AD8351 Cycle Test 2 QP
AD8351 Cycle Test 2 QP
AD8351 Cycle Test 2 QP
Engineering College
(An Autonomous Institution)
Department of Computer Science and Business Systems
Academic year 2021-2022 - Odd Semester
Subject Name: Design and Analysis of Algorithm Subject Code: AD8351
Date of exam: 11.10.2021 Marks: 20
Part A (2*2=4)
1. What does dynamic programming have in common with divide-and-conquer? What is a principal
difference between them? (CO3, K2)
2. What is iterative deepening search (CO3, K1)
PART B(1*6=6)
3. i) Apply the bottom-up dynamic programming algorithm to the following instance of the knapsack
problem: (CO3,K4)
ii) Compute C(6,3) by applying the dynamic programming algorithm (2) (CO3 ,K3)
PART C ( 1*10=10)
5. (i) Explain in detail about Floyd’s Algorithm for the All-Pairs Shortest-Paths Problem.(5)
(CO3 ,K2)
(ii) Apply Warshall’s algorithm to find the transitive closure of the digraph defined by the
following adjacency matrix.(3) (CO3,K3)