Assignment No.4
Assignment No.4
Assignment No.4
2(b) Explain graph coloring problem with suitable example K2,K4 CO4 3
2(c) What is N queens problem? Draw a state space tree for 4 queens K2,K4 CO4 3
problem using backtracking
2(d) Discuss LCS algorithm to compute Longest Common Subsequence K2,K4 CO4 3
of two given strings and time complexity analysis
Section–C (2X5 = 10 Marks)
3(a) Find the solution of following TSP using Branch & Bound method K2,K4 CO4 5
3(b) What is the sum of subsets problem? Let w={5,7,10,12,15,18,20} and K2,K4 CO4 5
m=35. Find all possible subsets of w that sum to m using recursive
backtracking algorithm for it. Draw the portion of the state-space tree
that is generated