COMMON CORE 1-Develop and Update Industry Knowledge

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References/Further Reading

Performance Criteria Checklist

Operation/Task/Job Sheet

Self Check Answer Key

Self Check

Information Sheet

Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome Summary

Module Content
Module Content

List of Competencies

Module Content

Module Content

Front Page
In our efforts to standardize CBLM, the
above parts are recommended for use
in Competency Based Training (CBT) in
Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA)
Technology Institutions. The next
sections will show you the components
and features of each part.

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
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Knowledge Moreno






Prepared By:
Mary Ann Sheleilla T. Moreno

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
Welcome to the module in Bread and pastry Production NCII. This
module contains training materials and activities for you to complete.
The unit of competency "Develop and Update industry knowledge”
contains knowledge, skills and attitudes required for Bread and Pastry
You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order
to complete each learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome
are Information Sheets, Self-Checks, Operation Sheets or Task Sheets.
Follow these activities on your own. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to
ask your facilitator for assistance.
The goal of this course is the development of practical skills. To gain
these skills, you must learn basic concepts and terminologies. For the most
part, you'll get this information from the Information Sheets and suggested
resources and references
This module is prepared to help you achieve the required competency,
in "Developing and Updating Industry Knowledge".
This will be the source of information for you to acquire knowledge
and skills in this particular competency independently and at your own
pace, with minimum supervision or help from your trainer.
Remember to:
 Work through all the information and complete the activities in each
 Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Suggested
references are included to supplement the materials provided in this
 Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager.
He/she is there to support you and show you the correct way to do
 You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice on
the job. Make sure you practice your new skills during regular work
shifts. This way you will improve both your speed and memory and also
your confidence.
 Use the Self-checks, Operation Sheets or Task Sheets at the end of each
section to test your own progress.
 When you feel confident that you have had sufficient skill, ask your
Trainer to evaluate you. The results of your assessment will be recorded
in your Progress Chart and Accomplishment Chart.

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Update Industry Mary Ann
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Knowledge Moreno
You need to complete this module before you perform the module on (Next
Module title).

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
(Bread and Pastry Production NCII)

List of Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Develop and update Develop and update

1. industry knowledge industry knowledge

Observe workplace Observe workplace

hygiene procedures hygiene procedures

Perform computer Perform computer TRS311203

operations operations

Perform workplace Perform workplace and

and safety practices safety practices

Provide effective Provide effective

customer service customer service

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Develop and update industry knowledge

MODULE TITLE : Developing and updating industry


MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This module of competency deals with

the knowledge, skills and attitude required to access, increase and
update industry knowledge. It includes seek information on the
industry and update industry knowledge.


At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
Develop and update industry knowledge
1. Sources of information on the industry are correctly identified and
2. Information to assist effective work performance is obtained in line
with job requirements
3. Specific information on sector of work is accessed and updated
4. Industry information is correctly applied to day-to-day work activities
5. Informal and/or formal research is used to update general knowledge
of the industry
6. Updated knowledge is shared with customers and colleagues as
appropriate and incorporated into day-to-day working activities

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
(Seek information on the industry)


1. Industry information sources

Assessment Criteria

1. Sources of information on the industry are correctly identified and

2. Information to assist effective work performance is obtained in line
with job requirements
3. Specific information on sector of work is accessed and updated
4. Industry information is correctly applied to day-to-day work activities

The participants will have access to:

1. Sources of information on the industry

2. Industry knowledge
Assessment Method:

1. Interview/questions
2. Practical demonstration
3. Portfolio of industry information related to trainee’s work

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome 1
Learning Activities Special Instructions
Read Information Sheet #1.1.1 on Read and understand the information
carefully about Seeking information
(Seek information on the on the industry
Answer Self-Check # 1.1-1 and You must get a rating of 100% in the
compare your answers from answer key self-check activity, if you get below
1.1-1 100% rating, go over to the same
activities, but if you get the required
rating, then proceed to the next
Perform task sheet #1.1-1 Evaluate the demonstration of task
using the Performance Criteria
Checklist #1.1-1
Have your trainer evaluate your

Read information Sheet # 1.1-2 on You must get a rating of 100% in the
Updating industry knowledge self-check activity, if you get below
100% rating, go over to the same
activities, but if you get the required
rating, then proceed to the next
Answer Self-Check # 1.1-2 and You must get a rating of 100% in the
compare your answers from answer key self-check activity, if you get below
#1.1-2 100% rating, go over to the same
activities, but if you get the required
rating, then proceed to the next
Perform Task Sheet # 1.1-2 Evaluate the demonstration of task
using the Performance Criteria
Checklist #1.1-2
Have your trainer evaluate your
After doing all activities of this LO ,
you are ready to proceed to the next
LO on ________________________

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
Information Sheet #1.1-1
(Industry information sources)

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Understand on how to seek information on the industry.

There are many and varied sources of tourism information that are
relevant to the tourism industry. A range of information sources is listed

1. Policy and procedure manuals

 Policy and procedure manuals provide information and
instructions for those employed with the organization. These
determine the basis for achieving consistent standards of
behaviour, operating procedures, quality of products and
services provided.

2. Media
 This includes local and national newspapers, magazines, DVD’s,
television programs e.g. documentaries, news, and TV travel

3. Newspapers
 These can include the national and local newspapers. The
general news sections, specific articles and travel supplements
are sources of relevant information. Regularly scan your daily
and local newspapers to find references to travel and tourism.
Even stock market shares reflect the development (or reduction)
in company growth. Reliable newspapers are excellent sources
of current (and often topical and controversial) information.

4. Television
 Television has expanded the ‘reach’ of media becoming a major
form of education. The interest in travel and tourism has lead to
a massive increase to the wide variety of programs

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
5. The Internet
 The Internet is an increasingly important source of information,
which is easily accessible due to technological developments in
computer software, ipods, mobile telephones, and the improved
multi-purposing and/or integration of systems and portability

6. Guide books
 You may have noticed that shelves in bookshops allocated to
travel seem to have expanded in size and number over the past
8-10 years. This is evidence of the increasing number and
variety of guidebooks being published to address the demands
created by many more people travelling, and people travelling
further to more unfamiliar destinations.

Self- Check # 1.1-1

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
(Industry information sources)

(Enumeration) :
Enumerate the different industry information sources and
give its meaning.

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CBLM on Bread Developed:
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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
ANSWER KEY # 1.1-1
(Industry information Sources)

1. Policy and procedure manuals

 Policy and procedure manuals provide information and
instructions for those employed with the organization. These
determine the basis for achieving consistent standards of
behaviour, operating procedures, quality of products and
services provided.

2. Media
 This includes local and national newspapers, magazines, DVD’s,
television programs e.g. documentaries, news, and TV travel

3. Newspapers
 These can include the national and local newspapers. The
general news sections, specific articles and travel supplements
are sources of relevant information. Regularly scan your daily
and local newspapers to find references to travel and tourism.
Even stock market shares reflect the development (or reduction)
in company growth. Reliable newspapers are excellent sources
of current (and often topical and controversial) information.

4. Television
 Television has expanded the ‘reach’ of media becoming a major
form of education. The interest in travel and tourism has lead to
a massive increase to the wide variety of programs

5. The Internet
 The Internet is an increasingly important source of information,
which is easily accessible due to technological developments in
computer software, ipods, mobile telephones, and the improved
multi-purposing and/or integration of systems and portability

6. Guide books
 You may have noticed that shelves in bookshops allocated to
travel seem to have expanded in size and number over the past
8-10 years. This is evidence of the increasing number and
variety of guidebooks being published to address the demands

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
created by many more people travelling, and people travelling
further to more unfamiliar destinations.

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CBLM on Bread Developed:
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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
Title: Industry Information Sources

Performance Objective: Given an identification to be answer from

your information sheet, you should be able
understand the different information sources.

Supplies/Materials : Eraser, Learning Materials, Paper and Pen

Equipment :

1. Read Information sheet # 1.1-1
2. Answer the identification and enumeration exam from self-
check # 1.1-1
3. Compare your answers in answer key # 1.1-1
4. Submit your output to your trainer.

Assessment Method:
1. Interview/questions
2. Practical demonstration
3. Portfolio of industry information related to trainee’s work

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Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
Performance Criteria Checklist # 1.1-1

Did you….
1. Understand the different industry information

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
Document No. NTTA-TM1-07
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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
Information Sheet # 1.1-2
(Overview of quality assurance in the industry)

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Understand the overview of quality assurance in the industry.

(Introductory Paragraph)

Overview of Quality Assurance Activities – Aiming to improve total

quality over the entire product lifecycle –

To deliver high-quality products and services to customers, Fuji Xerox

adopts a method of “phase management” in which we perform reliable
quality assurance from the customers’ perspective by setting conditions that
must be met for each phase of product delivery.

Organization-wide “Quality Management Actions”

To conform to the basic policies on quality assurance and achieve our goals,
we conduct Quality Management Actions that focus on maintaining and
bolstering the level of our quality assurance activities in an integrated
manner. This activity is the base of our Quality Assurance Actions by Step
for product provision activities.
There are six functions in our Quality Management Actions.

1. Quality Strategy/Plan: This function manages the policies for

improving the quality of products and business functions, and also sets and
disseminates the mid-ranged and annual quality targets.
2. Quality Assurance Organization: This function assigns a corporate
officer to be in charge of quality assurance, organizes Quality Review
Meetings, and establishes and manages organizations to promote quality
3. Quality Assurance Education: This function educates all employees
about quality and improves employees’ problem solving skills through
special training targeting each field.

Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
4. Quality System Standardization: This function establishes and
disseminates common rules, and also organizes, disseminates, maintains,
and improves the business standards suitable for each business or the
product characteristics.
5. Quality Settlement: This function confirms whether the work process
is established within the product providing organization, evaluates how
much the product conforms to the Quality Assurance Policies and meets the
targets, and aims to continuously improve the Quality Assurance Activity
Level to achieve our goals.
6. Quality System Audit: This function conducts activities to improve
the quality assurance activities, monitors⁄audits whether the prevention
measure and recurrence prevention activities are established and
implemented, and performs auditing of systems when unexpected situations


The Quality Settlement System is a system that aims at boosting the

total quality assurance level through the following activities conducted
by Fuji Xerox and our affiliated companies.

 Identifying the differences that exist between strategies/plans

(including policies and targets) and the actual results
 Evaluating the progress in Quality Assurance Activity Level over time
and whether the quality of the product and business function conforms to
the basic policies on quality assurance and meets the targets set in each
 Clarifying the problems related to quality assurance and the person in
charge of handling the problems
 Reflecting the outcomes in the strategies for next year to improve
product quality and total quality assurance performance.

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
Self- Check # 1.1-2
(Overview of quality assurance in the industry)

(Identification) : (Instruction)
What are the six functions in our Quality Management

Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

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CBLM on Bread Developed:
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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
ANSWER KEY # 1.1-2
(Overview of Quality Assurance in the Industry)

1. Quality Strategy/Plan
2. Quality Assurance Organization
3. Quality Assurance Education
4. Quality System Standardization
5. Quality Settlement
6. Quality System Audit

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Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
TASK SHEET # 1.1-2
Title: Overview of Quality Assurance in the Industry

Performance Objective: Given an identification to be answer from

your information sheet, you should be able to
understand the overview of quality assurance in
the industry.

Supplies/Materials : Eraser, Learning Materials, Paper and Pen

Equipment :

1. Read Information sheet # 1.1-2
2. Answer the identification and enumeration exam from self-
check # 1.1-2
3. Compare your answers in answer key # 1.1-2
Submit your output to your trainer.

Assessment Method:
2. Practical demonstration
3. Portfolio of industry information related to trainee’s work

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Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno
Performance Criteria Checklist # 1.1-2

Did you….
1. Understand the Overview of Quality Assurance in
the Industry?
2. Understand the six functions in our Quality
Management Actions.?

Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

Date Date Revised:
CBLM on Bread Developed:
and Pastry August 2020
Production NCII Page 22 of 23
Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno

Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

Date Date Revised:
CBLM on Bread Developed:
and Pastry August 2020
Production NCII Page 23 of 23
Develop and Developed by: Revision # 01
Update Industry Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Knowledge Moreno

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