Determining The Water Quality Index of An Urban Water Body Dal Lake, Kashmir, India
Determining The Water Quality Index of An Urban Water Body Dal Lake, Kashmir, India
Determining The Water Quality Index of An Urban Water Body Dal Lake, Kashmir, India
Determining the Water Quality Index of an Urban Water body Dal Lake,
Kashmir, India
21 1,674
3 authors, including:
S. K. Singh
Delhi Technological University
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All content following this page was uploaded by S. K. Singh on 19 April 2015.
Abstract: A Water Quality Index (WQI) is a useful statistical tool for simplifying, reporting and interpreting
complex information obtained for any water body. A simple number given by any WQI model explains the level
of water contamination .A water quality index carried out for Dal lakebased on very important parameters can
provide a simple indicator of water quality.The present study deals with the monitoring of variation of seasonal
water quality index of Dal lake. The index is used to improve the comprehension of general water quality issues,
communicates water quality status and illustrates the need for and the effectiveness of protective practices. It is
found that in all cases the change in WQI value follow a similar trend throughout the study period. Water
Quality Index of Dal lake for all four basinswere (102.66,120.33,109.35,101.35) for all seasons summer,
winter,monsoon thus it is found to be unfit for drinking.
Keywords: Dal lake, Water quality index ,Water quality parameters
I. Introduction
Dal Lake is perceived as vast expanse of water in a pristine landscape where one goes forrecreation. It
is a place of experiencing nature by way of boating, camping, fishing, swimming, bird watching, etc. however,
when one mentions „urban lakes‟ the picture is soon demystified. While urban lakes are different from the
common perception of lakes in general they too have value and functions, both ecosystem functions and social
The word “Lake” is used loosely to describe many types of water bodies – natural, manmade and
ephemeral including wetlands.
The biodiversity of lake and pond ecosystems is currently threatened by a number of human
disturbances, of which the most important include increased nutrient load, contamination,acidification, and
invasion of exotic species (Bronmark & Hansson, 2002). The ecological stress of the system is reflected by
deterioration of water quality and increased levels of biological productivity.
Hydrologic change is the most visible impact of urbanization. Hydrology concerns the quality,
duration, rates, frequency and other properties of water flow. Urbanization typically increases runoff peak flows
and total flow volumes and damages water quality and aesthetics. Pollutants reach wetlands mainly through
runoff. Urbanized watersheds generate large amounts of contaminants, including eroded soil from construction
sites, toxic metals and petroleum from roadways, industrial and commercial areas, and nutrients and bacteria
from residential areas. By volume, sediment is the most important non-point pollutant. At the same time that
urbanization produces large quantities of pollutants, it reduces water infiltration capacity, yielding more surface
runoff. Pollutants from urban land uses are, therefore, more vulnerable to transport by surface runoff than
pollutants from other land uses.
The organic and inorganic pollutant load in the Dal has accelerated the macrophytic growth which in
turn has reduced the water quality and biological oxygen demand (BOD) of the lake and hence has reduced the
recreational and aesthetic appeal of the lake
The chemistry of lake water and sediment is a cumulative reflection of catchment geology, weathering
and erosional processes as well as anthropogenic inputs. The chemical degradation of silicate and carbonate
minerals is various processes, such as dissolution, hydrolysis, oxidation, and reduction (Gupta and Subramanian,
The basic chemical reactions take place among silicates, carbonates, and rainwater,congruently or
incongruently, gives rise to various ions and clay minerals (Freeze and Cherry, 1979).Being an urban type lake,
municipal and domestic effluents have altered the surface water composition of Dal Lake, leading to increased
eutrophication (Hutchinson, 1999). Moreover, excessive sedimentation rates enhanced by extensive soil erosion
due to deforestation and an encroachment by surrounding population have dramatically reduced the lake volume
(Chakrapani, 2002). The lake serves as a resource of drinking water, irrigation, fisheries, recreation, tourism,
etc. 65 | Page
Determining the Water Quality Index of an Urban Water Body Dal lake, Kashmir, India
A Water Quality Index (WQI) is a useful statistical tool for simplifying, reporting and interpreting
complex information obtained from any body of water. A simple number given by any WQI model explains the
level of water contamination .A water quality index based on some very important parameters can provide a
simple indicator of water quality. In general, water quality indices incorporate data from multiple water quality
parameters into a mathematical equation that rates the health of a waterbody with number.
Study Area
Dal Lake (Lat. 340 – 6‟ N, 740-45‟ E, alt.1583m) situated in the heart of Srinagar city, the summer
capital of Jammu Kashmir State is under tremendous anthropogenic pressure. The myriad is ways in which
people use the lake along with the numerous pollutant generating activities have stressed the lake ecosystem in
diverse ways. 66 | Page
Determining the Water Quality Index of an Urban Water Body Dal lake, Kashmir, India
In this study, for the calculation of water quality index, twelve important parameters were chosen. The
WQI used here are taken from as recommended by the standards of drinking water quality Bureau of Indian
Standards (BIS) .
The weighted arithmetic index method (Brown et. al.,) has been used for the calculation of WQI of the
waterbody. Further, quality rating or sub index (qn) was calculated using thefollowing expression.
Table 3. Drinking Water standards recommending Agencies and unit weights. (All values
except pH and Electrical Conductivity are in mg/L)
Sr.No Parameters Standard permissible value Unit Weight
1 pH 8.5 0.2190
2 Electrical Conductivity 300 0.371
3 Total Dissolved Solids 500 0.0037
4 Total alkalinity 120 0.0155 67 | Page
Determining the Water Quality Index of an Urban Water Body Dal lake, Kashmir, India 68 | Page
Determining the Water Quality Index of an Urban Water Body Dal lake, Kashmir, India
2. Conductivity
Conductivity is a measure of capacity of substance or solution to conduct electric current. Conductivity
determines the total dissolved solids in the water. Here,the range of Electro Conductivity is average for all other
lakes except Nageen where it can be inferred that there
the Conductivity is attributed to high salinity and high mineral content.
3. Total Alkalinity
According to BIS the maximum permissible limit is 120 mg/L. The observed average value of total
alkalinity was in greater in range of 160-390 mg/l except for Nehru Park in Gagribal basin. Totalalkalinity
values in the study indicates that the water was very hard. Higher values of alkalinityregistered during summer
might be due to the presence of excess of free CO2product as a resultof decomposition process coupled with the
mixing of sewage and domestic waste. The low alkalinityduring rainy season may be due to dilution. Jain et. al
(1996) also reported similar finding in the study of the Halali Reservoir.
4. Chloride
Chloride is one of the most important parameter in assessing the water quality. Munawar (1970) is of
the opinion that higher concentrations of chlorides indicate higher degree of organic pollution. In the present
study the concentration of chloride fluctuated between 12 mg/l to 24mg/l .
5. Nitrogen
Nitrogen is an important nutrient for plant and algae growth in the lake. Nitrogen may enter a lake
from surface runoff or groundwater sources. Sediments clearly cause nitrogen to undergo a number of changes. 69 | Page
Determining the Water Quality Index of an Urban Water Body Dal lake, Kashmir, India
Nitrogen (rather than phosphorus) limits algae growth.The concentration of Nitrogen here is quite high in this
study it is in range of 435 mg/l to 580 mg/l.
7. Calcium& Magnesium
The observed average value of calcium was in range of 22 to 40 mg/l, which is below standard
permissible limit of 75 mg/l prescribed by BIS. The quantities of calcium in natural water depends geology,
types of rock present in the catchment.
While the observed average value of magnesium was in range of 4 to 12 mg/l.Magnesium hardness particularly
associated with the sulphate ion has laxative effect on persons unaccustomed to it (Khursid, 1998).
8. Sulphate
Sulphate in lake water is primarily related to the types of minerals found in the watershed and to acid
rain. Industries and utilities that burn coal release sulphur compounds into the atmosphere that are carried into
lakes by rainfall. In water depleted of oxygen (anaerobic water), sulphate can be reduced to hydrogen sulphide
(H2S).The range of Sulphate is 4.35mg/l to 19.2 mg/l.
9. Algal Bloom
In Dal lake the with the advent of time and due to increased and unabated human incursions within and
lake peripheries have witnessed frequent algal blooms. Recurrence of such blooms has become a regular
phenomenon in the various basins of the lake. A close relationship was observed between chloride and nitrates
which almost coincided with those of high euglenoid population. The reason behind algal bloom can be inferred
as lack of water flushing,enrichment of nutrient and building up of free carbon dioxide were the possible causes
of the euglenoid bloom in Dal lake.
10. Hardness
Hardness in Dal Lake is higher than permissibleHardness concentration of freshwater bodies of
Kashmir Valley has been associated with thick population of plankton, especiallyCyanophyceae (Bhat and
Pandit, 2003).In this study in range is 300 to 400 mg/l in certain time of year .The values of total hardness are
much fluctuating from that of summer months to winter months
IV. Conclusion
At the outset, the study clearly indicates that the lake water is not fit for drinking consumption .It shall
undergo treatment for it to be used for drinking purpose . Thus through Water Quality Index (WQI) we can
have overall judgement whether that what purpose does the lake water suffice. In this method we use more
systematic approach which gives comparative evaluation of the water quality of sampling stations within a water
body . Water Quality index is helpful for public to understand the quality of water as well as being a useful tool
in many ways in the field of water quality management.
These results are important so that the local authorities may implement preventive measures to reduce
the threat of domestic and industrial discharges as well as agricultural activities discharges and have a check
over the land use pattern in the Dal catchment. 70 | Page
Determining the Water Quality Index of an Urban Water Body Dal lake, Kashmir, India
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