Nature Vs Nurture Are Leaders Born or Ma
Nature Vs Nurture Are Leaders Born or Ma
Nature Vs Nurture Are Leaders Born or Ma
With the recent resurgence in popularity of trait theories of leadership, it is timely to consider the
genetic determination of the multiple factors comprising the leadership construct. Individual
differences in personality traits have been found to be moderately to highly heritable, and so it
follows that if there are reliable personality trait differences between leaders and non-leaders,
then there may be a heritable component to these individual differences. Despite this connection
between leadership and personality traits, however, there are no studies of the genetic basis of
leadership using modern behavior genetic methodology. The present study proposes to address the
lack of research in this area by examining the heritability of leadership style, as measured by self-
report psychometric inventories. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), the Leader-
ship Ability Evaluation, and the Adjective Checklist were completed by 247 adult twin pairs
(183 monozygotic and 64 same-sex dizygotic). Results indicated that most of the leadership
dimensions examined in this study are heritable, as are two higher level factors (resembling
transactional and transformational leadership) derived from an obliquely rotated principal
components factors analysis of the MLQ. Univariate analyses suggested that 48% of the variance
in transactional leadership may be explained by additive heritability, and 59% of the variance in
transformational leadership may be explained by non-additive (dominance) heritability. Multi-
variate analyses indicated that most of the variables studied shared substantial genetic
covariance, suggesting a large overlap in the underlying genes responsible for the leadership
A great deal of behavioral genetic research has been uals whom he considered to be ‘great men’, insofar
conducted into various personality traits, resulting as they had attained eminence in their field to an
in the consensus that personality is dependent on extent realized by only 1 in 4000 individuals. He
both genetic and environmental influences. The then undertook to examine the pedigree of these
majority of twin studies has demonstrated moderate men, concluding that, since ‘greatness’ appeared to
to large genetic contributions to many personality be more prevalent within the family history of these
dimensions.1,2 On average, individual differences in subjects than would be expected in the public at
personality have been found to be approximately large, ‘greatness’ is wholly due to the action of genes.
40% heritable.2 It was a small leap from this to trait theories, and the
Current scientific thought on leadership may be ‘great man’ theory of William James.4 James believed
traced to Galton,3 who conducted the first study of that individuals are chosen by the situation, due to
the genetic basis of leadership. The main thesis of some intrinsic quality that makes them suitable to
Galton’s work was not, however, leadership, nor did lead or to ‘initiate movement’.
he address the heritability of leadership in a modern Scientists began to research leadership with the
sense, owing to the underdeveloped genetic method- intention of discovering which personality traits
ology of his time. Galton’s subjects were 100 individ- distinguish those with this ability from those with-
out. To this end, researchers compiled lists of traits
that had been associated with leadership, typically
Correspondence: Andrew M Johnson, Department of Psychology, through observations of the characteristics of pub-
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5CZ,
Canada. Tel: 519 680 5997; Fax: 519 661 3961; E-mail:
licly visible leaders. Stogdill5 surveyed hundreds of articles, and concluded that the most important
Received 6 October 1998; accepted 14 October 1998 traits were (in order of importance): originality,
Born to lead
AM Johnson et al
subordinates carefully, whilst the passive leader will original format of the ACL would yield a more
suggest that the situation must be remedied, but reliable measure than having subjects simply tick
provide no concrete method for the amelioration of any adjectives they felt were descriptive of them.
the problem. Finally, individuals who are com- The 47 adjectives judged to be relevant to leadership
pletely non-involved with the follower group behavior were aggregated to form an adjectival
(except in an advisory capacity) typify the laissez- leadership measure.
faire leadership style. The MLQ also contains the In total, 16 measures of leadership were obtained,
criterion scale ‘extra effort’, which measures the the reliabilities of which ranged from moderate (LAE
degree to which the individual inspires others to Autocratic–Aggressive, α = 0.55), to high (ACL
work beyond the immediate requirements of the task Leadership, α = 0.91); median α = 0.78. Reliabilities
at hand, and perform ‘above and beyond’ the call of for all personality scales may be found in Table 2.
the situation. Although subordinate ratings of leader Subjects also completed a zygosity questionnaire,15
performance are preferable, the extra effort scale which has a reported accuracy of 93% in comparison
provides a useful comparison variable for the other with the results of blood-typing.16
leadership variables.11 Bass14 provides a good
description of the construction methods and
assumptions underlying the MLQ. Table 1 Adjectives contained in the ACL leadership scale
The LAE is a 50-item questionnaire designed to Aggressive Frank
measure the decision pattern or social climate in Alert Hard-working
which the leadership behavior is likely to take place. Appreciative Having initiative
The individual is presented with 50 hypothetical Authoritative Honest
Business-oriented Independent
situations and is required to identify with the leader, Capable Industrious
choosing the decision mode that he or she believes is Caring Inspiring
best for the described situation. Each situation Charismatic Leaderlike
describes four types of decision: laissez-faire, demo- Civilized Likeable
Conscientious Methodical
cratic–cooperative, autocratic–submissive, and auto- Co-operative Moderate
cratic–aggressive. Laissez-faire leadership is typified Decisive Motivated to achieve
by a lack of involvement with group members Deliberate Persevering
beyond the role of advisor or mentor, whilst demo- Demanding Powerful
Dependable Responsible
cratic–cooperative leadership emphasizes attention Driven Self accepting
to the group dynamic among followers, with deci- Dynamic Self monitoring
sions being made through the consensus of the Efficient Strong
follower group. Both autocratic–submissive and Empathic Thoughtful
Enterprising Tolerant
autocratic–aggressive leadership styles involves the Enthusiastic Trustworthy
direction of the group according to the leader’s plan, Entrepreneurial Versatile
and allow little deviation from the leader’s pre- Extraverted Well adjusted
conceived notion of what should be done. Auto- Farsighted
cratic–submissive leaders, however, allow followers
to determine how they wish to achieve the objective,
whilst autocratic–aggressive leaders define the proc- Table 2 Reliabilities of the MLQ, LAE, and ACL-r leadership
ess as well as the objective.12 One can also calculate
a total leadership score by weighting the decision Scale α
mode scores to discriminate optimally between LAE Autocratic–aggressive 0.55a
leaders and non-leaders. Cassel and Stancik12 recom- LAE Autocratic–submissive 0.59a
mend that an individual’s total leadership score on LAE Laissez-faire 0.58a
LAE Democratic–cooperative 0.91a
the LAE be one tenth of the sum of their laissez-faire LAE Total 0.90a
score (multiplied by seven), their democratic–coop- MLQ Attributed charisma 0.74
erative score, and their autocratic–submissive score MLQ Idealized influence 0.82
(multiplied by four). The autocratic–aggressive score MLQ Inspirational motivation 0.84
does not enter into calculations of the total leader- MLQ Intellectual stimulation 0.82
MLQ Individualized consideration 0.87
ship score. MLQ Contingent reward 0.83
The ACL is a list of 300 descriptive adjectives, 47 MLQ Management-by-exception, active 0.65
of which were judged by the present authors to be MLQ Management-by-exception, passive 0.69
relevant to leadership behavior (see Table 1). Sub- MLQ Laissez-faire 0.71
MLQ Extra effort 0.81
jects were to respond to the full adjective checklist ACL Leadership 0.91
on a 5-point Likert scale. It was hoped (and subse- a
From Cassel R, Stancik E.12
quently confirmed) that this modification to the
Born to lead
AM Johnson et al
Because the MLQ was designed to tap multiple Using LISREL 8,19 univariate genetic analyses were
facets of a two-dimensional factor space (ie trans- conducted to assess the relative contributions of
formational and transactional leadership), higher genetic and environmental effects to individual
order factors were extracted from a principal compo- differences on the 16 leadership variables and the
nents factor analysis of the MLQ, and the resulting two MLQ factor scores (transformational and trans-
factors were obliquely rotated to facilitate inter- actional leadership). For all variables, a full ACE
pretation. The resulting factor matrix is presented in model was fit first, to determine the proportion of
Table 3. Two factors were extracted, based on an variance that is attributable to additive genetic
examination of the scree plot. The first rotated factor effects (A), common environmental effects (C), and
of the solution obtained in this fashion accounts for specific environmental effects (E). If the presence of
50.9% of the total variance in the sample space, and non-additive genetic effects was indicated (ie when
is identifiable as transformational leadership, as it the MZ correlation was more than twice the DZ
has high positive loadings from attributed charisma correlation), then an ADE model was applied to the
(0.84), idealized influence (0.88), inspirational moti- data, examining the proportion of variance attributa-
vation (0.88), intellectual stimulation (0.82), and ble to additive genetic effects, non-additive (dom-
individualized consideration (0.87), all of which are inance) genetic effects (D), and specific environ-
considered to be the scales of the MLQ that designate mental effects. These full models were then
transformational leadership.11 Factor one also has a systematically decomposed into three models, AE,
CE, and DE, comprising only two sources of varia-
Table 3 Varimax rotation of principal components solution for tion each. The final model fit to the data was an E
the MLQ
model, comprising only one source of variation,
I II namely specific environmental variance. To deter-
Attributed charisma 0.84 –0.08 mine which model afforded the ‘best fit’ to the data,
Idealized influence 0.88 –0.01 the χ2 obtained from each model was divided by its
Inspirational motivation 0.88 –0.17 degree of freedom, and the model with the lowest
Intellectual stimulation 0.82 0.05 χ2:df ratio was considered to be the best fit to the
Individualized consideration 0.87 –0.11
Contingent reward 0.80 0.22 data. Maximum likelihood estimates resulting from
Management-by-exception, active 0.35 0.73 this analysis were squared to produce estimates of
Management-by-exception, passive –0.13 0.84 the variance due to each of the effects specified by
Laissez-faire –0.36 0.72 the model.20 The best fitting model for each variable
Eigenvalues 4.58 1.88
Percentage of variance 50.90 20.90
may be found in Table 4. The best-fit model for each
of the variables demonstrated a good fit to the data.
Born to lead
AM Johnson et al
As is apparent from Table 4, virtually every leader- analyses conducted on the scale scores. The results
ship scale demonstrated evidence of heritability, of these analyses are also contained in Table 4. The
with the exceptions of MLQ contingent reward, MLQ best fitting model for both transactional and trans-
passive management-by-exception, and MLQ lais- formational leadership indicated the presence of
sez-faire. Among the scales that evidence genetic genetic effects, with additive effects for transactional
determinism, there is roughly an even split between leadership, and non-additive effects for transforma-
additive and non-additive sources of variance, with tional leadership.
effects ranging from 0.30 to 0.59. Because contingent
reward, passive management-by-exception, and lais- Multivariate genetic analyses
sez-faire leadership (the only univariate models not
displaying heritable components) represent two Table 5 contains phenotypic correlations between
thirds of the transactional leadership dimension, as the scales of the LAE, the ACL leadership scale, the
proposed by Avolio, Bass, and Jung,21 this might two MLQ leadership factors (transformational and
indicate that individual differences in this form of transactional leadership), and MLQ extra effort.
leadership are predominantly environmentally Correlations in bold are significant at P < 0.01. As
determined. Indeed, the other component of transac- one would expect, given that these variables are
tional leadership, active management-by-exception, purported to measure the same general construct,
possesses the smallest amount of additive genetic most are highly intercorrelated. Within the LAE, it
variance, at 0.30. would appear that the overall scale score for the LAE
The heritability of the MLQ factor scores was (LAE total) is predominantly measuring a laissez-
examined with univariate genetic models by analyz- faire leadership style. Democratic–cooperative lead-
ing the factor scores in a fashion similar to the ership might be considered to be the best LAE
Table 4 MZ and DZ correlations and genetic analyses for LAE, ACL, and MLQ scales
a2 d2 c2 e2
Variable MZ DZ (SE) (SE) (SE) (SE) c2(df)
LAE Autocratic–aggressive 0.32 0.09 — 0.33 — 0.67 3.59 (4)
(0.062) (0.040)
LAE Autocratic–submissive 0.31 0.05 — 0.31 — 0.69 0.99 (4)
(0.066) (0.042)
LAE Laissez-faire 0.41 0.29 0.42 — — 0.58 1.25 (4)
(0.057) (0.038)
LAE Democratic–co-operative 0.35 0.15 0.36 — — 0.64 0.44 (4)
(0.061) (0.040)
LAE Total 0.36 0.28 0.38 — — 0.62 2.58 (4)
(0.060) (0.040)
ACL Leadership 0.50 0.16 — 0.49 — 0.51 1.95 (4)
(0.054) (0.037)
MLQ Attributed charisma 0.50 0.13 — 0.49 — 0.51 0.84 (4)
(0.053) (0.037)
MLQ Idealized influence 0.50 0.18 0.48 — — 0.52 2.92 (4)
(0.054) (0.036)
MLQ Inspirational motivation 0.54 0.20 — 0.55 — 0.45 2.49 (4)
(0.051) (0.034)
MLQ Individualized consideration 0.50 0.20 — 0.52 — 0.48 1.71 (4)
(0.053) (0.036)
MLQ Intellectual stimulation 0.47 0.20 — 0.47 — 0.53 1.16 (4)
(0.054) (0.037)
MLQ Contingent reward 0.25 0.27 — — 0.25 0.75 0.11 (4)
(0.067) (0.040)
MLQ Management-by-exception, active 0.31 0.11 0.30 — — 0.70 3.52 (4)
(0.068) (0.042)
MLQ Management-by-exception, passive 0.31 0.31 — — 0.31 0.69 2.86 (4)
(0.060) (0.038)
MLQ Laissez-faire 0.28 0.33 — — 0.29 0.71 3.60 (4)
(0.061) (0.037)
MLQ Extra effort 0.48 0.05 — 0.48 — 0.52 0.66 (4)
(0.056) (0.038)
MLQ Factor I 0.58 0.21 — 0.59 — 0.41 1.16 (4)
Transformational leadership (0.051) (0.035)
MLQ Factor II 0.47 0.33 0.48 — — 0.52 4.09 (4)
Transactional leadership (0.055) (0.037)
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AM Johnson et al
exemplar of transformational leadership, whilst lais- bivariate Cholesky decompositions were performed
sez-faire leadership is probably the best LAE indica- on all possible pairs of LAE subscales, the MLQ
tor of transactional leadership. The ACL leadership factors, the ACL leadership scale, and the MLQ extra
scale is also likely to be a good indicator of effort scale. Tables 6 and 7 contain estimates of the
transformational leadership, as it is highly positively genetic and environmental correlations (respec-
correlated with MLQ factor 1. tively) between the LAE scales, MLQ factors, ACL
Having noted that the putative model of trans- leadership scale, and the MLQ extra effort scale,
formational/transactional leadership appears to cut with correlations significant at P < 0.05 in bold. (In
across the three psychometric measures used in the the interest of brevity, only reduced scores are
study, it is interesting to note the extent to which the reported at a multivariate level. The complete matrix
scales share common genetic variance. Using Mx,22 of phenotypic and genetic correlations is available
Table 5 Phenotypic correlations between transformational/transactional leadership, MLQ extra effort scale, leadership ability
evaluation scales, and adjective checklist leadership scale
Autocratic– Autocratic– Democratic— Laissez- LAE MLQ ACL MLQ
aggressive submissive co-operative faire Total Extra effort Leadership Factor 1
LAE Autocratic–aggressive
LAE Autocratic–submissive 0.02
LAE Democratic–co-operative –0.40 –0.29
LAE Laissez-faire –0.14 –0.28 –0.65
LAE Total –0.22 0.03 –0.73 0.92
MLQ Extra effort 0.00 –0.06 0.27 –0.24 –0.27
ACL Leadership –0.04 –0.06 0.22 –0.18 –0.21 0.50
MLQ Factor 1 –0.04 –0.08 0.32 –0.26 –0.29 0.76 0.60
MLQ Factor 2 0.07 0.08 –0.33 0.28 0.28 –0.18 –0.27 –0.09
Correlations in bold are significant at p<0.01; MLQ Factor 1 = Transformational Leadership; MLQ Factor 2 = Transactional Leadership
Table 6 Genetic correlations between transformational/transactional leadership, MLQ extra effort scale, leadership ability evaluation
scales, and adjective checklist leadership scale
Autocratic– Autocratic– Democratic— Laissez- LAE MLQ ACL MLQ
aggressive submissive co-operative faire Total Extra effort Leadership Factor 1
LAE Autocratic–aggressive
LAE Autocratic–submissive 0.34
LAE Democratic–co-operative –0.38 –0.20
LAE Laissez-faire –0.25 –0.45 –0.72
LAE Total –0.23 –0.21 –0.78 0.97
MLQ Extra effort 0.06 –0.22 0.39 –0.29 –0.34
ACL Leadership –0.05 –0.13 0.38 –0.27 –0.33 0.85
MLQ Factor 1 –0.04 –0.25 0.47 –0.30 –0.35 0.90 0.88
MLQ Factor 2 –0.36 0.08 –0.42 0.48 0.56 –0.31 –0.33 –0.21
Correlations in bold are significant at p<0.05; MLQ Factor 1 = Transformational Leadership; MLQ Factor 2 = Transactional Leadership
Table 7 Environmental correlations between transformational/transactional leadership, MLQ extra effort scale, leadership ability
evaluation scales, and adjective checklist leadership scale
Autocratic– Autocratic– Democratic— Laissez- LAE MLQ ACL MLQ
aggressive submissive co-operative faire Total Extra effort Leadership Factor 1
LAE Autocratic–aggressive
LAE Autocratic–submissive 0.10
LAE Democratic–co-operative –0.38 –0.35
LAE Laissez-faire 0.09 –0.20 –0.62
LAE Total –0.21 0.14 –0.72 0.89
MLQ Extra effort –0.08 0.07 0.21 –0.20 –0.19
ACL Leadership –0.02 0.02 0.10 –0.10 –0.11 0.18
MLQ Factor 1 –0.04 0.06 0.23 –0.23 –0.23 0.61 0.29
MLQ Factor 2 0.26 0.08 –0.22 0.09 0.06 –0.05 –0.20 0.05
Correlations in bold are significant at p<0.05; MLQ Factor 1 = Transformational Leadership; MLQ Factor 2 = Transactional Leadership
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AM Johnson et al
on request.) Most of the phenotypic correlations may should be noted that due to an imbalance in sex
be decomposed to find a significant genetic compo- composition within the sample, all effects of sex
nent, indicating that there is a strong common source were removed from the analysis. Future research
of genetic variation underlying the different dimen- may be directed at examining leadership in a sample
sions of leadership. of adult twins containing a more substantial number
of male subjects, to allow for the study of sex
Discussion This study represents the first behavior genetic
study to examine psychometric indices of leadership
and, as such, the results are exploratory and require
Univariate genetic analyses revealed that psycho- replication. Despite this fact, it is encouraging to
metric measures of leadership demonstrate moderate note that the results appear to be generalizable,
to large heritabilities in most dimensions of the
insofar as they are consistent across multiple meas-
construct. Although transformational leadership
ures of leadership. It is unlikely that this study will
demonstrated a clearly genetic determination, fur-
end all debate on the topic of whether leaders are
ther examination of the transactional leadership
born or made. It does, however, provide preliminary
domain is warranted, given that several of the
transactional leadership scales yielded models that empirical data regarding the contributions of both
did not include additive or non-additive genetic genetic and environmental factors to individual
effects. differences in leadership style.
Higher level leadership factors, constructed from
the MLQ, represent transformational and transac-
tional leadership. Univariate genetic analyses indi-
cated that both of these factors were heritable, with
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