Go Beyond Now: Can You Hear Me Now?

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Go Beyond Now Can you hear me

Revolution in Paranormal Research now?

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The following article is a condensed preview of the 30+ page booklet that was
included as part of my Modern-Day Spiricom package. I developed this
package as an experimental system that was introduced to the public on e-
Bay in the Spring of 2008. Several prototype units have been sold and I've
received many favorable reports of EVP recordings obtained with the system.
Since that time, I've made a few additions and modifications to the system, all
of which will be presented to the public soon.
I’ve included a few updates below, meanwhile if you have any questions
about the Modern-Day Spiricom, please contact me. Thanks!

Original material that follows is Copyright 2008 by J. Hale for gobeyondnow.com and all publication rights are

Make Your Own Functional Spiricom

A modern-day version of George Meek's legendary device is simple to make and
easy to use.

by J. Hale


In the early 1970's, a retired inventor and entrepreneur named

George W. Meek embarked on his quest to develop a
technology-based approach for communicating with spirits of the
dead. Just a few years earlier, the discovery of EVP had
sparked world-wide interest in trying to communicate with
unseen spirits by electronic means, but George Meek wanted
something more advanced and less subject to controversy than
the rudimentary tape recording methods in use by other EVP
experimenters. He hoped to devise a system that would
consistently allow clear two-way communication between earth-
bound individuals and the spirit world.
Meek and several like-minded colleagues formed a research
group called The Metascience Foundation. In the early stages of
their trans-dimensional engineering work, the group was guided
by communications received through trance channeling
sessions with psychic mediums in Philadelphia. During the
Philadelphia séances, contact was reportedly made with several
deceased but still very communicative scientists. One such
contact was with the spirit of Dr. W.F.G. Swann. Swann was
once a popular science lecturer and a leader in cosmic ray
George W. Meek (circa 1985)
research who had lived (and died) in Philadelphia. His
discarnate spirit was said to have provided Meek's group with
the theoretical background and a technical foundation upon
which to commence construction of a new type of spirit
communication device. The Spiricom, as it soon came to be
called, was born.
The name "Spiricom" was actually used to refer to an evolving
series (Mark I - IV, etc.) of experimental devices that were built
and tested over a period of several years. Early results from the
Spiricom experiments were both encouraging and disappointing.
Some interesting effects were observed but the desired quality
of communication remained elusive. Then, in 1977, one of
Meek's associates, an electronics technician named Bill O'Neil,
reported that he had achieved voice contact with a spirit entity
called "Doc Nick" while using the Mark III version of the
Spiricom. Doc Nick was said to have been a former medical
doctor and HAM radio operator who was able to assist O'Neil,
Meek, and their Metascience associates, by making technical
suggestions for improving the Spiricom. Soon, contact with
another deceased scientist was reported as having come to Bill
O'Neil through the Mark IV version of the Spiricom. This new
contact identified himself as Dr. George J. Mueller, and over the
next few years Dr. Mueller's Spiricom-empowered voice
suggested further practical improvements to the system. In Dr. W.F.G. Swann, at left.
particular, Dr. Mueller was credited with suggesting a
combination of 13 specific audio frequency tones which were to
be used as the optimum background sound source by which a
spirit could make itself audible.
The major points of the Spiricom story were first presented to a
global public in John G. Fuller's 1985 book, The Ghost of 29
Megacycles. George Meek himself also wrote a series of books
that provided more detail and insight concerning the Spiricom
and its development. One of Meek's publications, a booklet from
1982, offers the most "nuts and bolts" information to help us
understand what the Spiricom actually was and how it was
expected to perform its other-worldly magic. This booklet bears
the extremely wordy title: SPIRICOM - An Electromagnetic-
Etheric Systems Approach to Communications with Other
Levels of Human Consciousness. It is generally referred to
simply as, The Spiricom Technical Manual. Contrary to what
many sources often state, the "Tech Manual" does not give a full
schematic diagram for building any specific device. The manual
does present a "Functional Block Diagram" however, and that
diagram illustrates what the main working components were and Dr. George J. Mueller
how the system was intended to operate. The Tech Manual also
provides a detailed review of several approaches the
Metascience group had tried in the past, and it includes
discussions on experimental designs planned for future
Many people throughout the world have expressed their interest
in trying to duplicate the results that Meek et al. claimed for the
Spiricom. It is a natural desire for us, as humans, to wish to
reconnect with our departed loved ones and ancestors.
Moreover, one might think it should be regarded as a very
legitimate responsibility for scientists to try and test the claims
that were made by the Spiricom researchers. However,
mainstream science has shown little or no interest in trying to
replicate the amazing results reported by the Metascience
pioneers. As for the multitude of would-be independent
researchers, most find themselves feeling rather intimidated at
the prospect of building a Spiricom for their own personal

You Can Build Your Own Spiricom:

One reason for the lack of more Spiricom-style experimentation is the wide-spread belief that the
Spiricom was a very unique, extremely elaborate, and prohibitively expensive device. Most people
seem to think that the Spiricom system would need to be reconstructed in exact accordance with the
original design in order to achieve successful results. However, in my own very carefully considered
opinion, these notions are completely erroneous!
As mentioned in the introductory paragraphs above, the name "Spiricom" was used as a generic
George Meek and friends never intended that the word should refer exclusively to one specific
Spiricom was and still is an evolving concept !
Although the details and components varied with each version of the Spiricom, the working theory
always remained constant. In essence, this theory prescribed that a set of audio frequency tones was
to be mixed with the output signal from a radio frequency transmitter and that any cooperative spirits
would be able to "modulate" these transmitted fixed frequency tones so as to produce recognizable
vocal effects. These "spirit voices" could then be detected by a conventional radio receiver, listened to
in real time, and simultaneously recorded. This operational model is actually quite similar to the
standard processes employed by normal radio broadcasting, except that with Spiricom, the voice
component of the signal is not injected in advance of the transmission stage, it is expected to be
added by the "electromagnetic-etheric" spirit energy at some point in between the transmission and
reception stages.
Let's take a look at what Meek termed the "Functional Block Diagram" to illustrate this theoretical
(This graphic was adapted directly from Meek's hand-drawn sketch on page 32 of The Spiricom Technical Manual, 1982.)

As you can see, the Spiricom consisted of exactly five functional components:
1) An AF Tone Generator 2) An RF Transmitter 3) A Receiver 4) A Microphone 5) A
Recording Device

Chances are pretty good that most people reading this article
already have items number 3-5 close at hand. The radio
receiver is a common household item, while the microphone and
tape recorder (or other suitable recording device) are standard
equipment for anyone seriously interested in EVP and ITC
research. Even if you don't have all of these items, they are
widely available and can be obtained at relatively little expense.
Naturally, the components you choose should be of "good or
better" quality, but you should feel free to start with what you
already own and then to experiment with different components
and processes over time.
As for item number 1, the Audio Frequency Tone generator, this
was one part of the system that presented Meek and his
associates with their most challenging engineering obstacle.
Crucial for supplying the 13 specific background tones as
suggested by the spirit of Dr. Mueller, Metascience's so-called
"Multi-Tone Generator" had to be painstakingly designed and
custom built. It was still the 1970's and early '80's after all,
and most of the engineering types involved were experienced
mostly with vacuum tube
Well, guess what: It's another century now and you already have
an excellent Multi-Tone Generator sitting right in front of you.
Yep, your computer, when equipped with the appropriate audio
software, is very capable of supplying the correct mix of audio
frequency tones to enable you to make your own Spiricom. In
fact, your computer can do the job with more precision, better
control and far greater versatility than the 1970's/80's era
Spiricom builders would have ever dreamed.

Cover of The Spiricom Technical Manual

Alright then, you're off to a great start and need only one more
component to complete your own working Spiricom: The radio
frequency transmitter. Here again, you have a great advantage
over George Meek and his team by having begun your quest to
build a Spiricom some 30+ years after they did.
In the 1970's, if you were in the market for a bench-top radio
frequency transmitter, you went shopping for something that
weighed about 100 pounds, cost upwards of several hundred
dollars (that's several hundred 1970's dollars!) and contained a
Christmas tree's worth of miniature light bulb looking things
called vacuum tubes. Today, thanks to the amazing advances in Bill O'Neil at his Mark IV Spiricom:
electronics technology, a simple radio frequency transmitter can
HP-608 RF Transmitter is at left, the
be obtained for well under a hundred dollars, and such devices Multi-Tone Generator (center top), Tape Deck, and
weigh in at just a few ounces. Hence they are extremely Hammarlund 600 Receiver are stacked in front of
portable and well-suited to on-site investigations. (That's another
big advantage the Modern-Day Spiricom holds over the
unwieldy original version!)
True, a good radio frequency transmitter isn't something you can
pick up at your local Wal-Mart, or even at Radio Shack, but now,
thanks to the internet, you're just a few mouse clicks away from
having one sent right to your mailbox. Please read on . . .

My Proposal for Continuing the Research With a Modern-Day Spiricom:

After several years of research into the background and theory behind the original
Spiricom, several factors recently came together that made me realize assembling a
modern-day version of the device was not just a hypothetical possibility, but a very
practical and easily achievable goal. The first breakthrough came when it dawned on me
that computers could be use it as a substitute for George Meek's Multi-Tone Generator. All
one needs for generating the required audio tones is a sound card equipped computer, the
appropriate software, and just an average level of computer know-how.
As for the radio frequency transmitter, since I happen to be a long-time radio and
electronics enthusiast with experience in the field of what's called "Hobby Broadcasting", I
knew that good quality RF transmitters are available and very reasonably priced as build-
it-yourself kits. I was already aware of some good choices for the transmitter, and in fact
had already built several such units for my own use and for sale to others.
Incidentally, when not being used as part of a Spiricom assembly, these transmitters are great for broadcasting music and
audio throughout your house and property. For example, I often use one to play streaming music from the internet over
receivers located in other parts of my house and even out to my shop; the sound quality is excellent. One could even be
used to
serve as a high-quality baby monitor or perimeter monitor, that sort of thing. They are not limited to just Spiricom research!
Finally, I realized that a good way to present my modern day Spiricom idea, and to enlist
the support of others interested in pursuing similar experimentation, would be to advertise
the concept on e-Bay. Soon, I went to work on putting together a package that would
enable anyone with a minimal level of technical and computer skill to assemble their own
working Spiricom.
* * * * *
Presumably, you've come to this site from my e-Bay auction page so let me say at this
point that I definitely appreciate your taking the time to read through all of this explanatory
material. I realize it is not the sort of thing you usually expect to encounter on e-Bay, but I
wanted you to fully understand where I'm coming from with this rather unusual auction
Specifically, what you can expect to receive with your e-Bay Spiricom purchase are three
"tangible" items plus one that is "intangible".
1) A Radio Frequency Transmitter: At this time I am offering the model identical to the
one I'm using in my own experiments. Its a transmitter that I can confidently recommend to
you as being the outstanding performer in its price class. It is the Ramsey Electronics
model FM10 FM Stereo Transmitter. You will receive an assembled, wired and tested unit
by the way, not a kit, complete with audio connector cable, a detachable whip antenna and
even the required 9 volt battery.
You should be aware that radio frequency transmitters like the FM10 are permitted for
personal use in accordance with
FCC regulations for low power transmitters. However, "low power" doesn't mean "no
power", and the FM10 is not a toy!
It must be used in a manner that does not interfere with the reception of any licensed
broadcasting service.
Your FM10 will be prepped to operate at the low end of the FM broadcast band. In fact,
the FM10 can be tuned to transmit at a frequency that's actually a little below the standard
FM band but still receivable on most FM radios. Using this "special" frequency can help to
alleviate the possibility of ordinary radio broadcasts being picked up by your Spiricom
device. I'll have more to say about these more technical aspects of using the transmitter in
the info package that is included as part of your e-Bay purchase.
2) A CD-ROM: The CD-ROM contains an audio software program plus associated data
files which will enable you to use your sound-card equipped PC as the audio tone
generator for your own working Spiricom. The data files contain the 13 specific audio
tones (as mentioned in the introduction above) pre-recorded for quick installation and
playback on your computer. Once you become more familiar with how to use the audio
program, you will be able to make adjustments and changes to the tone patterns if
desired. Again, instructions for doing this will be provided. The CD will also include a few
other software programs that I have found useful for paranormal research, consider them
a bonus for more advanced investigations.
Obviously, some degree of knowledge about computers, how to copy files from a disc onto
your hard drive, how to hook a cable to your computer's earphone jack, etc. will be
required. Generally speaking though, anyone with an average level of computer and audio
component knowledge should be able to get everything hooked up and running with no
3) An Information Package / Instruction Booklet: This booklet will contain more
detailed instructions on using the Radio Frequency Transmitter and your computer as
parts of a modern-day Spiricom assembly. It will also contain information and suggestions
regarding the components that you are expected to provide yourself, i.e., the radio
receiver, microphone and recorder. As mentioned previously, these are standard, readily
available items and you should feel free to experiment with what you already own or can
easily obtain. In addition, the booklet will contain supplemental information concerning the
original Spiricom, including some "lesser known" and "previously unknown" information
which my own independent research has uncovered.
My continuing assistance to help you in your own quest to experiment with the
modern-day Spiricom.
I intend to share the results of my experimentation with others who decide to join me in
this field of research, and I hope that you will share your results with me as well. If enough
interest in this project is demonstrated, I will open a website to post news, developments
and suggestions for further research. Meanwhile, anytime you have questions or
comments regarding your Spiricom experiments, feel free to pass them along and I will be
happy to respond asap.

Thanks again for reading all this and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

And please, let me emphasize this:

Legitimate questions from sincere individuals are welcomed.

Derisive comments from those who seem to thrive on ridiculing paranormal research will
be ignored.

Good Luck with your experiments!

J. Hale

Update 2009:
My Modern Day Spiricom system is
designed around a small kit-built radio
frequency transmitter. The original
system used an FM transmitter. Soon,
an AM transmitter system will also be
offered for experimenters wishing to try
the possibilities available in that band.
An additional device called the Crystal
Receiver, similar to the old-fashion
crystal set radios, was later added as
part of the system with excellent
results. The Crystal Receiver in turn
inspired a spin-off device, the Harmonic
Coupler. This serves as a Radionics
type instrument which may help attract
or focus the energy of a desired target.
J. Hale

More info coming soon!


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