Activist Media Toolkit
Activist Media Toolkit
Activist Media Toolkit
MIas: IisIiIUS:
I 7
Using the media..................... 3
How to write press releases....... 5
National newspapers .............26
Regional newspapers............. 27
is written by
I 7
Interview techniques............... 9
Complaining ........................10
Selling your video image to Local radio......................... .32
television ............................ 14
National radio...................... 32
@nticopyright for non profit making groups and campaigns only (please credit lJ~;) Setting up a local newsletter..... 24
© for everyone else.
And if you have useful contacts made through your media work
let us know and we'll include them in the next edition
Oxford GreenPrint
What are we up against? rising up against multinationals who are polluting their
local area,
aim: to expand its share of the rnarket. as ollr aim i', 10'
I media work tends to be tacked on as Sunday the because it's generally short of news.
an anerttlought to an action, with the result that The GM crop trashing at Watlington near Oxford took
to avoid: there's no point in approaching The Sun or interviews with opponents of the scheme there's either too little of it or the reporting is place on a Sunday afernoon, and received coverage
the Daily Mail, for instance, unless you're appealling to the difficulties of personal hygiene while tree dominated by the story from the other side's point of on all the national TV news bulletins that evening and
narrow mi rded knee-jerk nationalism or one of the In short, if the media isn't playing with view any organisationicorporation/political structure nearly all of the daily press the next day (with most of
few issues they support - GM being a prime example. in suits then it's ridiculing everyone else's . of a reasonable size will employ a full time PRlmedia the coverage reasonably positive). If you can, try to
The Sunday Times has been waging war on protesters Sadly, our job is to try to break through this and officer or team, who's sole task is to portray lhem as give journos their story by early afternoon - by 5-6pm
for years, and has no qualms aboul peddling utter ourselves across as more informed than the a nice friendly caring setup which has best most of the make-up of the next days papers is
bollocks in order to discredit the movement. On side. It can be done, but you need to play them at th( '11 interests at heart. They will dominate media already decided,
<,everal occasions its journalists have attempted to own game yes, you may feel compromised <md coverage of your event if you give them half a chance want your action to be ignored by the
infiltrate groups, or tried to secure cheapened by playing by their but you can do il - and they're usually good at what they do: aftrr on Budget day or when some foreign
information while pretending to be and keep your integrity, they're paid to be! Ensure you take al'> milch Cdrp with hC,ld of ~,ti\te i~, visitirllj you need to look ahead and
this paper at all costs. media work as you do ',(,I' wh;)! otlier evenl', <lre going to happen that day.
number of opportunities for It's not all bad, we do have some advantages: planning - you want to educate for other ddions - the press will nol
of the right-wing media: Integrity. We're genuine people, doing thingl' greater support, not risk the media ov('r mort' than one direct action story in one
occasionally slip past the because we believe they're right, not slimy hired you even further.
the Telegraph and Sunday hands pandering to the establishment for personal
are pretty unexpected. While gain. This shows when we allow it to: an open and • Out of the group of people who ~()[ I your media
nmnriptor, may be straightforward appeal to commonsense can cui work you will need to appoint a <,:ncjle per ~on dS media
some of through the clamour of sell
'coordinator'. You'll have to decide whether to have a
reasonable interest and spin-doctoring willi
single spokesperson or several but decide this in
make the resonance. When WI'
advance, and have a single person managing press
unreasonable situation. our unci utter I'd
enquiries, passing them on if necessary. This person
are allowed to be the
must almost always be based off site, and (sorry to Go on • put your heod in it
but the broadcast
state the obvious) be confident at dealing with the
media are legally obliged to be media. Not everyone is good at this, the ideal person
balanced should be confident, sociable and not afraid to open
we know, this isn't their mouth. Here's how to do
case, and there are certain
programmes, such as
• Use contacts you already have. Call journalists you've 1. Write it in the :: .........
or Central Weekend Live
made friends with and ask them if they're interested or style of a newspaper
are best avoided - they are the
broadcast eqUivalent of The
on to others. Activists often say 'never
, but at some stage you'll have to,
article, as a
might do, I " ~··I
Sun. Don't appear on any
difficult to talk an action without it's
programme produced or
the aame away on the and grammatically correct (get it
directed by Martin Durkin, the
several other people)
deranged far right libertarian
to couch your action in
who made the Against Nature series.
bits as auotes from your named
More importantly, the broadcast media's concept of and
fairness is a narrow one: as long as both Labour and
No more than 8 WOI ds,
Tory politicians have their say, balance is seen to have
a paper - short and to the
been achieved, f'Wrl if the view frolTl We;imins!er is Inherent media friendliness
a tiny Dill t of III(' polil i(.11 <,p('( If lJilI. We're colourful, fun, outlandish and outraljeOus. Much
outleh ,II e al',o V('I y (o1l',( iow, oj til(' ,J':> television executives might claim to hate u~,
and dr e even 111m e tr ivial television camer as love us.
media. The result is, once
Overall media strategy
Everyone has a different approach to media work, but
there are some aeneral themes which can be useful:
• Timing is critical. You Ileed to give 11)(' rll('di,) (,;)Oll'lit
the game. All media, but
notice of your action for them 10 re~polld. iJll! flol to()
,} set of rules - a formula for
much so as they forget. For a big aLlion ',('IHI (JIll
be balanced and
warning press releases a week and 3 days IJefor (c the
event. Look in the section on pres~ releases for more
The day of the week will also make a difference as
media coverage. Friday is the worst day,
of the vicar who has discovered that it's illegal your off-site press officer send out a
during his sermon, and intends to release the moment you are successful.
Environmental Activists Blockade GM Crops Company
preach continually in front of the threatened will
Press Release for immediate use
make them sit up and wonder what it's all about. you Who to send it to
25 April 2003
want to mention the tree-sit you [an do so further on ~nnnr'+e a lot of
in the text. to: all the
to GM crops this morning blockaded the UK headquarters of Bayel 4. The first is the most Tell the newsroom, ITN/C 4
CropScience [1] near Cambridge [2]. The blockade is timed to coincide with the Annual General Meeting whole where and when, 4 (Today Programme
of the firm's parent company Bayer AG in Cologne, Germany where UK GM activists are simultaneously is where you need to arab the Radio 5 Live, Independent Radio News,
holding a protest. Bayer CropScience is the company leading the rush to commercialise GM crops in the The second and third ies (Reuters, PA, AP Look at your regional
UK and Europe [3J they know and 8BC local radio as well.
The activists blocked vehicle access to the company's buildings by lockina themselves toaether with and the fourth YOIt ';hoilid also he aware of your local papers, news
metal tubes. One of the protesters, David Locke from Oxford, said dCj('[i( if:', ,mel i1ldependent local radio (most local
Don't write more than a sincjle page 01 M, II YOII I ddi(l (jet tlieir new', 110m IRN, but some do have thC'ir
a safety and accountability record as poor as Bayer's [4J to introduce a technology as i"hArAnt!\I
need to more factual information, do ',0 Oil .I own lo(,tI bllill'lill") there isn't enouah SDace to
unpredictable and potentially dangerous as GM crops,"
separate called 'Notes for Fditol',' thf'1lI ,III in lhe Toolkit, but
Laura Nauder lrom London said "This year is going to be make or break time for GM crops. I think it is break it up, as a large block of text willlJllt tlIC'1lI ol! deldil:'. from the phone bo
important to send a clear message to both the UK government, and biotech corporations like Bayer, Use numbered paragraphs or bullet Guide see resources section for
that the public still don't want GM crops, and that we will resist their introduction every step of the way," across facts and statistics, include individual and freelance
Sarah Wise from Totnes In Devon said "would you trust the company that brought the world heroin, 6. Write the date at the who seem interested
sarin, VX and Agent Orange 15J to make your food? - Because, frankly, I don'!." Always include a cause.
where contacts are You wil also need to tailor your press releases to the
the next two - ther-________________- .
, Irv news program based most of their report on enough to call the police or the company you're always seeming interested in the alternative', we
lootage shot by an activist This footage also went up on UK occupying to ask their opinion, So don't stick anything after all. if we want rail instead of roads
I InrlyMedia in which you don't want to be generally known. stili be il. are also
I The action succeeded and we got fairly halanced local For immediate news, iike the press release you send on the
Press work and how it went: media coverage, though not much national coverage to say you have occupied a buildina/worksite etc don 'j with the
8e(or(' the ilction we wrote apress release (see ahove) and use an media is
I Things that would have made it better
I ,I mailer of time befm e
cornpiif;ri iI list of email addresses, fax numbers and phone 1, Two people doing press work on the ground one
!lOII( cd by those who need to keep thclJ1
numbers I()r IOllfidists This was left with someone not generally chasing up journalists and one phoning ',wl'!'1 to c[]<,lJrc: they get re-elected.
going on the actioll, til st:nd out when the action started. handful of targeted journalists. There is a small database of trade press in Ihe IJ1)ok ,
Copies of the press relcdsf: ,lI1fl the phone contacts were 2. Getting direct phone lines for journalists you could send out 'war ning' We have included the most likely ones we (,In lind, but
taken on the action along wrth dedicaled 'media mobile wanted, rather than newsdesk numbers, a week beforehand. If your action look around on your next office occupationNt(' vi~;it to
phone', As soon as the blockade was up one person started 3. Having an agreed policy on giving video footage to 11" is a an occupation or a lock-on) have see what they're reading. Check thc Glhudiart F7i
I phoning journalists to check they had received the press mainstream rnedia, e,g using a'Copyleft' agreement Media Guide for listings specific to YOIJI C.)1I1I););11f\ b:mI
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_ ..
turn up.
it Be calm, However mlJch the issue, your opponent,
the alternative media and email lists - vital a new press release every day as long as you've (j1,1 - don't say anything stupid or risky.
or the media itself winds you up, you mustn't let it
up extra something to say e,g, 'new record set for cr,1111 - be friendly, whoever they are. Bite your lip, Don't
show. Generally the calmest person is the one the
etc This will often their backs up even if you can't stand them,
audience sees as the winner. This doesn't mean
How to send them to cover the wider issue rather can't be passionate and enthusiastic, but
Generally the best way to send a press release has event. Be a tour guide.
and enthusiasm must be
been fax and often still is, However the media are If you some amended contact details or new Take them round the event/site and show them what
repeat mustn't,
email more often, emdil, for newsrooms are useful contacts please let us know you want them to see, Introduce them to who'll
hostility, If necessary, take a
where we've been them. If in doubt call inside front cover) we'll include it on well with them, and keep them away the answering the question. Be
the newsrooms you want to wntact and ask how you who won't be able to restrain their everyone.
~hould send them a press release, as at the time of Dealing with journalists in person doesn't seem like a major intrusion on their privilCy.
writing the situation differs between companies for The media-exploitation process is about new', stay with them, in a friendly way, and talk them throllqh iii. f3(' (Oil( i',(' 11\ ,lIfwing how little time you
instance, when updating the database we call all the management once journalists get to the action .I', everything thev see. You nlll',1 know I'X,1( Ily wildt you want to say,
to check their details. When asked for a fax well as when you're trying to attract them. You've il 111 .1', I,'w worth as possible, with clarity
the Independent on Sunday said that to give the best possible account of what Be ready to deal with the ones who don't turn dl'lulllilllltion. The main point must come at til('
alw"ys use email and the fax rarely gets looked at, and provide the clearest possible However good your publicity. lots of jOIJfn<lii<,jo, of the interview: you should summarise the
whereas the News of the World, when asked for their of whv you're doing it This means you have to do be able to make it, but might still be inter c~,ted issue in one or two sentences before
email address were taken abdck by the mere things: want to know what's happening and how thing'; I1rc on your theme. Have a maximum of three
suggestion they might ll~,e ill going, so there should be at least one person lines of argument Any more and both you and
The majority of individual joumlli',I~ in a use Make sure the right people talk to the available with a working and charLJed-up mobile phone the audience will get lost.
ernail.soit makes sense to use this dS well you journalists whose number is on the press release, Journalists are
can get their individual addresses. It's generally We ail have different talents, and generally III suckers for on-the-spot reports, so when iv. It's the answers that count, not the questions,
productive to spend a few minutes talki ng people find their niche. Some people ,II,' put some excitement into your voice. Give them When you go into
journalists by phone and getting them intere')tcd in running over aerial walkways or constructir:q of colour. make them feel they can see it.
the story, develop these relationships and you will lock-ons, others are good at designi!liJ 'he ,'"d;o, yo" I ........d'
must know exactly ,
benefit from this during future actions,
We've also found that news agencies (Reuters, Press
flyers and newsletters. Some will be good at talking I"
people. and are persuasive, articulate and well briekd
Being interviewed what vou want to f r _______
Interviews, and how vou • •~ .--.
Associtated Press) (an be very useful in
terms of the number of outlets they syndicate the
story to, so it's always worth making sure they get
on the issues these are the people who should hi'
to the press, Yes, we know that as well as YOUI
issue, we are trying to change
a bloodsport, and you, the interviewee, are one of the
combatants, People watch or listen to them in the
earnest hope that one or other of the participants will ~:t' ....
press releases. have to remember that journos r.....:;#t- .
~ Il'j
.......... .
be gored to death. Like any other fight, you win not . t·,:
fax modem is invaluable and means you don't need (an to have a go at trivial issues th,!! through brute force but through skill. And, like any
r... ~
to sit by a fax machine for hours, There's plenty of are nothi ng to do with the campaign the finer other sport, there are rules you have to follow,
tree fax softwar e available on the web that uses a of tree-sitters hygiene, the length of dreadlocks. how So here are the rules and tactics, Practice, as in any some answers
database of numbers and a modem to automate your are 'not actively seeking employment'", So other sport, is absolutely critical. If you haven't done aiready worked out especially for the
faxing. for the campaign as a whole for the many interviews before, get someone to pretend to be ask, like the condemn/condone (' (!fI('
follow and don't send people who will be talking to the the interviewer a day or two before you're due to go and other things which seem unbearably II
spam, Snail 1l'.('lf l
()(;, sound similar to what the media class as a 'norm,II' on, and get her or him to give you a hard time. See
member of society· after ali they don't out oft(,!! how VOLI do, and find out which parts of your v. Don't Iy
Follow up and will be having trouble crossing the cultllr .II have to brush up. deal with
Give evpryo!1l' d' ,ill 10 (lit" k as it is. The best way of practising is by practise, to be caught out
number, PI '11.11 II 11.1',11', 1)1"'11 IJlIII"d IlIl1h .I Dile of and role-Dlavina activists versus you do practise, you'll find that all you have
other pdp('rWOI K. I r('POI ter<;. you've been through already.
be it pres', reled',!:!"
essence of the story. Be careful, but don't come across as Rules and tactics
database to check fax suspicious i. Be informed. This is the golden rule. Remember. this
changed or moved around the building, The phone call Some of them will be there to help you, others will I,,· is an information war, and the best warriors are those
can iJI' .I qllick one 'did you receive our press there to undermine you. Sometimes the lattel with the best information, Don't go into a studio unless
release)', 'will YOII be covering the action7', 'do you to be out to help you. The only you're confident that you know your subject better
need any 11)()f (' ifltor mlltion 7' safeguards are:
than the person you're up against, and can head her
Don't be put oil by tileir rudeness this is what - know who they are. Ask them their names and wi",
or him off if they try to outtox you with some new facts.
they're paid for. Be Icddy to on the story, or to work for, If they ring from the
viii. Turn hostile questions to rlnnonent as someone who has be. 'II person and have lots of free time, sue for libt'l. 11'., nol lIolhlook 11011',1', I t1 (,IC,1I Queen Street, London WPP,
are at le;d a (ouple of to be told the truth, Think of yow an option for most 01 us, but if you know OJ IdWYI'1 ')DCI. FolX: OlO/ 1j(J'J !()G4. Tel: 0201 430 212t1.
- De,,1 with the to put them right, rather than to prepared to work for free, it's wor th scndirllJ ,} II YOII've (jot d malar complaint, contact !III'
and you'll find that when you go into threatening leiter, It might prompt the P.lI)t'1 or Bro,l(kasting Standards Commission, as well as one
studio you'll be a lot less tense, programme to issue an apology and C,ci! Ie 0111 III the above, BSe, 7 The Sanctuary, London SWl P 3JS.
And remember when you go into a studio, you ,til' court: a few thousand quid for your (au~,e never Fax: 0207 233 0544. Tel: 0207 222 3172,
there to tackle one issue and one issue alone, not I,· amiss, Don't try It without a I ask for a copy of their regulations before
put right the ills of the whole world, Concentrate There is no leaal aid lor libel cases. is a valid
one task, and you'll make life a great deal easier h,1 and date of the
yourself, wait, and keep on
case. 1.------------,
in the
A. Keeping up your contacts broadcast media
to write down the names and numb!'1 '. can be
you meet, and maybe make " spectacularly
worthwhile, as the
~v ·
brief note of what like and how they treal,·r!
If you're going to be involved in a lOr!' I producers of
keep the sympathetic ones informed abolil Channel 4's .. " -.,.:.J
it every so often, so that when the next event COITH". atrocious
up, they won't have forgotten what it's all about. Shal" Nature series
your contact lists and experiences with people in oth('1 to their cost.
In,jQn~n,j~n+ Television
campaigns: it could help them a lot. And send us
ix. Leave YOlli flol(H, hcilinci. If what you want to say contacts so we can include then in the next your case, verdicts in its
isn't in YOIH 111',111, YOII ',IHJlildll'l 1)(' in the studio. a leaflet/newsletter etc. that Channel 4 had to make a
• and distribute these apology and the series director, Martin
can. We could not suggest you go into from the company he worked for.
newsagents and stick a leaflet in every copy of the rag
in question, But you could stand next to the street Remember: if they stitch you up and you don't
paper sellers giving them out, distribute to all the complain, they'll do it to you again and again.
hOllses in an area affected by the story... but this
needs time and bodies. Conclusion
do not belong • Appeal to the Press Complaints Commission, It's a All
voluntary body set up by the newspapers Clnrl is
to will your audience over, So, for example, the SUlld I, useless, even though most of It, rnernl)(,1 "
'"lIiric,ing your Times claimed that ',"" from outside the press. Its code ill( needs sp('(
0ppollml'., 11"',llioll is often Ij:, ~ .... lA~
terrorist' tree-sitter', to reDlv and iour nallsl'; as it needs s[)('(
f. ,,(,:-~, ~ .)
quite dl('( IIVI'. ('Wi'll, 1('1's Salsbury Hill rnore there are, the mort' ,11'.)[
take a look .lIllII', ('lIlIilIY',lrie London will corne across, and the nlOW
~~ 1';":~1 Fax: 0201 3538355. Tel: 0207 353 12118, will be dttracted to our cause. This I'. hllw ',111.111
Alliance, Its rndillllll)(lr-I i', til,' .... ,<'*
,~(O..." ~
~\\ ,,~,
Duke of Westminster, who, rumblings turn into earthquakes, ThE" I ('volt It iOIl will
his name suaaests, I', d III. It you've been stitched up by the broadcast media, be televised, but that doesn't medii 11i.l1 it f~
, your prospects are rather better. It's by laws won't also be live. ~
cmJ __ "___
gfttnpg i~j~:r:fe::-j~hft~
- any sane person feels this way if they're is still employing. Here you have to be
involved in an issue stay cool. You can are not white ilS the driven snow,
back for a second go later in the is the thing to them ilnd most don't give two
a credit (also known as a the emeraino Cilreer of a rookie
aren't paying. You
will then
-.,.. _ ........ -,,* sold to the press,
of feature
one can deny that thr press is deeply up trees and receiving cheques, To stick .1 The golden rule is: if
Iht' information they receive. Given that a
'staffer' on a often takes up too much time and don't expect them to
a thousand words this same rule must
many of these newspapers aren't interested in the Editors have their own take on the story II If' in contact with
However, everyone has
to wider social issues, even thouah the events print a derogatory article using a (,jplioll Oetilll on back of thl'
there are many photographers around are happening in the you have YOIII {[Hilde! details.
who cill their teeth on direct action and gained meant to be informing, Ill" 111('1 care 3 ways of getting DICUIW.
THE picture sweet tends to be more imn()rbnt Conclusion: It's not all In the press:
their hearts the truth. Be nice even if
wort Ii you hate. On 1. Being a freelance who has a name to
interested to have a look at picture desks.
any good'll have to
from your friends and fellow
your picking up ideas from what is
aren't good
you're not close National News - A whole different ball game. 3. Work alongside a sympathetic journalist. But above
still holds some truth These days all the national picture desks ail don't rant about rl- - - - - - - - - - - ,
despite the surfeit of pictures digitally (via a phone the
irrelevant PR stunts effect of censor ina many Empathy is
as stories in the ;:::::::::::!:======:=: name of the
press. are .1 published on bearing
stUdent and ones). The cost of an adequate most
It's a you are working in th run to about a thousand quid. However field
area (this avoids access to one of these it will open up
over as You will also need access to a
Impartiality is software and email. For
watchword of the medi,1 there - will often be an
(even though tho Associated
machine itself is run by the digital gear and
corporate money and on time. These guys also have a track record as an
are 'partial' and to be avoided, accredited news source with the picture desk.
have some good pictures of a local issue If you are not working on urgent news stories but are
he interested in and would they like to have trying to an issue covered as a feature (often the
directiofl, a view to the possibility of publishing thellL best find out who the journalists are who are
the pictu! e editor/news editor (it costs c;vnm::rthp!'!r to social/environment causes and link
There are 2 aspects to getting pic:tures in: your pride). Call them at the newspaper having
1. The savvv the psychology 01 (Jetting them to for m from reading their articles. Flatter them·
DO NOT give them don't get much of that and they oe',frvp it if ttwy
so you don't lose are any good, It won't make YOLI fed ',i( k 1)('( .111',(' il
are notorious for and will be
the oictures onto the
On the
• Choose where the being interviewed should
offer your to Wnewsr either straight the lens or off to the right or
The established have the power of mass disttil?ution and left of the camera, It is better to ~Jive them an eye
to ignore it. Whifeit is vitally important to contact to talk to just off the Lanwra.
concentrate on creating outlets for our stories <:n""'''hes Generally don't work ver y well
alternative news videos and CDROM's as well as Internet is much better to take notes and then
broadcast, we can utilise TV for rapid dissemination on the day. interview the soeaker afterwards. However if you do
either plug a cable from the
microphone socket or place your
no sOllnd <,ysjrrn
news with no sound - check how many differenl cable (about fiV('
images make up each feature. Here is a reeelil it as (lose as you i .III III
example of filming a GM crop direct action with TV
1. Estahlishing shot . A wide shot showing the crop How do I get my images onto TV?
llidl growing in the Once all the images are in Ihe bag, keep an
watching Z. Close up/cut Detailing what the eye on the time and work out which news
camcorders 3. Group shop - a of the protest outlet yOU are aiming for. There is no point
response, Undercurrents tr ained activisb 10 record who the people are until 6.30pm if Channel 4 news is
Iheir own to the best 4. Interview Ask what is wrong with these GM crops at 7pm. Each broadcaster has its
of years we were, and 5. Action- imaaes of people the GM crop own news desk and all the phone number<,
recorded on domestic carner as, for are listed in the book. It may be wor th
transmission internationally. Today, most How do I get the best recordings possible? phoning news desks before an action,
and news crews use small camcorders, which are Stable images are the key to good video work. them you are an independenl
slightly better than domestic ones such as deep breaths and holding while recordina is "I (you do not need a 'press card'
video (DVCAM). They cost much less than technique. Atripod may be useful for some else to prove it.) and you h"vc
mounted cameras. They may have been slow off the overall it will be a hindrance. along to a direct action as a
mark in joining us but the camcorder revolution is now • A camcorder lens is at its optimum when used dl Do not give the if they
in full swing. short distances. It is much better to use a wide are interested they will then have
and get in the face of the action rather than stand al to come back to once the
Why don't news channels send their own a distance and try to pick it out. The most obviOll' have your
crews? Whal iJroddc1';lers call 'News' is mistake is using the zoom (going in and out on d is a national or a
r v1.1110Il', ';Iunl<i ~uch as royal subject) and panning (turnina the camera Quicklv leil can be tricky but star ies will 1)('
1I'llI)! I'" All prearranged in a to right or vice versa). You on to the national news il
i'. '"iI(' ,lfld Dfcdictable. Direct close uo than with a t-'ensloners blockading the high <,tll'l'I ovel
traffic are generally a local <,IOIY willi,' .I
liA, ,1J/~, local protest over GM crops is
1 v: the nation at large so can
i~~ national news agenda. Phone the
vidt·o paint a banner. pull up a GM crop etc. news desk of BBC or ITN. This may 1)('
10 1)lilHI IIII' • To exclude the interviewer's voice, ask DeaDIe to Yorkshire, South Today etc. ConLli I 11111111)('1'.
ex, 1IlljJle was include the question in their answers· so the database. S<1If'lliie ,11](1 ,
sent 43 reporters here?' should get the or CNN <1rt· !llllnIH'II', 1111
to the 250,000 we need to stop the di'( I' ,lOll "WI ';>1111'1 1",,1"'1"
the politicians' ended and difficult to use 'hei ,llJ',(' il'"
was the video cameras of messy!' How do I talk to a TV station?
,1I!d tJnd"ri mrents who hiqhliqhted the real • Don't move the camer a away excited about a y ',0 II Y
01 violcill ',I,ll,' dll'l is talking. Anything they rcier to (,m of view. Why is a (1M
an exlllll',11 • If you are stuck for questions think 11101 t' IllIplJllant than the latest
But I'm not a professional! You can get a decent 11111' 1,,1 Where. and Who pointers to ensure YOII (Jel Ihl' Ilill;1 i' IIhlinstream audience? The
The notion of III'W', " i', nonsense. A 'tie diD' microphone may Ill' ,,1'1 Ice breaking can be 'Wlial do you confidence, Most news desks known ·1',
Undercurrents have pr oved Ihdl l.dn leal n how shops. to achieve?' or 'What would like to see as an 'forward h,WI' II) (!IIJ
F.FF.i"'i to captur e the five that are are difti( Try to be orovocative and think of what a demand
~ needed for any news hrn;vlr::ld Watch TV
Should I give an exclusive to just one TV network?
No, as this limits who sees the images. If you are short Union of
seems to be the ru Ie of the Going to the newsroom yourself is useful as you can on time, it is always worth asking one news desk to
newsrooms so expect it and be oreoared. Phone ~ TV offer more of an explanation of the action and news wire it to other rivals. It is common practice between
station and it will go something editors are so out of touch that you will be a breath 01 ITN and BBC and saves you a lot of time. You still
News desk· Hello, news desk, Dilri!l~ fresh air to their stuffy office. Ensure charge each news desk that uses it.
clips that you want to give, this is your
Darius, my name ),lIIC ,lIld I have have full control of it at this stage. Keep Who keeps copyright?
a documenlar y Ofl genetic engineering of who you dealt with and details of all "","",,,,monic You retain all copyright and it is worth telling news
recorded a dl dllIatic direct action made. The news desks will now editors that they have the rights to broadcast for (4
pr olest, which you may be interested in. from a 30 second to a 3 hours only. They must contact you if they wish to usc
News desk Where was it? Anv violence? How from yo~ur images. Interviews are images again. Normally you can ask for 50% oi
are invaluable for giving the narrator ;nfNrr>"t;~n fee again.
What do I do with my tape aftelWards? r',/fJl 0' Connor. co-founde/ 0/
What do I do now? Undercurrents runs a protest archive and (an dub YOUf alternative news. He has been
1111i11'11 1II1C'1;/5
Its time to sit watch the news bulletins and tap" and supply it to TV makers for (dlliCOIder images to TV networks worldwide for over
them if possible so that you have a record of who documentaries. We act as an agent lor ten years. Contact him on undemi'i)an.c1Dc.ora with
used it and in what context Send the news desks funds. Contact us via any questions or suggestions. July
invoice for the agreed amount as soon as possible
more tnan a
~ 01111111.11 you feel the fee is too low. We have to push them illill Audio amplifier (Inc! "
out of your iJdll(l', II , accepting a decent price for our so th.i! .I Connecting cables
!,) '.f'!
the police. standard price can be in place for future times. Blackout material
Label all tapes with Y()III II,IIIH' ,lIld dddll".'•. Video recorder or
lJllI: Of
Generally newsrooms al C (,11 1'1111 w'II1I.1I)1''' .md don't Should I get them to sign an agreement? Good video material,
lose them. but make sure they po',1 il h,i( k .I', ',(JOII d', Yes, in theory but impossible in practice c,O 1('Iv ,01 can CfllJ
Video players: a pub, in woods, a cinema or a front room. For - Produce the content of the pages and 'build' it into
You can use a normal VCR but atmosphere, it is better to fill a small room than to a web site
~~~~g !h~
on VHS than have a large room half empty, -Get some on the web to host your site
you can 2) Determine event name and write a one-paragraph -Get a addrp~'; ot your web site .
description of it. This will focus your thoughts. Beyond e.g.
Audio amps and speakers: TV, NewsReal, Wild spaces, Reel Madness, Global For site of 'computer
Its best to amplify the sound so II y 10 get a VCR that
has separate audio Olltplil', 101 Its two sound
Avoid VCRs Hid! 1i,1V!.: only an RF (aerial)
as these are Iioubiesome if you want good
Insights, and Undercurrents, are some popular event
3) Consider the following:
- who will your audience be - the aeneral DubHc or a
around with articles on
web sites. They often Include a free CD-Rom
building software. There is even a basic
Communicator (tree web browser
',ollJld. For ot up to 30 people a domestic specific community? Otl IlIdrty (OWl (11'.(")' It is advanta(JPollS to havp
hi-ti amp and is fine. Due to the amount of - what kinds of videos and issues will you be article is a brief introduction to how III!' WI'" r .II' ',DIlI!'OII(, Oil YOIII ICdl1l who is able to edit YOII! ',Ii" ,',
on each video, sound quality is very presenting? useful to you as a tool for Call11l,li(J1l1111i ,1IId It up 10 dall' with accurate info strdirjili 110111
impol tant and domestir <,ystems are far superior to - will there be other entertainment awareness of your wlie!!' ii'" Ii,lppening.
<jllild! ,1I1IP~ or combo'. dance, etc.) or instant access to These applications are comparable to using WOI Ii
Willi ,1IIdiences of mort 111.1[1 30 i! is worth getting 4) Advertising is vital. Plan two weeks ahead and to qive you a processing or desk top publishinq applications and
11111<1 of a small PA aillp ,lIId ',p('dkers. 100 Watts the screening listed in music and free web page,> we dOIl't h;we they have good help files. Keep il :;imple and you
',/1ollld be large enough for uuw(h of lip to 50, but sheets. Write a press release and to and there's plenty of anoraks out there who are should be up and running in a couple of days. For
you need something with 11101(' OOIIIl)h lor stations and newspapers too will ina to share this information with you. more details have d look at
audiences. A4 Dosters or www,
From an activist's point of view the web is an Domain names are very cheap these days
Cabling/connecting up your kit: useful tool, that gives people (both , domains work out about £6 for 2. years
The best way to avoid problems is to have a tr [ill run and journalists) instant access to your registration, and will usually mean a more memorahle
the day beforehand. There is nothing worse than news without tying up your office web address try for
trying to sort out any technical Droblems with an line. You also have a relatively level playing field domain names.
audience waiting for the show to get to start on - much more so than with conventional With regard to web there's load~ 01 free
to be sure of coverinG every Dossible system it is media (anyone can set up a web page with a minimum space providers, the they
worth of dash and expertise, unlike starting daily papers/TV adverts, either as a pop-up window or a
kits available in video channels). page. Alternatively you can pay for a
(onvert every conceivable The first step - getting a web page - there are several your web pages. This can cost as little as
connector into the desired stages to getting a web site: The problem we've found with free space
the money.
You (arl screfll
data cable be a Master/Mistress of Ceremonies ~--."---.
good to have someone introduce the
can also encourage discussion and
people towards supporting actions etc. after
iJ.I',i( ''(ro'n leave your show.
il willi ,llId iron a table of flyers and info sheets for
"P"I PIOI"( lion IIpl omillf] events and related issues to hand out to
", 1II.Ik,' ill(' illI.1fj(' I)('oplr dS they come in or to pass around during the
, 1.1',1 I old ',( I i,(,II', Me\ introductions. The audience will enjoy it more if
hll C L,ciliti!", .III' (II ('.II Old (11iC they (an interact rather than just sitting there In the
screens with tripod legs are popular and darkness and then going home. You could even have'
as well. a questionnaire to hand out asking the audience til
comment on each video, This will help you decide what
wor ks and what doesn't for future shows.
The Vellll!' 11I·,·tI·, 10 he as light tight as you can make
8) Enjoy yourself and congratulate yourself on
it. Most video III "i"llill', ,He Iiseless in a day-lit space.
direct action!
Blackout teillll,ll"li,rI "OII<JW!·t! 110m il theatre is ideal,
WE 1) Find a space. This «Ill 1)(' ill d ( for alivirf: Oil crmf>"i""
disappear with no www,egroups,corn or www,, offers some
for web space the benefits, Fir stly, you can send one email which is
make sure your site distributed to everyone on your mailing list, which is putting video up there for downloads for info on how
appears. if you are on a slow dial up. You can also set up to do this see www,
a mail input form on your web page, allowing visitors
to add themselves automatically, which is a real boon Promotion of your website: emails eg:
when vou're pressed for time as is often the case in Registering with search engines most people use a
fiies search engine when looking for information on the Check out Undercurrents: The nl'W~, you don't see on
the web based email there are two email web, so adding your site to them is vital. Look at the the news: http://www.undercur rents.olg
you securer web based email main search engines google, ask yahoo, 1111.,'1, Thi~; ',hould help increase the number of visitors to
and They are more etc and find the bit where you can add d ',ile III(' your '.ile hili don't become obsessed by the number of
What to put on your site. use encryption to scramble search engine will take a look at you web p,j(j(' ,1IIe1 ili'" yllll '1"'1. 11'<, IIi(' qllillity of the traffic that comes
I Your contact details - on the front page or at least
11. emails so that they are less easy to read select keywords for reference. For mOf (' Ifllo "('(' YOII WdY lildl ((JIJII'" when it comes to a socidl (1,.1'1'1"
one, clearly mJrked click away from the front page. transit over the internet. wt'\)<,il,', II'., Ir'('dh,l(k and the ensuing partirijl.lllllil
phone ntlrnl)er, fax, e-rnilil, address contact names" Newsgroups should also get a mention. ,,,,.,/lJHI
Many ill'ople may be ace c"',inC] your site for this one of the original tools of the
re,NlJl ,ilulI(' so make it ed',y tor thcm, global discussion on pretty much any topic. If you
post to a newsgroup expect large amounts of spam.
2, Campaign information - The what, where. how, why (unsolicited email) There are other types of groups Stickers: They work, and cost £15 i~h fOI a box of 100
dl the very least all of the infor 1l1.ltion on your and forums that are web-based, (eg Yahoo groups sheets. Then laser print or "hr.lromm. real time.
don't have \PdU' for on but generally they seem to be onto them, and stick them and discuss
advertiSing funded. seconds to water proof them. in several different-countries ilt once.
Press: When you do any kind of interview or press For more info see the Indyrnedia IRe paue
4. links - to other sites of interest to your release try to insist that they print your URL. This is so http://irc.indymedia.orgl
relevant infor mation, and the target of your you can tell the story from your point of view. or and software).
to get someone with time and
access to do searches sites that
link to you. Web protocol is to exchanae links
between sites, Have a full email
3. A Mailing list once someone has visited your web the general information you want to
site, it is much better if you can get them to join your for a rnutuallink exchange, You can then cut and
mailing list, so you can then send them emails with that into the messages you send out. Make sure
your latest news, urgent calls for action etc, rather add something which shows you have read at least a
than relying on them looking at your site regularly
can also email Ihem to let them know if you've
the site with illlflOl I,m!
couple of pages of the web site you are requesting a
link from. Try to establish a link between your cause
and theirs.
Some web sites that receive loads of hits (visits) and
are likely to link to you immediately include:
meetings - this evolved into Schnews, a weekly t.... _.... _...;__.:.;____,.;;,_·;...;::,'... __ ~·,~·~ ....·.:....::..:::.··:. ... _____.... _________ .:::...:.. ... .:.._ ... l
ff£;~W A4 freesheet which covered all the diverse
What prompted the editors to run this 'story' issues that were lumped together under the
over the rest is anyone's guess but it does CJA. Ten years on it is still going strong, with an
reveal something of mainstream news values. estimated 30,000 people reading it every week.
The sad thing is, many people are taken in by
the myth: 'TV is truth, truth is TV' - look at the At the same time, Road Alert!, a networking
rash of 'docusoaps' that are flooding the group for anti - road campaigns started
networks - now you can sit at home and enjoy producing a weekly faxed newsheet, giving all
the whole spectacle of life, without ever having the campaigns, the mainstream media, and
to leave your chair. You have just become a anyone interested, their own summary of
passive consumer of 'Real Life 1M', filtered events.
through the hundreds of channels now
available. Just as long as you sit through the Schnews is read by a wide variety of people;
seemingly endless adverts as well. activists, travellers, animal rights campaigners,
along with many more mainstream readers
And how much relevance does this all have elderly people have WI itten in praising Schnews,
but correcting their 'dreadful grammar and
to you and the people you know? Probably
none at all - even your local paper is probably punctuation'. Even reporters at the Evening
owned by a huge faceless corporation such as Argus, Brighton's daily rag, read Schnews - one
these: of their reporters, Adam Trimmingham says
'There is always room for a radical newsletter of
'II" I.
the Schnews type, it can cover stories that, for
Northdiffe Group - part of the Daily Mail Group
- owns 95 local titles various reasons, the local press can't and won't
I' I~P6W8-Z~i-';{l'li7w.''''
report on'. ~LEIIANCE.
1f) !WPIENCE ~ FrM.A.l f; INl'I/VtnOAL WtrJf AN ""
'L~~t;;;, r=~~~8,!~
Newsquest - owned by Gannet Co Inc - the
largest US newspaper company - 203 local held r",.,{
f¥" HtNfV!I.j rv ~rs,"
- titles
Trinity - recently merged with the Mirror Group
- 234 local titles.
Schnews has since inspired rlIzmy similar
publications, in towns and (ili(", 0111 OVl'I IIIf' tlK,
which are able to report to tlw 10(.11 (Olllllllllilly
the issues that affect them, Irl,(, IWIII IIII'
P"' .
~ ,:~." \-2!J~'
. ,,., -... ~ . i J__
areas tIlat are being concreted over by McSheliBury's loads of bods monthly is okay but 50nw s10! i(H, (.Ifl Imflrls from
and then people will begin to understand the lose thC'ir impact totally if for example
relevance of these issues to their lives. They will see about an action that happenf'd w('ek', d'lO
that you are the voice of common sense and that Fortnightly can give a balancf' betwe('ll til(' Iwo
politicians and corporations are the outsiders, terms of workload and immediacy of drlil Ie:"
Some practicals: reversing the way your views are portrayed by the time to relax between
Gel ',0/ I,'d with an addre,,~, ,mel bank account - use establishment. Use 'we' and 'our' a lot when writing. about its existence. reaction you
10( .. 1 action centre a<; ,lfl addf ('s~, point, or get a If you still have room, stick in anything national or easiest format is a local
box (cost around £50 II building society or international that's: relevant to your area, interestin n -it can be Get someone 10
(,lltJb,mk 'clubs and societies ;)(COllflt' j" Ille E'<l<,iest to newsworthy and ignored by the mainstream media. or the distr ibution and
local resource
obl<1in. ~"" divide the list
Do a diary. You can and holds a
between a few
A3 is a
less common but
. (\(tm~sll.liil :wJS~ ~
who can spare an
hour to deliver it. The
~~tt~~g ~~
you SCODe for --~(]\@tI{RKA
~, . ~-',-'
.... distribution of
alternative media i<.
always the hafde~1
bit. 1111 those Ulossy
mags in the
special issues every rciltWitl1-.I~J·
t J!I\¥lll newsagents have d
national so often). Try to ,-'- mas~ive distribution
-- -- - .. --- " ',.
May Day, find a local small network the
and definitely include fun stuff printer/resource WH Smith mrmr",,,11I
- gigs by sound local bands, centre, student to
community fairs, and anything union or college -U' message
1..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---1, positive. print shop - they
are a lot cheaper
<Jol ,) name and a team, Check your facts. Post-McLibel you're unlikely to get that high street copy shops - NEVER use
YOIIi P,l(I''', Wille ')ued, but you can look pretty silly and/or malicious if with glossy high street
d I,ll Wid,'! dlHlicfI(C hy YOII get stuff wrong. Also, going back to sources may ProntaPrint/Kall Kwik etc they
the .11111 I,,,, (1101 100 11111< h r cV(,dllllore dirt than you expected. If you can't check twice, sometimes 5 times as much as your small
yogurt, thllllqll) .111<1 III( ,lill'!lIdIIVI". 1"(' I;)(h. the best way around libel is the use of Put an aDDeal in the next Issue you may
and sustilindhl,' '.UIIIIIOfI·, 1IIII1IOIlf ,Hld loads of satire and sarcasm (you all read it!
self-appoinll'<J 1j(l.lIdl.lIl', 01 II,..' dil,'<1 .\(111)11 PfIV(ltl~ Eye don't you .. ,).
movement's ideological purity el( (lJ<,(, you of scllinrJ
out now and then, whats important is the local news Get photos and cartoons You IlIdV ,III 1.111
fur your at ea and your local readership after ali, the articles). This I]('W Will ,llilve,
that's Whdl il '<; there for. enormously and should 1111.1 V'"I!·."'I III .1 ·1 1111111 debate IlvPl Ih,'
scanner and hI! ,,1111 ". ',lloulel lake. But belil'vI' II',
Start with the obvious IIldY !lot get much feedb,1( II. If 0111
groups anel (.11111'.1111'1', .lilt! ,IIIV')!'" hili I "lllI'llIiJef that you are slowly Idlil, .lli<,lfl(l
trawl the local P''1)<'!', 101 the text. Iii<' vvluJll' oi your local community - it fllll·.1 Ill' W{)llll
fillers that II
and IOfI';lIlTler waste is Written by Oxyacetylene. Thanks to Tilt' ('OIl< /lollel ./llil
the minutes at III, H1 dead trees. Schnews for input to this article. [J:W
~ there are any.
DaUollaldaily aod suodlJPapers
-.. "'",""'!',.-_ . . .,:-:. . . ""-- . . . . -_ . .,-_.. --- ......... -~----""!":-;-,...- . ,'. _.. . . _--"""'-''''''!'' -
phone: 0207 928 8000
news desk phone: 0207 922 7070
news desk fax0207 922 7062
circulation (2002) 862,000
news desk phone: 0207293 3201
news desk fax: 0207 510 6235
circulation (2002) 1,336,000
email: peoplenews@mgn,(
Daily Mail 2 Derry St, I ondofl, W8 5TT.
phone: 0207 938 GOOO
phone: 0207 278 2332
news desk phone: 0207 239 9571 or/-81
Independent on Sunday, 1 Canada
Canary Wharf, London, E14 50L.
0207 293 2000
Sunday Business, 3 Water h()lJ~e Sq, 1·'It'
London, ECl N 2NP.
phone: 0207 961 0000
news desk phon!': O?O/ 9386372
news desk fax: OlO/ 9374463
news desk Fax: 02072399787
news contact: Andrew Cull
news desk phone: 0207 005 2623 news desk phone: 0207 961 00')0
news desk fax: 0207 005 2051 dc',k fax: 0207 961 0102
news contact: Tony Gallagher (ed) picture desk phone: 020 7713 40 70
Daily Star 245 Blackfriars 191 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9RS. news desk phone: extn 713 3 dc',k !<lX: 020! 293 3939
London, sr 1 9lJX.
phone: 0207 005 2000, news desk fax: 0207 937 3715 (1I(lllelIiOfi (2002) 1
phone: 020 I 8000 news desk phone: 0207 005 2753 circulation (2002) 2,350,000 eillail:
news desk phorl!': O?D/ 92? 73 73 news desk fax: 0207 005 2051 News of the World, 1 Virginia St, Wclppinq, Sunday Telegraph, 1 Canada
news desk fax: 020/
news contact: Lisa Hc!
/960 news contact: Adam
picture desk ohone: 0207 005 2692
London, E1 9130.
phone: 0207 782 4000
Canary Wharf, London, E14 50T.
0207 538 5000
picture desk phone: 0,'0;' 'V? n picture news desk phone: 0207 782 1001 news desk phone: 0207 5387351
_ _ _ _...J1picture editor: Mark Circulation news desk fax: 0207 7824463 news desk fax: 0207 538 6084
circulation (per day, 2002) The Mirror 1 Canada Square,
circulation (2002) circulation (2002) 781,000
Daily Telegraph 1 Canada Square, London, E14 5AD,
The Observer, 119 Farringdon Rd, email: stnews@telegraph,co,uk
Canary Wharf, London, E14 50T. 72933000 ECI R 3ER. Sunday TImes, 1 Pennington St, London, E1 9XW
0207 538 5000 news desk phone: 020 7293 3831 phone: 0207 278 2332 Phone: 0207 782 5000
news desk phone: 0207 5386355 Manchester: 0161 6836402 news desk phone: 0207 713 4009 News desk phone: 0207 782 5670
news desk fax: 0207 513 2506 news desk fax: 0207 293 3409 news desk fax: 0207 713 4250 News desk fax: 0207 782 5542
news contact: Charles Clover (enviro') news contact: Conor Hanna circulation (2002) 453,000 Circulation (2002) 1,416,000
news contact fax 0207 538 6268 picture desk phone:020 7293 3851 The People, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf,
desk phone:0207 538 6369 picture editor: Ian Ooyn London, E14 5AP.
editor: Robert Bodeman circulation (per day, 2002) 2,1 phone: 0207 293 3000
editor fax: 0207 538 76 40 The Sun 1 Virginia St, Wapping, London, El 9BD.
(per day, 2.002) 1 0207
The Express 245 Blackfriars Rd, news desk WeNe included all regional papers with areasonable
0207 9?8 8000 news contact: Sue Thompson local media look in the Guradian Media Guide or y o u r · .
~ London, ECIR 3ER. London, SEl 9lJX. Birmingham Evening Mail news fax: 01274 773634 0141
Whole of Scotland & northern The Gloucester Otizen news fax: 023 9267 3363
The Western Mail Yorkshire Post newsbx: 01733 313147
England phone: 01452 424442 news fax: Portsmouth/Winchester/loW/Chich 0292022 3333 phone: 0113 243 2701 25 mile radius of Peterborough
Derby Evening Telegraph
01452 420664 ester news fax: 029 20 583 652 news fax: 0113 2388537 Lincolnshire Echo
phone: 01332 291111
Gloucester/Forest of Deanl Aberdeen Press and Journal All of Wales Yorkshire phone: 01 'J2; 8;0000
news fax: 01332 253027
S GIOllCS 01224690222
Western Morning News South Wales Argus news fax: 01 'JZ? 80!f!f93
most of Derbvshire/oart of
Hull Daily Mail news fax:01224 663575
phone: 01752 765500 phone: 01633 810000 Li ncs/Gain<.bor OUgll/Spd Idi nq
014823271 Stirling I Kirkwall/ Fort William news fax: 01752 76 55 35 news fax: 01633777202 Lancashire Evening Post
Daily Times
new,> fax: 01482 584353 Preston Lanes Evening Post Devon/Cor nwall/Scilly/edge of Newport/Pontypool/Cwmbranl phone: 0171? 254841
599477 phone: 0177 2 254841 S-set + Dor set Cilrdiff news fax: 01772 880173 fax: 01473 324 1776
news fax: 01772 880 173 Wolverhampton Express and Worrester Evening News t/Penrith/
',',!~X and Suffolk
Lanes + S Cumbria Star 01 ')(h 1'1,'l/DO
News The Scotsman phone: 01902 313131 rww', I,)x: 01lj()') 1,.,Y.OIl()
028 9032 2226 news fax: phone: 0131 620 8620 news fax: 01902319721 Won ',II kr dor d/KI( Idcl
Eastern 90337505 newsfax:01316208616 Wolverhampton/Staffordl Fvesli,HH
01(;03 NI + border + Dublin Scotland Kidderminster/Dudley Cambridge Evening News
news fdX 01603 623872 Lancashire Evening Telegraph The Sentinel Yorkshire Evening Post 01?;>3 ,.,1'1'13,.,
Notlolk I northern bit oJ Sllffolk phone: 01254678678 news fax: phone: 01 782 602525 0113 243 2701 news fax: OI??3 434415
Edinburgh Evening News () 1,'~)4 680429 news fax: 01 782 280781 32388536 of news fax: 02392 673363
0131 6208620 Nr 1,lfIc,/Burnley/Blackburn 5toke/Stafford/UtloxeterI Peterborough Evening 2 editions
new,> fax: 0131 620 8697 Leicester Mercury Leek/Crewe Wakefield/ Telegraph
Edinburgh and surrounding area plione: 0116751 2512 news fax: Shropshire Star phone: 01733 555111 Havant/Waterlooville
Brighton Evening Argus 0116 ?r)i O[)'15 01952 242424
phone: 01273 544544 Leics news fax: 01952 254605 r----_____ ___ · ____·~· ~_~_,
news fax: 01273555046 Uverpool Daily Post All natronal and. regional TV news
Whole of E+W Sussex phone: 0151 22/ 2000 news fax: Wales Echo
Border Television - Lake am (l..onOOn IlEMS IlfiwcWk) is proWled by BI3C W~)
Dist/bordersllOM 0207 620 1620
phone: 02920741458
01228 525101
new') 0207 827 7650 or
news fax: 029 2074 1457
.- _____ .. _k__
news fax: 01228 594 229
O?O! 7651
CNN (Cable/Satellite news)
phone: 0207 637 6700 news fax:
Carlton Television - London & rlf'ws fax: 0207 827 7710
phone: 02072404000
ErgarKI-~) 1M
0121 6439898
phone: 0141 300 3000
LWT Prefer Contad via email:
0121 634 4 IOi
news fax: 0141 3329274,uk (~Iease aboul any event they have had any involvement with.
0121 63446Q()
Tyne Tees Television - NE &N or on avoiccbank in reality an answerphone that is updated several times
GMTV - National Breakfast Yorkshire Meridian Broadcasting - into and get the latest info, This also allows us to dial in and listen to the pollee
pholle: 0207 827 7000
0191 2610181
SthfSE England - Newbury of events, and, if appropnate, respond with our own. Many journos will take the police version as
II(,W~ fax: 0207 827 7309
n('w', pllon(': 0191 269 37 18
01635 55 22 66
gospel and use this as the basis fOI their story, with a few snippets from the campaign.
Grampian Television - North IlI'W', !dX 0191 232 7017
news fax: 01635 522 620
phone: 07626 950441
phone: 07626 978223
satellite! cable!digital I
p~~~ ~g~p~~~~
CBS News I
phone: 07626925682 phone: 01622 650100
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Housing press, most ofthe~'have run stories about
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PO box
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0207 437 4017 New Internationalist the ureatest ... ~~ London.SE17
direct action
news fax: 0207 437 0705 01865728181 16B Cherwell St, Oxford OX4 phone: 0207 274 6655
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International covers (pn~1\r ,,1,111 IWW', !dX: (It'O I ? 180444
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campaigners worldwide
Pier St,
Ethical Consumer WWWVIII( Positive News 10Venmem.n Swansea SA 1 1RY, Wales Urban 75
phone: 0161 Nf, ;'l),!')
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section news fax: 020/2420603 paper also 01 all timer activists c/o News from Nowhere, 96
WWIN.spectator. co, uk Living Lightly (both EFI Action Update
Gay limes quarterly) Bolsd St, Liverpool
0707 487 2576 Weekly centre-right news mag ~,- ~~Abox 1TA, Newcastle NE99 Free newsheet for Liverpool
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Anything else we think Is usefull
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oil, how to research
INK • Independent News
Oxford, OX4 1BG corporations etc. large unline 110 POIlohdlo HI!,
I Phone: 01865 ?43772 database londonWll/fB I i
email: activistslegal@gn.apc.orgOxfon:lGreenPrintPllofl(':(J,'O/(?1 81]/ 'I'
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Training and advice on legal 115 Magdalen Rd. WWW.illk.llk.(olll I
issues around nvda Oxford.OX4 IRQ Dhlrlhtlilufl fI~fwmk 101 ! i l
001 kit
Subvettlse Phone: 084!> 345 1398 .dl!'llhllivl' IlIl'dl.1 j
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119 Farringdon Hd, Oxon, OXII,I X S4.wtN Screenprlnt Workshop I • How to use the mainstream media
london. lC1R ,fR PliO/II': 08/0 III, 1000 IIII' Old 'i, huolhuuse. Klrkton of I
• How to sell pictures/video to the media
Phone: 01483 ?044'l'l, www.phulIl'(II{)IWIII,tI~ Mrl1llllllr. hy R,tlchln, Angus. '
The main guid!' 10 rnilin~,1r ,'.1111 Ilhll.11 pllOl1!' I (I up IIlrllp 'ilOtlilfid. UOI} IRN
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media contacts IId,1 hy In,IIIY pholl!' (,iiI'. 10' lIullvhlthtl', ,mel
libraries qllltIP·,. I ..hit t" wllh tl( o/ilnimal
• Alternative media· what exists and how
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Brighton BN? ?DX BtI',lof B'~,' 'I1X "llIIllilhlmi
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16b Chl'lw(!1I St, (lxlolll OX4 lI\e, 1111 rl 0/'.1 H 141 111'1111 I' I'lljur', r"
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training and slIppor! 10' vidrll 11111'1111'1 "rl 'III 1''1, ~tlfJllHlI 111,,1,uk!
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