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ROTC ● Reputation - whole mark of military

- Valor (Lower) - power and strength, courage
Code of Ethics and ability to overcome fear to carry out our
Definition of Terms mission, to accomplish what is seemingly
● Code - set of written rules or unwritten principles impossible.
and fundamentals that govern the way of life of an ● Moral Courage - stand for what is
individual, group or organization. right.
● Ethics - rules of conduct that differentiate what is ● Serenity - composure, calmness,
right from wrong. presence of mind in the midst of
● Code of Ethics - systematic and collection/digest of battle.
all the moral, ethical and legal principles that govern ● Benevolence - deposition to be
the conduct of professionals good.
● AFP Code of Ethics - bible of Soldiery ● Courtesy - politeness at all times.
● Preamble - Loyalty (Right) - our oath of office requires
- Identity - we, the members of the Armed us to be loyal to our nation and our mandate.
Forces of the Philippines, imploring God, people, unit, country. (Pres. Manuel L.
enlightenment from Almighty God. Quezon “My loyalty to my party ends where
- Aspiration - in order to achieve and maintain my loyalty to my country begins…”
a professional organization. - Duty (Left) - the value of obedience and
- Vision - worthy of public trust and respect disciplined performance despite difficulty
- Mission - faithful to its constitutional and danger. Accomplishing all assigned
mandate as the protector of the people, the tasks to the fullest of one’s capabilities.
sovereignty of the State, the democratic ● Sense of Responsibility - acceptance
institutions and the integrity of the national of responsibility for our actions
territory and/or under us.
- Commitment - freely and collectively ● Selfless Service - welfare and
commit ourselves as our way of life, to accomplishment of the mention
abide by and adhere to the provisions of this come ahead of our personal desire.
CODE OF ETHICS which we hereby do ● Competence - taking opportunities
ordain and promulgate. to improve ourselves.
● Supreme Sacrifice - giving up our
Article 1 - Identity life for our country.
● Section 1 - Constitutional Mandate
- The Philippine Constitution as the legitimate ● Section 2 - AFP Stand on Basic Issues
expression of the people’s will. - AFP Organization - it shall allow
● Section 2 - Organization and Chain of Command development and equipage of both active
- An integral part of the Executive Branch of and reserve forces.
the Government. (president commander in - Supremacy of Civilian Authority - the
chief) president as the commander-in-chief shall
- 3 branches of Govt. exercise command over the AFP
- Legislative - make laws - Chain of Command - every officer and
- Judiciary - interpret the laws soldier shall obey lawful orders of his
- Executive - execute the laws immediate officer.
● Section 3 - Commitment, Measure and Standards - Military Leadership - ability to influence
- The AFP shall members of the organization in the
- Maintain a high level of credibility (worthy fulfillment of its roles, obligations and
of public trust) function. But state of high morale to the
- Manifest a high level of competence and subordinates must be given emphasis in
standard of performance (trainings to be fit order to accomplish assigned missions.
and respond to our mission) - People’s Support - respecting the living
conditions, beliefs, way of life and the
Article 2 - History totality of the environment of all sectors of
● Section 1 - Historical Perspective the society
- The AFP identifies itself with the Filipino - National Development - AFP is the people’s
people’s historical struggle for freedom and partner in promoting peace, national
justice. (marami ng nalampasan) development and progress.
● Section 2 - Lessons Learned from the Dark pages of - Partisan Politics - neutral during political
AFP History exercise/election.
- Graft and Corruption - Mass media - respect freedom of speech.
- Martial Law - Spiritual Life - non-sectarian organization
- Unsuccessful Coup attempts and respect any form of religion.
- Family Life - the AFP shall recognize that
Article 3 - AFP Creed and Stand of Basic Issues all its members are human beings and have
● Section 1 - AFP Core Values (will not make families of their own. They shall support
malicious behavior) programs that will strengthen family ties and
- SOLIDARITY (center) community relationships.
● 1. Esprit-de-Corps - working with - Democracy - the Republic of the
others willingly and wholeheartedly Philippines is a government of the people,
to accomplish the mission. by the people, and for the people.
(cooperation0 - National Interest - we bear in mind that
● 2. Teamwork - team spirit in action. national interest serves as the common good
- Honor (Upper) - our crowning value as it is of the people.
more precious than life itself - Peace - a priceless gift to mankind
● Dignity - consciousness of personal - War - it is the use of organized military force
worth. by a stated to achieve its ends against the
● Integrity - do not lie, steal, or cheat
physical opposition of a hostile state or state - Be taken up during TI&E
or group. - Every member of the AFP shall sign a
- Use of Armed Forces - sanction by certification that he/she has read and
competent authority and limited only to the understood the provision of this code every
enemy. 11th day of October, which is the AFP Code
- Human Rights - AFP shall respect the day. The certification will form part of
inherent dignity of human being and his his/her MPF.
inalienable rights.
- Principle critiques/cause oriented groups - MILITARY PROFESSIONALISM
AFP will not label them as enemy of the By: Gen. Charles de Gaulle
state or as threat to national security.
Men who adapt the profession of arms submit their own
Article 4 - AFP Membership freewill to a law of perpetual constraint. On their accord they
● Section 1 - General Statement reject their right to live where they choose, to say what they
- The AFP members make the most important think, and to dress as they like. From the moment they
asset of all the organization’s resources. become soldiers, it needs but an order to settle them from
this place to move them to that to separate them from their
Article 5 - Military Professionalism families and to dislocate from their normal lives. In the word
● Section 1 - General Statement of command they must rise, march, run, endure the bad
- AFP are public servants. weather, go without sleep or food, be isolated in some distant
● Section 2 - Professionalism post and work until they drop. They have ceased to be the
- Profession - an occupation and personal masters of their own fate. If they drop on their tracks, if their
commitment to serve the public the common ashes are scattered to the four winds that is all part and
good. They are paid by the public hence, parcel of their job.
they maintain high standards of conduct and
- Professional - one who earns a noble living By: B(brigador) gen. Benjamin Vallejo AFP
and abides by the Code of Ethics of his
occupation. I. I AM A FILIPINO SOLDIER. I will support and
● Section 3 - Military Standard of Professionalism defend the constitution of the Republic of the
- Standard of Loyalty - all military personnel Philippines.
shall be loyal and true to the Constitution, II. I AM A FILIPINO SOLDIER. I will fights all forces
the AFP and to the people at all times. that would destroy the freedom and independence of
- Standard of Competence - must possess the the Filipino people.
Knowledge, Skills, Physical Attributes and III. I AM A FILIPINO SOLDIER. I will obey laws,
Character Traits. legal orders of my lawful superiors at all times.
- Standard of Ethics - Every soldier must IV. I AM A FILIPINO SOLDIER. I will uphold the
observe and conform to the accepted supremacy of civilian authority over the military in
principles of right conduct. war or in peace.
- Standard of Morale - respect must be V. I AM A FILIPINO SOLDIER. I will live and die in
faithful to his pledge as a soldier to serve his true Filipino tradition of valor and honor duty and
country above self. loyalty.
● Section 4 - Unprofessional Acts TO ALL THESE; I PLEDGE MY LIFE, MY TREASURE,
- Acts of Disloyalty - betrayal to the duty AND MY PRICELESS HONOR.
constituted authority.
- Act of Incompetence - lack of physical
required knowledge and skills.
- Unethical Acts - all acts of omissions which Military Ranks and Insignia
deviate from established and accepted
ethical and moral standards as set forth in Philippine Army/Airforce Officer (Service Dress Shoulder
this code. Insignia)
- Corrupt Acts - crimes against public interest,
morals, property, etc. General Lieutenant General Major General
● Section 5 - Penalties & Admin Sanctions
- The penalties of the above-mentioned acts
shall be those which are provided in the
revised penal code, AW, special laws and
pertinent AFP rules and regulations.

Article 7 - General Provisions

● Section 1 - Legal Force
- Guided by the provision of Philippine
Constitution, Articles of War, Revised Penal Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel
Code, RA 6713 (Ethical Standards of Public
Officials and Employees), RA 3019
(Anti-graft practices act), RA 6869
(Anti-Coup D” Etat Act) and other special
● Section 2 - Moral Force
- AFP shall morally bound by the divine laws,
oath and customs and tradition.
● Section 3 - Compliance
- OESPA created headed by the Vice
Commander of Major Services to spearhead
the effective promotion of the program.
● Section 4 - Dissemination
Major Captain First Lieutenant Second Technical Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant

Airman First Class Airman Second Class Airman

Philippine Navy (Navy White Dress Shoulder Insignia)

Admiral Vice Admiral Rear Admiral Commodore Philippine Navy Philippine Coast Guard

Master Chief Petty Officer Senior Chief Petty Officer

Captain Commander Lieutenant Commander

Chief Petty Officer Petty Officer, First Class

Lieutenant Senior Grade Lieutenant Junior Grade Petty Officer, Second Class Petty Officer, Third Class


Seaman First Class Seaman Second Class

Enlisted Personnel Rank (Philippine Army Philippine Apprentice Seaman


Chief Master Sergeant Senior Master Sergeant Master


Military Courtesy and Discipline

Technical Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Military Discipline

- The willingness to accept with conviction and
without reservation the necessity for a common law
that rules and coordinates the effort of a group. It is
necessary to ensure orderly and effective group
Private First Class Private action, commonly known as teamwork.
- The quality of being able to behave and work in a
controlled way which involves obeying particular
rules of standards.
Philippine Airforce - It is particularly important in military operations
where its presence or lack of it may very well spell
Chief Master Sergeant Senior Master Sergeant Master the difference between victory or defeat.
Sergeant Objectives of Military Discipline:
1. Unit efficiency in battle
2. Perform its roles correctly
3. Reaches its objectives
4. Accomplishes its assigned mission
5. Help other unit to accomplish their mission
Creating a Climate of Discipline
1. Training
2. Judicious Use of Punishment and Reward
3. Instilling a Sense of Confidence and Responsibility 4. Unrated/Non-rated/Unclassified - a term used to
identify an individual who has not yet been
Military Courtesy classified for a particular rating. His rank would
- It is the written, officially prescribed code of carry an initial (UN). Ex: ASN(UN)
deportment for members of the military 5. Striker - a term that applies to an individual in the
establishment. paygrade E1 to E3.
Salute 6. Petty Officer - a term that applies to an individual in
- It is the most important and most common form of the paygrade E4 to E7.
all military courtesies.
How to Salute? Morale
1. The forearm should be inclined 45 degrees. - This term maybe defined as the mental state and
2. The tip of the fore finger should be slightly touching spirit of an individual or unit.
above the eyebrow of the right eye, the thumb and
fingers must be extended and joined.
3. The upper arm is parallel to the deck with elbow
4. Hand and wrist in the straight line. Customs and Courtesies
5. The palm is slightly inward.
Who are entitled to salute? MILITARY BRANCH / HIGHER RANK TAS IKAW KAY
1. The national flag and national anthem. WHETHER NAKA CIVILIAN OR UNIFORM DAPAT
2. Commissioned officers of the armed forces of the MAG TINDOG AND SHAKE HANDS.
3. Civilian high officials or foreign dignitaries during
military honors rendered for them.
4. Officers of the coast guard and geodetic survey and Military Courtesy and Discipline (vid nga naa si maam
the public service when they are serving with the sundalo nga naka eyeglass xD swAg)
When to Salute? Courtesy
1. Greetings - Display of good manners and politeness.
2. Reporting - Conveys respect to both subordinates and seniors.
3. Aboard/Ashore Military Courtesy
4. Overtaking a Senior - Acts of politeness, civility, and respect that
5. Seniority Unknown personnel in the military organization.
When NOT to Salute? Military Discipline
1. When troops are at work. - State of order and obedience among personnel in a
2. Outdoors military organization
3. Indoors, except when reporting - State of order and obedience among personnel in a
4. When carrying articles with both hands, or being so military organization.
occupied as to make saluting impracticable. - (Teamwork)
● Fire Discipline - save ug ammo
RANKS ● Water Discipline - kanya kanya water, and save
PhArmy/PAirForce/PMarineCourt ● Supply Discipline -
- General
- Lt General Customs of the Service
- Major General - It is the body of unwritten or common law of the
- Brigadier General armies, navies, and air forces.
- Commander ● Responding to senior officer
- Lt Commander ● Saluting appropriately
- Major ● Honoring the nation
- Captain Morale
- 1st lieutenant - Term may be defined as the mental state and spirit of
- 2nd lieutenant an individual or unit.
Philippine Navy - Ability to accomplish successfully an assigned task
- Admiral in the shortest possible time with the least confusion.
- Vice Admiral
- Rear Admiral The Salute
- Commander - Most important and the most common form of all
- Captain the military courtesies
- Commander - A time honoured tradition of the profession of arms
- Lt Commander - Practiced in all military organizations in the world
- Lt Senior Grade - An indication of his attitude towards his duties
- Lt Junior Grade
- Ensign Procedure in reporting to an officer
Indoor - soldier removes his headgear, knocks and enters
Terminologies when told to do so. He appropriates two (2) steps of the
1. Rating - a term used in the Navy to identify an officer’s desk, halts, salutes and reports “Sir/Ma’am, Pvt dela
occupational specialty that is based on aptitude, Cruz reports…”
training, experience, knowledge and skills of an Outdoor - Soldier moves towards the officer, halts three (3)
individual. steps from the officer, salutes and reports “Sir/Ma’am, Pvt
2. Rate - term used to identify the level of achievement dela Cruz reports…”
and expertise within the individual’s rating Passing an uncased National colors - salute at six (6)
3. Rank - combined rate and rating of an individual distance and hold the salute until they have passed six steps
beyond it.
General Rules in Saluting

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