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Progress in Disaster Science 7 (2020) 100109

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COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool: Dual application of risk communication

and risk governance
Ranit Chatterjee a,b, Sukhreet Bajwa a, Disha Dwivedi a, Repaul Kanji c, Moniruddin Ahammed d, Rajib Shaw a,e,

Resilience Innovation Knowledge Academy (RIKA), India
Kyoto University, Japan
Gujarat Institute of Disaster Management, India
Amazon Web Service, India
Keio University, Japan


Article history: Risk awareness is the best way to prevent and slow-down the transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic. Risk awareness
Received 16 May 2020 is achieved through communication of risk assessment. Effective risk communication is an important measure to con-
Accepted 22 May 2020 trol the infodemic. Most risk assessment tools focus on either tracking the affected patients or diagnosing a probable
Available online 2 June 2020
health condition through symptoms. RIKA India introduces an innovative Risk Assessment Tool which goes beyond
the symptom detection and patient tracking. It includes four factors in assessment of risk: Health, Behaviour, Exposure
COVID-19 pandemic
and Social Policy. Each of these four factors have sub-factors which help to assess the overall risk in a more compre-
Risk governance hensive way and also present it to the user in a simplified way. The paper discusses the importance of the Risk Assess-
Risk communication ment Tool for awareness generation and decision making. Further, the datasets generated through the tool have been
Awareness generation analysed to understand the key intervention areas for COVID-19 response and management.
Social behaviour © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction paper the latest data of number of affected people of COVID-19 stands
more than 4 million people with number of mortalities at 300,000 [3].
The coronavirus pandemic has yet again shown that we as a global soci- COVID-19 pandemic, as a public health emergency, has brought into
ety are not fully resilient to a health emergency of such a scale. The world light many challenges in our lives and livelihoods. It has brought into pic-
has previously seen global health emergencies of Ebola virus in 2014, ture the need for a trans-disciplinary view of the current crises through var-
H1N1 (Swine Flu) in 2009 and SARS in 2003. Having faced such serious ious angles of global governance, technology and risk communication [4].
outbreaks, there are many lessons for the affected countries and the rest COVID-19 has posed not only health but economic and geo-political crises
of the world to adapt to, and come out of this as a resilient society. The too. It is thereby a humanitarian challenge [5]. While health organisations
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV ) later named as COVID-19 disease, began and governments advise many preventive measures like social distancing
as an outbreak in Wuhan province of China, before making its way and personal hygiene, one of the foremost strategies remains risk communi-
around-the world in a matter of months and becoming a pandemic. As cation and awareness generation to break the chain of spread. Awareness
per Shaw et al. [1] this pandemic is characterised by: i) rapid spread, ii) and understanding of the risk at the community level goes a long way in en-
aged and low immune people are more vulnerable and iii) differential re- hancing prevention. In this regard, various risk assessment tools in the form
covery rate. As currently there is no vaccine for COVID-19, neither is of mobile applications or online surveys are being actively used. Such tools
there any confirmed treatment, therefore, the best way to prevent and are intended to analyze the probable risk of the respondents based on infor-
slow down the transmission is to be well informed about its causes and mation provided on current health status. Most of the tools majorly focus on
how it spreads. WHO declared COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency the health diagnostics aspect of the risk wherein the observed symptoms
of International Concern (PHEIC) on the 30th of January 2020. This decla- are assessed to assign a category of risk with some platforms providing
ration means that the disease outbreak concerns more than one country and GIS based analysis of the geospatial risk based on current location of the
thus requires a coordinated international response [2]. While writing this confirmed cases. This leaves the understanding of risk limited to medical
conditions. However, Cheng and Kwang [6] points out at the role of
many inter-connecting factors such as social behaviour and exposure
⁎ Corrresponding author at: Resilience Innovation Knowledge Academy (RIKA), India. which contribute to the risk of contracting the disease as observed in the
E-mail address: (R. Shaw). case of SARS. In case of COVID19 also, observing personal hygiene like
2590-0617/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
R. Chatterjee et al. Progress in Disaster Science 7 (2020) 100109

avoiding to touch face, wearing masks, frequent washing of hands as well as assessment is done through risk communication. Community based activ-
social/physical distancing is prescribed. All these factors essentially are part ism such as aggressively finding suspected cases and supporting vulnerable
of community and social behaviour and become part of the governance. As groups was a successful advantage of South Korea to overcome the crises
per Shaw et al. [1] citizen compliance and behaviour resulted in contain- [36]. Japan's 26 national resilience working groups includes a high-level
ment of the spread in China and other countries. “STOP Pandemics 2020 Strategy Committee” which made many recom-
Amidst the management and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this mendations including on risk-communication so as to have a better integra-
paper has two specific objectives. One is to explores the use of innovation tion of pandemic risks into all-hazard national resilience [9].
and technology in assessing the people's behaviour in pandemic response. Risk Communication is the effective and accurate exchange of informa-
Two to see how four parameters (health, exposure, Behaviour and Social tion about health risks and hazards often during an emergency [10]. The
Policy) are linked. The paper introduces Covid19 Risk Assessment Tool de- aim of risk communication is to advance risk awareness and understanding
veloped by RIKA India (Indian based social entrepreneurship start up, and to promote health-protective behaviour among individuals, communi-
which works on disaster risk reduction, environmental management and ties, and institutions. The ultimate purpose of risk communication is to en-
sustainable development) as an innovative strategy for risk assessment, able people at risk to take informed decisions to protect themselves and
communication, decision-making and awareness. The first part explores their loved ones. Risk communication is an essential part of the risk mitiga-
the risk assessment and risk communication in the context of emergencies tion measures since it drives the public understanding, trust, acceptance
and specifically for COVID-19 pandemic. It undertakes a review of existing and compliance with the measures. Risk mitigation is an interdisciplinary
risk assessment and information tools available online in the form of apps decision-making process based on information from risk and exposure as-
and surveys. The second part concentrates on key features of RIKA's sessment [11]. Risk Communication involves stakeholders like risk asses-
COVID19 Risk Assessment Tool and discusses the methodology used for de- sors, managers, news media, volunteer groups and the community. Risk
velopment of the tool. The third part focusses on data analysis based on the communication uses many communications techniques ranging from
responses of the Risk Assessment Tool. The data analysis uses Pearson's cor- media and social media communications, mass communications and com-
relation coefficient to understand if there exists any linear relation between munity engagement. It requires a sound understanding of people's percep-
two variables and also to identify the strength of such relationship, if it ex- tions, concerns and beliefs as well as their knowledge and practices. As
ists. The analysis is followed by key inferences and conclusion. per Barry [12], if people had accurate information about the risks faced
and the knowledge of prevention, they often performed heroically and in-
2. Overview of existing COVID-19 related tools crease the compliance to public safety advisory of the government. Risk
communication, specifically, mass communication of public health infor-
Risk assessment is an important step in disaster risk reduction where it mation, can however have limitations of cultural issues as well as linguistic
enhances the understanding of risk and allows information to decide on ad- barriers, especially for the migrant communities.
equate preventive and mitigation measures. Core methodologies for disas- In March 2020, WHO setup a ‘WhatsApp’ group for providing informa-
ter risk assessment include hazard, exposure and vulnerability tion and risk mitigation instructions [11]. Various countries also launched
assessment. Risk assessment is also widely used in the context of health, national communication measures structured in news and information
safety and environment. It involves evaluation of existing conditions of vul- websites/platforms jointly combatting fake news, aiming to encourage
nerability, the impending hazard, existing exposure and current capacities awareness, understanding and compliance towards restrictions. As part of
for prevention. Risk models specify the factors which are needed to assess such risk communication strategies, the mobile apps have come up as a
risk and the relationship among those factors, producing a sort of template means for risk communication. A summary of some of the available risk as-
for risk assessors to use in their assessments. Health risk assessment tools sessment tools and apps in the market is given in the Table 1.
have been developed to assess individual risk for particular diseases. The above-mentioned risk assessment tools are mostly based on the pre-
Shaw et al. [1] points out the need to have a proper risk assessment in- mise of either tracking the affected patients or diagnosing a probable condi-
cluding factors of health risk, governance, exposure and citizen behaviour. tion through symptoms. These tools and apps help the government as well
To strengthen the community level response, a coordinated approach of di- as the community in knowing if they have been in contact with an affected
saster risk governance from Sendai Framework point of view is needed to person. Amidst the concerns for privacy, many private apps have come up
manage this public health emergency. In the case of China, emerging tech- to aid in individual assessment of risk and contact tracing.
nologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, 5G technologies, drones, The RIKA's COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool goes beyond the symptom
automated vehicles, robotics etc. were used to track, monitor and support detection and patient tracking. It intends to provide information on social
logistics in management of Covid19 [ibid]. Technological risk assessment behaviour and also assesses the people's compliance for the government ad-
models can quickly analyze irregular symptoms and other similar red visory. The risk assessment score also includes the exposure of people
flags and thus alarm the community and the healthcare authorities. This through the type of residence, the behaviour of hand-washing and wearing
helps to improve the planning, and awareness activities for patients on an mask as well as the current implementation status of restricted movement
evidence-based model. Further it helps to provide faster decision making, guidelines of the government.
which is cost-effective. Such tools can help analyze the extent of infection In comparison to the Arogya Setu App by Government of India, the
spread by this virus by identifying the clusters and hot spots and can suc- COVID-19 Risk assessment tool, provides awareness information in the
cessfully do the contact tracing and monitor of the individuals [7]. form of questions which are also used to assess the risk based on behaviour
COVID-19 is as much a pandemic as it is an infodemic [5]. WHO Infor- and social compliance. Further, the COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool gener-
mation Network for Epidemics (EPI-WIN) [8] was launched as a new infor- ates information on anxiety levels to understand the need for psycho-social
mation platform to share customized information with specific target care as part of overall response. The inclusion of smoking as a risk behav-
groups. The data on COVID-19 is dynamic and changing at a fast pace. iour is also not considered in Arogya Setu app or any other Risk Assessment
COVID-19 hotspots (areas with affected cases of COVID19) are changing dy- Tool available in Asia or in the other continents. Another unique feature is
namically. This makes a control of information difficult. Social media in this the assessment of exposure based on residential type which is again missed
regard tends to be flooded with messages many of which are not verified. As in other available applications and tools.
per Hua and Shaw [5], the media use for information access for the COVID-
19 increased tremendously. However, the right information is the key to suc- 3. Key features of COVID-19 risk assessment tool
cess in mitigation measures. The Chinese and Singapore government in this
regard have checked the fake news and kept control on rumour spreading. The COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool is a simple online tool which can
Risk assessment generally remains in the domain of science and technol- be used to assess the risk based on multiple linked factors. The main fea-
ogy, academia and policy makers. Providing public access to the risk tures of the tool are that it is simple and free to use. The simplicity of the

R. Chatterjee et al. Progress in Disaster Science 7 (2020) 100109

Table 1
Summary of online risk assessment tools.
S. Name of the tool Main features

1. Infermedica [13] Identifies coronavirus symptoms and provides further information regarding COVID-19 concerns.
2. Health Engine [14] It asks questions on following parameters and provides analysis of risk:

• Travel History
• Corona Positive patient contact history
• Symptoms of Fever etc.
3. Henryford [15] It asks questions on symptoms, with travel history and contact to provide risk analysis
4. Docsapp It is an online doctor consultation app to provide information on symptoms and whether to consult a doctor.
5. WHO Mass Gathering Religious Addendum Risk • It is an offline Risk Assessment Tool for organisers and planners
Assessment Tool in the context of COVID-19 • It Includes Mitigation Checklist for planning mass gatherings and events.
6. [16] It asks questions on age, travel history, symptoms, being in healthcare profession and co-morbidities. The assessment
summary provides information on preventive steps, the need to visit doctor, get tested etc.
7. Arogya Setu [17] The app verifies symptoms and notifies the users if they are in vicinity of a diagnosed positive patient. Tracking is
done via Bluetooth and a location-generated graph that charts proximity with anyone infected. The app also provides
self-quarantine instructions.
8. TraceTogether [17] It is a contact tracing app that uses Bluetooth to track infected people and notify those who were in close proximity to
them during the past 15 days.
9. CovidWatch [17] It uses Bluetooth signals to detect users when they are in proximity to each other and alerts them anonymously if they
were in contact with someone who has tested positive. One unique feature of the app is that any third party, including
the government does not have access to the data of who was exposed by whom.
10. HaMagen [17] This is launched by the Health Ministry of Israel. It uses contact tracing to contain the spread of the deadly contagion.
The app allows users to know if in the past 15 days they were close to anyone who has been diagnosed with the virus.
11. The Corona DataSpende [17] It is a German smartwatch app which monitors the spread of coronavirus by collecting symptoms like pulse rate, body
temperature, sleep patterns to detect any early signs of warning. It is done through wearing a smartwatch or a fitness
12. PeduliLindungi [17] It is developed by the Indonesian government. It enables users to compile data related to the spread of COVID-19 in
the community and helps confirmed and suspected cases. It cross-references data stored on mobile device through
Bluetooth. It enables an anonymous exchange of identities when in vicinity of another positive patient.
13. COVID Safe The Australian app helps state and territory health officials to quickly contact people who may have been exposed to
COVID-19. The COVID Safe app speeds up the current manual process of finding people who have been in close
contact with someone with COVID-19.

app lies in the fact that there is minimal data entry. The tool prominently is currently available in seven languages. The tool also adheres to the pri-
includes questions related to awareness behaviour of the user in order to in- vacy norm by not collecting any personal information of the user like
culcate awareness. Key questions on whether social distancing is being phone number or email ID.
maintained reiterate the importance of such measures. The tool ensures
the implementation of risk communication to the end users. Further, the 3.1. Methodology for tool development
tool presents the analysis of risk in a visual format which is more appealing
to the people. The tool assesses the prevalence of co-morbidities in the users The COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool is broadly based on four major fac-
which might increase their risk. As per Yang et al. [18], underlying diseases tors of health, exposure, behaviour and social policy. Each of these factors
(Comorbidities), including hypertension, respiratory system disease and have sub-factors which are based on findings from studies conducted in
cardiovascular disease could be the risk factors for severe patients com- China and Italy [27]. The various parameters used to develop the assess-
pared with non-severe patients of COVID-19. ment tool can be categorised as shown in Table 2 below.
Shaw et al. [1] notes that pandemic is global but its response is local. It Each of the parameters are assigned linear weights based on the re-
is also pointed out that a major part of the response depends upon the cul- sponses in the given options (Annex-1 for details). The given weights for
ture and citizen behaviour [19]. [ibid], also notes that in Japan, people each parameter except for health are summed up and then average is calcu-
with colds, flu, or allergic, wear surgical masks as a cultural norm to prevent lated. The calculation is listed in Table 3 below.
others from getting sick. The Japanese do not have emotional resistance to The basic premise for calculation is that age and health is the inherent
wearing masks, whereas people in other countries need to be informed on individual vulnerability that is being exacerbated due to individual expo-
the need of wearing mask to prevent themselves as well as others. The sur- sures and individual behavioural elements. Gender has also been found to
vey assessment tool assesses the people's behaviour in wearing masks and be a prevalent determiner of risk to COVID-19. The behaviour factor be5
can help overcome emotional resistance to adhering to government guide- and be6 are not scored for calculation of risk. Based on the above weightage
lines on restricted movements and sanitation practices. The study of Cheng the risk is calculated as:
and Kwang [6] demonstrated that although knowledge is important for
performing SARS-preventive behaviours, social norm is also an important Risk ¼ ðHR  0:5Þ þ ðBe  0:2Þ þ ðEx  0:2Þ þ ðSP  0:1Þ
The assessment tool allows the users to take adequate measures with re- The output based on the above calculation gives us three different sce-
spect to the risk outcomes of high, moderate and low. The assessment tool narios of risk as depicted at the end of the assessment: low, moderate and
also allows the measurement of risk perception through the level of anxiety high risk along-with a general information advisory (Fig. 1 below).
shown by the user in the current scenario. The Risk Assessment Tool fights This application has been deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
the infodemic. It shares the personalized risk assessment information. The AWS Simple Storage Solution (S3) is used to host the user interface (web
data analysis can also provide insights into how many people are taking site). The user interface has been developed using AngularJS and Respon-
hand-washing seriously. It can detect the need for mental health risk assess- sive Web Design. To distribute the web site content AWS CloudFront (Con-
ment through anxiety level. The tool is a low-cost technology-based solu- tent Distribution Network, CDN) is used so that customers across the world
tion to provide assessment of individual risk as well as increase can access it with low latency and high transfer speed. Survey Data is sub-
community awareness. The tool is customizable in various languages and mitted from web site to AWS API Gateway,

R. Chatterjee et al. Progress in Disaster Science 7 (2020) 100109

Table 2
Factors of risk assessment.
Health (HR) Behaviour (Be) Exposure (Ex) Social policy (SP)

Age(A) Use of Mask (Be1) Residential Type (Ex1) Effectiveness of Lockdown (SP1)
Co-Morbidities (Cm) Hand-washing (Be2) Occupation (Ex2) Community Compliance of social distancing and mask use (SP2)
Gender(G) Sanitizing before touching face (Be3) Travel History and Mass Gatherings (Ex3)
Smoking Habit (Sm) Practicing Social-distancing norm (Be4)
Anxiety based on current situation (Be5)
Trust in government's measures (Be6)

3.2. Methodology for data analysis

Table 3
Calculation for risk assessment factors. The COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool was launched in India on 11th
Factor Calculation Weightage April 2020. Between 11th April and 4th May 2020, a total of 2216 re-
sponses were recorded. Of these, the data of test users and users with iden-
Health Risk (HR) Summation of A, Cm, G and Sm 50%
Behaviour (Be) Summation of four Be(s) and then divide by 4a 20% tified repetition was excluded to have unique response. This was done by
Exposure (Ex) Summation of all Ex(s) and then divide by 3 10% application of filters in the data set using SPSS software. Two filters: IP ad-
Social Policy (SP) Summation of all SP(s) and then divide by 2 10% dress and Names were used to exclude the duplicate entries. As a result, a
For behaviour factor, Be1, Be2, Be3 and Be4 are only considered to calculate total of 1293 respondents' data is used to analyze the emerging trends
risk. Be5 and Be6 are not calculated owing to their dynamic and qualitative nature. and patterns.
The Statistical analysis used SPSS software (IBM Statistics 20) to sort the
data and understand relationship between variables using percentages,
which internally calls AWS Lambda function to store the survey data into graphs and Pearson Correlation. The Pearson correlation analysis was
Amazon DynamoDB Database. Entire application is serverless and it scales used so as to understand the linearity between variables. As observed in
out and scales in automatically based on the usage. The cost associated with [22], the Pearson Correlation can provide understanding on the relation-
this kind of architecture is very minimal. Further, the geotagged locations ship between variables. The assessment measured the variables of behav-
for each respondent are plotted on a map to show the respondents the prob- iour across different age groups, between variables of behaviour with
able risk around that location and also the pre-identified hotspots by the each other, between social policy and behaviour, between behaviour and
government. exposure, between co-morbidities and age and other different

(a) Low Risk Output (b) Moderate Risk Output

(c) High Risk Output (d) General Advisory

Fig. 1. (a) Low risk output, (b) moderate risk output, (c) high risk output, and (d) general advisory.

R. Chatterjee et al. Progress in Disaster Science 7 (2020) 100109

combinations to understand and quantify the relationship of variables. access to mobile phone usage being especially high among the youth and
Pearson's correlation coefficient was calculated to compare quantitatively young professionals (Table 4).
the similarity between tow variables and to indicate quantitative discrepan- It is observed that 93% entries filled for the COVID-19 Risk Assessment
cies in the similarity. Pearson's correlation coefficient (ranging from −1 to Tool have been done by using mobile phone device. This is mainly attrib-
+1) is a measure of the strength of the association between the two vari- uted to ease of use of mobile phone and circulation of the Risk Assessment
ables. A value of +1 is the result of a perfect positive relationship between Tool through social media messages. As per Telecom statistics report of
these variables. Annexure-2 presents a summary of the results obtained TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India), India's active mobile users
from applying the correlation coefficient for different variables. The corre- reached 1026.37 million in 2018 [25,26].
lation coefficient is studied as per [24]. If the coefficient value lies between Further, it suggests that the tool can thus be possibly enhanced as a mo-
±0.50 and ± 1, then it is said to be a strong correlation. If the value lies bile based application owing to the vast use of mobile phone devices. The
between ±0.30 and ±0.49, then it is said to be a moderate correlation. mobile based application and a greater number of users would aid to
When the value lies below ±0.29, then it is said to be a weak correlation. crowd-sourcing of vital details to map the high-risk areas. The number of
There is no correlation when the value is zero. entries from foreign countries is 12.5%. This implies that the Tool has
wide application where one can use it not only in India but also by Non-
3.3. Data collection strategy Resident Indians (NRIs) keen to check on the status of their friends and fam-
ilies in India. In addition, the tool can be used to take multiple surveys for
A spoke and wheel propagation strategy were adopted for disseminat- family members who stay distantly. This is applicable to aged population
ing the tool. The tool was shared with various groups through WhatsApp, who are not technology savvy and would need assistance of their children
Facebook and through personal networks over email. Further, it was re- or other family members to fill up the survey.
quested for the users to share it further within their own networks. The fea- As per ECDC [27], there is an increased mortality rate among males in
turing of the tool on International Science Council and GDFRR Newsletter comparison to females as have been observed among the COVID-19 pa-
gave it wider audience and credibility. tients. From the analysis of the data, only 12 people among the respondents
featured in high risk and 11 of them are male, and one being the other gen-
3.4. Limitations der. The findings are consistent with immune system variance among male,
female and other gender [35]. The other gender has high risk due to com-
The limitations of the study pertain to limited sample size of analysis promised immune system. Further, 585 respondents fall within the medium
with 1293 samples. Further, the data from the survey tool may not be risk category. Within this category also, the total constitution of men and
equally represented from each state, thus giving partial spatial analysis. other gender stands at 91%. The third category i.e. low risk has 696 of
The study uses the weighted variable to understand trends and patterns in the respondents. Within this category the percentage of men stands at
place of absolute numbers. This is because the tool is meant to categorise 68%. Thus, it re-establishes that females are comparatively at lower risk
risk based on the information and not for the survey as a primary objective. as they do not feature in high-risk category and in moderate risk also
their percentage is only 9%.
4. COVID-19 risk assessment tool in India and key findings Within the high-risk category, all the respondents are found to be
above the age of 60 years. As per [ibid], the risk increases with an in-
The COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool has been promoted and widely crease in age as observed in cases from China and South Korea. For
used in India. India, the second most populous country, currently has Germany, Italy and Spain, the crude-case fatality increases particularly
90,000 active cases of the COVID-19 as on May 15, 2020 [20]. The string after the age of 60 years. However, there is an exception, where there
of measures taken by the Indian government have so far proved successful are three cases in the age-group of 0–9 who fall under the medium
in containing the spread of the disease. A timeline series analysis of the risk. This is largely due to their residential type of an informal settle-
measures and increase in cases is as given in Fig. 2 below. As observed, de- ment and low compliance on behaviour factor of wearing mask, hand-
spite the strict measures, the cases of affected patients are still on a rise. washing and sanitizing hands before touching face. Further, there are
A total of 2216 respondents used the tool across various States in India three cases of individuals aged 80 years and above falling in medium
between its launch and 4th of May 2020. A majority of the respondents fall risk. This is attributed to higher compliance of behavioural factors and
in the age group of 10–39 followed by 40–49. This is possibly due to the low co-morbidity score.

Fig. 2. Timeline Series Analysis of measures taken in India and an increase in affected cases [21].

R. Chatterjee et al. Progress in Disaster Science 7 (2020) 100109

Table 4 nose and mouth, 63% people are practicing it (Fig. 4c). It is often seen
Descriptive statistics of respondents. that we inadvertently tend to touch our face while being engaged in other
Total number of respondent data considered tasks. As per the data reports, social distancing at individual level is being
well-followed with 88% complying to it (Fig. 4d). Considering that there
Total number of respondent data 2216
Number of duplicate and test entries 923
is no confirmed cure for the COVID-19 diseases, risk preventive behaviour
Total number of data considered for analysis 1293 is the key to mitigate and contain the spread of the disease.
Regarding the question on response to the COVID-19 outbreak, 51%
Gender disaggregated data people responded with the need to have new measures to bring it under
Number of males 1012 control (Fig. 5) and 32% people believed that current measures are suffi-
Number of females 272 cient to bring it under control. This leaves scope for citizens to provide feed-
Others 9
back with suggestions to improve the current measures of response.
Age-group categorisation With respect to anxiety, as depicted in Fig. 6, within the high risk cate-
gory, there are 66.66% people who have reported being anxious due to
0–9 5
10–39 853
presence of positive cases in their locality (i.e. scoring for Be5 in level 1),
40–49 202 within the medium risk category, 36.92% people have reported similar
50–59 126 levels of anxiety and within the low risk category, 25.67% have reported
60–69 62 to be anxious. This states that there is more anxiety within high risk cate-
70–79 38
gory people followed by medium and low risk categories.
80 & above 7
In terms of effectiveness of lockdown, 75% of people have reported it to
Smoking habit be followed with maximum compliance (Fig. 7a). In terms of mask wearing
Number of smokers 205 and maintenance of social distancing, 47% reported more than 80% people
are following it while % people responded that some people (50–80%) are
Co-morbidities following it (Fig. 7b). Hence, while effectiveness of lockdown is being en-
Cardio-vascular diseases (heart problem) 64 sured, the community level compliance of wearing mask and maintenance
Renal diseases (issues with kidney) 34 of social distance needs to be improved.
Diabetes 125 With respect to respondent data regarding the type of residence, 40%
Respiratory disease chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (emphysema, 73
reported it from detached houses, 30% from high rise complexes, 21%
bronchitis)/asthma, lung cancer
Tuberculosis 34 from Mohalla/chawl/shared accommodations and 8% from informal settle-
Cancer (in last 5 years) (except lung cancer) 24 ments (Fig. 8). As suggested in [28] building types have direct impact on
Hypertension 164 the risk of spread of pandemic. The informal settlements and shared accom-
modations are at most risk. The high-rise apartments also increase the ag-
Risk categorisation
gregation of people in less space.
High risk 12 The Exposure component is also measured in terms of occupation type
Moderate risk 585
(Fig. 9a). It is observed that maximum respondents (48%) did not fall in
Low risk 696
high risk occupation types (Medical and emergency professionals). Closely
followed are the essential service providers (41%) who are at risk of expo-
Spatially, maximum data entries have been received from the states of sure. Another important variable of exposure is the travel history including
Uttar Pradesh, followed by Maharashtra, West Bengal and Gujarat use of public transport or chauffeur driven cab and attendance of public
(Fig. 3). While writing this paper, the state of Maharashtra has the highest meeting, mass congregation or wedding/conference. The 90% of the re-
number of COVID-19 affected cases with its capital Mumbai being the worst spondents have not been involved in any of these activities in the last
hit. Spatial analysis allows to identify areas which have maximum cases of 14 days (Fig. 9b).
the Covid-19 diseases and also allow the maps which are generated from Table 5 below depicts the important correlation aspects as observed
crowd-sourced data to be more representative in nature. from the Pearson's Correlation Analysis (Annex-2). The factors of age and
The findings on the individual behaviour suggest that 89% people use co-morbidities has shown a positive and moderate correlation with coeffi-
mask and 87% people use sanitiser every time after coming home (Fig. 4a cient of 0.434. As per Divo et al. [29] ageing population tends to be more
and b). However, when it comes to sanitizing hands before touching eyes, affected by multiple morbidities. The same result is depicted by a negative

Fig. 3. State wise spatial distribution of respondents (` = 1293).

R. Chatterjee et al. Progress in Disaster Science 7 (2020) 100109

Fig. 4. (a): Use of mask; (b): use of hand-sanitiser; (c): sanitizing before touching face; (d): Social distancing (n = 1293).

correlation coefficient of −0.420 age-group with no disease factor. This re- This depicts that while one may practice social distancing but might not
lationship between age-group and co-morbidities is an important risk factor comply with mask wearing or vice versa. However, washing hands and
for Covid-19 disease too as it places the elderly population with existing dis- compliance of social-distancing has a slightly higher correlation coefficient
ease at a higher risk of mortality. As observed, the age-group and total risk of 0.364. The gender and behaviour show negligible correlation with a co-
depict a strong positive correlation with coefficient of 0.835. Similarly, co- efficient of 0.017 which means behaviour factors are not dependent on gen-
morbidities and total risk also have strong correlation with a coefficient of der. Similarly, age-group and behaviour have negligible correlation with a
0.678. Within the co-morbidities, hypertension stands-out most with a coefficient of 0.048.
moderate positive correlation of coefficient 0.418. Diabetes also has a mod- The study [27] states the need to reduce smoking as a possible prevent-
erate positive correlation with a coefficient of 0.400. This means hyperten- able determinant of the Covid-19. Hence, the tool places smoking habit at a
sion and diabetes are two important factors which increase the overall higher risk and as observed from correlation coefficient of 0.302, there is a
health risk. The tool gives maximum weightage to health factor in assessing moderate positive correlation between smoking and total risk.
the risk and this is also shown with a strong positive correlation coefficient There are two components considered in social policy factor: effective
of 0.98 between health and total risk. lockdown and community compliance of wearing of mask and practicing
With respect to individual behaviour, wearing of mask and following of social distancing. Ideally, the two factors should have a strong positive cor-
social distancing norm has a weak correlation with a coefficient of 0.298. relation. However, as observed, there is a positive moderate correlation
with a coefficient of 0.363 between the two factors. Further, the social

Fig. 5. Description of current measures (n = 1293). Fig. 6. Anxiety within different Risk Categories (n = 1293).

R. Chatterjee et al. Progress in Disaster Science 7 (2020) 100109

Fig. 7. Social policy compliance: (a) effectiveness of lockdown, 7(b) wearing mask and social distancing in locality (n = 1293).

policy and individual behaviour also depict a positive and moderate corre- governance mechanisms [ibid]. The COVID-19 Risk Assessment tool is
lation with a coefficient of 0.266. aimed at awareness generation, risk communication and aiding in
decision-making. As per Lin et al. [23], increase in information gathering
with respect to google searches on hand-washing and wearing masks corre-
5. Discussion lated with lowering the speed of COVID-19. The role of technology has
emerged as of great importance in emergency management specially for
Effective risk communication measures can result in increasing the risk communication. The important issue is how the technology can be
awareness and creating social trust in the authorities [30]. Providing the used with proper governance mechanisms so as to enhance the capacity
right information can result in risk preventive behaviour and enhance risk of the decision-makers in government set-up. The study has shown that
the risk assessment tool is majorly being used via mobile devices and can
thus be possibly enhanced as a mobile based app. Further, as per Silver
et al. [31] the younger population are more likely to own a phone than
the adults. This also features in the higher number of entries received
from the age-group pf 10–39 than the other age-groups.
The study has re-iterated the characteristics of the COVID-19 pandemic
as mentioned in [1] by showing strong correlation of total risk with age and
co-morbidities. In terms of co-morbidities, hypertension followed by diabe-
tes has appeared to be major factor in adding to the total risk. As per
Sivasubramanian et al. [32], there is a high prevalence of hypertension,
with almost one in every three Indian adults affected. In addition to it,
smokers are found to be more at risk with a moderate correlation between
smoking and total risk. This finding corroborates with the study in [27]
which portrays smoking as a risk factor contributing to the COVID-19 fatal-
ities. In terms of gender, males remain more susceptible than female in high
Fig. 8. Exposure based on residential type (n = 1293). risk category. Anxiety in general has appeared as a major cause of concern

Fig. 9. (a): occupation type, (b): travel and public event attendance history (n = 1293).

R. Chatterjee et al. Progress in Disaster Science 7 (2020) 100109

Table 5
Pearson correlation analysis (n = 1293).
Variables Strength of Pearson
correlation correlation

Age-group and Co-morbidities Positive and moderate correlation 0.434

Age-Group and No disease Negative relation with a moderate strength −0.420
Age-Group and Total Risk Positive and strong correlation 0.835
Wearing of mask and following of Social Distancing norm (Individual behaviour variables be1 and be4) Positive and weak correlation 0.298
Washing hands and compliance of social distancing norms (Individual behaviour variables be2 and be4) Positive and moderate correlation 0.364
Co-morbidities and Total Risk Positive and strong correlation 0.678
Co-morbidities and hypertension Positive and moderate correlation 0.418
Co-morbidities and diabetes Positive and moderate correlation 0.400
Gender and Behaviour (be score - all four individual behaviour variables) Negligible correlation 0.017
Age-Group and Behaviour Negligible correlation 0.048
Gender and Health (health score accounting all variables of health factor) Positive and moderate correlation 0.346
Total Risk and Health Score Positive and moderate correlation 0.983
Smoking and Total Risk Positive and moderate correlation 0.302
Social Policy Variables- Sp1 Effective Lockdown and Sp2 Community compliance of wearing mask and social distancing Positive and moderate correlation 0.363
Social Policy Score and Behaviour Score Positive and moderate correlation 0.266

and adequate mental health counselling measures are needed to be in place Lack of national data privacy laws and non-transparency in governance of
especially in areas where cases have been detected. such data collected are some of the issues flagged by people as part of resis-
As the paper states, the COVID-19 Risk assessment tool goes beyond the tance to use the Arogya Setu app of Government of India [34]. RIKA's
medical symptoms and considers factors of individual behaviour and social COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool addresses the concern by not collecting
policy. In this regard, it is observed that there is a weak correlation between any personal data like mobile number or accessing the location history of
individual behaviour and social policy. Also, there is weak correlation be- the user.
tween individual behaviour of wearing mask and practicing social distanc- Artificial intelligence has been used for emergency data management,
ing. Cheng and Kwang [6] states the importance of social behaviour in especially for managing social networks and big data. The people are
contribution to the risk of contracting the disease as observed in the case using digital technologies to support disaster management. Crowdsourcing
of SARS. Thereby, a weak correlation between individual behaviour and so- is helping to add vital details to maps of disaster areas. Citizen science is be-
cial policy compliance depicts a gap in the governance and implementation coming more popular and effective before, during, and after disasters.
mechanism. This implies that there is a need for more awareness generation Grassroots or demand-driven innovation has been practiced in many coun-
among community. Since a major part of response of pandemic depends on tries in recent years. In this aspect, the COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool pre-
culture and citizen behaviour [19], the decision-makers need to design sents itself as an innovative approach of using science and technology for
targeted intervention policies for creating the risk preventive behaviour enhancing community preparedness. The crowd-sourced data and maps
and increasing the community compliance of the social policy measures. generated allow the stakeholders like Government agencies and NGOs to
The finding regarding the lower age group (0–9 years) being in moderate plan the response and interventions. The Risk Assessment tool is flexible
risk category depict that there is a need to educate children about touching and it has a simple user-interface. This allows it to be contextualised to
the face without sanitizing their hands as they might do it more frequently cater to any target community with specific need. This adaptability of the
than adults. Further, children specific risk communication means can be de- tool places it as a unique innovation coming from the citizen science ap-
veloped so as to ingrain the preventive behaviour. As noted in [33] people's proach. The two-way data interface in the form of feedback mechanism pro-
behaviour is influenced by social norms: what they perceive that others are vides platform for participation of citizens in decision-making for the
doing or what they think that others approve or disapprove of. Risk percep- response strategies. As observed from findings, 51% people have marked
tion can be changed by promoting public messages reinforcing positive for the need of new measures to control the pandemic. This paves way for
health-promoting norms[ibid]. Public knowledge of risk allows for change a more participatory approach for the decision-makers in planning an inter-
in perspective and more social compliance in terms of adoption of risk pre- vention at the local level. To re-iterate Shaw et al. [1] the pandemic is
ventive behaviour. The interventions can focus on targeting well-connected global but the response is local, this tool allows for a more contextualised
individuals and making their behaviour change visible and salient for and community specific response.
others to copy.
As only 8% people have responded from informal settlements, this de- 6. Conclusion
picts a wide gap in digital divide in the country. Many of the respondents
living in informal settlements reflect the bottom most layer of the social While writing this paper, the number of affected cases in India is still on
and income structure. Inequalities in access to resources affect not only a rise while countries like Singapore, South Korea, China and a few other
who is at greatest risk of infection, developing symptoms or succumbing are expecting a second wave of pandemic. In this backdrop, the preventive
to the disease, but also who is able to adopt recommendations to slow the measures need to be strengthened at all costs and citizen's behaviour as has
spread of the disease. Such communities may be more likely to be wary been seen in South Korea and Japan is an important factors to break the
about the public health information they receive, less willing to adopt rec- chain. For a populous country like India, where it is difficult for the current
ommended safety measures and potentially more susceptible to ‘fake health infrastructure to accommodate and treat an exponential increase
news’[ibid]. In this regard, community-oriented tools of risk awareness number of the patients as had been seen also in Italy, China and United
need to be more popularized so that risk communication reaches the last States of America for treatment, it is best to follow the preventive strategies.
mile. Tashiro and Shaw [19] mentions a human-centric society where tech- RIKA's COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool can be used to reach the last mile
nology connects people and tries to reduce the barrier of digital divide. The community, ascertain the individual behaviour, social compliance and ex-
COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool is multi-lingual tool which helps the com- posure factors in order to find out relevant areas of intervention and at
munities to access the advisory and understand the individual risk in a sim- the same time increase awareness generation among the community. As
plified way. This is particularly helpful for migrants who need to rightly pointed out by [4], the management of COVID-19 pandemic is inter-
understand the risk in their own language. Citizens might also be wary of woven within the global governance, technology and risk communication.
using the government supported tools and apps for the concerns of privacy. This pandemic is witnessing a change in the social norm and a new normal

R. Chatterjee et al. Progress in Disaster Science 7 (2020) 100109

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