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My Article
WHO, about 600 million cases of diarrhea and that it is safe for human consumption. This may not
46,00,000 childhood deaths are reported per year be always true as many of the bacteria and
because of contaminated water . Globally, the most objectionable matter may be present in visible form.
prevalent water quality problem is eutrophication, These may be added to water either naturally or due
a result of high-nutrient loads (mainly phosphorus to certain activities and therefore it is important to
and nitrogen). Poor water quality has a direct understand their environmental significance. Water
impact on water quantity in a number of ways. quality attributes are classified as physical, chemical
Polluted water that cannot be used for drinking, and biological nature. The quality of water is judged
bathing, industry or agriculture effectively reduces by authentic standards. There are standards of
the amount of useable drinking water quality but needing review under
following reasons. World Health Organization
water within a given area. ground water and surface (WHO) has recommended guideline values for
water is threatened with pollution from various drinking water for developing countries, which are
sources viz., domestic wastes, industrial wastes, taken as base for formulating the local values. The
agricultural wastes, run off from urban areas and department of rural water supply of GOI (Rajeev
soluble effluents. The quality of water is a vital Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission) has
concern for mankind since it is directly recommended water quality standards in its
publication “Operational Guidelines for Rural Water
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Quality Surveillance” same geologic depositional (TSS), dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen
history and generally has similarities throughout the demand (COD) and bio chemical oxygen demand
stratum in terms of density, source. (BOD) were determined. The found values were
compared with the World Health Organisation
water quality standards.
Literature review:
1. Assessment of ground water quality and
its Impact in around Mangalam near
Tirupati ; G.DILLI RANI, M.SUMAN, 2904
P.REDDIRANI, R.PRATHIBA Interpretation of data shows that drinking water of
P. VENKATESWARLU some of the areas was polluted and not suitable for
Ground water quality and its impact on human drinking purpose. Thus the ground water of these
health in and around Mangalam, near Tirupathi, areas needs purification before drinking.
India was assessed. Water samples were collected
from 8 different areas in and around Mangalam and 3. Hydro chemical characterization of
ground water in around tirupati area- E.
analyzed for physicochemical parameters such as Balaji, A. Nagaraju, Y. Sreedhar, A.
pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, Thejaswini, Zahed Sharifi
total hardness, calcium, chlorides, sulphates, In the management of water resources, quality
nitrates and dissolved oxygen. The found values of of water is just as important as its quantity. The main
physicochemical parameters were compared with aim of this study has been to assess the variability of
the World Health Organisation water quality groundwater parameters to develop water quality of
standards. Based on the analysis, it was found that Tirupati area and its suitability for domestic and
ground water of some of the areas was polluted and irrigation purpose. Further, the samples were
not suitable for drinking purpose. Thus the ground analyzed for pH, EC, TDS, carbonates, bicarbonates,
water of the area needs purification before alkalinity, chlorides, sulfates, hardness, fluoride,
drinking. calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Based
2. Analysis of Drinking Water Quality and on the analytical results, chemical indices like percent
its Impact on human health in
Chandragiri, near Tirupati, India. sodium, sodium absorption ratio (SAR), adjusted
S.V.DORAIRAJU, C. SAR, percent sodium (Na %), residual sodium
BUJAGENDRA RAJU,AND carbonate (RSC) and permeability index (PI) have
P.V.CHALAPATHI. been calculated. Chadha rectangular diagram for
Drinking water samples were collected from geochemical classification and hydro chemical
different locations of Chandragiri, near Tirupati, processes of groundwater indicated that most of
Andhra Pradesh, India and analyzed to assess waters are Ca–Mg–HCO3 and Ca–Mg–Cl types.
physicochemical parameters and suitability of Assessment of water samples from various methods
water for drinking purpose. Physicochemical indicated that majority of the water samples are
parameters such as pH, hardness, alkalinity, suitable for domestic and irrigation purpose.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
6. Groundwater Quality Assessment using also cause cancer. In this study we made an attempt
Correlation and Regression Model in to know the concentration of eight heavy metals in
Tirupati, Ambiga Kannapiran .
ground water and surface water in different locations
Groundwater is the most important natural source of Tirupati, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh up to
required for drinking to the public’s around the ppb levels.
world, particularly in rural areas. An attempt has
been made in order to determine the spatial 9. Statistical Analysis of the Hydro
geochemical Evolution of Ground
distribution of groundwater quality parameters and water in Rangampeta area of Tirupati –
to study the correlation and regression method. The A. Nagaraju, K. Sunil Kumar, A.
Thejaswini, Z. Sharisi
physical and chemical analysis results were
compared to the standard guideline values as Multivariate statistical techniques involving factor
recommended by the Bureau of Indian standards analysis (FA) and R-mode hierarchical cluster
for drinking and public health in order to have an analysis (HCA) were performed on 30 groundwater
indication of the present groundwater quality. samples from Rangampeta, Chittoor District, Andhra
Pradesh, South India to extract principal processes
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
controlling the water chemistry. The groundwater ground water potentiality in Chandragiri mandal,
samples were analyzed for distribution of chemical Chittoor district, Andhra
elements Ca, Mg, Na, K, Si, HCO3, CO3, Cl, and SO4. Pradesh has been evaluated by analyzing the
It also includes pH, and electrical conductivity (EC)..
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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special