Five Year Plan Models An Assessment - 1st - Chapter
Five Year Plan Models An Assessment - 1st - Chapter
Five Year Plan Models An Assessment - 1st - Chapter
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Department of Employment and Training.
I. IMPORTANT FEATURES OF This plan was based on socialistic
THE VARIOUS FIVE-YEAR pattern of society Increase the
PLANS National Income by 4.27% per
Ist Five – Year Plan: annum Capital output ratio was 2:1
The first plan was launched on Iron and steel Plants at Bhilai,
April 1, 1951 Durgapur and Rourkela were
Duration : April 1, 1951 to 31st established during this time.
March 1956 Research Institute like Tata
It is based on the Harrod Domar Institute of Fundamental Research
Model and Atomic Energy commission of
Agriculture was the main priority India was established.
National income was 3.6% (it was
IIIrd Five Year Plan:
targeted at 2.1%)
Duration : April 1, 1961 to 31st
The per capita income growth rate
March 1966.
was 1.8%
Aim : Push the economy up to the
Dams like Bhakra, Hirakud,
take off stage of development
Mettur Dam and Damodar Valley
Objective: Securing a marked
are initiated during this time.
advancement towards self-
sustaining growth.
IInd Five Year Plan:
National income was only at 2.5%
Duration (April 1, 1956 to 31st
and it was targeted at 5.0% per
March 1961)
It was based on Mahalonobis
Per capita income was only 0.2%
per annum.
Objective : Initiate and accelerate
Third plan was a failure.
the process of industrialization
Plan Holiday
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17. Treat all urban wastewater by sector and provide skill certification
2011-12 to clear rivers. to equivalent numbers during the
18. Double per capital income by Twelfth Five Year Plan.
19. Saving rate 34.8%
Mean years of schooling to increase
20. Investment rate 36.7%
to seven years by the end of Twelfth
XII th Year Plan (2012-2017) Five Year Plan.
The Twelfth Plan is titled “Faster, Enhance access to higher education
more inclusive and sustainable by creating two million additional
growth”. The plan came into seats in higher level institutions.
operation after being approved by Eliminate gender and social gap in
the NDC on December 27, 2012. school enrolment (that is, between
Targets under Twelfth Plan girls and boys and between SCs,
Economic Growth STs, Muslims and the rest of the
Real GDP Growth Rate of 8.2% population) by the end of Twelfth
Agriculture Growth Rate of 4.0% Five Year Plan.
Manufacturing Growth Rate of
Reduce IMR to 25 and MMR to 1
Every state must have a higher
per 1000 live births and improve
average growth rate in the Twelfth
Child Sex Ratio (0-6 years), to 950
Plan than that achieved in the
by the end of the Twelfth Five Year
Eleventh Plan.
Poverty and employment Reduce Total Fertility Rate to 2.1 by
Head-count ratio of consumption the end of Twelfth Five Year Plan.
poverty to be reduced by 10 Reduce under-nutrition among
percentage points over the children aged 0-3 years to half of
preceding estimates by the end of the National Family Health Survey-
Twelfth Five Year Plan. 3 levels by the end of Twelfth Five
Generate 50 million new work Year Plan.
opportunities in the non-farm
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standard by 2020.
2nd Plan was successful
Per capital income to get doubled by
3rd Plan was failure
4th Plan was failure
Environment situation to remain as
5th Plan was successful
unbalanced as present.
6th, 7th, 8th Plan was successful
With 2% annual employment
9th, 10th, 11th Plan was successful
generation rate, 20 Crore new
So we had drawbacks on 3rd, 4th,
employment opportunities to be
9th, 10th and 11th plans only
created by 2020.
Employment share in agriculture to
II. INDIA VISION – 2020 come down from present 56 to 40 %
Planning Commission had by 2020.
released India Vision – 2020 Unorganized sector to create more
on January 23, 2003. additional employment
Which represents pre-assessment opportunities.
of the progress of Indian Economy Urban population percentage to get
for the next two decades. increased from existing 25% to 40%
Mr. Shyam Prasad Gupta, a
member of planning commission,
prepared this document.
The Salient points of the document
are :
The expected annual growth rate by
2020 to be 9%
Elimination of unemployment,
illiteracy and poverty by 2020
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