Practical Refraction English
Practical Refraction English
Practical Refraction English
© Essilor International
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Dominique Meslin
Essilor Academy Europe
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ISBN 979-10-90678-11-8
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Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Introduction p.5
Practical Refraction
3) Astigmatism
2 Preliminary Examination
A Case History p.13
B Preliminary Investigations p.14
Supplement: Visual Acuity p.17
3 Objective Refraction
A Auto-Refractometry p.19
B Retinoscopy p.20
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 3
Conclusion p.54
4 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 3
The accurate determination of the refraction is an essential prerequisite to ensuring clear and comfortable vision for the
patient. Particular attention must always be paid to its assessment.
This document in the Essilor Ophthalmic Optics Files series examines refraction from a practical point of view. The file
provides a concise summary of a number of simple and proven techniques selected from the large number of methods
available. Its goal is not to deal exhaustively with the subject, but rather to discuss certain basic principles of refraction
that are useful to practitioners. The file has been developed in response to numerous requests from practitioners in
countries where the practice of refraction is rapidly expanding. The principal objective of this file is to help eye care pro-
fessionals manage their patients and meet their eye care needs, in the hope that this may increase the level of customer
and practitioner satisfaction.
Practical Refraction
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 5
1. Emmetropia, Ametropia,
When the eye is out of focus, the vision is blurred. There may be several reasons why an eye is not in proper focus, and
indeed the reasons why a person develops a refractive error are many and multifactorial, but no matter what the rea-
son, the end result is that there is a mismatch between the power of the refracting elements of the eye and the position
of the retina (that is, the length of the eye). The eye has a refractive error and the vision is out of focus when the image
formed by the refracting components of the eye is located in front of and/or behind the retina, rather that exactly on it.
A Emmetropia
An eye is said to be emmetropic (from the Greek
emmetros = proportionate (measurement) and ops
Practical Refraction
© Essilor International
nity is formed on the retina of the unaccommodated
eye. In the emmetropic eye, the retina is conjugate
with optical infinity and therefore lies in the image
focal plane of the ophthalmic system. The emme-
tropic eye sees distant objects clearly, without
accommodation. Figure 1: Emmetropic Eye
The eye as an optical system:
+42 +22
A simplified eye can be obtained (Figure 2) by simpli- n=1,336
fying this model; that is, by (i) combining the elements
that make up the eye, (ii) considering the cornea and S L l=24 mm R
6 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
B Ametropia
An eye which is not correctly focussed (that is, where the image of a distant object is not formed on the retina of the
unaccommodated eye) is said to have a refractive error or an ametropia (from the Greek meaning disproportionate eye).
The different types of ametropia are classified into three categories: myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism.
Practical Refraction
its relaxed state) in front of the retina. The word myopia is formed by the eye (in its relaxed state) behind the reti-
comes from the Latin myops and Greek muôps meaning na. The word hypermetropia comes from the Greek
a person who narrows the eyes (“squints” or peers). The hyper = beyond (measurement) and ops = eye.
person with uncorrected myopia sees distant objects as
blurred but can see close objects clearly (they are “sigh- Optically, the hypermetropic eye presents a lack of
ted” at “short” range). power relative to its length. This may be classified either
as being because it is too short relative to its power
Optically, the myopic eye presents an excess of power (axial hypermetropia (the majority of cases for hyper-
relative to its length. This may be classified either as metropia in excess of 5.00D)), or because it is insuffi-
being because it is too long relative to its power (axial ciently powerful relative to its length (refractive hyper-
myopia (the majority of cases for myopia in excess of metropia).
5.00D)), or because the eye is too powerful relative to its
length (refractive myopia). Hypermetropia is corrected by the introduction of a plus
(positive) powered lens so as to move the image forward
Myopia is corrected by the introduction of a minus and reposition it onto the retina.
(negative) powered lens, so as to move the image back
and reposition it onto the retina.
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Figure 3: The Myopic Eye and the Principle of its Figure 4: The Hypermetropic Eye and the Principle of
Correction its Correction
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An eye is said to be astigmatic when its optical power myopic in the other, the astigmatism is termed sim-
and therefore its focus differs according to its different ple astigmatism
meridians. The eye thus presents an asymmetric ame- - if emmetropic and hypermetropic, it is termed
tropia with different focal positions in different planes. simple astigmatism
For example, a person with astigmatism who is looking - if myopic in all meridians, it is termed com-
at a capital letter E may see the vertical line clearly but pound myopic astigmatism
Practical Refraction
8 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
C Near Vision, Accommodation and Presbyopia
eye, the image of this object would be formed further An eye is said to be presbyopic (from the Greek meaning old
behind the retina unless the power of the eye is increa- eye) when the shape and position of its lens are no longer
sed so as to maintain the image on the retina. The eye able to be altered sufficiently to allow sufficient increase in
has the capacity to increase its overall power and this is the refractive power of the eye for a clear image of near
achieved by changing the surface curvatures, thickness objects to be formed on the retina; that is, when the ampli-
and position of the lens; this process is the phenomenon tude of accommodation is insufficient for near visual needs.
of accommodation.
Practical Refraction
Left uncorrected, presbyopia will cause near objects to be
seen as blurry.
The amplitude of accommodation is the range over
which the eye can focus. It represents the distance bet- The principle of correction of presbyopia is to supplement
ween the furthest object point seen clearly without the insufficiency of the amplitude of accommodation (in
accommodation (the Far Point, or Punctum Remotum) near vision) by means of a plus lens. This lens, which is addi-
and the closest object point seen clearly with maximum tional to any correction of ametropia, is called a near addi-
accommodation (the Near Point, or Punctum Proximum). tion, or more simply an add. Thus:
In the emmetropic eye, this accommodation range - the presbyopic emmetropic eye is corrected by a
extends from infinity to the near point (which is a finite plano lens for distance and a plus lens for near;
distance). In the myopic eye, the range is real and loca- - the presbyopic myopic eye is corrected by a minus
ted entirely at a finite distance in front of the eye. In the lens for distance and a lens which is “less minus” for near
hypermetropic eye, the accommodative range is either (this may mean that the near correction may be minus,
partly virtual (behind the eye) and partly real (in front of plano or even plus, depending on the level of myopia and
the eye) or wholly virtual. the add);
- the presbyopic hypermetropic eye is corrected by a
The value of the amplitude of accommodation determi- plus lens for distance and a stronger plus lens for near
nes the nearest point at which an object may be viewed
and for which the eye can form a clear image on its reti-
na. The amplitude of accommodation (maximum) is
approximately 20 dioptres at birth (corresponding to a
near point of ~5cm), >10 dioptres (~10cm) by age 20
years, no more than a few dioptres by age 40 years
(~35cm), with a total loss of accommodation by the age
of approximately 50 years (depending on various fac-
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1 Supplement
cally, correction consists of projecting optical images of a difference of optical power between its maximum and
objects that are seen as blurred without correction into minimum power meridians (the cylinder) that compensa-
the space which is seen clearly by the ametropic eye. tes for the astigmatism of the eye by merging the two
linear foci into an image focal point, and a spherical power
In particular, to restore the ametropic eye to the situa- that repositions this image point onto the retina.
tion of the emmetropic eye, the correction consists in
the lens’ forming an image of a distant object at the The power of the cylinder acts on the linear focus parallel
point which the ametropic eye sees clearly without to its axis. In the case of a prescription for a sphero-cylin-
accommodation, that is, at its far point. As the image of drical lens expressed in minus cylinder form, it can be said
a distant object formed by a lens is, by definition, loca- that the 180° axis cylinder causes the horizontal focus to
ted in its image focal plane, the principle of correction of coincide with the vertical focus, merging them into a single
the ametropic eye is to determine the power of correc- image point, and that the spherical power ‘repositions’
tion so that the second principal focus of the lens coincides this image point onto the retina. The power axis of a cylin-
with the far point of the ametropic eye to be corrected. drical lens is perpendicular to its cylinder axis.
Figure 9: The Principle of Correction of the Astigmatic Eye
In the case of the myopic eye (Figure 8a), the image of
an object at infinity is formed at the (virtual) image focus a) the effect of the cylindrical component of the correction
of the minus lens. That image in turn becomes an object
for the eye which, because it lies at the far point, is pro-
jected clearly onto the retina since it is conjugate
through the optical system of the eye. In the case of the
hypermetropic eye (Figure 8b), the image of an object at
infinity is formed at the (real) image focus of the plus -
lens. That image becomes an object for the eye which,
because it is located at the far point, is projected clear-
© Essilor International
ly onto the retina. -
Figure 8: The Principle of Correction of Ametropia CYL -
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1 Supplement
The Optical Principle of the Correction of
The effect of prescribing a near addition is to restore to point Rl; the image of the near vision far point Pp seen
the presbyopic eye the ability to see near objects clear- through the addition is the distance vision near point Pl.
ly. Its purpose is to produce an image of a near object Since Rl is located at infinity (that is, at the corrected far
at a further distance from the eye which lies within the point of the ametropic eye or the real far point
Practical Refraction
remaining range of accommodation. The apparent range of the emmetropic eye), it follows that Rp always lies in
of near vision which results has the optical property of the focal plane of the addition (Figure 10).
being the object conjugate of the distance vision accom-
modation range. The image of the near vision far point
Rp seen through the addition is the distance vision far
Acc=0 Acc=max
Rl Pl
Rp Pp
Fadd Rl
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Acc=0 Acc=max
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1 Supplement
To perform refraction, appropriate equipment and facili- Beyond this fundamental equipment, further enhance-
ties are required. ments may be added, including: tape measure (for mea-
suring reading distance, test distance, near point of
Preferably the location used will be a room specifically accommodation, etc), flippers (for example +/- 0.25D,
dedicated to visual examinations, located in a quiet area 0.50D, 1.00D, 2.00D and base in/out prism), pen torch,
away from the other activities of the practice or shop, in red filter, polarizing lenses, prism bars, stereoscopy test,
order to ensure the patient's privacy and to facilitate cycloplegic topical preparations for use with retinosco-
concentration. The lighting of the room should be of py, where available and appropriate and a contrast sen-
Practical Refraction
12 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
2. Preliminary Examination
A Case History
To commence any visual examination, it is necessary to It is also vital to know how and when the patient will use
review the case history of the patient. This should be their new glasses; in particular for which professional or
done in order to understand the symptoms that have leisure activities. Again, this should be determined by
motivated the patient to seek a consultation as well as asking a few questions, such as:
their visual needs. The record of this information is pre- - concerning professional activities: description of
cious and will enable the eye care professional to per- the activity or activities, working distance(s) required,
form the visual examination in an orderly fashion, as well position of work (for example: at, above or below eye
as know, before commencing the visual examination, the level, directly in front or off to the side), lighting, sur-
Practical Refraction
likely reasons for the symptoms (for example, the type of roundings, degree of attention required, duration of
refractive error). tasks, etc.
- concerning leisure activities: type(s) of sport, rea-
Firstly, it is important to understand the reasons for the ding, do-it-yourself odd jobs around the home, driving,
consultation, by asking the patient a few open questions television, music, painting, sewing etc.
such as ‘What is the reason for your visit?’, ‘What seems The ideal, in particular cases, is to be able to simulate
to be the problem?’, or ‘What visual problems do you the visual conditions of the situation(s) most frequently
have?’ encountered by the patient, so as to ensure the visual
correction prescribed is the most appropriate.
Next, ask further questions to help specify the visual
problem. For example: Finally, it is important also to find out about any special
- the exact nature of the problem: visual fatigue, characteristics that could affect the patient’s vision. Ask
blurred vision, double vision? questions about their eye health: for example, family
- the location at which the problem occurs: in the far
distance, mid-distance, close up, centrally, peripherally,
one eye or both?
- the circumstances in which the problem occurs:
reading, working at a computer screen, driving?
- the time and the frequency of occurrence: mor-
ning, evening, intermittently, constantly, immediately or
only after a long period of reading?
- the lighting conditions: in strong light, low lighting,
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B Preliminary Investigations
The first step in any visual examination is to perform a Accommodative and Convergence Function
certain number of simple preliminary measurements. It is essential to check the patient’s accommodative and
The practitioner should already have an idea of the convergence function at near. To do this, identify:
refractive status of the patient’s eye thanks to the case - the Near Point of Accommodation: move a very
history; furthermore these measurements will help to small target (e.g. optotypes or small print) towards the
identify and confirm the patient’s visual problem(s). patient (wearing their distance correction) until they can
They also provide an opportunity to observe more clo- no longer see it clearly; note the distance; then, move
the target away from the patient until they can see it
Practical Refraction
14 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Reading Distance Dominant Eye
It is important to know the patient's usual or required wor- Before proceeding to refraction, it is useful to know which
king distance. This may vary considerably from one person of the patient’s eyes is dominant. Just as people are right-
to another; for example close precision work at 25 cm, or left-handed, all generally have a preference for one eye.
work with different computer screen positions, or specific Use the CheckTest™ (Figure 14) to determine which eye is
tasks such as reading sheet music. The visual environment
dominant. Have the patient hold the CheckTest™ at arm’s
may also vary widely. It is therefore important to unders-
tand fully the patient’s main near tasks, by asking for detai- length and look through the hole within it, with both eyes
led descriptions or even simulations. This way, you may tai- open, at a distant target. Occlude one of the patient’s eyes
lor their visual correction to suit. at a time and have them compare the position of the tar-
get within the hole of the CheckTest™. The dominant eye
The reading distance varies in accordance with the patien- is the one for which the target remains most centred when
t’s tasks and habits and often also in relation to their phy- the other eye is occluded. The ocular dominance may or
sical size. To check a patient’s habitual reading distance, may not correspond with the patient’s hand dominance.
ask them to hold a reading test card where it feels comfor- Knowing which eye is dominant has a threefold interest:
table to them; measure the distance from the eye to the - some consider it preferable to start refraction with
card. This distance is usually comparable with Harmon’s the non-dominant eye so the subject can ‘practise’ before
Distance, the distance from the elbow to the tip of the the refraction of the dominant eye is determined;
index finger when it is touched to the thumb (see Figure - during binocular balance, if the perfect balance can-
13); this is a benchmark measurement which generally not be obtained, the dominant eye should be favoured;
represents the reading or writing distance at which a per- - during dispensing, the centring of the lenses may be
son should be able to read comfortably. Observe whether adapted to suit any strong lateralisation, as this may have
the patient reads naturally at, closer than or further than an impact on the patient’s head and eye posture when loo-
this distance. This may provide further information regar- king, particularly at near.
ding the patient’s level of vision (weak or good), accommo-
dative capacity (sufficient or not) and binocular behaviour
(esophoric or exophoric). Finally, during this test check
whether the patient reads centrally or tends to offset the
text to the right or left.
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Figure 13: Reading Distance and Harmon’s Distance Figure 14: Determining the Dominant Eye (using the
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 15
torch at 5-6m). Place the red filter over one eye. If fusion
is good, the patient will see only a single, pink light. If
© Essilor International
fusion is weak and thus disturbed, the patient will see
either two lights (one white, one red in the case of com-
plete dissociation of the eyes) or a single light (either white
or red, depending on which eye is suppressed). If sup-
pression is incomplete, the patient may see one light,
alternating red and white (depending on which eye is sup-
pressed). Perform this test by placing the red filter over 15b
each eye, one at a time. The point of light is seen as a dar-
ker pink (‘more red’) when the red filter is placed over the
dominant eye.
© Essilor International
a target (this test should be performed both at distance
and near). Place an occluder in front of one eye then
remove it (Unilateral Cover Test). Observe if and how the
eyes move under cover, immediately after having been
under cover, and while the other eye is covered. Note
the direction in which the eye(s) move(s) to recover fixa-
tion once the cover has been removed. If an eye realigns 15c
itself (to fixate on the target) via a temporo-nasal move-
ment, the eye was turned out under cover and so the
patient has an exophoria. If the movement is naso-tem-
poral, the patient has an esophoria. If the eye does not
move, the patient has orthophoria. The unilateral cover
test should be performed by covering first one eye, then
the other. The alternating cover test involves the trans-
fer of the occluder directly from the first eye to the
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16 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Visual Acuity
Visual acuity is, by definition, the capacity of the eye to distinguish There are many types of visual acuity scale:
the smallest details of a high contrast object; that is, its finest - depending on the type of optotype used: letters, numbers,
detail resolution achievable. It was defined by Dutch ophthalmo- the Landolt ring or C (1888), Snellen's E (1862), pictures, etc.
logist Herman Snellen (1834-1908) as the inverse of the angle, - depending on the progression of acuity values: scales may
expressed in minutes of arc, subtended at the eye by the smallest be decimal (Monoyer, 1875), angular (in minutes of arc (Mercier,
detail that can be distinguished by the eye. The human eye can,
1944)), inverse (1/10, 1/9, 1/8 etc.), rational, (that is, inverse for
on average, discriminate between two points separated by an
angle of 1 minute of arc (that is, 1/60th of one degree). That value the low acuities then decimal for higher acuities (Lissac, 1956)), or
(established by German ophthalmologist Hermann Von Helmholtz, logarithmic (Bailey and Lovie, 1976).
1821-1894) has been accepted as a universal benchmark.
(However, it is important to remember that even amongst a popu- This logarithmic scale presents an arithmetic progression by 0.1
lation of people with normal eyesight, there is a range of normal unit step of the logarithm of the Minimum Angle of Resolution
visual acuity and some will see finer detail than the 1 minute of arc (MAR); in other words a geometric progression of √10 = 1.259 of
average). the MAR. This regular progression of size between each line of the
chart means that the value of the angle is halved (doubled) every
It is important to note also that visual acuity is the measure of the 3 lines and multiplied (divided) by 10 every 10 lines. (For exam-
eye’s maximum ability to resolve detail of high contrast; it is a
ple, descending from the large letters to the smaller, the size of the
measure of the eye’s maximum ability (the best achievable) and is
therefore measured under ideal conditions, that is, maximum letters on every 3rd line is halved and so the acuity is doubled.
contrast, good lighting level and with best refractive correction. Ascending from the smaller letters to the larger, the size of the let-
Therefore, visual acuity is noted at the end of the refraction; any ters doubles every 3 lines). This type of scaled chart offers a regu-
measurements of vision with prior glasses, or without any refracti- lar progression, flexible test distances, an identical number of
ve correction, are not measurements under best conditions and so optotypes (and therefore an identical visual task) on each line of
are measurements of “uncorrected vision” or “vision with current the chart, a coherent choice of letters and simple conversion of the
correction/corrected vision” rather than a true measure of “best visual acuity measurement at all distances, and has therefore
corrected visual acuity”. become an international standard (Figure 16).
Many acuity scales have been created by many authors; this is not
Distance Vision an exhaustive list.
In the ordinary refractive practice, the eye care professional deter-
mines morphoscopic or image recognition acuity (by having the
patient read a variety of letters which they must recognise by dis-
criminating the letter detail and recognising its shape), rather than
actually determining the minimum discrimination of the eye, as is
tested when using the E or C charts, for example (where the same
symbol is used throughout the chart and so it is discrimination
which is tested rather than letter recognition).
Visual acuity notation differs from one region of the world to ano-
ther. Generally speaking:
- in Latin countries, the notation is decimal (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, …,
1.0, etc.) or expressed in tenths (1/10, 2/10, 3/10,…, 10/10, etc.).
It corresponds with the inverse of the angle subtended at the eye
by the critical detail of the optotype: 10’ of arc for 1/10, 5’ for
2/10, 2’ for 5/10, 1’ for 10/10, etc.
- in English-speaking countries, the notation is expressed as a
fraction of six (6/60, 6/36, 6/30,…, 6/6 etc.) or twenty (20/200,
20/120, 20/100, …, 20/20 etc.) depending on whether the stan-
dard test distance is referred to in metres or feet (6 metres ~ 20
feet; 1 foot = 0.3048 m). This notation uses the Snellen fraction
principle where the numerator represents the test distance and
the denominator the distance at which the smallest detail of the
optotype subtends an angle of 1 minute of arc at the eye (that is,
the distance at which it can be deciphered by a subject with visual
acuity of 1.0 (the reference benchmark for average, normal
vision)). Thus acuity of 6/12 (20/40) indicates that the subject can
read at 6 metres (20 feet) what a person with normal, average
acuity of 1.0 can read at 12 metres (40 feet). For the same nume-
rator (test distance), the larger the denominator, the worse the
visual acuity. Calculating the Snellen fraction gives the decimal
notation (for example, 6/6 = 20/20 = 1.0).
Figure 16: Logarithmic Acuity Progression Scale
Conventionally, the height of an optotype corresponds to five
times that of the detail to be distinguished: the thickness of the (Bailey-Lovie distance chart)
strokes of the characters and the gap of the letter C represent, for Published with the kind permission of Ian Bailey and Jan Lovie-Kitchin.
example, one fifth of the total height of the character (optotype). Original reference: New Design Principles for Visual Acuity Letter Charts, Ian L.
That is, the height of an optotype subtends an angle of 5 minutes Bailey and Jan E. Lovie, American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics,
of arc at the eye. Letter width may be 4 or 5 times the detail to 1976.
be distinguished. There exist international standards which stipu-
late letter formats (for example, 5 x 4 and non-serif in form) and
specify the optotypes or the limited selection of letters to be used,
those being letters of similar legibility.
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t’s reading capacity; the latter may be more representative of used predominantly in English-speaking countries, this scale uses
day to day near visual function and activity). standard typographic units (font sizes). It uses the ‘Times Roman’
typeface and the paragraphs are graduated according to the size
Near Visual Acuity Scales of the characters, expressed in typographic points (N5, N6, N8
As with distance vision, there are many different near visual etc.). Near reading performance is noted by N (for ‘Near’), follo-
acuity scales. The most commonly used is the logarithmic pro- wed by the size of the character, along with the reading test dis-
gression scale, a near version of the scale used for distance tance (for example, N5 at 40cm). The advantage of this test is
vision. that reading performance is assessed on exactly the same types
of printed material as those the patient is likely to encounter in
The benefits of the logMAR system for near are those as outli- daily life.
ned above, for distance assessment. On the Bailey-Lovie word - Jaeger scale and notation (J notation): often used in the
reading chart, a variety of words of different lengths have been United States of America, this scale also uses typographic cha-
specifically chosen to ensure a consistent task at each line, and racters with a notation depending on the size of the typeface font.
the text is composed of unrelated words rather than an extract The notation is, for example, J1, J2, J3, etc, the J being from the
of text, such that the patient is obliged to read each word rather name of its inventor (Viennese ophthalmologist Eduard von
than guess from the context of the sentence; this provides a Jaeger, who developed this system in 1854) and the number indi-
more accurate assessment of their near acuity. Again, the regu- cating the size of the font. Unfortunately, the sizes of the charac-
lar progression of size between each line of the chart allows for ters are not standardised. There have been numerous variants of
easy conversion and flexibility of test distance and confidence this scale with arbitrary graduations and variable character sizes.
of predictability of performance for changes in different factors. Despite its imprecision, it is still in extensive use.
For these reasons the near logMAR chart is universally recogni- - Metric scale and notation (M notation): this system was
sed and has particular application in research and low vision developed by two American research scientists, Louise Sloan and
assessment. There exists also the Bailey-Lovie reading chart Adelaide Habel, in 1956. The size of the characters is described
where the text forms a coherent sentence or phrase, to reflect by the letter M preceded by a number which is the distance in
a reading task. metres at which the characters subtend at the eye an angle of 5
minutes of arc. The detail to be distinguished is conventionally
Reading Capacity Measurement Scales equal to one fifth of the height of the character. Therefore, for
Scales and types of notation differ from country to country; example, the notations 1.0M and 0.50M mean that visual acuity
only the most common methods are listed here: is 1.0 at the distances of 1.0 m and 0.50 m, respectively. The
- Parinaud’s scale and notation (P notation): very widely size of the letters is specified in M units corresponding to a height
used in French-speaking countries, this scale was developed in 1.45 mm: thus, 1.0M corresponds to a character of height 1.45
1888 by French ophthalmologist Henri Parinaud. The scale is mm, 0.50M to 0.725 mm, etc. To know the M value of a text,
calculated for a distance of 25 cm, with an arbitrary 20% simply divide the height of the letters by 1.45. This M unit also
reduction in the size of the characters relative to distance vision corresponds to the acuity denominator expressed as a Snellen
scales (4’ of arc of visual angle instead of 5’). This reduction is fraction. This type of notation is internationally recognised, is
designed to take into account the effects of reduced pupil size simple and practical and has proven to be particularly useful in
for near vision and thus render the scale comparable to the dis- low vision assessments.
tance visual acuity test. Each paragraph corresponds to acuity
of 1.0 for the reference distance and so permits near visual The common thread amongst these different near scales is, simi-
acuity to be estimated in accordance with the distance, by the larly as for distance visual acuity, the patient’s visual performan-
ratio of reading distance/reference distance (the reference dis- ce is assessed by noting the size of the smallest characters deci-
tance being equal to 0.25 m x Parinaud Number). Thus: phered, necessarily accompanied by the test distance used. For
- if P1, P2, P4 are read at the reference distances 0.25 example, P1.5 at 37 cm, N5 at 40 cm, J2 at 40 cm or 0.4M at
m, 0.50 m, 1.00 m, respectively, this corresponds to an acuity of 40 cm are considered as good levels of near vision.
1.0 (10/10).
18 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
3. Objective Refraction
Start the refractive examination by determining the objective refraction, so called because it does not rely on any input from the
patient. To determine the objective refraction, the eye care professional can use either the technique offered by auto-refractors, or
the classic technique of retinoscopy. Whatever the method used, objective refraction should always be performed, but can consti-
tute only an initial approach to refraction which must be confirmed subsequently by a subjective refraction examination. Only in
exceptional circumstances, where subjective refraction is impossible, such as in the examination of a baby, young child, or another
patient who is unable to communicate, should the objective refraction be used for the final prescription.
A Auto-Refractometry
Automatic refractometry is a quick and easy way of Auto-refractors also often integrate a keratometry mea-
obtaining an objective measurement of the patient’s surement. As well as the obvious application that this
refraction. measurement has to the fitting of contact lenses, it can
also be used to assess whether the patient’s ametropia
The patient places their head in the appropriate chin is more axial or refractive.
and forehead rests of the instrument, so as to be still,
and then fixates on the target inside the instrument, While it is not desired to discredit the contribution of
whilst blinking normally as required. The practitioner these instruments in any way, it is important to state
then moves the instrument until it is centred on the clearly that the auto-refractometry measurement alone
patient’s eye and the image of the eye is focussed. cannot suffice to determine a patient’s refraction and
When this is the case, the measurement may be taken that, where possible, it should always be complemen-
automatically or manually, depending on the mode ted by a subjective examination.
selected. A series of measurements is taken and the
average value is calculated. The process is repeated for
the other eye and results may then be printed.
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 19
B Retinoscopy
Retinoscopy (or skiascopy, from the Greek skia = The direction, speed and brightness of the reflex are
shadow and skopein = examine) is a technique which related to the refractive error (the brighter the reflex
permits an estimation of the refractive status of an and the faster its speed, the lower the refractive
eye, based on the movement of the light reflex from error). The observer assesses the form, movement
the eye, as observed through an optical instrument and brightness of the reflex and places appropriate
known as a retinoscope. It was introduced at the end lenses in front of the eye until the speed of move-
of the 19th century by Ferdinand Cuignet, a French ment of the reflex is infinitely quick (“reversal”). The
military ophthalmologist (1823-1889). Being an power of the lens at which reversal is achieved is the
objective technique, it does not require any patient amount which neutralizes the refractive error of the
input and is therefore useful as a pre-subjective eye. In the case of astigmatism, neutralization is
refraction tool for all patients, but particularly determined independently in each principal meri-
infants and those unable to communicate. It also dian.
provides incidental information about the clarity and
regularity of the ocular media and hence the antici- A working distance lens (generally either +1.50D
pated level of vision. (67cm) or +2.00D (50cm)) must be placed in front
of the eye during retinoscopy to account for the fact
Retinoscopy was derived from ophthalmoscopy and that the observation is made through the retino-
is similar to the technique of manual lens neutraliza- scope which is not at optical infinity. This working
tion (and the fundamentals of vertometry/lensome- distance lens must be considered separately from
try/focimetry). The light from the retinoscope is the power of the lens at which neutralization occurs.
shone into the patient’s eye and the retina acts as a
reflective screen over which the light is moved; the The most common kind of retinoscopy is static reti-
light reflected from the retina (now acting as a secon- noscopy as outlined above. Within this there are two
dary light source) and different kinds: spot and streak (depending on the
hence out of the eye is form of the light shone from the retinoscope). There
called the “reflex” (as are also other, less common techniques by which
with the red reflex retinoscopy may be used, including Mohindra Near
through the pupils in a Retinoscopy and Dynamic Retinoscopy, which may
flash photograph). The provide an assessment of the refractive and accom-
retinoscope is tilted such modative status at near.
that its light sweeps
across the eye; in com- Accommodation must be stabilized during retinosco-
parison to the movement py and for this reason it is performed in the dark and
of the light from the reti- the patient is given a distance target to observe. The
noscope, the reflex will size of the target is large, so it may be seen through
move in the same direc- the blur caused by the working distance lens.
tion (“with” movement) Cycloplegia may also be induced prior to performing
or in the opposite direc- retinoscopy and this is particularly useful when
tion (“against” move- assessing young children and patients with large
ment). amounts of latent hypermetropia.
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20 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Figure 19: Different Reflex Effects in Retinoscopy
With movement
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Against movement
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Oblique effect
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Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 21
4. Subjective Refraction
Distance Vision
Subjective Refraction is a technique used for determining the refractive error of the eye and involves the patient’s ability to discern
changes in the clarity of the test object when different lenses are placed in front of their eyes. By definition, it requires patient input.
Subjective Refraction will usually be performed as a check and “fine tuning” following an initial, objective assessment of the refrac-
tion. The starting point may be the objective refraction result or a previous prescription. Subjective refraction is performed mono-
cularly at first, then verified in the binocular state thereafter. The recommended order for the process of performing subjective
refraction is: monocular determination of the sphere, cylinder axis and power of each eye, followed by performance of binocular
balance. Minus cylinders should be used.
The method described below is a proven method, but just one of many possible methods of subjective refraction.
Practical Refraction
22 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
3) Remove fog progressively in steps of 0.25 D 4) Continue to remove fog until the level of vision
(that is, add -0.25D per step) and check at each step does not improve further; that is, until the level of
that vision improves (by approximately one line per vision reaches a plateau.
* Theoretically, each 0.25D reduction of fog should
improve vision by one graduation on the inverse acuity 5) Return to the sphere prior to the last removal of
scale (known in France as “Swaine’s Rule”) in accordance fog that did not give an improvement in vision; that
with the theoretical sequence below for spherical ame- is, select the most plus (least minus) sphere giving
tropia (or the spherical equivalent of the ametropia in maximum vision at this stage (in order to prevent the
Practical Refraction
the case of astigmatism). The rule: ametropia = sphe- retinal image from shifting back behind the retina, so
re value – 0.25 D / level of vision (see table). The exam- allowing the patient to accommodate). Bear in mind
ple given is that of an emmetropic eye with initial cor- also the sphere expected from the level of uncorrected
rection of plano and average normal visual acuity of 1.0: vision and consider if it is consistent with this finding. (At
this point, if starting from plano rather than the objecti-
ve refraction result, the sphere is the Best Vision Sphere,
and the vision is the best achievable with a spherical cor-
1.0 1.0 • •
rection alone).
1/2 0,5 • •
1/3 0,33 • •
1/4 0,25 •
1/5 0,20 •
1/6 0,16 •
1/7 0,14 •
1/8 0,12 •
1/9 0,11 •
© Essilor International
1/10 0,10 •
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B Determining the Cylinder
After determining the sphere, the next step is to determine the power and axis of the cylinder. The cylinder axis is determined
firstly, followed by the cylinder power
The method detailed below uses the Jackson Cross Cylinder. During this procedure it is best to have the patient look at a round
target; for example, either a letter O (of appropriate size for their level of vision) or the cluster of round dots available on many
projector charts.
Jackson Cross Cylinders are available in powers including ±0.25D and ±0.50D. The ±0.25D cross cylinder will permit a more
accurate result but it will be more difficult for the patient to discern the difference between the images during refraction. Some
consider it most appropriate to use the ±0.25D at all stages, changing to the ±0.50D only when the patient has impaired vision
and is unable to distinguish between the images presented. Others consider the ±0.50D should be used when determining the
cylinder axis and the ±0.25D when determining the cylinder power.
Practical Refraction
© Essilor International
Have the patient look at a letter (of a size appropriate for
their level of vision), preferably a round letter such as an
O, or the cluster of dots, throughout the duration of
using the cross cylinder.
© Essilor International
b. Twist the cross cylinder quickly (around the axis
of its handle) so as to present the alternative view, posi-
tion 2. Ask the patient to indicate which of the two posi-
tions offers clearer vision (that is, a sharper, blacker,
rounder target) by asking a question such as “Which view
gives rounder, clearer, sharper dots?” or “Which view is 22c
less blurred, 1 or 2? …or are both views equally blur-
red?”; note the location of the negative axis of the cross
cylinder for this preferred position
Remember that the patient’s vision is blurred slightly by
© Essilor International
24 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
2) Determining the cylinder power: 23a
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b. Twist the cross cylinder to present position 2
and ask the patient to indicate which position gives clea-
rer (less blurred) vision.
© Essilor International
d. Repeat steps a to c until the patient has no
or virtually no preference or the preference is rever-
sed. This is the cylinder power of the refraction.
© Essilor International
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© Essilor International
The following bracketing method may be used:
© Essilor International
along 45° (handle along 45°, meridians along 180°
and 90°). This is position 1. Twist the cross cylinder so
as to present position 2 and ask the patient to indicate
which position gives clearer (less blurred) vision; note
the orientation of the negative axis of the cross cylinder
for this preferred position (either along 180º or 90º).
By combination with the previous measurement (results
of steps a and b together), the cylinder axis of the
patient’s refraction is now known to be located within a
45° sector.
© Essilor International
c. Position the handle of the cross cylinder
along the bisector of the 45 sector identified (or,
with experience, nearer the axis for which the subject
has expressed the clearer preference). Twist the cross
cylinder and ask the patient which view they prefer.
d. Rotate the axis of the minus corrective cylin-
der 5° in the direction of the minus axis of the prefer-
red cross cylinder (or place it at the bisector of the resi-
dual angle between the handle of the cross cylinder and
© Essilor International
26 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
24e which position gives clearer (less blurred) vision and note the
location of the negative axis of the cross cylinder, for the
patient’s preferred position. Rotate the axis of the correcti-
ve cylinder by a small increment towards the axis of the
negative cylinder of the cross cylinder.
© Essilor International e. Repeat step d until the patient has no preference
or almost no preference between positions 1 and 2. The
corrective cylinder is now aligned along the cylinder axis of
the patient’s refraction.
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© Essilor International
Alternative technique:
c. Place a -0.50D corrective cylinder in the trial
frame or phoropter, at an axis located in the middle of the
45° sector identified.
d. Position the handle of the cross cylinder along
the axis of this cylinder (this is position 1); twist the cross
cylinder to present position 2; ask the patient to indicate i, j, k, l : Determining the cylinder axis using a trial cylinder and the
cross cylinder
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 27
© Essilor International
Have the patient continue to fixate on the cluster of dots
Practical Refraction
© Essilor International
views and ask the patient which position they prefer.
© Essilor International
d. Repeat steps a to c until the patient has no
preference between the two views of the cross cylinder,
almost no preference or their preference is reversed.
28 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
AFTER DETERMINING THE CYLINDER An Astigmatic Prescription Should Always Be
Determined in Negative Cylinder Form
3) Final check of the sphere An astigmatic correction can be expressed in either
positive or negative cylinder form. However, the pres-
Once the axis and the power of the corrective cylinder cription is normally determined as a negative cylinder.
have been determined, proceed to a monocular verifica- The ‘fogging’ method described above involves blurring
tion of the sphere by means of + and -0.25 D spherical the patient’s vision by positioning both foci (of the prin-
lenses in order to confirm that the sphere obtained is cipal meridians of the astigmatism) in front of the retina,
actually the ‘maximum plus offering maximum visual then moving them back by gradually adding negative
acuity’. Thus: spheres in order to place the more posterior focus on
- with an extra +0.25 D, vision should be slightly the retina and subsequently merging the two foci into a
reduced; if it is not, add the +0.25 D and repeat the single point by using a negative cylinder to move the
checking of the sphere; more anterior focus posteriorly.
Depending on the country, however, practitioners and
- with an extra -0.25 D, vision should remain the
manufacturers may express the prescription in positive
same (or be slightly reduced). or negative cylinder form. The process of transposition
allows the conversion from plus cylinder form to minus
cylinder form and vice versa.
b) with -0.25 D: vision remains the same To transpose -2.00 / +3.00 x 105 to minus cylinder
Step 1) (-2.00) + (+3.00) = +1.00 (the new sphere)
Step 2) +3.00 becomes -3.00 (the new cylinder)
Step 3) 105 – 90 = 15 (the new axis)
so this prescription written in minus cylinder form is
+1.00 / -3.00 x 15
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Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 29
4 Supplement
0.14 1/7 1.75 D When placed in front of the patient’s eye and so combi-
0.12 1/8 2.00 D ned with the astigmatic eye, the cross cylinder accen-
tuates or reduces the astigmatism and consequently
0.11 1/9 2.25 D
causes variation in the level of the patient’s vision. The
0.10 1/10 2.50 D cross cylinder is twisted and so its two positions presen-
ted to the patient, who is then asked to indicate which
0.25DS of spherical refractive error. Thus a myopic position gives the better vision. The cross cylinder is
patient with refractive error of -0.50 D is expected to used in two different aspects of subjective refraction:
have uncor rected vision of approximately 1/2 (0.5), a determining the cylinder axis and the cylinder power of
myopic patient with refractive error -0.75 D uncorrected the patient’s refraction.
vision of 1/3 (0.3) and so forth (see table).
Detailed procedures for using the cross cylinder are des-
This rule allows the practitioner to estimate the patient’s cribed above.
refractive error from their level of uncorrected distance
vision and hence have an idea of the expected prescrip-
tion before starting objective and subjective refraction.
Also, during refraction using the fogging method, (which
involves rendering the patient effectively myopic by the
addition of a plus lens), the rule can be used to assess
the spherical blur created and thus anticipate the value
of the final ametropia of the subject. For example, if
during the initial fogging, the patient's vision is 1/6
(0.16), it can be estimated that the patient’s ametropia
is equal to the value of the fogging sphere – (6 x 0.25D)
= +1.50 – (1.50D) = plano; if vision is 1/5 (0.20), the
patient’s ametropia is ~ +1.50 – (5 x 0.25D) = +1.50
- 1.25 = +0.25D. The rule allows changes in vision to
be monitored during fogging and removal of the fog.
This rule is most effective for myopic refractive errors
and less consistent for hypermetropia or astigmatism. It
is not always a precise rule but may be used as a good
guide, allowing the practitioner to assess the consisten-
cy of the expected level of the patient’s ametropia with
the final refraction found. Figure 27: Jackson Cross Cylinders
30 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Note that the Duochrome Test is equally applicable to
The Duochrome Test those who have a colour vision deficiency; their altered
perception of colours (light of different wavelengths) is
The Duochrome Test may be used to check the spherical independent from the chromatic aberration of the eye. In
correction. It makes use of the natural axial chromatic this case, simply ask the patient to indicate the side of the
aberration of the eye which causes light of different chart on which they see the letters more clearly, rather than
wavelengths to be refracted differently by the eye. specifying “the red side” or “the green side”.
Longer wavelengths (perceived as red) are refracted less
than shorter wavelengths (perceived as green) and so Note also that the chromatic aberration of the eye changes
“red” light will be focussed more posteriorly than “green” with the changes that occur within the refractive media of the
light. (This gives rise to a range of focus rather than a eye with age; in particular, with the development of cataract.
true point of focus on the retina. The eye is in correct In this case, the Duochrome Test may be unreliable.
focus when the central point within this small range (cor-
responding to “yellow” light) is positioned on the retina). This test can be used for distance and near vision, in a mono-
The test is used to assess the eye’s focus by the obser- cular situation to check the sphere and in a binocular situa-
vation of characters on a red and green background. tion to balance the correction and for the final verification of
The patient is asked to look at the chart and compare the prescription.
the letters on the red and green backgrounds. The prac-
titioner may ask “On which side do the letters appear At near it may be used to assess the accommodative beha-
blacker and clearer? …or do they appear equally black viour of a young patient or to check the addition of a patient
on both sides?” Thus, as shown in Figure 28 with presbyopia.
a) if the patients sees the characters more clearly on the
red background, the central point of focus is anterior to
the retina and so a minus lens is required to correct
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 31
C Binocular Balance
Having determined the refractions of the right and left 1) Dissociate the two eyes by:
eyes separately under monocular conditions, it is impor- - alternate occlusion: this involves occluding first
tant to ensure that these refractions correspond well one eye then the other and rapidly continuing to alter-
under binocular conditions. This is the aim of binocular nate this occlusion such that the patient sees with both
balance. The spherical component is adjusted as neces- eyes but never simultaneously. During this test, the
sary to equalize the accommodative effort of the two eyes, patient should never be placed in binocular vision condi-
tions where both eyes see the target at the same time.
so that the retinal images of both eyes may simulta-
Practical Refraction
32 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Figure 30: Binocular Balance
a) + 0.50 D fog
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D Final Check of Binocular Sphere, Subjective
sphere must be confirmed binocularly. The patient’s a. If vision is worse, the refraction result in the
binocular visual acuity may then be measured and trial frame is now correct. This is the final refraction.
furthermore their subjective appreciation of the final b. If there is no change, the refraction result in
prescription judged. the trial frame is correct or slightly over-minussed.
Make a judgment whether or not to add the extra -
Preferably, this final binocular verification of the
Practical Refraction
2) Place an extra +0.25 D in front of both eyes b) with -0.25D – vision is unchanged
(using a binocular lens holder) and ask the patient if this
makes their vision ‘better, worse or no different’.
34 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Binocular Vision Screening
At this stage of the examination, it is important to check the
patient’s binocular vision; more precisely, it is important to
confirm that the patient has good simultaneous vision and
that the images perceived by both eyes are fused without
difficulty. To evaluate this, the patient’s binocular vision
© Essilor International
must be dissociated in order to check that:
1) there is not total or partial suppression of the vision
in one eye, by ensuring the permanent presence of two
2) there is not potential deviation or significant pho-
ria, by checking the alignment of the two images. Figure 32: Dissociation by Prisms
Note that simultaneous vision may already have been - Conversely, if the image seen by the right eye is to
observed during the binocular balance test. the left and the image seen by the left eye is to the right,
there is exophoria.
Depending on whether binocular vision is dissociated by - Most people have some degree of heterophoria.
means of prisms, red-green filters or polarized filters, for This poses a problem only if compensation for it proves
example, one of the following tests could be carried out: difficult, for example.
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 35
The polarized cross is available in the majority of projec- To assess the subject's stereoscopic vision, use a test
tors charts. Proceed as follows: that enables two separate images to be presented to the
On procède comme suit : subject. These images are almost identical but slightly
a) Place the polarized filters in front of both eyes. offset relative to one other so that they create a percep-
b) Ask the patient if both branches of the cross are tion of relief (that is, three dimensional vision) when they
clearly visible: merge. These tests achieve dissociation by means of red
a. If the full cross is clearly visible, there is and green filters (Brock technique) or polarized filters
simultaneous vision. (for example, polarized rack test). They involve checking
b. If only one branch is visible (or one branch that a part of the image is perceived by the patient as
tends to disappear and re-appear), there is (full or inter- being closer or further than the rest of the image. The
mittent) suppression of one eye. principle is that when the two eyes fuse, if the image
c) Ask the patient if both branches of the cross are seen by the right eye is slightly offset to the right and
perfectly centred or if one of them seems offset relative that seen by the left eye is slightly offset to the left, the
to the other: patient has the impression that the plane of the test
a. If the branches are centred, there is ortho- recedes; conversely, if the image seen by the right eye is
phoria. slightly offset to the left and that seen by the left eye is
b. If they are offset, horizontally and/or vertically, slightly offset to the right, the patient has the impression
there is heterophoria. that the plane of the test advances. The presence of
even a slight degree of stereoscopy implies a very good
level of binocular vision.
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Figure 34: Polarized Cross Test
36 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
5. Subjective Refraction
Near Vision
A Determining the Near Addition (Presbyopia)
of the near point of accommodation by moving the text 2.25 1.50 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.50
towards the patient until it (just) becomes blurry (that is, 2.00 1.33 / 1.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.75
find the closest point to which the patient can focus at 1.75 1.16 / 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00
near). The amplitude of accommodation is the inverse of 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00
this distance: for example, if the distance is 0.50 m, the 1.25 0.83 / 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 3.25
amplitude of accommodation is 1/0.50m = 2.00 D. 1.00 0.66 /0.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 37
This method involves restoring to the presbyopic Using trial frames and a reading test:
patient an apparent “accommodation” of 3.50 D - ask the patient to assess their visual comfort
(that is, the “accommodation” necessary for the with the addition in place
usual near activities of daily living) by bringing - bring the test closer to the patient until the
their corrected near point to a distance of 28 cm smallest characters are no longer able to be seen
Practical Refraction
(= 1 / 3.50 D). To do this, determine the mini- clearly. This should occur at approximately 25 cm
mum addition necessary for the patient to read at from the eyes (if <20 cm, the addition is too strong,
40 cm (proximity 2.50 D) and then add +0.75 D if >30 cm the addition too weak).
to +1.00 D to attain 28 cm (proximity 3.50 D). - adjust the value of the addition (from 0.25 to
0.50 D) in accordance with the required working or
a) Correct distance vision precisely reading distance, if different from the 40 cm at which
the test was conducted. Reduce the addition for a
Remember to correct the ametropia at the level of longer working distance, increase it for a shorter wor-
maximum plus for maximum visual acuity. This is king distance
important because any under-correction of hyper-
metropia or over-correction of myopia may translate
into an excessive addition for near vision and this is
best avoided.
Add +0.25 D, +0.50 D, etc, binocularly to the dis-
tance vision correction until the subject can just 40
38 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
© Essilor International
(prescription +0.50/-1.00x90) in front of both eyes
and having the patient look at a cross, made up of
horizontal and vertical lines, at a distance of 40 cm.
As the presbyopic patient has insufficient accommo-
dation, and given the orientation of the cross cylin-
ders, the horizontal lines of the cross are seen more
clearly than the vertical lines, initially. Plus lenses
are then introduced binocularly, progressively in
0.25D steps, until the horizontal and vertical lines of
the cross are seen equally clearly; the plus in place
at this point is the near addition for 40cm. In prac-
tice, perform the following steps (most simply using
© Essilor International
a phoropter, as the binocular fixed cross cylinders
are integrated therein):
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 39
+2.0 r a n g
restricted as the remaining amplitude of accommoda- Withm o d a t i v e
tion becomes smaller. Thus: D I S TA N C E
0,33 0,50 1 2 5 m
13 20 40 80 200 in
- a stronger addition reduces the apparent depth of
,00 D
the usable range of accommodation.
- as presbyopia progresses, the increase in addition IA
and the reduction in the remaining amplitude of accom- IN
modation combine to reduce the depth of the usable NEAR
© Essilor International
As an example, consider a young presbyopic patient cor-
rected by a single vision near lens of power +1.50 D
(Figure 40a) or a progressive lens of addition +1.50 D
(Figure 40b). In accordance with the minimum addition
method detailed previously, the patient’s remaining
(maximum) amplitude of accommodation is 2.00 D. A
very simplified theoretical calculation shows that this b) Progressive lens of addition +1.50 D
range of accommodation extends in distance vision from
infinity to 50 cm and in near vision from 67 cm to 28
cm. If an addition of +2.00 D were prescribed instead
of +1.50 D, the range of near vision is modified and
then extends between 50 cm and 25 cm. Thus, over-cor-
recting the addition by +0.50 D has the consequence of
reducing the range of clear vision by 17 cm in the dis-
tance zone (from 67cm to 50cm) and procures a gain of
only 3 cm at near (from 28 to 25cm). The consequence
is that the patient has a more restricted range of clear
© Essilor International
40 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
A few years later this patient will have a remaining ampli- Figure 41 : Depth of Field of Clear Vision in a Late
tude of accommodation of only 1.00 D and thus requi- Presbyope
re, still in accordance with the minimum addition
method, an addition of +2.50 D (Figure 41). Their near a) Single vision lens of power +2.50 D
vision accommodation range has naturally diminished
and now extends from 40 cm to 28 cm. If the addition
is over-corrected by +0.50 D (by prescribing an addi-
tion of +3.00 D instead of +2.50 D), the range of clear
vision extends from 33 cm to 25 cm, so there is a loss .00nge
Wit h+d3 n ra
and restriction of 7 cm in the depth of field for interme- ccom
o atio
diate vision for a gain of only 3 cm in very near vision. 0,33 0,50 1 2 5 m
13 20 40 80 200 in
,00 D
the field of vision not only in depth, but also in width. ED
© Essilor International
Acc =0,00D
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Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 41
Once the distance refraction and near addition have 3) Assess acceptance of the near vision
been determined, the patient’s binocular balance should balance at distance:
be checked at near, also. Indeed, binocular balance has
been established in distance vision in a situation that is
If the near vision balance differs from the distance vision
seldom encountered: looking at far distance in primary
balance, in general it is preferable to favour the near
gaze (straight ahead, at eye level). In near vision, a lowe-
balance and check that it is acceptable at distance. To
red line of gaze and the stimulation of accommodation
Practical Refraction
© Essilor International
The patient is now in a situation of incomplete binocular
vision which enables the vision of the two eyes to be
42 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
C In the case of the Non-Presbyopic Patient
For non-presbyopic patients, the near vision examination is is positioned at near, in natural down gaze, at 40 cm for
often carried out only if the patient has symptoms or expres- example. Minus lenses are introduced progressively (in
ses a visual complaint, or if an anomaly has been discovered steps of -0.25 to -0.50 D) until the patient can no longer see
during the preliminary measurements; however, it should be the small characters clearly. The value at which the charac-
performed in all cases, as many anomalies may not cause ters are still just able to be cleared by the patient is used to
significant symptoms. Usually, symptoms involve visual fati- calculate the amplitude of accommodation: amplitude of
gue (asthenopia) after periods of close work. This tiredness accommodation = 1/0.40 m – added power. This measure-
can have various origins which may be normal (that is, some ment is then compared to statistical norms. The amplitude
fatigue is expected even when the eyes and visual system are of accommodation often proves to be lower than the avera-
entirely normal) or abnormal and, in particular, may be cau- ge in such cases.
sed by a uncorrected ametropia, a binocular vision disorder - accommodative facility (may be measured using the
or accommodative fatigue. accommodative rock method): wearing the distance correc-
tion, have the patient fixate on a small word placed at 40
1) Uncorrected Ametropia cm. Using a flipper (binocular lens holder) fitted with +2.00
Usually patients will suffer symptoms of visual fatigue at near D and -2.00 D lenses, assess the number of accommoda-
in the case of uncorrected hypermetropia or at distance in tion/disaccommodation cycles that the patient can perform
the case of uncorrected astigmatism. Uncorrected hyper- in one minute. To do this, firstly place the +2.00 D lenses
metropia demands permanent accommodative effort, which (to relax accommodation) and ask the patient to indicate as
is tiring in the long term. Uncorrected astigmatism destabi- soon as the word is clear. At this point, immediately swap
lizes accommodation and requires an effort of compensa- the lenses so that now the -2.00 D lenses are in place (to sti-
tion, which can be a source of headaches. The solution mulate accommodation) and ask the patient to indicate
consists essentially in ensuring effective correction of distan- when the word is again clear. Repeat this cycle for 1 minute
ce vision and checking that this provides relief to the patient and count the number of cycles executed: generally it is
in near vision, also.
considered that ~13 or more cycles is normal, ~8 or fewer
cycles abnormal. If the patient is unable to clear ±2.00D,
A particular case is that of the pre-presbyopic patient who,
by this stage, has often been starting to be unable to com-
±1.00D flippers may be used instead, although this already
gives an indication of reduced accommodative amplitude
pensate for latent hypermetropia for some time. Latent
hypermetropia may develop more rapidly than early pres- and facility. (Accommodative infacility may often be associa-
byopia. Be sure not to confuse hypermetropia and pres- ted with accommodative insufficiency and convergence
byopia and to correct distance vision fully. Often, the patient excess and so it should not be measured in isolation).
wears this correction only at near, initially, then progressive-
ly adopts it for distance vision. If accommodative insufficiency and/or reduced accommoda-
tive facility is observed, this may sometimes be treated by
2) Binocular Vision Disorder vision therapy and eye exercises or by the prescription of a
Two of the most common disorders which may be encoun- weak plus correction in near vision, on condition that there
tered are convergence insufficiency and difficulty in compen- are no binocular counter-indications. For this reason these
sating for severe heterophoria. results should not be taken in isolation and a full binocular
- convergence insufficiency will be detected during the vision assessment should be performed by an appropriately
preliminary measurements. It may be treated primarily by qualified eye care professional.
visual training and exercises and, if this fails to prove effecti-
ve, possibly by prismatic correction.
- severe heterophoria may be accentuated by down
gaze (that is, a lowered line of gaze such as during near
vision). It may be identified at near by the unilateral cover
test, sometimes more easily than at distance. For further dis-
cussion, see the Chapter ‘Binocular Vision Evaluation’.
3) Accommodative Fatigue
This is manifested as a difficulty in maintaining focus during
near vision. The patient may suffer tiredness and blurred
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6. Binocular Vision Evaluation
Binocular Vision
If a binocular vision anomaly is detected through screening, it is necessary to proceed to a more in-depth examination in
order to identify and treat the problem. This should be performed only by an appropriately qualified eye care profes-
sional, with referral if necessary.
The object of this chapter is not to provide a full description of the investigation and treatment of binocular vision disor-
ders; this is a vast subject and beyond the scope of this file. Rather, it is simply to recall a few basic principles, to des-
cribe how to identify some binocular vision disorders and to offer some tips for prescribing a prismatic correction.
Depending on the measurement conditions, that is, Typical values of fusional reserves (the
depending on the type of dissociation selected, the pho- blur/break/recovery points) are shown in Figure 45.
ria will be said to be ‘associated’ or ‘dissociated’. In distance vision, they are approximately twice as
When the test used involves an element of fusion, per- large in convergence as in divergence. In near vision,
ceived in common by both eyes, the phoria is said to be they are noticeably more balanced between conver-
‘associated’ (the red filter test, Mallett test, etc.). When gence and divergence. In the vertical plane, fusional
no element of fusion is present, the phoria is said to be reserves are low.
‘dissociated’ (dissociation by prisms, Maddox test, etc.).
4 - 6 exophoria at near; for dissociated vertical phoria, 3
~orthophoria (0 ) at both distance and near. Divergence - Base in Convergence – Base out 1
© Essilor International
b 3
15 10 0 10 15 25 Base down
44 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Binocular Vision
To assess a patient’s fusional reserves, the practitioner Figure 46 : Screening Fusional Reserves
can either screen for fusional capacity or measure the
convergence (also called positive relative convergence) a) convergence
and divergence reserves (negative relative convergence).
The principle is to introduce prisms of different
amounts and check at each stage that the patient can
compensate for their effect at a given fixation and
accommodation point. To induce convergence, intro-
duce a base out prism; to induce divergence, use a
base in prism. Always induce and measure divergen-
© Essilor International
ce ability before testing convergence.
© Essilor International
ral seconds then fusional reserves are low.
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 45
Binocular Vision
When a binocular vision anomaly is detected during b) Demonstrating phoria (using the unilateral
initial screening or during the binocular verification cover test) (continued on from demonstrating
of the refraction, the nature of the problem must be tropia, above, if no tropia were demonstrated):
identified. More precisely, it is vital to establish whe- - Have the patient focus on a small target
ther the anomaly is related to a poorly compensated - Occlude the right eye for 1 to 2 seconds
phoria or a tropia. In either case, the condition must - Quickly uncover while observing the right eye
be measured and analyzed. as it is uncovered:
Practical Refraction
46 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Binocular Vision
Phoria Tropia
a) Esophoria c) Esotropia
© Essilor International
© Essilor International
ou / or
b) Exophoria d) Exotropia
© Essilor International
© Essilor International
ou / or
Figure 47: Demonstrating Tropia and Phoria using the Unilateral Cover Test
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 47
Binocular Vision
2) Measuring and analyzing phoria: - Reduce the value of the prism until the patient
again sees a single line (recovery).
Once the existence of phoria is identified, its impact must * some patients do not notice the blur point and it may
be measured and the patient’s capacity for its compensa- not occur in negative relative convergence
tion must be assessed. This should be done at both dis- ** if the patient does not see double, note the position
tance and near. at which one eye loses fixation
Practical Refraction
48 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Binocular Vision
3) Assessing and analyzing tropia:
ted hypermetropia)
- recent or longstanding: has it existed for a long
time or has it appeared recently?
- progressive or stable? (if progressive, suspect a
pathological origin)
- What is the angle of the deviation? Does it vary
with the fixation distance?
- Is the tropia accompanied by eccentric fixation
or by amblyopia?
- What is the degree of fusion? What is the depth
of any suppression?
- etc.
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 49
Binocular Vision
C Prescribing Prism
50 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Definition, Measurement and Summation of Prism
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7. The Prescription
(The Final Rx)
The refraction as determined by the above - Remember to take into account the test dis-
methods is not always what is finally prescribed: tance at which the subjective refraction was perfor-
this is where the “art” of prescribing comes into med and adjust thereafter for optical infinity. (For
play, following the “science” of refraction. There example, a subjective refraction conducted at a test
are many factors that may influence the practitio- distance of 5 metres will be 0.20D (that is, 1/5m
ner’s decision regarding the final prescription and (power F (dioptres) = 1/focal distance (metres) )
closer than optical infinity and so the sphere may
some of these are discussed below:
Practical Refraction
52 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
- For patients with presbyopia, distance vision - Aside from the optical considerations listed above,
correction must be accurate for two particular rea- there are many and varied ergonomic and practical
sons: (i) accommodation is longer present and so issues to consider when choosing the final prescription
any over-correction of myopia or under-correction for the patient. This is when the case history becomes
of the hypermetropia is undesirable and will worsen important again, as it is by knowing the patient’s visual
vision and (ii) any error in the distance correction needs, work environment, leisure activities and such like
may be (wrongly) compensated for by increasing that the eye care professional may best advise the
Practical Refraction
the near addition, which will have undesirable patient as to the most appropriate kinds of refractive
consequences. Also, the binocular balance should correction to suit those different tasks. No one correcti-
be respected at both distance and near. ve lens is perfect; different types of lenses suit different
tasks. Determining the best form of the prescription for
- For patients with presbyopia, for near vision your patient is part of the art of prescribing. Discuss
correction, prescribe the minimal near addition with them the situations and tasks for which the specta-
required and never over-prescribe the addition. cles (or contact lenses, etc) are to be used and explain
Patients will sometimes indicate preference for that different types of lenses may be required for diffe-
stronger additions than are necessary because of rent tasks. Spectacle lenses exist in single vision, bifocal,
the proximal magnification they give, but they also trifocal, progressive and various occupational forms, and
restrict the working distance and reduce depth of there are many different kinds of each. There are the
field. Prescribing a near addition which is stronger choices of lens material, tint, coatings, etc to be consi-
than necessary will have undesirable consequences dered also.
for the patient’s near visual comfort in all types of
spectacles (single vision near, bi/trifocals and parti- All of these considerations go into the process of deci-
cularly progressive lenses where this will increase ding on the final prescription or prescriptions.
peripheral deformation). Except in very particular
cases, the near additions should always be identi- The few indications presented in this section are shared
cal for both eyes. reflections based on the experience of a group of practi-
tioners. They are in no way intended to represent abso-
- For refractive corrections of 4.00D and grea- lute rules of prescription and are of course always open
ter (plus and minus), vertex distance changes beco-
to discussion.
me significant. If a subjective refraction has been
determined at a vertex distance which is different
from that at which the lenses will be positioned in
front of the patient’s eyes when wearing the spec-
tacle frame, the final Rx prescribed must be adjus-
ted accordingly. (The effective power of a correcti-
ve lens varies with the vertex distance at which it is
placed). This adjustment may be avoided by ensu-
ring the subjective refraction is performed at the
standard vertex distance of 12-14mm and the
patient’s spectacle frames are adjusted to this
same vertex distance.
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 53
Refraction is a science but also an art. It is, primarily, the technique of determining and correcting refractive
errors of the eye. However, it is also the art of knowing which prescription to choose in order to offer patients
both the best possible vision and the best possible comfort. If the technique of refraction can be taught, the art
of prescription can only be acquired with practice and clinical experience.
This Ophthalmic Optics File ‘Practical Refraction’ is designed to share the fundamentals of one technique of
refraction. The approach is deliberately practical, with theoretical considerations limited to a minimum. It goes
without saying that a subject as vast as this cannot be dealt with fully in such a short file. Readers are thus advi-
sed to refer to the many existing publications on refraction and visual examination in order to further their kno-
wledge. Although a few general guidelines regarding prescription have been provided, nothing less than regular
practice will enable the eye care professional to acquire not only the technical skills required to practise refrac-
tion but also the experience and clinical judgment required to make the best choice of prescription for each
Hopefully, this file will help eye care professionals in their daily refraction practice. Above all it is hoped that it
will enable them to prescribe the best possible optical corrections, so as to assist their patients always to ‘see
better to live better’!
54 Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.
Dominique Meslin
Essilor Academy Europe
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute. 55
Copyright © 2008 ESSILOR ACADEMY EUROPE, 13 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France - All rights reserved – Do not copy or distribute.