-2000 Strengthening of the Management and Administration of school administration
Reg No. 65-2000 Federal Courts Advocates’ License, Examination and Registration
Proc No. 183-1999 Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of investment with the republic of Yemen (116 kB)
Proc No. 181-1999 Transfer of the Monopoly Right of the National Tobacco enterprise (Ethiopia) share
company (119 kB)
Proc No. 182-1999 Privatization of Public Enterprises (Amendment) (140 kB)
Proc No. 183-1999 Ethio - Yemen Export Promotion Agencies Technical Cooperation Agreement Ratification
Proclamation (116 kB)
Proc No. 184-1999 Ethio-Yemen Industrial Cooperation Agreement (98 kB)
Proc No. 185-1999 Ethio-Yemen Export Promotion Agencies Technical cooperation Agreement Ratification (109 kB)
Proc No. 186-1999 Ethio-Yemen Agreement on Culture Ratification (76 kB)
Proc No. 187-1999 Proclamation to make the Electoral Law of Conform with the Constitution of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (Amendment) (83 kB)
Proc No. 188-1999 Federal Courts of Sharia Consolidation (628 kB)
Proc No. 190-1999 Public Servants' Pension (Amendment) (140 kB)
Proc No. 191-2000 Ethio-Libya Economic, Scientific, Cultural and technical Cooperation Agreement
Ratification (124 kB)
Proc No. 192-2000 Basel Convention on the Control of the Transboundry Movements of Hazardous Wastes and
their Disp~sa1 Ratification (125 kB)
Proc No. 193-2000 Property Mortgaged or Pledged with Banks (95 kB)
Proc No. 194-2000 Geological Survey of Ethiopia Establishment (376 kB)
Proc No. 195-2000 Ethio-Cuba Economic, Scientific and Technical (113 kB)
Proc No. 196-2000 Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern (107 kB)
Proc No. 197-2000 Ethiopian Water Resources Management (2 MB)
Proc No. 198-2000 Animal, Animal products_ and By-Products (153 kB)
Proc No. 199-2000 Federal Courts Advocates' Licensing and Registration (2 MB)
Proc No. 200-2000 Public Health proclamation (822 kB)
Proc No. 203-2000 OPEC Fund for International Development (116 kB)
Proc No. 204-2000 OPEC Fund for International Development (128 kB)
Proc No. 205-2000 Ethio-Russia Economic, Scientific and Technical (112 kB)
Proc No. 206-2000 Seed proclamation (2 MB)
Proc No. 207-2000 Federal Police (652 kB)
Proc No. 208-2000 Board of Trustee for Public Enterprises (589 kB)
Proc No. 209-2000 Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (2 MB)
Proc No. 210-2000 Ethiopian Human Rights Commission Establishment (2 MB)
Proc No. 211-2000 Institution of the Ombudsman Establishment (1004 kB)
Proc No. 212-2000 National Disaster Prevention and Preparedness (458 kB)
Proc No. 214-2000 Investments Promotion and Reciprocal Protection (106 kB)
Proc NO. 215-2000 Ethio-Russia Trade Agreement Ratification (100 kB)
Proc No. 216-2000 Property Mortgaged or Pledged with Banks (96 kB)
Proc No. 217-2000 Strengthening of the Management and Adminstration of school administration (187 kB)
Proc No. 218-2000 Medical Practitioners Registration (Repealing) (65 kB)
Reg No. 57-1999 Federal Court Advocates' Code of Conduct Conduct (2 MB)
Reg No. 58-1999 Ethiopian Grain Trade Enterprise Re-establishment (153 kB)
Reg No. 59-1999 Payment of Sur- Tax on Import Goods (107 kB)
Reg No. 60-1999 Bahir Oar University Establishment (462 kB)
Reg No. 61-1999 Mekelle University Establishment (772 kB)
Reg No. 62-1998 Debub University establishment (449 kB)
Reg No. 63-1999 Jimma University Establishment (455 kB)
Reg no. 64-1999 Council of Ministers Financial (Amendment) (98 kB)
Reg No. 65-2000 Federal Courts Advocates' License, Examination and Registration (111 kB)
Reg No. 66-2000 Film shooting permit (322 kB)
Reg No. 67-2000 Emergency Food Security Reserve Administration (657 kB
Proclamation No. 220/2000 Investments Promotion and Reciprocal Protection Agreement with
the Government of the Republic of the Sudan Ratification Proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 222/2000 The Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement with the
Government of the Hellenic Republic Ratification
Proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 223/2000 Agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation for the
Avoidance of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital Ratification
Proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 225/2000 Peace Agreement between the Government of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Government of the State of Eritrea Ratification
Proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 246/2001 Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development Loan Agreement for
Financing the Addis Ababa Inter-national Airport Project Ratification
Proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 251/2001 Consolidation of the H0use of the Federation and the Definition of
its Powers and Responsibilities Proclamation DOWNLOAD
Reg No. 77-2002 Federal Civil Servants Disciplinary and Grievance procedure
Proclamation No. 419-2004 The (1997 E.C.) Federal Government Budget Proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 418 A Proclamation to ratify the budget for an inquiry commission to investigate the incidence
occurred in Gambella regional state on December 13, 2003 DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 417 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement on the reciprocal promotion and protection of
investment between the governments of federal democratic republic of Ethiopia and the republic of
Proclamation No. 415 A Proclamation to provide for the establishment of the sugar industry development
Proclamation No. 413 A Proclamation to amend the quality and standards authority of Ethiopia establishment
proclamation DOWNLOAD
ProclaD1ation No. 414/2004 THE CRIMINAL CODE OF The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Proclamation No. 412 A Proclamation to provide for the establishment of the privatization and public enterprises
supervising authority DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 411 A Proclamation to amend the reorganization of the executive organization of the federal
democratic republic of Ethiopia proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 410 A Proclamation to protect copyright and neighboring rights DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 408 A Proclamation to amend the Addis Ababa city government revised charter
proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 407 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement establishing the Sana forum for cooperation
Proclamation No. 406 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement signed on the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investments with the great socialist people’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 405 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement on the reciprocal encouragement and protection of
investments with the government of the republic France DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 404 A Proclamation to ratify the treaty signed on the reciprocal encouragement and protection of
investments with the federal Republic of Germany DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 403 A proclamation to ratify the agreement between the government of the federal democratic
republic of Ethiopia and the government of the Republic of the Sudan on cooperation’ in the field of
culture DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 400 A Proclamation to ratify the loan agreement between the federal democratic republic of
Ethiopia and me Arab bank for economic development in Africa DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 399 A Proclamation to ratify the air transport services agreement between the federal democratic
republic of Ethiopia and the government of Burkinafaso DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 398 A Proclamation to provide for the establishment of an inquiry commission to investigate the
conflict occurred in Gambela Regional state on December 13, 2003 DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 397 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement between the government of the federal democratic
republic of Ethiopia and the government of the people’s democratic republic of Algeria on the reciprocal promotion
and protection of investments DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 396 A Proclamation to ratify the protocol for the Inter-parliamentary union of IGAD member
Proclamation No. 395 A Proclamation to provide for the procedure of granting pardon DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 394 A Proclamation to ratify the protocol relating to the fund for cooperation compensation and
development of the common market for eastern and southern Africa DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 393 Proclamation to ratify the air transport services agreement between the federal democratic
republic of Ethiopia and the government of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 392 A Proclamation to ratify the bilateral air services agreement between the Federal democratic
republic of Ethiopia and the republic of Yemen DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 391 Proclamation to provide for the organization of a technical and vocational education and
training system DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 390 A Proclamation to repeal the agricultural mechanization services corporation
establishment DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 389 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement on promotion and reciprocal protection of investment
with the state of Israel DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 388 A Proclamation to ratify the treaty on encouragement and reciprocal protection of investment
between the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia and the kingdom of the Netherlands DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 387 A Proclamation to ratify the loan agreement between the federal democratic republic of
Ethiopia and the international fund for agricultural development DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 386 A Proclamation to ratify the loan agreement between the federal democratic republic of
Ethiopia and the African development fund DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 385 A Proclamation to ratify the loan agreement between the federal democratic republic of
Ethiopia and the African development fund DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 383 A Proclamation to amend the disaster prevention and preparedness commission establishment
proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 382 A Proclamation to amend the Ethiopian agricultural research organization establishment
proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 381 A Proclamation to amend the institute of biodiversity conservation and research establishment
proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 380-2003 A Proclamation to amend the reorganization of the executive organs of the federal
democratic republic of Ethiopia proclamation DOWNLOADS
Proclamation No. 379-2003 A Proclamation for the ratification of the amendment to article vi of the statute of the
international atomic energy agency DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 378/2003 a proclamation on Ethiopian Nationality DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 376/2003 a proclamation to amend the commercial registration and business licensing
proclamation DOWNLOAD
Proclamations No. 375/2003 a proclamation to amend the investment re-enactment proclamation No. 280/2002
Proclamation No. 374-2003 A Proclamation to ratify the convention on the means of prohibiting and preventing the
illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 373-2003A Proclamation to accede the convention for the protection of cultural property in the
event of armed conflict and its first protocol DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 372/2003 proclamation to provide for a warehouse receipts system DOWNLOAD
Proclamation No. 371/2003 a proclamation to ratify the convention on international interests in mobile equipment
and the protocol to the convention on matters specific to aircraft equipment DOWNLOAD
Proc no.470
Proc no. 471-2005 Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs
Proc No. 482 -2006 Access to Genetic Resources and Community Knowledge
Proc No. 484-2006 Convention For the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural heritage ratification
Proc No. 503-1998 Repeal of the Amended HPR Working Procedure and Members Code of Conduct
Proc No. 503-1998 Repeal of the Amended HPR Working Procedure and Members Code of Conduct
Proc no. 598-2008 2001 Fiscal Year Federal Government Budget Proclamation
Proc no. 649-2009 The Ethiopian Federal Government Procurement and property administration
Proc no. 653-2009 Rights and Benefits of Outgoing Heads of State and
Proclamation No. 717 Export Import Bank of China Loan Agreements to Provide Loan for Financing the Gibe III
Proclamation No. 713 Charter for the Cultural Renaissance of Africa Ratification
Proc No 712 OPEC Fund for International Development Fund Loan Agreement
Proclamation No. 711 Export Import Bank of India Credit Line Agreement to Provide Additional Loan for
Financing Projects for the Development
Proclamation No. 710 Agreement Between the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the
Government of the Republic of Gabon
Proclamation No. 709 Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention Ratification
Proclamation No. 704 2003 Fiscal Year Federal Government Supplementary Budget
Proclamation No. 703 Amendments of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund Ratification
Proclamation No. 702 OPEC Fund for International Development Loan Agreement
Proclamation No. 701 Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa Loan Agreement
Proclamation No. 697 2010 Export Import Bank of India Credit Line Agreement
Proclamation No. 696 2010 Export Import Bank of China Credit Agreement
Proclamation No. 692 2010 Sports Commission Establishment Proclamation (278 kB)
Proclamation No. 693 2010 Income Tax (Amendment) Proclamation (162 kB)
Proclamation No. 694 2010 International Development Association Financing Agreement (145 kB)
Proclamation No. 695 2010 International Development Association Financing Agreement (149 kB)
Proclamation No. 696 2010 Export Import Bank of China Credit Agreement (148 kB)
Proclamation No. 697 2010 Export Import Bank of India Credit Line Agreement (147 kB)
Proclamation No. 698 African Development Fund Additional Loan Agreement (148 kB)
Proclamation No. 699 Protection of Witnesses and Whistleblowers of Criminal offenses (297 kB)
Proclamation No. 700 Saudi Fund for Development Loan Agreement (147 kB)
Proclamation No. 701 Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa Loan Agreement (146 kB)
Proclamation No. 702 OPEC Fund for International Development Loan Agreement (162 kB)
Proclamation No. 703 Amendments of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund Ratification
Proclamation (142 kB)
Proclamation No. 704 2003 Fiscal Year Federal Government Supplementary Budget (142 kB)
Proclamation No. 705 African Development Fund Loan Agreement (147 kB)
Proclamation No. 706 International Development Association Additional Financing (148 kB)
Proclamation No. 707 African Telecommunications Union Constitution and (159 kB)
Proclamation No. 708 Ethiopian Women’s Development Fund Dissolution(136 kB)
Proclamation No. 709 Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention Ratification
Proclamation (143 kB)
Proclamation No. 712 OPEC Fund for International Development Fund Loan Agreement for Financing the Energy
Access Project Ratification (148 kB)
Proclamation No. 713 Charter for the Cultural Renaissance of Africa Ratification (139 kB)
Proclamation No. 714 Public Servants’ Pension Proclamation (549 kB)
Proclamation No. 715 Private Organization Employees Pension Proclamation(551 kB)
Proclamation No. 717 Export Import Bank of China Loan Agreements to Provide Loan for Financing the Gibe
III (165 kB)
Proclamation No. 718 National Payment System Proclamation (349 kB)
2004BudgetProclamation(Part I) (146 kB)
Proc No 712 OPEC Fund for International Development Fund Loan Agreement(148 kB)
Proclamation No.732/2012 IGAD Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ratification
Proclamation No.734/2012 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism Ratification
Proclamation No.735/2012 Protocol Against the Illicit Manufacturing of andTrafficking in Firearms, their Parts and
Components and Ammunition Ratification Proclamation
Proclamation No.736/2012 Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air Ratification
Proclamation No. 737/2012 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women
and Children Ratification Proclamation
Proclamation No.738/2012 2004 E.C Fiscal Year Federal Government Supplementary Budget
Proclamation No.739/2012 African Development Fund Loan Agreement for Financing Hawassa-Agere Mariam
Road Project Ratification Proclamation
Proclamation No.740/2012 African Development Fund Loan Agreement for Financing Bedele-Metu Road
Upgrading Project Ratification Proclamation
Proclamation No.741/2012 International Fund for Agricultural Development Loan Agreement for Financing Rural
Financial Intermediation Program II Ratification Proclamation
Proclamation No. 742/2012 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Ratification Proclamation
Proclamation No. 743/2012 Revised African Maritime Transport Charter Ratification Proclamation
Proclamation No.744/2012 Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Government of
the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Government of the People’s Republic of China
Proclamation No.745/2012 Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Government of
the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Government of the Republic of Korea Ratification
Proclamation No. 810-2013 energy proclamation Proclamation No. 811-2013 truck demurage proclamation
Proclamation No. 833-2014 Export-Import Bank of China Loan Agreement for Financing
Proclamation No. 840 pardo procedureProclamation No. 842-2014 Pan-African Agency Convention
Proclamation No. 812-2013 (949 kB)
Proclamation No. 814-2013Raw Hides and Skins Marketing proclamation (4 MB)
Proclamation No. 815-2013 (844 kB)
Proclamation No. 818-2014 (7 MB)
Proclamation No. 819-2014 Live Animals Marketing proclamation (5 MB)
Proclamation No. 820-2014 (2 MB)
Proclamation No. 821-2014 (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 822-2014 (2 MB)
Proclamation No. 823-2014 (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 824-2014 (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 825-2014 (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 826-2014 (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 827-2014 (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 828-2014 (2 MB)
Proclamation No. 829-2014 (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 830-2014 (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 831-2014 Government of the Republic of Poland Credit Agreement (862 kB)
Proclamation No. 833-2014 Export-Import Bank of China Loan Agreement for Financing (912 kB)
Proclamation No. 834-2014 International Fund for Agricultural Development Financing (893 kB)
Proclamation No. 835-2014 International Development Association Financing (873 kB)
Proclamation No. 808-2013 information network security agency (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 810-2013 energy proclamation (6 MB)
Proclamation No. 811-2013 truck demurage proclamation (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 836-2014 Special Status Agreement (335 kB)
Proclamation No. 837-2014 Trade Agreement (337 kB)
Proclamation No. 838 petrolium supply operation (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 839-20 14 Classification of Cultural Heritage (2 MB)
Proclamation No. 840 pardo procedure (3 MB)
Proclamation No. 842-2014 Pan-African Agency Convention (343 kB)
Proclamation No. 843-2014 Toll Roads Proclamation (632 kB)
Proclamation No. 844-2014 Agence Francaise De Developpement (368 kB)
Proclamation No. 845-2014 Agency Francaise De Developpement credit (349 kB)
Proclamation No. 846-2014 International Development Association (362 kB)
Proclamation No. 847-20 14 Financial Reporting (8 MB)
Proclamation No. 848-2014 International Development Association (361 kB)
Proclamation No. 849-2014 Investment (Amendment) (846 kB)
Proclamation No. 850-2014 International Development Association (359 kB)
Proclamation No. 851-2014 OPEC Fund for International Developmen (322 kB)
Proclamation No. 852-2014 Arab Bank for Economic Development (342 kB)
Proclamation No. 853-2014 International Development Association (349 kB)
Proclamation No. 854-2014 Export-Import bank of China Loan (380 kB)
Proclamation No. 855-2014 Export-Import Bank of Korea (361 kB)
Proclamation No. 856-2014 Water Supply Agreement with Djibouti (309 kB)
Proclamation No. 857-2014 Federal Integrated Infrastructure (2 MB)
Proclamation No. 858 broadcastong corporation (2 MB)
Proclamation No. 859-2014 Customs Proclamation (16 MB)
Proclamation No. 860-2014 International Development Association (277 kB)
Proclamation No. 861-2014 Higher Education (Amendment) (245 kB)
Proclamation No. 863-2014 Flag (Amendment) (284 kB)
813_2013 Trade Competition and Consumers Protection (27 MB)
Proclamation No. 869-2014 The Ecooomic, Trade, Cultural and Technical Cooperation Agreement
Proclamation No. 901-2015 The Agreement on the Establishment of Joint Ministerial Commission
Proclamation No. 902-2015 Registration of Vital Events and National Identity Card (Amendment)
Proclamation No. 902-2015 Registration of Vital Events and National Identity Card
Proclamation No. 905-2015 The Governmenl of the Republic of Poland Credit Agreement
Proclamation No. 913-2015 Kuwait Fund for Economic Development Loan Agreement