Legislation On Joint Ventures in Ethiopia
Legislation On Joint Ventures in Ethiopia
Legislation On Joint Ventures in Ethiopia
Joint ventures in Ethiopia are addressed by three separate legal frameworks; the 1960
Commercial Code, the Investment Proclamation no. 280/2002 and the Public Enterprises
Privatization Proclamation no. 146/1991 (with its amendment Proclamation no. 182/1992)
The 1960 Commercial Code defines a joint venture as a contractual agreement rather than a
business undertaking. However, it also provides that a joint venture is subject to the general
principles of law relating to partnerships which invokes the finding that it’s not just a mere
contractual agreement. In addition, article 212 lists joint venture as one of the six forms of
business organizations.
The code contains distinct regulatory features for joint ventures. They include;
The proclamation also provides for the minimum capital requirements for foreign investors. The
minimum capital required of a foreign investor jointly investing with a domestic investor shall be
Article 272 (3) the 1960 Commercial Code.
Article 214 the 1960 Commercial Code.
Article 272 (1) the 1960 Commercial Code.
Article 273 the 1960 Commercial Code.
Article 275 the 1960 Commercial Code
Article 10 (1) The investment proclamation No. 1180/ 2020
USD 150,000.7 This is significantly less than the required investment amount of any foreigner
seeking to invest in the country under the provisions of the proclamation.
The proclamation also re-establishes the Ethiopian Investment Board as an autonomous Federal
Government Agency having its own legal personality and accountable to the prime minister. One
of its objectives is to promote existing investment opportunities by preparing materials on same
and provide up on request, link-up services for participants of joint investment. 9 The board shall
decide in consultation with the relevant public and private sector stakeholders, to open to foreign
investors those investment areas reserved for joint investment with the government, or to
domestic investors, or for joint investment between domestic and foreign investors
Article 9 (1) The investment proclamation No. 1180/ 2020
Article 9 (3) The investment proclamation No. 1180/ 2020
Article 38 (6) The investment proclamation No. 1180/ 2020