Course Module: Course Module Code Topic Coverage Reference/s Duration Learning Outcomes
Course Module: Course Module Code Topic Coverage Reference/s Duration Learning Outcomes
Course Module: Course Module Code Topic Coverage Reference/s Duration Learning Outcomes
Visit our course site on Schoology. Go to the EDTECL230 Discussion Folder, then study the case below and analyze the
side of both parties.
The case involved two minor students from a certain school whose photos were posted on Facebook. The photos,
which were uploaded by one of their friends, showed the students drinking and smoking in a bar, and wearing just
undergarments on a street. The photos were shown by one of the Facebook friends of the girls to the school officials
prompting them to ban the students from marching in their graduation rites. According to the school, the students
violated the school code of conduct.
The parents of the students in defense filed a petition for the issuance of a writ of habeas data and asked the court
to order the school to surrender and deposit all soft and printed copies of the photographs, and to declare they have
been illegally obtained in violation of the children's right to privacy.
1. After weighing all the information, with whom will you side - to the parent or to the school?
2. What are your reasons for siding with the parents? the school?
The Philippines, being considered as social media capital of the world, has a need to stress social media education and
etiquette among online users. The interview conducted with parents and teachers of high school students in the above
example underscored the need to use social media responsibly. All agreed for the inclusion of social media etiquette in the
3. How can social media be used to affect positive change?
Answer the discussions by posting your answers to the given questions on the “Discussion Thread” comment section.
Discuss your answers during the scheduled synchronous session.
In the previous lesson, we have understood our roles and responsibilities as global digital citizens. Our membership
in the virtual community requires that we behave appropriately and act responsibly.
While working online we all create a digital tattoo and we leave digital footprints. We have to remember that our digital
world is permanent, and with each post, we leave a digital footprint By doing self-reflecting before we self-reveal
we are able to consider how what we share online can impact ourselves and others (
Scrutinizing the term again, a netizen, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (26 April 2018) is an active
participant in the online community of the internet. The medical dictionary refers to it as an internet citizen who uses
networked resources, which connotes civic responsibility and participation. Thus netizenship means citizenship in the
internet or in the virtual world.
As responsible netizens, we are all expected to support a healthy interaction on the internet. A netiquette, or the rules
of socially accepted behavior online have to be observed in writing an email, in texting, and other communications on the
Each of us has a significant contribution to the kind of community we have in the virtual world. As the Association of
American Medical Colleges (2015 in says it, “We are responsible for the public face that the
connected world sees”. Consequently, our individual digital reputation is shaped by our posts on social media.
Experience (U1-L1-A1): Visit our class site on Schoology and open the Discussion Folder. Comment your answer on the
discussion thread entitled, U1-L2-A2: Netiquette.
Using a video-making application tool, create a 2-minute video about your own netiquette guidelines and disseminate
it through Facebook. Use it as a campaign material to encourage everyone to use the internet responsibly. Create a
slogan/tag line and have it as your caption for the posted video. Include #YourMannersOnlineMatter
#TechnologyforTeachingandLearning in your caption.
You will be assessed using the rubric below:
Rubric Excellent Fair Needs Improvement
Content 10 7 4
Video and Audio Quality 10 7 4
Audience Impact 10 7 4
Before posting the video make sure that you tag my Teacher account (Teacher Claire Magbanua) and then submit
the link of your video presentation (posted on Facebook) to the submission portal provided in Schoology.
Phone No.: 09508338074
Academic Consultation Hours (CoEd Office): M-F: 1:00pm-4:00pm
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Instructor Program Head Dean
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