This document provides the answer key to an online quiz for Psych-ED 2019. It lists 51 multiple choice questions from the quiz and their corresponding answers. The questions cover topics in various areas of psychology including perspectives, memory, psychopathology, psychotherapy, psychodynamic theory, research methods, learning, cognition, and more. The purpose of the quiz was to test students' knowledge of key concepts across the field of psychology.
This document provides the answer key to an online quiz for Psych-ED 2019. It lists 51 multiple choice questions from the quiz and their corresponding answers. The questions cover topics in various areas of psychology including perspectives, memory, psychopathology, psychotherapy, psychodynamic theory, research methods, learning, cognition, and more. The purpose of the quiz was to test students' knowledge of key concepts across the field of psychology.
This document provides the answer key to an online quiz for Psych-ED 2019. It lists 51 multiple choice questions from the quiz and their corresponding answers. The questions cover topics in various areas of psychology including perspectives, memory, psychopathology, psychotherapy, psychodynamic theory, research methods, learning, cognition, and more. The purpose of the quiz was to test students' knowledge of key concepts across the field of psychology.
This document provides the answer key to an online quiz for Psych-ED 2019. It lists 51 multiple choice questions from the quiz and their corresponding answers. The questions cover topics in various areas of psychology including perspectives, memory, psychopathology, psychotherapy, psychodynamic theory, research methods, learning, cognition, and more. The purpose of the quiz was to test students' knowledge of key concepts across the field of psychology.
(Please note, the order in which the questions were presented to each school were randomized during the quiz. The questions below therefore might follow a different order from the one your school attempted. The questions, however, were the same for each team)
1. Which of the following focuses on free will and self-actualization?
Answer: Humanistic perspective 2. The memory of our first day at school is an example of which type of memory? Answer: Episodic memory 3. Low mood, lack of interest and energy, and loss of concentration are common symptoms of which of the following? Answer: Depression A platform to promote psycho-social health and well-being of school aged children. 4. In psychotherapy, if a patient avoids talking This program is dedicated to providing about a certain topic, it is known as? Answer: state of the art therapeutic, preventive and Resistance rehabilitative services with specialised life 5. According to Freud, the Oedipus complex would skills-based initiatives for children and occur in which stage? adolescents. Answer: Phallic As part of this initiative, we carry out 6. According to Freud's model of the psyche, the workshops and intervention programs for _________ is the primitive and instinctual part of students, parents, school counsellors and the mind that contains aggressive drives. educationists. Answer: Id 7. Smokers often refuse to admit to themselves that smoking is bad for health. This is an example of which of the following? Answer: Denial 8. V feels anxious about starting at a new school and so she starts sucking her thumb, a habit she had given up years ago. This is an example of which of the following defense mechanisms? Answer: Regression 9. A person believes that women are bad drivers. Each time he sees a woman driving badly he always notices it. However, he tends to ignore all the times that men drive badly. This illustrates ____________. Answer: Confirmation bias 10. We tend to attribute our own behaviour to environmental causes, whereas we attribute another’s behaviour to certain personality traits. This is called the _____________. Answer: Actor-observer bias 11. A 3yr-old boy gave his mother a racing car for her birthday present. He was unable to realize that, from his mother's perspective, she might not enjoy the car as much as he would. This demonstrates which of the following concepts? Answer: Egocentrism 12. Adolf Eichmann was executed for his part in organizing the Holocaust, including planning, collection, transportation and extermination of those to be killed. At his trial, Eichmann claimed that he had merely obeyed orders. In his jail diary, he wrote 'The orders were, for me, the highest thing in my life and I had to obey them without question'. Following this, which famous psychologist devised an experiment to study whether Eichmann and many others were just following orders? Answer: Stanley Milgram 13. The psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg would be associated with which of the following? Answer: Moral development 14. Congruence is the most important attribute in counseling, according to _______. Answer: Carl Rogers 15. Archetype is a terminology associated with _________. Answer: Carl Jung 16. Who wrote the book ‘’Principles of Psychology’’? Answer: William James 17. In Erikson’s crisis of ___________, children are developing a sense of competence and self- esteem. Answer: Industry versus inferiority 18. Type A personality has often been associated with a tendency to get angry and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. However, which of the following is an upside to being a Type A? Answer: Increased productivity 19. The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) is a self-report personality test originally developed by __________. Answer: Raymond Cattell 20. According to Costa & McCrae’s OCEAN model, characteristics such as imagination and insight are characteristic of which trait? Answer: Openness 21. According to George Kelly, each individual is their own personal scientist, who is actively aware of how their own psychological world is constructed and construed. By understanding how the individual perceives the world, we can anticipate how they will behave within it and understand their reactions to events. This is known as __________. Answer: Personal construct theory 22. Albert Bandura suggested that modelling is the basis for a variety of child behaviour. This is also known as ______________. Answer: Observational learning 23. If you experience a racing heart and sweating palms during a science exam, you will probably identify the emotion as anxiety. If you experience the same physical responses on a date with your significant other, you might interpret those responses as love or affection. Which theory of emotion does this example illustrate? Answer: Schachter-Singer Theory 24. The state where the norms of the group take precedence and you lose your sense of identity and personal responsibility is known as__________. Answer: De-individuation 25. When a gene is __________, the trait it controls will be present every time the gene is present. Answer: Dominant 26. As M is walking across campus, a car swerves toward her. Her heart races and sweat breaks out as she jumps out of harm’s way. This mobilization of energy is due to the action of M’s ______________. Answer: Sympathetic nervous system 27. After a research study is over, the participant should be able to discuss the procedure and findings with the psychologist. They must be given a general idea of what the researcher was investigating and why, and their part in the research. This is known as? Answer: Debriefing 28. Research conducted by watching other people’s behaviour as they go about their normal routine is called? Answer: Naturalistic observation 29. Skinner studied operant conditioning by conducting experiments using animals which he placed in a ______, which was similar to Thorndike’s puzzle box. Answer: Skinner Box 30. _______ refers to neurological changes as a result of learning and experience. Answer: Plasticity 31. In Ellis’ ABC Model, the ‘B’ stands for which of the following? Answer: Belief 32. Which of the following is an important element of CBT? Answer: Setting homework for the patient between sessions 33. The extent to which our behaviour is determined by our biology and genes versus the influence of environmental factors such as home, school and friends is known as the ____________ debate. Answer: Nature vs. Nurture 34. Symptoms such as shakiness, sweating and a fast heart rate, occurring following a reduction in alcohol use after a period of excessive use is known as _________. Answer: Withdrawal 35. A disorienting neuropsychological condition that affects perception such that people may experience distortions in visual perception, for example objects appearing smaller or larger and closer or further away than they are. Answer: Alice in Wonderland Syndrome 36. J is compliant, submissive, talks little and would often be found saying- “I don’t mind…that’s fine….yes alright”. J is likely to have which of the following communication styles? Answer: Passive 37. The “Us vs. Them” theory is better known as? Answer: Social identity theory 38. Rogers identified five characteristics of the fully functioning person. Which of the following is NOT one of the five? Answer: Introversion 39. Cherophobia is known as the fear of ________. Answer: Happiness 40. In the ______ stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS), the person may actually start to feel better. Answer: Resistance 41. Which of the following is a symptom of burnout, the result of excessive and prolonged stress at work? Answer: Dissatisfaction 42. If you have problems storing away new memories, the damage is most likely in the ____ area of the brain. Answer: Hippocampus 43. Which neurotransmitter is associated with the control of the pain response? Answer: Endorphin 44. You are chewing a toffee and after a while it doesn’t taste as strong as it did when you first tasted it. What has happened? Answer: Sensory adaptation 45. Which of the following is NOT a type of extrasensory perception (ESP) ability? Answer: Metacognition 46. G noticed that whenever he used his electric can opener, his cat would come to the kitchen and start drooling and mewing. It is likely that the sound of the can opener has become the _______. Answer: Conditioned stimulus 47. For every ten clothes L folds, his mothers gives him 20 rupees. L is being reinforced according to what schedule? Answer: Fixed ratio 48. While Archimedes was in the bathtub, he noticed the water that his body displaced out of the tub and shouted “Eureka”! This is a famous example of which of the following? Answer: Insight 49. ________ refers to the presence of more than one disorder in the same person. Answer: Comorbidity 50. Which of the following is an example of a specific learning disorder? Answer: Dyslexia 51. A psychological state where a person loses awareness of their identity or other important autobiographical information. They may also engage in some form of unexpected travel and find themselves in a place with no memory of travelling there. Answer: Dissociative fugue 52. According to Gordon Allport, traits that dominate an individual’s entire personality. Answer: Cardinal traits 53. According to Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, which of the following is one of the main components of love? Answer: Commitment 54. Throughout Freud’s career, several individuals he wrote about were never actually his patients. Anna O, for example, was a patient of? Answer: Josef Breuer 55. E has just finished her exam and handed it in. As she walks out of the classroom, she realizes that there were a few points she could have included in her answer. E’s problem is in the memory process of? Answer: Retrieval 56. L is trying to remember the names of the students she just met in her psychology class. These short-term memories will be held in what part of the brain? Answer: Prefrontal cortex 57. According to Ainsworth, the type of attachment demonstrated by a baby who (a) explores the room, (b) gets upset when their mother leaves but is easily soothed, and (c) is happy to see their mother when she returns. Answer: Secure 58. According to Kohlberg, most adolescents are at what stage of morality? Answer: Conventional 59. According to Kubler-Ross, at what stage would a person be if they promise to do everything the doctor says, if the doctor says that the person can live longer? Answer: Bargaining 60. In the _______ reflex, the baby moves its head towards any light touch to its face. Answer: Rooting 61. When a problem is seen as having only one answer, with all lines of thinking leading to that answer, this is known as___________. Answer: Convergent thinking 62. What IQ would Y have with a mental age of 15 and chronological age of 20? Answer: 75 63. According to Sternberg, ‘street smarts’ is otherwise known as __________ intelligence. Answer: Practical 64. J will get a new toy for every A+ grade he gets on his report card. J is receiving which of the following? Answer: Extrinsic motivation 65. The optimal amount of stress needed to promote health and a sense of well-being is called _______. Answer: Eustress 66. Trying to decide between two of your favourite desserts is an example of which of the following type of conflict? Answer: Approach-approach 67. According to behaviourists, personality is _________________. Answer: A set of learned responses 68. In the famous Rorschach Test, people are asked to look at some picture cards. The way they perceive these images is said to reveal aspects of their personality. What are these images made of? Answer: Inkblots 69. When a psychologist administers a test to a participant, they have a tendency to notice only what they expect to notice – a phenomenon known as the observer bias. Which of the following methods would eliminate this observer bias? Answer: Self-report personality inventory 70. Mental patterns that represent what a person believes about certain types of people are called? Answer: Schemas 71. The behavioural component of prejudice is__________. Answer: Discrimination 72. Prosocial behaviour carried out with no expectations of reward is known as _____________. Answer: Altruism 73. The tendency to interpret situations as far more dangerous, harmful or important than they actually are, is known as? Answer: Magnification 74. The branch of psychology that is concerned with the study of behavior in work settings and the application of psychology principles to change work behavior. Answer: Organizational psychology 75. A teacher smiles and compliments students on good performance. This is an example of which of the following? Answer: Positive reinforcement 76. The school of functional psychology would be associated with which of the following? Answer: John Dewey 77. In the context of a psychological interview, MSE stands for? Answer: Mental status examination 78. A technique that is used in counseling and psychotherapy, which requires that the listener fully concentrate, understand, respond to and then remember what is being said. Answer: Active listening 79. According to the Gestalt the principle of ______, we have a tendency to complete figures that are incomplete. Answer: Closure 80. The APA publishes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. APA stands for? Answer: American Psychiatric Association 81. ________ are facial expressions that occur within a fraction of a second and unconsciously display a concealed emotion. Answer: Micro-expressions 82. Which of the following is NOT a compliance technique? Answer: High-push 83. While working on a group project for psychology class, everyone puts in less effort as compared to when they worked on their individual assignments. This is an example of which of the following? Answer: Social loafing 84. The study of progressive changes in behaviour and abilities from conception to death, is known as __________. Answer: Developmental psychology 85. According to Rogers, the __________ self represents the concept of the person we would like to be. Answer: Ideal 86. A ________ is the group of people who take part in an experiment. Answer: Sample 87. The science of behaviour and mental processes is known as? Answer: Psychology 88. Among the following, who does not belong to the behaviourist school of psychology? Answer: Alfred Adler 89. Who established the first psychology laboratory? Answer: Wilhem Wundt 90. Serotonin and dopamine are types of ___________. Answer: Neurotransmitters 91. The central nervous system consists of? Answer: Brain and spinal cord 92. The technique of flooding works by exposing the patient directly to their worst fears. This is commonly used in the treatment of? Answer: Phobias 93. A physiological reaction that is triggered by the release of hormones that prepare your body to either stay and deal with a threat or to run away to safety, also known as the acute stress response. Answer: Fight-flight response 94. _______ is used to describe the experience of feeling or emotion. Answer: Affect 95. In groupthink, members of the group _______________. Answer: Have an illusion of invulnerability 96. Low cortisol leads to risk-taking behaviour, and has also been associated with _______ disorder. Answer: Conduct 97. Vygotsky took a view that a mind emerges as a result of interaction between children and adults, and so is ____________. Answer: Culturally constructed 98. Name a famous book on dream analysis written by Sigmund Freud. Answer: Interpretation of dreams 99. Ron Weasley suffers from arachnophobia. He has a fear of? Answer: Spiders 100. Last year, millions of people started jumping out of their cars and dancing on the roads as a part of the #KikiChallenge. Despite it being unsafe, people wanted to do it because everyone else was doing it too. This is an example of? Bandwagon effect 101. A therapist uses repetitive words and mental images to put you into a trance- like state, where you have heightened focus and concentration. In this state, you usually feel calm and relaxed, and are more open to suggestions. This state is known as? Answer: Hypnosis 102. Globophobia is the fear of? Answer: Balloons 103. In 2019, the World Health Organization announced that the ICD – 11 includes a new disorder, which was? Answer: Gaming disorder 104. Edward Titchener is famous for having coined the word? Answer: Empathy 105. People who feel like they are not measuring up to standards, experience doubt and uncertainty about themselves and have a lack of self-esteem are said to possess? Answer: Inferiority complex 106. In dealing with a problem, a person may overthink the situation. In trying to come up with the ‘perfect’ solution, it may become too late and they may not make a decision at all. This is known as? Answer: Analysis paralysis 107. Which of the following is not a life-skill? Answer: Sympathy 108. According to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which is our most basic need? Answer: Food, water, rest 109. Harvard University conducted the longest study on ‘happiness’ which lasted for 80 years. They found that they key to happiness was? Answer: Close relationships 110. When you look at a train track, you’ll see that the tracks are coming closer together the farther you look. However, these tracks actually run parallel with a constant distance between them. Your observation is an example of an? Answer: Illusion 111. Pick the appropriate term for the generation of individuals who have pressure to support their aging parents as well as their growing children. Answer: Sandwich generation 112. How many people in the world are likely to be affected by a mental or neurological disorder at some point in their lives? Answer: 1 out of 4 113. India performed exceptionally well in the league stage of the tournament, ending up at the top of the leaderboard. Favourites to win, they were unable to play to their full potential in the semi-final and ended up losing the match and getting knocked out of the tournament. Sport psychologists would refer to this phenomenon as a ____________. Answer: Choke 114. A person keeps fearing that there are germs everywhere and washes her hands each time she touches any furniture. As a result, she spends 4-5 hours a day washing her hands and is still not convinced that her hands are clean. Preoccupied by thoughts of hygiene and cleanliness, she is unable to focus on her work. She is likely to be suffering from? Answer: OCD 115. To study the effect of music on concentration, a researcher divided participants into two different groups. Both groups were given a task of solving math problems – one group with music and one without. This is an example of a(n) _______________. Answer: Experiment 116. Which Sherlock Holmes character shares their name with a famous behaviourist, who conducted the Little Albert Experiment? Answer: Dr. John Watson 117. Which hormone is also known as the love hormone? Answer: Oxytocin 118. Which is the most commonly used stimulant drug in the world? Answer: Caffeine 119. Who proposed the Electra Complex? Answer: Carl Jung 120. How long did the Stanford Prison Experiment last? Answer: 6 days 121. Freud developed a topographical model of the mind, where he described the three levels of the REACH US mind- conscious, unconscious and preconscious. What analogy did he use for this model? Answer: Iceberg 122 .In Greek Mythology, this man fell in love with his own reflection in water. Unable to part with the beauty of his own reflection, stared at it till he died. Answer: Narcissus 123. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of? Answer: Long words 124 .A fox sees some grapes on a vine and wants to eat them. He tries to jump up, but cannot reach them because they are too high. When he realizes he will not be able to eat any grapes, the fox becomes disinterested; he tells himself that those grapes were sour and not worth the effort anyway. This is an example of which defense mechanism? Answer: Rationalization 125. Who was the inventor of the first intelligence test? Answer: Alfred Binet
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